Ideology of SRI SRI Thakur

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Ideology Of SRI SRI Thakur

The Ideology of Sri Sri Thakur in simple terms is about being and becoming. Satsang founded
by Sri Sri Thakur is a man making factory. Through His active attachment an ordinary person
can become an extra ordinary.
"Do never die, nor cause death;  but resist death to death." This seminar introduces you to
the man who roared out this extreme optimism against a backdrop of extreme violence and
sadness devouring the world. He is SREE SREE THAKUR ANUKULCHANDRA, Fulfiller the
Best of the age, whose clarion call to resist death, of all sorts, physical and spiritual, has
rejuvenated innumerable dwindling souls and awakened umpteenth slumbering minds. He, with
His life and sayings, with His own conduct and steps, has shown with great care and love how
to enjoy life, live it to the full, with all its fine scents and colours and get rid of the weeds in our
character that threaten to spoil all joy and suffocate the vitality before time. 

Being with steps to becoming with a Living Ideal at the pivot of life—that is the mantra He
wanted to infuse in us as the key to that enjoyment. Enjoyment of life, not of passions. Give a
free run to the passions, they will burn you out into a charred existence; control them tightly,
they will make you a ridiculous dwarf of a man; but adjust them properly, they will become the
very pillars of your existence. But this adjustment is impossible if there be not someone in life
who has through his normal conduct of life has successfully accomplished a meaningful
adjustment of the passions and complexes. So much so, that his every look, every movement,
every word and step appears sweet and beautiful to our senses. The six deadly complexes that
rules each human being to certain extent are:

 Lust or desire (Sanskrit: काम ्) – Kama

 Anger (Sanskrit: क्रोध ्) – Krodha
 Greed (Sanskrit: लोभ ्) – Lobha
 Pride (Sanskrit: मद्) – Mada – pride, hubris, (being possessed by)
 Fascination or attachment (Sanskrit: मोह) – Moha – delusory emotional
attachment or temptation
 Jealousy (Sanskrit: मात्सर्य) – Matsarya – envy, jealousy

In the fragrant company of such a personality the mind becomes free of all sorrows that weigh
too heavy on the soul. His company and adherence slowly makes one adjusted, that is,
beautiful in all aspects, like a piece of iron in close proximity of a strong magnet gradually
acquires magnetic properties. SREE SREE THAKUR ANUKULCHANDRA is one such man the
magnetic charm and aura of whose simple yet gorgeous personality has drawn millions towards
Him. He has denied no time-tested ancient and traditional wisdom, but presented them in a
sugarcoating of irrefutable reason from deep scientific aspects making them conducive to
present needs. He has not only sieved out the problems throttling our existence, but has also
offered solution. People, irrespective of caste, colour, creed and religion, have, during His
lifetime and after, found in Him the nearest fulfilling companion of their lives.
Thakur has touched every walk of life be it a student life, professional life, scientific life, personal
life. He has covered all aspects of life like as son or daughter, as father or mother, as husband
or wife, as friend, as citizen. Basically, how to have a balanced life so that a person does justice
all the roles that he plays in society. There is no point if someone is good in one role and
completely lacks in the other. Good human being is about balancing all the aspects of all the
roles that we all play on a daily basis.
An school certificate or university degree does not teaches us how to be a good son or how to
be a good father. The whole education is of no value if we are not good human being first. Only
active adherence to Living Ideal will make us develop in all aspects of life so that we can do
justice to all the roles of life.

This exhibition will try to unfurl the never-fading magical and inexplicable charm of this
mesmerizing personality to you so that you will be able to feel, like we all do, that He is the most
priceless asset of your life, your family, your whole existence. If you only have Him, you are the
wealthiest man in the world then! Wealthy in the riches of life. Let us walk together, hand in
hand, on the path of bliss and happiness shaking off all doubts and disbeliefs. Divinity is to be
reached here, in this very life. So, take a deep breath and then take a dip into the world of the
Lord. Fear not, you will not sink. But when you emerge, you may find yourself a changed man,
full of joy sans all worries. But before that, hearty welcome on our behalf.
Thakur’s five principle of business are:
1) To keep all the accounting daily
2) To supervise all the day’s work in detail
3) To understand the customer and be emphatic towards customer.
4) To keep own word and do not go between.
5) To keep 1/4th of the profit must be added to the reinvestment.

Dharma and Science:

Sree Sree Anukulchandra‟s view of „Dharma‟ is not same as the general concept of Dharma or
Religion - that consists of rituals, essentially faith on God, having a nonmaterialistic go of life,
etc. His view says that every man (or any living particle) first of all wants to exist in the world
and then also wants to develop. It means that - he has a tremendous desire of being and
becoming. So, best method to fulfill the desire of this life and growth is „Dharma‟ i.e. the science
of being and becoming is Dharma. So who exists he certainly follows Dharma, but his way of
following it, accordingly leads him towards the height of achievements. Modern applied science
is evolving due to the desire of better existence of life i.e. due to Dharma. Hence Dharma is in
progress since the beginning of life and science started since the beginning of human
civilization. Thus by following of „Dharma‟ - all the successes have taken place in socio-cultural
and the scientific-technological development and in future due to Dharma (desire of
BeingBecoming) this will continue. The best demonstrator of Dharma is he who demonstrated
the best technique of adjustment of human complexes which is advantageous to being and
becoming. In fact they are called Prophets of humanity or Aryan Seers or World teachers as
Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ramakrishna, etc. They had done such for whole world
according to the socio-cultural situation of the corresponding ages. So there is no difference
among them in terms of philosophical concept of life.

Materialism and Spiritualism:

As Dharma and science are interrelated, similarly it was found that Materialism and Spiritualism
are also interdependent as matter is the condensed form of energy. So energy is the spirit of
matter. Spiritual way is - the cause-finding go of life with realization of the fact along with un-
repelling adherence to the master-man of life. And Material way is - the analytical reasoning and
progress towards the root of fact by manipulating all to be and become. So without spiritualism
materialism can‟t exist properly, in other words – one can‟t be successful in the material world
without being a follower of spiritual way of life. By applying the technique of spirituality on the
human body and making it sensitive; one can realize the truth of nature and his relationship with
the greater environment, because he has been evolved from the same ingredients by which the
universe is made. So normally he develops love, sympathy, co-operation, and other human
qualities from within and thus also discovers techniques of success in material life. Sree Sree
Anukulchandra says - “Spirit is that which makes the matter materially stay from behind of it.
Matter has fine to finer stages. As we go ahead, we find finer layers……………condensed form
of energy (spirit) is matter.” According to him „to know God‟ is „to unfold the cause of the
events‟. Hence the process of searching through realization of the material interrelationship of
different layers of the universal eco-system is the science of spirituality. In his view – who knows
the secret of this mechanism of macrocosmic ecology and who also can manipulate that
science for better existence – may be called „Human God‟.

Five Principles of Sri Sri Thakur:

1. Istabhrity ( Developing the gratitude)

2. JAJAN ( achieving the inner peace)

3. JAAJAN ( Attitude and behavioral aspects)

4. Swastayani ( We are what we eat)

5. Sadachar (healthy mind and body)

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