Significance of Traditional Architecture

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Jaipur Architecture Festival (JAF) Jan 2015

Significance of Traditional Architecture in 21st Century: Indian Context

Born in the late sixties, I can sum up my upbringing in two phrases- don’t waste and be responsible.

The buzzword in 80’s- was ‘Energy Efficiency’. I referred the various research papers published by Central
Building Research Institute’ for my undergrad thesis. Some of the many were on Roof cooling by drip irrigation,
reflecting the heat by china mosaic, mud fusca- for insulation in roofs, orientation of buildings as means for heat
gain or loss in buildings. Amongst others- solar water heaters, solar cookers, dessert coolers were being
developed at the centre. Testing of reflecting films on glass as means of reducing heat gain too were
undertaken. Those years were very exciting as on open days we got to see the experiments live.

Some of the research became commercially successful- while others- more specifically about the buildings per-
se- the takers were few- perhaps, because the team comprised mainly of physicists’- like my father- and civil

Around the same time a quiet revolution was taking place in Kerala at the hands of Laurie Baker. I found myself
hugely INSPIRED with his sensitivity towards materials, climate and cultural context. His works though of such
ingenuity- got branded as low cost! Many of the young architects are now re- discovering his solution to be ‘low
energy’ and there is distinct revival of interest. But in the early 90s- once the economic reforms came about-
anything with the tag of ‘low cost’ was kept aside! Or so was my perception at least!

Fortunately- for me – when I had gone to him with request to join his studio- he gently propelled me to Auroville
as he had retired from active practice. Centre for Scientific Research with its ferrocement research facility and
Auroville Building Centre with its Earth Division- became my foothold in first half of 90s. The buzz word of this
era was ‘sustainibility’. We held workshops and orientation programmes for architects on various aspects
wherein besides building with alternative technologies- treating waste water for recycling and growing of food
were additions to the palette. Harnessing Solar and Wind energy had become day today reality – albeit with high
price tag and inefficiency. Seed banks, organic food, management of fields with mixing plant species and study
into the plants system for fixing nitrogen in soil or carbon mono-oxide in environment were highlights. Vandana
Shiva was fighting for indigenous species of rice, neem and turmeric to remain patent free and not be exhumed
by the US system…all was part of one whole- sustainable living! Future Shock by Fritzoff Capra managed to
generate deep vibrations with his theory of connectivity. Rio summit and interest in Gaia philosophy created
ripples amongst us!

The mainstream professionals considered it all a part of obsession of a community within an experimental
module. And most dialogues then finished at –‘while it is all very nice- how can this ever be part of real life!” And
soon I discovered that indeed it was very much part of daily life in this country- albeit in another era!

Walter – my husband – and I came to Goa in 98 and fortunately encountered the larger than life entity ‘Houses of
Goa’ thanks to Gerard da Cunha when he invited me to mind the exhibition on the same as a prelude to the book
launch. On an average- these edifices were 400 years old and full of mind boggling beauty! But most impressive
to me was their climate responsive design. High roofs, wide verandahs’, tall windows- thick walls, shell windows,
lime and mud marvels from yesteryears with very articulated cornice and plinth mouldings- ensuring no water-
run on mud-wall surface– were perfect example of non- electricity based living. To top it they had been rendered
with art and made to look beautiful by employing skills- in windows, doors, copings, columns…. Construction!

The brash ego of youth that may have thought ‘contemporary’ to be superior got a jolt! I then started to look
around me with a new awareness; it was not only a professional enquiry… more as a person. Who built these
Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

buildings? How much love they must have in themselves that they manage to translate it into such a tangible
With this new awareness my subsequent visits became many times richer. Visit to Fatehpur Sikri! What a place!
Almost like a film set…. Elaborate, beautiful, expansive, and empty… plays havoc on your imagination, which
simply runs riot amidst the possibilities of interpretation of spaces!

