Matthew Johnson SR Python Developer 85/1, South Street, Philadelphia PA, 19019 US Citizen Professional Summary
Matthew Johnson SR Python Developer 85/1, South Street, Philadelphia PA, 19019 US Citizen Professional Summary
Matthew Johnson SR Python Developer 85/1, South Street, Philadelphia PA, 19019 US Citizen Professional Summary
Sr Python Developer
85/1, South Street, Philadelphia PA , 19019
Email ID –
US Citizen
Around 9+ years of experience in web applications development using Python, Django, Flask
Pytorch and Node.js, Angular.js, DOJO, jQuery while using HTML, CSS3 JS for server-side
rendered applications.
Good experience of software development in Python (libraries used: Beautiful Soup, NumPy,
SciPy, matplotlib, Pandas data frame, network, urllib2, MySQL dB for database connectivity) and
IDEs - sublime text, Spyder, PyCharm.
Performed integration of Code Quality Analysis Techniques like Check styles, Find Bugs and
PMD with CI tool Hudson/Jenkins.
Good experience on Hudson/Jenkins, Build Forge for continuous integration and for End-to-End
automation for all build and deployments.
Experience with Spark, CICD pipelines and Jenkins.
Developed Web-based applications using Django, Python, XML, CSS, HTML, DHTML,
JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, RESTful.
Working experience with cloud infrastructure of AWS (Amazon Web Services) and computing
AMI virtual machines on Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
Experience on Have used source control applications like Git, GitHub, Bitbucket for code
Experienced with WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, and Python/PHP) and LAMP (Linux,
Apache, MySQL, and Python/PHP) Architecture.
Performed on Integrated data from around 40 different sources and developed data pipelines to
load the data into Elasticsearch and Salesforce for the use in targeted e-mail marketing
(Stonebranch, AWS, S3, Hive, Elasticsearch, Redshift, Python, Spark, Salesforce), to bring
dozens of millions of dollars of additional revenue.
Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login
Experience in building strong websites confirming Web 2.0 standards using jQuery, HTML5,
XHTML, DHTML & CSS3 to develop valid code and table-free sites.
Experienced with JSON based RESTful web services, and XML/QML based SOAP web services
and worked on various applications using python integrated IDEs like Sublime Text and
Using Django evolution and manual SQL modifications, able to modify Django models while
retaining all data, while site was in production mode.
Worked with MVW frameworks like Django, Angular JS, HTML, CSS, XML, Java Script,
jQuery, Bootstrap.
Experience in writing JSON REST APIs using Golang.
Strong experience of software development in Python (libraries used: libraries -
Beautiful Soup, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, python-twitter, Panda’s data frame, networks, urllib2,
MySQL DB for database connectivity) and IDEs - sublime text, Spyder, emacs.
Hands-on experience working with various Relational Database Management Systems
(RDBMS) like MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle & non- relational databases (NoSQL) like
MongoDB and Cassandra.
Experienced in developing Web Services with Python programming language - implementing
JSON based RESTful and XML based SOAP web services.
Experience in using Design Patterns such as MVC, Singleton and frameworks such as DJANGO,
Ability in handling Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) and provides fast and efficient
processing of Big Data.
Proficiency with the application servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, JBOSS and
Proficient in Object oriented design experience, with extensive experience of Python-C/C++
binding using Boost Python and Python C types.
Frameworks Python, Django, Web2py, Pyramid, Flask, Pylons Frameworks
UI Frameworks UI, Javascript, React JS, Ajax, JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular JS
XML Technologies XML, DOM, XSL, DTD, WSDL and XSLT
Web development Rest, Soap, WSDL, XML, SOA, Apache CXF, Apache Axis 2, WSDL
Web Technologies HTML5, CSS3, Java Scripts, JSP, JSTL and Servlet.
IDE Tools Spring Tools Suite, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Net beans and Sublime Text
Version Controls Git, SVN, CVS
Testing Tool JUnit, Mockito, POSTMAN and SOAP UI
Operating System Windows XP, Window 10, Unix and Linux
Developed solution which included Power shell scripting, Python Scripting, Bash Scripting
ServiceNow, BRAIO (JBPM) tool Ansible tool etc.
Experienced in using H2o platform binding with Python for building machine learning models.
