Safety Data Sheet: I. Identification
Safety Data Sheet: I. Identification
Safety Data Sheet: I. Identification
IV. FIRST AID EYE CONTACT Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes. It is also recommended to have medical personnel check your eyes
MEASURES afterwards.
SKIN CONTACT Remove severely contaminated clothing immediately and flush skin with large amounts of water until irritation subsides. If
irritation persists, get medical attention.
INHALATION Remove to fresh air and if not breathing, give mouth to mouth resuscitation. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician.
INGESTION Do not induce vomiting. Keep rest. Get prompt medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
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VI. ACCIDENTAL Provide maximum ventilation. Personal protection should be used. Remove all sources of ignition. Contain spilled liquid with sand or earth. Avoid
RELEASE runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Take up spilled material with vermiculite, dry sand. (Don't use organic material to take
MEASURES up or wipe for example: sawdust, cotton cloth or paper which cause fire by spontaneous chemical reaction with air and paint and organic materials)
and place in a disposal container.
VIII. EXPOSURE The face, eyes, head, hands, and all other exposed parts of the bodies of employees handling paints shall be protected. All footwear shall be non-
CONTROLS / sparking, such as rubbers, rubber boots or rubber soled shoes without nails. Coveralls or other outer clothing shall be of cotton. Rubber, rather than
PERSONAL plastic, gloves shall be used because of the danger of static sparks.
PROTECTION No matches, lighted cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, and no cigarette lighters or ferrous articles shall be taken into the area where work is being done. All
employees continuously in a compartment in which painting is being performed shall be protected by air line respirators in accordance with the
requirements of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and by suitable protective clothing. Employees entering such compartments
for a limited time shall be protected by filter cartridge type respirators in accordance with the requirements of the OSHA. All employees doing exterior
paint spraying shall be protected by suitable filter cartridge type respirators in accordance with the requirements of the OSHA and by suitable
protective clothing.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling it. Thoroughly wash the hands with soap and water before meals and at the end of the work shift.
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ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, skin and/or eye contact.
SYMPTOMS: Irritation of eyes, skin, mucous membrane; cough, sneezing, rhinorrhea (discharge of thin nasal mucus); lacrimation (discharge of
TARGET ORGANS: Eyes, skin, respiratory system
ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SKIN CORROSION / IRRITATION: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE / EYE IRRITATION: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
RESPIRATORY / SKIN SENSITIZATION: Respiratory sensitization: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
Skin sensitization: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
GERM CELL MUTAGENICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
CARCINOGENICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
EFFECTS ON OR VIA LACTATION: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - SINGLE EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - REPEATED EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
ASPIRATION HAZARD: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
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2,2,4-trimethyl-1-[(2-methylpropanoyl)oxy]pentan-3-yl 2-methylpropanoate
ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation, skin and/or eye contact and by ingestion.
SYMPTOMS: Skin irritation.
ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
SKIN CORROSION / IRRITATION: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE / EYE IRRITATION: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for
RESPIRATORY / SKIN SENSITIZATION: Respiratory sensitization: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not
sufficient for classification.
Skin sensitization: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
GERM CELL MUTAGENICITY: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
CARCINOGENICITY: Classification is not possible since the available data were conclusive but not sufficient for classification.
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: Classified as Category 2 based on the following evidences: there was a statistically significant decrease in the total
number of implants, reduced litter weights on postnatal days 0 and 4, and increased mortality in the offspring on postnatal day 4 through oral
EFFECTS ON OR VIA LACTATION: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - SINGLE EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible because the available data were insufficient to
warrant a classification.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - REPEATED EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible because the available data were insufficient to
warrant a classification.
ASPIRATION HAZARD: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
ROUTES OF EXPOSURE: The substance can be absorbed into the body by inhalation and by ingestion.
INHALATION RISK: No indication can be given about the rate in which a harmful concentration in the air is reached on evaporation of this
substance at 20°C.