Golconde fort, temple trail of Bhubaneshwar and Puri, the temple bunch of Pattadakal, the Jaisalmer Fort,
palaces of Udaipur, Amber.... by then I had visited them all but never had felt this intimacy with the subject. Yes,
it was at Belur and Halebid temples, that I had ever felt the love of the sculptor in the sculpture, but building
emanating a love! That I felt for the first time with the Houses of Goa, and I was hooked!

Heritage acquired a meaning- something that evokes. And yes I knew I wanted to understand more.
My work took me to Kerala, Pondicherry, Rajasthan, and spirit of adventure to Leh. And at each place I found a
treasure trove of buildings dotting the landscape and adding a scale to it.

Let us now synthesize these observations:

Building Types: Traditional as in region specific or as the British termed them Vernacular;
Public Works: Fort walls, water reservoirs
And Domestic
Building Materials: Stone, Earth, Lime for plaster, mortar decorations. Wood for floors, doors, windows,
columns, roofs.

So why do we see such variety? How come we have such a treasure?

If Buildings were only a shelter from the vagaries of nature- they would have been much simpler in texture and
architectonics. So let us now add another element to the analysis: ‘Climate’.

Indeed India has varied climate from North to south. However- Kerala and Tamil Nadu could be said to have hot
humid- then why the variation in architecture.

Leh is high altitude desert so cold and dry while Rajasthan is also desert, so hot and dry. The articulation of plans
has similarities while embellishments show a rich use of colour! Available materials- stone, timber, lime and earth
and yet use of this palette is very different in the two regions while having commonalities.

The inherent element in plan that does run through the traditional design is the ‘courtyard’. But the use and
articulation of courtyards too has many adaptations.

So what factor is at play?

Indeed it is the ingredient called “culture”. It is also this factor that gave birth to buildings as symbols of power,
personify abundance and prosperity and portray belief. Hence we come to classify buildings as religious,
administrative, domestic, and political or security such as battlements and forts. Through the ages more types
have evolved: commercial, recreational, etc.

The link between built fabric and cultural beliefs came to light to me in very concrete form while researching and
writing on Traditional Architecture of Coorg in 2004 (Silent Sentinels published in 2005). Materials used here are
laterite, wood and lime. The type can be generalized as courtyard type. The most striking of the built fabric of
Coorg are the family mansions called the Ainemane. These houses are large campus like, situated strategically on
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high ground often abutting the family’s agricultural land much like the Goan Houses. Most of them are 300 to
400 years old (another similarity) and are well preserved and looked after.

The Kodavas are a small genetic group and have moved to major cities and abroad – just like many Goans- and
yet to find these houses in such well kept condition did surprise and intrigued me. Having witnessed the severe
neglect to similar edifices in Goa, I was perplexed. I dug into social history and customs of Kodavas and
interviewed the scholars. The effort revealed that the Kodavas worship their ancestors. The family houses are
the embodiment of their ancestors and hence in turn these houses have a place of reverence in the customs. The
northwest corner of the courtyard of the main house is adorned with a lamp and this is kept lit 365 days a year as
symbolic reverence to the ancestors. Each member of the clan through the generations has a place in the family
home always- no questions asked.

A kind of social security wouldn’t you agree? And so most were inhabited by some family member or the other or
in recent years a caretaker is often engaged by the family. All births, marriages and death ceremonies are tied up
with customary visit to the family home and ritualistic celebrations. Thus it is a “belief” system that has emerged
as the force of continuum of a building type.

This experiential learning made me aware of “cultural dynamics” at play in our built environment.
My foray into world of Conservation of historic buildings to me is an extension of my interest in climate
responsive buildings- and inherent value system- why waste a resource. The two streams – conservation and
Sustainibility have same foot hold- ‘caretaking of resources – not robbing the next generation of its availability’.
Prevention is best form of conservation. Conservation of buildings while has an emotional foothold in its value
system- but essentially it is the science of deterioration of matter and how to extend its life. Which, is now
informing the ‘green’ sector where in- the focus has turned to life cycle of material as an important aspect for

The three Rs- reduce, reuse and recycle are today’s buzz words!