Worked on POC's with Apache Spark using Python to implement spark project.
Worked on Agile Methodologies, Scrum stories and sprints experience in a Python based
environment, along with data analytics, data wrangling and Excel data extracts.
Developed a media proxy server managed through a central service. Included usage reporting and
URL/Domain blacklisting. Written in Python, using Tornado and PyPy, with a Django dashboard.
Used Django or Flask/Bottle framework for application development.
Built the web application by using Django, Flask, Jinja, Python, WSGI, REDIS, PostgreSQL and
Developed frontend and backend modules using Python on Django including tasty pie Web
Framework using Git & GitHub.
Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework with
GIT & GitHub.
Developed back end RESTful microservices using Scala, Akka, Http4s, Cats, Scalaz, Shapless,
Geritt, GitHub, Kong, Codebig, Cassandra, Phantom, Servicenow, Confluence, Java, Spring,
Spring JPA.
Worked on Graphical data representation using python modules like Numpy, SciPy, Pandas,
Pygal and installed using pip command toolkit.
Worked on the POC with the data scientists. Developed python flask api's which are consumed by
Angular based frontend pages.
Worked on Python API for converting assigned group level permissions to table level permission
using MapR ace by creating a unique role.
Built main application in Python, Django leveraging technologies such as Tastypie, Backbone.js,
and Celery
Updated an existing real time bidding platform (RTB) to conform to OpenRTB standards.
Platform written in Python with Tornado, backed by Redis.
Developed database migrations using SQLAlchemy Migration.
Worked on Three.js, JavaScript and WebGL as a backbone for our application. The clean,
efficient and secure code is what we practice. Other supportive technologies being used my
workflow includes HTML, CSS, JQuery, JSON, WebGL and GLSL.
Designed and developed web pages using with HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, Bootstrap,
AngularJS, Node.js based on the W3C standard.
Experience with various MVC Java frameworks like AngularJS, Node.JS, bootstrap.JS.
Worked on bundling react components using Webpack and Babel.
Developed mobile app available on iOS and Android for customer-loyalty program. (React
Native, Redux)
Developed meaningful IoT Predictive Analytics by ThingWorx machine learning in ThingWorx
Analytics.Enhancements, bug fixes on ThingWox(IoT) platform for Change Request Workflow,
linking of Documents, Parts and CAD document (EPMDocument) in Whindchill right iteration.
Responsible for delivery in the areas of: big data engineering, data science, machine learning,
including technology implementations and algorithm development.
Develop an algorithm to predict demand and supply inventory of empty equipment using
tensorflow and Keras.
Python, Kafka, Solr Search, RESTAPI, Web Services, Chatbot, Big Data AI, Machine Learning,
H2o, PyTorch AI, Google Tensorflow, Hadoop Cloudera, Spark.
Developed scripts in Python using the Scikit-learn and Tensorflow machine learning libraries.
SONAR, Pylint, JENKINS, Bitbucket, CI/CD, TDD, big data, AWS, Azure, Numpy, Pandas,
Data warehousing.
Navigated user within the settings module, the Angular 1 router does nothing, only the Angular 2
router is “active”
Responsible for developing a front-end application using React.js and FLUX architecture for
internal team's productivity use.
Used Babel to transpile ES7 and ES6 code into older browser compatible ECMAscript 2015 code.
Developed angular4 modules, routers and services using typescript.
Used Auth0 service to implement token-based authentication and JSON Web Token JWT.
Developed a Java application for high-speed dynamic web content, using the NOSQL
DynamoDB. Its operation was controlled by MySQL and Postgres database tables.
Implemented ruby scripts to import raw data from web into PostgreSQL database.
Wrote bash shell scripts, SQL, PL/SQL, and Bash and Perl scripts to support the software
Created a Spark cluster on AWS and integrated with Python Implemented Python scripts to
import raw data from web into PostgreSQL database.
Worked with various schema for Application, Data Processing and Data warehouse that resides in
AWS RDS database (PostgreSQL), Dynamo DB.
Worked on Cassandra de-normalized data modeling for multi-node cluster.
Extensive use of Node.Js, Grunt, Bower, REST client for local build management and Aurora
browser performance testing.
Experienced in working with various Python IDE's using PyCharm, PyScripter, Spyder, PyStudio
and PyDev and Bottle framework.
