Effects of Financial Innovations On Fina

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International Journal of Business and Management Invention

ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X

www.ijbmi.org || Volume 4 Issue 6|| June. 2015 || PP-78-89

Effects of Financial Innovations on Financial Performance of

Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies in Kenya: A case of
Kakamega Teachers Co-operative Society Limited

Ronald Songoro Tsuma1 Maniagi G. Musiega2 Odhiambo Albert3 Dr. Musiega

College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,
Kakamega campus, Kenya
Part-time Lecturer of Accounting and Finance school of business and economics Masinde Muliro University of
Science and Technology Kenya)
Lecturer of Accounting and Finance school of business and economics Masinde Muliro University of Science
and Technology Kenya)
Director, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kakamega Campus, Kenya

ABSTRACT: This paper aims at determining the effects of new organizational processes on financial
performance of SACCOs in Kenya. The study was guided by transaction cost innovation theory. The study
adopted a descriptive research design in determining the relationship of variables and employed primary data.
The population of study was the 53 members of staff of Kakamega Teachers Savings and Credit Co-operative
Society Limited. A sample of 44 members of staff was selected for study and the results were generalized. Data
was collected by the use of a closed ended questionnaire. The quantitative data was coded on Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 17 software and data analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential
statistics. The findings of the study revealed that process innovations were positively correlated to financial
Key words: Financial innovation, process innovation, Transaction Cost Innovation Theory.

A co-operative society is an association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic
cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. The key idea
behind a co-operative society is to pool the scarce resources, eliminate the middlemen and to achieve a common
goal or interest. Co-operatives are based on seven principles: voluntary and open membership, democratic
member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and
information, cooperation among co-operatives and concern for the community (Hans, 2006). Through Sessional
Paper No. 6 of 1997, on “Co-operatives in a Liberalized Economic Environment”, the Government reviewed its
involvement in the management of cooperatives. The Sessional Paper provided a framework under which co-
operatives were to survive in a competitive economic environment. The Cooperative societies Act no.12, 1997
was amended in 2004 to instill some discipline in the sector.
Kakamega Teachers Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd (KATECO) was established in 1977
with a paltry 200 members but currently boasts of over 16000 members. The society draws its core membership
from teachers in primary and post primary learning institutions in Kakamega and Vihiga Counties. KATECO is
among the few SACCOs with FOSA granted license by SASRA to provide banking services in Kenya. The
society offers ATM services to members in collaboration with Cooperative bank (SASRA Database, 2013).

1.1 Statement of the problem

Traditionally, Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) are non profit making financial
organizations of individuals with a common affiliation. SACCOs, just like commercial banks, accept deposits
from members, pay interest (dividends) on deposits out of earnings, and provide credit to members (SASRA
Database, 2013). However, Cooperative Societies need to keep up with changing member or customer demands
and regulatory requirements (SASRA Database, 2013). Under the Sacco regulatory frame, deposits taking
Saccos are required to observe minimum liquidity standards at all times. However there is no mechanism for
addressing short-term liquidity borrowing needs in a cost effective and sustainable manner. Additionally, despite
the recognition of SACCOs as participants in the national financial system by various government policy

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documents, the role of SACCOs in the national payment system has been very limited. Also there is a challenge
arising from the current regulations that limits the investments by deposit taking Saccos in land and buildings to
5% of the total assets (SASRA Database, 2013).

Generally, challenges faced by Saccos are caused by economic and macro economic factors like
deficiency in contemporary skills, stiff competition from competitors, economic liberalization and regulation of
business. The threat to survival of the SACCO sub sector has called for innovative ways of managing and
running the sector to ensure sustainability. For example, SACCOs have reacted to the threat posed by
commercial banks by opening Front Office Service Activities (FOSAs), for provision of a wide range of
products and services to their members (Noyer, 2007). Some SACCO FOSAs have even opened and extended
membership to non-SACCO members to ensure improved performance. The question therefore is; what are the
effects of financial innovations adopted by Saccos on their financial performance? Studies conducted to
establish the effect of financial innovations on financial performance in Kenya concentrated on commercial
banks. However, the studies have established existence of a positive relationship. As a result, this study sought
to fill the gap by establishing the effects of financial innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in

1.2 General research objective

To determine the effects of financial innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya
1.3 Specific research objective
To determine the effects of process innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya
1.4 Research question
What are the effects of process innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya?