And yet- we have many abandoned buildings! We continue to build while we could actually put many to good
use. This is an important aspect. Our growing population is putting pressure onto our agricultural lands and on
eco- sensitive zones.

It was in Jaipur and Amber that concept of planning/ designing with Nature became real and not just well
worded concept. While restoring the pleasure palace in Amber- which is essentially a dam wall – upper sagar and
lower sagar being the resultant reservoirs- and the stepped well in the valley- are result of deep understanding of
the land- water connect. Once we de-silted the lakes, repaired the dam walls and cleaned the stepped well- in the
next season post rains- the entire 175 wells in the valley around Amber had water in them against 26 as was the
case before conservation. It is not just that the built elements got restored- it was the entire water system that
got revived! An experience that is hard to forget on connectivity. And believe me it is most rewarding and
humbling to experience the ingenuity of the 16th century planners and builders at such close.

I discovered – behind the touristy glitter- Jaipur Walled city , founded in 1727-as a ‘greenest’ city at its very basic
planning principles of mixed land use- travel time- a very walk able city, water management, ratio of built and
open spaces encouraging community interaction etc . Built using locally available materials and to top it with an
economic policy for the city’s growth as most important component of its vision. Social cohesion through secular
design has to be experienced at its squares which have domestic, temples and mosques blending seamlessly.
And- the walled city is slowly decaying – while Jaipur is on fast track to Metrodom! Nothing in its growth reflects
any sensitivity to understand and emulate such timeless planning principles! The question seriously is Why?

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Another story I do wish to share is of the house in Saligao- Goa. 140 years old house came to disuse on passing on
of the elders and lay abandoned for 40 years. The four sons of the family live in other parts of the world but visit
Goa for holidays. The eldest – Max and his wife Violet grew up as neighbours in the house. Post retirement, on
one of the many visits- they met us. A neighbour had made offer of 7 lakhs and they were pondering. The issue
was of joint family property. Inspired by the Kodava’s policy for their family mansions –Ainemane, to remain in
joint custody, I found myself suggesting to them to form a family trust of the property which would ensure joint
holding and participation. It took them a year to get all on board. We gave them- 4 bed room house with
attached toilets with huge family and dining space and cotemporary kitchen and a caretakers block on the
footprint of the service block in the rear. Existing well was revived and contemporary services put in. The old
encaustic tile flooring in the front hall was restored and the entrance made safe while retaining the balcao. The
house has also started to earn for itself when rented out to friends as homestay. All of 350 sq.m house at cost of
33 lakhs- while the value of the property is now in crores.
While technical appropriate technology of working with mud and lime was important- it was the policy of joint
holding as in a family trust that actually saved this house for the family. Perhaps because we understood the
socio-cultural process at play, we were able to help. In the last 8 years of restoring more than 16 Old Goan
houses, one theme that is constant is ‘contemporary lifestyle’ to be sustained in old built fabric.

Socio-cultural Dynamics and Architecture

In 20th Century, culture emerged as a concept central to anthropology, encompassing all human phenomena that
are not purely results of human genetics.

Specifically, ‘culture’ in anthropology had two meanings:

1) the evolved human capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols and to act imaginatively and
2) the distinct ways that people living in different parts of the world classified and represented their experiences
and acted creatively.

To me this translates as Culture is a process. And research suggests that we view this process to have six steps:
1. A new pattern of behavior is invented or an existing one is modified.
2. The innovator transmits this pattern to another.
3. The form of the pattern is consistent within and across performers, perhaps even in terms of recognizable
stylistic features.
4. The one who acquires the patterns retains the ability to perform it long after having acquired it.
5. The pattern spreads across social units in a population. These social units may be families, clans, troops or
6. The pattern endures across generations.

Perhaps now we can make sense that we are ‘choosing’ the apartment blocks. Perhaps, it is indeed us as
builders, owners, property dealers, vacationers, entrepreneurs, working class- who have rejected the ‘old house’
or a Haveli, in favour of manageable, 2-3 bedroom apartment , row house, villa, in gated community! Where is the
time to maintain the very demanding old house!

