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Cat Drytype Trans

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Steps for SelecƟng Transformers ……………………………………………………………………….. 2
ConstrucƟon, Approvals, TesƟng, and OpƟons …………………………………………………… 3
Rex Power MagneƟcs, Standard SpeciĮcaƟons ……………………………………………………………………………………... 4
established in 1972 is an ISO 9001 Transformer Terms and DeĮniƟons ……………………………………………………………………. 5
registered leading manufacturer Single-Phase IsolaƟon Transformers…………………………………………………………………….6
of CSA cerƟĮed and UL listed Three-Phase IsolaƟon Transformers…………………………………………………………………….7 & 8
custom dry type Transformers. Three-Phase Autotransformers ………………………………………………………………………….. 9 & 10
Rex is driven by technology, Encapsulated Type Transformers ………………………………………………………………………..11 & 12
innovaƟon, and customer Green Star Transformers …………….……………………………………………………………………...13
service, and has a track record of ElectrostaƟcally Shielded Type Transformers …………………………………………………….. 14
sustained proĮtable growth. K-Factor Rated Transformers for Non-Linear Loads …………………………………………....15
With a central and integrated
Drive IsolaƟon Type Transformers (DIT’s) ………………………………………………………….. 16
engineering, manufacturing, and
Other Common ConĮguraƟons and Wiring Diagrams ………………………………………… 17
customer service facility located
just north of Toronto, Ontario, General Terms and CondiƟons …….………………………………………………………………………17
Canada, and warehouses Rapid Response QuotaƟon Fax Sheet ……………………………………………………………...... 18
throughout Canada and the
United States, the company CATALOG NUMBERING SYSTEM
oīers a broad range of dry type
power magneƟc products to B C 300 J
markets throughout North
- M / S1 /... / E3R / Z2
America and internaƟonally.
The Rex product line includes
kVA Eĸciency Level
custom designed specialty
transformers, Power Transformers C - Copper Windings
up to 15 MVA and 35,000 Volts, A - Aluminum Windings Special Requirement Codes
distribuƟon transformers,
reactors, autotransformers, control R – 3-Phase Autotransformer
and machine tool transformers, M – 1-Phase Autotransformer Secondary Voltage DesignaƟon
custom enclosures, custom cut B – 3-Phase IsolaƟon/DistribuƟon
electrical steel cores, and other S – 1-Phase IsolaƟon/DistribuƟon
power magneƟc products and D – 3-Phase Drive IsolaƟon Primary Voltage DesignaƟon
services. Supported by considerable
and sustained investment in
research and development,
Primary and Secondary Voltage LeƩer Codes: Special Requirement Codes:
new and automated equipment,
A – 120 E – 347 J1 – 575 50 – 50 Cycles (Hz)
and eĸcient processes Rex Power
MagneƟcs conƟnually expands
A1 – 115 F – 380 J2 – 550 Other frequencies also available
and enhances its product and A2 – 110 G – 416 K – 120/240 E – Special Enclosure
service oīering. B – 208 G1 – 400 K1 – 115/230 EP – Encapsulated Transformer (page 11, 12)
C – 240 H – 480 K2 – 110/220 K – K-Factor Rated (K4, K13, K20 or other)
We pride ourselves: Įrstly in our
C1 – 230 H1 – 460 L – 240/480 M – Special MounƟng Brackets
superior delivery responsiveness
C2 – 220 H2 – 440 L1 – 230/460 P – Special Paint
supported by our passion for
customer service and our verƟcally D – 277 J – 600 L2 – 220/440 S – ElectrostaƟc Shield (see page 14)
integrated in-house design, T – Special Temperature Rise
manufacture, and tesƟng M – 208Y/120 P1 – 460Y/266 R – 380Y/220 For an unlisted requirement, use ‘X’
capabiliƟes; and secondly in our N – 416Y/240 P2 – 440Y/254 S – 240Y/139
Technology leadership supported N1 – 400Y/231 Q – 600Y/347 S1 – 230Y/133 Eĸciency Level:
by our industry leading R&D eīort, P – 480Y/277 Q1 – 575Y/332 S2 – 220Y/127
engineering experƟse, technical
For applicable models only:
Q2 – 550Y/318 Z – Standard eĸciency (CSA C802.2, NEMA TP-1)
competence, and manufacturing
know-how. Z2 – Green Star Premium (CSL-2 eĸciency)
For an unlisted voltage, use ‘X’ Z3 – Green Star Ultra Premium (CSL-3)
For special requirements:
use ‘Z2+’ for NEMA Premium Equivalent
or ‘X’ for other requirements
Line currents (in Amperes) at rated single phase voltage
kVA 120 V 240 V 480 V 600 V
1. Determine primary or supply voltage
2. Select secondary or load voltage 1 8.3 4.2 2.1 1.7
3. Verify single phase operaƟon 2 16.7 8.3 4.2 3.3
4. Standard transformers are suitable for operaƟon on a 3 25.0 12.5 6.3 5.0
60 Hz (hertz, or cycle) system. Refer to our engineering
department for other frequencies. 5 41.7 20.8 10.4 8.3
5. Determine kVA raƟng of load. Select a transformer 7.5 62.5 31.3 15.6 12.5
having a standard kVA raƟng equal to or greater than 10 83.3 41.7 20.8 16.7
that required by the load.
15 125.0 62.5 31.3 25.0
6. Select autotransformer or double-wound isolaƟon
type. Formula for calculaƟng single phase kVA: 25 208.0 104.0 52.1 41.7
37.5 313.0 156.0 78.0 62.5
(Volts x Amps) 50 417.0 208.0 104.0 83.3
kVA1ø =
1000 75 625.0 313.0 156.0 125.0
100 833.0 417.0 208.0 167.0
150 1250.0 625.0 313.0 250.0

Transformer raƟng for motor H.P.

Motor H.P. up to 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10
Actual KVA Required 1.16 1.9 2.30 2.76 3.92 6.45 9.23 11.5
Closest Standard KVA 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 15.0

Line currents (in Amperes) at rated three phase voltage

KVA 208V 240V 480V 600V
1. Determine primary or supply voltage
2. Select secondary or load voltage 3 8.3 7.2 3.6 2.9
3. Verify three phase operaƟon 6 16.6 14.4 7.2 5.8
4. Standard transformers are suitable for operaƟon on a 9 25.0 21.7 10.7 8.7
60 Hz (hertz, or cycle) system. Refer to our engineering
department for other frequencies. 15 41.7 36.1 18.1 14.5
5. Determine kVA raƟng of load. Select a transformer 30 83.4 72.3 36.1 28.9
having a standard kVA raƟng equal to or greater than 45 125 108 54.2 43.4
that required by the load.
75 208 181 90.3 72.3
6. Select autotransformer or double-wound isolaƟon
type. Formula for calculaƟng single phase kVA: 112.5 313 271 135 108
150 417 361 181 145
(Volts x Amps x 1.73) 225 625 542 271 217
kVA3ø =
1000 300 834 723 361 289

Transformer raƟng for motor H.P.

Motor H.P. up to 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25
Actual KVA Required 2.4 3.42 5.73 8.4 10.3 15 19.8 24.4
Closest Standard KVA 3.0 6.0 6.0 9.0 15 15 30 30



• All Rex three-phase transformers ulize three-legged Rex transformers are manufactured with insulang
cores. materials complying with CSA Winding Insulaon System
• Only high quality grain oriented silicon steel is used. Class 220 as follows:
• Core steel is precision cut and stacked for reduced Maximum acceptable Average windings temperature
noise and losses. temperature rise based on (Measured by rise of resistance) 150 °C
• Cores are clamped with heavy steel brackets. an average ambient of 30°C
during any 24 h period and a Hoest spot temperature rise
maximum ambient of 40°C 180 °C
COILS at any me.

Altude not to exceed

• All coil windings are of high quality magnet wire 1000 m (3000 ).
Maximum acceptable windings
temperature 220 °C
(copper or aluminum are available).
• Class 220°C insulaon is ulized throughout the coil Class 220 is the highest insulaon level recognized by the
winding process. transformer industry.
• All Rex transformers are designed with substanal
cooling ducts for eecve cooling. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND TESTING
• Every coil is impregnated and baked in polyester resin
Rex Power Magnecs produces and tests all products in
full compliance with the requirements of CSA Z299.3 and
• Standard ±5% or ±2 x 2.5% taps are provided on all ISO 9001 quality assurance programs. All Rex Power
isolaon type transformers. Magnecs transformers are tested as per the requirements
of CSA standard C9 M1981.
• Standard enclosures are constructed of heavy gauge
steel. Enclosures: NEMA and CSA
• Venlaon openings are arranged so that each Type 2: Venlated, indoor, drip proof (Rex standard)
standard enclosure is suitable for either NEMA or CSA Type 3R: Venlated, indoor or outdoor, weather resistant,
Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3R applicaons. sprinkler proof when the angle between sprinkler
• All enclosures are designed to minimize the possibility heads and opening does not exceed 45 degrees
of accidental contact with live parts and to restrict the from vercal
access of falling parcles into the transformer. Type 4: Non venlated, indoor or outdoor, waterght
• All Rex standard enclosures are nished in ASA 61 (protecon against splashing and hose directed water)
grey powder coang. Type 12: Non venlated indoor industrial dust-ght and
drip proof
UL APPROVAL • Epoxy impregnated windings
Rex transformers are UL Listed File No. E108255.
• Epoxy cast coil designs
• 50 Hz designs (or other frequencies when specied)
CSA APPROVAL • Any non standard voltage
• Special conguraons: delta-delta, zig-zag, others
Rex transformers are manufactured in accordance with • Special impedance designs
the requirements of CSA Standard C22.2 No.47 and cered • Temperature sensing devices
under File No. LR34493. • Mulple windings
• Special tap arrangements
OPTIONAL TESTS AVAILABLE • Low-audible-noise designs
• Temperature Rise test • Tropicalizaon
• Paral Discharge (Corona) test • Special paint available upon request
• Basic Insulaon Impulse (BIL) test • An-vibraon pads (all transformers have standard
• Sound Level test internal vibraon isolators, external pads are available)
• Lightning and surge arrestors
• Non-sinusoidal load designs


ASA 61 powder coated enclosure suitable

for NEMA 1, 2, and 3R applicaƟons

LiŌing eyes

Stacked silicon
steel core

Ground lug
Floor mounƟng Concealed
brackets venƟlaƟon

Ground Compression type

Strap terminals Al/Cu
Low voltage


Cooling ducts

High temperature insulaƟon

OpƟonal electrostaƟc shield

High voltage
Heavy steel bolted
core clamps
Ambient Temperature: The temperature of the atmosphere to load current, stray loss due to stray Ňuxes in the windings,
surrounding a transformer installaƟon. core clamps, general construcƟon, and Įnally to circulaƟng
Autotransformer: A transformer which has only one winding currents in parallel windings.
per phase, part of which is common to both the primary and No-Load Losses: The losses incurred when a transformer is
secondary circuits. excited without a load connected to the secondary. These
Control Transformer: OŌen referred to as an Industrial include core loss, dielectric loss, and exciƟng current I²R loss.
Control Transformer. A transformer which is designed for Polarity: A designaƟon of the relaƟve instantaneous direcƟon
good voltage regulaƟon characterisƟcs when large inrush of the current in a secondary lead as compared with a primary
currents are drawn (5 to 15 Ɵmes normal) and low power lead.
factor loads are connected. Power Factor: The relaƟonship of waƩs to volt amps in a
Delta (ѐ): A standard three-phase connecƟon in which each circuit.
phase winding is connected in series to form a closed loop. RaƟo: A reference to either the primary to secondary windings
Dielectric Test: A series of tests conducted at voltages that turns-raƟo or to the voltage raƟo of the transformer.
are much higher than the nameplate raƟng, to determine the Reactor: A device for introducing inducƟve reactance into a
eīecƟveness of the insulaƟng materials and electrical circuit.
RecƟĮer Transformer: A transformer designed to supply AC
ElectrostaƟc Shield: A grounded conducƟve sheet (usually input to a recƟĮer to obtain the desired DC output and have
copper) placed between primary and secondary windings, the ability to withstand the heaƟng eīects caused by recƟĮer
which prevents electrical interference and provides addiƟonal commutaƟon or ripple.
ScoƩ ConnecƟon: A transformer connecƟon usually used to
ExcitaƟon Current (No-Load Current): The current which obtain a two-phase output from secondary of a transformer
Ňows in any winding used to excite the transformer when all with a three-phase input to the primary, or vice versa.
other windings are open-circuited.
Step-Down Transformer: One in which the high voltage
Frequency: On AC circuits, designates number of Ɵmes that winding is connected to the input or power source and the low
polarity alternates from posiƟve to negaƟve. Eg. 60 Hz (cycles voltage winding to the output or load.
per second).
Step-Up Transformer: A transformer in which the low voltage
Hertz (Hz): A term for AC frequency in cycles per second. winding is connected to the power source or input and the
Transformers rated for 60 hertz service should not be applied high voltage winding is connected to the output load.
to 50 hertz, as overheaƟng will occur. Certain transformers
are rated 50/60 hertz and therefore suitable for either Tap: A connecƟon provided in a transformer winding used to
frequency. change the normal voltage raƟo of the transformer. Taps are
usually placed on the high voltage winding to correct for high
Hi Pot: A standard dielectric test to check insulaƟng materials or low voltage condiƟons found on the low voltage output
and clearances between windings and ground. side. Taps are expressed as either full capacity above normal
Impulse Tests: The test employed to determine Basic (FCAN) or full capacity below normal (FCBN).
InsulaƟon Level (BIL). T-ConnecƟon: A ScoƩ-connected three phase transformer
Impedance: The vector sum of resistance and reactance which uƟlizing two primary and two secondary coils called the main
limits the current Ňow in an AC circuit. Impedance is idenƟĮed and teaser coils.
as a percentage and used to determine the interrupƟng Temperature Rise: The temperature increase over ambient
capacity of circuit breakers that protect the primary circuit. due to load. This is measured as either average rise by
Induced PotenƟal Test: A standard dielectric test which resistance or as hot-spot.
veriĮes the integrity of insulaƟng materials and electrical Thermals: Over-temperature protecƟon devices.
clearances between turns and layers of a transformer winding.
Volt-Amperes: An expression of the power output raƟng of a
IsolaƟng Transformer: A transformer which insulates the transformer. The current Ňowing in a circuit mulƟplied by the
primary circuit from secondary circuit. voltage of that circuit.
kVA: Kilo Volt Ampere raƟng designates the power output Wye (Y) ConnecƟon: A three-phase connecƟon in which similar
which a transformer can deliver at rated voltage and frequency ends of each phase winding are connected together at a
without exceeding a speciĮed temperature rise. common point which forms the electrical neutral and is oŌen
Load Losses: The losses in a transformer incident to load grounded.
carrying. Load losses include “I²R loss” in the windings due


