Duas For Various Occasions
Duas For Various Occasions
Duas For Various Occasions
DUA'A 95
Recite verse 29 of al Fatir and verse 14 of Ali Imran daily for more profits and progress in
DUA'A 96
At the time of opening the shop, store, or business premises recite the following du-a'a
DUA'A 97
It is written in Bahar al Anwar to war round the arm surah al Hijr written with saffron mixed in
water for promotion and progress in business.
DUA'A 98
It written in the Bahar al Anwar to keep the following du-a'a written on the hide of a lion on the
body for increase in the trade and profits.
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DUA'A 99
According to Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir if a trader or businessman while going to the
market place recite the following du-a'a an angel, specially appointed by the Lord, takes care of
him, looks after his merchandise, protects him from the mischief of those who come there and
makes them deal with his honestly and fairly.
DUA'A 100
Whoever recites the following du'a'a while sitting his place of business or trade, an angel
appointed by the Lord says :
Today you will have a lion's share in the (turnover of the) business. You did not hesitate to do
good nor thought twice to avoid evil. Very soon the rewards you have rightly earned are coming.
DUA'A 101
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, while making purchases, one should say
Allahu Akbar and recite the following du-a'a
DUA'A 102
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According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, he who buys should recite the following
du-a'a thrice.
DUA'A 103
It is stated in Fiqar Ridha that while storing anything duly packed one should recite Ayatul Kursi
and the following verses - 9 of Yasin and 129 of Bara--at
DUA'A 104
It is stated in the Bahar al Anwar that for the safety of the goods and merchandise kept in a
store keep written text of surah al Khaf there.
Thou, from Thy bounties, gives out freely the truth and salvation;
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O Allah, Thou has given me permission to invoke Thee and beseech Thee,
O the often-forgiving.
O my Allah,
nor a son,
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overlook my mistakes,
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from Thee Who, through Thy mercy, gives me the daily bread
believing in Thee,
A temporary setback,
the consequences.
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overreaching me.
Yet Thou doth not abstain from bestowing favours and blessings
Praise be to Allah
Praise be to Allah
Praise be To Allah
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Praise be to Allah.
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Praise be to Allah.
In his awe-inspiring fear the heavens and its dwellers tremble and shiver;
the oceans and all that floats and swims in its waters
We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not guided us.
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O Allah, send blessings on the sons of 'the mercy unto the worlds',
Muhammad ibn'Ali,
al-Hasan ibn'Ali,
O Allah, send him to call the people unto Thy Book for establishing Thy religion,
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He serves Thee.
and include us among those who invite people unto Thy obedience,
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and give us the good of this world and the world to come.
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Let us, through him, get the better of Thy enemies and our opponents,
O True God.
Be it so.
widespread disorder,
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"Allahumma inni astaodeeka ma qara'tu wama hafaz-tu. Farudduhu 'allaya inda hajati elahi.
Innaka 'ala ma-tasha'-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na'mal wakeel"
"Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me
when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, you are my availer and protector
and the best of aid."
Inspite of growing up to the age of sexual maturity, if a boy or a girl has not received a suitable
offer of marriage, recite surah al Ajzab (chapter 33) regularly. Inshallah, soon he or she will be
If a gown up girl is not received any offer of marriage recite surah al Mumtahinah (chapter 60)
five times daily, Inshallah, soon she will be married.
If a grown up girl is not receiving any offer of marriage recite surah at Taha (chapter 20) and
blow breath on a glass of water and let the girl drink it. Inshallah, soon she will be married.
If a grown up girl is not receiving an offer of marriage, recite verse 36 of Yasin 100 times before
salat of tehajjud for 40 days, inshallah soon she will be married.
It is written in Biharul Anwar that to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or a girl be
suitably married carry out the following a'mal of du-a'a of Mashlul
(i) Recite du-a'a al Mashlul (see selected Soorahas and Du-a'as volume one and two)
preferably after Fajr salat or any obligatory salat for 40 consecutive days.
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To invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or a girl be suitably married, recite the
following du-a'a after giving gifts to the deserving mumin brothers or sisters.
According to Biharul Anwar to invoke the almighty Allah that a grown up boy or girl be suitably
married recite the following du-a'a 100 times daily for 40 consecutive days after any obligatory
It is written in Bihar al Anwar that if a grown up girl is not receiving any offer of marriage, her
father should pray a 2 rak-at salat (like Fajr salat) on Friday after Jumu-ah prayers and after the
salam go into Sajdah and recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 21 times. Inshallah very soon
she will be married to a suitable man.
