Sag Calculation
Sag Calculation
Sag Calculation
BULLETIN 1724E-152
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
Overhead Distribution Line Conductors
Calculations for
Installation of
1.1 Scope of Bulletin: This bulletin presents the methodology and equations required to
calculate distribution line ruling spans and conductor sags and tensions. It explains the
guidelines used for preparing or selecting sag-tension tables. The bulletin also explains
conductor characteristics, behavior, installation and aeolian vibration.
1.2 National Electrical Safety Code: The bulletin references rules and presents selected data
contained in the 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC). At the time this
bulletin was written, the 2002 Edition was the latest edition of the NESC. All of the references
in this bulletin to the NESC are references to the 2002 Edition of the NESC. Periodically the
NESC is updated and revised. Users of this bulletin should use the rules and data, as may be
revised and renumbered, from the most recent edition of the NESC. Copies of the NESC may be
obtained from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc., (IEEE) at the following
2.1 Mathematics of Conductor Sag: The behavior and movement of a suspended conductor is
the most unpredictable variable in distribution line design. Since complex equations are used to
calculate the conductor sag curve, some simplifications and approximations are used. The
approximations cause small errors. The accuracy of the final calculated results decreases as the
curve equation is simplified.
2.2 Catenary and Parabolic Sag Equations: The curved shape of a completely flexible cable
suspended between two rigid supports is defined as a catenary. A conductor, although not
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2.3 completely flexible, very nearly has this same shape. The equation for the sag of a catenary
is expressed in the following hyperbolic equation:
T W × S
D= h × cosh − 1
W 2 × Th
D = Vertical conductor sag length at midspan
Th = Horizontal component of conductor tension
S = Horizontal length of the conductor span (between supports)
W = Unit vertical weight of the conductor (including ice or wind loads)
cosh = Hyperbolic cosine
2.2.1 The catenary equation can be approximated to the degree of accuracy desired by using
MacLaurin’s infinite series for hyperbolic functions. In this form, each added term in the series
increases the accuracy. The first three terms of the series are:
2 2 3
WS 2 W WS 2 4 W WS
D= + +
8T h 6T h 8T h 10 6T h 8T h
2.2.2 Three terms of this equation are usually sufficient for exacting sag calculations. Two
terms generally provide the necessary accuracy for long-span transmission lines. A single term
satisfies the accuracy requirements for the majority of distribution, subtransmission, and
transmission line sag calculations when spans are no more than 1000 feet (300 meters). The first
term of the equation is identical to the equation for a parabolic curve. Therefore, for distribution
lines and most transmission lines, the midspan span conductor sag is approximated by the first
term of the above equation.
2.2.3 The weight of a conductor in a catenary span equation is assumed to be evenly distributed
along the conductor sag curve. In a parabolic equation the conductor weight is assumed to be
evenly distributed along a straight line between the conductor supports. For relatively short
spans with small sags, the difference in weight distribution is generally negligible.
2.2.4 The parabolic equation is used for the great majority of the manual sag and tension
calculations for distribution lines. Catenary equations of several terms are used in computer
programs where greater accuracy is desired. A distribution design engineer might use the two-
term catenary equation to check the sag error of a parabolic calculation for a long crossing span.
The catenary equation has larger sag values than the parabolic equation. Only parabolic
equations are used hereafter.
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2.3 Dead-End Span Sag and Tension Equations: Most conductor sag and tension calculations
are theoretically based on a simple dead-end span of conductor supported at equal elevations.
The supports are assumed to be rigid. It is also assumed the conductor length does not change
with changes in temperature or stress. These assumptions allow calculations to be made with
simple equations of the parabolic curve. See Figure 2-1 which illustrates the parabolic conductor
sag curve and some of the principal variables.
The following symbols define and are used to represent some of the conductor tension variables
of the simple parabolic span:
The fundamental sag equation for the parabolic sag curve of a conductor span is:
D =
Usually W and S are known quantities. A value is assumed or determined for Th or D and the
equation is solved for the unknown variable. If Th is decreased, D has to increase, and vice
versa. If Th is held constant and the span length is varied, D will increase or decrease as a
function of
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the square of the span length. This relationship provides the basis for another frequently used
equation. In a line section that has a ruling span Sr with the sag Dr, and the same values of W
and Th , the sag D of any given span S can be calculated as follows:
D = Dr
S = Span length of span under consideration
Sr = Ruling span length
Dr = Ruling span sag length
The sag of the conductor at a distance (x) from the midspan or distance (z) from the support can
be calculated as follows:
2 x 2
Dx = D 1 −
S − 2 z 2
Dz = D 1 −
The fundamental equations for calculating the various components of conductor tension are:
WS 2
Th =
Tv =
The following conventional approximation formula may be applied to the above equation for Tr.
