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Form icv (See Fue 12) HARYANA GOVERNMENT ‘TOWWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING DEPARTMENT cence No, ZR orzezn ‘This Ucense nas boon girted under me Haryana Development and Reguiaton of UibanAveas Act 1975 & ne Rules 1876 made there under te Adasen Reaors PU. Lid colabortion wth Aavam Residency Prt Lid Regd Ofice Unt No BICZU Offee OITA, MOM Urbana, Secx.67, Gurgrant22102 for sen up ofan ‘Aforatie Ploted Colony under DOJAY over an area mesicng 52275 ctes inte revenue estate of vilage Hayspur, Seco 89 Dist Gaga. 1 The particulars ofthe Land, wharin he aforesaid AfodablePatiod Colny to be Set up, ave given in the schedule of ana ermened erst and duly sre by the Diectr, Town & County Panning, Hana 2. The Lcene is ranted suet othe alaing cantons: 4) That ne AforatleResiental Pied Colony wil be laid wut confmaton fo the approved layoubuking pan and evelopment works wil be erected Ih ‘sccondance tot cess an spesteatone sown nthe approved sas, 1b) Tat you sha abe wy te Dsen Dayal an Aas Yona poly deted 08022016 fubrequert amendments fom te to ene and star decion gin by the ©) That you shall epost an amour of Rs. 174240749 (Eleven Crore Foy Two lace Forty Thousand Seven Hundred For ony) agent. nasal Development Charges two ecualnstrents. Fist win 80 aye fom saphena gouin In fale of wich, an ire! @ TON per rnom fr ey pris shal rages 1) That he contons ofthe agreements akeady executed ae diy ud and he provions of Haryana Development and Ragulation of Urban Aveos Act 1375 ‘ec the Rules 1976 made thee under ee uly carpe with ©) That you shall maintain an upkeep of al oad, pen spaces, pubic pak ana public hath seriees fora peat of ve yea ro te dete of esue ofthe completion outfit ross ealerreleved ot responsi aniderevoon © ‘anstr al such roads, open apaces,publc parks and sublicensees fet cost tothe Gow oh nal autory stn casa may ben accorenoe wih the polos of Secon 3) ofthe narra Develoment and Regulation of Uran Areas At, 1975, 1) That yu shat const 18/24/90 wd intact oad forming pr ot lcanced area‘ your own costs ans Yarstor the sama tae of cost fo the Goverment 4) Trat sea under ho sector roots and retited belgraen et. any. which fers par of icenced sean eu o when bene othe extert permissible poy towards FARis bang gard shal be wanstered eso cont othe Got iy rt ® m) ” » » ® » “that you shall iterate the senices wih Herara Shehar kes Prashikaran tenga aan when mado aval ‘Tat yeu have not submited any oer applcaton fr grant of leense fr Unvecpmant fhe eld andor part thereof" any purpose under ne provsons ifthe Haryane Development ara Reguaten of Uban Areas Act 75 oF any “ppleaton seeking pemisson for ange a land use under te provision of te Punjab Schesled Roads and Corres Aves Resticions of Unregultes Development Act. 1958 ‘That you shall wanfer 10% area of te losned colony fee of cos 10 8 CGovemment for proven of communty facies. This wil give fealty tthe Deter to work cu the requrament of communsy fasucure at sector lve tne accordingly make provisions The sad aea has been earmarked on the ‘nosed aye pan. “That you understand hat the devlopmencansracon cos of 24 av18 m maior Inerat roms Ib not induded ip the EOC rates and they shal pay he ‘oprtonate coe for scnaton oid any, alongwith he construction cost of Jee mde major nama road a na when fazed an