APPLICATION • Primary windings have full capacity taps for supply

voltage compensaƟons and split secondaries
IsolaƟon transformers should be used on all systems that for Ňexibility.
require grounding on the load. • Class 220 insulaƟon used throughout.
• CSA cerƟĮed, File No. LR 34493
Rex single-phase distribuƟon transformers are ideal for
• UL listed, File No. E108255
supplying auxiliary lighƟng circuits from 600 V and lower
supplies, and electric heaƟng equipment.

• General purpose venƟlated steel enclosure suitable

for indoor, dry locaƟons. AŌer fabricaƟon, all metal is 5 kVA
Įnished in ASA 61 grey power coaƟng suitable for
most industrial and commercial installaƟons. X1
X3 X2
• Transformers up to 75 KVA capacity may be readily
H1 H2
hung on H-columns, walls, shelves or Ňoor mounted
to suit each installaƟon. Most units have liŌing lugs,
conduit Knock-Outs (Kos) and a removable front 1 2 3 3 2 1
cover for convenient access to terminals. 7.5 kVA
• Transformers rated above 75 KVA are suitable for
Ňoor or plaƞorm mounƟng and complete with X1
X3 X2
integral liŌing lugs and removable front panels for
convenient access to terminals. H1 H2

• Transformers terminaƟons rated below 330 Amps are

supplied with suitable hardware and lugs for cable
connecƟon. TerminaƟons above 330 Amps are supplied 10 kVA 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1

with terminal pads only. and up

SC - Copper windings or
X3 X2
SA - Aluminum windings X1 X4
See Catalogue Numbering System on page 1

VOLTAGE 600 - 120/240 480 - 120/240

kVA Cat. No. Cat. No Taps Encl. Size * WT. (lb.)
5 SC5J-K SC5H-K ±1x5% 2 80
7.5 SC7J-K SC7H-K ±1x5% 4 120
10 SC10J-K SC10H-K ±2x2.5% 4 140
15 SC15J-K/Z SC15H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 4 160
25 SC25J-K/Z SC25H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 6 220
37.5 SC37.5J-K/Z SC37.5H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 6 325
50 SC50J-K/Z SC50H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 6 370
75 SC75J-K/Z SC75H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 7 540
100 SC100J-K/Z SC100H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 8 720
150 SC150J-K/Z SC150H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 9 1050
167 SC167J-K/Z SC167H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 9 1180
250 SC250J-K/Z SC250H-K/Z ±2x2.5% 9 1370
* For enclosure dimensions refer to table on following page.



Designed for installaƟon in hotels, schools, factories, as 3 kVA 6 to 9 kVA
well as industrial and commercial buildings where a reliable H2 X2
power source is required for lighƟng and other low voltage 3
1 H2

equipment and machinery. Indoor and outdoor installaƟon X0

is possible depending on the enclosure. X1
H1 H3 X3

FEATURES 1 2 3 H3 X3

15 to 150 kVA 225 and 300 kVA

• Using Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques and H2
modern materials, Rex engineers have created a range 3
1 H2
6 5

of highly eĸcient transformers having long trouble-free

4 3
5 2 1

5 1

life with reduced weight, size, and cost.

4 3 4
2 X0
5 6 X0
H1 1

• VenƟlaƟon openings in the enclosure are coordinated X1 H1 H3

with the cooling ducts in the coils to ensure proper
1 234 5 64 2 1 35

natural circulaƟon of the cooling air for long life and

The conĮguraƟons above are the most common, however
minimum losses.
the coils can be wound with a wide variety of connecƟons,
• General-purpose venƟlated steel enclosure, suitable tap arrangements, phase shiŌs, and mulƟple windings.
for indoor locaƟons. AŌer fabricaƟon, they are Įnished
in ASA 61 grey powder coaƟng, suitable for most
industrial and commercial installaƟons.
• CSA cerƟĮed, File No. LR34493.
• UL listed, File No. E108255.
• Transformers up to 75 kVA capacity may be readily
hung on H-columns, walls , shelves or Ňoor mounted
to suit each installaƟon. All units have liŌing lugs,
conduit KOs and a removable front cover for
convenient access to terminals.
• Transformers rated 112.5 –300 kVA capacity are
suitable for Ňoor or plaƞorm mounƟng and complete
with integral liŌing lugs, a removable top, as well
as front and rear panels for convenient access to
the terminals.
• Class 220 insulaƟon used throughout range
• Transformer terminaƟons rated below 330 Amps
are supplied with suitable hardware and lugs for
cable connecƟon. TerminaƟons above 330 Amps
are supplied with terminal pads only. ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS
Size No. Length Depth Height
0 9.50 7.00 8.00
1 12.00 9.00 9.50
2 11.00 11.00 14.00
3 15.50 11.00 14.00
4 15.75 16.00 21.00
5 20.50 16.00 21.00
6 20.50 20.75 26.50
7 24.50 21.75 31.50
8 30.75 29.75 31.75
9 40.00 38.00 45.75
10 46.00 50.00 64.50

