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Vaccines are one of the most important and appropriate ways to prevent disease and keep the
body in good condition. Vaccines, also known as immunizations, take advantage of the body's
unique function in studying and fighting disease-causing germs. Vaccines help create immunity
to protect against infection without causing harmful side effects.
Vaccines are intended to protect the body by building the immune system so that it can fight all
kinds of diseases, from mild to very serious. The vaccine contains an antigen that has been
inactivated previously so that it does not cause pain when introduced into the body.
Because antigens are recognized as foreign by the body, their presence in the bloodstream
triggers the immune system to release defense antibodies against them. Also known as B cells,
these specialized cells stay in the body to recognize and fight disease caused by viruses and
bacteria, so that the disease does not re-infect the body. This means that if we come into contact
with these microbes in the future, our bodies will be able to eliminate them before they can harm
our health
Supporting pints:
Vaccines help the immune system to learn how to fight disease properly and permanently (a
condition called immunity). Better to prevent than cure. In addition to stimulating immunity,
vaccines are also beneficial for those around us. Since our bodies have been designed to stop
disease, we also prevent our family, friends, neighbors and associates from catching the same
disease. This is why vaccines are so important in any public health campaign.
Contrasting point:
Vaccination often causes side effects but are usually minor and will disappear within a day or
two. Some of these side effects include:
1. Itching and discomfort at the injection site Pain,
2. redness, or swelling at the injection site,
3. mild fever,
4. mild skin rash,
5. Dizziness, nausea or fainting (usually in teenagers)
6. and Headaches.
we should be on the lookout for unusual conditions such as excessive fatigue, high fever and
behavioral changes. If there is a severe allergic reaction such as difficulty breathing, wheezing,
hives and a racing heart, it is best to see a doctor immediately. Although rare, the above-
mentioned serious side effects are usually included in a dataset called the Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System that is shown to the public.
There is a debate in the community about vaccines. Some claim that vaccines cause dangerous
side effects, including causing autism. However, it should be noted that in addition to these
assumptions that are not based on scientific facts, vaccines have also been proven to be able to
protect people from dangerous infectious diseases. Vaccines have been through rigorous safety
tests for years before being allowed by the FDA (American BPOM) for circulation to the public.
Vaccines are also continuously monitored for safety. Vaccines have been used for decades and
have been shown to save millions of lives. Vaccines have been considered as one of the
cornerstones of public health.