Applications of Artificial Intelligence To Higher Education: Possibilities, Evidence, and Challenges
Applications of Artificial Intelligence To Higher Education: Possibilities, Evidence, and Challenges
Applications of Artificial Intelligence To Higher Education: Possibilities, Evidence, and Challenges
1 (2020)
The conditions and results of innovation in
educational models
La varietà delle applicazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale (AI) all’educazione sta aumentando
continuamente, sebbene la sua diffusione generalizzata sembri ancora lontana. Nonostante le
eccezionali opportunità che l’AI può offrire in favore di insegnamento e apprendimento, la sua
applicazione nell’istruzione superiore ha numerose implicazioni e anche rischi etici. Su questo
sfondo, il presente contributo ha l’obiettivo di presentare una rassegna delle applicazioni dell’AI
nell’istruzione superiore, partendo dalle ricerche sviluppate negli ultimi due decenni. Si esplorano le
definizioni di AI in ambito educativo, gli elementi e i metodi che le applicazioni dell’AI possono
apportare all’istruzione superiore, discutendo le sfide che ne emergono e suggerendo, infine, alcune
IUL Research | Open Journal of IUL University CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
The range of applications of artificial intelligence (AI) to education is increasing ceaselessly,
although its generalization still seems far away (Popenici & Kerr, 2017). Despite the enormous
opportunities that AI can offer to support teaching and learning, the development of applications for
higher education carries numerous implications and also ethical risks. For example, in times of post-
crisis budget cuts, administrators may be tempted to replace teaching with cost-effective automated
AI solutions. Faculty members, teaching assistants, educational advisors, and administrative staff
may fear that intelligent tutors, expert systems, and chat robots will take their jobs away from them,
perhaps not without reason. The application of AI, in particular to learning analytics, requires vast
amounts of data, including confidential information about students and teachers, which raises serious
privacy and data protection issues.
Against this context, this contribution aims to offer a review of AI applications in higher education,
taking as a starting point the heritage of research developed in the last two decades. It explores the
definitions of AI in education and the elements and methods that AI applications could bring to higher
education, discussing the challenges that emerge and finally suggesting some conclusions.
the definition of problems and the application of statistical modulations and analyses against existing
or future simulated data, [allowing] institutions to experiment with the data to gain knowledge,
improve the student learning experience and student outcomes, and identify improvements in the
efficiency and effectiveness of delivery. Therefore, LA is only one promising component of AI in
Another fundamental concept for AI is that of rational agents. An agent is an element that perceives
its environment through sensors and, after processing the information received rationally, acts on that
environment through actuators (Russell & Norvig, 2010). The vacuum robot is a simple form of
intelligent agent, but things become more complex and open when we think of an automated vehicle.
Learning analytics is a powerful resource for making informed decisions and achieving better
learning outcomes. Learning analytics draws on the availability of large amounts of data that can be
scrutinized to extract knowledge or develop intelligent tools useful for educational or administrative
tasks. Nevertheless, analyzing and making the most of the data is not an easy task. Advanced data
mining techniques are used to do this, which in turn rely on other fields such as big data technologies
to handle large volumes of data, self-learning algorithms that learn from the data, and visualization
tools for efficient communication with the people whose decisions are meant to help inform.
All these layers of software for intelligent data processing allow to obtain knowledge, detect
learning patterns, predict future situations, or give recommendations to optimize the available
resources. Analytics is also a crucial step in the development of future AI solutions that, with the help
of powerful libraries, including natural language recognition, language translation, and game theory,
will allow, for example, to create avatars that simulate the behavior of a virtual teacher for students
or a teacher’s assistant. The bright prospects for the future make it possible to anticipate an AI
ecosystem that can help overcome the various challenges linked to higher education quality and
equity, particularly when it is offered in hybrid or fully distance mode. While the future of AI
solutions is auspicious in the medium term, current solutions focus on making the most of data mining
and analysis technologies.
the student’s higher education career experience (Morgan, 2013). At least in theory, there is no area
of activity at an institution of higher education in which AI cannot potentially have a noticeable
impact (Zeide, 2019).
