Lesson 2 Continuation

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Lesson 2

Definitions to Remember:
 • Covenant: Agreement between God and His people
 • Testament: Bears witness to •
 Canonical: Official 27 books of the New Testament
 • Non-Canonical: Books deemed unnecessary for the New Testament; separate from the
 • Apocryphal: Anonymous Jewish or Christian texts containing prophetic or symbolic
visions that did not make it into the bible
 • Theophilus: Lover of God
Despite each gospel being written in different time periods and in completely different
historical situations and locations, they have similar story lines and ideas of Jesus' life. Jesus'
character and history is portrayed different in these works, yet they do not contradict each
other. The different works compliment each other and provide a harmonious detailed
description of Jesus' life.
Stages in the Formation of the Gospels
 1. The Jesus Event/ Historica Jesus
This referred to the words, teachings and works of Jesus. The central message of Jesus’ preaching
is the coming of Kingdom of God here on earth. Jesus by the totality of His earthly life shows us a
new testament rooted in love and forgiveness, ratifying and renewing the Old Covenant by His
Paschal Mystery: Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection.
Timeline of Jesus’ Life
 • Birth of Jesus
 • Presentation to the Temple
 • Baptism- Start of Ministry
 • Suffering of Jesus
 • Death of Christ
 • Ressurection of Christ
 • Ascension
 • Descent of the Holy Spirit
 2. The Apostolic Preaching/ Oral Tradition
This refers to the contribution of the Palestinian and the Hellenistic
communities in the formation of the Holy Gospels. It is the Apostles’ turn
to preach the good news of Jesus. Their central message is that Jesus is
the Christ- the Son of God who came to save us from sin and will return
to judge the living and the dead.
This is more centered on the missionary preaching of the Apostles with
Paul and building small Christian communities that will become centers
of Christianity. After the ascension of Jesus, the Holy Spirit descended
upon His Apostles and they handed on the deeds and words of Jesus
through preaching and teaching. They now had a better understanding of
what He did and what He said. They could look back on the whole story
of Jesus’ life, from the beginning of his ministry to his ascension.
 3. The Writing of the Gospel by the Four Evangelists
This refers to the role of the evangelist to write down those valuable
words of the Lord Jesus Christ and that of the Apostles who were first class
eyewitness of Jesus. At times the evangelist would combine, summarize, or
explain these traditions. The end result of this work was a written Gospel.
Each evangelist composed his Gospel with skill and creativity, but always in
such a way as to tell us the honest truth about Jesus. The writing of the
gospel by the Four Evangelists.

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