2.risk Assessment of Working at Height

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Risk Assessment Title: Working at Height

R/A Number: MJPP-RA-01 Revision: A

Risk Assessment
Current Risk Final Risk
Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

Attachment #1. Risk Assessment.

1 Working at height

- Ensure working area and access is in safe condition

- All personnel must use appropriate of PPE including
full body harness
- Make sure that scaffolding installed properly before
- All personnel must use appropriate of PPE
the WAH activity,
including full body harness
- Personnel should be trained WAH by HSE MJPP,
Semua pekerja wajib menggunakan APD
- Slipping and dan alat pelindung jatuh - Mobil scaffold always inspected by supervisor
Tripping - Mobile scaffold must be checked and scaffold periodically,
Work using Mobile Tergelincir dan tagged by Supervisor scaffold before used, - Provide warning signs, cones or fencing if
Scaffold tersandung Personnel injury, Scaffolding harus diperiksa dan di TAG needed.
1 Bekerja - Falls, death oleh scaffold Supervisor sebelum 3 3 9 - Pastikan area kerja dan akses dalam kondisi aman 3 1 3
menggunakan Terjatuh digunakan, - Semua personi lharus menggunakan APD yang
scaffolding - Falling objects - Organise storage with heavy / bulky sesuai termasuk seluruh tubuh
Benda jatuh -Pastikan perancah dipasang dengan benar sebelum
objects at lower levels.
Atur penyimpanan benda beratdan aktivitas WAH,
ringan - Personel harus dilatih WAH oleh HSE MJPP,
- Mobil scaffold selalu diperiksa oleh scaffold
supervisor secara berkala,
- Berikan tanda peringatan, kerucut atau pagar jika

- Comply with the standards for installing

safety railing (2 rows,
90cm or over for upper row + middle row)
- Install work platform without any gap (2
Fall due to layers with the width of
improprely-installed 50cm)
safety rail and work - Install stairs when assembling 2 rows or more Check installation of safety facilities and hoist way before
scaffolds using them
Personnel injury,Death
(Install a ladder when stairs are impossible to 3 3 9 3 1 3
Jatuh karena paga Pekerja terluka
install) Periksa pemasangan fasilitas keselamatan dan cara
rpengaman dan
- Fix it to outrigger or soild structure and mengerek sebelum menggunakannya
platform kerja yang
tida kdipasang dengan maintain leveling
benar - The height of BT scaffold needs to be less
than 4 times the
minimum width of the bottom
- Avoid moving BT scaffold with worker on it

NEW - Afraid working at - Personnel 3 3 9 - Blood pressure test 3 1 3

height injury,Death All personnel entering in the scaffolding - Test tekanan darah
Takut bekerja Pekerja terluka
Risk Assessment Title: Working at Height

R/A Number: MJPP-RA-01 Revision: A

Risk Assessment
Current Risk Final Risk
Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

must be physically fit for the job and shall

not be afraid of heights.
diketinggian Semua personel yang masuk kedalam
perancah harus sehat secara fisik untuk
pekerjaan itu dan tidak takut ketinggian.

Work shall not be allowed to be

carried out standing over wooden
boxes; empty barrels and other make
Personnel injury,Death
- Proper working shift arrangements. - Check continuesly working platform
NEW Pekerja terluka 3 3 9 3 1 3
platform Pekerjaan tidak boleh dilakukan - Selalu lakukan pengecekan platform kerja
dengan berdiri di ataskotak kayu;
barel kosong dan pengaturan shift
- Ensure working area and access is in safe condition
- All personnel must use appropriate of PPE including
full body harness,
- Ladder only used for a short duration work,
- Don’t work from the top three rung of a - The ladder must be in a good condition and inspected
ladders, before used,
- ladder rung need to be clean, should be - Floor surfaces suitable to use ( firm and even
free from grease or oil to prevent slips, surface),
- Ensure correct angle of ladder ( 1M - Segregate work area effectively.
- Slipping and - Provide warning signs, cones or fencing if
Tripping out for 4M up),
- No lone working when using ladders needed.
- Falls, - Pastikan area kerja dan akses dalam kondisi
Work using ladder .
- Falling objects Personnel injury, aman
Bekerja -Jangan bekerja dari tiga anak tangga
- Tergelinci rdan death 3 3 9 - Semua personil harus menggunakan APD 3 1 3
menggunakan teratas,
tersandung Pekerjat erluka,fatality yang sesuai termasuk seluruh tubuh,
tangga - tangga tangga harus bersih, harus
Jatuh, - Tangga hanya digunakan untuk pekerjaan
bebas dari minyak atau minyak untuk
Benda yang jatuh durasi pendek,
mencegah slip,
- Pastikan sudut tangga yang benar (1M - Tangga harus dalam kondisi baik dan diperiksa
untuk 4M keatas), sebelum digunakan,
- Tidak ada yang bekerja saat - Permukaan lantai cocok digunakan
menggunakan tangga. (permukaan kokoh dan rata),
- Pisahkan area kerja secara efektif.
- Berikan tanda peringatan, kerucut ataupagar
jika diperlukan.

- Work using - Slipping and Personnel injury, - All personnel must use appropriate of PPE 3 3 9 - Ensure working area and access is in safe condition 3 1 3
platform scaffold Tripping death including full body harness, - Personnel should be trained WAH by HSE MJPP,
Bekerja - Falls, Pekerja terluka,fatality - Platform scaffold must be checked and - Platform scaffold always inspected by supervisor
menggunakan - Falling objects tagged by Supervisor scaffold before used, scaffold periodically All personnel must use
Risk Assessment Title: Working at Height

R/A Number: MJPP-RA-01 Revision: A

Risk Assessment
Current Risk Final Risk
Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

appropriate of PPE including full body harness,

- Provide warning signs, cones or fencing if
- Organise storage with heavy / bulky
- Pastikan area kerja dan akses dalam
objects at lower levels.
- Semua personil harus menggunakan
Tergelincir dan - Personel harus dilatih WAH oleh HSE MJPP,
APD yang sesuai termasuk seluruh tubuh,
tersandung - Platform scaffold selalu diperiksaoleh
- Platform scaffold harus diperiksa dan
platform scaffolding Jatuh, supervisor scaffold secara berkala. Semu
ditandai oleh scaffold Supervisor sebelum
Benda yang jatuh apersonil harus menggunakan APD yang sesuai
termasuk seluruh tubuh,
- Atur penyimpanan dengan benda berat /
- Berikan tanda peringatan, kerucut atau pagar
besar di tingkat bawah.
jika diperlukan.

- Ensure working area and access is in safe

- Install pole with life line onto the roof condition
top, - Personnel should be trained WAH by HSE MJPP,
- Use team handling where necessary. - Platform scaffold always inspected by supervisor
- Slipping and - All access which used, must be scaffold periodically All personnel must use
Tripping checked before use and maintained in appropriate of PPE including full body harness,
- Falls, good condition. - Provide warning signs, cones or fencing if
Working at the - Step ladder provided for users to needed.
- Falling objects
Personnel injury, access areas safely - Don’t allow the activity is under it.
roof top Tergelincir dan
2 death - Pasang tiang dengan garis 3 3 9 - Pastikan area kerja dan akse sdalam kondisi 3 1 3
Bekerja diatas tersandung
atap kehidupan ke atap, aman
- Gunakan penanganan tim jika perlu. - Personel harus dilatih WAH oleh HSE MLPP,
Benda yang jatuh
- Semua akses yang digunakan, harus - Platform scaffold selalu diperiksa oleh
diperiksa sebelum digunakan dan supervisor scaffold secara berkala. Semua
dipelihara dalam kondisi baik. personil harus menggunakan APD yang
- Tanggal angkah yang disediakan sesuaitermasuk seluruh tubuh,
bagi pengguna untuk mengakses area - Berikan tanda peringatan, kerucut atau pagar
denga naman jika diperlukan.
- Jangan biarkan aktivitas berada di bawahnya.

Prepared By:  Severity (S) Frequency (F) Risk Rating (RR) Very High High Medium Low
1. Project Manager R=SxF 15-25 8-12 4-6 1-3
2. HSE Officer 1 Minor Injury 1 Improbable
Risk Assessment Title: Working at Height

R/A Number: MJPP-RA-01 Revision: A

Risk Assessment
Current Risk Final Risk
Item Task (Steps) Potential Hazard Potential Incident Existing Control Additional Control Remarks
Seve Freq. Risk Seve. Freq. Risk

3. Supervisor 2 Major Single Injury 2 Possible Unacceptability Limits S 5 4 3 2 1 F

4. Foreman 3 Major Multiple Injuries 3 Occasional More than 5 is unacceptable re-assess task 5 25 20 15 10 5
4 Single Death 4 Frequent and preventative actions. 4 20 16 12 8 4
5 Multiple Deaths 5 Regular 3 15 12 9 6 3
S = 0 is deemed to be the limit of practicability 2 10 8 6 4 2
of control measures. 1 5 4 3 2 1

Risk Assessment Prepared by:

HSE Officer (MJPP)

NAME Position Signature Date

Risk Assessment Ckecked by:

Supervisor (MJPP)

NAME Position Signature Date

Risk assessment approved by:

ESHA (Clariant)

NAME Position Signature Date

Risk Assessment

Title : Working at Height

R/A No. : MJPP-RA-01


Name : Position : Signature : Date :

SCT Construction Engineer

Name : Position : Signature : Date :

SCT HSE Manager

Name : Position : Signature : Date :

SCT Construction Manager

Name : Position : Signature : Date :

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