First, there is the institutional use. Universities, particularly those engaged entirely in distance
education, are increasingly dependent on algorithms for marketing to prospective students, estimating
class size, planning curriculum, and allocating resources such as financial aid and facilities. This leads
to another application of AI, student support, which is increasingly used in higher education
institutions. Schools use machine learning in student orientation. Some applications help students to
schedule the loading of their courses automatically. Others recommend courses, majors, and career
paths, as guidance counselors or career service offices traditionally do. These tools propose
recommendations drawing on how students with similar data profiles performed in the past.
Another area for the use of AI in supporting students is "just in time" financial aid. Institutions of
higher education can use student data to provide students with microloans or last-minute advances if
they need financial assistance to, for example, make it to the end of the semester and not drop out.
One of the most prominent ways in which predictive analysis is being used in student support is in
early warning systems, analyzing a wide range of data – academic, non-academic, operational – to
identify students who are at risk of failure or drop-out, or who have mental health problems. This use
shows some of the real potentials of artificial intelligence – large data can give editors a more holistic
view of the student’s situation.
Finally, universities can apply artificial intelligence to improve teaching and learning processes.
This involves creating systems that respond to the pace and progress of individual users. Educational
software evaluates student progress and recommends specific parts of a course for students to revisit
or additional resources to consult. These are often referred to as custom learning platforms.
These efficiencies are expected to lead to greater effectiveness, effective teaching, learning,
institutional decisions, and guidance. So this is yet another promise of AI: that it will show educators
things that they cannot assess or even imagine given the limitations of human cognition and the
difficulty of dealing with many different variables and a wide range of learners.
Alternatively, it is also possible to classify the uses of AI in higher education, according to the
end-user (Baker et al., 2019), i.e.:
(a) the student;
(b) the teacher; and
(c) the AI system itself.
Student-oriented AI tools are computer applications that students use to learn a subject, i.e.,
adaptive or personalized learning management systems. Teacher-oriented systems are used to support
the teacher and reduce his/her workload by automating tasks such as administration, assessment,
feedback, or plagiarism detection. AI tools also provide information about students’ learning progress
so that the teacher can proactively offer support and guidance when needed. System-oriented
applications are tools that provide information to administrators and managers at the institutional
level to facilitate their decision-making processes based on evidence of student behavior, courses and
2.2. The advantages for instruction
More specifically, in the case of instruction, there seems to be some consensus about three broad
categories of AI applications in education that are already available today (Luckin, Holmes, Griffiths,
& Forcier, 2016), such as personalized tutors, intelligent support for collaborative learning; and
intelligent virtual reality.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) can be used to simulate custom tutoring. Based on learning
models, algorithms, and neural networks, they can make decisions about a particular student’s
learning path and the content to be selected, provide cognitive scaffolding and assistance, involving
the student himself in the dialogue. ITS has enormous potential, especially in large-scale distance
higher education institutions, which offer modules with thousands of students, where personalized
human tutoring is impossible beyond relatively frequent individualized attention, solely for economic
reasons. A wide range of research shows that learning is a social exercise: interaction and
collaboration are at the heart of the learning process (Jonassen, Davidson, Collins, Campbell, & Haag,
1995). However, online collaboration does not just happen. It must be facilitated and regulated
(Salmon, 2003). AI can contribute to collaborative learning by supporting the formation of adaptive
groups, by facilitating online group interaction, or by summarizing discussions that can be used by a
human tutor to guide students toward course goals and objectives.