It is written in Biharul Anwar to write the following portion of verse 132 of at Ta Ha on a paper
with the solution of musk, saffron and rose water and bind it as a Ta'wid on the right arm, if a
man desires to be married soon. Bind another Ta'wid like above on the right arm of the man or
woman who is negotiating the proposal of marriage.
It is written in Kanzul Maknun to write the following du-a'a on a paper like a Ta'wid and bind it
on the right arm of the grown up girl who is not receiving any offer of marriage. Inshallah, soon
she will be married.
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, it is written in Biharul Anwar, whoever
desires to marry should recite the following du-a'a before making a formal request for marriage.
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It is written in Biharul Anwar that if unmanageable impediments are obstructing your marriage
write the following verses (Ta Ha: 131, 132) with saffron and keep it on the body. Inshallah all
hindrances will disappear.
It is written in Biharul Anwar that Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir said :
"After Nikah (marriage) when the bride and bridegroom come into their house, both should pray
a two rakat salat. Then they should say salawat and all those who have come with them should
also say salawat and amin. Then the bridegroom should recite the following du-a'a
1.Imam Ali Ibn abi Talib said : Whoso keep the following du-a'a written on skin of a deer, shall
remain safe from the influence of any magic.
[In the name of Allah and with Allah: in the name of Allah-that which Allah wills (takes place); in
the name of Allah- there is no power nor strength save with Allah. Musa said : What you have
brought is sorcery; verily Allah will soon make it vain: verily Allah does not put in order the work
of the mischief-makers.
Thus the truth was established, and what they were doing was made vain.So there and then
(Firawn and his enchanters) were defeated and made to look small, humiliated]
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2.Recite the following du-a'a to cure headache and remove the evil effects of black magic
When recited for headache blow the breach on the forehead after recitation.
[I take refuge (to seek protection from the evil threatening me) with the might of Allah, the
power of Allah, the strength of Allah, the greatness of Allah, the demonstration of Allah, the
sovereignty of Allah, the assistance of Allah, the security of Allah, the amnesty of Allah, the
shield of Allah, the kindness of Allah, the pride of Allah, the attention of Allah, the beauty of
Allah, the grandeur of Allah, the perfection of Allah-there is no god save Allah and Muhammad
is the messenger of Allah]
3.Recite the following dua'a to remain safe from the evil of shaytan, genie, and wicked person.
[There is no god save He. I rely on Him. He is the Lord of the great a'rsh. What He wills takes
place; and what He does not will does not take place. I bear witness that, verily, Allah, has
power over all things: and, verily, Allah encompasses every thing in (His) knowledge, O my
Allah, I seek refuge with You from the evil inside me and from the evil of every creature whom
You seizes with its forelock. Verily my lord is on the right path]
4.The Holy Prophet said : To keep the devils at bay and to destroy the effects of magic recite
verses 54 to 56 of Al Araf.
[Verily your Lord is Allah who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established
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Himself on the throne. He draws the night as a veil over the day, which pursues it incessantly;
and made the sun and the moon and the stars subservient to His command. Verily, His is the
creation and the command. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Call on your Lord humbly
and in secret. Verily Allah does not love the transgressors. And do not make mischief in the
earth after it has been reformed; and call on Him fearing (His wrath) and longing (his mercy).
Verily the mercy of Allah is near to those who do good]
5.Recite verse 35 of al Qasas 7 times after the salat of tahajjud to destroy the effects of
[(Allah) said : "We will strengthen your arm with your brother and we will give you such
authority that they will not be able to touch and of you. With our signs, both of you and your
followers shall certainly triumph"]
6.A scholar of Najaf al Ashraf, well versed in ilm jafr (the art of making amulets or charms said
to originate with Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq, based upon art of divining from certain
characters written by Imam Ali ibn abi Talib upon a camel's skin which contains all events, past,
present and future) had advised the parents of an insane boy to recite the following du-a'a to
remove the effects of witchcraft. They did as advised and their son was fully cured. This du'a'
according to the scholar, is also a sure safeguard against witchcraft and sorcery:
[O my Allah - the Lord of Musa, when He particularly selected to honour him with His spoken
words. He routed those who teased Musa with their (tricks of) magic, with the help of his rod
(granted to Musa by Allah) . He transformed (the rod) into a serpent. And again brought it back
to its original state, after it destroyed the work of the magicians and rendered ineffective the
deceit of the mischief makers - whosoever tries to harm me with magic or affliction, intentionally
or unintentionally, whether I know about it or not, whether it frightens me or not, cut off his (evil)
designs with the help of divine medium, so that it does not reach me and never carried out to
hurt me or terrorize me. Verily, I ward off, with the help of your greatness, the threats of my
enemies. So protect me with the best protection and make it thoroughly effective. O liberal giver]
7.(i) To render null and void the intensity and evil effects of any kind of witchcraft and evil eye
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recite 121 times the last part of verse 87 of al Anbiya, after Fajr salat for 40 days.