In the expression (1+a)m, if “a” is much smaller than 1, then (1+ a)m ≅ (1+ma). Then, by using
this approximation and by substituting the values for Th and Tv from the formulas above, the
following simplified formula for Tr is derived.
TV 2 W 2S 2
T r = Th + = Th + = Th + WD
2Th 8Th
The average tension of the span is the average of Th and Tr.
Th + Tr
Ta =
Neither Th nor Tr is generally known and is calculated. The tensions provided with the
sag-tension data for a specific ruling span are usually values of Ta. Since Ta, D, and W are
known, Th can be calculated.
Ta = Th +
Th = Ta −
2.3.3 Conductor Length Equation:
WD W 2S 2
L = S 1 + = S 1 +
3T h 24T h
b. In actual construction practice, the conductor is not installed and sagged as a single
dead-end span between two adjacent, rigid supports as assumed. The conductor is
installed and sagged in one operation in a line section of several unequal spans. The
structures between the dead-ends of the stringing section support the conductors with
free-wheeling rollers (stringing sheaves or blocks) that permit the conductor to move
freely between spans. The behavior of the sag and tension during stringing is a
function of the length of conductor between dead-ends rather than a function of the
single span where the sagging is done. The behavior of the conductor under these
conditions is determined by the “Ruling Span Theory,” which is discussed in
Section 3.2 of this bulletin.
Once the conductor is sagged and secured to the supporting insulators, the conductor
no longer can move freely between spans. The spans, in a sense, become dead-end
spans. The supporting structures are not absolutely rigid but will flex when the
horizontal tensions between spans are unequal. However, this difference in tension
will be minimized if the sagging of the section was done in conformance with the
Ruling Span Theory. In practice, this flexure is ignored, and the prediction for future
behavior of the spans is based on calculation procedures used for dead-end spans.
3.1 Ruling Span: The term “ruling span” is one of the most frequently used yet misunderstood
and misused term in the design, staking, and construction of overhead lines. “Ruling span” is
loosely used with several different meanings. The term should be preceded by a descriptive
adjective to identify its specific meaning.
3.2 The Ruling Span Theory: During stringing and sagging, the conductors are placed on
travelers at the supports and are dead-ended at the ends of the stringing section of the line.
While the conductor is on travelers and free to move between spans, the conductor tension and
length in any span is a function of the combined average tension of all the spans and the total
conductor length of the dead-ended stringing section.
3.2.1 When all the spans have equal lengths and the supports are of equal elevation, the behavior
of the conductor in each span will be the same and can be determined by the equations for the
dead-end span. When the spans are of unequal length and the supports are of varying elevations,
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3.2.2 By making certain reasonable assumptions concerning the behavior of the conductor in a
series of spans supported on travelers, the mathematics can be simplified to a manageable
equation. The assumptions for the “Ruling Span Theory” are:
• The supports are at equal elevations since the span lengths are large compared to the
difference in elevation of supports. (Resultant errors will be negligible.)
• The horizontal tension is constant throughout the stringing section since variations in
span lengths will not be great enough to cause a measurable difference in the horizontal
tension between any two adjacent spans.
• The uneven spans are replaced by a series of equal spans such that the total length of the
conductor and the horizontal tension of the section is unchanged. Thus the sag and
tension characteristics of a single dead-end span can could be used to predict the sag
behavior in any of the spans in the section.
3.3 Theoretical Ruling Span: By using the conductor length equation (see Section 2.3 of this
bulletin) and by making certain assumptions, approximations, and formula substitutions, the
following theoretical ruling span equation can be derived:
S =
∑ S 3
S 3
+ S 3 2 + S 3 3 + ... S
∑ S
S 1 + S 2 + S 3 + ... S n
Sr = the theoretical ruling span.