Finally, intelligent virtual reality can be used to engage and guide students in virtual reality
environments. Virtual agents can pretend to act as teachers, facilitators, or student peers, for example,
in virtual or remote laboratories (Perez et al., 2017). With the advancement of AI and the availability
of large volumes of student data whose analysis can be crucial for analyzing learning and improving
it, there is no doubt that a renaissance of assessment is taking place (Luckin et al., 2016). AI can
instantly provide feedback and assessment at the precise moment when this information may be
critical to the teacher, the student, or both. Instead of assessment being a specific activity, to which
time and effort must be devoted, AI can be incorporated into learning activities for ongoing analysis
of student achievement, from the perspective of what has traditionally been called formative
assessment. Thus, for example, algorithms have been used to predict that a student will fail a task or
drop out of a course with high accuracy with predictive success scores ranging from 75 to 95%
(Bahadir, 2016).
Area Percentage
Profiling and forecasting (admission 39%
decisions and course scheduling; drop-out
and retention; student models and academic
Hu and Cooper (Saiying Steenbergen-Hu & Harris Cooper, 2014) found that ITS had a moderate
effect on student learning and was less effective than human tutoring; but it outperformed all other
methods of instruction (such as face-to-face instruction, reading printed or digital text, or homework
In general, these ITSs focus on providing learning content to students while supporting them by
giving adaptive feedback and clues to solve content-related questions and detecting students’
difficulties/errors in carrying out the proposed activities. Other possibilities, although with little
empirical research, are:
• diagnosing the strengths or gaps in students’ knowledge, and providing automated
• the organization and presentation of learning materials based on the needs of the students;
• facilitating collaboration between students;
• the maximization of the teaching effort, with the aim of reducing the teacher’s workload.
Despite its enormous relevance, this is an area with hardly any empirical research. Monitoring
discussion forums provides another opportunity to improve the effectiveness of collaborative forums.
Teaching assistants (humans) are currently asked to check the forum at least once a day so that all
questions can be answered within 24 hours. The same rules apply to e-mails, and intelligent tutors
are encouraged to ask students to post a question on the forum if their answer would be useful to other
students. By associating a set of resources with each topic, it is possible to point out these resources
to students, just as a teaching assistant would have done (K. Khare & Lam, 2018). The algorithms
can be used to time the student response, and if a response is not found or takes too long, a mechanism
can be put in place to notify a teaching assistant. Once the assistant solves the question, the algorithm
can be trained further to answer the next time or to mark specific questions that should go to the
assistant directly. Going beyond answering the questions, reviewing the forum messages for student
understanding, using content analysis and text mining techniques can determine whether the coverage
of the discussion is as expected. Several studies (S. Steenbergen-Hu & H. Cooper, 2014) have
indicated that intelligent tutors may be as good or better than human tutors; however, the evidence is
not clear, and the experimental designs used to date do not provide an unequivocal answer.
predicted for students who used the corrective feedback function. Fruitful research on feedback
examines a battery of student tools, such as intelligent agents that provide students with cues or
guidance when they are confused or stuck in their work, and automatic learning techniques to generate
automatic feedback and help improve student writing.
4. The challenges
Given the possibilities offered, at least theoretically, by AI in higher education, and having also
examined the areas in which empirical research has made progress, it remains to identify the
fundamental challenges that would have to be faced in order for these possibilities to materialize.
how AI can contribute to a more vibrant and more evidence-based higher education learning
Platforms that support learning analytics can use predictive algorithms to help teachers diagnose
and anticipate the learning difficulties faced by students and thus implement customized interventions
to respond to those difficulties. While predictive algorithms facilitate data analysis and interpretation,
these algorithms are not what make learning analytics systems powerful. Their effectiveness lies in
their usefulness and relevance for students and their teachers. Real-time data processing should result
in real-time feedback, enabling faster pedagogical intervention and individualized instruction.
Teachers must continue to play the leading role. Managers and teachers must have sufficient
autonomy to manage their respective institutions and courses based on the principle that they are
more familiar with their students’ needs. Automated testing only serves this autonomy if faculty and
administrators are empowered to manage the delivery of educational services in their respective
institutions. Otherwise, the application of any AI-driven tool can only lead to confusion and
contradictory, if not outright negative, results.