Recite salawat 15 times then say : LAA ILAAHA ILLAAA ANTA SUBH'AANAKA INNEE KUNTU
(ii) To over come any apparently impossible to manage difficulty recite the above noted verse
as directed in (i) and also 730 times after praying a 2 rak-at salat after midnight with the
following acts of self-discipline.
b. Eat any halaal (lawful) food purchased by halal (lawfully earned) money
To render null and void the evil effects of an evil eye recite the following du-a'a
(Note: Say 'Ka" if the person, for whom you are praying, is a male or "Ki" if female.
[In the name of Allah I give you in protection (of Allah) from every thing that pains you, from
every thing and the (evil) eye, self-indulgence and the jealous. In the name of Allah I give you in
protection (of Allah) Allah is the greatest, and His might is the mightiest]
8.Imam Ali bin Husayn Zayn al Abidin said : Recite the following du'a'a with raised hands to
remain safe from these (jinn or men) who are planning to harm you.
[In the name of Allah, with Allah, from Allah, unto Allah, and in the way of Allah; O Allah, I
surrender myself to You, I direct myself towards You, I entrust my affairs to You, so keep me
safe, with the preservation of belief, from in front of me, from behind me, from my right side,
from my left side, from above me, from below me, and repel (evil) from me with Your strength
and power, because, verily, there is no strength and no power save with Allah, the high, the
9.The Holy Prophet said : If jinn throw stones at your home, take one of the stones and recite
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[Allah is sufficient and satisfying for me. Allah hears (the call of) whosoever calls (Him). There
is no one (and nothing) as the ultimate save Allah]
10. It is written in Kanzul Maknun that the blood of man can be congealed by sorcery, so as to
render him incapable of sleeping with any woman.
Do the following a'mal to repel the evil. Boil 3 eggs of hen, and remove their shells
(i) write verse 71 of al Khaf with saffron on the egg and give it to the man to eat it.
[Then they went their way till they embarked in a boat in which he made a hole (and Musa)
said; you have made a hole in it to down its passengers. Verily you have done a strange thing]
(ii) Write verse 30 of al Anbiya with saffron on the second egg and give it to the man to eat it.
[Have not those who disbelieve seen that the heavens and the earth were closed up, and that
We clove them as under? Out of water we made all things alive. Will they not then believe.]
(iii) Write verse 29 of al Fath with saffron on the third egg and give it to the man to eat it.
[Muhammad is the messenger of Allah: and those who are with him are severe against infidels
but compassionate among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking His
grace and pleasure. Their mark is on their faces (foreheads) from the effect of prostrations.
Their description in the Tawrat, and their description in the Injil, is like a seed that sends out a
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stalk, then strengthens it, and it becomes stout and rises firm on its stem, delighting the sowers,
in order to fill the disbelievers with rage. Allah has promised those who believe and do good
deeds forgiveness and a great recompense.]
(i) Write verse 47 of Ad'D'ariyat on an olive leaf and let the man eat it
[We built the heavens with might, and verily We are the Lord of power and expanse
(ii) Write verse 48 of ad' D'ariyat on another olive leaf and his wife should eat it
[We spread the earth (like a carpet) - an excellent spreader (We are)]
write the following prayer on the skin of a deer and keep it on the body. Inshallah, it will protect
you from troubles, difficulties and misfortunes.
[In the name of Allah. I give you in the custody of your Lord; I give you in the protection of He
(who will keep you safe) from the evil of whosoever envies you, be he standing or sitting, from
(the evil of) every creature lying in wait at the turn of any road, so that he may neither harm you
in wakefulness, nor in sleep, nor while walking nor at the destination, as long as nights and days
follow each other. The hand of Allah may restrain their hands and the protection of Allah may
over power their hostility.]
Recite the following prayer after every obligatory salat to cure any type of pain or illness
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[O my Allah, I beseech You in the name of the rights of Muhammad and the children of
Muhammad to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and free me
(from whatever affliction that has surrounded me)]
[O my God; when you gave me any bounty, I did not thank you as I should have; whenever You
tested me with a trial I did not manage it with the patience I should have.
O He who did not deprive me of (favour) inspite of my too little thanks. O He who did not
withhold assistance inspite of my very deficient self control. O He who saw my wrongdoings yet
did not disgrace me: O He who saw my shortcomings yet did not punish me; send blessings on
Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, forgive my sins, cure my diseases; verily, You
have power over all things.]
recite the following prayer after every obligatory salat to driver away misfortunes and afflictions.