SYMPTOMS: (INHALATION) Cough. Sore throat. (SKIN) Redness. Pain. (EYES) Redness. Pain. Severe deep burns. (INGESTION)
Abdominal pain. Burning sensation.
EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE: The substance is corrosive to the eyes. The substance is severely irritating to the skin. The aerosol
is irritating to the respiratory tract.
EFFECTS OF LONG-TERM OR REPEATED EXPOSURE: The substance may have effects on the liver when ingested.
ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY: Classified as Category 5 for the reason that the acute oral LD50 of mouse was calculated as 2,150 mg/kg and the LD50
of rat was calculated as 2,900 mg/kg which is considered to be of low toxicity.
ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY: There was neither mortality nor toxicity when rabbits were exposed to 2,000 mg of the substance for every
kilogram body weight of the test animals. Consequently, it is assumed that the acute dermal LD50 of rabbits is greater than 2,000 mg/kg body
weight which is set as out of category, thus, it is not classified.
ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SKIN CORROSION / IRRITATION: Based on five daily applications of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol to the shaved abdomen of rabbits, it is
considered to be irritating to the skin. Hence, it is classified as Category 2 (Skin irritant).
SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE / EYE IRRITATION: In two studies of the eye irritation potential of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol in rabbits, 2-amino-2-
methyl-1-propanol was applied to the eyes of 6 rabbits. In one study, the eyes were flushed with water 15 to 30 seconds post application, in the
second study the eyes were not flushed with water. 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol caused severe damage to the eyes and flushing almost
immediately with water appeared to have little beneficial effect. The damage caused by 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol appears likely to be due to
the high pH rather than any other type of chemical damage. It is classified as Category 1 Eye irritant (Irreversible damage on the eyes).
RESPIRATORY / SKIN SENSITIZATION: Respiratory sensitization: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
Skin sensitization: 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol was a non-sensitizer in the topical sensitization test in guinea pigs, under the Buehler test
GERM CELL MUTAGENICITY: Gene mutation tests according to the following guidelines OECD Guideline 476 (In vitro Mammalian Cell Gene
Mutation Test), OECD Guideline 471 (Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay), OECD Guideline 474 (Mammalian Erythrocyte Micronucleus Test) were
concluded to be negative for genotoxicity, wherefore, it is not classified.
CARCINOGENICITY: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: According to OECD Guideline 421 (Reproduction / Developmental Toxicity Screening Test), oral exposure of CD-
rats to 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol had no effects on mating or conception. Liver effects in females at 100 mg/kg/day and higher, increased post-
implantation loss at 300 mg/kg/day and higher.
Based on OECD Guideline 414 (Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study), dermal administration of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol no statistically
Page 4 of 6 significant differences in the incidence of any foetal alteration (malformation or variation) in any of the treated groups, as compared to the control.
There were no external foetal alternations observed. Any reported findings were sporadic in nature, and were not considered toxicologically
relevant or treatment related. From these data, 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol is considered to be out of category.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - SINGLE EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
SPECIFIC TARGET ORGAN TOXICITY - REPEATED EXPOSURE: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
ASPIRATION HAZARD: Classification is not possible due to lack of data.
XII. ECOLOGICAL This has the potential to be toxic in environments. Do not leak or waste in the environments without adequate waste disposal handling.
XIII. DISPOSAL Empty containers and material (including waste thinner for cleaning and flushing of containers or application equipment) must be disposed in
CONSIDERATION accordance with government and local environmental control regulations.
Do not heat or cut empty container with electric or gas torch because due to residue.
XV. REGULATORY Philippines Inventory of All components of this product are registered in the Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances
INFORMATION Chemicals and Chemical (PICCS).
Substances (PICCS)
TSCA Inventory List All components of this product are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory.
Montreal Protocol No component of this product is listed on the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
Stockholm Convention No component of this product is listed on the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Rotterdam Convention No component of this product is listed on the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for
Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade.
The information herein is given in good faith but we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist. Final
determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards
and should be used with caution.
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