2.1 Introduction.
This chapter covers theoretical framework and empirical studies that have been carried out in the area
of financial innovation and financial performance. It is divided into five sections: Introduction, Theoretical
framework, Conceptual Framework, Review of variables, Empirical literature review.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Transaction Cost Innovation Theory
The transaction cost innovation theory‟s main pioneers are Hicks and Niehans 1983 (as cited by Njeri
2013). They thought that the dominant factor of financial innovation is the reduction of transaction cost, and in
fact, financial innovation is the response of the advance in technology which caused the transaction cost to
reduce. The reduction of transaction cost can stimulate financial innovation and improve on financial service.
This theory studied the financial innovation from the perspective of microscopic economic structure change.
Saccos just like other organizations are faced with challenges of ever escalating transaction costs that threaten
sustainability. As a result, they have embarked on invention of methods for cutting down transaction costs. This
theory was therefore important to this study since it helped the researcher to articulate the significance of
financial innovations on the financial performance of Saccos in Kenya as a result of transaction cost cutting

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Process innovations
- Automation Financial Performance
- Computerization - Dividend per share
- ATMs - Profitability

Fig. 2.1 Conceptual framework

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2.4 Process Innovation

Process innovation means the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or
delivery method (including significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software). Minor changes or
improvements, an increase in production or service capabilities through the addition of manufacturing or
logistical systems which are very similar to those already in use, ceasing to use a process, simple capital
replacement or extension, changes resulting purely from change in factor prices, customization, regular seasonal
and other cyclical changes, trading of new or significantly improved products are not considered innovations
(European Commission, 2006).

In their survey of European banking, Goddard, Molyneux, Wilson & Tavakoli (2007) also emphasize
the transition process the European Banking is in towards the Single European Banking Market. They mention
the importance of technological change especially ATMs (automated teller machines), EFTs and internet
banking on the banks‟ performance and profitability. Casu, Girardone & Molyneux (2004) also provide
evidence respectively for cost reduction and productivity gains as a result of technological change for European
Union banks.

Process innovations aim at reducing transaction costs and time and maintaining clients and better
portfolio management so as to increase the overall firm‟s financial performance (Kihumba, 2008). Process
innovations will continue to be very important to company growth for the reason that without excellence in
process innovations, other innovations will be impossible to implement.

2.5 Financial performance of SACCOs

SASRA reports (2008 to 2013) evaluate the performance of the Sacco subsector based on the financial
data and information extracted from audited financial statements and reports for the period. It is a legal
requirement that the audited financial statements of every Sacco society be registered with the Commissioner for
Cooperatives Development before presentation to members at the annual general meeting (Cooperative
Societies Act Cap 490, 1997). The total assets for the Sacco subsector grew by 14% to close to Ksh.335 billion
in 2013 from Ksh.294 billion recorded in 2012. The growth in assets was funded mainly by member deposits for
the sector that stood at Kshs.241 billion posting an increase of 8.4 % in 2013from Kshs. 213 billion in 2012. The
licensed deposit taking Saccos increased the gross outstanding loans by 17.4% to close at Kshs. 253 billion in
December 2013 compared to Kshs. 221 billion in December 2012. (SASRA Report 2013).

2.6 Empirical review

A study by Gunday, Ulusoy, Kilic & Alpkan (2011) on the effects of innovations on firms‟
performance, sought to explore the effect of the organizational, process, product and marketing innovations on
the different aspects of firms performance including innovative, production, market and financial performances,
based on an empirical study covering 184 manufacturing firms in Turkey. The results revealed positive effects
of innovations on firm performance in manufacturing industries. An empirical study by Lin and Chen (2007) on
SMEs in Taiwan found out that firm innovation capabilities have greater influence on business performance,
marketing performance and ultimately influence on financial performance. Tabas & Beranova (2012) sought to
determine possible effect of product innovations on the financial performance of small and medium-sized
enterprises in the Czech Republic. From the results of their pilot study of statistical sample of 100 companies, it
was evident that continuous innovations are necessary.

In his study on determinants of financial innovation and its effects on bank performance in Kenya,
using exploratory research design on a sample of 43 commercial banks in Kenya for a six year period from
2002-2007, Kihumba (2008) sought to investigate the relationship between financial innovations and financial
performance of commercial banks, together with the determinants of financial innovation. The study found out
that heavy competition and technology are the major drivers of financial innovation. In her study, Njeri (2013)
sought to establish effects of financial innovation on the financial performance of deposit taking SACCOs in
Nairobi County. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between financial innovation and
financial performance. The study was faced with challenges in terms of the financial constraints and also
availability of time to fully conclude the entire data collection

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3.1 Introduction
This chapter highlights the research methodology to be used in the study. It is divided into eight
sections; Introduction, Research design, Target Population, Sampling and sample size, Data collection
procedure and Instruments, Pilot test, and Data Processing and analysis.

3.2 Research Design

The descriptive research design was used in carrying out this study. A descriptive study is designed to
establish the influence of a given variable(s) on another variable(s) which depicts causation (Cooper and
Schindler, 2006). Descriptive research is typically structured with a clearly stated objective of discovering
associations and relationships among different variables. This research design suits this study since it involves
collection, verification, and interpretation of evidence to establish facts that address the relationship of the
variables. The descriptive research design is unobtrusive and the act of research does not affect the results of the
study. This is well suited for cross sectional analysis and in the study, it involved comparing financial results of
Saccos with their innovation parameters. The researcher used primary sources of data. Data was obtained from
members of staff of KATECO using a structured questionnaire.