[O Ever living, O self-subsisting, I beseech (You) in the name of Your mercy to help me. So
help me and do not leave me to myself even for the flash of an eye(without you being with me),
and look after properly all my affairs.]
Whosoever recites the following prayer after every obligatory salat, or keeps its written text on
the body, inshallah, he, his family and property will remain safe under the divine protection.
[I put myself, my children, my family, my property under (Allah's protection ) in the name of
Allah's perfected words, from all devils, poisonous animals, and from every evil eye.]
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If you want to seek divine favour and guidance before doing or undertaking any work there are a
few procedures, given in the following dua'a as known as istikharah.
Shaykh al Tusi has advised the seeker of istikhara to have a bath pray a 2 rakat salat and after
the salam go into sajdah and recite 3 times :
After reciting the du-a'a do what you feel just and suitable.
It is reported that Imam Sahib al Zaman has advised the believers to seek istikhara as under :
(i) keep in mind the task with the intention of doing it.
(iii) hold a rosary(trasbih) at any place in your left hand anf from there with the right hand, start
moving two beads at a time. If only one bead remains in the end do what you want to do and if
two beads are left do not do it. Doing or not doing is optional not compulsory.
(i) keep in mind the task with the intention of not doing it
(iii) do as advised in (iii) of du-a'a but if two beads are left in the end the work has to be done. It
becomes obligatory to carry it out, otherwise there is every likelihood of loss and deprivation.
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We give below the method of istikhara recommended by Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq :
Perform Wudu (ablution) or after praying any salat, sit facing qiblah and recite :
(v) now hold the rosary in your left hand at any place and start moving one bead at a time with
your right hand and say
Given below is the method of seeking istikhara from the holy quaran recommended by the
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(iv) Open the Holy Quran and derive the indication from the first line of right hand page.
Given below is the method of seeking istikhara from the Holi Quran recommended by Imam
Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq.
(ii) Say :
Write surah al Waqi-ah (chapter 56) with saffron and tie it as a ta'wid to keep the child safe from
misfortune, accident or mischief.
Write surah al Balad (chapter 90) with saffron and tie it as a taw'id to keep the child safe from
the evil of genie or an evil eye.
To keep safe the child from early untimely death the child or the mother should wear a ta'wid
(Bismillaahir rah'maanir rah'eeem) written one hundred and sixty time on the hide of a deer, a
sheep, or on a piece of paper.
To keep safe the child from early untimely death the father or the mother should recite surah al
Muzzammil (chapter 73) 7 times and every time, should blow the breath through the palm of the
right hand on a betal nut and put it around the neck of the child as a tawid.
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq recite the following du-a'a at the time of
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According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq recite either of the following du'a'a at the
time of slaughtering the animal for aqiqah (The ceremony of shaving the hair of an infant on the
sixth day after birth)
To keep safe the child from teething troubles write surah al Qaf (chapter 50) with saffron, wash
it with pure water, and then wash the mouth of the child with it.
To accustom the child to nourishment other than the mother's milk write verse 14 of Luqman on
a piece of paper and put it around the neck of the child as a ta'wid.
If a child has developed the habit of eating things (earth etc) which he or she should not, write
verse 53 and 54 of as Saba on a piece of paper and put it as a ta'wid around the neck of the
child to stop the habit of eating harmful things.
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If a child weeps and weeps, write verses 108 and 112 of surah Ta Ha on the hide of a deer and
put it as a ta'wid around the neck of the child to stop the non stop weeping.
As soon as a child begins to disobey recite surah Shu-ara (chapter 26) 7 times or recite surah
Ahzab (chapter 33)once and every time blow breath towards the child. Inshallah, the child shall
start to obey and follow the elders.
If a child, while growing up, shows signs of disobeying the elders, recite the following portion of
verse 15 of Ahqaf 7 times after every wajib salat, keeping in mind the aggressive child.
To increase milk of the mother write surah al Hijr (chapter 15) or surah Ya Sin (chapter 36) with
solution of saffron and rose water, wash it with pure water and give it to the mother to drink.
Write verse 21 of al Muminun as described above and give it to the mother to drink.
(i) write verses 8 and 9 of ar Rad on a piece of paper and bind it as a ta'wid on the right arm of
the mother.
(ii) and write them again with saffron on a china plate, wash it with pure water and give it to the
mother to drink.
