Parenting Style
Parenting Style
Parenting Style
Although affected by society and peers, children are more influenced by the
family. The influence of the family on the child and its roles in the creativity,
cultural, social, and moral aspects is very important. Correct and balanced
relationship between parents and their children is one of the factors influencing
both their physical and mental health. Research has shown that interaction
between children and parents and how parents communicate with children are
considered to be the most important and fundamental factors among the various
al.1997). A person's upbringing has a profound influence on how they see the
world and how they process information Bowman (2008). Stevenson (1998)
observed that different students view education as having different goals. This
means that parenting can create a pool of informed citizens with a developed
ability to think and reason and it can be used to establish students who share a
common body of knowledge and who share socialization into the way things are
parenting and family studies has led to the renewed interest in the relationship
developments have heightened the need for the study on children’s school
achievements. Since the family is the first window of the child, parenting style
and its influence on children could greatly affect their understanding, attitude and
1989 & Van Meter, 1994). Parental responsibilities start as soon as the child was
born. These responsibilities suggest that the socialization process of a child was
behaviors that are required for a successful adaptation to the society and the
style: its effect on the academic performance of randomly selected grade six
Null Hypothesis
Theoretical Framework
(Baumrind,1966) developed the theory that there were three main types
of parenting styles and that difference in parenting styles accounted for the way
out that parental control is related to issues such as enforcing rules; Maturity
their children, solicit their opinions and use reasoning to obtain the desired
(Baumrind, 2012).
relations inside and outside the household playing the key role by molding both
the parent and the child’s behavior among themselves and among their peers.
According to Cooley and Mead, Family constitutes essential part of the “other” for
Conceptual Framework
Parenting Style
Authoritative Parenting
Style Academic
Authoritarian Parenting
Parenting Style
were parenting styles which were divided into following components, authoritative
parenting style, authoritarian parenting style and permissive parenting style. The
Teachers- They will be guided on how their learners are affected by the
parenting styles that a student goes through in order to avoid poor academic
performance. The teacher will appreciate this because this was inclined with how
learning the parenting styles as they would affect academic performance. They
Parents- The study will also benefit parents in learning how their
parenting styles influence how their children perform in school and how parents
elementary schools.
term educational goals.
of someone or something.
one wants.
This study had focused on the effects of parenting style on the academic
Bagong Silang Elementary School. The limitation of this study covers the
The research sampled was limited to all Grade Six students school year
2019-2020 in Bagong Silang Elementary School, since Grade Six learners were
most matured and can possibly understand easily in total of 69 sample student.
Related Literature
(Simpson & Weiner. 1989). This means that performance measures the aspect of
type of mental test in which the subject is asked to do something rather than to
say something. Performance test is the type of test which throws light on the
Parenting Style
demands, attentiveness to rules, etc., as well as the style of discipline that the
parent's utilize to enforce their expectations, parenting and family studies have
need for the study on children’s school achievements. Since the family is the first
window of the child, parenting style and its influence on children could greatly
their children, while children vary in their level of acceptance, receptivity and
acquisition of education, experience, attitudes and behaviors that are required for
a successful adaptation to the society and the family (Ladd & Pettit, 2002).
poor performance -can make kids perform more poorly on problem-solving tasks
from positive feedback than from negative feedback, and this may be especially
traditional Chinese families. On the one hand, authoritarianism has been linked
et al.,2010).
On the other hand, studies of Hong Kong Chinese (Leung et al.,1998) and
children are expected to follow strict rules established by the parents. Failure to
explain the reasoning behind these rules. If asked to explain, the parent might
simply reply, "Because I said so." These parents have high demands, but are not
responsive to their children. In addition, these parents are usually obedience and
status oriented, and they always expect their orders to be obeyed without
evaluate the behavior and attitude of their children which is 15 usually formulated
antisocial, and delinquent behaviors (Coie& Dodge, 1998). Parents in this pattern
value obedience as a virtue and are punitive and forceful (Baumrind, 1999).
clear and firm direction to children. However, the difference between the two
similar parenting styles lies in moderating discipline with warmth, reason, and
parenting style, Asian parents’ studies have shown exhibit authoritarian parenting
style (Kawamura, Frost, &Marmatz, 2002; Pong, Hao, & Gardner, 2005).