Therefore, teachers will remain on the frontline of higher education: those who say that AI can
replace teachers are misinformed. The arguments they make reduce university teaching to the
performance of exclusively cognitive and routine tasks, ignore research that underlines the
importance of a human tutor to support the learning process, and neglect the creative and socio-
emotional aspects of training, which go beyond the mere transmission of knowledge (Bali, 2017).
Furthermore, university professors will always decide how and when it would be appropriate to use
the tools supported by AI using their proverbial autonomy. The development of these AI-supported
tools and their integration into higher education programs should be a participatory process, designed
to "provide the support that teachers need – not the support that technologists or designers think they
need" (Luckin et al., 2016). That said, AI-enabled technologies offer opportunities to automate
particular routine and administrative tasks, such as classification and record-keeping, that teachers
are currently performing. Automation of such tasks can free up teachers’ time, allowing them to
devote more energy to the creative, empathetic, and inspirational aspects of the academic profession.
For an eventual generalization of the use of AI in higher education institutions, teacher training is
a key aspect in enabling teachers to use educational data to improve their teaching strategies and
methodologies. To be able to use AI-supported technologies effectively, teachers would also need to
assimilate new skills, specifically:
• a clear understanding of how AI-supported systems can facilitate learning can make sound
value judgments about new products and solutions offered to them;
• research and data analysis skills can interpret the data provided by AI-based systems,
interrogate data, and provide students with feedback drawing on the perceptions that
emerge from the data;
• new management skills to effectively manage the human and artificial intelligence
resources at their disposal;
• a critical perspective on the ways AI and digital technologies affect human lives and new
frameworks of computer thinking and digital skills for students to understand the power,
dangers, and possibilities of AI.
Teacher education programs in higher education institutions should, therefore, take account of
these new skills. However, not only teachers have to be prepared to understand and comprehend the
new technological possibilities that digital and AI education are unfolding. The history of innovations
in education depicts a lost land of promises because of a lack of understanding of the prevailing
pedagogical culture and how teachers work in universities. To design new educational possibilities,
AI developers have to dialogue with teachers, content designers, and interdisciplinary specialists.
There are currently two distinct communities of researchers, namely those focusing on learning
analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM). These two communities overlap in terms of
objectives and techniques but differ in the extent to which the MDE researchers, coming from the
intelligent tutoring community, work on cognition at a tiny scale. MDE methods are drawn from
various disciplines, including data mining, machine learning, psychometrics and statistics,
information visualization, and computer modeling. The field of learning analytics focuses more on
learning content management systems and their relationship to academic achievement. It does this by
combining institutional data, statistical analysis, and predictive modeling to identify which students
need help and how teachers can intervene to improve academic achievement.
influence of strategies, the socio-economic context, motivation, and interaction between all these
variables make it very difficult to arrive at universal recipes. As there are no universal solutions, it is
imperative that research also has a local dimension, in each university’s classrooms, recognizing
professors and students as actors and not as mere beneficiaries or users of previously packaged
technological solutions. There is no doubt that research has a role to play in elucidating the role that
technological solutions play in improving the quality of university education. However, the right
research questions need to be asked. Since educational phenomena are quite complex and
multifaceted, the right questions do not concern the use or non-use of AI in higher education, in
absolute terms, but which AI solutions can best be adapted to the evolving teaching and learning
needs of each teacher and student given their closer reality. The potential of AI in higher education
may seem very promising, but unless it is appropriately integrated into everyday teaching and
learning practices, its educational effects will never become visible.
4.3. Ethics and transparency in the collection, use, and dissemination of data
The ethical dilemmas that arise in the large-scale collection, production, analysis, and
dissemination of data on people are another important consideration when addressing AI’s potential.
