UPFC Based Distance Relays For Protection of Transmission Systems Employing FACTS

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2456-7655
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.54
Volume 2; Issue 2; May 2018; Page No. 04-07

UPFC based distance relays for protection of transmission systems employing FACTS
Vikram Singh R Parihar
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management,
Badnera-Amravati, Maharashtra, India

This paper focuses on the application of the distance relays for the protection of transmission systems using versatile electricity
transmission controllers like the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC). Firstly, an in-depth model of the UPFC and its control is
papered and so it's integrated into the gear for the needs of accurately simulating the fault transients. The simulation results show
the impact of UPFC on the performance of a distance protection relay for various fault conditions and for various fault location.

Keywords: distance relay, FACTS controllers, grid protection, UPFC

1. Introduction wide used strategies in conductor protection [4], [5]. The most
Power transfer, in most integrated transmission systems, is principle of this method is to calculate the resistivity between
forced by transient stability, voltage stability, and power the relay and fault points; the apparent resistivity is then
stability. These constrain limit the complete utilization of compared with the relay trip characteristic to determine
accessible transmission corridors. FACTS is a technology that whether it's an inside or external fault. A typical technique of
gives the requisite corrections of transmission practicality to hard this resistivity is mistreatment power frequency parts of
completely utilize existing transmission systems and, voltage and current signals measured at the relay purpose. The
therefore, minimizes the gap between the steadiness and paper [6] has conferred some analytical results supported the
thermal limits. FACTS technology is predicated on the steady-state model of STATCOM, and have studied the
utilization of reliable high-speed power physics, advanced impact of STATCOM on a distance relay at totally different
control technology, high-octane microcomputers and powerful load levels. In [6], the voltage-source model of FACTS
analytical tools. The key feature is that the accessibility of controllers has been utilized to review the impact of FACTS
power electronic shift devices that may switch electricity at on the tripping boundaries of distance relay. All the studies
power unit levels (kV levels). The impact of FACTS clearly show that once FACTS controllers are in a faulted
controllers on transmission systems is seems to own a big loop, their voltage, and current injections can have an effect
impact on grid networks worldwide. Amongst the various on each the steady-state and transient parts in voltage and
varieties of FACTS controllers, UPFC is taken into account to current signals, and therefore the apparent resistivity seen by a
be one among the foremost effective within the control of traditional distance relay is totally different from that for a
power flow. It contains 2 succeeding gate-turn-off thyristors system without FACTS.
(GTO) based on voltage supply converters (VSCs) connected
by a dc -link electrical condenser. An exciting electrical 2. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
device connecting one VSC is organized in shunt and a The UPFC is a device which may control at the same time all
boosting electrical device linking the second VSC is inserted 3 parameters of line power flow (line resistivity, voltage and
into the conductor. By virtue of its ability to manage freely section angle). Such "new" FACTS device combines the
and severally 3 major parameters in power transmission viz. options of 2 "old” FACTS devices: The Static Synchronous
the road resistivity and therefore the magnitude and section of Compensator (STATCOM) and therefore the Static
the voltage, it provides each voltage regulation and Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC). These 2 devices are
improvement in stability. Thanks to the presence of FACTS 2 Voltage supply Inverters (VSI’s) connected severally in
controllers in a faulted loop, the voltage and current signals at shunt with the conductor through a shunt electrical device and
the relay purpose are going to be affected in each the steady serial with the conductor through a series electrical device,
state and therefore the transient state. This successively can connected to every alternative by a typical dc link together
have an effect on the performance of existing protection with storage electrical condenser.
schemes, like the space relay that is one among the terribly