S1, S2, S3, ... Sn are equal to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd ...nth span lengths.
3.3.1 The theoretical ruling span equation is not exact because of the assumptions made. Since
its accuracy is sufficient for most line designs, it is the equation used most often to calculate the
ruling span for new overhead distribution lines.
3.3.2 Since the horizontal tension and the unit conductor weight are assumed constant
throughout the stringing section, the sag of any span in the section can be calculated by the
parabolic sag equations given earlier in Section 2.3 of this bulletin.
3.3.3 The above ruling span formula is the ruling span in its true sense. It has been called ruling
span, theoretical ruling span, actual ruling span, true ruling span, and equivalent span. It is an
equivalent span length based on the total length and average tension of the conductor in a series
of spans that is being pulled up and sagged in one operation. It is, therefore, a function of all the
spans included in the stringing section.
3.3.4 After being tied in, each span virtually becomes a dead-end span with approximately the
same tension as the theoretical ruling span. When the tied spans in the section are of different
lengths, changes in temperature, loading and elongation due to creep will cause differences in
tension between the spans. These differences in tension will cause a flexing or bending of poles
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and arms.
3.3.5 This ruling span “rules” the behavior of the sagged section of line. The sag characteristics
of the ruling span set the sag characteristics of every span in the section. If conductors are
installed using a sag-tension table with the wrong ruling span, actual final sags and tensions will
not be the same as predicted. The greater the difference, the greater the error!
3.4 Design Ruling Span: One or more assumed ruling spans, based on experience, has to be
used for the field design of a new line because the theoretical ruling span of a line section cannot
be determined until after the line is staked. If the land is reasonably flat, it is appropriate to use a
ruling span that approximates the level ground span. The required ground clearance may be
subtracted from the attachment height of the lowest conductor to determine the sag limited by
ground clearance. This sag value can then be used to determine a ruling span length whose sag
is approximately equal to the sag allowed by the basic structure height. For rugged terrain, a
ruling span that is longer than the level ground span is usually more effective.
After staking, the theoretical ruling span should be calculated and compared with the design
ruling span. Using a design ruling span appreciably different from the theoretical ruling span of
the section will produce unpredictable sags and tensions. Slack sags may cause clearance
problems while tightly drawn spans may cause uplift problems. Higher than predicted tensions
may exceed the permitted load on support assemblies or may cause aeolian vibration problems.
3.5 Estimated Ruling Span: Knowledge gained from a reconnaissance of the proposed line
route may make it possible to estimate a ruling span. A traditional “rule of thumb” equation that
may be helpful in the estimation of a ruling span is:
Se = Average Span + 2/3 (Maximum Span – Average Span)
3.5.1 Use this rule for estimating the ruling span with caution! This “rule of thumb,” used
indiscriminately, has significantly different sags and tensions than the true ruling span equation.
Even one span much longer than the average span may cause the estimated ruling span to be
much greater than the actual theoretical ruling span. This formula should only be used for
estimating the ruling span when the actual spans are not yet known. When the spans are known,
the theoretical equation should be used.
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3.5.2 The estimated ruling span equation (Se) is easily solved and convenient for field use.
When an engineering calculator is available, use of the following equation provides greater
(∑ S − S ) + Sm
3 3
( N − 1) 2
Se =
Se = Estimated ruling span
∑S = Estimated total length of all spans in stringing section
N = Estimated number of spans in stringing section
Sm = Length of the estimated longest span in stringing section
Se = NeSa + Sm
3 3
) (N S + S )
e a m
Ne = Estimated number of spans in stringing section, exclusive of the longest
Sa = Estimated average span of stringing section, exclusive of the longest span
Sm = Length of the estimated longest span in stringing section
3.6 Effects of the Wrong Ruling Span: The greater the difference between the theoretical
ruling span and the design ruling span, the greater the variation will be between the actual and
predicted sag and tension values. The magnitude by which actual sags and tensions will differ
from the predicted values is a function of conductor temperature and loading.
• If the design sag is greater than the theoretical sag, then the actual sag of the installed
conductors will be less than the predicted sag. This condition will lead to increased
conductor tensions, which may exceed the permitted loads of support structures and
guying assemblies.
• If the design sag is less than the theoretical sag, then the actual sag of the installed
conductors will be greater than the predicted sag. This condition may result in
inadequate ground clearances.