3.3 Target population

According to Ngechu (2004) as cited by Wanyoike (2013), a population is a well defined set of people, services,
elements, events and group of things or households that are being investigated. The population of this study comprised of the
53 members of staff of KATECO. Confirmation of the current number of staff was obtained from the Human resources
manager and the same verified from the annual reports.

3.4 Sampling and sample size

In this study, stratified sampling method was employed in selecting the sample size. The researcher firstly divided
the population into strata, and then applied simple randomly sampling in selecting the subjects from the sample (Mugenda
and Mugenda, 2003). A sample of forty four (44) members of staff comprising of 5 top managers, 8 middle level managers
and 31 subordinate staff was used. Mugenda and Mugenda, (2003) formula was used in selecting the sample as follows:
n= Z2pq
Where: n = the desired sample size (if the target population is greater than 10,000).
Z = the standard normal deviation at the required confidence level.
d = the level of statistical significance set.
p = the proportion in target population estimated to have characteristics being measured.
The proportion in the target population assumed to have the characteristics of interest as recommended by
Fisher et al is = 50%, the z- statistics is = 1.96 and the desired accuracy level is = 0.05

Therefore the desired sample size was; n = (1.96) 2(0.5) (0.5)

n = 384
Given that the target population is less than 10,000. Therefore the actual sample size will be;

nf = n
nf = desired sample size (when population is less than 10,000).
n = desired sample size (when population is more than 10,000).
N = the estimate of population size.
The target population for the study will be 53

nf = 384
1 + 384
= 44

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The sample size used in this study was arrived at by using proportional allocation method by Kothari
(2009) and consisted of three homogeneous strata comprising of 6 top managers, 10 middle managers and 37
subordinate staff. The proportional method is as follows: Let;
Target population be given by N and Sample size be n,

TABLE 3.1 Number of members of staff used in the study

Strata Number of Sample Percentage
Top management 6 5 11%
Middle management 10 8 18%
Subordinate staff 37 31 71%
Total 53 44 100%

3.5 Data collection procedure and instrument

In collection of data, this study employed a structured questionnaire consisting of closed-ended
questions for ease of analysis. According to Mark, Philip & Adrian (2009) a questionnaire is a data collection
instrument in which each person in the study sample is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a pre-
determined order. To be successful, the questionnaire should be short and simple (Kothari 2004). The study
employed primary data that was collected through the use of a structured questionnaire circulated to the
randomly sampled members of management and staff of KATECO.

3.6 Pilot test

To ensure that the research instrument was valid, reliable, clear and free from errors, the researcher
conducted a pilot study on selected members of Kateco. The questionnaire was tested on members of the society
since they were not expected in the actual study.

3.7 Validity and Reliability of the research instrument

Reliability of the instrument was tested using Cronbach‟s Coefficient Alpha based on the order of
number arrangement of the questionnaire items. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2000) as cited by Wanyoike
2013, reliability should be at least 0.70. A Cronbach‟s Coefficient Alpha of 0.907 was obtained. Therefore the
instrument was reliable and acceptable for administration since the alpha obtained was above the recommended

TABLE 3.2 validity and reliability

Cronbach's Alpha No. of Items
.907 19

3.8 Data analysis and Presentation

The quantitative data was coded on SPSS software and data analyzed by use of descriptive and
inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis involved use of means and standard deviations while inferential
analysis involved use of correlation and multiple regression analysis. Data presentation was in form of tables,
bar charts, and histograms (Cooper and Schindler, 2006). The relationship between the dependent and
independent variables was stated using a mathematical function below:

Z =f (X1,)
Where Z is the dependent variable and X1, is independent variable.

An analytical model of linear multiple regression will be developed as below.

Model: (Multiple regression)
Y = α +β1X1 + e1
Where: Y = Financial performance (dividend per share)
X1 = Process innovation
α = A constant
β =Regression coefficient for X1
e1 =Margin of error

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4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research findings and discussions on the effect of financial innovation on financial
performance of SACCOs in Kenya. It highlights the summary statistics, empirical models, discussions and summary of the
findings. Both descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (correlation and multiple regression) outputs are
presented together with the interpretation of the findings.

4.2 Response rate

The researcher realized response from 42 respondents out of the 44 distributed questionnaires. From
table 4.1 below, this represented a response rate of 95% which was acceptable. According to Mugenda and
Mugenda (2012) a response of 70% and above is acceptable.

