IFRS 16 Handbook Lease Accounting - 1
IFRS 16 Handbook Lease Accounting - 1
IFRS 16 Handbook Lease Accounting - 1
Implementing processes, controls
and systems, to achieve and
maintain compliance with the
lease accounting standard
The lease accounting standards
04 . Why the standards were introduced
Key provisions & changes in direction
07 . Key changes of the standard
08 . E
xhibit 2 | Lease accounting under the standard: A real-world example of key issues
11. To meet the timetable for implementation, lessees must begin preparing now
Achieving & maintaining compliance
14 . Introduction
22. Summary
The lease
A 2020 guide for lessees.
In 2019, the IASB lease accounting standard, IFRS 16, began to go into effect for
companies worldwide. However, there are still some companies that have yet to
adopt the standard, as well as those who may be struggling with how to handle
leasing processes post-adoption in order to maintain compliance with IFRS 16.
This handbook will provide an overview of the technical accounting of IFRS 16 as well
as how companies can successfully achieve and maintain compliance with the standard.
Why the standard was introduced The major changes for lessees
The change to lease accounting rules comes with The most notable change is the elimination of
many other accounting standard updates, all created the operating lease classification. Under IFRS 16,
with the purpose of closing loopholes in accounting all leases, excluding those that meet the practical
guidance that could potentially allow companies expedient for low-value and short-term leases,
to mislead financial statement users as to the true if elected, are treated as finance leases. The
nature of the company’s financial state. lease assets and liabilities are recognized on the
statement of financial position, which may result
IFRS 16 closes the lease accounting off-balance in a significant increase in the amount of assets
sheet loophole which allowed corporations to report and liabilities many companies report.
their operating leases in the footnotes of financial
statements. Under the new standard, companies are Finance leases are also reported differently on
required to recognize most leases and report them the profit and loss (P&L) statement than operating
as right-of-use (ROU) assets and lease liabilities. As leases under the previous standard. Operating
a result of the shift, lease portfolios face increased leases were reported as a straight-lined rent
auditor scrutiny, pushing companies to focus on expense. However, under IFRS 16, all leases are
ensuring accuracy and completeness of what they reported as a separate (usually straight-lined)
report as well as leading to greater comparability of depreciation expense of the asset and front-loaded
financial statements. interest expense on the liability. Therefore, as a
result of the new standard, all leases expense
on the liability, potentially impacting financial
metrics, like EBITDA, that are dependent on the
P&L statement
• The final standard was issued in 2016.
ompanies that did not early adopt the standard
The IASB also considers leases to began transitioning to the standard January 1, 2019
be debt, so debt to equity ratios and have continued to do so depending on their
may see a dramatic increase. This fiscal year start date.
could impact debt covenants
not covered by frozen GAAP
contractual provisions as well as
ll leases are recognized (except where the
credit ratings, if the lease liability
entity has elected to use the short-term and
recognition resulting from the
lowvalue exemptions) at the present value (PV)
adoption of IFRS 16 is significantly
on the statement of financial position.
different from analysts’
ll leases have a P&L pattern that is frontloaded
(where rent expense is replaced by a usually
Lastly, when measuring the lease
straight-lined depreciation of the asset and
liability, variable rents, such as
front-loaded interest on the liability)
those based on an index or
rate, will be included. IFRS 16
ariable rents based on a rate (e.g. LIBOR) or an
requires that the lease liability
index (e.g. CPI) are recognized based on spot rates.
be reassessed and remeasured
The value of the lease liability, with a corresponding
anytime the index or rate adjusts.
adjustment to the lease asset, must be remeasured
when the rate or index adjusts
hort-term (less than or equal to 12 months) and
low-value leases (less than or equal to US $5,000
even if material in the aggregate) can continue to
be accounted for off-balance sheet if so elected.
Key provisions
& changes
in direction.
The lease accounting standards.
Key changes for the standard Present value calculation: The lessee calculates
For lessees, adoption of the rules will result the PV of the estimated lease payments using the
in a significant change from IAS 17 reporting implicit rate in the lease, if it is readily determinable,
where operating leases were off-balance sheet. or the company’s incremental borrowing rate (“the
rate of interest that a lessee would have to pay
Leases capitalized: The operating lease to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar
classification will no longer exist under IFRS 16. security, the funds necessary to obtain an asset of
The new rules will require a lessee to capitalize a similar value to the right-of-use asset in a similar
all leases that do not meet the short-term and economic environment”). However, the IASB, in the
low-value practical expedient lease exemptions. Basis for Conclusions, stated that it is likely to be
difficult for a lessee to determine the interest rate
Estimates of lease term and lease payments: implicit in the lease and as a result it is expected that
For purchase, extension, and termination options, the company’s incremental borrowing rate will be
a lessee should reassess whether the exercise of used in most cases.