expectations for mature behavior while giving children firm, clear rules,
openly given and received. Clarity is a focus when elucidating demands; children
are not simply expected to blindly follow orders, rather, explanations are given so
numerous and significant. Children who are the recipients of this approach can
demonstrate good social skills while at the same time exhibiting low levels of
maturity, but they are also warm and responsive. These parents set rules and
enforce boundaries by having open discussion and using reasoning. They are
also known as democratic parenting style. Frequently hailed as the best way to
raise kids, it's an approach that emphasizes sensitivity, reasoning, setting limits,
and being emotionally responsive. It's common among many educated, middle
class families, and linked with superior child outcomes throughout the world. Kids
They are less likely to report depression and anxiety, and less likely to
And research suggests that having at least one authoritative parent can
parental restrictions or limits on the child. The implication of this is that children
significance to note, children of this style have been shown to improve academic
suggests that the gender of the permissive parent is significant with regard to
permissive parenting style, like the authoritative style, is more child-centered than
other styles which accounts for strong parent/child bonds. Where this style differs
However, because these children have high parental engagement they tend to
be creative, self-confident and playful. On the negative side they also tend to be
less responsible and more easily drawn into negative social behavior. Children in
This chapter describes the methods that were used in the study in order to
realize the set objectives of this study. It contains the research design, data
Research Design
The survey research design was used because it best served to answer
the questions and the purposes of the study. The survey research is one in which
a group of people or items is studied by collecting and analyzing data from only a
words, only a part of the population is studied, and findings from this are
choosing the school for this study, the researcher considered the parenting styles
of the parents and the relatively short distance to travel. The distance from MSU-
IIT to Bagong Silang Elemmentary School is 1.7 kilometers. The travel time is
Figure 2.Map of the locale of the study and the sampling site ( )
The sample subjects in this study are 69 Grade 6 student Bagong Silang
researchers handed out the questionnaires to them and the response gathered
was used to analysis their reaction and opinions about the effect of parenting
Instruments Used
Questions are related to methodology and the parenting style of the parents of
the sampled respondents which are the Grade 6 student of Bagong Silang
Elementary School.
The questionnaire presented both open and closed ended questions that
Standardized Items
.889 .889 10
Table 1 shows that the Cronbach's alpha is 0.889, which indicates a high
level of internal consistency for our scale with this specific sample.
Authoritarian Behavior
Standardized Items
.898 .906 10
Table 2 shows that the Cronbach's alpha is 0.898, which indicates a high
level of internal consistency for our scale with this specific sample.
Authoritative Behavior
Standardized Items
.870 .871 10
Table 3 shows that the Cronbach's alpha is 0.870, which indicates a high
level of internal consistency for our scale with this specific sample.
Standardized Items
.961 .965 30
Table 4 shows that the Cronbach's alpha is 0.961, which indicates a high
The statistical tools used in describing the data and in establishing the
Formula: n = N / (1 + Ne2)
N = total population
Percentage was used to determine the profile of the respondents considering all
Where f = frequency
N = no. of respondents
The mean was used to determine the average of the responses of the Grade six
Chi Square was used to determine the rating of academic performance of the
x =∑
In gathering the data, the researchers asked permission from the school
principal for the list of all Grade 6 Elementary learners officially enrolled in
Bagong Silang Elementary School, Iligan City. After the approval to conduct the
study, the questionnaires were distributed to respondents and filled out by the
were utilized in order to obtain their profile and other necessary information.
Statements were gathered from the reading of the literature and studies pertinent
comments and suggestions of the evaluators from the College of the Education.
styles and expectation of maturity and control which constitute the parenting style
This chapter presents the gathered data and the researcher’s analysis and
interpretation of the results of the distributed survey. The data were presented in
a clear and concise from using tables and graphs. The data were arranged
according to the sequence of the problem. The first parts deals with the profile of
50 47.8
30 Frequency
4.3 2.9
10 years old 11 years old 12 years old 13 years old 14 years old 15 years old
Figure 3 shows the age Percentage Distribution of the Grade Six (6)
Students of Bagong Silang Elementary School. The results reveal that out of
sixty-nine (69) sampled respondents, 79.7% of them are either 11 or 12 years old
which the highest result of the survey. The result implied that more than half of
the Grade 6 pupils may belong to the age group of 11 and 12 years old.