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In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. O Allah, I beg to request You that I have no
knowledge of the estuaries of my provisions and I no doubt seek it because of the uncertainties
springing in my heart so I hustle about in the cities in seeking it. I be therein like a confounded
seeker, not knowing either it is in plains or is it in mountains, either in the land or in the rivers,
yonder anyone or before anyone, and I do know that You have its knowledge, its means at Your
hands and You are the one awarding it by Your favor and executing it by Your favor. O Allah,
peace be on Hazrat Mohammed (S.A.W.) and his sacred progeny, and favor me, O Lord, ever
magnifying provisions, its seeking easier and its attainment nearer, and not strain me from
tapping sources having no provisions therein for me. And You are over and above straining me,
and I a beggar of Your favor, and peace be on Mohammed (S.A.W.) and his sacred progeny,
and ameliorate me by Your favors. Verily You have abundant favors.
The booklet is published and compiled by Yousuf N. Lalljee in Bombay and printed by G. N.
Shembekar in Bombay.
Dua-E-Mashlool Prayer Of The Paralytic The effective prayer is undoubtedly an inspired work.
Any one who is acquainted with the soul-stirring experience of great religious thoughts cannot
help seeing in these immortal words of Hazrat Ali (as) the dazzling light of Universal Truth.
Imam Husain (as) related that once on a cold, wintry night he accompanied his father Hazrat Ali
(as) to the Sacred Mosque of the Kaaba and performed the circumambulations. The night was
pitch dark and there was no one there except his father and himself. Every one was asleep.
Presently, they heard a mournful voice of some one reciting the following poem: " O Thou that
answereth the prayers of the disconsolate in the depth of darkness; O Thou that wardeth off the
baneful influences of calamities and diseases. Lo, those who surrounded the Kaaba sleep and
wake up; But Thou, Exalted be thy Name, never sleepest. Forgive me by the Grace of Thy
Bounty and Thy Mercy. O Though towards whom all creation bows down in this Sanctuaary! If
Thy Mercy be not such as giveth hope to the transgressors, Then who is there to take pity on
the sinners by His Bounty?" Imam Husain (as) related the rest of the story: My father sent me
towards the man who was reciting these lines of poetry and I brought him with me into his
presence. Hazrat Ali (as) asked his name and he said, "My name is Manzil Ibn Lahiq. In my
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youth I was persisting in sin, while my father used to guide me towards repentance. But I
heeded him not. Instead of listening to him I used to beat him. Now it came to pass that my
father had kept some money hidden away from me. One day I found it and was going out with
the money, to spend it on my follies, when he stopped me and tried to take it away from me, but
I twisted his wrist and ran away with the money. Thereupon my father kept a fast and went and
performed the rites of the Sacred Mosque. Then he lifted up his hands and prayed that God
may inflict upon me the disease of paralysis. Hardly had he done so when I was struck with
paralysis and my father went back to his home. I then besought my father to pray for my
recovery in the same place where he had prayed for my affliction. My father, in his infinite love
and kindness, granted my request and we both set out towards Mecca, but as my ill-luck would
have it, on the way thither my father's camel suddenly took fright and he was thrown from its
back and killed in a moment. Now I am left to spend the rest of my days in this condition,
helpless and forlorn, and people taunt me, saying that I am being punished for courting my
father's displeasure." On hearing the sad tale, Hazrat Ali (as) was moved by pity and
compassion and taught him the following prayer and said: "Perform the ablutions and recite this
prayer tonight". He did so, and the effect was miraculous! Next morning when he came to my
father, he was perfectly cured and carried the text of the prayer in his right hand and exclaimed,
"Really this prayer is the 'Isme Azam' because when I lifted up my hands and read this dua
several times, a deep sleep fell upon me and I dreamt that the Holy Prophet MOhamed
(pbuh&hf) came and massaged my body with his own hands.
