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Class: III B.Com Course code: 17CMU 603A Personal Selling and Salesmanship

S.No Questions Opt1 Opt2 Opt3 Opt4 Answer

Promotion technique for consumers according to which point of purchase cents off deals sales premium advertising point of
demonstrations and displays of products made at place of sale is promotion specialties purchase
1 called promotion
Advertising that builds pre-awareness may: increase selling reduce selling costs reduce increase profit reduce selling
costs probability of a costs
2 sale
Personal selling step in which sales person asks for an order to shipper approach handling shipment closing follow up closing
3 customer is classified as
Sales force structure in which a sales representatives works to sell indirect sales territorial sales customer sales product sales product sales
specific items of product line is classified as force structure force structure force structure force structure force
4 structure
In personal selling process, step which consists of identifying presenting quota demonstrating prospecting Qualifying prospecting
5 potential customers is classified as quota
Personal selling process step according to which sales person inbound presentation demonstration nominal presentation
dictates how company can solve problem by offering its product approaching approaching
6 is classified as
Spend most of their time and energy in managing All Level Top level managers Middle level Top level Top level
7 the sales force. managers managers managers managers
Which of the following is not a type of personal selling? Order-takers Order-getters Order- Order-writers Order-writers
8 supporters
The field staff whose job is to contact the All Level Lower Level Middle level Top level Middle level
ultimate targets - the buyers - and convince them in buying the managers management managers managers managers
9 product, get orders and execute the sales.
Planning function is very important aspect in regards quality Field Supervisors Floor Sales Sales
10 to sales force management. supervisors Supervisors Supervisors Supervisors
is the statement stipulating the minimum Sales Salesman Salesperson Personal selling Sales
desired qualification and experience a person must posses Representative/ Representative
11 Executive /Executive
is a learning process, intended the twin purpose of Job enrichment Job Analysis Job specification Job Job Analysis
12 improving intellectual abilities and moral character. enlargement
reduces risk because they prove the Demonstration Guarantees Trail orders Reference Demonstration
13 benefits of the product. selling
is a short-term learning process. This is application Job design Job enlargement Job specification Job Analysis Job
specific, intended for improving skill and/or knowledge specification
is the process of transition of an employee from Employment Occupation Qualification Education Education
a lower level of capability of skill and knowledge to that of a
15 higher level
16 In ACMEE Approach , A stands for . Aim Ambition Attitude Application Aim
17 In ACMEE Approach , C stands for . Concept Contents Conference Contract Contents
18 In ACMEE Approach , M stands for . Market Manage Methods Matters Methods
19 In ACMEE Approach , E stands for . Evaluation Elements Existence Execution Execution
20 In ACMEE Approach , E stands for . Evaluation Elements Existence Execution Evaluation
approach is derived from the poem "I keep six ACMEE AIDS Sales AIMS ACMEE
honest serving men. Their names are WHAT and WHY and
21 WHEN and HOW and WHERE and WHO."
Promotion technique for consumers according to which point of purchase cents off deals sales premium advertising point of
demonstrations and displays of products made at place of sale is promotion specialties purchase
22 called promotion
Advertising that builds pre-awareness may: increase selling reduce selling costs reduce increase profit reduce selling
costs probability of a costs
23 sale
Personal selling step in which sales person asks for an order to shipper approach handling shipment closing follow up closing
24 customer is classified as
Sales force structure in which a sales representatives works to sell indirect sales territorial sales customer sales product sales product sales
specific items of product line is classified as force structure force structure force structure force structure force
25 structure
is irregular in nature. Promotion mix Sales promotion Trade Discount Sales
26 promotion coupon promotion
Third step in personal selling process after completion of pre- prospecting and handling objections approach presentation approach
approach step is to qualifying and
27 demonstration
Step in personal selling process which consists of first meeting qualifying prospecting follow up Approach approach
28 between customer and sales person is called
Personal selling step in which sales person asks for an order to shipper approach handling shipment closing follow up closing
29 customer is classified as
A sales force organization under which salespeople sells only a Product sales Customer sales forc Complex Territorial sales Product sales
30 portion or particular product of the company's product. force structure force force
Standard amount that must be sold by salesperson of company's sales contest expense quota production sales quota sales quota
31 total product is classified as quota
Kind of sales people who travel to call all customers in field is inside sales force outside sales force channel nominal sales outside sales
32 classified as intermediaries force force
Consumer promotion technique in which products are offered at sample coupon premium cash refunds premium
low cost or free of cost on purchase of new product is classified
33 as
Consumer promotion technique in which customer purchase cash refund coupon sample Premium cash refund
proof is send to manufacturer which then refunds some part of
34 price is classified as
Providing knowledge of product, personality development, Formal evaluation Qualitative evaluati Product Training Qualitative
communicating the criteria to the salesperson are evaluation evaluation evaluation
35 in sales force management.
Individual who represent company by performing selling, sales person promoting prospering persuasion sales person
36 servicing, information gathering and prospecting is classified as manager manager manager
Short term benefit given to customers to attract more customers sales promotion inbound promotion outbound organizational sales
37 is called promotion promotion promotion