understanding their views about the particular problems; by and large age
indicates level maturity of individuals in that sense age becomes more important
to examine the response. Age structuring refers to the fact that every society
uses age in important ways, and the experience, roles, and statuses of
38 Male
55% Famale
Figure 4 shows the gender percentage distribution of the grade six (6)
students of Bagong Silang Elementary School. The results revealed that there
are more female than male in the study where female get the highest result of
55.1% of the total sampled students while male account for 44.9% of the total
sampled students. Based on the data from the principal office of Bagong Silang
Elementary School, there are more female from male pupils currently enrolled in
their school. This implies that majority of the Grade 6 pupils are female.
sexuality are centrally important forces that shape every aspect of our lives we
know our bodies, minds and selves through our gender and our sex as a society,
legal definitions and social expectations about women and men sex and
reproduction organize our medical, legal, educational and political systems. For
centuries, human societies have tended to assign different feelings and thoughts
to men and women. By doing so, they used the biological distinction of sex
(between male and female) to construct and enforce the social distinction of
gender (between masculine and feminine). For instance, according to 18th and
19th century English standard of femininity, middle and upper class women- as
domestic sphere of “ hearth and home” as daughters, sisters, wives and mothers
caring for fathers, brothers, husband and children. They were expected to adopt
a suitably modest behavior and a moral code of sexual purity and self-sacrifice,
and avoid having strong desires and strong opinions, especially in opposition to
the men who were seen as their guardians. Such differences of gender roles, by
affecting access to factors like education, experience, time and financial support,
have had their influence on the ways in which men and women could participate
40 39
30 Frequency
Disagree Agree
the grade six (6) students of BSES experienced. It shows that most of the
students or 56.5% of the sampled students disagree that they were experiencing
permissive parenting style from their parent. On the other hand, 43.5% of the
When a parent is permissive, they look at their child as equal rather than
children of a parent. Gift-giving and bribery are their primary parenting tools
versus boundaries and expectations. There are very few demands of a child in
this situation and parents have a difficult time saying “no” as they avoid asserting
This parenting style involves; being nurturing and warm, but reluctant to
impose limits, rejecting the notion of keeping their kids under control, similar to
the authoritative style, they are emotionally supportive and responsive to their
children, permissive parents are not demanding. Kids do not have many
responsibilities and are allowed to regulate their behavior and the majority of their
choices. Studies have found links between permissive parenting and increased
alcohol use among teenagers as well as higher rates of school misconduct and
lower levels of academic achievement. Screen time and snacks are not
monitored in this type of family, which can lead to a risk of obesity and typically
This parenting style had also negative side effects this include children are
not required to have good manners or be responsible around the home. The child
television watching. Children make their own decisions without input from parents
as personal responsibility, mainly due to the huge lack of boundaries. They can
have symptoms of anxiety and depression. While children from these homes
tend to have high self-esteem and good social skills, they are also demanding
40 39
30 29
1 1.4
Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
of the Grade Six (6) Students of BSES Experienced. It shows that most of the
students or 56.5% of the sampled students agree that they were experiencing
authoritarian parenting style from their parents and there is 1 student strongly
hand, 42% of the sampled student disagree that they were experiencing an
The authoritarian parenting style is about being strict and stern. It insists
shaming, and other punishments. That doesn't bode well for a child's health
As I note in this article, studies suggest that responsiveness and warmth can
protect kids from the effects of toxic stress, as defined by psychologists, it's also
authoritarian parents were the least likely to feel socially accepted by their peers.
found that students raised by authoritarian parents were more likely to engage in
80 78.3
40 Percent
10 7.2
Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
of the Grade Six (6) Students of BSES Experienced. Its shows that most or
78.3% and 7.2% of the sampled students agree and strongly those they were
there 14.5% of the sampled students disagree that they were experiencing an
rearing that combines warmth, sensitivity, and the setting of limits. Parents use
families, and linked with superior child outcomes throughout the world. Kids
less likely to report depression and anxiety, and less likely to engage in antisocial
behavior like delinquency and drug use. Research suggests that having at least
authoritative parenting style was first defined by(Baumrind, 1996) who proposed
a new system for classifying parents. Her idea was to focus on the way parents
account when making family plans, or encouraging a child to express his or her
But in China and Russia, authoritative parents didn't take their children's
preferences into account when making family plans. And most authoritative
parents from China didn't encourage kids to voice their own opinions -- not if
and they explain the rationale behind the rules. Authoritative parents are also
less likely to control kids through the induction of shame, guilt, or the withdrawal
of love.