When I woke up, I found that the illness had completely departed from me. May God reward
thee, O Amir ul Momineen (as) for this miraculous prayer." In view of the above mentioned
incident, this dua is called prayer of the paralytic. Imam Husain (as) continues to state that this
dua contains the Isme Azam. Whoever recites it will be relieved of sorrow; cured of illness; his
debts will be paid up; his poverty will be changed to prosperity; his sins forgiven; his defects
hidden; and he shall be granted safety and security from all evil, whether from Satan or from
any worldly potentate, and if any of God's obedient servants recite this prayer, the mountains
can be moved from their place; the dead can be restored to life and water can be turned into ice
thereby. Hence this prayer has come to us as a source of rejoicing and I (the translator, I think)
have learnt it from my father. Imam Husain (as) further directs that this prayer should never be
recited in a state of impurity or pollution. This prayer is also referred to as "Dua-e-Khizr". The
Prayer 1 O Allah, I beseech Thee with (the help of) Thy Name; -- (with the help of ) the Name of
Allah, the Most Merciful, the Benign (Beneficient?). 2 O Lord of Majesty and Generosity; O
Living; O Self-Subsisting, O Ever-living, there is no God but Thou. 3 O Thou that art "He" of
whom no one knoweth what "He" is, nor how "He" is, nor where "He" is, except "He." 4 O Lord
of the Great Kingdom and Supremacy. O Lord of Honour and Omnipotence: O Sovereign Lord,
O Holy One! O Peace; O Keeper of Faith; O Guardian O Revered One; O Compeller; O
Superb.* * Surah 59 verse 23 5 O Creator; O Maker of all things from nothing;* *Surah 59 verse
24 O Artist; O Beneficient; O Administrator; O Severe (in wrath); O Inventor; O Restorer; O
Originator; O Most Loving: O Praised; O Adored. 6 O Thou that art distant yet near; O Answerer
of prayer; O Observer (of all deeds); O Reckoner. 7 O Innovator; O Exalted; O Unassailable; O
Hearer. 8 O Knower; O Wise; O Bountiful; O Forbearing; O Eternal; O Lofty; O Great. 9 O most
Compassionate; O Giver of all good; O most perfect Requiter of good and evil; O Thou whose
help is sought for. 10 O Majestic; O Glorious; O Trusted; O Guardian; O Alleviator of suffering;
O Fulfiller of hopes; O Guide; O Magnanimous. 11 O Giver of guidance; O Commencer; O First;
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O Companion of all strangers; O Friend of all the lonely ones; O Refuge of all outcasts; O
Retreat of all persecuted ones; O Guardian of all those who stry. 29 O Thou that takest pity on
the aged and decrepit; O Thou that nourisheth the little baby; O Thou that joineth together
broken ones; O Liberator of all prisoners; O Enricher of the miserable poor; O Protector of the
frightened refugees; O Thou for Whom alone are both destiny and disposal; O Thou for Whom
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all dificult things are simple and easy; O Thou that doth not need any explanation. O Thou
Mighty over all things; O Thou Knower of all things. O Thou Seer of all things. 30 O Thou that
maketh breezes blow; O Thou that cleaveth the day-break; O Reviver of the spirits; O Lord of
Generosity and Clemency; O Thou in Whose hands are all keys. 31 O Hearer of all voices; O
Thou earlier in time than all that have passed away; O Giver of life to every soul after death. 32
O my Means of defense in confronting hardships; O my Guardian in strange lands; O my Friend
in my loneliness; O my Master in my bliss; O my Refuge at the time when the journey doth tire
me out and my kinsfolk hand me over to my foes and all my comrades forsake me. 33 O
Supporter of those who have no support; O Guarantor of those who have no guarantee; O
Wealth of those who have no wealth; O Means of those who have no strength; O Refuge of
those who have no refuge; O Treasure of those who have no treasure; O Helper of those who
have no helper; O Neighbor of those who have no neighbor. 34 O my Neighbor that art
adjacent; O my Support that art firm; O my God that art worshipped by virtue of positive
knowledge (Belief in God must be Conviction not by blind following.); O lord of the Ancient
House (the Ka'ba); O Thou full of loving and kindness; O nearest Friend. 35 Liberate me from
the choking fetters, Remove from me all sorrow, suffering and grief, Protect me from the evil
that I am unable to bear, and help me in that which I am unable to do. 36 O Thou that didst
restore Joseph unto Jacob (12:99); O Thou that didst cure Job of his malady (21:84); O Thou
that didst forgive the fault of David (38:26); O Thou that didst lift up Jesus and saved him from
the clutches of the Jews (4:157-158); O Thou that didst answer the prayer of Jonah from the
darkness (21:87-88); O Thou that didst choose Moses by means of Thine inspired words
(19:51-52); O Thou that didst forgive the omission of Adam (2:37) and lifted up Idris to an
exalted station by Thy mercy (19:56-57); O Thou that didst save Noah from drowning (21:76); O
Thou that didst destroy the former tribe of Ad and then Thamud, so that no trade of them
remained, and destroyed the people of Noah aforetime, for verily they were the most unjust and
most rebellious; and overturned the ruined and deserted towns; (53:50-53); O Thou that
destroyed the people of Lot (26:172); and annihilated the people of Sho'aib (26:189); O Thou
that chose Abraham as a friend (4:125); O Thou that chose Moses as one spoken unto (4:164);
and chose Muhammed (Thy blessings be upon him and his Progeny) as Thy Beloved; O Thou