In any case it is so old fashioned! Kids now travel abroad and need modern amenities so how can this all be
provided in old houses! It is not Trendy!

Pardon me, for generalizing! However, while participating in the Save Goa campaign 6 years back against the
regional plan which was more of a land grab plan - that brought many from all parts of the State and across the
Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

sections of society- it occurred to me that the entire experience of building of awareness only highlighted our
own disconnect and insensitivity to our environment – both built and natural. It sure did wake up the residents of
the state to take note and ownership and act with responsibility.

I also realized that glorifying the past is limiting- if we do not own the present. Visiting the past is the first step to
identify the “Values” that shaped it and while we must change the rules- we do need to retain the VALUES. Our
‘instant’ and throw away culture needs to be questioned very seriously. Climate change is just one factor-
fractured ‘souls’, fragmented families, unloved elders and kids, are fast becoming norm.

To enumerate, I have learned:-

 Buildings, both old and new, make statements.
 They make statements about the social standing of the occupants, the skills and knowledge the builders
possessed at the time the building was built, how far house-owners travelled and how many ideas they
brought back with them when they came back home.
 Buildings also make statements on social and cultural systems (purdah, seclusion of women, etc.) prevailing
in a particular place at a particular time and function as vital links for new generations in the understanding
of their roots.
 Buildings are fountainheads of ancient intellect in terms of their design, technology, climatic adaptation, eco-
friendliness and in the optimum use of available building materials. They not only reflect personal, spiritual
and intellectual wealth but also prosperity of the whole community by way of shoreland trade on the
erstwhile “spice routes”.
 Cross-cultural migrations in the days of old resulted in a blend of cultures, cuisine, lifestyle and architecture
and continue to do so now.
 Migrant communities brought in these elements and yet managed to protect their own heritage as well as
respect the heritage of the region they settled in.

The last is one element that appears to be missing in the superimposition of 21st C building techniques and
building materials. We seem to be compelled to build at the fastest pace and least creative inputs for maximum
gain. This is detrimental to the organic fabric that we see in place today and has taken centuries to evolve and
get there. It also adds to urban congestion, over-stretching the carrying capacity of the land beyond its limits.

So what can we learn from Traditional Buildings and settlements? Why Conserve?

 Because we can learn from existing stock the principles of generically green architecture,
 Because can we learn how materials age, and this knowledge can inform our new buildings that can age
 Because we can learn how to construct with locally available and hence have low energy footprint.
 Because we can learn how to live with nature, in the climatic context with regional cultural richness.
 Conservation makes good common and economic sense to make good use of what we have.

In 2011 Samskruti Builders – “with aim to build a smart community that believes in a greener tomorrow where
sustainability is basis and not an alternative lifestyle”- approached us to design for them a 50 unit bioclimatic
boutique apartment building –HOYSALA- at Bangalore-with simple 5 core principles:

the inbuilt possibility of experiencing

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas


1. ‘responsible living’,
2. ‘nodal connectivity’,
3. ‘social cohesion’,
4. ‘ecological sensitisation’ and
5. a ‘participatory’ existence.

It was like coming full circle for me and it is indeed been a joy to give shape to these thematic core values –
and a chance to put the belief of learning from traditional to shape the contemporary to test.

Key features

The bylaws and FSI demanded reduced footprint as in 40% ground coverage and we chose to give an internal
court while keeping the building block in U shape. Bangalore was once called air- conditioned city – and we
studied the climatic data and reached conclusion that if we design for cross ventilation- we can eliminate air
conditioning as a necessity.

SO that one decision led to shaping of all other design features.

Recessed Building line: Negligible solar gains in summer and plenty in winters when sun position is lower in the
sky. The linking corridors were consciously designed as bridges- to allow for cut-outs that ensure light and
ventilation and sense of privacy on the courtyard side. It indeed has made an immense difference to the flat as it
feels like an independent house with a communal extended space.