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4.1 Sag–Tension Behavior Under Operating Conditions: The sag and tension equations
given in Section 2.3 of this bulletin are valid only when the conductor length does not
significantly change. Conductor lengths, and thus their sags, do change while in service.
Conductor lengths (and tensions and sags) continuously and simultaneously change due to:
• Temperature fluctuations
• Added ice or wind (weight) loads
• Stretching (creep) because of tension or stress
4.1.1 Since most conductor length changes can be estimated, sag and tension tables can be
prepared accordingly. Tables used in line design need to be able to predict the behavior of the
conductor sags and tensions under expected future operating conditions. Future conductor sags
have to be known to determine compliance with required clearances and separations. Maximum
conductor tensions need to be known to determine whether the line will be in compliance with
NESC strength requirements for supporting structures and assemblies.
4.1.2 Future conductor sags and tensions are dependent on the tensions placed on the conductors
when installed. The sag and tension behavior for a dead-ended span can be predicted for
changing conductor loading, temperature, tension, and creep if its temperature and sag or tension
are known when the conductor is installed. Consequently, controlling the initial sagging tension
will control the long-term behavior of the conductor.
4.2 Preparation of Sag-Tension Tables: The calculations required to predict the sag and
tension behavior of a conductor are complicated and are usually performed with sophisticated
computer programs. The calculations involve the simultaneous application of equations for
sag-tension relationships, conductor stress–strain characteristics, and change in conductor length
as a function of conductor temperature. The following data needs to be inputted to the computer
• The (theoretical) ruling span,
• The span length,
• Conditions of conductor temperatures and loading (e.g., NESC Loading District),
• Conductor limiting tension condition(s), and
• The specific sag-tension characteristics of the conductor.
4.2.2 The results of the conductor design data calculated by the computer are usually arranged to
form a sag–tension (and stringing) table. Alternative conductor designs can be obtained by
changing one or more of the input variables. Alternative conductor designs can be used to
determine the most practical design for a particular distribution line. The prepared or selected
sag-tension table is then used for detailed staking and conductor installation.
5.1 Design Tension Limits: A conductor’s calculated sag and tension is based on a given
design ruling span, the conductor’s size and type, loading conditions, and a previously
established or specified tension limit. Only one tension limit will control the design. If the
temperature and loading conditions are held constant, the design may possibly shift to another
tension limit for different ruling spans. Tension limits may be specified or required for any of
the reasons discussed in Sections 5.2 through 5.4 of this bulletin.
5.2 NESC Conductor Tension Limits: Rule 261H1b of the NESC sets maximum conductor
tension limits at 15o C (60o F), without external loads, at:
• Initial unloaded tension: 35 % of rated conductor breaking strength
• Final unloaded tension: 25 % of rated conductor breaking strength
5.3 Other Conductor Tension Limits: The NESC tension limits for standard ACSR and some
self-damping conductors can generally be used for typical rural distribution lines. The NESC
conductor tension limits need to be reduced by 5 percent for all-aluminum conductors.
Moreover, conductor tensions may need to be further reduced in areas prone to aeolian vibration.
Conductor manufacturers’ recommended tension limits should never be exceeded.
Usually conductor tension limits are expressed in percent of the conductor’s breaking or ultimate
strength. Listings of the most common distribution conductors, their ultimate strengths, and
wind and ice loading by NESC loading district are published as Exhibit A in RUS Bulletin
1724E-153, “Electric Distribution Line Guys and Anchors.” The calculation of tension limits, as
a percentage of the conductor’s breaking strength, is left to the reader.
5.4.1 Rule 277 of the 2002 NESC sets the maximum loads (tension) that can be applied to
insulators as follows:
• Cantilever (transverse) loads: 40 % of rated ultimate strength of insulator
• Tension loads: 50 % of rated ultimate strength of insulator
The ultimate strength ratings of the various sizes and types of standard insulators are published
in the various ANSI C-29 standards for insulators.