0 - No taps ± 2.5% FC
1 - ± 5% FC ± 5% FC


600 208Y120 3 BC3J-M 0 60 3 85 39
6 BC6J-M 1 4 130 59
9 BC9J-M 1 4 143 65
15 BC15J-M/Z 2 5 188 85
30 BC30J-M/Z 2 6 290 132
45 BC45J-M/Z 2 6 360 163
75 BC75J-M/Z 2 7 540 245
112.5 BC112J-M/Z 2 8 780 354
150 BC150J-M/Z 2 8 970 437
225 BC225J-M/Z 2 9 1380 626
300 BC300J-M/Z 2 9 1750 794

480 208Y120 3 BC3H-M 0 60 3 85 39

6 BC6H-M 1 4 130 59
9 BC9H-M 1 4 143 65
15 BC15H-M/Z 2 5 188 85
30 BC30H-M/Z 2 6 290 132
45 BC45H-M/Z 2 6 360 163 OpƟonal venƟlaƟon covers for addiƟonal weather protecƟon
75 BC75H-M/Z 2 7 540 245 are shown above.
112.5 BC112H-M/Z 2 8 740 333
150 BC150H-M/Z 2 8 970 437 Note: All Rex enclosures larger than #3 are standard NEMA
225 BC225H-M/Z 2 9 1380 626 3R and sprinkler proof. For outdoor installaƟons where the
300 BC300H-M/Z 2 9 1750 794 transformer may be subject to severe weather condiƟons
(such as wind blown snow and rain), Rex opƟonal hoods
416 208Y120 3 BC3G-M 0 60 3 85 39
6 BC6G-M 1 4 130 59
are recommended. Enclosures #2 through to #7 can be
9 BC9G-M 1 4 143 65 wall mounted in addiƟon to Ňoor mounƟng. Consult the
15 BC15G-M/Z 2 5 188 85 website or our engineering department for the most
30 BC30G-M/Z 2 6 290 132 up-to-date informaƟon on enclosures.
45 BC45G-M/Z 2 6 360 163
75 BC75G-M/Z 2 7 540 245
For non standard conĮguraƟons, or sizes larger than 300
112.5 BC112G-M/Z 2 8 740 333 kVA (up to 15 MVA), or medium and high voltage class
150 BC150G-M/Z 2 8 970 437 products, please consult the head oĸce.
225 BC225G-M/Z 2 9 1380 626
300 BC300G-M/Z 2 9 1750 794 Notes:

600 240Y139 3 BC3Q-S 0 60 3 85 39 • Other primary and secondary voltages available

6 BC6Q-S 1 4 130 59 • Refer to factory for other frequencies
9 BC9Q-S 1 4 143 65 • Outdoor enclosures available, refer to factory.
15 BC15Q-S/Z 2 5 188 85
• All dimensions are subject to change and should not
30 BC30Q-S/Z 2 6 290 132
45 BC45Q-S/Z 2 6 360 163
be used for construcƟon purposes. CerƟĮed drawings
75 BC75Q-S/Z 2 7 515 234 supplied upon request.
112.5 BC112Q-S/Z 2 8 816 370 • Shipping weights are approximate. Actual weights
150 BC150Q-S/Z 2 8 936 425 may be higher due to packing and craƟng.
225 BC225Q-S/Z 2 9 1380 626 • Open type, core and coil transformers available,
300 BC300Q-S/Z 2 9 1740 790 refer to factory.
BC - Copper windings
BA - Aluminum windings
See Catalog Numbering System on page 1
Autotransformers are an economical and compact means
of connecƟng electrical equipment to a power supply of a Typical conĮguraƟon
diīerent voltage. Part of the winding is common to both
primary and secondary circuits so there is no isolaƟon H2
between the two. This may not be acceptable on some H3
power systems that do not have a grounded neutral on
the secondary side of the main power transformer. Typical H1
applicaƟons include motor loads of industrial machinery, 2

electric heaƟng, air condiƟoners, etc. X1 OpƟonal conĮguraƟon

X2 with ±1x5% taps
X3 H2

• Performs same funcƟon as an isolaƟon transformer of

same KVA and voltage raƟng without the isolaƟon
• Generally radiates less noise than equivalent isolaƟon
• All terminals are clearly idenƟĮed and easy to connect.
• May be used in either step-up or step down
• Low regulaƟon; less than three percent.
• Class 220 insulaƟon used throughout range.
• CSA cerƟĮed, File No. LR 34493.
• UL listed, File No. E108255.
• General-purpose venƟlated steel enclosure suitable
for indoor locaƟon. AŌer fabricaƟon all metal is
Įnished in ASA 61 grey power coaƟng suitable for
most industrial and commercial installaƟons.
• Transformers in enclosures up to #7 may be readily
hung on H-columns, walls, shelves or Ňoor mounted
to suit each installaƟon. All units have liŌing lugs, and Notes:
removable top, front and rear panels for convenient
access to the terminals. • Other primary and secondary voltages available.
• Transformers in enclosure #8 or larger are suitable for • Standard units do not have primary taps.
Ňoor or plaƞorm mounƟng and complete with integral • Taps available on special order - refer to factory.
liŌing lugs, and removable top, front, and rear panels • Refer to factory for other frequencies.
for convenient access to the terminals. • All enclosures listed are indoor type.
• Transformer terminaƟons rated below 330 Amps are • Outdoor enclosures available - refer to factory.
supplied with suitable hardware and lugs for cable
• All dimensions are subject to change and should not
connecƟon. TerminaƟons above 330 Amps are
be used for construcƟon purposes. CerƟĮed drawings
supplied with terminal pads only.
supplied upon request.
• Shipping weights are approximate. Actual weights
may be higher due to packing and craƟng.
• Open type, core and coil transformers available, refer
to factory.
• Neutral terminal is available as an opƟonal feature.

600Y 480Y 3 RC3J-H 0 60 0 21 10 600Y 208Y 3 RC3J-B 0 60 1 45 21
6 RC6J-H 1 34 16 6 RC6J-B 1 70 32
9 RC9J-H 1 45 21 9 RC9J-B 3 130 59
15 RC15J-H 1 65 29 15 RC15J-B 3 130 59
30 RC30J-H 3 115 52 30 RC30J-B 5 210 95
45 RC45J-H 3 135 61 45 RC45J-B 6 250 113
75 RC75J-H 5 200 90 75 RC75J-B 6 360 163
112.5 RC122J-H 6 225 102 112.5 RC122J-B 7 555 250
150 RC150J-H 6 265 120 150 RC150J-B 8 650 293
225 RC225J-H 7 450 175 225 RC225J-B 8 920 414
300 RC300J-H 7 525 237 300 RC300J-B 9 1330 599