Updated an existing real time bidding platform (RTB) to conform to OpenRTB standards.
Platform written in Python with Tornado, backed by Redis.
Worked with the Version Control Systems like Team Foundation Server (TFS), GitLab.
Worked on updating, accessing and version controlling the code using GitLab and creating a new
baseline for updated code as a daily activity.
Proficient in writing unit testing code using Unit Test/PyTest and integrating the test code with
the build process worked on Python Testing frameworks like Bottle, zope, pytest, nose and Robot
framework also involving Beautiful Soap, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, python-twitter, Pandas
Dataframe, urlib2 libraries.
Used Pytest to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications
and libraries.
Developed several modules using java script, gulp, selenium webdriver and unit test cases using
Involved in developing API's for Connection to Elastic search using Jest.
Executed test cases and fixed bugs through JUnit, Mockito testing.
Developed and tested many features in an AGILE environment using Ruby on Rails and
Implemented agile and scrum methodologies throughout project development, MySQL as a
database and Ruby as a programming language. Used JSON for serialization, transmitting
structured data.
Integrated AWS EC2 Code commit with Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment, this
automates the deployment of new revisions of applications.
Designed and developed the agent portal using framework AngularJS 2.0 along with HTML5,
CSS3 and Typescript.
Experienced in using and configuring AWS services such as EC2, EBS, RDS, Auto-scaling, and
Worked with various schema for Application, Data Processing and Data warehouse that resides in
AWS RDS database (PostgreSQL), Dynamo DB.
Used Active Record and Object Relational Mapping (ORM) mainly to develop the back-end of
the application.
Migrated Java/J2EE based BI web and server tracking analytics platform to Google Cloud
Platform including Golang, Compute Engine, App Engine, Cloud Pub/Sub and Cloud Dataflow.
Used Jenkins for continuous Integration and Maven to Build.
Implemented UI with appropriate model, view and controllers and extracting data from Solr in the
form of JSON and append data.
Utilized WebStorm IDE with a Grunt build process to integrate dev code into common TFS
Provided support & development of web-based applications and TCP/IP socket applications in
LINUX, using PHP, JavaScript, Oracle, openSSL.
Configured the Slack in Jenkins and published the build status notifications.
Used Embedded Google Maps API, GPS Location Data into app with zooming controls for
finding out the store and navigation details to the store.
Developed Docker Containers, and Migrated existing services to Microservices.
Worked in DevOps group running Jenkins in a Docker container with EC2 slaves in Amazon
AWS cloud configuration.
JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Microservice, AWS, EC2, CodeDeploy, S3,, Ember, Jenkins, Travis.
Scripted provisioning and configuration of docker swarm cluster and registry environment with
Deployed and Manged the Microservices using technologies and tools such as Docker, and
Hands on Experience in integrating Docker Swarm into Docker Engine to orchestrate and
schedule containers.
Environment: Python, Django, ORM, microservices, pandas, flask, Python API, Celery, Tornado,
SQL Alchemy, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular, React, Redux, machine learning, data science,
TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, NumPy , angular, React, Es6 , typescript ,JSON web token, Java,
Postgres, MySQL , SQL, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, Dynamo DB, Cassandra, Rest, PyCharm, Tornado,
GitLab, Git, Pytest, Selenium, Jest, mockito, Agile, Scrum, AWS EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB,
Google Cloud Platform, MAVEN, JSON, TFS, Linux, Nginx, Slack, Zoom, Docker, Jenkins, Travis,
Ansible, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm
Costco Wholesale – Washington, US
Sr Python Developer
Duration: FEB 2018- NOV 2019
Project Description: Costco Wholesale Corporation (doing business as Costco Wholesale and also
known simply as Costco) is an American multinational corporation which operates a chain of
membership-only big-box retail stores (warehouse club). I was a part of the development team that
handles the existing/new customer authentication user interface.
Created a Spark cluster on AWS and integrated with Python Implemented Python scripts to
import raw data from web into PostgreSQL database.
Wrote Python code embedded with JSON and XML to produce HTTP GET request, parsing
HTML data from websites.
Developed web based application using Django framework with python concepts.
Created a Spark cluster on AWS and integrated with Python Implemented Python scripts to
import raw data from web into PostgreSQL database.
Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
Placed data into JSON files using Python to test Django websites.
Generated Python Django forms to maintain the record of online users.
Created and configured the continuous delivery pipelines for deploying microservices and lambda
functions using Jenkins CI server.
Created user interface using HTML5, CSS3 and backend using python libraries like pandas,
geopy and flask.
Designed multiple high traffic web applications in Python using Flask and Django frameworks.
Development of Python APIs to dump the array structures in the Processor at the failure point for
Used Celery as task queue and RabbitMQ as messaging broker to execute asynchronous tasks.
Developed API services in Python/Tornado, Node.JS while leveraging AMQP and RabbitMQ for
distributed architectures.
Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries including Django ORM, SQLAlchemy.
Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript/ECMAscript5 for client side presentation and, data
validation within the forms.
Used JSP, Servlets, and HTML5 to create web interfaces. Developed Java 8.0 and used custom
tag libraries for embedding dynamic into JSP pages.
Involved in development of User Interface using HTML/HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and JQuery,
AJAX, Angular.JS and D3.JS
Developed a Java, Play Framework and Angular.JS based portal application.
Used React.js library functions for the logical implementation part at client side for all the
Utilized React JS (ECMA Script) and REDUXfor rendering and deployment of end setting web
Used Object Relational Model (ORM) for java persistence API (JPA).
Built Machine Learning models for gender prediction using Tensorflow, Keras, scikit-learn,
OpenCV, Pandas and LSTM by achieving an accuracy of 92%.
Dealt with large amount of cloud data storage to Identify faces of same person from Image data
storage and faces with similar features using Numpy, PIL, matplotlib, Pandas, OpenCV and Sci-
kit learn Libraries.
Designed and implemented the web application in Ruby on Rails, Node.js, HTML5 and JQuery
from initial concept development to beta launch.
Developed application as Enterprise JavaScript using - AngularJs, NodeJs, Websockets, Jasmine,
Karma, NPM, Gulp, Protractor etc.
Enhancing AngularJS with ReactJS and Flux design pattern to support the high performance
requirement of the option trading platform.
Developed UI for internal and user facing applications using AngularJS, JavaScript, ES6, and
Used Typescript to generate client side JavaScript Code.
Implemented JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for creating tokens to assert claims in the application and
thus providing authentication of RESTful services.
Refactored Java code to Kotlin for existing applications using Android Studio.
Hands on experience working in WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, and Python/PHP) and
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and Python/PHP) Architecture.
Build mobile first single page applications with two-way data-binding using Angular.js, Express,
Node, lodash, and MySQL.
Maintenance and continues development of the applications in PL/SQL procedures, ETL modules
and shell scripting using best practices.
Implemented new requirements and fix existing bugs on the system, built in ERLANG,
CouchDB, CouchDB modules and PostgreSQL (backend) and CoffeeScript and BackboneJS
Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack
(Including S3, RDS, Dynamo DB) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling
in AWS Cloud formation with JSON templates.
Developed REST APIs in Spring Boot to consume JSON data and integrated the backend logic
with the frontend views.
Worked with various Python Integrated Development Environments like PyCharm and Atom.
Developed API services in Python/Tornado, Node.JS while leveraging AMQP and RabbitMQ for
distributed architectures.
Developed Golang API and chat-bot using TDD to automate software deployments and rollbacks
using Github webhooks
Utilize PyUnit, the Python unit test framework, for all Python applications.
Involved in design and implementation of automation test scripts using Selenium Web Driver-
Java and Rest Assured automation framework for smoke and regression test suites.
Worked in an Agile team and CI/CD environment with emphasis on providing fast paced
Java, Angular.JS, AWS, PeopleSoft REST, OKTA Authentication API, AWS Lambda, Amazon
API Gateway, Agile, SCRUM
Managed Ubuntu Linux and Windows virtual servers on AWS EC2 using Puppet.
Used HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, and JavaScript to code, test, and debug systems,programs, modules
and end-user defined modifications
Worked on functions in Lambda that aggregates the data from incoming events, and then stored
result data in Amazon Dynamo DB.
Hosted on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using NoSQL Datastore and other Google Cloud
services (GCP).
