La Liga Filipina
La Liga Filipina
La Liga Filipina
Jose Rizal launched La Liga Filipna on Ilaya Street in Tondo on July 3, 1892, at a time
when militant nationalism was gaining traction in Filipino society. . The organization aims to: 1)
unite the whole of the Philippines, 2) promote reforms, 3) provide support to education,
agriculture, and commerce, 4) fight any form of violence and injustice, and 5) provide protection
and assistance of each member to each other.
The organization's president, treasurer, secretary, and prosecutor are Ambrosio
Salvador, Bonifacio Arevalo, Deodato Arellano, and Agustin de la Rosa, with 14 members
including Andres Bonifacio and Apolinario Mabini. Each member is responsible for giving the
organization a monthly allowance of ten cents to be used to support the organization's
industrious and talented but poor members, to assist members in need of financial assistance in
lending to those wishing to enter business or agriculture, and to construct affordable stores.
Despite the fact that La Liga Filipina was not subversive or openly anti-government, the
authorities closely monitored its members' behavior and activities for the sole reason that Rizal
formed the organization. When Rizal was arrested and deported to Dapitan on July 7, 1892, the
organization was temporarily suspended.
Mabini and Bonifacio resurrected La Liga Filipina, but members soon became tired of
paying monthly dues and lost faith in the government's willingness to listen to La Solidaridad,
the publication they supported. Many of its members joined the Katipunan, including Mamerto
Natividad, Domingo Franco, Numeriano Adriano, and Jose Dizon.
La Liga Filipina was formed to end Filipino oppression of Spaniards, to protect Filipinos,
to avoid abuse by Spaniards, and most importantly, to unite Filipinos. Rizal expects that by
forming the La Liga Filipina, he will be able to put an end to the cruel Spanish rule. Rizal's
motivations are to awaken everyone's senses about the reality of the situation under Spanish
control and to open the eyes of the Filipinos to the reality that they are being persecuted. We
gained our own freedom as a result of this, and the Filipinos developed a feeling of honor,
respect, and nationalism as a result of it.
In the night of July 3, 1892, Dr. Jose Rizal founded and inaugurated the La Liga
Filipina at house No. 176 Ilaya St., Tondo. It was formed not for the purpose of independence,
but for mutual aid and protection of its members, and the fostering of a more united spirit among
Filipinos. Its constitution declared the ends, form, duties of members and officials, rights of
members and officials, the investment of funds, and general rules.
1. To unite the whole archipelago into one compact, vigorous, and homogeneous body.
2. Mutual protection in every want and necessity.
3. Defense against all violence and injustice.
4. Encouragement of instruction, agriculture, and commerce.
5. Study and application of reforms.
1. To set these ends in operation, a Popular Council, a Provincial Council, and a Supreme
Council shall be created.
2. Each Council shall consist of a Chief, a Fiscal, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and members.
3. The Supreme Council shall consist of the Provincial Chiefs, just as the Provincial Council
shall be composed of the Popular Chiefs.
4. The Supreme Council shall have command of the Liga Filipina, and shall deal directly
with the Provincial Chiefs and Popular Chiefs.
5. The Provincial Council shall have command of the Popular Chiefs.
6. The Popular Council only shall have command of the members.
7. Each Provincial Council and Popular Council shall adopt a name different from that of
their locality or region.
1. He shall continually watch over the life of his Council. He shall memorize the new and
real names of all the Councils if he is the Supreme Chief, and if only a Popular Chief
those of all his affiliated members.
2. He shall constantly study means to unite his subordinates and place them in quick
3. He shall study and remedy the necessities of the Liga Filipina, of the Provincial Council,
or of the Popular Council, according as he is Supreme Chief, Provincial Chief, or Popular
4. He shall heed all the observations, communications, and petitions which are made to
him, and shall immediately communicate them to the proper person.
5. In danger, he shall be the first, and he shall be the first to be held responsible for
whatever occurs within a Council.