5.4.2 Generally, the permitted loads for all of the pole-top, guy and anchor assemblies are
shown on the design parameters on the assembly drawings or tables in the RUS specifications
and drawings for overhead distribution line construction. These permitted loads were calculated
by multiplying the assembly’s ultimate or designated load (strength) by the appropriate NESC
strength factors. Permitted insulator loads are factored into the design parameters on RUS
6.1 Conductor Vibration: Overhead distribution line designs need to be analyzed to assure
that wind-produced conductor vibration will not cause failures or damage. Almost every rural
distribution line will experience some aeolian vibration. Some locations and prevalent weather
conditions may affect certain line designs and produce amplitude and vibration frequencies
which will cause fatigue failure of the conductor or structure components.
6.1.1 Because so many factors are involved, it is extremely difficult to establish one set of
guidelines applicable to all conductor designs. The purpose here is to provide general and useful
information in evaluating potential aeolian vibration problems with a particular line design.
6.1.2 Much has been published concerning the theory of aeolian vibration. This literature
provides only general information because each line has unique parameters that might cause line
vibrations. More specific design information can be obtained from computer simulations that
use large databases for modeling a particular line design. When vibration damage conditions are
expected, obtain assistance from a conductor vendor or from consultants.
6.2 Aeolian Vibration Theory: When a steady wind blows across a conductor under tension,
wind vortices are detached at regular intervals on the lee side, alternately from the top and
bottom, of the conductor. As each of these vortices of wind detach, they impress a minute
vertical force on the conductor. The conductor is thus repeatedly subjected to forces alternately
impressed from above and below. The frequency of force application to the conductor increases
with increasing wind velocity and with decreasing conductor diameter.
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6.2.1 If the frequency of the applied forces is approximately the same as the resonant frequency
of vibration of the span, the conductor will tend to vibrate in many loops in a vertical plane. The
forces impressed by the wind on the conductor produce traveling waves that move away from the
points of application of the forces toward the ends of the span. At the span ends the traveling
waves are reflected and are superimposed on the inwardly traveling waves, thereby producing
standing waves which have frequencies that are multiples of the fundamental frequency of the
entire span. Each wave stores part of the energy it receives from the wind during the course of
its travel in the form of increased amplitude. The crests becomes higher and the troughs deeper.
The balance of energy received from the wind is dissipated as friction between the conductor
strands as they are flexed and rubbed together because of the wave.
6.2.2 When a wave reaches the end of an undamped span and is reflected, neither its amplitude
nor its stored energy is significantly reduced by the reflection. During its subsequent travel, the
wave acquires more energy and greater amplitude from the wind-induced vortices. Ultimately,
an equilibrium amplitude is reached in which the input energy equals the dissipated energy. The
wave amplitude reached at equilibrium may be large enough to damage the conductor or its
supporting assemblies.
6.3 Factors Affecting Vibration: A conductor’s size, tension, and span length, together,
primarily affect a line’s susceptibility to aeolian vibration. The amount of energy imparted to a
conductor varies directly with the span length. The longer the span, the more wind-induced
energy is absorbed. Conductors tend to vibrate more readily at higher tensions because their
self-damping ability (the frictional interaction between strands) is reduced.
6.3.1 In rough terrain the winds are more turbulent and the conductors are less apt to vibrate. If
the line runs through a wooded area, or runs parallel to the prevailing winds, vibration will
generally not be a problem. In most places, winds in excess of about 15 miles per hour
(24 kilometers per hour) will be so turbulent they will not produce vibration. However, winds up
to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour) have produced vibrations in conductors crossing
level terrain and wide rivers.
6.3.2 The damping properties of the materials in the conductor’s supporting structures and
assemblies’ material may have a minor effect on conductor vibration. Higher poles with greater
conductor ground clearance have a greater exposure to vibration-producing winds. Turbulence
lessens with height above ground. Rural distribution lines have minimal damaging aeolian
vibration because their conductors are relatively close to the ground.
6.3.3 None of the available conductor ties or clamps are manufactured specifically to minimize
vibration. Armor rods reinforce the conductor and do a small amount of damping. None of
these devices alone provide adequate protection against aeolian vibration for most rural
distribution lines.
6.4 System Experience with Aeolian Vibration: One of the best guides to use in determining
vulnerability to aeolian vibration is historic experience with existing designs used on the system
and neighboring systems. Utility personnel are generally aware of the locations, conditions, and
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severity of past problems. This knowledge can be very useful in selecting designs and criteria
for new lines and modified lines. Design changes in ruling spans, conductor tension, or pole
height may either increase or decrease the probability of vibration fatigue damage. Past
experience has shown that if lines of a given design have not had aeolian vibration problems,
new lines with the same conductor, ruling span, pole height, and wind exposure will probably
not have problems. However, some new lines may unexpectedly require additional aeolian
vibration protection.
6.5 Aeolian Vibration Mitigation Measures: The following design and installation changes
should help to minimize the probability of aeolian vibration of a new distribution line.
Each of the following measures assumes that all other variables remain constant:
• Decrease the span length – longer spans are more susceptible to aeolian vibration;
• For a given sagging temperature, decrease the sagging tension;
• Increasing the size of a particular conductor type without changing the tension will
generally decrease the probability of vibration damage;
• Properly sizing and installing Stockbridge-type dampers will generally provide adequate
vibration protection for large ACSR distribution conductors. Spiral-type and other less
costly impact dampers may provide adequate protection for small ACSR and all-
aluminum conductors; and
• Use ACSR conductors with higher percentages of steel because they have better self-
damping characteristics than ACSR conductors with smaller percentages of steel. ACSR
conductors have better self-damping characteristics than all-aluminum conductors.
(There may be need for reducing the design sagging tension when making such
6.6 Other Design Guides: Generally, for distribution lines with average span lengths, aeolian
vibration damage will be eliminated if the design initial tensions at 60°F (15°C) are at or below
12 percent of the ultimate strength of the conductor. In some cases, the sags produced by these
low stringing tensions may not be feasible or economically sound. In some designs, such as with
extra large conductors, lower tensions may already be required such that the permitted loads on
assemblies are not exceeded. If each span in the line has adequate ground clearance, a design
with a small increase in sag and decrease in tension may be an economical way to lessen the
probability of aeolian vibration.
In summary, where conditions warrant concern, conductor spans should be as short as possible
and the tensions as low as possible to lessen the probability of aeolian vibration.
7.1 Basic Coordination Concepts: When selecting a conductor sag–tension design, the
relative sags of all the conductors located on the same supporting structure need to be
considered. It is often necessary to use different stringing sags for unlike conductors. It may be
necessary to select the sag of one conductor as the base for the sag–tension design of another
conductor. Generally, sag coordination is more of a problem for long span construction than for
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short span construction. The most common sag coordination problems occur between the center
or lower phase conductor and the (often reduced size) neutral.
7.1.1 Other than NESC separation requirements, there are no hard and fast rules for conductor
sag coordination. There are four optimum coordination goals. Usually only one or two of these
goals can be achieved because the goals tend to conflict with one another. Consequently,
compromises need to be made. The four coordination goals are:
• Provide simplified sagging where the phase and neutral conductor initial sags will be the
• Provide the best appearance such that the phase and neutral conductor final sags will be
the same at normal operating temperatures;
• Provide maximum level ground span where the neutral sag is based on the maximum
allowable tension; and
• Eliminate span limitations. (The phase and neutral conductor sag coordination is not a
span limiting condition for the great majority of spans.)
7.1.2 It is convenient for the sagging crew to sag the phase and neutral conductors at the same
value. However, the sags of unlike conductors will differ in the future because of different
conductor material and loading conditions. Sag–tension data for both conductors need to be
examined for all limiting conditions.
7.1.3 Section 23 and Appendix A of the NESC sets forth the rules and distances for the various
clearances of overhead supply conductors. NESC Rule 232 and Table 232-1 (and its footnotes)
specify conductor vertical clearances above ground and other surfaces. This rule and table
specify supply conductor separation and clearances in each direction from: each other, other
conductors, supports, equipment, etc. NESC Rule 235C specifies conditions under which
designers have to determine the required vertical clearances between line conductors (see NESC
Table 235-5).
7.1.4 Compliance with the NESC clearance and separation rules may require one or more of the
following design changes that might further compromise the coordination goals stated earlier in
this section of this bulletin:
• Increase the separation at the supports or use offset neutral brackets;
• Increase the neutral conductor sag (Check ground clearance and separation to
underbuilt cables.); and
• Decrease the phase conductor sag as required by increasing its tension or using shorter
7.1.5 Some corrective methods may produce tensions above the permitted design limits,
inadequate ground or conductor clearances or may require more or taller poles. The most
economical corrective measure(s), required to comply with the NESC and the design criteria,
should be chosen.
