Specialization: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
Specialization: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
Specialization: Department of Education - Republic of The Philippines
This module is designed to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude in performing the
Housekeeping tasks by providing a series of learning activities to achieve the following learning
competencies: 1) Perform proper handling of trolleys and other equipment; 2) Observe proper
cleaning of tools, materials, and equipment according to standards and procedures, and 3)
Practice safekeeping practices in accordance with establishment standards.
Read the instructions below to accomplish the objectives intended for each lesson
Directions: Arrange the steps of sewing a flat button chronologically. Use numbers 1-5 to
indicate the steps. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
All property of guests must be handled properly with care and in accordance with the
establishment procedures, in your previous lessons you have learned how to launder guest’s
clothes, but what if during this process you mistakenly damage the guest clothes?
Every damage needs to be repaired responsibly. When guest items are received,
checked and sorted in the initial process it may be noted that some garments may require minor
repairs. Any item that has been identified for minor repairs will be sent to the sewing
department after washing but prior to being pressed. Minor repair includes the replacement of
missing buttons and stitching hems and are usually done free of charge. It is always wise to
keep a stock of sewing threads, zips and buttons of different styles and colors so these requests
may be met.
Large laundries may have access to their own sewing room where one or several
seamstresses work. There will need to be several different styles of sewing machines such as
straight needlework, a hemmer and an overlocked.
In this module you will learn ways of repairing guest’s clothes and linen in accordance
with the establishment standards.
First clear the loops of fluff and broken ends of threads from knit ted garments or clip
away ragged edges from machine knit fabrics. Always use a darning ball under large holes.
One common damage of clothes is when buttons were accidentally or mistakenly
removed in its place. This needs immediate repairs. Here is the simple way of sewing buttons.
All property of guests must be handled properly with care and in accordance with
the establishment procedures.
Every damage needs to be repaired responsibly.
Minor repair must be done immediately or upon the request of the guest
Repairs must be done by well trained personnel, if possible, hotels can provide it
outside the hotel.
It is always wise to keep a stock of sewing threads, zips and buttons of different
styles and colors so these requests may be met.
Directions: Arrange the steps of sewing a flat button chronologically. Use numbers 1-5 to
indicate the steps. Write your answers in your answer sheet.
I will apply…
2. 2. 7.
3. 3. 8.
4. 4.
5. 5.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.