that gavest unto Luqman wisdom (31:12); and bestowed upon Solomon a kingdom the like of
which shall not be merited by anyone after him (38:37); O Thou that didst afford succour unto
the two-horned one against the mighty tyrants (18:84-98); O Thou that didst grant unto Khizr
immortality (18:66-83); and brought back for Joshua, the son of Nun, the sun after it had set
(18:59-65); O Thou that gave solace unto the heart of Moses' mother (20:40); and protected the
chastity of Mary, the daughter of Imran (19:16-34); O Thou that didst fortify John, the Son of
Zacharias against sin (19:12-15); and abated the wrath for Moses (8:150-151); O Thou that
gave glad tidings of (the Birth of) john unto Zacharias (19:7); O Thou that saved Ishmael from
slaughter by substituting for him the Great Sacrifice (37:102-107); O Thou that didst accept the
offering of Abel and placed the curse upon Cain (5:27-30) O Subcuer of the alien hordes for
Muhammad - the blessings of Allah be upon him and his Progeny - bestow Thy blessings upon
Muhammad and his Progeny and upon all Thy Messengers and upon the Angels that are near
Thee and upon all Thine obedient servants. 37
And I beg of Thee all the requests which anyone has begged of Thee with whom Thou has
been pleased and unto whom Thou has assured the granting thereof, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,
O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O Most Merciful, O Most Beneficient, O Most Beneficient, O
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Supplications for Various Purposes
Most Beneficient, O Lord of Majesty and Grace, O Lord of Majesty and Grace, O Lord of
Majesty and Grace. Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee, Through
Thee, Through Thee, Through Thee. I beseech thee with the help of all the Names whereby
Thou hast named Thyself, or which Thou hast sent down in any of Thy inspired Scriptures, or
Which Thou hast inscribed in Thy knowledge of the unknown; and (I beseech Thee) in the name
of the honored and exalted positions of Thy Throne, and in the name of the utmost extent of Thy
Mercy as expressed in Thy Book (the Quran) and in the name of that which "If all the trees on
earth were to become pens and all the seven seas ink, the Words of Allah could not be fully
written down (31:27)." "Verily Allah is the Honored, the Wise"; And I beseech Thee with the help
of Thy Beautiful Names which Thou has praised in Thy Book, saying, :Unto Allah belong the
beautiful names -- so call ye Him by Them (7:180); And Thou hast said "Call unto Me and I shall
answer you (40:60); and Thou has said, "And when My servants ask something of Me, lo, I am
near, and I grant the prayer of the supplicant when he asks anything of Me, so pray ye unto Me
and believe in Me, that ye may be made perfect (2:186); And Thou has said, "O My servants
who have wronged yourselves, despair not of the Mercy of Allah; verilly Allah forgiveth all the
sins; verily He is the Forgiving, the Merciful (39:53)". 38 Therefore I pray unto Thee, My God,
and I ask Thee, My Cherisher and Sustainer, and I hope from Thee, my Chief, and I crave Thy
acceptance of my prayer, O my Protector, even as Thou hast promised me, and I call upon
Thee even as Thou hast commanded me -- So, do unto me what pleases Thee to do, O
Generous One! (Here the Devotee should pray for the fulfillment of his valid desires.) 39 And all
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds, and the blessings of Allah be
upon Muhammad and all His Holy Descendants. (The end)
"Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Allahumma inni as'aluka yaa mudhakkira-l
khayr wa faa'ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi dhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan."
"Blessings of god be upon Muhammad and his progeny. O god, I ask you, the one who
mentions goodness and actualizes it and commands it, remind me of that which the shaytan
makes me forget."
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Supplications for Various Purposes
"O' the chief of all chiefs! O' the acceptor of prayers! O' the elevator of ranks! O' the master of
virtues! O' the forgiver of sins! O' the granter of requests! O' the excerptor of penance! O' the
hearer of all voices! O' the one who knows all mysteries! O' the remover of calamities!"
If the wife does not give birth to a child within reasonable time both the husband and wife should
recite surah al Fajr (chapter 89) 3 or 7 times a day
Recite surah al Muzzammil (chapter 73) 11 times and every time blow breath through the palm
of the right hand on some white sugar and give it to the wife to eat, if there is no birth of a child
within reasonable time, and it is feared tht she is incapable of producing children
The wife should fast and at the time of breaking the fast should drink a glass of milk on which
surah al Muzzammil ahs been recited 77 times as described above.
If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time recite the following portion of verse 89 of
Anbiya 3 times after every obligatory salat.
If there is no both of a child for a very long period recite the following portion of verse 38 of Ali
Imran as many times as possible.
If there is no birth of a child for a very long time the husband should pray a 2 rakat salat after
Jummu-ah prayers and in rukus and sajdahs (of both the rekats) recite the following prayer.
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Supplications for Various Purposes
Carry out the following a'mal taught by Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir to have a child.