6. He shall furnish an example by his subordination to his superior chiefs, so that he may
be obeyed in his turn.
7. He shall see to the very last member, the personification of the entire Liga Filipina.
8. The omissions of the authorities shall be punished with greater severity than those of the
simple members.
1. The Fiscal shall see to it that all comply with their duty.
2. He shall accuse in the presence of the Council every infraction or failure to perform his
duty in any member of the Council.
3. He shall inform the Council of every danger or persecution.
4. He shall investigate the condition of the funds of the Council.
1. He shall enter in a ledger the new names of the members forming the Council.
2. He shall render a strict monthly account of the dues received, noted by the members
themselves, with their special countermarks.
3. He shall give a receipt and shall have a note of it made in the ledger in the hand of the
donor, for every gift in excess of one peso and not over fifty.
4. The Popular Treasurer shall keep in the treasury of the Popular Council, the third part of
the dues collected, for the necessities of the same. The remainder, whenever it exceeds
the sum of ten pesos, shall be delivered to the Provincial Treasurer, to whom he shall
show his ledger, and himself writing in the ledger of the Provincial Treasurer the amount
delivered. The Provincial Treasurer shall then give a receipt, and if it is in accordance
with the accounts, shall place his 0. K. in the ledger of the other. Like proceedings shall
follow when the Provincial Treasurer delivers funds in excess of ten pesos to the
Supreme Treasurer.
5. The Provincial Treasurer shall retain from the sums handed to him by the Popular
Treasurer one-tenth part for the expenses of the Provincial Council.
6. Whenever any member desires to give the Liga Filipina a sum in excess of fifty pesos,
he shall deposit the sum in a safe bank, under his vulgar name and then shall deliver the
receipt to the Treasurer of his choice.
1. At each meeting he shall keep a record of proceedings, and shall announce what is to
be done.
2. He shall have charge of the correspondence of the Council. In case of absence or
incapacity, every authority shall name a substitute, until the Council name one to fill his
1. Every member has a right to the moral, material, and pecuniary aid of his Council and of
the Liga Filipina.
2. He may demand that all the members favor him in his trade or profession whenever he
offers as many guaranties as others. For this protection, he shall transmit to his Popular
Chief his real name and his footing, so that the latter may hand it to the Supreme Chief
who shall inform all the members of the Liga Filipina of it by the proper means.
3. In any want, injury, or injustice, the member may invoke the whole aid of the Liga
4. He may request capital for an enterprise whenever there are funds in the treasury.
5. He may demand a rebate of all the institutions or members sustained directly by the Liga
Filipina, for all articles [sold him] or services rendered him.
6. No member shall be judged without first being allowed his defense.
1. He shall cause every accused person to go out or appear while his case is being
discussed in the Council.
2. He shall be able to examine the ledgers at any time.
1. The member or his son, who while not having means, shall show application and great
capacities shall be sustained.
2. The poor shall be supported in his right against any powerful person.
3. The member who shall have suffered loss shall be aided.
4. Capital shall be loaned to the member who shall need it for an industry or for agriculture.
5. The introduction of machines and industries, new or necessary in the country, shall be
6. Shops, stores, and establishments shall be opened, where the members may be
accommodated more economically than elsewhere.
The Supreme Chief shall have power to dispose of the funds in needy cases, whenever he later
renders an account to the Supreme Council.
General Rules:
1. No one shall be admitted without a previous and unanimous vote of the Council of his
village, and without satisfying the tests to which he must submit.
2. Offices shall end every two years, except when there is an accusation by the Fiscal.
3. In order to obtain the posts, three-fourths of all the votes present shall be required.
4. The members shall elect the Popular Chief, the Popular Fiscal, and the Popular
Treasurer. The Popular authorities shall elect the Provincial authorities; and the
Provincial authorities shall elect the Supreme authorities.
5. Every time that a member becomes the Popular Chief, that fact shall be communicated
to the Supreme Chief, together with his new and old names; and the same shall be done
whenever a new Council shall be founded.
6. Communications in ordinary times, shall bear only the symbolical names both of the
writer and of the persons for whom they are intended, and the course to be pursued
shall be from the member to the Popular Chief, from the latter to the Provincial Chief or
the Supreme Chief, and vice versa. In extraordinary cases alone shall these formalities
be omitted. However, in any time or place, the Supreme Chief may address anyone
7. It is not necessary for all the members of a Council to be present to render decisions
valid. It shall be sufficient if one-half the members are present and one of the authorities.
8. In critical moments, each Council shall be considered as the safeguard of the Liga
Filipina, and if for any cause or other the other Councils are dissolved or disappear, each
Council, each Chief, each member, shall take upon himself the mission of reorganizing
and reestablishing them.
This constitution was partly printed in London, at the London Printing Press, No. 25 Khulug St.,
in both Spanish and Tagalog. Those parts printed (the ends, duties of the members, and the
general rules) contain some changes from Rizal's MS. Preceding the constitution proper is the
membership pledge to the Liga. It is as follows: "Number. i.. To. of. I.. of. years of age, of. state,
profession., as a chosen son of Filipinas, declare under formal oath that I know and entirely
understand the ends aimed at by the Liga Filipina, whose text appears on the back of the
present. Therefore, I submit myself, and of my own accord petition the chief. of this province, to
admit me as a member and coworker in the same, and for that purpose I am ready to
unconditionally lend the necessary proofs that may be demanded of me, in testimony of my
sincere adhesion! " The ends of this printed text are the same as those of the MS. The motto is
the same, and there is also a place for a countersign.
The duties of the members are somewhat changed, the changes being as follows:
1. He shall pay two pesos for one single time, as an entrance fee, and fifty centimos as monthly
fee, from the month of his entrance.
2. With the consciousness of what he owes to his fatherland, for whose prosperity and through
the welfare that he ought to covet for his parents, children, brothers and sisters, and the beloved
beings who surround him, he must sacrifice every personal interest, and blindly and promptly
obey every command, every order, verbal or written, which emanates from his Council or from
the Provincial Chief.
3. He shall immediately inform, and without the loss of a moment, the authorities of his Council
of whatever he sees, notes, or hears that constitutes danger for the tranquility of the Liga
Filipina or anything touching it. He shall earnestly endeavor to be sincere, truthful, and minute in
all that he shall have to communicate.
4. He shall observe the utmost secrecy in regard to the deeds, acts, and decisions of his
Council and of the Liga Filipina in general from the profane, even though they be his parents,
brothers and sisters, children, etc., at the cost of his own life, for this is the means by which the
member will obtain what he most desires in life." Articles 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are the same.
Andres Bonifacio; supreme head of the Katipunan, who uttered the first warcry against
tyranny, August 24, 1896.
Mamerto Natividad; seconded, in Nueva Ecija, the movement of Andres Bonifacio,
August 28, 1896; shot.
Domingo Franco; supreme head of the Liga Filipina; shot.
Moises Salvador; venerable master of the respected lodge, Balagtas; shot.
Numeriano Adriano; first guard of the respected lodge, Balagtas; shot.
Jose A. Dizon; venerable master of the respected lodge, Taliba; shot.
Apolinario Mabini; legislator; arrested.
Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista; first patriot of '68; arrested.
Timoteo Lanuza; initiator of the manifestation for the expulsion of the friars in I888;
Marcelino de Santos; arbitrator and protector of La Solidaridad, the Filipino organ in
Madrid; arrested.
Paulino Zamora; venerable master of the respected lodge, Lusong; deported.
Juan Zulueta, member of the respected lodge, Lusong; died.
Doroteo Ongjunco; member of the respected lodge, Lusong; owner of the house.
Arcadio del Rosario; orator of the respected lodge, Balagtas; arrested.
Timoteo Paez; arrested.