Students of BSES
Total 69 100.0
of BSES. It shows that 8.6% of the sampled students has a science grade less
than 80, 75.3% of the sampled students has a science grade of 80-89 and there
are 14.5% of the sampled students has a science grade of 90 above. It means
that although there are some students who don’t really excel in science, we can
say that the grade 6 students of Bagong Silang Elementary School are somehow
doing well in their science subject since there are more than half of the sampled
Parenting styles play a central role on the better and effective academic
adolescents. Family, especially parents, has direct role in the social and
academic life of adolescents and young children. Adolescents, who gain family
support from parents, are successful throughout in their social and academic life.
It is also evident from past research that peers, communities’ and schools also
1987; Rice et al.1990). Strage and Brandt (1999) found that parenting
environment and resources that is more conducive for academic outcomes. Also,
Authoritarian 0.494 No significant relationship
Authoritative 0.543 No significant relationship
relationship between the between parenting style and the respondent's academic
style have no significant with the academic performance of the sampled grade 6
students of Bagong Silang Elementary School with p-value 0.097, 0.494 and
0.543 greater than 0.05, respectively. It means that the parenting style doesn’t
Hamid Masud, Muhammad Shakil, Ahmad, Farzand Ali Jan & Ahmad
Jamil., (2016) in his paper Relationship between parenting styles and academic
One reason for the insignificant relationship between parenting styles and
academic performance may be that there are some other individual variables that
performance (Fang P., Xiong, D., &Guo, C. (2003); Gonzalez, A. R., Holbein, M.
F. D., & Quilter, S. (2002). Another reason may be due to the fact that once
individuals are getting old, the role of parenting and their control decreases
ethnicity and race (Spera 2005). In few studies, it has been found that when
certain individual factors are controlled, parenting style may result in variance in
Also, there are certain individual factors that may mediate the relationship of
P., Xiong, D., &Guo, C. (2003). Also, Joshi, A., Ferris, J. C., Otto, A. L., & Regan,
Most of the sampled grade six (6) students of Bagong Silang Elementary
School ages were from 11-12 years old which is were expected of grade 6
students’ ages. Also, most of the respondents were females. Most of the
students or 56.5% of the sampled students disagree that they are experiencing a
permissive parenting style and the remaining percentage agree that their parents
are permissive. Most of the students or 56.5% of the sampled students agree
that they are experiencing authoritarian parenting style from their parents and
there was 1 student who strongly agreed that he was experiencing the
authoritarian parenting style and the remaining percentage disagree. Lastly, most
or 78.3% and 7.2% of the sampled students agreed and strongly agreed that
grade 6 students of Bagong Silang Elementary School were somehow doing well
in their science subject since there were more than half of the sampled students
0.097, 0.494 and 0.543 greater than 0.05, respectively. It means that the
parenting style did not affect the academic performance of the student.
Hamid, Shakil, Ahmad, Ali Jan &Jamil (2016) in his paper Relationship
role of self-efficacy, he showed that parenting style did not influence the
academic performance.
achieve, what is good for their development, and what is required for them.
want; instead, there is a need to know what the children want. A good Parenting
Style which is both supportive and flexible is good for the development of
Based on the following findings and conclusions of the study, the following
4. Future studies may also include interview as a tool in gathering the data.
Baumrind, D. (1971).
Current patterns of parental authority. Developmental Psychology
Monographs, 4, 1–103.
Chao (2001)
Extending Research on the Consequences of Parenting Style for
Chinese Americans and European Americans.
Fletcher et al (1999)
The authoritative parenting style: Warmth, rationality, and high
Hamid MasudMuhammad Shakil, Ahmad, Farzand Ali Jan & Ahmad Jamil (
2016): Relationship between parenting styles and academic
performance of adolescents: mediating role of self-efficacy
Kamins and Dweck, (1999): Person Versus Process Praise and Criticism:
Implications for Contingent Self-Worth and Coping
Karavalis (2003): Influence in Parenting Style on academic performance of
adolecents in secondary school
Kawamura, Frost, &Marmatz, (2002) & Pong, Hao, & Gardner, (2005):
Parenting Attitude and Style and Its Effect on Children’s School
Koehrlen T. (2007): The permissive or Indulgent parenting style picture.
Retrieved November 21, 2010.(
Ladd, G. W., & Pettit, G. S. (2002). Parenting and the development of
children's peer relationships
Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg, Dornbusch (1991) &Steinberg, Lamborn,
Darling, Mounts, Dornbusch (1994): Impact of Parenting Styles on
Adolescents' Self-Esteem and Internalization of Values in Spain
Cabrales, M.S, Labra, M. (2010). Parenting Style: Correlation of Students’
Academic Performance.