600Y 416Y 3 RC3J-G 0 60 0 32 15 480Y 240Y 3 RC3H-C 0 60 1 65 30

6 RC6J-G 1 70 32 6 RC6H-C 1 85 39
9 RC9J-G 1 85 39 9 RC9H-C 3 110 50
15 RC15J-G 3 120 54 15 RC15H-C 3 125 57
30 RC30J-G 3 135 61 30 RC30H-C 5 200 90
45 RC45J-G 5 180 81 45 RC45H-C 5 225 102
75 RC75J-G 6 225 102 75 RC75H-C 6 325 147
112.5 RC122J-G 7 300 135 112.5 RC122H-C 7 450 203
150 RC150J-G 8 400 180 150 RC150H-C 7 550 248
225 RC225J-G 8 540 243 225 RC225H-C 8 675 304
300 RC300J-G 9 615 277 300 RC300H-C 8 900 405

600Y 380Y 3 RC3J-F 0 60 1 38 18 480Y 208Y 3 RC3H-B 0 60 1 65 30

6 RC6J-F 1 75 34 6 RC6H-B 1 85 39
9 RC9J-F 3 110 50 9 RC9H-B 3 110 50
15 RC15J-F 3 140 63 15 RC15H-B 3 130 59
30 RC30J-F 5 170 77 30 RC30H-B 5 200 90
45 RC45J-F 5 210 95 45 RC45H-B 5 225 102
75 RC75J-F 6 285 129 75 RC75H-B 6 325 147
112.5 RC122J-F 7 425 192 112.5 RC122H-B 7 450 203
150 RC150J-F 8 525 237 150 RC150H-B 7 550 248
225 RC225J-F 8 635 286 225 RC225H-B 8 675 304
300 RC300J-F 9 900 405 300 RC300H-B 8 900 405

600Y 240Y 3 RC3J-C 0 60 1 40 18 240Y 208Y 3 RC3C-B 0 60 0 18 8

6 RC6J-C 1 75 34 6 RC6C-B 0 21 10
9 RC9J-C 3 120 54 9 RC9C-B 1 30 14
15 RC15J-C 3 155 70 15 RC15C-B 1 52 24
30 RC30J-C 5 225 99 30 RC30C-B 3 70 32
45 RC45J-C 6 265 120 45 RC45C-B 3 125 57
75 RC75J-C 6 400 181 75 RC75C-B 5 135 61
112.5 RC122J-C 7 550 248 112.5 RC122C-B 5 180 81
150 RC150J-C 7 610 277 150 RC150C-B 6 200 90
225 RC225J-C 8 970 437 225 RC225C-B 6 240 108
300 RC300J-C 9 1300 585 300 RC300C-B 7 300 135

Standard dry-type venƟlated transformers are cooled by • A mixture of silica sand and resin forms a solid mass,
circulaƟng the surrounding air through its windings. For completely enclosing and protecƟng the core and coil,
trouble free operaƟon and long life expectancy this while also signiĮcantly reducing audible noise.
venƟlaƟng air must be reasonably free of dust, moisture or • Windings uƟlize class 200° C insulaƟon, and are rated
other damaging corrosive fumes. For this reason, standard for 130 ° C rise. They can be designed to operate at
dry-type venƟlated transformers are normally installed in other temperature rise levels.
suitable indoor locaƟons where they are protected from • Core is solidly grounded.
damaging elements. Some speciĮcaƟons require installaƟon • Enclosure constructed of heavy gauge steel, power
of transformers in hazardous surroundings where the above coated, suitable for Type 3R and Type 4 applicaƟons,
menƟoned condiƟons can not be met. Resin encapsulated indoor or outdoor. OpƟonal stainless steel enclosures
transformers are designed for such surroundings. are recommended where the enclosure is exposed to
severe corrosive environments.
1-Phase Type EP • Wiring compartment is spacious, cool, and easily
High Low Const. Encl. Weight accessible (boƩom access for smaller units, front
KVA Cat.#
Voltage Voltage Type Size (lb.)
access for large units).
1/4 SC0.25J-K/EP 1 A1E 17
1/2 SC0.5J-K/EP 1 A1E 20 Typical ApplicaƟons
600 V 120/240 V
3/4 SC0.75J-K/EP 1 B1E 23 Abnormally corrosive, damp or dusty, indoor or outdoor,
1.0 SC1J-K/EP 1 B1E 27 industrial, commercial and residenƟal, harsh environments,
For 480 V to 120/240 1.5 SC1.5J-K/EP 1 C1E 40 such as:
V, use ‘H-K’ instead of 2.0 SC2J-K/EP 1 C1E 45 • Corrosive environments: Petro-chemical, steel, pulp
‘J-K’. See page 1 for a
complete lisƟng of
3.0 SC3J-K/EP 1 C1E 55 and paper industries.
voltage leƩer codes, 5.0 SC5J-K/EP 2 D1E 100 • Damp locaƟons: Mines, pump houses, underground
or use ‘X’ to denote a 7 SC7J-K/EP 2 D1E 163 or rooŌop service areas.
special voltage. 10 SC10J-K/EP 2 E1E 230 • Airborne dust, conducƟve parƟcles: TexƟle,
15 SC15J-K/EP 2 E1E 262 wood-working industries.
25 SC25J-K/EP 2 F1E 484 3-Phase Type EP
37.5 SC37J-K/EP 2 F1E 650 High Low Const. Encl. Weight
KVA Cat.#
50 SC50J-K/EP 2 G1E 789 Voltage Voltage Type Size (lb.)
1.5 BC1.5J-M/EP 2 A3E 145
H1 H2 2 BC2J-M/EP 2 A3E 148
600 ȴ 208Y/120
3 BC3J-M/EP 2 B3E 153
Up to 3 kVA For 480 ȴ to
6 BC6J-M/EP 2 B3E 177
X3 X2 208Y/120, use ‘H-M’
X1 X4
instead of ‘J-M’. See
9 BC9-M/EP 2 C3E 246
page 1 for a complete 15 BC15J-M/EP 2 D3E 330
H1 H2 H3 H4
lisƟng of voltage 30 BC30J-M/EP 2 E3E 500
5 kVA leƩer codes, or use ‘X’
45 BC45J-M/EP 2 F3E 790
to denote a special
X3 X2
X4 voltage. 75 BC75J-M/EP 2 G3E 1500
H1 H2 112.5 BC112J-M/EP 2 H3E 2400

1 H2
1 2 3 3 2 1

7 kVA
9 kVA and below H1
X3 X2 X1
X1 X4
H1 H2 12 3 H3 X3

1 H2
3 X2
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 4

10 kVA and above 15 kVA and higher

H1 X0
X3 X2 X1
X1 X4
H3 X3

Heavy gauge steel Completely encapsulated Wall mounƟng bracket Provision
enclosures core and coils (available on 30 kVA and for liŌing
Silica sand and smaller)
resin mixture