Deployed mule applications to CloudHub via Anypoint Studio, Runtime Manager, CloudHubAPI,
CloudHub Command Line Interface and Mule-Maven Plugin.
Created cloud formation template in json format and uses AWS SDK to call AWS Cloud.
Configured TFS builds with continuous integration and build notifications.
Provided maintenance and support on various Linux servers as well as hosting sites via C-Panel.
Usied JIRA, HipChat, Slack for project tracking and team communication.
Implemented font-end plugin, such as requireJS, firebase, slick, elevateZoom, fancyBox,
animate.css, Kendo UI, moment, wow, etc.
Created a deployment procedure utilizing Jenkins CI to run the unit tests, build documentation
using Natural Docs, and create RPM packages for installation and setup the application and its
Performance optimization of bulk loading using C/C++ native interface and Chef for automation
and configuration management.
Lead for creating a concept on PaaS, IaaS and Hadoop Convergence using technologies such as
Kubernetes, Mesos, Yarn and Containers.
Contributor to Vagrant and Docker applications for vulnerability testing purposes.
Configured Hibernate, Spring and MyFaces (JSF) to map the business objects to MySQL
Database using XML configuration file.
Developed Windows services to store SQL Server data in to Cloud base data warehousing by
using Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) RedShift.
Developed Oracle PL/SQLStored Procedures and Queries for Payment release process and
authorization process.
Developed CRM System, using PHP 7, Symfony (MVC framework), MySQL, PostgreSQL and
Java (Micro services).
Worked on functions in Lambda that aggregates the data from incoming events, and then stored
result data in Amazon Dynamo DB.
Worked with various Python Integrated Development Environments like PyCharm and Atom.
Environment: Python, Django, ORM, microservices, pandas, flask, Python API, Celery, Tornado,
SQLAlchemy, JavaScript, HTML5 , CSS3 , Angualar, React, Redux, scikit-learn, NumPy,ROR Ruby
on Rails, angular, React, Es6, typescript, JSON web token, Java, MySQL, SQL, PL/SQL,
PostgreSQL, Dynamo DB, Rest, PyCharm, Tornado, Git, unit test, Selenium, Agile, Scrum, AWS
EC2, S3, Dynamo DB, Google Cloud Platform, Maven, JSON, TFS, Linux, hipchat, Zoom, Jenkins,
Chef. Kubernetes, Docker
Sr Python Developer
Duration: OCT 2016- JAN 2018
Project Description: PriceSmart, Inc. is the largest operator of membership warehouse clubs in
Central America and the Caribbean, and has recently entered the South American region with clubs in
Colombia. PriceSmart serves over three million cardholders at 49 owned and operated warehouse
clubs in 12 countries and one U.S. territory, which is their only domestic operation despite being
based in California. The scope of the project was to build web application for store to sale different
product and their services. Involved in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) of tracking the
requirements, gathering, analysis, detailed design, development, system testing and user acceptance
testing. Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django including web
Framework using Git, CSS and JavaScript.
Implemented Python scripts to import raw data from web into PostgreSQL database.
Automated Rabbit MQ cluster installations and configuration using Python.
Developed custom additions to FAST ESP using C# and Python.
Developed software using Python and Jinja
Developed custom additions to FAST ESP using C# and Python.
Responsible for building a new model for the Django backend module.
Developed theming components and custom website components using PHP, Django, .Net, Java,
and ColdFusion.
Built main application in Python, Django leveraging technologies such as Tastypie, Angular.js,
Backbone.js, Ember.js, and Celery.
Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries including Django ORM, SQLAlchemy.
Business logic implementation, data exchange, XML processing and graphics creation has been
done using Python and Django.
Used Python modules like NumPy, Matplotlib, Pickle, Pandas, SciPy, wxPython.
Worked on Python modules like NumPy, Matplotlib, Pickle, Pandas, SciPy, wxPython, PyTables,
PyQt, etc., for generating complex graphical data, creation of histograms etc.
Dealt with large amount of cloud data storage to Identify faces of same person from Image data
storage and faces with similar features using Numpy, PIL, matplotlib, Pandas, OpenCV and Sci-
kit learn Libraries.
Developed intranet portal for managing Amazon EC2 servers using Python, Tornado and
Implement an in-memory ActiveRecord(ORM) solution to check cache values.
