Cs304: Game Programming: Lecture: Guis, Menus
Cs304: Game Programming: Lecture: Guis, Menus
Cs304: Game Programming: Lecture: Guis, Menus
The Graphical User Interface
The Graphical User Interface (or simply GUI) in games is in charge of pre-
senting the player the appropriate amount of relevant information to facilitate
taking decisions. This could be presented in the form of menus or as a Heads-
Up Display (or HUD).
A good design of the GUI system is essential for the success and playability of
a game. The game could be unplayable if the information provided is too little,
as the player might not know what to do, but also if it is too much, as this
could confuse the player. The HUD is frequently used to simultaneously display
several pieces of information including the main character’s health, items, and
an indication of game progression.
Both the GUI (and especially the HUD) can influence importantly in the im-
mersion the player experiences when playing the game. In this lecture, we’ll
examine Unity’s GUI, including HUD possibilities, menus, windows, panes and
a few effects.
The Graphical User Interface
The Canvas (1/2)
The Canvas is the area that holds all UI elements. In Unity, it is included
into the scene as a game object, with a Canvas component on it. All the UI
elements are children game objects of this canvas. The Canvas area is shown
as a rectangle in the Scene View, and it’s a good idea to switch it to 2D view
to operate with UI elements..
Draw order of elements: UI elements in the Canvas are drawn in the same
order they appear in the Hierarchy. If two UI elements overlap, the later one
will appear on top of the earlier one..
An important parameter of the canvas is the render mode, that can be set to:
Screen Space - Overlay: UI elements are rendered on top of the screen.
The canvas will fill the screen automatically, and it will resize if the
screen dimensions change.
Screen Space - Camera: UI elements are rendered at a certain distance
from the camera, and camera settings (field of view, projection, etc.)
affect how the elements are rendered.
World Space: the Canvas behaves as any other object in the scene
(useful for UIs that are meant to be a part of the world).
The Canvas (2/2)
Pos (X, Y, Z): Position of the rectangles pivot point relative to the anchors.
Width/Height: Width and height of the rectangle (to resize).
Anchors Min: The anchor point for the lower left corner of the rectangle
defined as a fraction of the size of the parent rectangle. 0,0 corresponds
to anchoring to the lower left corner of the parent, while 1,1 corresponds to
anchoring to the upper right corner of the parent.
Anchors Max: The anchor point for the upper right corner of the rectangle
defined as a fraction of the size of the parent rectangle. 0,0 anchors to the
lower left corner of the parent, while 1,1 anchors to the upper right corner.
Pivot: Location of the pivot point around which the rectangle rotates, defined
as a fraction of the size of the rectangle itself.
Rotation: Angle of rotation (in degrees) of the object around its pivot point
along the X, Y and Z axis.
Scale: Scale factor applied to the object in the X, Y and Z dimensions.
The UI Rect Transform (3/3) *
The Text control displays a non-interactive piece of text to the user. This
can be used to provide captions or labels for other GUI controls or to display
instructions or other text.
You can specify setting of the text such as font, colour, size, alignment, etc.
The Visual Components - UI Image
The Image control displays a non-interactive image to the user. This can be
used for decoration, icons, etc, and the image can also be changed from a script
to reflect changes in other controls. The image to display must be imported
as a Sprite to work with the Image control.
HealthSlider (Slider
Example: A health bar display (2/3)
Background Image:
Fill Image:
Example: A health bar display (3/3)
Changing the health value and the slider from a script is simple:
Creating a Simple Menu (1/3)
A menu to select levels (scenes) to play can be placed in an independent
scene. This is an example of a menu with two levels to load, and the Hierarchy
View of the scene:
The Canvas object has a script (LoadOnClick.cs ) component, with the follow-
ing code:
1 usingUnityEngine ;
2 usingSystem . Collections ;
4 pu bl icclas s L o a d O n C l i c k : M o n o B e h a v i o u r {
6 pu bl icvoid L o ad S ce ne ( int le ve lI dx )
7 {
8 SceneManager . LoadScene ( levelIdx );
9 }
Creating a Simple Menu (2/3)
Each one of the buttons has a Button (Script) component, that holds the list
of functions to call when this button is clicked. As LoadOnClick has a public
void function with one parameter (LoadScene ), this function appears in the
available methods to call when the object to hold the trigger is the canvas.