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology

protected section falls below the reference price. A distance or

resistivity relay is actually A meter and operates whenever the
resistivity of the protected zone falls below a reference price.
There are 2 varieties of distance relay in use for defense of
power provide, namely;
(i)Definite-distance relay that operates instantly for fault up to
a preset distance from the relay.
(ii)Time –distance relay during which the time of operation is
Fig 1: UPFC model diagram proportional to the space of fault from the relay purpose. A
fault nearer to the relay can operate it ahead of a fault farther
The shunt electrical converter is employed for voltage far away from the relay.
regulation at the purpose of association injecting An
opportune reactive power flow into the road and to balance the
$64000 power flow changed between the series electrical
converter and therefore the conductor. The series electrical
converter is often accustomed control the $64000 And
reactive line power flow inserting an opportune voltage with a
governable magnitude and innovate series with the conductor.
Besides, the UPFC permits a secondary however necessary
perform like stability control to suppress grid oscillations Fig 2: Distance protection of line
rising the transient stability of the grid. because the want for
versatile and quick power flow controllers, like the UPFC, is 4. UPFC Transmission Lines Simulation Models
predicted to grow within the future because of the changes in In ac power systems, given the insignificant electrical storage,
the electricity markets. a mix of Static Synchronous the electrical generation and cargo should balance the least bit
Compensator (STATCOM) and a Static Synchronous Series times. To some extent, the electrical system is self-activating.
Compensator (SSSC) that are coupled via a typical dc link, to If a generation is a smaller amount than load, the voltage and
permit two-way flow of real power between the series output frequency drop, and thereby the load, goes right down to equal
terminals of the SSSC and therefore the shunt output terminals the generation minus the transmission losses. However, there
of the STATCOM, and are controlled to produce coincidental are solely some p.c margins for such a self-regulation. If the
real and reactive series line compensation without an external voltage is propped up with reactive power support, then the
electrical energy supply. The UPFC, by means that of load can go up, and consequently, the frequency can keep
angularly at liberty series voltage injection, is ready to dropping, and therefore the system can collapse. Alternately,
manage, at the same time or by selection, the conductor if there's inadequate reactive power, the system will have
voltage, impedance, and angle or, or else, the $64000 and voltage collapse. once an adequate generation is out there,
reactive power flow within the line. The UPFC can also offer active power flows from the excess generation areas to the
severally governable shunt reactive compensation. The UPFC deficit areas, and it flows through all parallel ways on the
model for conductor shown in Figure (1). market which often involve additional high-voltage and
medium-voltage lines. Often, long distances are attached
3. Distance Protection for Transmission Lines masses and generators on the manner. Presence of an outsized
The operation of the relays mentioned up to now depended range of powerful low resistivity lines on that loop. There are
upon the magnitude of current or power within the protected in truth some major and an outsized range of minor loop flows
circuit. However, there's another cluster of relays during and uneven power flows in any power gear.
which the operation is ruled by the quantitative relation of an
applied voltage to current within the protected circuit. Such
relays are known as distance or resistivity relays. In a
resistivity relay, the torsion made by a current component is
opposed by the torsion made by a voltage component. The
relay can operate once the quantitative relation V/I are but a
reference price. A system with fast resistivity relays, set to act
on impedances but or adequate to the impedances, of a district
as shown in Figure (2.3) would be tough to regulate, a fault
close to the junction of 2 sections is probably going to cause
the operation of 2 relays. The voltage component of the relay
is happy through a possible electrical device from the road to
be protected. This component of the relay is happy from
current electrical device serial with the line. The road is that
the protected zone. Beneath traditional operative conditions,
the resistivity of the protected zone is that the relay is thus
designed that it closes its contacts whenever resistivity of the
Fig 3: Simulink diagram of conductor with UPFC model

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology

Comparing the resistivity mechanical phenomenon for a phenomenon seen by the A-ground component of the system
system with UPFC and without UPFC, it's apparent that the with UPFC. From the higher than, it are often seen that each
degradation in relay performance is much worse within the the resistance and electrical phenomenon parts of the gear
case of a system using the complete UPFC and as mentioned apparent resistivity with UPFC are larger than for the system
before, this is directly attributed to the generation of an without UPFC, it's apparent that once the fault is on the left
outsized zero-sequence voltage part within the injected facet of UPFC (i.e., <100km), the apparent resistivity is seen
voltage. Here single section of the ground is taken into by the space relay is sort of identity as that for the system
account. If this zero sequence voltage part of the injected without UPFC; but, once the fault is the proper facet of UPFC,
voltage were too familiar and therefore the relaying purpose each the apparent resistance and electrical phenomenon of the
voltage was then changed, then the resistivity mechanical system with UPFC are larger than for the system without
phenomenon shifts quite near the relay conductance unit UPFC.
boundary. When each the shunt and series components work
along, the UPFC works as a whole device and its performance 5. Results & Discussion
is to each regulate the facility flow within the conductor and This section presents the results of the proposed approach
maintain the voltage at the STATCOM connecting purpose. wherein the Table 1 indicates the comparison of resistivity
Once there's a phase-to-ground fault at saying one hundred price with and without UPFC and Table 2 Comparison of
fifty metric meter, the simulation results show that the zero resistivity changes in section to section fault. The Figure 4
sequence part voltage of the UPFC is way beyond the positive shows modification of the fault position.
and negative sequence parts and this can dominate the relay
purpose voltage and so incorporates a massive impact on the Table 1: Comparison of resistivity with and without UPFC
apparent resistivity. once one section to ground fault is on the Condition Impedance Type of Fault
proper facet of UPFC, i.e., at a fault distance of one hundred Without UPFC 0.00054 L-G Fault
fifty metric meter from the relay purpose, and therefore the With UPFC 0.04 L-G Fault
desired voltage, the apparent resistivity mechanical

Table 2: Comparison of resistivity changes in section to section fault

Location of Faults 100km 125km 150km 175km 200km
Impedance 1 1.5 2 2.7 3.6

elemental issues of protective a gear using a UPFC

mistreatment distance protection.

7. Future Work
This work can be extended to identify, locate and classify
faults at remote locations using distance relays and

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