Developed application as Enterprise JavaScript using - AngularJs, NodeJs, Websockets
Used JSP, Servlets, and HTML5 to create web interfaces. Developed Java and used custom tag
libraries for embedding dynamic into JSP pages.
Used advanced CSS3 techniques to create eye-catching transitions between embedded videos.
Responsible for setting up Angular JS for UI development. Developed html views with HTML,
CSS3, JSTL, JSON, Axure, Sketch, Node.js, immutable.js, React.js, EXT.JS and AngularJS.
Developed Ruby on Rails web applications using MongoDB and back-ground processes using
Resque and Redis.
Involved in designing the user interfaces using JSF, Marionette.js, Swing/AWT, JSON, Java
Script and HTML5, Bootstrap 3 and Backbone.js, Flex, ASP and Extjs.
Worked with JSON objects and JavaScript and JQuery intensively to create interactive web pages.
Developed RESTful API with documentation for UI and external applications using JSON web
token authentication.
Customized Liferay Portal to implement SSO using LDAP directory.
Designed applications implementing MVC architecture in Pyramid, Zope frame works.
Developed multi-tier Enterprise applications based on the Java programming language using
Developed the complete Portal using Oracle Web Center Portal framework.
Worked on REST APIs to construct an automated monitoring system using PagerDuty and
aggregate IoT sensor metrics with Geckoboard to improve visibility for Customer.
Created a development LAMP environment to improve process developing code enhancements,
debugging and testing. Used Eclipse PHP for code editor.
Configured Dynamic cache with WebSphere Portal Server JVMs to increase the performance on
Used GIT for the version control and deployed project into AWS.
Extensively worked with Repository tool SVN and continuous integration tools Jenkins.
Created and presented materials for Groovy, Unit Testing, the Gradle build framework and others.
Developed several modules using java script, gulp, q promise, Cucumber, selenium webdriver and
unit test cases using Chai and mocha.
Developed and tested many features in an AGILE environment using Ruby on Rails and
Created a Spark cluster on AWS EC2 and integrated with IPython to provide team with machine
learning environment.
Implemented new features in CSS3 such as Flexbox and Media Query with Grid System in
Bootstrap to achieve Responsive Web Design.
Worked with various schema for Application, Data Processing and Data warehouse that resides in
AWS RDS database (PostgreSQL), Dynamo DB.
Experience in building Java applications using tools like ANT, MAVEN and GRADLE.
Application packaging using customized internal tools.
Involved in implementation of RESTFUL web service APIs using Node.js, which were consumed
by making AJAX calls and JSON as data exchanging tool.
Developed the service layer for the partner portal by creating SOAP/REST based Webservices
interface between systems using HTTP, JMS, AMQP protocol while supporting XML and JSON
message formats
Responsible for creating complex JIRA workflows, conditions and setting up and maintaining
JIRA, using Advanced scripts (Javascript) to extend workflow capabilities both front-end and
back-end, for large enterprise JIRA environments.
Worked towards Setting up Oracle Identity Manager Suite components from scratch on a Linux
VM environment.
Configured Alert manager to send alerts to Ops Genie and HipChat.
Used GitHub for Python source code version control, Jenkins for automating the build Docker
containers, and deploying in Mesos.
Environment: Python, Django, ORM, pandas, Tornado, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS,
Ruby, ROR Ruby on Rails, bootstrap, jQuery, JSON web token, SSO/SAML, Pyramid, Java, Oracle,
Rest, Eclipse, Websphere, Git, SVN, unit test, Selenium, Agile, AWS EC2, S3, Dynamo DB, Maven,
JSON, XML, Jira, Linux, hipchat, Jenkins.
eBay - California, US
Python Developer
Duration: JAN 2013- OCT 2014
Project Description: eBay Inc. is an American multinational e-commerce corporation based in San
Jose, California, that facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales through its
website. Worked as a Python developer on simply code python spider and data.
Implemented business layer using Core java, Spring Beans using dependency injection, Spring
Enhanced code using functional interfaces, streams in java.
Exposure building Java applications using tools like ANT, MAVEN and Gradle.
Worked on python-based test frameworks and test-driven development with automation tools.
Implemented business logic using Python/Django.