Labaya,J.A, Maestre, L. (2013). The Impact of Parenting Styles to the
Academic Performance of Grade Six VI-I Pupils of NAPOCOR
Letter to Superintendent
Dear Madame,
Greetings of peace!
Letter to Principal
Dear Ma’am,
Greetings of Peace!
Letter to Teacher
Dear sir/ma’am
Greeting of peace!
The undersigned are currently conducting a study “Parenting Style: Its
effect on the Academic Performance on the Grade Six Learners.” This
undertaking is one of the requirements for the completion for the degree
bachelor of Elementary Education, major in Science and Health.
The researchers of this study are 4 th year students taking up Bachelor in
Elementary Education major in Science and Health. We would like to ask
permission to get their first grading grade in Science and give the
questionnaires to grade six (6) pupils who will be the respondents of the
In connection with this, we would like to request your approval to allow
us to schedule the distribution of the questionnaires. Your help is at most
valued for the purpose of our study. Hence, we humbly seek your approval.
Rest assured that all their answers and grade will be kept confidential in
accordance with the “Ethics of Research”.
Your consideration is a great help in the completion of this study.
Very respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Thesis Adviser
Name(optional):_________________Grade&Section: ___________________
1 = Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Agree
4 = Strongly Agree
No. Scale
1 2 3 4
1. My parents felt that in a well-run home the children should have their way in
the family as often as the parents do.
2. My parents believe that we should obey them, even if we don’t agree with
5. I can tell my parents rules whenever I felt that family rules and restrictions
are unreasonable.
6. My parents think that I should do whatever I wanted to do, even if they don’t
agree with it.
8. My parents believe that directed activities and decisions of the children in the
family is through reasoning and discipline.
9. My parents felt that more force should be used by parents in order to get
their children to behave the way they are supposed to.
10. My parents did not feel that I don’t need to obey house rules made by them.
11. My parents allow me to share my opinions when I felt their too much from
their expectation from me.
12. My parents felt that wise parents should teach their children early just who is
boss in the family.
14. Most of the time, my parents did what the children in the family wanted when
making family decisions.
18. My parents explain how they feel bad about my bad and good behaviour.
22. My parents remind me that they are my parents, and I need to follow what
they told me what to do.
27. My parents allowed me to decide most things for myself without a lot of
direction from them.
29. My parent feels that most problems in society would be solved if parents
would not restrict their children activities, decisions, and desire as they are
growing up.
Chi-Square Tests
N of Valid Cases 31
a. 22 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is .45.
Symmetric Measures
Value Asymp. Std. Approx. Appro
Errora Tb x. Sig.
Interval by
Pearson's R .281 .163 1.579 .125c
Ordinal by Spearman
.285 .168 1.604 .120c
Ordinal Correlation
N of Valid Cases 31
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Perc
Grade * 100.
31 44.9% 38 55.1% 69
Authoritarian 0%
78.00 1 0 0 1
79.00 1 0 0 1
80.00 2 3 0 5
82.00 1 1 0 2
83.00 2 0 0 2
Grade 85.00 1 4 0 5
88.00 0 0 1 1
89.00 3 3 0 6
90.00 1 4 0 5
91.00 1 1 0 2
92.00 0 1 0 1
Total 13 17 1 31
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 39.697a 20 .005
Likelihood Ratio 19.288 20 .503
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.011 1 .156
N of Valid Cases 31
a. 33 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum
expected count is .03.
Symmetric Measures
Valid Missing Total
N Perce N Perce N Percent
nt nt
Grade *
31 44.9% 38 55.1% 69 100.0%
78.00 1 0 0 1
79.00 0 1 0 1
80.00 3 2 0 5
82.00 0 1 1 2
83.00 0 2 0 2
Grade 85.00 0 5 0 5
88.00 0 1 0 1
89.00 0 6 0 6
90.00 1 4 0 5
91.00 0 2 0 2
92.00 0 1 0 1
Total 5 25 1 31
Chi-Square Tests
Symmetric Measures
Frequency Table
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
10.00 3 4.3 9.7 9.7
11.00 12 17.4 38.7 48.4
12.00 10 14.5 32.3 80.6
Valid 13.00 4 5.8 12.9 93.5
14.00 1 1.4 3.2 96.8
15.00 1 1.4 3.2 100.0
Total 31 44.9 100.0
Missing System 38 55.1
Total 69 100.0
Grade Six-1
Grade Six-2