an option is “reasonably certain” (and thus must be
recognized) only upon the occurrence of a significant The implicit rate is defined as follows in the new
event or a significant change in circumstances that IASB standard: “The rate of interest that causes the
is within the lessee’s control. present value of (a) the lease payments and (b) the
unguaranteed residual value to equal the sum of
Transition: IFRS 16 provides two transition methods. (i) the fair value of the underlying asset and (ii) any
1. The full retrospective approach: This approach initial direct costs of the lessor.”
requires companies to restate comparative figures for
The PV is considered to be both (1) the value of the
the year prior to adoption by recognizing a cumulative
right to use the leased asset , and (2) the “principal”
effect adjustment to the equity at the beginning of
the prior year. A company’s financial statements are balance of the obligation to pay rent. This amount
presented as though the company has always been will be recorded as both an asset and a liability.
on the standard.
The profit & loss statement: All leases where
2. The modified retrospective approach: Under this
the lessee has not elected the short-term or
approach, the cumulative effect of applying IFRS 16 is
low-value exemptions are accounted for as finance
recognized as an adjustment on the effective date and
leases. The asset is amortized as a depreciation
comparative figures are not restated. The ROU asset
may be recognized as equal to the lease liability or or amortization expense in the P&L over the
may be stated at a value reflecting amortization since estimated lease term on a usually straight-line basis
commencement of the lease with the offset to equity. (SL). Interest expense on the lease liability is front-
Under either method for the ROU asset presentation at loaded. The sum of the interest and amortization
adoption, the lease liability is the same in both elections. creates a front-loaded expense pattern.
On the P&L, the first year’s interest expense is $2,572 ENTRY TO RECORD FIRST YEAR’S LIABILITY ACTIVITY
and the amortization expense is $18,852. Together,
Inputed interest expense $2,572
these two items total $21,425 for the first year’s
lease expense. Liability $17,828
Under the previous lease standard, the rent expense
Cash $20,400
would total $20,400 on a straight-line basis. Thus,
capitalizing the lease has increased the company’s ENTRY TO RECORD FIRST YEAR’S ASSET ACTIVITY
lease expense by $1,025 in the first year.
Amortization expense $18,852
The cross-over point occurs in the second year of the
lease, when the total lease expense under the new
Accumulated amortization $18,852
standard would be less than the expense under IAS 17.
Table 3.
Income statement impact of front-ended lease expense
Variable lease payments: Only certain variable However, because the IASB considers lease liabilities
lease payments will be included in the lessee’s to be “debt,” the new standard may result in debt
lease capitalization, including: covenant breaches that will require negotiation
and adjustment.
• Variable lease payments that depend on an index
or a rate, using the spot rate at lease inception
Financial metrics like return on assets, liabilities to
for floating leases.
net worth, leverage ratio, EBITDA, etc. can change,
• In-substance fixed payments that are “disguised” so a lessee should make pro forma calculations
minimum lease payments based on usage of the to determine if debt covenants, other contracts,
underlying asset or on lessee performance — or internal performance and incentive plans using
in other words, payments that are unavoidable, those metrics are affected.
in which case the expected payments must be
included in the lease payments to be recognized. Tax Impact — Minimal: The changes to lease
accounting for IASB companies may increase the
administrative burden with regards to tracking
deferred income taxes. This results from differences
between the book value (based on IFRS 16) and
tax calculations (based on unchanging tax laws).
Operational impact — substantial increase accounting processes, systems, and controls that
in administrative burden: The lease accounting will be required to comply with the new standard.
standard increases a lessee’s administrative burden Companies must: (1) understand the new rules
due to the changes in process controls; data to determine compliance requirements, (2) start
collection, analysis, and maintenance; monitoring; and complete a transition process, and (3) develop
internal reporting systems; and, most importantly, an ongoing process for complying with the new
audit scrutiny. Here are some of the key factors standard beginning on the effective date.
contributing to the added burden:
The lease accounting rules are complex, so
• Data to calculate payments comes from several
lessees must read them in detail to understand
sources in the organization, including Accounting,
Procurement, Accounts Payable, and the asset users. how to comply.
By the implementation deadline for the lease accounting changes, we will have developed, deployed,
documented, and iteratively refined a leasing process tha is compliant with the lease accounting
standard. This process will be well-controlled, auditable, automated, and scalable. We will be able to
demonstrate that we made good economic decisions throughout the lease lifecycle.
• All stakeholders who use the data, • The lease sourcing process is rigorous and
trust the data. includes a standardized lease agreement
with fair terms and conditions in addition to
• All stakeholders in the leasing process receive
requiring a flexible lease structure that will
timely, accurate, and complete reporting and
allow for the lessee to maintain greater control
notifications, especially notifications about the
of the lease program.
endof term.
& maintaining
How to continuously meet the
requirements and drive savings.
within your company. At the same time, the leases are depreciated over the lease term, which
processes we recommend here will achieve usually is less than the useful life of the underlying
major efficiencies in the handling of lease-related asset. Thus, under the lease accounting rules,
information across your entire company and because of additional assets on the balance sheet
improve the financial performance of your leasing and the acceleration of lease costs, the return on
process and portfolio. The result: significant,
assets/return on equity calculations will look worse
recurring, annual cost savings for the company
for a now-capitalized operating lease. However, it is
as a whole and a measurable, positive ROI for
important to recognize that the difference is purely
your compliance project. Thus, while these process
changes are motivated by the need to comply one of timing, which is why LvB analysis is so critical.
with the standard, it is also an investment It compares the option based on present value
in managing the company’s leasing activities analysis, removing the timing difference as a factor.
more effectively.
Why leasing will remain attractive despite
We recommend an 8-step process (page 14) the accounting changes: However, your review
that will most effectively get your entire company of leasing policies should also take into account the
into compliance with the new standard. quantitative and qualitative reasons why leasing will
remain attractive. Under the rules, the accounting
Before you start the 8-step process, it is critical to
benefits for leasing (off-balance sheet financing) will
thoroughly evaluate your company’s leasing policies
only partially recede.
because of: (1) the complexities of the new standard,
(2) the additional administrative burdens that will be
entailed, and (3) the changes that will be required.
The PV of a lease that covers less than the asset’s There are also many additional reasons why
full economic life is still less than the cost of buying companies lease, and most remain favorable
the same asset. For example, if you lease an asset per the chart below.
for 80% of its economic life, and the terms are fair,
Ultimately, companies should conduct a Lease vs.
you are only paying for 80% of the asset rather
Buy analysis for every major asset procurement
than 100%. Therefore, from a budget perspective
decision to analyze the pros and cons of the two
and on an actual cash flow basis, the amount of
scenarios to ensure that they enter into the most
the capitalized lease payments is still less than the
economical arrangement.
purchase amount.
Additional capital source, 100% Still a major benefit versus a bank loan, especially
Raise Capital financing, fixed rate, level payments, for SME & non‑investment grade lessees with
longer terms limited sources of capital
Manage assets;
Lessee has flexibility to return asset Still a benefit — if lessee can manage end of term
Residual risk transfer
Source: https://www.elfaonline.org/docs/default-source/industry-topics/accounting/leaseacctingleasebuydecisionqb07132016.pd
To help those companies that have not yet transitioned achieve compliance in an efficient and timely
fashion, we have devised an 8-Step Transition Process to guide you from creating an internal transition team
to acquiring lease accounting software that will facilitate your ongoing compliance efforts with the
lease accounting standard.
If you are an international company, the software journal entries at both the asset and summary
should be multicurrency and have the capability to levels with any account configuration.
interact with multiple ERP environments. It should
also have multi-lessor capabilities because most Once you have decided on appropriate
large companies lease from a mix of commercial software, you should configure and integrate
banks, vendor captives, and independent leasing the system for maximum efficiency. You should:
companies.This eliminates the possibility of using (a) include your organizational structure, GL
any software system offered by a single lessor coding, and other business coding; (b) set up
(often offered to clients in an effort to monopolize users, groups, and their authorizations; (c)
their leasing business). integrate the system with your single sign-on,
purchasing, accounts payable, and general
Your software provider should also have the ledger systems where appropriate; and (d) train
ability to integrate with not only your internal ERP, your stakeholders.
procurement, and asset management systems,
but also your lessors’ systems to achieve straight- STEP 3
through processing (STP). Establish a lease information database
To be absolutely sure that you have all the
You also need to be able to load any kind of asset information you need to comply with the
into the system—essentially, whatever you lease: standard, you should establish a new lease
real estate, furniture, airplanes, forklifts, water information database. Of course, you already
coolers, copiers, rail cars, pea pickers (seriously), etc. have accumulated a substantial amount of
data about your current leases. But setting up
To determine whether a particular software solution a completely new database will ensure that
is appropriate, start by giving the prospective all members of the company’s team and all
software provider a sample data set so that you departments that need the information for
can test your data in their system. Then, ascertain compliance will have it at their fingertips. This
whether or not the system can generate capital procedure will also ensure that your current
lease debits and credits for each asset, each database is completely accurate, especially if
transaction, and the portfolio as a whole. If it can’t you scrape the data from the original documents
perform these basic and essential functions, it won’t or reconcile your existing data to your original
support your transition to the lease accounting documents. Here are the steps we recommend:
requirements, and certainly won’t support long-
term compliance. The ability of your software to
• Create a master list of data elements by obtaining
easily integrate into your ERP is also important. Your all relevant reports and data from all stakeholders
software vendor should have the ability to export within your company.