Ground terminaƟons
strap CONST. TYPE 1
Knock-Outs CONST. TYPE 2 Ground strap
BoƩom-accessible for (lower) and lugs
terminaƟons side entry Floor mounƟng brackets
Note: Lugs are provided on all encapsulated
EPOXY-ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS Dimensions are in inches transformers up to 75 kVA.
Size No. Total Width Width Depth Height Const. For wall mounƟng of Const. Type 2 units that
including channels box only Type
are 45 kVA and larger, wall mounƟng hardware
A1E 5.25 5.25 4.50 9.00 1 is available. Consult our oĸce for details.
B1E 6.00 6.00 5.00 10.00 1
C1E 7.625 7.625 6.50 11.25 1
D1E 12.50 12.50 12.50 15.00 1
E1E 15.00 15.00 14.75 18.00 1
F1E 18.00 18.00 14.00 24.75 1
G1E 19.00 19.00 16.00 28.25 1
A3E 14.00 11.00 10.00 15.00 2
B3E 18.00 15.00 11.00 15.25 2
C3E 21.00 18.00 12.50 17.00 2 Units designed for operaƟon in Hazardous
D3E 24.00 21.00 14.00 17.50 2 LocaƟons Type A and B (HLA, HLB) are epoxy
E3E 24.00 21.00 18.00 20.00 2 encapsulated, with addiƟonal provisions and
F3E 30.00 26.00 18.00 25.00 2
components. For our complete HLA, HLB, and
HLC oīering, please see our special catalogue
G3E 36.00 32.00 18.00 25.00 2 Transformers for Hazardous LocaƟons, available
H3E 36.00 32.00 21.00 25.00 2 at www.rexpowermagneƟcs.com


As energy prices rise, it is imperaƟve to reduce the
operaƟng costs of electrical systems. All transformers have
losses that appear in the form of heat. Transformers
designed for temperature rises 80°C or 115°C will operate
cooler, leading to lower losses, longer life expectancy,
Green Star Energy Eĸcient Transformer
lower operaƟng costs and signiĮcantly enhanced overload Meets or exceeds NEMA TP-1 &
capabiliƟes. CSA C802.2 (CSL-1) eĸciency requirements
Consult the Rex Power MagneƟcs To meet NEMA TP-1 & CSA C802.2 transformer eĸciency
Guide on How to Compare standards, transformer cores are made with higher grade
Transformers for Maximum Value silicon steel, constructed with special miter arrangements,
brochure for more informaƟon. and winding resistance is reduced to minimize losses. This
This guide helps understand the is the currently legislated eĸciency standard.
payback oīered by high eĸciency
transformers, and assists in Green Star Premium Energy
selecƟng the appropriate eĸciency
level for minimizaƟon of total Eĸcient Transformer
cost of transformer ownership. Meets or exceeds CSL-2 eĸciency guidelines
Available online at: Green Star Premium transformers are one step ahead of
www.rexpowermagneƟcs.com the currently legislated NEMA TP-1 and CSA C802 levels.
For many customers, these very eĸcient units are a smart
CORE LOSSES choice which oīer payback in electricity savings, while
keeping one step ahead of the standard for eĸciency.
Core losses are mainly caused by the resistance of the iron
core to the magneƟc Ňux magneƟzing it. These losses can
be reduced by lowering the Ňux density, using higher
Green Star Ultra Premium
grade steel, special construcƟon and exacƟng assembly Energy Eĸcient Transformer
techniques. Meets or exceeds CSL-3 eĸciency guidelines

LOAD LOSSES Green Star Ultra-Premium transformers are the cuƫng

edge in design and materials, which result in extremely
Load losses are caused primarily by the resistance of the low core and load losses.
winding conductors to the current which Ňows through
them. These losses can be reduced by lowering the GREEN STAR TRANSFORMER BENEFITS
resistance of the windings and by lowering the temperature
rise of the unit. Rex Green Star transformers that are built to a speciĮed
80°C or 115°C rise have enhanced overload capability.
In most cases, the core loss has the greater eīect on
They can be operated at 150 °C (30% and 15% overloaded,
total losses. Since core losses are present at all Ɵmes the
respecƟvely, without reducing life expectancy or service
transformer is energized while winding losses are
proporƟonal to transformer load.
The Rex Power MagneƟcs website
CORE STACKING METHODS features a free eĸciency calculaƟon
BuƩ-Lap Cut Core: Rectangular strips of high grade grain tool, which helps analyze the
oriented silicon steel arranged to minimize core reluctance economic payback for your speciĮc
to Ňux. applicaƟon, taking into account the
cost of electricity and the percentage-
Mitre or Step-Lap Mitre Cut Core: Mitre cuts at corners loading. Also, it can help you Įne
reduces Ňux crowding aiding in eĸciency. Step overlapping tune the no-load and load losses
further reduces losses at transiƟon spots. you would like to specify to our
UnicoreTM Distributed Gap Core: A highly specialized engineering department.
machine precisely bends core steel core steel to a shape
that gives the Ňux a conƟnuous path, maximizing the Download and use our free calculaƟon tool:
grain orientaƟon of the steel. www.rexpowermagneƟcs.com

ElectrostaƟcally (Faraday) shielded transformer are • Shielded transformers are available with copper or
designed to protect sensiƟve electrical and electronic aluminum windings.
devices and systems from high frequency voltages • Knock Outs (KOs) provided for simpliĮed wiring.
(electrical noise) or transients that occur due to switching • Class 220 insulaƟon is used throughout enƟre range.
and loading on distribuƟon lines. Electrical noise and • General purpose venƟlated steel enclosure, suitable
transients are classiĮed two ways. for indoor locaƟons Įnished in ASA 61 grey powder
Normal mode: Noise which appears between the hot and coaƟng paint.
neutral current carrying conductors. • Transformers rated up to 75 kVA may be readily hung
Common mode: Noise which appears between the ground on H columns, walls, shelves or Ňoor mounted to suit
wire and hot and neutral current carrying conductors. each installaƟon. All units come complete with
Common mode noise is more prevalent and should be the provisions for liŌing.
key criterion for any noise suppression device. • Transformers rated 112.5 kVA and larger are suitable
for Ňoor or plaƞorm mounƟng and come complete
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS with provisions for liŌing.
• Internal ground lugs
• Hospital operaƟng rooms and X-ray equipment • CSA cerƟĮed, File No. LR 34493
• Computer installaƟons and data processing • UL listed, File No. E108255
• Programmable controllers
• InstrumentaƟon







Dirty power with noise and spikes Clean power out of the shielded
go into the shielded transformer Ground transformer