Each button passes a different value for the parameter, depending on the level
to load:
Creating a Simple Menu (3/3)
The parameter passed to the function corresponds to the order in which the
scenes are loaded in the build settings (File → Build Settings ).
To add a loading screen, we can add an image with a black background colour
and a text that indicates that the scene is loading. Set as a public variable of
the same script, we can just set it to active when the event is captured:
1 publicGameObject loadingImage ;
3 pu bl icvoid L o ad S ce ne ( int le ve lI dx )
4 {
5 loadingImage . SetActive (true);
6 SceneManager . LoadScene ( levelIdx );
7 }
Loading Scene
Before you can load a scene you have to add it to the list of scenes used in the
game. Use File → Build Settings in Unity and add the scenes you need to the
scene list there.
publicstaticvoid LoadScene( intindex) and publicstaticvoid LoadScene( stringname)
load a scene by its name or index.
Calling Application.LoadScene will update:
SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex (scene index loaded).
SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name (the name of the level that was last loaded).
S c e n e M a n a g e r . Lo a dS ce ne ( S c e n e M a n a g e r . G e t A c t i v e S c e n e () . b ui ld In d ex +1) ;
When a new scene is loaded, all game objects from the current scene are
Loading Additively
It is possible to add all the objects from a scene into the current scene by
using a different loading mode: SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode mode =
LoadSceneMode.Additive :
SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneIndex,
SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneName,
This call loads a level additively. Unlike LoadSceneMode.Single (default), it
does not destroy objects in the current level. Objects from the new level
are added to the current scene. This is useful for creating continuous virtual
worlds, where more content is loaded in as you walk through the environment.
The following script can be added to an object in the scene where the objects
from another scene are going to be loaded in:
1 usingUnityEngine ;
2 usingSystem . Collections ;
4 pu bl icclas s L o a d A d d i t i v e : M o n o B e h a v i o u r {
6 pu bl icvoid L o a d A d d O n C l i c k ( int l ev el I dx )
7 {
8 SceneManager . LoadScene ( levelIdx , LoadSceneMode . Additive );
9 }
10 }
sceneLoaded and delegates
1 usingUnityEngine ;
2 usingSystem . Collections ;
4 pu bl icclas s C h a n g e M u s i c : M o n o B e h a v i o u r {
5 pu bl icA ud i oC li p l e v e l 2 M u s i c ;
6 pr iv a teA u d i o S o u r c e s o ur ce ;
8 voidAw ake () {
9 source = GetComponent < AudioSource >() ;
10 SceneManager . sceneLoaded = mySceneLoaded ;
11 }
13 voidm y S c e n e L o a d e d () {
14 intlevel = SceneManager . GetActiveScene (). buildIndex ;
15 if( level == 2){
16 source . clip = level2Music ;
17 source . Play ();
18 }
19 }
20 }
TimeScale - Pausing the game
A way to pause a game in Unity is via modifying the floatTime.timeScale variable.
timeScale is the scale at which the time is passing. It can also be used for slow
motion effects.
When timeScale is:
1.0 the time is passing as fast as real-time.
0.5 the time is passing 2× slower than real-time.
0 the game is basically paused (if all your functions are frame rate inde-
FixedUpdate functions will not be called when timeScale is set to 0.
If you lower timeScale it is recommended to also lower
(physics timer) by the same amount.
1 voidUpdate ()
2 {
3 if( Input . GetKeyDown ( KeyCode . Escape ))
4 {
5 //SwitchesTime.timeScalebetween0&1ifEscapeispressed.
6 Time . timeScale = 0
7 }
8 }
Reading List
Chapter 14: User Interface, Sams Teach Yourself Unity Game Development in
24 Hours
by Ben Tristem and Mike Geig.
Start menu in unity, Brackeys Tutorial
Unity UI Components:
Unity User Interface: