2021 Mckinsey Global Payments Report

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Global Banking Practice

The 2021 McKinsey

Global Payments Report
October 2021

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Global Banking Practice

The 2021 McKinsey

Global Payments Report

October 2021

2 Foreword

4 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid

turbulent undercurrents

14 CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on

an uncertain road

22 How transaction banks are reinventing treasury


30 Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion

opportunity in small business
Last October, when we published McKinsey’s 2020 In this report, we follow our analysis of the
Global Payments Report, it was already clear that key insights behind the 2020 (and estimated
the pandemic’s economic impact would lead to the 2021) numbers with a set of chapters offering
first decline in global payments revenues in 11 years. perspectives on critical areas where payments
leaders’ actions will help determine market
One year later, the picture is unexpectedly positive— trajectory.
on the payments front—despite challenges.
Payments revenue did indeed decline—to $1.9 First, the highly publicized field of digital currency
trillion globally—but by less than we anticipated last is entering a critical new phase. Prominent private
fall. Indicators point to a nominal but geographically firms are planning the introduction of “stablecoins,”
uneven rebound in 2021, bringing revenue back while a growing number of central banks are
into the range of 2019’s record high. From there, proceeding with plans for central bank digital
McKinsey projects a return to historical mid- currencies (CBDCs) and simultaneously considering
single-digit growth rates, generating 2025 global enactment of new regulations with the dual
payments revenue of roughly $2.5 trillion. objectives of consumer protection and preserving
the efficacy of traditional monetary policy. The
The relatively muted 2020 topline numbers mask trend may yet evolve in any of several directions—or
some important countervailing effects, however, ultimately prove to be more hype than substance.
which are poised to reset the scale of opportunity In “CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on
for payments players for years to come. The an uncertain road,” we explore current initiatives,
pandemic accelerated ongoing declines in cash highlighting potential challenges and opportunities
usage and adoption of electronic and e-commerce for various financial players and steps each can
transaction methods. Revenue gains in these take to prepare for and influence the ongoing
areas were offset by tightening of net interest conversation.
margins earned on deposit balances. All of these
trends are expected to outlast the pandemic. The Next in the report, we look at the evolution of
contraction of net interest income—combined with global transaction banking. Changes have been
technology breakthroughs and the impact of open under way for some time, but the events of the past
banking and fintech innovation—has spurred the 18 months have brought the needs of corporate
creation of revenue models that within five years treasurers and CFOs into sharp relief. Historically,
will offer adjacent opportunities as large as the core bank-provided treasury platforms have focused on
payments revenue pool.

2 The 2021 McKinsey Global Payments Report

transaction execution. The advent of software-as- separating payment and software continues to
a-service and API connectivity has enabled a varied blur. “Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion
landscape of third-party providers to offer robust opportunity in small business” describes the
multifunctional workstations. In “How transaction importance of expanding merchant acquiring and
banks are reinventing treasury services,” we services to encompass a fuller array of commerce-
examine the emergence of white-label treasury- related services, differentiation of merchant needs
as-a-service solutions, the digitization of corporate between large corporate enterprises and small
payments, and the options that banks have in this and medium-size enterprises as well as by various
evolving ecosystem to defend and extend client sectors, and the ongoing impact of omnichannel
opportunities. commerce on merchant services.

We close with a look at how the new payments- As always, we welcome the opportunity to discuss
adjacent revenue models will help define these essential payments topics with you in
the future of merchant services, as the line greater detail.

Alessio Botta Philip Bruno Jeff Galvin

Senior Partner, Milan Partner, New York Senior Partner, Tokyo
McKinsey & Company McKinsey & Company McKinsey & Company

The authors wish to thank the following colleagues for their contributions to this report: Ashwin Alexander,
Diksha Arora, Sukriti Bansal, Reet Chaudhuri, Vaibhav Dayal, Ian De Bode, Olivier Denecker, Nunzio
Digiacomo, Puneet Dikshit, Matt Higginson, Vik Iyer, Yash Jain, Tobias Lundberg, Yaniv Lushinsky, Baanee
Luthra, Matteo Mantoan, Ratul Nagpal, Marc Niederkorn, Glen Sarvady, Nikki Shah, Julie Stefanich,
Bharath Sattanathan, and Aparna Tekriwal.

With special thanks to Vijay D’Silva for his guidance.

The 2021 McKinsey Global Payments Report 3

Global Banking & Securities

Global payments 2021:

Transformation amid
turbulent undercurrents
The global payments sector is poised for a quick return to healthy
growth, but the benefits will not flow evenly to all participants.

by Philip Bruno, Olivier Denecker, and Marc Niederkorn

© Goja1 /Getty Images

October 2021

Undoubtedly, 2020 was a tumultuous year on economies spent significant portions of the year in
many levels. Payments was no exception—the lockdown.
sector experienced its first revenue contraction in
11 years, a consequence of the economic slowdown Looking forward, we see a handful of primary drivers
that accompanied the global health crisis of COVID- influencing the payments revenue trajectory. On the
19. Still, government and regulatory measures such one hand, continued cash displacement and a return
as fiscal and monetary stimulus held the decline to global economic growth will accelerate existing
below the 7 percent we projected in last year’s upward trends in the share and number of electronic
report.¹ At the same time, the continued digitization transactions. On the other, interest margins will
of commercial and consumer transactions likely remain muted. Sustained softness in this key
contributed even greater upward momentum than topline contributor will create greater incentive for
expected. payments players to pursue new fee-driven revenue
sources and to expand beyond their traditional focus
Global payment revenues totaled $1.9 trillion in to adjacent areas such as commerce facilitation and
2020, a 5 percent decline from 2019 (Exhibit 1), as identity services.
compared to the 7 percent growth rate observed
between 2014 and 2019. This result seems fairly Given the above assumptions we expect global
intuitive on the surface; a granular analysis, payments revenues to quickly return to their long-
however, reveals a series of often offsetting trends. term 6 to 7 percent growth trajectory, recouping
Overall, the payments industry proved remarkably 2020’s declines in 2021 and reaching roughly
resilient to drastic economic changes even as many $2.5 trillion by 2025. More importantly, however,

Philip Bruno, Olivier Denecker, and Marc Niederkorn, “Accelerating winds of change in global payments,” October 2020, McKinsey.com.

Exhibit 1
Global payments
5 percent in in
5 percent 2020.

Global payments revenue, $ trillion

+7% p.a.
2015–20 2020–25F
–5% p.a. 0.2 5 6
+7% p.a.
2.0 0.4
2.0 1.9 2 4
0.2 0.2
0.3 0.4 0.6 4 6
1.5 0.1 0.3
1.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 6 8
Latam 0.1 0.5
EMEA 0.3
NA 0.3 1.3
1.0 0.9 1.0
APAC 0.5

2011 15 19 20 21E 2025F

Share of banking
38 38 39 37 39 40
revenues, %

Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map

5 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents

as “payments” become further absorbed into 2020–21: A period of transition
commercial and consumer commerce journeys, The overall 5 percent decline in payment
established payments providers will gain access revenues is composed of divergent regional trends:
to adjacent opportunities as large as the core Asia–Pacific, which has consistently outpaced
payments revenue pool. Of course, an opportunity other regions in payments revenue growth over the
of this magnitude draws attention—tech firms and past decade, registered a 6 percent pullback in
ecosystem competitors are already focusing on 2020, while Latin America’s 8 percent decline was
these attractive (and often less regulated) elements the steepest of all regions. Europe, Middle East,
of the payments value chain, rather than traditional and Africa (EMEA) and North America experienced
interchange, acquiring, and transaction fees linked revenue declines of 3 percent and 5 percent,
to payment flows. respectively, mostly driven by continued reduction
of net interest margins (NIMs) in EMEA and
Following a brief review of 2020 results and contracting credit card balances in North America.
preliminary snapshot of 2021’s projected outcome,
we will explore these opportunities in greater detail.

Exhibit 2
Asia-Pacific dominatesthethe global
global payments
payments revenue
revenue pool.pool.

Payments revenue, 2020, % (100% = $ billion)

North Latin
APAC America EMEA America
100%= 900 485 335 155

8 6 5
transactions1 16
11 16

Account- 10
related 10
liquidity2 12

Commercial 11
24 1
9 12
transactions3 19
Credit cards 4 18 17
Cross-border 2
related 15
Consumer liquidity
Domestic 7
transactions 33 34

Credit cards 15

Cross-border payment services (B2B, B2C).
2Net interest income on current accounts and overdrafts.
3Fee revenue on domestic payments transactions and account maintenance (excluding credit cards).
4Remittance services and C2B cross-border payment services.
Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map
Note: Figures may not sum to 100%, because of rounding.

Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents 6

The global contribution of net interest income (NII) to the 2019 result while setting the stage for a
to payments revenue has declined steadily from 51 broad-based recovery. From that point, we forecast
percent in 2010 to 46 percent in 2020. Over the five-year revenue growth rates roughly on par with
past year, a 31-basis-point contraction in global those generated in the five years preceding the
interest margins (compared to a decline of 25 bps pandemic—excluding the realization of additional
predicted last fall) reduced payments revenue by revenue sources discussed below.
$66 billion—two-thirds the total global net decline.

Proportionally, the impact was felt even more Enduring shifts in behavior
sharply in EMEA, which traditionally relies more The pandemic reinforced major shifts in payments
heavily on NII, and endured an absolute decline of behavior: declining cash usage, migration from
$42 billion over the past decade (Exhibit 2). Some in-store to online commerce, adoption of instant
banks have begun offsetting the interest revenue payments. These shifts create new opportunities for
loss through higher account maintenance fees, payments players; however, it is unclear which are
while negative interest rates on accounts have permanent and which are likely to revert—at least
materialized in some European markets—mostly on partially—to prior trajectories as economies reopen.
corporate accounts but increasingly on large retail Nonetheless, the long-term dynamics seem clear.
deposits as well.
Cash payments declined by 16 percent globally in
Cross-border payments, a natural casualty of 2020, performing in line with the projections we
reduced travel and global supply chain challenges, made last fall for most large countries (Brazil 26
accounted for the remainder of the revenue decline. percent decline, United States 24 percent decline,
By contrast, the explosion in e-commerce and United Kingdom 8 percent decline). Although the
reduction in cash usage helped minimize the decline pandemic-driven temporary shuttering of many
in domestic transaction fee income. commercial venues was the primary trigger in this
dramatic shift, other actions (such as countries like
We expect pressure on both fee and processing Argentina, Poland, and Thailand increasing ATM
margins to continue in many regions, while withdrawal fees, and the continued downsizing
recovery in interest margins is expected to be slow of ATM networks in Europe) reinforced and
and moderate at best. These combined forces accelerated behavioral changes already under way.
disproportionally affect incumbent players reliant We expect cash usage to rebound to some extent in
on traditional revenue streams, such as card issuers 2021, due to a partial return to past behaviors, fewer
and banks holding significant commercial and lockdowns, and a broader economic recovery, but
consumer deposit balances, and thus spur a need evidence indicates that roughly two-thirds of the
to rethink payments revenue models and identify decrease is permanent.
alternative paths to value.
The reduction in cash demand is leading to
As might be expected given 2021’s uneven global increasing unit servicing costs for its distribution
economic recovery, payments trends are showing and collection, prompting banks to review ATM
similar disparity by country and region; for instance, footprints and rethink their cash cycle management.
revenues in Asia-Pacific and Latin America are One response has been growth in ATM sharing
expected to grow in the 9 to 11 percent range, between network banks and greater outsourcing
compared to EMEA and North America at 4 to 6 of ATM servicing to specialized cash-in-transit (CIT)
percent. In aggregate, a likely solid increase in 2021 players—first observed in Northern Europe
should leave global payments revenues equivalent and now in Latin America (for example, a joint

7 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents

venture between Euronet and Prosegur Cash which point 40 percent of combined debit/credit
to provide comprehensive ATM outsourcing contactless volume originated via digital wallets.²
services). In Indonesia, the value of e-money transactions
grew by nearly 39 percent between 2019 and 2020,
Regulators in countries with dramatic reductions fueled primarily by an increase in digital adoption.³
in cash usage are preparing strategies to ensure
continued availability of central bank currency and Real-time payments are playing an increasingly
access to resilient and free payments systems important role in the global payments ecosystem,
for all—including the un- and underbanked. The with the number of such transactions soaring
situation is driving heightened interest in central by 41 percent in 2020 alone, often in support of
bank digital currencies (CBDCs), as discussed in contactless/wallets and e-commerce.⁴ Over the
chapter 2. last year growth in instant payments varied widely
across countries—from Singapore at 58 percent to
Retailers, particularly digital commerce the United Kingdom at 17 percent.
marketplaces, have elevated their competitive
position, moving from traditional credit-card and Asia-Pacific continues to lead the way in real-time
consumer-finance solutions to pursue deepened payments: India registered 25.6 billion transactions
customer engagement leveraging payment in 2020 (a 70 percent-plus increase over 2019),
solutions. For example, MercadoLibre, Latin followed by China and South Korea. Real-time
America’s largest e-commerce player, owns the functionality also fueled mobile wallet adoption
online payments network MercadoPago, and has in Brazil, which introduced its national real-time
built an ecosystem encompassing marketplace, payments system, PIX. Fifty-six countries now have
payments, shipping, software-as-a-service, and active real-time payment rails, a fourfold increase
advertising. The enhanced customer experience, from just six years earlier. In many cases these new
as well as revenue and valuations generated by clearing and settlement systems took some time
retailers, have challenged banks to up their game to build momentum but are now delivering long-
in order to preserve their market position. One promised volumes.
example is the collective launch of mobile payments
platform Modo by more than 35 Argentine financial The introduction of applications capitalizing on
institutions in December 2020, offering a solution instant payments infrastructure in recent years
for account-to-account money transfers and (PhonePe and GooglePay in India, PayNow in
in-store QR payments. Singapore) has given added impetus to growth.
Regional solutions are also staking out ground
between global networks (such as Visa and
New form factors, faster payments Mastercard) and incumbent domestic schemes. For
As expected, both the pandemic’s impact and the example, the European Payments Initiative (EPI) is
resulting economic environment led to significant building a unified pan-European payments solution
shifts in spending patterns. Globally, the number of leveraging the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
non-cash transactions grew by 6 percent from 2019 Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) scheme for point
to 2020. of sale as well as online usage. In the United States,
The Clearing House’s RTP clearing and settlement
Digital-wallet usage surged, as consumer system has been steadily building volume since its
preferences evolved even within contactless 2017 launch, with Visa Direct and Mastercard Send
forms. In Australia, an early success story in “tap offering related in-market functionality, and the
to pay” adoption, digital-wallet transactions grew Federal Reserve’s FedNow Service scheduled to
90 percent from March 2020 to March 2021—by launch in 2023.

“Digital wallets poised to overtake contactless cards as instore payment of choice in Australia,” Finextra, May 19, 2021, finextra.com.
Janine Marie Crisanto, “Indonesia e-wallet transaction to reach $18.5 billion in 2021 amid fierce competition,” The Asian Banker, April 9, 2021,
“Global Real-Time Payments Transactions Surge by 41 Percent in 2020 as COVID-19 Pandemic Accelerates Shift to Digital Payments - New
ACI Worldwide Research Reveals,” ACI Worldwide, March 29, 2021, investor.aciworldwide.com.

Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents 8

Initial real-time payment growth has been primarily facilitator for expanding e-commerce volumes and
in peer-to-peer settings and online transactions. as a means for governments to rapidly disburse
The next tests will be the consumer-to-business welfare and other social payments. Examples
point-of-sale and billing spaces (the latter proliferated across the globe: a digital ID system
representing a B2B opportunity as well), and their enabled Chilean authorities to swiftly pre-enroll
more straightforward paths to monetization. millions of beneficiaries in social programs and
allowed potential recipients to confirm eligibility and,
The pandemic has pushed businesses to where necessary, appeal their support status online.⁵
reorient their payments operations and customer In Thailand, more than 28 million people applied
interactions. Small and medium-size enterprises for a new benefit for informal workers affected
(SMEs) are increasingly aware of the payment by the pandemic: a digital ID system enabled the
solutions available to them and are motivated to government to efficiently filter out those eligible for
encourage the use of those that best serve their assistance through other programs.
needs and those of their customers. For instance,
payments providers are competing to offer Digital ID–enabled payment solutions achieved
customized solutions like QR code, “tap to pay,” broader usage as well. Transactions through
and link-based payments (processes initiated by India’s bank-led and real-time Aadhaar Enabled
merchants sharing a URL) that make the payment Payments System (AEPS) more than doubled over
experience seamless, pleasant, and increasingly the two years ending in March 2021, while the value
contactless. Simplification in the merchant conveyed more than tripled over the same period.
onboarding process can also help in attracting more
sellers, reducing cost, and elevating the merchant Cross-border payments remain a significant growth
experience. area (Exhibit 3). In 2020, even with travel and trade
volumes in decline, cross-border e-commerce
For example, Mastercard in India launched Soft transactions grew 17 percent. Volumes for cross-
POS, a multiform-factor white-label solution for border network provider SWIFT were 10 percent
banks and payments facilitators that enables a higher in December 2020 compared to the prior
smartphone to function as a merchant acceptance year: not only has the “re-shoring” of production
device. Other examples include value-added chains and related shift in trade flows we expected
services like virtual shops and solutions that record last year so far failed to materialize, but increases
and store credit transactions. Network-based in non-trade payment flows have more than offset
marketing enables SMEs to reach a larger pool of lower transaction volumes in trade, driven by
customers. increased volatility in treasury, FX, and securities.
These dynamics are leading to growth in volumes
Social-media platforms have embedded payment as well as record market valuations for a growing
features, enabling SMEs to execute sales through list of payments specialists such as Currencycloud
networks such as Instagram. Venmo’s social- (recently acquired by Visa), Banking Circle, and Wise.
commerce platform helps build SME brand
awareness as users can see, like, and comment on The B2B payment arena is also showing strong
each other’s purchases—a useful feature for street growth internationally, especially when viewed
vendors and small-business owners who often lack in conjunction with invoicing and accounts
funds to invest in marketing and promotions. receivable/accounts payable (AR/AP) management
solutions. The largest transaction banks continue to
invest in innovative solutions; and Goldman Sachs, a
New opportunities in payments more recent entrant into the space, is developing a
The push for digital identity verification systems platform including integration with SAP Ariba. Given
gained momentum during the pandemic, both as a industry-wide initiatives—led by SWIFT and the

Mari Elka Pangestu, “Harnessing the power of digital ID,” World Bank Blogs, August 20, 2020, blogs.worldbank.org.

9 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents

Exhibit 3
Cross-borderpayment results
payments were
results mixed,
were duedue
mixed, to nuances in the
to nuances underlying
in the underlying

Global cross-border payments revenues1

2019 xx% YoY growth
Cross-border payments 2020
Counterparty revenue,2 $ billion 2019–20, % Key drivers

11 • Strong growth due to changed customer preferences

XB e-com 15–20 even post lockdown
13 • Margins grew slightly with rise in value-added services
35 • Non e-commerce severely affected with travel restrictions
XB non e-com –55–60
15 • Margins remained flat to boost spending

100 • Increased flows due to volatility in treasury, FX, securities

Non-trade 5–10 alongside capital deployment for operations
110 • Usual FX spread decline took a pause amid volatility
40 • Falling demand in certain sectors and commodity price
Trade –5–10 fluctuations (eg, oil)
37 • Margins remained stable with slightly wider FX spreads

Revenues include payment and collection fees, FX spread and float revenue, and documentary business fees for relevant trade flows for 46 Payments Map
countries driving approximately 95% of global GDP.
2Estimates, rounded. C2C and B2C not included.
Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map

Financial Stability Board (FSB)—aiming to further As payments become integrated into broader
increase efficiency of cross-border transactions, customer journeys, the sector’s boundaries have
we project 6 percent revenue growth in total cross- naturally expanded. In the 1980s, we defined
border payments revenue over payments as the various instruments, networks,
the next five years. We discuss this further in access and delivery mechanisms, and processes
chapter 3. facilitating the exchange of value between buyers
and sellers of goods and services. But this notion
of payments as a discrete experience is gradually
The next frontier disappearing. The payments industry now
The process of reexamining long-standing encompasses the end-to-end money-movement
payments value propositions is already under process, including the services and platforms
way. While old tenets still hold true—scale still enabling this commerce journey.
matters and “owning” the customer relationship
remains important, for instance—sticking to them For example, while payments as traditionally defined
is no longer sufficient to ensure success. The comprise only 5 to 7 percent of a typical merchant’s
absorption of payments into the full commercial/ software and services spending, payments
consumer purchase-to-pay journey has given rise to providers with solid reputations for execution and
ecosystems demanding new, more robust services; innovation are well positioned to deliver solutions
for example, commerce facilitation rather than a addressing needs constituting 40 percent of such
discrete payment experience. expenses. Such opportunities help explain why less

Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents 10

than one-third of Square’s revenue would be strictly services through reimagined front ends. Most
categorized as payments. Similarly, within five examples to date have centered on consumer-
years, we expect 40 percent of merchant acquirer facing solutions, but potential remains on the
revenues to stem from activities other than payment commercial side as well. Other important and
processing. less commoditized value-added items include
digital identity, risk solutions, charge-back
For players with established credibility in the mitigation, and KYC-as-a-service.
provision of core payments functionality, the
following areas offer attractive natural extensions, — Commerce, sales, and trade enablement.
although these opportunities will not be evenly Non-bank market entrants often derive their
distributed across regions: value from related services, driving down
payments pricing in the process. Banks must
— Payments and banking-adjacent software, consider similar approaches to avoid being
infrastructure, and services. The largest shares disadvantaged. In most cases, marketplaces
of payments revenue continue to accrue at have successfully cultivated an adequate stream
the endpoints of the value chain, where direct of prospective buyers; attracting an ample
interaction with payers and payees is central supply of sellers with distinctive wares is a more
to the proposition. Even as the payment “pipes” vexing challenge—one that payments facilitators
and underlying technology face potential are well positioned to solve, leveraging data
commoditization, opportunities abound in analytics to reduce time to revenue. Solutions
the rapidly evolving payments-as-a-service focused on automating the onboarding process,
space, through which traditional players provide increasing the stickiness of users, and improving
the transactional and compliance backbone the seller experience should find a ready market.
that enables partners to deliver adjacent Examples include affiliate marketing, loyalty

Asia–Pacific’s $210 billion payments revenue opportunity

Asia–Pacific has been the largest and fastest-growing payments revenue region for the past several years. Given the
consistently strong growth rate of China’s economy, this result is not surprising. More interesting, however, is the unique
composition of Asia–Pacific’s payments revenue and its implications for longer-term growth.

It is illuminating to consider the payments characteristics of the rest of Asia-Pacific apart from China. Whereas China
accounts for roughly three-fourths of the region’s revenue—and indeed generates more payments revenues than any of
the individual major global regions—a disproportionate share of its payments revenue is generated by net interest margins
earned on deposit balances—particularly those in commercial accounts. As a consequence, the majority of China’s pay-
ments economics are inaccessible to institutions and providers domiciled outside the country.

The payments dynamics for the rest of Asia–Pacific stand in stark contrast (exhibit). In fact, these characteristics bear
a striking resemblance to Latin America—not only in terms of total revenue (its $210 billion is roughly 35 percent higher
than Latin America’s)—but more importantly in its relative focus on consumer activity and credit cards. Only a third of
Asia–Pacific’s revenues outside of China are derived from account liquidity, as compared to 50 percent for China.

The pandemic has accelerated reductions in cash usage, particularly in key markets like Indonesia and Thailand, creating
new digital revenue opportunities. While some transactions will return as physical storefronts reopen, a solid majority has
likely moved permanently to card and wallet-based forms, as well as to emerging online categories such as telemedicine
and online yoga and fitness.

11 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents

Payments revenue
revenue dynamics
dynamics varyvary across
across Asia–Pacific.
Payments revenue, 2020, % (100% = $ billion)

100%= 690 210

Cross-border 7 12

Account-related 35
liquidity2 11
Commercial 4

Domestic 22
transactions3 19

Credit cards 4
Cross-border 1 12
Consumer liquidity 5
Domestic 26
transactions 11
Credit cards
China Asia-Pacific
excluding China
Cross-border payment services (B2B, B2C).
2Net interest income on current accounts and overdrafts.
3Fee revenue on domestic payments transactions and account maintenance (excluding credit cards).
4Remittance services and C2B cross-border payment services.
Source: McKinsey Global Payments Map

Although China has served as Asia–Pacific’s primary growth driver over the past decade, India’s payments revenues are
now growing at a faster rate, and in 2020, surpassed Japan as the region’s second-largest revenue generator. Indonesia is
another impressive growth story, posting a 2014–19 CAGR of nearly 9 percent, coinciding with multiple payments-related
reforms launched by the regulator. A decline in NIMs reversed this trend for 2020, but indicators point to a return to rapid
growth in 2021. We project India and Indonesia alone will generate $34 billion of incremental annual revenue by 2025, rep-
resenting annual growth of nearly 8 percent.

Despite low single-digit revenue growth in mature payments countries such as Japan and Australia, we forecast the Asia–
Pacific region excluding China to grow at nearly 7 percent between 2021 and 2025—a rate only slightly slower than China’s.
The growth rates of strategically important payments categories like cross-border and instant payments are also expected
to remain on similar trajectories.

The region is filled with opportunity: from rapidly expanding B2B activity to an explosion in digital wallets supporting small
businesses as well as consumers, accelerated digitization fueled by rapid infrastructure developments, and integrated
platforms providing access to multiple ecosystems. Increased access to real-time payment rails has fueled rapid growth in
bilateral cross-border payment activity: notable early successes span the Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand corridors—an
area with significant potential for value-added services.

Players interested in the Asia–Pacific market should not overlook growth engines in countries beyond China, many of which
offer clearer paths to foreign participation.

Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents 12

solutions, e-invoicing platforms, and B2B trade opportunities for incumbents and new entrants
directories. alike to participate in emerging adjacent revenue
streams, further brightening the future picture.
— Balance-sheet-based offerings. Banks are
similarly well equipped to introduce new These benefits will not flow evenly to all, however.
solutions based on emerging payment methods Players electing not to adapt their strategies—
such as instant payment and “buy now pay later” whether by choice, inaction, or lack of investment
(BNPL) models, or to integrate new solutions and capacity—are likely to endure below-peer
technologies into existing value propositions. growth and risk being displaced on key customer
Financing and deposit models with significant experiences.
regulatory requirements or higher risk profiles
(including credit cards, BNPL, supply chain and In the remainder of this report, we outline the
SMB financing) are among the promising areas. opportunities—as well as the threats—emerging
in cryptocurrencies and CBDCs, global
The payments sector is poised for a quick return transaction banking, and merchant services.
to healthy 6 to 7 percent growth rates, with fresh

Philip Bruno is a partner in McKinsey’s New York office, Olivier Denecker is a partner in the Brussels office, and
Marc Niederkorn is a partner in the Luxembourg office.

The authors would like to thank Sukriti Bansal, Baanee Luthra, Glen Sarvady, Yash Jain, Aparna Tekriwal, Diksha Arora,
Vaibhav Dayal, and Ratul Nagpal for their contributions to this chapter.

Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

13 Global payments 2021: Transformation amid turbulent undercurrents

Global Banking & Securities

CBDC and stablecoins:

Early coexistence on an
uncertain road
With the rapid rise in circulation of stablecoins over the past couple
of years, central banks have stepped up efforts to explore their own
stable digital currencies.

by Ian De Bode, Matt Higginson, and Marc Niederkorn

© Sunyixun/Getty Images

October 2021

Cryptocurrency has been touted for its potential (blockchain-based) ledger for transaction
to usher in a new era of financial inclusion and execution and record keeping, and by creating a
simplified financial services infrastructure globally. (now) widely traded currency outside the control
To date, however, its high profile has derived more of any sovereign monetary authority. Thousands of
from its status as a potential store of value than as similar decentralized cryptocurrencies now exist,
a means of financial exchange. That disconnect is collectively generating billions of dollars in global
now evolving rapidly with both monetary authorities transaction volume every day.
and private institutions issuing stabilized
cryptocurrencies as viable, mainstream payments Although the aggregate market value of such
vehicles. cryptocurrencies now exceeds $2 trillion, extreme
price volatility, strong price correlation to Bitcoin,
The European Central Bank announced recently it and often slow transaction confirmation times
was progressing its ‘digital euro’ project into a more have impeded their utility as a practical means of
detailed investigation phase.¹ More than four-fifths value exchange. Stablecoins aim to address these
of the world’s central banks are similarly engaged shortcomings by pegging their value to a unit of
in pilots or other central bank digital currency underlying asset, often issued on faster blockchains,
(CBDC) activities.² Concurrently, multiple private, and backing the coins wholly or partially with
stabilized cryptocurrencies—commonly known state-issued tender (such as the dollar, pound,
as stablecoins—have emerged outside of state- or euro), highly liquid reserves (like government
sponsored channels, as part of efforts designed to treasuries), or commodities such as precious metals.
enhance liquidity and simplify settlement across Collectively, nearly $3 trillion in stablecoins such as
the growing crypto ecosystem. Tether and USDC were transacted in the first half of
2021 (Exhibit 1).
Although the endgame of this extensive activity that
spans agile fintechs, deep-pocketed incumbents, With the rapid rise in circulation of stablecoins
and (mostly government-appointed) central over the past couple of years, central banks have
banks remains far from certain, the potential for stepped up efforts to explore their own stable
significant disruption of established financial digital currencies (Exhibit 2). Some efforts to
processes is clear. Against this backdrop we offer a create CBDCs have been born out of reservations
fact-based primer on the universe of collateralized about the impact of privately issued stablecoins on
cryptocurrency, an overview of several possible financial stability and traditional monetary policy,
future scenarios including potential benefits and and with the goal of improving access to central
obstacles, and near-term actions that participants bank money for private citizens, creating greater
in today’s financial ecosystem may consider in order financial inclusion and reducing payments friction.
to position themselves.
Various public statements indicate that central
banks envision CBDCs as more than simply a
The digital currency landscape digital-native version of traditional notes and
The basic notion of a digital currency (replacing coins. Beyond addressing the challenge of greater
the need for paper notes and coins as a means financial inclusion, some governments view CBDCs
of exchange with computer-based money-like as programmable money—vehicles for monetary
assets) dates back more than a quarter of a century. and social policy that could restrict their use to basic
Early efforts at creating digital cash—such as necessities, specific locations, or defined periods
DigiCash (1989) and e-gold (1996)—were issued of time.
by central agencies. The emergence of Bitcoin
in 2009 dramatically altered this model in two Implementing such functionality will be a complex
important ways: by establishing a decentralized and multilayered undertaking. Meanwhile, central

“Eurosystem launches digital euro project,” press release, European Central Bank, July 2021, ecb.europa.eu.
Codruta Boar and Andreas Wehrli, Ready, steady, go? Results of the third BIS survey on central bank digital currency, Bank for International
Settlements, BIS Papers, number 114, January 2021, bis.org.

15 CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road

Exhibit 1
The rise
rise in
in circulation
ofstablecoins has
stablecoins closely
has tracked
closely the the
tracked volume of of
tradedononexchanges over
exchanges thethe
over pastpast
three years.
three years.

Cryptocurrency volume On-chain volume of stablecoins¹ Stablecoins volume

$ billion Cryptocurrency exchange volume $ billion
3000 800


1500 400


0 0
Aug-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20 Jan-21

Volume of stablecoins exchanged represents all transactions recorded on the relevant blockchains. These volumes are distinct from the volume of crypto traded
on exchanges, some of which may be transacted between accounts off-chain.
Source: Theblockcrypto.com

Exhibit 2
The proportion centralbanks
banks actively
actively engaged
engaged in CBDC
in CBDC workwork is growing.
is growing.
Share of respondents conducting work on CBDCs, %










2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: Codruta Boar and Andreas Wehrli, “Ready, steady, go? – Results of the third BIS survey on central bank digital currency,” Bank for International
Settlements, January 2021, bis.org.

CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road 16

banks face the challenge of introducing a timely By comparison, stablecoins such as the dollar-
CBDC model at least on par with digital offerings denominated USDC are issued across multiple
of private-sector innovators in order to establish public, permissionless blockchains. Any individual
credibility with such efforts and achieve adoption. can operate a node of an issuing blockchain such
While existing electronic payment systems are as Ethereum, Stellar, or Solana; and anyone can
considered by some to be expensive, inefficient, transfer stablecoins between pseudonymous
and at times difficult to access,³ emerging privately wallets around the world. While most exchanges
issued stablecoin alternatives could raise concerns today require users to complete thorough Know
over the potential for large private entities to Your Customer (KYC) identity checks, no central
aggregate—and monetize—large sets of behavioral registry for users or single ledger for tracking
data on private citizens. ownership of stablecoins currently exists, potentially
complicating identity considerations.

Potential future scenarios: Coexistence Many see the current development of CBDCs
or primacy? as a response to the challenge private-sector
It is too early to confidently forecast the trajectory stablecoins could pose to central bank prerogatives,
and endgame for CBDCs and stablecoins, given the and as evidence of the desire of institutions
multitude of unresolved design factors still in play. to address long-term goals such as payment
For instance, will central banks focus first on retail systems efficiency and financial inclusion. Cash
or wholesale use cases, and emphasize domestic usage in many countries continues to dwindle,
or cross-border applications? And how rapidly will while the cost to maintain its infrastructure does
national agencies pursue regulation of stablecoins not. Similarly, many countries’ existing electronic
prior to issuing their own CBDCs? payment systems are relatively inefficient to
operate and often not instantaneous or 24/7.
To begin to understand some of the potential Perhaps most importantly, proper deployment of
scenarios, we need to appreciate the variety and a regulated digital currency accessible through
applications of CBDCs and stablecoins. There mobile devices without the need for a formal bank
is no single CBDC issuance model, but rather a account could potentially enhance payments
continuum of approaches being piloted in various security and efficiency (ensuring transaction finality
countries. One design aspect hinges on the through distributed consensus with private key
entity holding CBDC accounts. For instance, the cryptography), while satisfying central banks’ goal
account-based model being implemented in the of increasing financial inclusion and advancing the
Eastern Caribbean involves consumers holding public good.
deposit accounts directly with the central bank. At
the opposite end of the spectrum, China’s CBDC By contrast private stablecoins have flourished,
pilot relies on private-sector banks to distribute perhaps in part through being unencumbered by
and maintain eCNY (digital yuan) accounts for their such an expansive mission. They’ve delivered value
customers. The ECB approach under consideration as a source of liquidity in the crypto ecosystem,
involves licensed financial institutions each often providing a “safe haven” for investors
operating a permissioned node of the blockchain during times of heightened volatility by obviating
network as a conduit for distribution of a digital the need to enlist a regulated venue to convert
euro. In a potential fourth model popular within the cryptocurrency holdings back into fiat deposits.
crypto community but not yet fully trialed by central Indeed, the emergence and growth of supply of the
banks, fiat currency would be issued as anonymous prominent stablecoin Tether first coincided with the
fungible tokens (true digital cash) to protect the rapid increase in cryptocurrency transaction volume
privacy of the user.

“From the payments revolution to the reinvention of money,” speech by Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at the
Deutsche Bundesbank conference on the “Future of Payments in Europe,” Frankfurt, November 27, 2020.

17 CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road

on exchanges in late 2017, many of which did not providing sufficient convenience—or at minimum, a
have fiat licenses. compelling vision—to create similar long-term value.

Stablecoins are typically collateralized by The current state of financial infrastructure in a

professionally audited reserves of fiat currency given country will play a key role in determining the
or short-term securities. They play a role today speed and extent of adoption of CBDCs, stablecoins,
not just as “crypto reserves” but also as a source or non-stabilized cryptocurrencies. Those
of liquidity across decentralized finance (DeFi) with limited present-day capabilities are prime
exchanges. Stablecoins, unlike the proposed candidates for a “leapfrog” event, similar to the rapid
design of CBDCs, which are generally issued on emergence of M-Pesa as a payments vehicle in sub-
private ledgers, can engage with smart contracts Saharan Africa⁵ or Alipay in China.⁶ In developed
on public permissionless networks that enable economies with existing real-time payments rails,
decentralized financial services. Significantly, they the near-term incremental benefits of reduced
provide a medium for the instantaneous movement (even instantaneous) settlement time from CBDCs
of value between exchanges and digital wallets, may be somewhat muted if financial institutions
often to take advantage of short-lived arbitrage are reluctant to invest in the necessary additional
opportunities, to settle bilateral over-the-counter infrastructure. In these instances, distinct benefits
(OTC) trades or to execute cross-border payments. of stablecoins (such as their ability to engage with
This utility as a vehicle for payments is demonstrated smart contracts) may prove to be a more compelling
by the more than $1 trillion in stablecoin transaction and defensible use case over the longer term,
volumes per quarter in 2021 (although this remains a depending on the exact CBDC implementation.
fraction of traditional payment volumes cleared) and
may grow to play an important role in the future of Residents of countries with sovereign currencies
digital commerce ecosystems. lacking historical stability have been among
the most active adopters of cryptocurrencies
Although a solid case can be made for the as a means of exchange, especially where they
coexistence of stablecoins and CBDCs (providing are perceived as less risky than the available
separate services such as DeFi services and alternatives. Along with the potential for digital
liquidity provisioning, and direct access to central currencies to foster financial inclusion for citizens
bank money, respectively), plausible scenarios could lacking access to traditional banking services
also lead to the long-term preeminence of either (utilizing a universal digital wallet instead of a
instrument. Some regulatory bodies have already traditional fiat account), such an environment could
expressed concern over substantial value flows serve as an indicator for a market primed for a
settling via private stablecoins, implying potential potential leapfrog event (for example, the national
actions to manage or curtail their use.⁴ Equally, full acceptance of Bitcoin in El Salvador⁷).
digitization of sovereign currencies could facilitate
easier global trade flows. Given the notable Ultimately the fate of CBDCs and stablecoins may
proliferation of stablecoins over the past 12 months, be decided by the significant forces of regulation
however, private-sector networks have gained and adoption. While CBDCs will be issued under
“first mover” advantage, increasing expectations the auspices of central banks, stablecoins are
for central banks to deliver timely solutions potentially subject to regulatory oversight from

Paul Vigna, “Risks of Crypto Stablecoins Attract Attention of Yellen, Fed and SEC,” Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2021, wsj.com; Tory Newmyer,
“SEC’s Gensler likens stablecoins to ‘poker chips’ amid call for tougher crypto regulation,” The Washington Post, September 21, 2021,
Daniel Runde, “M-Pesa and the rise of the global mobile money market,” Forbes, August 12, 2015, forbes.com.
Aaron Klein, “China’s Digital Payments Revolution,” Brookings, April 2020, brookings.edu.
Santiago Pérez and Caitlin Ostroff, “El Salvador becomes first country to adopt Bitcoin as national currency,” Wall Street Journal, September 7,
2021, wsj.com.
“G20 confirm their support for the FATF as the global standard-setter to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation
financing,” Financial Action Task Force, April 7, 2021, fatf-gafi.org.

CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road 18

multiple agencies, depending on their classification determined by geography (for example, central
as assets, securities, or even money-market funds. banks such as China’s exerting greater influence
Under scrutiny from the Financial Action Task Force, through direct control of monetary policy), by
such regulation may be extended across borders.⁸ market incumbency among private institutions (for
While it is too early to predict the impact of greater example, e-commerce or social media giants in
regulation on stablecoins, innovation continues the United States with potential to migrate some
apace with the likely emergence of many more (and user transactions to stablecoins), or by sector (for
newer) varieties in coming years. In contrast, early example, use-based loyalty stablecoins).
efforts to issue CBDCs have been met with only
moderate adoption. For example, the equivalent Although the market is far too nascent to confidently
of just over $40 million in Chinese digital Yuan has predict outcomes, constituents from all corners of
thus far been distributed by lottery, and the People’s the payments ecosystem can take valuable steps to
Bank of China has reported around 70 million position themselves for the inevitable changes on
transactions since the launch of its limited multicity the horizon—regardless of the form such changes
pilot in January 2021.⁹ While this represents a solid take:
proof of concept, it compares with over two billion
monthly active users reported by China’s largest — Providers of financial services infrastructure
digital technology payment providers WeChat Pay should continually monitor the suitability of their
and Alipay. design choices for future interoperability with
digital currencies. For example, participation in
account-based CBDCs will likely involve direct
Preparatory moves for an uncertain interaction with a permissioned node, while
landscape supporting stablecoins may require wallets
Clearly these technological considerations, with cross-chain access. In particular, it may
regulatory actions, and market dynamics carry be important to consider how these choices
major systemic implications for banking and the support high-potential business cases (such
payments industry. Sheer regulation is highly as instant disbursements), post-trade investor
unlikely to suppress the demand for digital services, and rapid cross-border remittances.
currencies, and innovators will continue to push the
envelope by developing new uses and distribution — Retail banks, merchants, and payment
models satisfying both demand and legislative service providers might consider the level of
requirements. Similarly, the results of initial pilots infrastructure investment likely needed for
and ongoing research of CBDCs will help shape their successful implementation of CBDCs and
evolution and potential adoption. multiple stablecoin networks. Many retail banks
already face extensive payments modernization
It seems likely that the recent growth in circulation requirements in the coming years—tackling
and transaction volume of stablecoins will infrastructure for digital currencies represents
continue, at least as long as the overall size of an additional demand on limited development
the cryptocurrency market continues to expand. capacity. Incorporating all such efforts into
Similarly, digital-currency activities by central banks an integrated road map, reflecting potential
are too widespread for current pilot efforts not to be synergies and possible triage, should promote
extended. Will a two-tiered system of CBDCs and long-term efficiency and avoid duplication of
stablecoins be sustainable over time? What are the effort.
macroeconomic and geopolitical implications of the
various scenarios? — The impact of CBDCs on private-sector banks
likely depends on the speed of their adoption.
Most likely there will be some form of coexistence. Specifically, if adoption of CBDCs were to
Within this continuum we may see flavors happen relatively quickly, the flow of funds

Wolfie Zhao, “China publishes first e-CNY whitepaper, confirming smart contract programmability,” The Block, July 16, 2021, theblockcrypto.

19 CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road

into bank deposits would be diverted, at least markets, although such limits are being built into
temporarily, into digital cash, thereby limiting the some CBDC designs.
ability of banks to lend and generate fee income
with such deposits. Accordingly, it would seem — The task for government, central banks, and
in the interest of private-sector banks for the regulators is somewhat more straightforward:
introduction of CBDCs to be slower and more to some extent, their decisions will dictate the
carefully orchestrated, potentially with initial moves of other parties, although any traction
transaction limits. demonstrated by in-market stablecoin solutions
will necessarily factor into central bankers’
— Chief risk and financial officers will benefit from approaches. We expect many will seek to assess
evaluating the broad impact of digital currencies the impact of private currencies on the efficacy
on bank liquidity and capital requirements of monetary policy (for instance, via value flows)
given potential policy changes. They could and fiscal policy (for example, via government
monitor potential increases in funding costs, the disbursements), tailoring regulatory and
possibility of further erosion of payments profit supervisory changes accordingly. They will want
margins (for example, given CBDC’s potential as to balance countervailing factors: extensive
a frictionless “free” cash replacement), and even regulation could serve essentially to prevent
safeguards against potential “digital bank runs”— stablecoin use, whereas measured approaches
many of the existing “circuit breakers” that may create a safer environment in which such
afford some protection for traders and investors currencies could flourish.
currently do not exist in the 24/7 cryptocurrency

Learning from China’s CBDC pilot

The most advanced market application of CBDC to date has been the People’s Bank of China’s (PBoC) multicity pilot of its
digital version of RMB, called eCNY. ¹

From late 2019 the PBoC began to pilot test eCNY in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiongan, and Chengdu, initially through app and
wallet-based payments. The pilot gradually expanded to Shanghai, Hainan, Xian, Qingdao, and Dalian. As of June 2021, the
pilot test included over 20 million personal wallets, more than 3.5 million merchant wallets, and aggregate throughput of
more than 34 billion RMB ($5.2 billion). Initial focus has been on cash replacement for payment scenarios covering trans-
portation, shopping, and government services.

Financial inclusion is a key use case targeted to drive end-user adoption. A bank account will not be a prerequisite for
consumer use of eCNY, unless a user desires to replenish a digital wallet. eCNY will carry the same legal status as cash; the
PBoC will distribute the digital currency to six authorized state-owned banks, which will circulate it to consumers. Consum-
ers are able to download and deploy a digital wallet from these banks without holding an account with them.

Potential benefits include mitigated KYC risk and reduced compliance cost related to transaction monitoring and reporting,
given eCNY’s “controlled anonymity” (only central banks will have full access to trading data). Enhanced technical under-
writing capabilities are also anticipated, creating competitive differentiation for participating banks. As a social benefit, the
digital currency is expected to streamline the distribution of targeted subsidies.

CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road 20

Concurrently, the PBoC has been testing cross-border payments witheCNY in Hong Kong, in a joint effort with the Hong
Kong Monetary Authority. Considering the more than $500 billion of import/export trade between Hong Kong SAR and the
Chinese Mainland, the combined impact of cross-border eCNY and eHKD being piloted could meaningfully impact existing
financial markets and operators via lower transaction costs, more efficient (real-time) settlement, and support for product
innovations such as smart contracts.

Although no timelines for formal launch have been announced, plans are proceeding to feature eCNY capabilities at the
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

Formerly Digital Currency Electronic Payment or DC/EP.

— Investors in highly popular and speculative emerge as a global currency? To what extent will
cryptocurrencies—and their issuers—should citizens resist the full traceability of payments? And
anticipate the impact of CBDCs on their assets. to what extent will citizens be comfortable
The emergence of any single central-bank obtaining familiar banking services—such as high-
solution and related regulation could deter yield deposits, collateralized lending, working
private-sector innovation and hinder the growth capital, and payments services (all available in DeFi
of crypto ecosystems, potentially unsettling today)—without reliance on a traditional bank?
investors in an asset class driven so much by And finally, how quickly will we see innovation
sentiment. in blockchain protocols (e.g., proof of stake)
that dramatically reduces their environmental
Most of all, the co-evolution of stablecoins and impact?
CBDCs will directly impact society. While the future
is not yet clear, certain behaviors could well signal We expect answers to many of these questions to
the direction of this evolution: to what extent will become clearer over the next few years as both
physical cash still be used—and accepted—in stablecoins and CBDCs become more widely
society? In what medium of value will employees and available, and the payments industry confronts
bills be paid? Through what means will commerce perhaps the biggest disruption in its history. While
be conducted, particularly if digital currencies the use cases of CBDCs and stablecoins are still
issued on public distributed ledgers lower the cost emerging, it is not too early to prepare for such
of hosting accounts and speed payment delivery, disruption.
and to what extent could a single digital currency

Ian De Bode is an associate partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office, Matt Higginson is a partner in the Boston office,
and Marc Niederkorn is a partner in the Luxembourg office.

Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

21 CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road

Global Banking & Securities

How transaction banks

are reinventing treasury
As clients demand solutions to enhance their corporate treasury
activities, banks are increasingly partnering with fintechs and
software players.
by Alessio Botta, Reet Chaudhuri, Nunzio Digiacomo, Matteo Mantoan, and Nikki Shah

© Baac3nes/Getty Images

October 2021

Cash and liquidity have long been considered important route to market and therefore potential
key indicators of corporate financial health, and partners. For their part, banks are clearly motivated
the pandemic has confirmed the continued to provide broad-based state-of-the-art support
relevance of this fundamental metric. During the for commercial banking functions that generate
crisis, “cash excellence” proved crucial in enabling over $550 billion in annual revenue, according to
continued operations for enterprises still early in McKinsey’s Global Payments Map.
their development; and as a business matures, it
becomes a key lever for releasing capital to invest Banks face several strategic decisions on this front.
in growth. Recently, liquidity metrics have received They must first determine their desired role in this
as much focus as more widely publicized measures evolving ecosystem: integrators and orchestrators
like operating margins and EBIT. of a full suite of services, background service
providers, or developers of proprietary front ends
Meanwhile, underlying trends in digitization built in-house. Factors such as geographic footprint,
and increased investor scrutiny are setting new client sector focus, and investment appetite will
standards for corporate treasury professionals. inform the best path for a given bank.
Cash forecasting is regularly cited among the
most inefficient processes by small and large Although the classic build-buy-partner decision
organizations alike. CFOs and CEOs are seeking remains relevant, recent years have seen a decided
partners to help them navigate the shift from tilt toward the partnership model within the treasury
reporting to predicting. Solution providers (whether space. Banks and third-party solutions usually
banks or software and fintech firms) able to solve offer different functionality and strengths, with
this problem will be well positioned to reinforce or all groups increasingly realizing they can exist in
extend commercial relationships. harmony. With speed to market a unifying objective,
bank distribution paired with software-firm agility
Historically, bank-provided treasury platforms has proven to be a potent combination, whether
have focused on core transaction execution central for the white labeling of third-party technology or
to their corporate relationships. The advent of in scenarios where banks serve as a channel for
software as a service and API connectivity has branded providers of these services.
made robust, multifunctional workstations far more
feasible; in response, software firms and other In this article we’ll explore the evolving needs of
third-party providers have grasped this opportunity corporate treasury functions, and the complex and
to create solutions that are gaining ground with fragmented provider landscape that has developed
corporate clients of all sizes across an array of to address them. Based on direct input from
sectors. practitioners we’ll also detail the factors that should
inform each bank’s decision on how to proceed in
Banks recognize the importance of being close the space, and offer examples of the components of
to decisions around core underlying payments, successful bank-provider partnerships.
investment, and financing flows that their corporate
customers are making. Liquidity management
tools—including treasury management, cash Evolving needs of the treasurer
forecasting, supply-chain finance (SCF)—are Forward-thinking CFOs and treasurers have begun
increasingly being embedded into the new to fundamentally rethink the treasury function,
generation of corporate global transaction shifting its role from custodian of historical cash
banking (GTB) portals. For fintechs and software activities to encompass a more strategic and
players with a focus on customer acquisition and expansive approach of “owning” the full suite of
retention, banks are increasingly viewed as an enterprise liquidity. In support of this mandate,

23 How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services

treasurers are looking for technology platforms These interviews further revealed that large
offering predictive liquidity and cash-flow modeling. enterprises prioritize seamless integration with
Specifically, they need robust forecast capabilities enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and
that incorporate cross-border positions and the ability to make swift decisions (for instance,
exposure to various currencies. access to financing, short-term investments)
based on underlying cash positions. CFOs and
McKinsey recently conducted focus groups with treasurers of these businesses are exploring SCF
CFOs and treasurers of large corporate and mid- programs—involving numerous internal and external
cap European firms. These conversations revealed stakeholders—for an efficient and sustainable
significant pain points in cash forecasting and approach to circumventing supply-chain failures
currency risk, invoice processing, and payment resulting from financial disruption. Their priorities in
reconciliation. Cash forecasting is considered the structuring a comprehensive SCF program include:
least efficient financial workflow by both small and
large organizations—in some cases requiring more — Internal systems integration. The typical
than a week to gather and compile forecasting data organization supports several ERP systems
from a variety of formats, causing further strain. across multiple entities, necessitating
integration among platforms to allow treasury
“What most interests me is the possibility to manage management systems (TMS) to work properly.
my working-capital operations without manual A successful supply-chain finance program
loading of data, specifically for invoice discounting requires full integration among all data sources
and factoring, and to have the possibility, not only and reporting software, enabling the treasurer
to have a reporting instrument, but also a predictive and other end users to make decisions based on
tool for operations,” was a representative example of real-time data and analytics.
such feedback. Another treasurer offered: “We are
building a new digital platform, consolidating lots — Establishing multi-funder models. Price is no
of data into an integrated system, to help us unlock longer the sole criterion for evaluating liquidity
the potential daily processes, improve transparency financing alternatives; ease of satisfying know
and access to real-time information, and enhance your customer (KYC) requirements, credit
security standards.” capacity, and platform design play increasingly
crucial roles for treasurers of large corporates.
Overall, treasurers of large corporates highlighted Despite their typically higher nominal price,
five primary needs: bank-independent technology solutions are
becoming the preferred model given their added
— Timely visibility into all global transactions flexibility, ability to support a multi-funder model,
and often more rapid incorporation of new
— Eliminating time-consuming and error-prone features addressing evolving treasury priorities.
manual payment-generation workflows
— Setting clear goals and objectives. Successful
— Reducing exposure to nonstandardized bank programs require the clear identification of
documentation and other compliance issues targets and KPIs to create a framework for
causing significant delays or confusion execution. With various stakeholders involved
(treasury, procurement, IT, legal, accounting) the
— Protecting against fraud absence of common and measurable objectives
can lead to cross-functional misalignment.
— Keeping pace with industry changes to formats One treasurer suggested essential elements
and technologies, particularly in the payment of a successful program include a negotiation
process strategy for payment-term extensions, as well as

How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services 24

a segmented messaging strategy for various be $3.5 billion annually on software addressing the
suppliers. The latter point is particularly needs outlined in this article.
instructive: within large SCF programs, it is
important to coordinate the information coded The scope of these offerings includes (Exhibit 1):
within a payment transaction based on the
platforms employed by each party. — Next-generation approaches to cash and
treasury management. Extending beyond basic
The situation in the small and medium-size visibility and forecasting, these generate more
enterprise (SME) space is quite different. accurate multicurrency forecasts, streamline
Particularly at the smaller end of the spectrum, workflows, and enable more robust hedging,
proprietors are less inclined to look to third-party financing, and investment decisions.
providers for financing and treasury-management
solutions, relying instead on bank offerings. — Order-to-cash/receivables solutions. These
Keeping pace with daily operational realities streamline the accounts-receivable process,
leaves little bandwidth for digitization efforts—in reducing days sales outstanding, increase
fact, larger B2B buyers are often the drivers collection rates, and further enhance visibility
behind modernization of smaller supplier partners. and accuracy of cash forecasts.
Nonetheless, relations between SMEs and their
banks are often complicated, with lending terms — Source-to-pay solutions. By simplifying
frequently incompatible with client needs even accounts-payable and payments workflows,
when products are available. As a result, owners they generate benefits including reduced fraud
often elect to finance with personal funds or forgo losses, payments prioritization for identified
debt altogether. McKinsey’s research identified suppliers, and increased visibility and accuracy
the greatest SME need to be access to liquidity, of cash forecasting.
access to broader B2B markets (with cross-
border funding posing particular challenges), and — Integrated working-capital finance, trading,
transaction complexity. While the threat of bank and investment activities. This suite provides
disintermediation is not as imminent for the SME treasurers and CFOs with a wider range of
market, the emergence of a compelling third-party options than previously available, including
proposition certainly poses future risk. supply-chain finance, receivables financing, and
short-term investment products.

The liquidity management ecosystem: Players and approaches differ by geography:

Solutions addressing these needs for instance, the US market is driven primarily by
In response to these priorities, corporate software third-party software vendors, whereas in Asia
solutions are evolving to foster cash-excellence the solutions tend to be bank-led. Cloud-based
capabilities throughout the organization. solutions have made these capabilities more
These solutions span the full scope of CFO accessible to SMEs—even those without a formal
responsibilities and offer different functionality, treasury department—thereby significantly
each contributing to improved cash and liquidity widening the potential addressable market.
visibility and positioning. In recent years, a
number of solutions have sought to address the
evolving needs of businesses’ cash and liquidity Key success factors for banks
management—including ERP providers, banks, partnering with fintechs on offerings
and third-party software including treasury Banks, which have historically not focused on the
management systems—and a wider set of players cash-management software space, increasingly
across the liquidity management space. McKinsey realize that providing at least a portion of this
estimates annual global corporate spending to functionality and embedding themselves more

25 How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services

Exhibit 1
Corporates are seeking automation and liquidity visibility across the
transaction are seeking automation and liquidity visibility across the
transaction workflow.
Source-to-pay (supplier workflow) Order-to-cash (customer workflow)

Cash event Cash event Accounts receivable automation

Accounts Payments
payable manage- Collection Credit
automation ment and EIPP manage-
disputes ment

Automated Streamlined Automated Automate Provide Run

Cash and treasury
invoice data prioritization collections matching of customers improved
capture and approval Bank account and disputes payments with credit
workflow management information request to checking
Puchase order to invoice pay and on both
matching Cash and liquidity electronic new and
management Report invoice existing
Dispute relevant present- customers
and fraud Treasury and risk
resolution taxes ment and
prevention management payments
supplier Working capital finance
reconciliation, Receivables financing
and tax
reporting Supply-chain finance

fully into the corporate workflow reduces the Banks face the ever-present decision of whether
risk of disintermediation from the underlying to build, partner, or acquire these capabilities.
payments, investment, and financing flows of Recent years have seen a material increase in the
corporate customers. Accordingly, corporate partnership model, for white labeling of third-party
liquidity-management tools—including treasury technology as well as banks acting as a channel
management, cash forecasting, and SCF—are or seller for such services. This model enables
increasingly embedded into the next generation of quicker time to market and faster introduction of
corporate GTB portals. new customer functionality. Fintechs and software
players with a focus on customer acquisition and
Some banks have developed vertically focused retention increasingly view banks as a priority
solutions with functionality and integrations channel and an efficient path to market (Exhibit 2).
designed to meet the unique needs of strategically
important customer segments. The rise of open In McKinsey’s experience, the following key success
banking, the ongoing search for new banking factors optimize the potential for bank-fintech
revenue models, migration of services to the cloud, partnerships to accelerate their time to market as
and client demand for integrated experiences are well as commercial impact.
also informing these strategic decisions. DBS has
been particularly active in this arena in Singapore; — Document a commercial approach determining
for instance, using APIs and mobile apps to enable both ownership and roles with regard to
real-time payments to online merchants and customer engagement. As an example, while
delivery-service drivers (see sidebar, “Asia–Pacific initial contact might be conducted by the fintech

How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services 26

Exhibit 2
Top bank/fintech partnership areas of focus
(% of banks citing area of focus as “very important” to their fintech partnership strategies)

Digital account opening 73

Payments 54

Lending and credit 52

Fraud/risk management 38

New banking products 27

Personal financial management 19

Investment management 11

Insurance 6

International remittances 3

Source: Cornerstone Performance Report for Banks 2019, Cornerstone Advisors, 2019, crnrstone.com

alone, subsequent meetings will be handled — Establish a dedicated IT-business governance

together since customers—particularly large team with recurring meetings to address
corporations—are seeking integrated product commercial challenges as well as technology
offerings requiring expertise that extends enhancements, potential change requests, or
beyond technology platforms. new deployments.

— Develop a go-to-market strategy tailored — Develop internal expert capabilities in the

to customer segments. For some segments, partnership products (likely in product specialist
fintech tools may be offered as white-label and relationship manager roles) as well as new
solutions via bank proprietary assets, thereby digital tools the fintech may bring to the table
differentiating the commercial offer from other as key assets. When proposing client solutions,
segments in which the fintech offers its platform these individuals will ask for interactive demo
as a stand-alone suite backed by a bank acting sessions, during which the sales network must
as a counterparty for execution of payment possess the capabilities to surf the new platform
transactions. and manage the end-to-end digital process
underlying the new product.
— Identify and agree on an IT implementation
and delivery road map to serve as the baseline — Identify KPIs by which the overall partnership
from which the bank will develop its commercial will be valued and establish the proper time
campaigns. frame for KPI monitoring and assessment.

27 How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services

Asia–Pacific focus

While the Asia–Pacific payments sector has benefited from extensive fintech activity focused on digitizing small merchants
and enhancing overall business efficiency, there has been relatively lighter emphasis on modernizing treasury solutions for
large corporates. Such opportunities are limited in part by divergence in infrastructure and regulatory standards across
countries (currency convertibility, real-time payment rails, and market access, for example) making it challenging for banks
or software providers to create solutions capable of delivering sufficient scale and value for multinational clients operating
across the region.

Some banks in the region have taken the initiative to develop bespoke solutions addressing specific client needs,
however—for example:

— Singaporean multinational bank DBS implemented a fully automated real-time payment system for drivers at ride-
hailing firm Gojek. This created a differentiating feature recognized by the client as a recruiting advantage. Rather
than waiting until the end of the week for payment (as with other taxi firms), Gojek’s drivers can now transfer funds
to their bank account after each trip.

— ICICI Bank’s STACK offering provides customized digital banking services to companies in over 15 sectors, with
the goal of facilitating operations across these clients’ entire ecosystem. The Indian bank also established eight
“ecosystem branches” to support and expand the rollout of these capabilities across channel partners, employees,
vendors, and other counterparties.

Going forward, large Asia–Pacific corporate entities are likely to enjoy features such as dynamic cash-flow forecasting,
source-to-pay solutions, and multi-funder models, similar to their counterparts in more developed markets. In preparation,
banks in the region should stay ahead of the curve by rethinking their treasury-services strategies. This involves determin-
ing which client groups to target (as not all capabilities will resonate equally across sectors), which features are likely to gain
the most initial traction with that segment, and whether these solutions are best developed in-house or via partnership with
a fintech firm.

Partnership benefits — Citi’s Smart Match product, enabling

The following examples give some insights into corporate clients to enhance straight-through-
how established partnerships work to enhance the reconciliation rates in cash applications, is
offerings of both parties: powered in part by AI and machine-learning
capabilities from HighRadius. The parties
— Société Générale and Kyriba joined forces formed a strategic partnership in 2018,¹
to offer cloud management solutions to their helping Citi and its clients to merge disparate
corporate clients. These services include real- pieces of payment data and reconcile
time monitoring of treasury positions, payments payments received against invoices issued
automation, multibank connectivity, and ERP more efficiently.
payment validation workflow management.

“Citi Partners with Fintech HighRadius to Launch Citi® Smart Match Powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,” July 12, 2018,

How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services 28

— DNB’s 2018 strategic channel sales partnership these clients going forward. Although buy and
with Kyriba provided the bank with a new set build remain valid alternatives, in most cases a
of updated financial management tools to partnership approach enables banks to introduce
centralize payments, automate workflows, and new products and functionality more rapidly in an
detect and prevent payments fraud in real time environment in which time to market is critical.
for more than 220,000 corporate clients. These
cloud-based services also address the need To successfully manage partnerships with
for stronger compliance and data protection fintechs and capitalize on their opportunity to
required by evolving government regulation. play a leading role in the redefinition of treasury
services, banks need to enhance a variety
Banks are motivated to provide broad-based of internal capabilities ranging from sales
state-of-the-art support for commercial banking management and product evangelism, to robust
functions that generate over half a trillion dollars commercial and IT governance, and effective
globally in annual revenue. They remain in a go-to-market strategies.
sound position to determine their role in serving

Alessio Botta is a senior partner, Nunzio Digiacomo is a partner, and Matteo Mantoan is a specialist, all in McKinsey’s
Milan office. Reet Chaudhuri is an associate partner in the Singapore office, and Nikki Shah is an associate partner in
the London office.

Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

29 How transaction banks are reinventing treasury services

Global Banking & Securities

Merchant acquiring and the

$100 billion opportunity in
small business
What will it take to grow in the age of value-added services? Our work
with payments practitioners suggests a few promising strategies for
serving smaller companies.

by Ashwin Alexander, Puneet Dikshit, Vik Iyer, and Julie Stefanich

© Paula Daniëlse/Getty Images

October 2021

Over the past decade, core payments processing affiliate marketing platforms and buy now, pay
has become commoditized, squeezing the margins later (BNPL) providers that position themselves as
of merchant acquirers. Their future growth is likely partners to help close a sale or drive more traffic
to come from providing merchants with value-added through the door.
services and solutions for enabling e-commerce.
Merchants are increasingly willing to pay for Meanwhile, as the payments business becomes
commerce-enablement services, such as loyalty more integrated into software, merchant-
programs, gift cards, and affiliate marketing, as services providers can address larger value pools.
well as for payments performance improvements According to data from a McKinsey analysis of card
such as enhanced authorization rates and charge- transactions at US merchant acquirers, payments
back mitigation. What’s more, enterprises that performance and commerce enablement could
have scaled globally or digitally are prepared to account for approximately 80 percent of revenue
pay a premium for sophisticated multi-country growth in payments-related merchant services over
processors, local support, enhanced reconciliation, the next five years (Exhibit 1).
payments-adjacent services, and better payments
performance in general.¹ This shift is even more Most of this expected revenue growth is likely to
pronounced in merchant categories where come from SMBs and the platforms that serve
digitization has recently accelerated, such as food them. Categories such as real estate, education,
and beverages, grocery, and homeware. and professional services include significant
numbers of small businesses that can be expected
After a decade of consolidation among scale to drive substantial growth in integrated payments
players, integration of payments and software, rapid solutions. This growth will be further fueled
digitization of small and medium-size businesses by the continuing expansion of marketplaces
(SMBs), and emergence of powerful disruptors— and social commerce, as small and even micro
independent software vendors (ISVs), fintechs, businesses (such as content creators) start to use
and innovative merchant acquirers—this arena is payments software and services. In total, SMBs
strongly contested and set to become even more are expected to spend more than $100 billion on
so in the coming years. In this chapter, we draw on payments services by 2025²—an opportunity that
McKinsey research and interviews with payments merchant acquirers must address quickly, given the
practitioners to assess the scale of the opportunity intensifying competitive pressures in the market.
in serving smaller merchants, and we outline four
strategies for acquirers pursuing growth.
Four strategies for success
Serving SMBs effectively will be critical for
The continuing rise of value-added merchant acquirers pursuing growth across a range
services of markets. To accomplish this, acquirers should
As acquirers and other merchant-services providers investigate a mix of four strategies.
begin to offer software and services focused on
commerce enablement, they are also tapping Optimize the performance of ISV partners
into merchants’ marketing budgets, where price In large, developed markets such as the United
sensitivity is lower and the perceived value of States, ISVs derive a sizable portion of their
services is higher. Brands that negotiate hard revenues from payments. The rise of ISVs is putting
over each basis point of merchant discounts are pressure on acquirers’ margins and shrinking their
prepared to pay several percentage points to share of the merchant wallet. As a result, most

Puneet Dikshit and Tobias Lundberg, “Merchant acquiring: The rise of merchant services,” 2020 McKinsey Global Payments Report, October
2020, McKinsey.com.
Based on McKinsey analysis of SMB expense wallets (spending by addressable SMBs on addressable categories).

31 Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business

Exhibit 1
Most growthin
Most growth inmerchant
in in
fromfrom performance
performance solutions
solutions and commerce
and commerce enablement.enablement.

Revenue for payments-driven merchant services Core transaction processing and transaction
in the United States,1 $ billion CAGR, % enablement
Revenues linked to domestic and cross-border
transactions, including interchange, scheme,
606 1,202 processing, settlement, and authorization fees
150 8–10 Payments software, infrastructure, and services
170 Software and services for enabling payments (eg,
wallets) and enhancing payments performance
379 12–13 (eg, gateways, fraud and charge-back mitigation,
333 analytics and advisory services, digital ID and
596 trust, risk solutions)
Commerce enablement
89 Solutions for enabling commerce (eg, affiliate
209 marketing, loyalty schemes, subscription
589 18–20 commerce platforms) and managing a business
(eg, e-invoicing platforms, B2B trade directories,
256 expense management)
42 84 14–16
Balance-sheet-based offerings
2020 Growth 2025 Financing and deposit models subject to more
regulation and greater risk (eg, BNPL,
supply-chain financing, SMB2 financing)

Includes revenues from all providers of merchant services that offer payments as a core part of their proposition.
2Small and medium-size business.
Source: McKinsey Payments Commerce Cube

leading acquirers are targeting ISVs as distribution in ISV sales and production journeys, and how to
or product partners, as seen in First Data’s (now avoid them”).
Fiserv) purchase of Clover in 2012 and U.S. Bank’s
2019 purchase of talech.³ Further, as acquirers Target a broader share of merchants’ expense
increasingly serve merchants through ISVs, they wallets
need to invest heavily in enhancing their partners’ Disruptive players in merchant services, recognizing
performance across key channels. that payments represents only a small share of the
SMB wallet, are targeting much bigger opportunities
From our observations and conversations with in software and services. A typical SMB merchant
industry participants, we have identified recurring spends less than 10 percent of its budget for
issues with ISV sales and production journeys software and services on payments acceptance.
that acquirers should avoid. For each set of issues, The remainder goes to a range of services from
acquirers can apply a set of best practices that help point-of-sale (POS) and business-management
prevent problems (see sidebar, “Common missteps software to loyalty advertising, logistics, and

U.S. Bank’s payments subsidiary is Elavon.

Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business 32

Common missteps in ISV sales and production journeys, and how to avoid them

Our experience suggests that at every stage in an acquirer’s relationship with ISVs, there are issues to avoid and best
practices to observe.

Before signing a deal

In the period leading up to signing a deal, the following missteps lead to problems:

— The acquirer’s business development teams fail to engage with the ISV’s management and technical teams,
leading to misaligned expectations on core capabilities, growth goals, and timelines.

— Business development teams rush the sales process and engage only one or two executives at the ISV, failing to
secure the broader organizational buy-in needed to ensure the ISV is willing to invest and drive volumes to the

— The acquirer and ISV fail to articulate shared goals that the ISV’s engineering and other teams will co-own and

Best practices: Shortly before the deal is signed, bring in implementation and partner management teams to agree
on estimates, expectations, and integration plan, and begin building relationships. Align the incentives of business
development teams with deal signing, volume sales, and achieving full-scale production within 15 percent of

Deal closure and implementation

The following mistakes are sources of problems during closure and implementation of a deal:

— Multiple handoffs across business development, implementation, and partner management result in poor
accountability and a subpar experience for merchants, which may then defect.

— Incentives for business development teams are based on deals signed, not actual payments volumes processed.
When this occurs, the teams have little involvement beyond implementation and provide only limited support for
ISV onboarding.

— The acquirer and ISV tech teams are not aligned on the resources needed to meet integration milestones and
timelines, so they miss targets.

— No clear plans exist for getting the ISV to scale through co-marketing, targeted campaigns, key performance
indicators (KPIs) for the first 180 days, and so on. Consequently, growth goals are never reached.

— Merchant onboarding lacks the speed and flexibility necessary to ensure a smooth experience. For instance,
tasks are performed sequentially, rather than in parallel.

Best practices: Before the deal is signed, ensure that goals are jointly owned with the ISV; plans are in place for tech
integration and ramp-up; and key owners, check-ins, and KPIs are identified. Simplify, test, and refine onboarding
and implementation to create a seamless hands-off process, with complete transparency on timelines, targets, and

33 Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business

The first 180 days
During the first 180 days following an acquisition, additional missteps are common:

— The tracking of the highest-impact service-level agreements (SLAs) is not sufficiently disciplined to ensure the
success of integration and ramp-up.

— A linear (rather than parallel) approach to transaction processing slows down testing, discovery, and the tackling of

Best practices: Quickly get the first few percent of transactions live to identify and address issues. Track satisfaction of
key client executives at deal signing, 45 days, 90 days, and 180 days to ascertain the trajectory and address emerging
issues. Set up a small working team with two or three people from each organization; schedule monthly meetings for this
team to track growth, volumes, and so on. With larger ISVs, commit a member of the sales team to spend time with the
relationship manager to drive leads from the ISV.

Ongoing partner management

Over the longer term, additional problems can arise:

— Poor responsiveness and inflexibility in changing SLAs results in attrition and/or an inability to ramp up processing

— Unclear ownership between the acquirer and the ISV, the use of legacy processes for merchant servicing, and poor
accountability and tracking lead to service issues and higher attrition rates.

— A lack of clear metrics or processes to act as leading indicators of dormancy or poor merchant experience results in
lower satisfaction and higher churn.

Best practices: Set up quarterly meetings at senior executive level for the top 30 to 40 percent of ISVs. Hold joint
meetings with ISV tech teams to ensure clear reporting and to understand the tech road map, new deployments, and

Cross-cutting issues
Some additional issues may arise at any point in this journey:

— Implementation can stall if the acquirer sources multiple solutions from one ISV without planning how to align and
prioritize them; neglects outreach, leading to limited buy-in at the ISV; and fails to develop internal champions.

— A cultural and talent mismatch between slow-moving incumbent acquirers and small and nimble ISVs tends to impede
responsiveness, damaging the merchant experience.

We estimate that, as a result of these common issues, between 30 and 50 percent of ISVs become dormant or drop off
during implementation or later. What’s more, among the ISVs that get as far as ramping up, 40 to 45 percent will either go
dormant subsequently or fail to reach their expected production level for the first two years.

Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business 34

insurance (Exhibit 2). Delivering these broader sets serve merchants via ISVs could build solutions
of services is becoming easier with the increasing that their ISVs can white-label and cross-sell. One
integration of acquiring and software. ISVs are now example of how an acquirer with indirect access can
able to integrate payments, financing, and a range of increase its share of merchants’ expense wallets
other products into their platforms to increase their is Stripe, with its suite of services across Stripe
revenues per merchant served. Treasury, Stripe Issuing, and Stripe Capital.

For incumbent acquirers, the larger the share The opportunity to target a larger share of wallets
of residuals they hand over to their ISV and is greatest in mature SMB acquiring markets such
bank partners, the more critical it is to target a as the United States and the United Kingdom.
bigger portion of merchants’ expense wallets by However, it is growing slowly in other markets
broadening their range of offerings. How readily where merchants’ expectations are rising and local
they can do so depends on whether they have solutions are evolving.
direct-to-merchant access and a merchant-facing
portal or interface, instead of relying on other Focus on specific industries
platforms and ISVs to reach SMBs. Those with Over the past two years, payments providers
direct-to-merchant access need to expand their serving SMBs have started to organize their
product suite through proprietary or third-party products, services, and go-to-market approach
products and adjust their economic and sales by industry. The convergence of payments and
models to boost product penetration. Those that software, coupled with merchants’ desire to procure

Exhibit 2
Acquirers can
merchants’wallets by by
wallets offering broader
offering services
servicespure payments.
beyond pure payments.
Typical expense-wallet breakdown of a small and medium-size business (SMB) with >$100,000
in sales, %
Addressable software and
100 services spend
15 Unaddressable Financial services
Nonfinancial services
58 20 Software and platforms
20 45 3
11 3 11 7
21 21 11 2 4 5 3
10 10 3
Total Cost of Addressable Business Logistics Payments Insurance6
expense goods sold software and management and shipping3 acceptance4
wallet services spend software1

Facilities, Salaries Point-of-sale Loyalty, Payroll Financing5 Other7

equipment, software advertising, and services
and rent marketing2

Includes software for accounting, ERP, inventory management, and expense management.
2Includes expenses incurred on marketplace platforms, SEO/SEM, social media, affiliate marketing, loyalty programs, and promotions.
3Includes payments to marketplaces and directly to services providers, including returns handling.
4Includes all costs related to payments acceptance, including fraud, charge-back, and point-of-sale financing.
5Includes interest payments on loans, merchant cash advances, net credit term payments, invoice discounting and receivables financing, and equipment financ-
ing but not payments related to commercial mortgages.
6Includes group insurance and healthcare.
7Includes expenses related to banking and professional services such as cleaning, taxes, and utilities.
Source: McKinsey analysis of the expenses of approximately 5,000 SMBs from retail, food and beverages, manufacturing, personal services, home and repair,
B2B services, professional services, and healthcare

35 Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business

solutions from a single provider, has paved the instance, large and developed economies have
way for merchant acquirers and ISVs to deliver highly competitive markets for merchant services
integrated industry-specific solutions. in general retail, consumer services, and food
and beverages, while Asia–Pacific and Latin
Whether acquirers reach merchants via America have yet to develop such markets at scale.
proprietary channels, independent sales Moreover, industries differ in their economics,
organizations, or banks, they need to focus on scale, and attractiveness, which will partly depend
industries where they can build tailored solutions on the stage of digitization they have reached.
that go beyond payments. The recently launched Exhibit 3 provides estimates of the size of some key
Square for Restaurants offers services such verticals in the United States.
as integration with delivery platforms, order
modification, the merging of bar and table orders, It’s worth noting that a sector focus can limit
and bill splitting, for example. Other providers scalability, given the steady investments that
are following similar industry-focused strategies. in-house platforms and software solutions must
Mindbody, Daxko, and ABC Fitness Solutions focus make to remain competitive. An alternative
on health clubs and gyms, Transact on education, strategy—pursued by Adyen, among others—is to
AffiniPay on professional services, and Pushpay and build horizontal cross-industry platform capabilities
Vanco on charities and religious organizations. that ISVs can use in areas such as lending, issuing,
and POS financing. As acquirers gear themselves
Providers pursuing industry-focused strategies up for the next decade of competition, most have
also need to tailor their offerings by region. For

Exhibit 3
Merchant acquirerspursuing
Merchant acquirers pursuing anan industry-focused
industry-focused strategy
strategy must assess
must assess the the
attractiveness ofof each
each vertical.

Current addressable market size in United States, $ billion CAGR1 % 2015–2020

General retail 5–7 8–15
Restaurant focused 10–12

Consumer services
(eg, spas, salons)

Healthcare 5–7

B2B 5–7

Education 6–8

Government and nonprofit 8–10

Other (eg, legal) 11–12

Subscription 12–15

Compound annual growth rate.
Source: McKinsey Payments Commerce Cube

Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business 36

only a year or two to decide whether to adopt a acquirers with access to sellers will also be well
vertical or horizontal focus. positioned to offer them increased platform
reliability by providing enablement solutions such
Develop solutions for platforms as continuity insurance and liability protection.
Marketplaces such as Amazon Marketplace,
eBay, Etsy, Walmart Marketplace, and Wayfair As social commerce grows, social platforms
continue to capture a significant share of the SMBs and creator platforms will develop distinctive
and microbusinesses that are shifting to e-commerce. needs that acquirers can target. Underserved
Overall, we expect 50 to 70 percent of digital opportunities exist in areas such as enabling
commerce will be conducted on these platforms micropayments (as Twitter has done with Tip
by 2025, albeit with differences between markets. Jar, and YouTube with Super Thanks), enabling
We can expect this shift to apply across multiple creator disbursements, and monetizing payments
industries, including media (such as TikTok), retail more effectively, whether within platforms or for
(such as Amazon and MercadoLibre), and travel and providers that serve creators, such as Later and
hospitality (such as Airbnb). Ko-fi.

To succeed in this segment, acquirers need to offer

specific marketplaces tailored solutions, such as
cross-border disbursements and submerchant To keep growing, merchant acquirers will need to
onboarding.⁴ Seller-enablement solutions such expand beyond core payments acceptance to offer
as instant payouts and seller financing represent merchants solutions for enabling e-commerce.
a large and underserved value pool that acquirers With disruptive players already investing heavily in
can access via an increasingly consolidated set of this arena, failure to move fast could come at a high
marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. Merchant cost in lost growth.

Ashwin Alexander is an associate partner and Puneet Dikshit is a partner, both in McKinsey’s New York office; Vik Iyer is an
associate partner in the San Francisco office, where Julie Stefanich is a consultant.

The authors wish to thank Tobias Lundberg, Yaniv Lushinsky, and Bharath Sattanathan for their contributions to this chapter.

Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

A submerchant is a merchant that sells on a marketplace that handles purchases on its behalf.

37 Merchant acquiring and the $100 billion opportunity in small business

October 2021
Copyright © McKinsey & Company

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