Islamic Studies Assignment #03
Islamic Studies Assignment #03
Islamic Studies Assignment #03
Assignment # 03
Islamic Studies
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THE HOLY QURAN AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S STATUS AS A ROLE MODEL:..........................................4
THE SUNNAH AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S STATUS AS ROLE MODEL:....................................................4
MORALITY AND THE PROPHET'S STATUS AS A ROLE MODEL:.....................................................................5
THE HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) IS A ROLE MODEL FOR EVERYONE:.................................................................5
THE HARDSHIPS OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) AND HIS COMPANIONS............................................6
Quraysh's Message Distortion:................................................................................................................6
The Ridiculing of the Prophet:.................................................................................................................6
Throwing Garbage at The Prophet:.........................................................................................................6
Boycott of The Muslims:..........................................................................................................................6
The Prophet (PBUH) Facing Tough Times:...............................................................................................7
Islamic Studies Assignment #03
The status of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a positive example is based on the Holy Quran and
the Sunnah. Islamic scholars have examined the Prophet's (PBUH) position as a positive
example and pioneer not in a sectional structure, but rather from a unified perspective, as they
have done with a variety of other issues. They have arrived at the conclusion that the best
strategy is to examine the refrains of the Holy Quran that determine and show the Prophet's
status in general. Thus, when discussing the Prophet's status as a good example, issues such as
faith in the Prophet (PBUH), obedience to the Prophet and following the Prophet come up
(PBUH). Furthermore, contradicting the Prophet (PBUH) comes to the fore.
underhanded of things are those which are recently designed (in religion), and each development
is a deviation, and each deviation drives individuals to Hell"
that Allah would immediately warn and correct him in such cases. No Muslim doubts that
Prophet Muhammad was free of problems in the transmission of Shariat (Islamic law) and that
his movement was based on Allah's revelation to him. According to widely accepted
observations and methodologies, Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah was developed in response to
requests contained in the revelations. It is clear from the Quran's stanzas and the characteristics
bestowed on the Prophet by Allah that the revelations bestowed on him are not limited to the
Holy Quran. The Holy Prophet's words and actions are clearly proof of Allah's existence,
according to several parts of the Quran.
Uqbah Ibn Abi Muait, the most deranged of them all, brought it and put it on the Prophet's
(PBUH) back while prostrating. The Prophet (PBUH) did not travel, and I (Abdullah) couldn't do
anything because I had no family to help me.
Fatimah, the Prophet's (PBUH) little daughter, came and evacuated the soil, offending everyone.
At that moment, the Prophet raised his head and began supplicating to Allah on behalf of all of
As a flag-bearer entrusted by Allah to carry His word, he was also put to the test. While his name
is Muhammad, he was regarded as a liar, an alchemist, an artist, and a crystal gazer, and people
began calling him Mudthamam (dispraise commendable) (applaud commendable).
Islamic Studies Assignment #03
The importance of Prophet Muhammad's role as a good example is described in the Holy
Quran and the Sunnah; this is one of the fundamental rehearses for Muslims.
There is no disagreement among Muslims on how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sets the
best example with his ethical qualities, activities, words, and other highlights.
It would be unjust to limit the Prophet's (PBUH) position as a positive example to a
certain number of fields. This status is associated with every aspect of life.
Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) status as good example is vital from the point of view of
the person, as well as from the social viewpoint. It’s coupling highlights and assurance of
techniques must be considered from these two viewpoints.
It is very important to know and believe that nothing will happen to you except what
Allah has decreed for you. The Prophet was asked to say, {Nothing will befall us except
what Allah has decreed for us } (At-Tawbah 9:51)
He taught one of his young cousins, `Abdullah Ibn `Abbas, “Know that what hits you
would not have missed you”
This belief gives you comfort and prevents fear from future difficulty, but more
importantly, helps you overcome any difficulty you are already going through. Allah
said, {No misfortune ever befalls unless it be by Allah. And whosoever has faith in
Allah, Allah guides his heart …} (At-Taghabun 64:11)
Islamic Studies Assignment #03
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