demanded by he Deparment ‘That you shat obiain NOCIClearance es per provisions of rotation dated Teoe 2006 lasued by Minty of Envronmert & Fotest Govt of In, ppcable before execution of Govelpmant works a ste “That you shall make arrengemants er ater suppl, sewerage, ealnepe et the satnfacion of DTCP i these sorsoes are made salable For External Ineawetre bela by Haryana Shaner Vikas Prochkaran ‘Tt yeu shall cbsin Gaarance frm cempetent shorty, # requred under Punj Land Preservation At TODD ans any oterclesrance required unser any other iaw “Tat the ain water harvesting syten sabe prvi as es Catal Ground later Authority Nematanara GoW riestion es appiesble ‘Tat the rovsion of solr water nastng syst sal be a8 ar gules of ‘Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency and shal e ae operations) ‘oho eppleabe bale appying fo an Occupation Cerate “That yu shat use ent LE fiting fr etal igting as wel a campus orth “That you shal one the ‘Ulimate Pover Load Raquiemert of he projet 10 he ‘ected power wsty wth econ athe Dect, win two mans vod fom {he date of gent of ican fo entle proveion of ste In eensod land for TfrstomersSwicing, StatonsiEtecre Sub Statons ss pec the ime resarive bythe power uty inthe zn plan ofthe projet “hat tw be made cer alte ine of bosking of pooner space that Traits ate olde or do nol ince EDC. cae of et nlusion of EDC {he ooking alae. ther t may be specfieg tat sare ee fo be cheane aratay at pe fat Gned by the Gov You sall iso proviso deta of [Sven of EOC per Sqmipar St the alotees whe rasing such demand ‘fon be pt cuners 4) That you shall Keep pace of dovpment atleast in accordance wih sale fagresment executed wih the buyers of the pols as and when acer launched 1) That you shal_arenge_ power comecton rom UHBVNUDHEVAL for Sesion ofthe colony and shal isa he etry datrbuton asters 2 per the peak load requirement of te clony for wnih hence shal pel the ‘octal (Gstiouion) cence planesimates approved rm the. Speray ‘responsi for instataton of extra elecre sevice 18 UHBUNLONEVN Bs compat th same before obtain cameleon caret rhe coony ¥) That you shall complete the projet within seven years (642 year) tom dae of rani of lenses per cause) tthe policy nod on G1 4 2018, \W) Tra no clubing raster pts for aro! of intaated Zoning pon of wo soning los unser same owners ale permites That you wil poy te abou ons per pay ineractons laud by Horera ‘Goverment vie Mer No. Mss 2057-S725720082TCP dad 25022010, 4) That you shall submit compiance of Rue 24, 26,27 & 28 of Rules 1978 & Section So Haryana Devlin rt Reguaton of ben Aeas Act 1875, end ‘all inform aocouré number aul paras tthe senedled bank wherein [eensee ave to depost try pecentum of te amount recaad rm to pt holes fr meeting tho cost ier Development Wan the eoony 2) That no futher Sle has taken pace afer eubmiting spocaton for grant et ‘Tat yu shal not gue any adersement fr sale of pote! commercial area befor ne approval favour pan, bb) That no provision ef the Haryana Cling on Land Hoiing Ac, 1972 has been olated duo a purchase of appland 0) That you shal abide by the tons end condiins of the poley netted en 3) That you shall exscute he develoxmentwarks a8 per Erviormertal Clearance snd campy wih the provisions of Enwenment Protection Act 1988, A (Prevention sed Const of Pausn of Ae, 1061) and Wile (reverton and Conia of Potion of 1874). in case of