The shielded transformer suppresses common mode noise by introducing a grounded shield (copper or aluminum)
between its primary and secondary windings. The grounded shield provides a low resistance path to ground by the eīect
of capaciƟve coupling which prevents high frequency signals present in the source voltage from reaching signals present
in the source voltage from reaching the secondary of the transformer and subsequently the connected load. The
electrostaƟc shield will not perform any funcƟon with regard to harmonic current or voltage distorƟon of waveforms.
By redirecƟng unwanted common mode electrical noise and transients generated on the source side of the transformer
to ground the shield is extremely valuable in protecƟng sensiƟve equipment connected to the transformer output.
3 Phase IsolaƟon Transformer Common Mode Noise AƩenuaƟon
AƩenuaƟon Several types of electrostaƟcally shielded
RaƟo Range
transformers are available providing the
Transformer with no shield: Minimum aƩenuaƟon 12 dB opƟon of various degrees of common-mode
Range: 12 dB - 20 dB 10:1 noise aƩenuaƟon.
Single Shield: Minimum aƩenuaƟon 50 dB The raƟo of the common mode noise
Range: 50 dB - 65 dB 1,000:1 aƩenuaƟon on the input to that of output
Double Shield: Minimum aƩenuaƟon 65 dB
is expressed in decibels (dB).
Range: 65 dB - 90 dB 10,000:1 IsolaƟon transformers with electrostaƟc
Triple Shield: Minimum aƩenuaƟon 90 dB
shields installed can have input noise to
output noise raƟos within the range of
Range: 90 dB - 120 dB 100,000:1
10:1 to 1,000,000:1, or higher.
Ultra IsolaƟng: Minimum aƩenuaƟon 120 dB
Range: 120 dB - 150dB 1,000,000:1



Today’s modern electronic, electrical components and The major components in the harmonic currents of
circuitry such as computers, copiers, printers, fax machines switching mode power supplies are the third and the ĮŌh
and display terminals uƟlize switching-mode power harmonics. Harmonics which are even mulƟples of 3, such
supplies for their operaƟon. These switching-mode power as the 3rd, 6th, 9th, etc. are called triplen harmonics.
supplies are non-linear in nature and cause signiĮcant When triplen harmonics are present in a 3 phase system,
power system problems. they add together in the neutral conductor. Third harmonics
result in a large current Ňowing through the transformer
• Circuit breakers and fuses blowing far below their neutral terminal. Furthermore, the harmonics amplify the
current raƟngs. eddy and stray losses in the transformer’s core and coils.
• Neutrals in transformers and panel boards are much These eīects cause the transformer to operate at
hoƩer than their raƟngs. signiĮcantly higher temperatures, at a lower eĸciency.

• DistribuƟon transformers overheat, even when K RATINGS

operaƟng well within their speciĮed name-plate raƟngs.
A K-factor raƟng applied to a transformer is an index of
These problems are the result of harmonics. Solid-state the transformers ability to supply harmonic content in its
switching elements such as SCR’S, transistors, and capacitors load current while operaƟng within it temperature limits.
which are found in computers, fax machines, solid state
drives, and energy eĸcient ballasts conƟnuously switch For dry type transformers a “K-factor” calculaƟon is made
on and oī, producing non-linear or non-sinusoidal wave to determine the amount of harmonic content present in
shapes in the current supplied from the power source. a power system. K-rated transformers are sized to handle
100% of the fundamental 60 Hz load plus the non-linear
A linear load uses current from the power source conƟnuously load speciĮed. The neutral of the transformer is sized at
over the sinusoidal cycle. A non-linear load uses current 200% of the current raƟng of the phase connecƟons.
in large pulses from the power source which creates
harmonic distorƟon. SelecƟng transformer K-raƟng by load type
Harmonic components are represented by periodic waves K-Factor 1: Motors
that has a frequency that is a mulƟple of the fundamental Incandescent LighƟng
frequency. Resistance heaƟng
Motor Generators (w/o solid state drives)
Fundamental frequency = 60 Hz. K-Factor 4: HID LighƟng
3rd harmonic frequency 3 x 60 = 180 Hz. InducƟon Heaters
5th harmonic frequency 5 x 60 = 300 Hz. Welders
Harmonic frequencies superimpose themselves upon the UPS with opƟonal input Įltering
fundamental waveform distorƟng it and changing its PLCs and solid state controls
magnitude. K-Factor 13: MulƟple receptacle circuits in
health care faciliƟes
UPS without input Įltering
Eīects of Harmonic Components on the Sinusoidal Cycle ProducƟon or assembly line equipment
FaciliƟes and classrooms of schools
K-Factor 20: SCR variable speed drives
Circuits with exclusively data processing
Mainframe computers
CriƟcal care areas and operaƟng rooms
of hospitals.
Given the harmonic data, our engineering department
can calculate the K-factor raƟng of your applicaƟon, in
even the most extreme cases, and supply the suitable
K-factor rated transformer.


APPLICATION • Class 220 insulaƟon is used throughout enƟre range

• Thermal protectors (thermostats) for over temperature
Rex Power MagneƟcs Drive IsolaƟon Transformers are tripping are supplied standard.
speciĮcally designed to meet the requirements of AC and • CSA cerƟĮed, File No. LR 34493
DC variable speed drives or recƟĮer outputs. Rex DIT type • UL listed, File No. E108255
transformers are manufactured and rated to match standard
motor horsepower and voltage raƟngs.

• AnƟcipaƟng that harmonics generated by the recƟĮers
will be present the steel core is increased to operate
the transformer at a lower Ňux density to prevent
• Standard K-factor 4 raƟng. All K-factor raƟngs are
• Available in either high quality copper or aluminum
• Braced to withstand the mechanical stresses of the
current reversals and short circuits associated with
SCR drives.
• Isolates the power source from low frequency noise
generated by SCR voltage spikes and transient
• Reduces short-circuit currents.
• Lower than normal losses and temperature rise for
greater life expectancy and overload capability. Note: All Rex enclosures larger than #3 are standard NEMA
• Full current neutral. 3R and sprinkler proof. For outdoor installaƟons where the
• Standard taps supplied, ± 5% FCAN & FCBN or transformer may be subject to severe weather condiƟons
± 2x2.5% FCAN & FCBN. (such as wind blown snow and rain), Rex opƟonal hoods
Drive H.P. KVA RaƟng Encl. Size WT. (lb.) are recommended. Enclosures #2 through to #7 can be
5 8 4 135
wall mounted in addiƟon to Ňoor mounƟng. Consult the
website or our engineering department for the most
8 11 4 150
up-to-date informaƟon on enclosures.
10 14 5 182
15 20 6 247
20 27 6 275
30 40 6 336 Size No. Length Depth Height
40 51 7 455 0 9.50 7.00 8.00
50 63 7 485
1 12.00 9.00 9.50
60 75 7 565
2 11.00 11.00 14.00
75 93 8 755
3 15.50 11.00 14.00
100 118 8 820
4 15.75 16.00 21.00
125 145 8 890
5 20.50 16.00 21.00
150 175 9 1250
6 20.50 20.75 26.50
200 220 9 1470
250 275 9 1750 7 24.50 21.75 31.50
300 330 9 1990 8 30.75 29.75 31.75
400 440 10 2700 9 40.00 38.00 45.75
500 550 10 3100 10 46.00 50.00 64.50

For the most up-to-date and complete terms, policies, and
condiƟons, please consult our website.
All orders are subject to approval by the Head Oĸce Sales
Department. WriƩen quotaƟons are subject to change at any
Ɵme and are void aŌer 30 days.
Rex Power MagneƟcs reserves the rights to change the design
and/or construcƟon of any transformer in any manner in keeping
with its eīorts constant product improvement. Terms are net 30
days, subject to credit approval.

