Risk Analysis Template 12
Risk Analysis Template 12
Risk Analysis Template 12
Risk Category Select from categories as defined by the Risk Management Plan. You will need to update the values list in cells A36:A64.
Trigger Point Specifically what causes the risk to become a realized issue/problem - usually written in the form "If <such and such occurs>".
Potential Outcome What happens if the trigger point occurs - usually written in the form "then <this outcome occurs>".
Raised By Person who identified the risk.
Raised Date Date risk identified.
Source Source of risk. You will need to update the values list in cells E36:E44.
Impact Qualitative ranking of impact to project, using scales defined in the Risk Management Plan. You will need to update the
values list in cells E47:F51.
Probability Probability of risk being realized, using scales defined in the Risk Management Plan. You will need to update the
values list in cells E54:F58.
Matrix Score This is calculated once you select the Impact and Probability. These cells use conditional formatting to display color
shadings as defined in cells E61:G64.
Qualitative Impact Space for further description of potential impact.
Risk Strategy Select from strategies as defined by the Risk Management Plan. You will need to update the values list in cells H36:H41.
Response Notes Additional notes about the response plan.
Owner Risk owner.
Status Risk status (e.g. whether it has been triggered or not). You will need to update the values list in cells H44:H52.
Trigger Date If triggered, the date the trigger occurred.
Notes Additional notes.
Risk Identification Risk Analysis Response Planning Risk Monitoring and Control