any welton ofthe proven of sald Satis, you shal be jbl or peal ston by Haryana Sita Palin Conte! Boarder ay ter Auton Adminaaring the ad Acts. 0) That you shall folow the provsons of the Real Estate (Reguaons and Development) Ac. 2018 an Rus raed thes unde hl be flowed by the peat nite an spr ‘That ne ounerdevloper shall negate the bank account whieh 70 paoent slotee ooops se ceded under Gaston a2ini0) ete Rea! Evale Reguiaton ane Developmert Ae, 2018. wi the anne. aplatoniayment (g8eway ofthe Dsprinar.m such manne =o oa anaure ha 0% ctine os fecopt fort each payment Mase by an aighos fe utmataly dadutad rt (8 crests eho EDC naan Sate weary 99) That such 10% of he cal rcep rom sch payrent made bythe alte, which ‘steceved by the Deparment shat gt automates crest. on ie deo ‘cab ntma Gove resury aga EDC suse ) That sch 10% duct sal conto cpr he EDC ai gt |) Tre mpementaion of such mectarism shal however. have no bear on EOC instalments schocula comayes tothe cunetacvolopar Ths awrorevelopet Sal conine to supplement such aulrahe EDC Sedo wih payments or {som funds to ensure tat by tne EDE samen at ave uc Yo papers ‘hat paid a pre presrbed shale |) Tratyou sal ake prior pomiesion ta he Divan Forest OFfcer, Gurugram ragaring cating of ary wee mt eta ste 3. The oance it vai upto 02 07 /.20,26 Mh ( Makrand Pandurang, 1AS) Director, Town & County Plann Pace Chandigars arvana, Chandigemn 3 Dates e304 202) Endst No. Lo-aa7Tiasstisy202V 1584) dates 0 S-07- 202) ‘copy along wth a copy of schedule a lan is forward to the folowing fer Iniormatin a necessary aston 1. Aaikaanan Restore Pv. Lid in colaboaon wih Asam Resincy Pvt. Ls ga. Uric Unt No. BCI2U Otce 0178, MOM Urbana, Sever-o7, Gurgrs 22302 alongs copy of agreement LC B Bsr! Agr2oment ahs approves layout an, Caiman, Poluton Cont! Boars, Haryana, Sector, Panel (hit Aarinsatr, HSVP, Pant, Chit Aarinsator, Housing Boars, Panera slongh copy of agreement NManagng Orect, HPN, Planang’Ciedtrse, Shait hawan, Secor Parone 8. int Director, Envronnent Haryana - Cum Seereary SEAC. Payavaran Bhawan, Secter-2 Pancha 7. Aaa Deeor Urban Estates, Haryana, Panchkula 8 Administer, SVP. Gurgram Cher Engnger HSVP, Gurr 10. Supenntening Enginer, HSVP. Curran along wth scopy of apresment 11. Land Aequisen Oftesr Gurugram, 12 Senor Town Parner, Gurcaran 13. Sener Town Panna (Enfreemant, Hanne, Chadiga 14 Dstt Town Planer, Gururam slong wi a copy of agreeent& Layout Pan 15. Chief Accounts Cer (honeorng) Ole DICP, Harara 18 Accounts Ofer, Of Dect Town & County Planning. Haryina, Chandigarh long wih a copy aprerent ee (SK Sebanat) sti Town Panne (0) For Oeestor Town & Cour Pang Teyana, Ghanagarh loge Hayatppur Bf uu w/t 0 wy 0 aot eo 23/2/2 a2 v 3 59 a 2a7 7 eo 8 an up ous 2 0 3 0 u ra) 8 so w/a 312 wm 22 » 0 23/1 min ow 2 22 Br xo Bp 2a 2 7 m opp a7 4 0 wp £0 18/1 za 15/2 oo By 39 ayn ua 2» 3 sis 4 eo af +0 5/21 20 5/272 20 sna a 7p a a 76 vitage ecto, lao. ares Hayatppur » By 09 13/3 “7 uy 739 16/2 30 16/2/2 42 7 30 ay 56 2599 2 and owned by Aawam Residency tte vitoge fee No, Kila, bess ewe Hayatpar 8 wp os 8 » ap + zp 60 2 par nyt 60 28 af 213 1s an *0 2 sft 4 ean 30 4 a) 18 u £0 20 60 ra 5/2 58 on 2m 15/2 xe ie a8 3/3 50 oR 59 By 16 Hayatpar 6 4/2 13 353/2 13 16 so 2 so 2% zo 2p £0 Bp +0 v ap 32 sft 2 58.15, Total 184 ‘ors227sacres ore. Hayate hs

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