Garden balconies: This is the extended quality family space. Balcony is designed to be planter and envelopes
around the building which makes the building cooler, filters air and sound, gives fresh air and better indoor air-
quality and creates a sense of security and space for individuality. The key decision was to give space for a tree in
each of the balcony which can be a papaya, or pomegranate or lemon tree as one would have in a house on
ground. This led to staggering of balconies to ensure double height space for the trees to grow. And the
mathematic permutation of the staggering is result of learnings’ from Jaipur Architecture. The rendering of
concrete is also emulation of the same learning from traditional- projections and recess- even small- create
shadows- and render scale and softness to the building.

Other features:

Double height car parking: we decided against the stilts for parking as it disconnects the residents from
ground. Double height basement is intended to accommodate future need. People will not park in the visitor
place or common areas meant for walks or sitting amidst plants. Recharging points for electric cars is also
planned as Bangalore is home of Reva – the electric car.

Water: With around 5-lakh litre water storage capacity and recycling purified grey water, we anticipate water
sustainability within this project purely from the rains and potable water supply to every tap. In my opinion, this
is very futuristic from this aspect alone.

Energy: Every tap will get hot water from Solar. Additionally, we are looking at providing PV based power
supply. This again will provide sustainability to some extent.

Community Garden: To address the issue of social cohesion- we know we are an event based society. We need
events to come together. Hence we came up with the terrace as a garden to grow food and common kitchen
and store around the swimming pool to act as the base of community participation. We anticipate around at
least 50% of veggies requirement of the residents to be met from the garden. The green house is for the
hydroponics and roof of the same is to be made of solar panels. Perhaps we can have a new tag line one day-
community that grows food together – stays together!
Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

Materials: While concrete is the framework, for finishes, we selected materials that have very low
environmental impact in the lifecycle of the project yet gives visual luxury. Stones from Karnataka form the
major bulk.

It is on launching of the project- that the sensitivity and adherence to Vastu principles came to fore. WE had to
get back to drawing board and while two senior co-designers withdrew at that point of time as a matter of
principle - my experience of Jaipur and years of working here gave me conviction to persevere. The resultant
design had only 6 apartments that could not be as per Vastu in terms of entrance position. Rest of the 50 – are
and consequently no two apartments are alike on each of the floors. Alternate floors are similar but not same.
Some would agree- individuality has been retained in a collective.

While the building envelop received recognition by way of award- “Best Green Building 2014”by ….and very
surprising ‘Best Luxury Building’ 2015 by Global Quality forum, it remains to be seen if the design succeeds in
harnessing a cohesive living and sustainable community life. At the moment we are in process of establishing the
gardens and food growing beds. In another six- eight months - we will have the answer to it too.

Technical advances to support the movement of responsible living are very encouraging. However, to sum up-I
strongly feel our core value system needs a revival- for we may change the rules- we must retain the values!

Land is a resource and not a commodity. This revisit in value system – to my mind would be the very first step in
making our present and future sustainable.

It is the socio-cultural dynamics that should shape the environment.

It is we who need to sit up and take stock and reflect and define the values as a responsible society.

Let us bring harmony with nature, human scale, and place for cultural exchanges and celebrations of natural
wealth back into our design forum.

Let us choose – rather than just ‘use’.

Let us revere our historic fabric and feel gratitude for the gift rather than consider it a burden.

Let us be ‘inclusive’ as there is value to all strands in a fabric.

Because history informs us that civilizations thrived on exchange and adaptation, while yielding uniqueness
through innovation.

I believe we CAN, for truly in India, we are blessed with a coherent Diversity.

About the author:

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas is an architect, a conservationist and an environ-activist, with a keen interest in
traditional architecture. She is engaged in unraveling and reviving the inherent wisdom of traditional building
technology as she believes traditional buildings offer a generically green option. Her Goa-based, award winning
firm Archinova_Environs has climate and context-sensitive architecture as its corner stone.

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas


Poonam is the co-founding member of Goa Heritage Action Group. Her listing in six districts of Kerala was
published as the ‘Kerala Heritage Guide’ and she has researched and authored ‘Silent Sentinels, Traditional
Architecture of Coorg’.

Poonam Verma Mascarenhas

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