If there is no birth of a child for a long time take two boiled eggs (chicken) take off the cover
and write with saffron verse 47 of adh Dhariyat on one egg and give to the wife to eat; then write
with saffron verse 48 of ad Dhariyat on the other egg and give it to the husband to eat. Do this
for 40 consecutive days.
If it appears that the wife is incapable of producing a child write the following verses (Al
Muminun: 12, 13, 14) on 7 leaves of sweet basil (an aromatic labiate plant) separately, and give
one leaf a day to the wife to eat with a glass of cow's milk each time.
If it appears that the wife is incapable of producing a child, write the following portion of verse
31 of ar Rad with saffron and rose water on the hide of a deer, and the wife should wear it as a
ta'wid around her neck.
It it appears that the wife is incapable of producing child, recite the following dua'a on 11
almonds separately and give them to the wife to eat one a day for 11 consecutive days.
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Supplications for Various Purposes
If there is no birth of a child within reasonable time, pray a two rakat salat and after that write
the following verses (Ali Imran: 38 and Furqan: 74) with saffron on two separate sheets of paper
and tie one of them as ta'wid on the right arm of the wife and tie other on the right arm of the
(ii) Furqan : 74
If there is no birth of a child within a reasonable time, fast for there three consecutive days and
recite verse 74 of Furqan (see du-a'a 229(ii) 21 times before going to sleep.
If it appears that the wife is incapable of producing a child write the following (Arabic tedt) as
directed on a sheet of paper and bind it as a tawid on the right arm of the wife.
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq for the birth of a child, if there is none,
engrave verse 89 of Anbiya (see du-a'a 221) on a turquois and wear it as a ring and also recite
it regularly as Qunoot in all prayers.
If it appears that the wife is incapable of producing a child, write surah Ali Imran with the
solution of saffron and rose water on the hide of a deer or sheet, wrap it with strong cloth and
put it as a tawid around the neck of the wife.
It is reported that Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib advised one of his companions to call ad'an
(summoning to prayers) in clear voice at home regularly if he want that Allah may bless him with
sufficient children.
For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy write verses 91 to 93 of Anbiya on a piece
of paper and wear as a tawid for 40 days from the day of pregnancy, then remove it, and wear it
again in the 9th month and after the birth tie it to the child.
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For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy and no miscarriage, write verse 1 of all
Hajj with saffron and tie it to the mother, preferably around her belly or abdomen.
For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, and no miscarriage, write a portion of
verse 64 of Yusuf and verse 8 of ar Rad with saffron and bind it as a tawid around the belly or
abdomen of the mother.
For the safety of child and mother during pregnancy, write with saffron surah al Bayyinah
(chapter 98) wash it with pure water and give it to the mother to drink.
To remain safe from the danger of miscarriage or premature birth, take a cotton thread equal to
mother's height, dye it in saffron and make 9 knots, then recite verses 127 and 128 of an Nahl
on each knot separately and blow breath on it.
Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq advised the followers of Muhammad and Aali Muhammad
to recite the following du-a'a at the time of birth of a child for a safe and smooth delivery.
According to Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq if it is stipulated that the childbirth may not
be easy, write the following portions of verses 35 of al Ahqaf, 46 of an Nazi-a't and 35 of Ali
Imran on the hide of a deer and tie it as a tawid around the woman's right thigh.
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It is written in Tibb al A-immah that Imam Jafar bin Muhammad as Sadiq said that write verse
30 of Anbiya and verses 37 to 44 and 51 of Ya sin on one side of a piece of paper and verse 35
of Ahqaf and verse 46 of Nazi-at on the other side, wrap a strip of paper lightly around it, and
then fasten it on the middle of a woman who has entered her month of delivery. When the child
is born do not leave it on for an instant.
Imam Ali ibn abi Talib advised the followers of Muhammad and Aali Muhammad to write the
following du-a'a with saffron on a piece of paper and tie it to the right arm or the neck of the
mother as a ta'wid for as safe childbirth.
It is written in Tibb al A-immah that Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir advised one of his
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Supplications for Various Purposes
companions, whose wife was in on the threshold of death from the severity of labour pains, to
recite over her verses 23 to 25 of Maryam.
It is written in T'ibb al A-immah that Imam Ali ibn Talib said that for a woman experiencing
difficulty in childbirth write verses 5 and 6 of Inshirah 7 times and verses 1 and 2 of al Hajj once
on the hide of a deer and fasten it to her groin.
It is written in Tibb al A-immah that Imam Muhammad bin Ali al Baqir said that: if a woman
experiences difficulty during childbirth, write verse 111 of Yusuf, verse 35 of Ajwaf and verse 46
of Nazi-at in a vessel cleaned with musk and saffron then wash it with spring water and give her
some water to drink and spring the rest over her body and genitals.
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