However, it should be noted that trying to understand the ethical implications of new technologies is
by no means a new goal. Over the past three decades or so, academics and practitioners have sought
to define some form of information ethics that can be summarized in one question: What should an
ethical use of technology look like? The emergence of data science has shifted the discourse from
information ethics to data ethics. Experts have advanced the notion that "it is not the hardware that
causes ethical problems ... it is what the hardware does with the software and the data that represents
the source of our new difficulties" (Mittelstadt, Allo, Taddeo, Wachter, & Floridi, 2016).
How do these general concerns translate into the specific field of AI applications in higher
education? Probably around issues like the following.
• Access to higher education. More and more educational institutions are using automatic
learning algorithms to accept or reject students. Two potential problems that arise are: (1)
Lack of transparency. Some programs cannot easily explain why particular students are
accepted while others are rejected. Should every student have the right to understand those
reasons? (2) Unfair discrimination. When machine learning algorithms are trained with a
specific data set (say with students from a Western European country), the result may not be
directly applicable to students from other parts of the world. The initial database could be
biased towards a particular group and therefore discriminate unfairly when used in a different
• Recommendations to individual students. If the recommendations are the result of automated
learning based on a large data set, the resulting recommendation may not be suitable for
students from a different target group. If the recommendations are based on the individual
student’s learning history, then this problem no longer exists.
• Concentration of personal data. If – as in the digital world – educational platforms are owned
by a few major worldwide players, two concerns arise: (1) the concentration of personal
information (of students and teachers), which could create a risk to privacy. Large amounts
of personal data are an attractive target for cybercriminals; (2) dominant platforms could forge
data monopolies by monopolizing the market on the ability to develop the best algorithms.
This would give them great power and increase concerns about the lack of transparency in
making decisions about individual students’ learning paths.
• Accountability – What if the automated decisions that guide students in their learning process
turn out to be wrong? Who or what is ultimately responsible and accountable? The owner of
the platform? The assigned teacher? The algorithm?
• Impact on the job. If AI systems increasingly automate tasks that teachers usually perform,
what will happen to their work? AI systems can assess the student’s initial competency level,
guide her through the different stages of the course, applying collective intelligence combined
with individual experience, automatically evaluate test results, and even simulate, to some
extent, student-teacher interaction.
Data privacy and security arise almost immediately in debates about data ethics (Zeide, 2019). The
main challenge is to be able to use personal data while ensuring that individuals’ personally
identifiable information and privacy preferences are protected. Installing the necessary safeguards to
prevent data theft is also critical. While the growth of regulatory frameworks at global, regional, and
national levels on the protection of personal data certainly demonstrates a growing understanding of
the urgency of the issue, many of these frameworks still do not provide adequate protection to
citizens, both in policy and in practice.
Applications of AI to education have, from the beginning, faced many difficulties in growing
because education systems around the world are, by their very nature, resistant to technological
change. For several decades, AI has been part of a vision that promises to transform education by
creating tutorial systems that help to personalize learning. This promise is beginning to unfold as
today’s technology is being experimented with different models around the world, raising many
questions for education in general and higher education. The lack of longitudinal studies and, on the
contrary, the overwhelming presence of descriptive and experimental studies from the technological
point of view, as well as the prevalence of quantitative methods – especially the quasi-experimental
ones – in the empirical studies (Richter et al., 2019) shows that there is still substantial scope for
educators and university teachers themselves, whatever their discipline, to bring their perspective that
could have a great impact on higher education, for example, by adopting approaches such as design-
oriented research (Easterday, Rees Lewis, & Gerber, 2018). A recent systematic review of the
literature on personalization in education through technology also unveiled the predominance of
proposals that often used quantitative methods (Bartolomé, Castañeda, & Adell, 2018). It has also
been noted that there are very few application studies and impact studies in learning achievement
(Misiejuk & Wasson, 2017).
The overall consequences of AI application development in higher education cannot yet be clearly
anticipated, but it seems very likely that they will remain a significant issue in the next twenty years.
