Research Proposal: Digitalization and Governance in Pakistan

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05/02/2022 Research Proposal

Digitalization and Governance in

Table of Contents

Problem Statement:...................................................................................................................................2

Research Questions:..................................................................................................................................2

Research Objectives:.................................................................................................................................2

Significance of the Study:..........................................................................................................................3

Scope of Research:.....................................................................................................................................3

Literature Review:.....................................................................................................................................3

Research Methodology:.............................................................................................................................4


Title: Suitability of Electronic Voting Machine and its Implications for Electoral Reforms
in Pakistan

Electronic voting machine (EVM) is used for the purpose of electronic voting also known as e-
voting. It manages both casting and counting of voting. Most of the developed nations around the
world use this machine to maximize the degree of automation in the electoral proceedings. The
extent of automation can range from just marking a paper ballot to a sophisticated system that
includes vote input, recording of vote, transmission to servers and encryption of data, as well as
election result aggregation and tabulation. This machine has its downside as well because in
certain countries non-democratic forces actively manipulated the data. Moreover, it is also
exposed to cyber threats and a clear example of that are the allegations made by Americans
towards Russian during the 2016 US elections.

Elections in Pakistan have long been a point of conflict for both the political parties and the
public at large as well. To counter this challenge the government moved a bill for
implementation of EVM in the voting process. The bill was passed by the assembly but it faced
fierce reaction from the opposition. The EVM holds great prospect to improve the governance of
elections in Pakistan but it has its drawbacks as well. This study highlights how EVM can be a
fruitful contribution for Pakistan in the future elections.

Problem Statement:
The problem that this research deals with is the implementation of EVM in elections of Pakistan
and its efficacy for the country.

Research Questions:
 What are the challenges faced by Election Commission of Pakistan in regulating the
 How EVM can play a proactive role in placing New Public Management in Pakistan?
 Why EVM can be a solution to improve electoral process in the country?
Research Objectives:
The objectives of the research are given as follows:

 To analyze the prominent challenges faced by Election Commission of Pakistan.

 To understand the importance of Electronic Voting Machine for elections in Pakistan.
 To comprehend the relation between New Public Management and EVM in election of
 To understand how EVM is environment friendly.

Significance of the Study:

This research is of extreme importance because of the subject it analyzes. This research provides
detailed discussion on how EVM can improve the conduct of elections by Election Commission
in Pakistan. It identifies how EVM can tackle with the challenges of balloting, voting and results
of elections in the country. Most of the elections in the history of Pakistan have been
characterized as controversial by many parties throughout the history. This research studies the
future implications for the implementation of New Public Management in relation to elections in
Pakistan. This highlights the significance of this research.

Research Scope:
This research paper cover the impact of electronic voting works and the process of voting system
and how this system brings development around the world, for that purpose I do study and
observe the systems of India and U.S voting system and try to find out that how e-voting system
is credible and reduce ratio of un-sustainability and manipulation through Electronic Voting
system. And also find out how it bring positive development in case of Pakistan? how it plays his
role to reduce manipulation of election and also its impact on environment, my findings are new
public management and digital governance are the pillars towards good states which are more
towards merit and accountability and for that purpose how EVM play its role.

Literature Review:
Extensive literature is available on EVM around the world but the concept is novice in Pakistan.
Chrisanthi Avgerou and Angeliki Poulymenakou stated in their article published in the Journal
of Information Technology that the e-voting carried out with the help of EVM is trustworthy
because of the intensive use of information technology (Poulymenakou, 2019). It is very difficult
to manipulate these elections if the governance is appropriately managed. This is why the authors
suggest that governments should make e-voting a part of identity and mission of electoral
authorities of their state. They must cultivate and encourage positive public attitude towards
socio-economic developments that are driven by IT. This is highly stabilizing for the countries
with turbulent political systems. This is mainly because with the use of technology it is highly
unlikely that stakeholders from the elections would have any problem with the results of the
elections. Historical analysis is given especially of the third world countries where most of the
elections are characterized as rigged elections and lead towards innumerable problems. The
traditional way of voting can be easily manipulated and the records are there to be exploited.
EVM can increase trust among the masses.

