Dia 4 HIIT Abs

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Día 4 - HIIT & Abs View online

25 min · Abs, Legs

Cardio - Walking Dead Bug Jumping Jacks

1 min 3 sets 35 secs 30 sec rest 1 sets 20 secs

Warm up by walking even if its inside your
room - Calienta andando aunque sea en tu

Alternate Heel Touchers Burpees Crab Toe Touches

3 sets 35 secs 30 sec rest 1 sets 20 secs 3 sets 35 reps 30 sec rest

Side Plank Jumping Jacks Bicycles

3 sets 35 secs 30 sec rest 1 sets 20 secs 3 sets 35 secs 30 sec rest

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DíA 4 - HIIT & ABS View online

Cobra Abdominal Stretch

3 sets 30 secs 15 sec rest

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Cardio - Walking

Primary muscle group(s):

Calves, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

Glutes & Hip Flexors

After following a thorough warm-up session, stand tall on a walkway, treadmill, or other
walkable area. Make sure that your chest is up, core is braced, shoulders are back, and
gaze is straight ahead.

Begin by placing your left foot forward then shifting your hips to move the right leg
forward. Continue this back and forth motion at a pace that is ideal for you.

You may also want to include small weights or a grip strengthener during your walks.
Remember to maintain perfect form throughout the walk. Avoid slouching.

Dead Bug

Primary muscle group(s):


Lie on your back. Extend hands straight above towards the ceiling. Bring your knees up
to a 90-degree angle. Shins should be parallel to the floor. Exhale and bring hips off the

Begin by extending one leg forward. The foot should be hovering just above the

Pause then return the leg to it’s starting position while extending the opposing leg.
Keep alternating legs while maintaining a tight core.

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Jumping Jacks / Star Jumps

Primary muscle group(s):

Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps

Abs, Calves, Hamstrings, Shoulders

Stand with your feet together, arms fully extended with your hands by your sides. This is
the start position.

Bend your knees slightly then straighten and push through the balls of your feet while
straightening your your knees to jump up spreading your legs to wider than hip width

As you do so, raise both arms out and up in a smooth arc until your hands meet above
your head.

As you return to the ground, bring your feet together and your hands back to your sides
with your arms fully extended.

Continue without pause for the desired amount of time or repetitions.

This exercise can be performed as a timed exercise, completing as many reps as

possible in a set time or, in sets with a fixed number of repetitions per set. To increase
intensity, bend your arms slightly as you raise them to engage your biceps and triceps
and squeezing them during each rep.

Alternate Heel Touchers / Lying Oblique Reach

Primary muscle group(s):



Lie on an exercise mat, with your back flat, knees bent and your feet flat on the floor
slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

Fully exend your arms down the side of your body, palms facing in. This is the start

Exhaling, crunch your torso forward and to the right until you can touch your right heel
with your right hand. Hold for a count of one.

return to the starting position smooth motion, inhaling as you do so.

Repeat the movement, this time to your left side.

When you have completed the movement on both sides, you have done one


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Burpees / Squat Thrusts

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Glutes & Hip Flexors

Chest, Shoulders

Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. This is the
start position.

In one smooth motion, squat down and place your hands palms down on the floor in
front of your feet.

Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands, at the same time jumping your legs out
behind you until they are fully extended. Your body should form a straight line with your
weight supported on your toes and the balls of your feet and your arms fully extended.
(In a push up position)

Jump your feet out by spreading your legs, so that they are wider than hip width apart,
then immediately jump them back together.

Complete 1 full push up.

Jump your feet forward to just behind your hands.

Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and return to the start postion.


Crab Toe Touches

Primary muscle group(s):

Hamstrings, Lower Back, Quadriceps, Shoulders, Upper Back & Lower Traps

Abs, Calves, Obliques

Sit on the floor with your feet in front of you and hands behind.you. Your fingers can be
pointed towards the side or behind you. With your feet on the floor, lift your hips
skyward. Pause when your body is parallel with the floor.

Focusing on contracting the core first, bring your right hand up while simultaneously
lifting your left leg up. Touch your right hand to your left toes.

Slowly return to the elevated position and switch sides. Bring your left hand to your
right toes. Keep alternating back and forth.

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Side Plank

Primary muscle group(s):



Lie on your side on an exercise mat.

Fully extend your legs with one resting on top of the other.

Fully extend the top arm down the side of your body.

Bend the arm at floor level to 90 degrees. Your upper arm should be parallel to your
body, while your forearm is at 90 degrees. This is the start position.

Lift your body off the ground and balance on your forearm and the side of your foot,
while keeping your body in a straight line.

Contract your abdominal muscles and relax your shoulders.

Continue breathing throughout the whole exercise.

Hold this position for as long as you can.

Relax and change sides.


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Jumping Jacks / Star Jumps

Primary muscle group(s):

Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps

Abs, Calves, Hamstrings, Shoulders

Stand with your feet together, arms fully extended with your hands by your sides. This is
the start position.

Bend your knees slightly then straighten and push through the balls of your feet while
straightening your your knees to jump up spreading your legs to wider than hip width

As you do so, raise both arms out and up in a smooth arc until your hands meet above
your head.

As you return to the ground, bring your feet together and your hands back to your sides
with your arms fully extended.

Continue without pause for the desired amount of time or repetitions.

This exercise can be performed as a timed exercise, completing as many reps as

possible in a set time or, in sets with a fixed number of repetitions per set. To increase
intensity, bend your arms slightly as you raise them to engage your biceps and triceps
and squeezing them during each rep.

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Bicycles / Elbow-to-Knee Crunches / Cross-body Crunches

Primary muscle group(s):

Abs, Obliques

Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps

Lie flat on an exercise mat on the floor keeping your lower back straight with no arching
of your spine and with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Place your hands lightly on the sides of your head.

Curl your torso upwards so your shoulders are slightly raised off the floor..

Raise your knees until your thighs are at a right angle to the floor and your calves are
parallel to the floor. This is the start position.

Slowly move your legs in a pedaling action as if you are riding a bicycle.

As you do so, exhale and bring your opposing elbow close to each knee by crunching to
one side. Left elbow to right knee. Right elbow to left knee.

After each crunch, return to the start position inhaling as you do so.

Without pausing, repeat the movement to the other side.

Repeat without pausing for the desired number of repetitions to each side.

Do not use your hands to pull your head and neck up during this exercise. Doing so
may cause injury. Concentrate on a slow rhythmic cycle from side to side with perfect
form for each repetition.

Cobra Abdominal Stretch / Old Horse Stretch

Primary muscle group(s):


Lower Back

Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders.

Point your feet downwards to lengthen your spine.

Slowly push your torso up as far as you comfortably can – try to get your hips to rise off
the floor slightly.

Hold the stretch and then lower down to starting position.

Avoid this stretch if you have back problems.

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Lucia Lopez · Marbella

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