Salespeople who sells their product directly to the customers on Outside sales Inside sales force Telemarketing Team selling Telemarketing
38 telephone is called force
Promotion tools such as sweepstakes, event sponsorships, organizational consumer inbound outbound consumer
39 samples and coupons are classified in category of promotion promotions promotion promotion promotions
Consumer promotion technique according to which product cash refunds cash sample sweepstakes cents off deals Sweepstakes
consumers are told to submit their names for drawing is classified
40 as
According to consumer promotion techniques, cash refunds are price packs sweepstakes point of cash rebates cash rebates
also classified as purchase
41 promotions
Concept which states information about value, opportunities and organizational media climate sales climate outbound organizational
42 rewards of good performance as thought by sales people is called climate climate climate
The salesperson learns as much as possible about the prospective Handling Pre-approach Prospecting and Closing Pre-approach
43 customer before making sales call by consulting standard objections qualifying
Series of steps that must be followed by sales people is classified marketing process selling process intermediation nominal process selling process
44 as process
First step in personal selling process is to prospecting and pre-approach approach presentation prospecting
45 qualifying and and qualifying
is the most effective promotional tool in making Personal selling Promotion mix Dealers Sales Personal
buyers preferences, convictions and most importantly actions. promotion promotion selling
46 method
Second step of personal selling process after completion of approach presentation and handling pre-approach pre-approach
47 prospecting and qualifying is to demonstration objections
Process of planning, analyzing, controlling and implementing indirect sales direct sales sales force persuasion sales force
48 activities of sales force is classified as management management management management management
The salespeople of sales force sell their product may be relevant Product sales Customer sales forc Complex Territorial sales Complex
to a wide variety of products, types of customers, and broad force structure force structure
49 geographic area.
A small amount of product is offered to the customer for trial is Product Sample Coupon Rebate Sample
50 called combination
Tools of sales promotion that are used to trigger short term inbound outbound organizational consumer consumer
customer involvement or to build customer relationships are promotion promotion promotion promotions promotions
51 classified as
Step of personal selling process in which sales person learns about pre-approach sales nomination qualifying prospecting pre-approach
potential buyer before making a call for sale is classified as
Sales promotion tool through which resellers are persuaded to point of purchase trade promotion event promotion off deal trade
carry brand, provide shelf space, promote advertising and push to promotion promotion promotion
53 final buyers is classified as
Last step in personal selling process is present and follow up closing approach follow up
54 demonstrate
Contribution to net profit, evaluation of current vs past, ranking, Training Qualitative Formal Product Formal
clearing standards and sales vs expenses are evaluation evaluation evaluation evaluation evaluation
55 in sales force management.
Sales force structure in which a sales representative is assigned to customer sales product sales force indirect sales territorial sales territorial
geographical area is allocated to sell product line in specific area force structure structure force structure force structure sales force
56 is classified as structure
Advertising is a non-personal process but must be written or Salesman Sponsors Marketer Marketing Sponsors
printed in words advertise and manager
57 helps in the sale of the product.
Promotional products used in consumer promotion are also price packs advertising sweepstakes cash rebates advertising
58 classified as specialties specialties
Trial amount of any market offering for limited time before full premium advertising sample Coupon Sample
59 introduction in market is classified as specialties
In consumer promotions, certificates given to product buyers sample coupon premium cash refunds Coupon
which confirms savings when they buy particular items are called
Fringe benefit, variable amount, fixed amount, expenses are the Recruiting Training Supervising Compensating Compensating
61 part of in Sales force Management.
Way of selling in which groups of people are involved from nominal selling territorial selling team selling group selling team selling
various departments such as finance, engineering and marketing
62 to serve large accounts is called
Forth step in personal selling process after completion of step prospecting and follow up closing present and present and
63 consisting of approach is to qualifying demonstrate demonstrate
Which theory is also known as “Situation Response Theory”? AIDAS theory Buying formula the Behavioral Right set of Right set of
equation theory circumstances circumstances
64 theory theory
Personal selling step in which sales person asks for an order to shipper approach handling shipment closing follow up closing
65 customer is classified as
Ask for order, review points of agreement, help in writing up the Approach Pre-approach Follow-up Closing Closing
order, ask which model the customer wants, note that customer
will lose out if not ordered now; offer incentives to buy now –
lower price, larger quantity for same price are several techniques
66 of .
A person acting for company by performing prospecting & servicing information All of the above All of the
67 activity for the company. communicating gathering above
A sale forces organization that assigns each salesperson to a Product sales Customer sales forc Complex Territorial sales Territorial
geographical territory in which that salespersons have to sell the force structure force sales force
68 company's full line is
Reduce buyer concerns that might have arisen after the sale, Approach Pre-approach Follow-up Closing Follow-up
reveal problems, assure buyer of salesperson's interest, ensure
customer satisfaction and repeat business is called
What is the next step after “negotiation” in personal selling The opening Need and problem i Closing the sale Dealing with Closing the
70 process? objectives sale

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