Deleted empty images, augmented data by flip, rotation, crop using OpenCV and labeled
bounding boxes.
Migrated Oracle DB to Aurora Postgress around 20 databases by using DMS tool of AWS.
Developed organized SQL and MySQL databases optimized for Laravel use.
Designed RESTful Web services using FLASK, with emphasis on improved Security for the
service using FLASK-HTTP Auth with HTTPS.
Developed Test Driven Development (TDD), pair programming and continuous integration using
JUnit, JBehave and Jenkins.
Developed a AWS Lambda Scheduler service with JAVA integrations for WPS project to extract
data at regular intervals to populate the Aurora DB (AWS).
Worked in virtual machine environment connecting from windows to Vxrails/AWS machines
using VNC server, used IntelliJ IDE and Apache Karaf server on VM.
Involved in writing java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
Working experience in using Pandas, Scikit-learn, NLTK for dealing with analytical tasks and
various algorithms in Supervised (Linear Regression, SVM, Random forest, Neural networks) and
Unsupervised (K-Means Clustering, KNN, Apriori), YOLO (image processing algorithm)
Worked on Different databases like (Mongo, Postgress,Mysql,oracale).
Used RSpec to create test driven development (TDD) along with Capybara.
Created, configured management reports and dashboards in Splunk for Application Log
Monitoring and supported Splunk cluster infrastructure in AWS cloud environment.
Developing the AWS script for Cdeep3M plug-and-play cloud based deep learning solution for
image segmentation of light, electron.
Developed Merge jobs in Python to extract and load data into MySQL database.
Implemented full stack development using Flask micro framework for Python to develop web
API running on uWSGI +ngnix using LAMP stack.
Employed test driven development (TDD) and continuous integration to achieve consistent,
stable, and reusable code using XCTest and tracking issues in JIRA.
Responsible for setting up Python REST API framework using Django.
Used Django framework for MySQL database application development.
Developed python flask api's which are consumed by Angular based frontend pages.
Implemented the Microservices base on Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
Designed and maintained databases using Python and developed Python based API (RESTful
Web Service) using Flask, SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL.
Developed server-based web traffic statistical analysis tool using Flask, Pandas. Developed
platform based on JSON REST API using Python, Flask and SQLAlchemy.
Wrote Python code using Ansible Python API to automate cloud deployment process.
Used Celery as task queue and RabbitMQ, Redis as messaging broker to execute asynchronous
Experienced in developing API services in Python/Tornado, NodeJS while leveraging AMQP and
RabbitMQ for distributed architectures.
Used JSP, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to construct dynamic web pages (presentation Layer)
for the application.
Developed Single Page applications using AngularJS using components, directives using
Developed multiple web-based chat demos using React, Redux, ES6/Babel, Webpack, and
Build a Tensorflow Object Detection transfer learning model for custom dataset.
Expertise on working with ML toolkits (PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn, TensorFlow).
Used threading limitations to implement parallel processing.
Implemented machine learning schemes using Python libraries scikit-learn and scipy.
Worked on Python OpenStack APIs and used Numpy for Numerical analysis.
Created Java or J2EE design patterns such as Session Façade, Business Delegate, Service locator
Migration of stored procedures from Oracle DB to PostgreSQL.
Used PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Packages and Triggers.
Inserted data from Kafka Message queue to Spark and then to Cassandra data tables.
Conducted version control, software maintenance and backup using Maven and Git.
Developed Angular unit test cases using Mocha, Karma, Angular-Mocks, Chai.
Worked on BDD approach with cucumber-JVM in selenium web driver.
Included Dagger for dependency injection for mocking JSON with Mockito into RESTful API
web service.
Designed and developed the application using agile methodology and followed TDD, Scrum.
Utilized AWS EC2 to support the web server and AWS S3 and RDS storage for uploaded stocks.
Implemented AWS solutions using DynamoDB, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling
Team Foundation Server (TFS) is used for source control, data collection, reporting and project
Deployed the application on Linux server in testing and production environments.
