Old Friend - C Major - MN0168851 - U5
Old Friend - C Major - MN0168851 - U5
Old Friend - C Major - MN0168851 - U5
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(from “I’m Getting My Act Together and Taking It on the Road”)
Lyrics by Music by
Moderately slow
Fmaj7 G/F Em7 C/E Fmaj7 G/F
(with pedal)
somewhat freely
friend and I say, “Let’s get to-geth - er, I’m un-der the weath-er.
Dm7 G C2 C G/B
An-oth - er love has come to an end.” And he lis - tens as I tell him my sad
a tempo
pon-der why I do it and the pain of get-ting through it. And he laughs and says, “You’ll do it a - gain.”
B /D Fsus/C F G/B
life and love as old friends do, and tell each oth - er what
continue legato
F C/E Dm F/G G
And if he ev-er feels des - pair. And he says he’s learned to love it, and that’s
real - ly all part of it. And it helps him feel the good times when they’re there. Yes, we
sit in a bar and talk ’til two a-bout life and love, as
old friends do, and tell each oth - er what we’ve been through, how
A /E E D /A A D A /C
G /A A E m7 A E m7 A
bar-ten-der is doz-ing, and it’s get-ting time for clos-ing. And we fig-ure that we’ll go it on our
D G A /G Fm7 D /F
own. But we’ll meet the year we’re six - ty two, and
C /E G sus G /D A /C
trav - el the world as old friends do, and tell each oth - er what
Oo, oo
molto rit.