The applications developed so far offer enormous pedagogical opportunities for intelligent student
support systems and support student learning in personalized and adaptive learning environments.
This applies, in particular, to open and distance learning universities, where AI could help to
overcome the issue of providing access to higher education to an ever-increasing number of students.
On the other hand, it could also help them to offer flexible, interactive, and personalized learning
opportunities, for example, by relieving teachers of repetitive tasks such as grading large numbers of
assignments, so that they can focus on human accompaniment with learning empathy.
It is crucial to emphasize that educational technology is not just a matter of technology – the real
concerns must focus on the pedagogical, ethical, social, cultural, and economic dimensions of AI.
The danger, of course, lies in viewing data and coding as an absolute, rather than a relative, source of
guidance and support (Selwyn, 2016). Education is too complex to be reduced solely to data analysis
and algorithms. As is the case with digital technologies in general, data alone do not offer a clear
technical solution to the dilemmas of education, no matter how shocking the results of the analysis
of large masses of data may be. In China, systems are currently being used to monitor students’
participation and expressions by recognizing their faces in the classroom (the so-called Intelligent
Campus Classroom Behavior Management System) and showing them to the teacher on a tablet. This
is an example of educational monitoring, and it is highly questionable whether such systems provide
real added value to a good teacher, who should be able to capture the dynamics in a learning group
(online and in a campus environment) and respond to their needs in an empathetic and pedagogically
meaningful way, as a result of his or her expert professional judgment. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt
an ethical perspective to start thinking about how the potential of algorithmic decision-making
systems incorporated in AI applications is being explored (Prinsloo, 2017). Besides, we must always
remember that AI systems, above all, require the control of humans over whose understanding of the
problems and their alternative solutions the AI applications are programmed (Kaplan & Haenlein,
2019). Some critical voices remind us that we must go beyond tools, and talk again about pedagogy,
as well as recognize the relevance of the human aspects of the use of digital technology in education
(Castañeda & Selwyn, 2018).
A recent UNESCO report on the challenges and opportunities of AI for sustainable development
deals with various areas that have important pedagogical, social and ethical dimensions, for example,
ensuring inclusion and equity in AI, preparing teachers who will be decisive in the development of
AI applications in education, setting up quality and inclusive data systems, or ethics and transparency
in the collection, use and dissemination of data (Pedró, Subosa, Rivas, & Valverde, 2019). There
remains a dramatic lack of critical reflection on the pedagogical and ethical implications and the risks
of applying AI applications in higher education. Privacy issues are rarely addressed in empirical
research on AI applications to higher education, as if they were not with them, as a recent systematic
review on the topic of learning analytics has shown (Misiejuk & Wasson, 2017)).
More research is needed by teachers and instructional designers on how to integrate AI
applications throughout the student life cycle to take advantage of the enormous opportunities they
offer to create intelligent learning and teaching systems. The limited presence of AI researchers in
university education departments is evidence of the need for educational perspectives on these
technological developments. The lack of theory could be a widespread syndrome in the field of
educational technology in general. A recent study has shown that over 40% of articles in three leading
educational technology journals were entirely a-theoretical (Hew, Lan, Tang, Jia, & Lo, 2019), in line
with other previous studies (Bartolomé et al., 2018). Most of the research focuses merely on analyzing
and searching for patterns in the data to develop models, make predictions that inform students and
teachers facing applications, or support management decisions using mathematical theories and
learning methods developed decades ago (Russell & Norvig, 2010). This type of research is now
possible thanks to the growth of computing power and the full availability of large digital student
data. Nevertheless, there is very little evidence for the advancement of pedagogical and psychological
theories of learning related to AI-driven educational technology. Researchers should, therefore, be
encouraged to be explicit about the theories underlying empirical studies on the development and
implementation of AI projects in order to broaden research at a broader level, helping to facilitate
understanding of the reasons for and mechanisms of this dynamic development that is set to have a
growing impact on higher education institutions worldwide.
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