Environment: Python, OpenCV, Pytorch, TDD, Flask, AWS, MySQL, Aurora, YOLO, Django,
ORM, microservices, pandas, flask, Python API, Celery, Tornado, SQL Alchemy, JavaScript, TDD,
HTML5, CSS3, Angualar, React, Redux, machine learning, TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn,
NumPy, Ruby on Rails, angular, React, Es6, typescript, JSON web token Java, Postgres, MySQL,
SQL, PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Rest, PyCharm, Tornado, GitLab, Git, unittest, Selenium,
Jest, mockito, Agile, Scrum, AWS EC2, S3, RDS, DynamoDB. Google Cloud Platform, MAVEN,
JSON, TFS, Linux, Nginx, Slack, Zoom, Docker, Jenkins, Travis,
Developed Python Framework using Django to perform scan software unit monitoring.
Built various graphs for business decision making using Python matplotlib library
Developed and tested many features for dashboard using Python, Bootstrap, CSS3, and
Built various graphs for business decision making using Python library.
Created python modules to enhance Django framework with project code.
Built and extended primarily with the use of Python and the Django framework.
Collected and analyzed data and show the table or graphic on the webpage using Python/Django,
SQL, HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
Experience in working with Python ORM Libraries including Django ORM.
Used Pandas and Matplotlib for analysis and manipulation of data.
Developied API services in Python/Tornado.
Ruby on Rails-based platform via decoration, extensive use of view models, and additional
customer-based customizations.
Developed presentation Layer using HTML, CSS, JSTL, JQuery, JavaScript, REST, PHP.
Hands on experience with JSON web token authentication.
Implementation of fully API based SSO/SAML architecture using CA SiteMinder.
Experienced in MVC frameworks like Flask and Pyramid and MVT framework like django.
Struts Framework is used to build Servlets and Java Servlet pages.
Created AWS RDS on MySQL for Micro Strategy.
Implemented SOA architecture using SOAP web services by using Apache CXF and JAX-WS.
Experience coding in IDEs like Netbeans, Sublime Text, Spyder.
Installed and configured WebSphere Application Server.
Usage of version control repository SVN (Subversion by apache) and JIRA.
Developed a JUnit testing framework and integrated that with ant to enable developers to write
their unit tests.
Involved in planning process of iterations under the Waterfall methodology.
Performed complex analysis, design, developing, testing, and debugging of wrappers for
socketNetworking APIs in Unix Environment.
HipChat was used by the team for client communication.
Responsible for developing the application-level flow by utilizing Java, JSP and Struts.
Development of Web (Intranet) database-driven and GIS Java/J2EE applications for Oracle
Vast experience coding in various IDEs - Eclipse, PyCharm.
Solutions developed on WebSphere Application Server environments hosted on clustered UNIX
Integrated Build Process through Jenkins to various SCM tools like JIRA, Git and SVN.
Wrote unit tests using Jest and Enzyme for test-driven development.
Worked on JUnit with selenium and cucumber-JVM.
Worked extensively in Agile Development process and Jira.
Managed AWS infrastructure including EC2, EBS, S3, CloudSearch, SimpleDB with Chef,
Ansible and custom clients.
Used AWS services like DynamoDB and EC2 services, CloudWatch for logs.
Used Ant/Maven scripts to build the application and deploy it on Application Server.
Perform daily maintenance tasks on Linux servers.
Integrated with Hipchat for team chat, and other systems using Bitbucket webhooks.
Utilized PyUnit, the Python Unit test framework, for all Python applications.
Rewrote existing Python/Django modules to deliver certain format of data.
Wrote python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database.
Used Python and Django to interface with the jQuery UI and manage the storage and deletion of
Implemented with Django and Pinax (django plugin to jump start project along with twitter
Bootstrap CSS3.
Maintained custom Django CMS running on AWS, Docker and Ansible.
Used object-relational mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from
MVC model.
Used Pandas library for statistical Analysis.
Developed web applications and RESTful web services and APIs using Python, Elasticsearch,
Tornado and PHP.
Converted design mock up to a functional, interactive prototype using Google Polymer,
HTML55, CSS3 and JavaScript.
Environment: Python, Django , ORM, pandas, Tornado, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Ruby, Ruby
on Rails, bootstrap, jQuery, JSON web token, SSO/SAML, Pyramid, Java, MySQL, Rest, Soap,
Netbeans, Websphere, CVS, SVN, Junit, Waterfall, AWS EC2, S3, Ant, XML, Jira, Unix, hipchat,
JSON, Linux, hipchat, Jenkins.