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7.2 Sag Matching Procedures: Specifying tension limits usually controls sag-tension
computations. However, it is possible to design with a desired sag condition. This procedure is
used to coordinate the sag of one conductor type with another conductor type with known or
desired sag.
7.2.1 Most sag–tension computer programs have sag matching capabilities. A sag matching
case is generally computed using only one span length. For this computation, all of the tension
limits need to be eliminated so that there is only one limiting condition.
7.2.2 If the utilized computer program does not have sag matching capability, the tension can be
calculated manually by using the parabolic sag and tension equations provided in Section 2.3 of
this bulletin. For the given conductor final loaded condition the sag; first calculate Th, then Tr,
and finally Ta. Use Ta as the only tension limit for the sag–tension computation. Check the
results to determine if any required tension limits are exceeded.
7.2.3 To optimize a level ground span design, start the sag coordination procedure with the
neutral as the base conductor. Select the design tension that will satisfy all of the requirements
and as many of the goals discussed previously. Then select the phase conductor sag–tension
design to coordinate with the neutral. If the resulting design exceeds any tension or conductor
separation limits, then shift the basis of design to the (usually center or lowest) phase conductor.
Reduce the phase conductor tension as needed and coordinate the neutral conductor design to
the phase conductor.
7.3 Impact of Conductor Materials: Coordination of the phase and neutral conductors may
impact the choice of conductor types and sizes used for the design. The two most important
conductor characteristics that should be considered in sag coordination are the rated stress and
the temperature coefficient of expansion.
7.3.1 All conductors of like composition have essentially the same rated stress. (Rated stress
is the rated strength divided by the cross-sectional area.) All ACSR conductors with the same
ratio of aluminum to steel stranding have essentially the same stress–strain characteristics and
temperature coefficients. Conversely, ACSR conductors with different stranding have different
stress-strain and temperature characteristics. Sag coordination is usually the easiest for
conductors of like composition. Without ice or wind loads they will creep to nearly the same
final sag. When loaded, a small conductor will stretch more than a large conductor because it
carries a larger ice load in proportion to its area. Thus, if similar but different sized conductors
have the same initial sag, the final sag of the smaller conductor will be greater if the final sag is a
function of loading. If the final sag is a function of creep, the final sags will be very nearly the
7.3.2 Sag coordination can be a problem if the upper conductor has lower rated stress than the
lower conductor. Generally, conductors with lower rated stresses will strain more under tension,
will creep more, and will have a greater permanent stretch. Thus, if the conductors have the
same initial sag, the one with the lower rated stress will usually have a greater final sag. It is
usually desirable for the upper conductor to have sag equal to or less than the lower conductor.
Bulletin 1724E–152
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However, heavy ice loads may cause a phase conductor to sag into the neutral conductor. This
possibility needs to be examined in the design.
7.3.3 Aluminum has a larger coefficient of temperature expansion than steel. (The coefficient
of temperature expansion is the unit change in length per unit change in temperature.)
Therefore, an all-aluminum conductor will expand more than an ACSR conductor with an
increase in temperature. The behavior of ACSR conductors will vary with the ratio of aluminum
to steel in the conductor. As the temperature rises, the load carried by the aluminum strands
transfers to the steel, which eventually will carry the entire load. Sag is then a function of the
coefficient of expansion of steel and the stress applied to the steel strands. The transfer occurs at
approximately 100°F (38°C) for (6/1) and (26/7) strand ACSR conductors, and at approximately
167°F (75°C) for (18/1) strand conductors.
7.3.4 At high temperatures the applied stress is small; therefore, sag is more a function of
expansion due to temperature than to stress. Thus ACSR conductors with large aluminum-to-
steel ratios will sag more at high temperatures than will ACSR conductors with lower ratios.
When using all-aluminum and ACSR (18/1) phase conductors at high operating temperatures,
phase-to-neutral coordination may be a problem independent of conductor composition.
Bulletin 1724E-152
Exhibit A
Page 20
The following members of the Overhead Distribution Lines Subcommittee of the National Rural
Electric Cooperative Association, Transmission and Distribution Engineering Committee
provided invaluable assistance in preparing this document: