LAB #1 Diffusion

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Name: Amelia Llewellyn

Date: October 20, 2020

Grade: 10/49
Lab #1

Title: Diffusion of Ammonia and Hydrochloric Acid

Aim: To compare the rates of diffusion of ammonia and hydrogen chloride.

Apparatus and Materials: Glass tubes, clamp and stand, rubber bungs, timing device, cotton
wool, concentrated hydrochloric acid, concentrated aqueous ammonia.


1. The apparatus was set up as shown in the diagram above.
2. The piece of cotton wool was soaked in concentrated ammonia solution and
placed at one of the glass tube which was immediately plugged with a rubber
3. The piece of cotton wool was soaked in hydrochloric acid and placed at the other
end of the glass tube. The end of the glass tube was sealed with a rubber bung.
4. As soon as the sealing was completed, the timer begun and ended when the white
ring appears in the glass tube.
5. The results and observations were recorded.

Treatment of Results:
1. The distance from the ammonia soaked cotton ball to the white ring is
25cm and from the hydrochloric acid cotton soaked ball to the white
ring is 18cm.
2. The rate of diffusion given the distance and time for ammonia is
0.09cm/s and for hydrochloric acid is 0.07cm/s.
3. The relative molecular mass of ammonia is 17 moles and for
hydrochloric acid is 35.5 moles.

Discussion: The ammonia and hydrochloric acid particles diffuse through the air in the glass
tube towards each other. Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high
concentration of particles to an area with a lower concentration. Diffusion in gases is quick
because the particles in a gas move quickly. So if were placed in a glass tube like the ammonia
and hydrochloric acid then they would rapidly move throughout the tube and eventually meet. In
this case, the ammonia and hydrochloric acid collided and reacted to form a white solid called
ammonium chloride. The ammonium chloride forms a ring inside the glass tube. We can
represent the reaction between the ammonium chloride as a chemical equation where (g) and (s)
indicate the state of the chemicals involved, (g) indicating a gas and (s) indicating a solid.
NH3 (g) + HCl (g) = NH4Cl (s)
The ammonium chloride forms closer to the cotton wool soaked in hydrochloric acid because the
ammonia particles are lighter than the hydrogen chloride particles. Therefore, the ammonia
particles move much faster through the air than the hydrogen chloride particles.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the ammonia has a faster diffusion rate than hydrochloric acid.

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