Dental Anestesi Jurnal 2

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The Indian Journal of Pediatrics (April 2020) 87(4):253–254


Insight to Newer Agents and Methods for Local Anesthesia

in Pediatric Dentistry
Vijay Prakash Mathur 1 & Gauri Kalra 2

Received: 29 January 2020 / Accepted: 30 January 2020 / Published online: 8 February 2020
# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2020

Local anesthetics are being used in various forms for topical centrbucridine salt has been developed by an academic insti-
use and are used for anesthesia, pain relief and for diagnostic tute in India and it is expected that it is not likely to be very
purposes. Many of these salts have similar chemical struc- expensive or maybe equally efficacious.
tures, and somewhat different pharmacokinetic properties The clinicians treating children also face a challenge in
and variable pharmacodynamic effects. All these influence terms fear of injection or complex instruments. In order to
the selection of agents for use in various clinical situations. overcome such challenges, newer methods of local anesthesia
In the article, titled Comparison of 0.5% centbucridine and delivery systems have come into market and it is worthwhile
2% lignocaine as local anesthetic agents for dental procedures to enumerate them here.
in children: a randomised controlled trial published in current
issue of IJP, the authors have addressed the limited application & Computer controlled local anesthesia delivery (CCLAD)
of centbucridine as a local anesthetic agent in pediatric den- system: This advanced system injects local anesthetic
tistry [1]. The literature is factually scarce in this field even agent into the tissues at a set slow speed and also takes
though centbucridine being shown as superior over into account the anatomical features of the site being
Lignocaine. The article highlights the superior properties of injected. Baghlaf et al. and Mittal et al. has reported
Centbucridine such as anti-allergic properties and anti- CCLAD to be advantageous in delivering anesthesia in
histaminic properties, though the results obtained in the clin- young patients [4, 5].
ical trial are not significant [1]. & Jet Injections: Such system allows the liquid local anes-
It has been a well-established fact that younger children thetic agent to be deposited subcutaneously through the
experience pain and discomfort due to dental infections, inju- mechanism of mechanical energy though without the use
ries and dental procedures [2]. The newer salts available, of syringes. It works well in needle phobic young and
which are little structurally different to lignocaine, are adult patients. Munshi et al. found a significant acceptance
levobupivacaine, ropivacaine, and articaine [3]. These newer to application of MADAJET XL system over traditional
salts are found to be having equal or more efficacy, faster onset syringes in 3–13 y old children [6].
of action and longer duration. However, the research is in & Topical Anesthesia: Topical/ local application of local an-
progress and we may see them as products in the market in esthetic agents in gel or cream form have been extensively
coming years. Some of the adjuvants like bicarbonates and used in performing dental treatment in pediatric dentistry.
steroids have also been tried to improve the efficacy/ Eutectic mixtures for LA (EMLA) have lower melting
duration of action of local anaesthetics in dentistry. The points and are thoroughly absorbed in the oral mucosa,
majorly available as 2.5% prilocaine and lignocaine in
1:1 ratio. Intranasal sprays as a 3% tetracaine hydrochlo-
* Vijay Prakash Mathur ride and 0.05% oxymetazoline mixture are also available and mainly used to anesthetize upper front teeth.
& LASER Analgesia: Application of LASER is a newer
Division of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Centre for Dental method of reducing pain, though it does not provide com-
Education and Research, WHO Collaborating Centre for Oral Health plete analgesia but causes alterations in the sodium-
Promotion, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi 110029, India
potassium pump, thereby disrupting the impulse conduc-
tion to brain temporarily. Soft tissue procedures such as
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sudha Rustogi
Dental College, Faridabad, Haryana, India
tongue tie removal or treating high frenum attachments
254 Indian J Pediatr (April 2020) 87(4):253–254

may be performed with ease without injecting local anes- 2. Pain Management in Infants, Children, Adolescents and Individuals
with Special Health Care Needs. Available at:
thesia [7].
globalassets/media/policies_guidelines/ bp_pain.pdf. Accessed 27th
December 2019.
To conclude, newer local anesthetic delivery systems are 3. Shipton EA. New formulations of local anaesthetics- part I.
the cornerstones of current evidence based pediatric dental Anesthesiol Res Pract. 2012;2012: Article ID 546409.
practice. Incorporation of such devices not only helps in pro- 4. Baghlaf K, Alamoudi N, Elashiry E, Farsi N, El Derwi DA, Abdullah
AM. The pain-related behavior and pain perception associated with
viding painless dental treatment to young children but also computerized anesthesia in pulpotomies of mandibular primary mo-
helps in instilling a positive attitude towards dental treatments lars: a randomized controlled trial. Quintessence Int. 2015;46:799–
and oral hygiene. 806.
5. Mittal M, Kumar A, Srivastava D, Sharma P, Sharma S. Pain per-
ception: computerized versus traditional local anesthesia in pediatric
patients. J Clin Pediatr Dentistry. 2015;39:470–4.
Compliance with Ethical Standards 6. Munshi AK, Hegde A, Bashir N. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy
of anesthesia and patient preference using the needle-less jet syringe
Conflict of Interest None. in pediatric dental practice. J Clin Pediatr Dentistry. 2001;25:131–6.
7. Kulkarni N, Parakh A, Modi S, Mankare A, Vanjari G, Fernandes G.
Painless anaesthesia in pediatric dentistry: an updated review. IOSR J
References Dental Med Sci. 2019;18:67–71.

1. Comparison of 0.5% centbucridine and 2% lignocaine as local anes- Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
thetic agents for dental procedures in children: a randomised con- tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
trolled trial. Indian J Pediatr. 2020.
019-03161-6 .

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