expenses, and obligations in your lease portfolio. • Configure end-of-term internal and contractual
The Lease Lifecycle Automation platform that you notifications.
choose should have a library of canned reports • Develop procedures to manage the end of term
immediately available when you load your database.
In addition, you should be able to easily build your •P
ay attention to the date required to notify
own reports from scratch. The reporting should be lessors about end-of-term decisions and use
it as a marker to determine when to notify
automatically updated when you load the data and asset users.
documents for a new lease.
• Include
asset-level data and economic analysis of
end-of-term options to accelerate the decision
In addition, your software should enable you to send about lease extension.
the reports automatically to any other specified •R
equire a decision and, if necessary, a commitment,
stakeholder on a routine basis. for the return of the equipment by the deadline.
end follow-up automated notifications on the • Identify internal sources for a variety of variables,
date committed for the return of the equipment including intentions to exercise options to renew
and require the asset user to report the date the leases or options to purchase.
equipment was returned, so that you can determine
anage transactions for efficiency and the benefit of
if you owe anything to the lessor.
internal users; capture new leases as they are signed.
• Create an asset user scorecard, which measures the
end periodic notifications to asset users to test the
performance of each asset user, and distribute it to
accuracy of the data and capture changes during the
the asset users and their supervisors.
lease term.
nsure consistency of contractual terms and
STEP 6 conditions for new leases to improve the downstream
Maintain database accuracy administration and accounting process.
and completeness
In order to maintain the accuracy and completeness STEP 7
of your lease information, you must capture all Roll out the leasing process globally
new leases as they become available. Because Having completed all of the previous steps, you will
of the decentralized nature of many companies, be ready to implement the transition to the lease
this is often difficult to accomplish. One strategy accounting standard. Here are the steps in the
that has proven to be effective is to mandate that global rollout:
users around the world use a common, simple, and • Develop a launch strategy that works for your company
automated country-specific Lease vs. Buy tool that is and culture (e.g., by business unit, country, etc.).
integrated with your platform. This will allow you to • Take into account the degree of centralization /
see all of the LvB activity, such that if the outcome of decentralization within the company and with respect
to the conduct of leasing activity.
the LvB analysis is a recommendation to lease, you
can track the transaction as it moves through your • Seek to enable decentralized work and decision making
with centralized controls and reporting.
automated process. LvB is the earliest opportunity
to establish a control that enables distributed, local • Test-launch the transition roll-out with early adopters
decision making while facilitating centralized visibility. and streamline the process by incorporating the
lessons learned (e.g., 6-Sigma approach for repeatability
Here are the steps we recommend to maintain the
and scalability).
accuracy and completeness of your database:
• Train users (or train the trainers, as appropriate for
your company’s culture) on new processes, procedures,
• Gain visibility into your leasing pipeline by mandating
and tools.
a global Lease vs. Buy process and tracking lease
originations. • Communicate with all concerned to achieve universal
adoption of the processes.
• Listen to feedback and suggestions from users to • Extension assumptions with Operations
improve the processes incrementally, especially • Changes in floating rate or CPI based variable rents
concerning ease of use.
• Changes in residual guarantees
9. Expense
relating to variable lease payments to prepare deferred tax entries, as the accounting
NOT included in lease liabilities. expense may be different from the tax deductions
for those leases. You should specifically provide the
10. Income from subleases.
actual rent paid (for the tax return) and the deferred
11. Gains/losses from sale-leaseback transactions. tax accounting entry.
platform, which has a lessee accounting subledger - a FastTrack, flat fee services project that uses
pre-configured software to get up and running
that can generate debits and credits at a detailed
in 8 weeks, or a more involved and customized
asset level and/or general ledger summary level.
implementation that could run closer to 9-18
months. The more lease transactions in a company’s
Conduct a periodic review of estimates:
portfolio, the longer the transition is likely to take.
Every time the company reports earnings, you
should re-run the entire process as outlined above,
contacting internal sources to get new estimates
of key information. Then, input changes into the
system and assess any requirements for adjusting
journal entries.
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