Shipping may be made by any method and rouƟng speciĮed by
the customer, but any addiƟonal cost over our standard method
Advanced manufacturing techniques and must be paid by the customer.
central integrated facility
Responsibility for the product is transferred to the customer when
it leaves the factory. The customer is responsible for damage or
loss in transit. Therefore it is recommended that the customer
carefully examine the shipment before accepƟng delivery from
the carrier. In the event of shortage or damage, the customer
must note loss or damage on the transportaƟon receipt and
immediately Įle a claim with the carrier and at the same Ɵme
send a copy to Rex.

Rex Power MagneƟcs warrants to its customers that the products
delivered conform to the speciĮcaƟons and are free from defects
Broad tesƟng and repair capabiliƟes, and in material and workmanship for a period of one year. For addiƟonal
Ňexible, responsive engineering detail, consult factory or visit website.
If any defect in material or workmanship develops within one year
from the date of shipment, Rex will replace or repair the defecƟve
part (at its discreƟon), F.O.B. factory, if (a) Rex has been noƟĮed
in wriƟng immediately upon the defect coming to light, (b) it has
been shipped prepaid to Rex without delay, and (c) the product
has not been misused, abused, altered, neglected, improperly
installed or damaged.

No other warranty is intended or is to be implied. Rex shall not be
liable for any indirect damages or damages in excess of the price
of the product.

No order accepted by Rex may be altered or modiĮed by the
purchaser unless agreed to in wriƟng signed by an authorized
oĸcial of Rex and no such order may be cancelled or terminated
Sustained Research & Development for except upon payment of Rex’s loss and expense arising from such
technology leadership and improvement cancellaƟon.

Complete the online quote request at Contact Us tab on our website
or fax a completed photocopy of this page to 905.695.8855
Date: _______________________________________________________________
Company/LocaƟon: ___________________________________________________
Contact Name: _______________________________________________________
Your Tel/Fax/e-mail: ___________________________________________________
Reference: __________________________________________________________
1. QuanƟty and kVA size: ____________________________ kVA (1 kVA = 1000 VA)
2. Primary Voltage: __________________ ർ Delta or ർ Wye connected?
3. Secondary Voltage: ________________ ർ Delta or ർ Wye connected?
4. Number of Phases: ർ 1-Phase ർ 3-Phase
5. Type: ർ Auto ർ DistribuƟon/IsolaƟon ർ Drive IsolaƟon (K-rated)
* Note other specialty types at #11
6. Eĸciency compliance: ർ CSL - 1, TP-1/C802.2 (Green Star High Eĸciency)
ർ CSL - 2 (Green Star Premium)
ർ CSL - 3 (Green Star Ultra Premium)
7. Windings: ർ Copper ർ Aluminum (NOTE: Aluminum windings may not be available for all items)
8. Temperature Rise: ർ 150 °C ർ 115 °C ർ 80°C Other _________
9. Enclosure: ർ Nema-1 ർ Nema-2 ർ Nema-3R Other _________
10. Frequency: ർ 60 Hz ർ 50 Hz Other ________
11. Other informaƟon/speciĮcaƟons (K-Factor, encapsulaƟon, etc.): _____________
TO CALCULATE 3-PHASE KVA: (VOLTS X AMPS X 1.732)/1000 EXAMPLE: 25 A X 208 V X 1.732 = 9,007 VA (9KVA 3-PHASE)

Contact and Sales info:

Tel 905.695.8844 or Fax 905.695.8855 or TOLL FREE USA/CANADA 1-800-387-2840
E-mail: sales@rexpowermagneƟcs.com, 65 BasalƟc Rd., Concord, ON, L4K 1G4
View or download all of our product catalogs and brochures from our website:
Contains up to date informaƟon on: Contact and Sales info:
• Drawings and engineering speciĮcaƟons Tel 905.695.8844 or Fax 905.695.8855
• SelecƟon and eĸciency calculaƟon tools TOLL FREE USA/CANADA 1-800-387-2840
• Ordering informaƟon E-mail: sales@rexpowermagneƟcs.com
• Warranty and terms & condiƟons 65 BasalƟc Road, Concord, ON, L4K 1G4

OUR FULL PRODUCT RANGE: • General Purpose Transformers

• Power Transformers (Up to 15 MVA — 35 000 V) DistribuƟon/IsolaƟon, CE Marked Transformers
Cast Coil, VPE and VPI ConstrucƟon Autotransformers
SubstaƟon Type complete with primary disconnects Drive IsolaƟon
TracƟon Power, RecƟĮer, Crane Duty, Special RegulaƟon, Motor StarƟng
Service StaƟon DistribuƟon • Reactors
• Specialty Type and Special Voltage Transformers Input and Output Reactors
K-Rated, ElectrostaƟcally Shielded Motor Guarding Transient Filters
Ultra IsolaƟng MulƟple Shielded DC Chokes, Saturable-Core Reactors
Harmonic MiƟgaƟng Inter-Bridge Reactors
ElectromagneƟc Field Shielded High Voltage Iron Core or Air Core Reactors
Epoxy PoƩed, Hazardous LocaƟon • Enclosures
Marine Duty Types (with applicable cerƟĮcates) NEMA -1, -2, -3R, -4, -4x, -12
Mini Power Centres Stainless Steel and Special Paint
High Eĸciency and Ultra High Eĸciency Custom Switchgear and Specialty Industrial Enclosures
On Line Tap Switching and Auto Voltage RegulaƟng Units • Switchgear Components
Hazardous-LocaƟon Transformers (Class 1, Div 2) Low and High voltage Standoīs and Insulators
• Control & Machine Tool Transformers (50 VA to 7500 VA) Surge (lightning) Arresters
Enclosed, Open Style, or PoƩed • Transformer TesƟng, Refurbishment, and Repair
DIN Rail Mountable Units Replacement of windings, core, insulaƟon, etc.

Our 145,000 sq. Ō. design, manufacturing, and customer service facility in Concord, north of Toronto, Ontario

CAT DATE: 11/11

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