Sanjay Kumar and Ekta Walia wrote in their article published in the International Journal on
Computer Science and Engineering that EVM and electronic voting is extremely beneficial for
governments as it reduces the expenses of elections for the countries (Walia, 2011). There is no
requirement of printing out the ballots which saves a lot of time and money for the governments.
Registration and identification of voters using electronic means is also very effective and
authentic. Moreover, a solid cyber-security framework can be very helpful to secure the elections
process and keep it secure from the miscreants who participate in malpractices. This is
environment-friendly as well as it minimizes the use of paper. This environment-friendly nature
of e-voting is also an important feature to choose this voting technique over the traditional
method of voting. This also supports the idea of green economy and sustainable eco-system as
well. This way it helps in curbing the climate change and impact of this process on environment
as well. This is why e-voting can be the future of voting around the globe. So, it is helpful in two
ways for the government, firstly by reducing the expenses and secondly by helping the
environment as well.

Uzma Jafar and Zarina Shukur stated in their article published in MDPI Journals that e-voting
has the capability of increasing the voter turnout because of the ease of voting provided in this
method (Uzma Jafar, 2021). Voters can easily cast the vote by electronic means at the polling
station with just one click. Author also added that e-voting is gaining momentum especially in
the modern societies and has a great potential to spread across the world. This is why it is highly
recommended to the countries to implement this system and increase efficiency in the elections.
Furthermore, authors also identify the threats involved in this process and ask the governments to
take rigorous measures to counter this threat. Voter turnout is directly linked with the ease of
voting in the elections and the trust of masses in the electoral process. With e-voting the voter
turnout can increase substantially which is a positive development for countries around the world
as it is better for the democracies. Ikhsan Darmawan reported in his article published in the
Asian Journal of Comparative Politics that the adoption of e-voting around the world has
increased in the last two years with countries in Africa adopting this (Darmawan, 2021).
Moreover, the fact that some of the largest democracies of world like India also use this
technique and has proved viable there. This emphasizes the increase in adoption of e-voting by
the countries which is likely to increase further in the future.

Research Methodology:
This research provides a comprehensive analysis on the introduction of Electronic Voting
Machine in the electoral process of Pakistan. In order to complete this research both primary and
secondary resources of data collection will be used to fulfill the objectives of the research.
Research uses both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collected for literature review is
collected from authentic and peer-reviewed journal and periodical articles. Secondary data is
appropriately mentioned in the reference section at the end of the research. Descriptive approach
will be used to analyze the implications of EVM for Pakistan. Research nature is deductive as the
focus is to provide meaningful conclusions.

Pakistan is an underdeveloped state and facing many issues and challenges to implement good
governance indicators, recently government have got success by passing a bill of EVM, the
voting was only temporarily put off to allow the Opposition to address the parliament and was
later resumed, after which the government was successful in passing amendments to the Election
Act, 2017, in the form of Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the Elections (Second
Amendment) Bill, 2021, allowing the use of electronic voting machines and granting voting
rights to overseas Pakistanis. Pakistan is moving towards digital governance but few powerful
elected people trying their best to build hurdles for government to made them fail to achieve their
goal, I also want to know what youth want, are they ready to move from old fashion ballot papers
or they still feel that this is the best way of voting, overseas Pakistanis have never got the
opportunity of being a part of participatory governance and I believe that it will be their right to
vote even if they are not in the country but at the end the thing which matters is that they belongs
to Pakistan. The global world change the model of voting and shifts towards electronic voting
machines but due to lack of resources and illiterate society we are still far from this and also
cutting forests trees and making ballot paper is no more accepted, we are on the top of list in the
index of pollution and Lahore (Capital of Punjab) and Karachi (capital of Sindh) seems like
second home of fog, so we as a state have to make sound policies which play both roles save us
through pollution and move the state towards digitalization. And also the role of new public
management is very important to implement these new modes and help us to implement e-
governance in Pakistan, also e-voting system reduce the manipulation in election and no one’s
mandate is captured by any strong group and nobody is able to influence the election system.
There are few challenges and conflicts between parliament and election commission of Pakistan
but they will come to one page and work as a team to bring EVM system in Pakistan.

Avgerou, C., Masiero, S., & Poulymenakou, A. (2019). Trusting e-voting amid experiences of
electoral malpractice: The case of Indian elections. Journal of Information Technology, 34(3),
Darmawan, I. (2021). E-voting adoption in many countries: A literature review. Asian Journal of
Comparative Politics, 06(22), 205789112110405.
ECP. (2021, October 14). ECP - Election Commission of Pakistan.
Jafar, U., Aziz, M. J. A., & Shukur, Z. (2021). Blockchain for Electronic Voting System
Review and Open Research Challenges. Sensors, 21(17), 5874.
VARIOUS COUNTRIES. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering 3(5),

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