TABLE 4.1 response rate

Number of questionnaires Number of questionnaires
Issued returned Response rate (%)
44 42 95

4.3 Descriptive Statistics

This section presents the results of the descriptive statistical analysis of the data and their
interpretations. The descriptive statistics employed include means, modes, medians and standard deviations. The
descriptive analysis was useful in developing the basic features of the study population and formation of the
basis of the quantitative analysis of the data.

4.3.1 Respondents Demographic Characteristics

The study sought to determine the demographic features of the respondents so as to give some basic
insight on the respondents. The characteristics considered in the study were; gender of respondents, level of
responsibility in the Sacco and duration worked in Sacco. The findings on the features were summarized below.

TABLE 4.2 gender of respondents * duration worked in the sacco

Duration worked in Years

0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Total
Gender of Male Frequency 5 6 10 4 24
Percent (%) 11.9 14.3 23.8 7.1 57.9
Female Count 5 5 6 2 18
Percent (%) 11.9 11.9 14.3 4.8 42.9
Total Frequency 10 11 16 5 42
Percent (%) 23.8 26.2 38.1 11.9 100.0

The findings in table 4.2 above reveal that majority of the male respondents (23.8%) had worked for the Sacco
between 11 and 15 years. It was also revealed that majority of the male respondents had served the sacco for the longest time
i.e. 16-20 years.

TABLE 4.3: level of responsibility * duration worked in the sacco

Duration worked in Years
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Total
Level of Subordinate Frequency 8 8 10 3 29
responsibility Staff Percent (%) 19.0 19.0 23.8 7.1 69.0
Middle management Frequency 1 3 3 1 8
Percent (%) 2.4 7.1 7.1 2.4 19.0
Senior management Frequency 1 0 3 1 5
Percent (%) 2.4 .0 7.1 2.4 11.9
Total Frequency 10 11 16 5 42
Percent (%) 23.8 26.2 38.1 11.9 100

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The findings of table 4.3 above reveal that majority of the respondents 38.1% had worked for the Sacco
for a period between 11 and 15 years of which 23.8% were subordinate staff. On the other hand, minority of the
respondents (middle and senior management staff) had worked for the Sacco for a period between 0 and 5 years.

TABLE 4.4 gender of respondents * level of responsibility in the sacco

Level of responsibility in the sacco

Subordinate staff Middle management Senior management Total
Gender of Male Frequency 17 4 3 24
respondents Percent (%) 58.6% 50.0% 60.0% 57.1%
Female Frequency 12 4 2 18
Percent % 41.4% 50.0% 40.0% 42.9%
Total Frequency 29 8 5 42
Percent (%) 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

The findings in table 4.4 above reveal that majority of male respondents held senior management and
subordinate positions. On the other hand, female and male respondents shared equally the middle management

4.3.2 Process innovations introduced by the Sacco

The second objective of this study sought to determine the effects of new financial processes on financial
performance of SACCOs. This objective was achieved by asking the respondents several questions on process innovations
within the Sacco. From the findings in table 4.5 below it can be concluded that on average majority of the respondents
agreed that the sacco had introduced the various financial innovation processes. They however strongly disagreed that credit
and debit cards had been introduced by the sacco.

Based on the analysis in table 4.5 below, the standard deviations for responses to process innovations questions
were found to be below 1 point. This shows that the individual responses on process innovations, on average, were less than
1 point away from the mean. These results imply that the distribution of individual data values were close to the mean value.
It therefore can be concluded that this was a normal (good) distribution since it yielded a standard deviation below 1 point.

TABLE 4.5 process innovations introduced by the sacco

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Front office service 42 3 5 4.55 .589
Automated operations 42 4 5 4.50 .506
ATM services 42 4 5 4.45 .504
Internet banking services 42 2 5 4.45 .627
M-banking i.e. m-pesa 42 2 5 4.43 .625
EFT services 42 3 5 4.36 .532
Credit and Debit cards 42 1 3 1.89 .618

4.3.3 Financial performance

Financial performance was measured by dividends payment to members of the Sacco. The researcher
through the questionnaire asked the respondents to respond to questions regarding payment of dividends by the
Saccos. From the findings in table 4.6 below it can be concluded that on average the respondents agreed that the
sacco had for the last five years paid dividends consistently, there had been a steady growth of dividend per
share since 2009 and that the dividend per share was fairly satisfactory.

From table 4.7, the respondents agreed that there had been a steady growth of income before tax since
and that there had been growth of investment assets since 2009. On average the respondents did not agree or
disagree to the question whether the sacco had invested the retained earnings. From the findings of table 4.8
below on average, the respondents agreed that the society had realized a reduction in operational costs, financial
innovation had improved customer service and hence customer satisfaction and that the sacco had fairly invested
in financial innovations.

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Consequently as per the analysis in table 4.6 to 4.8 below, the standard deviations for responses to
financial performance questions were found to be below 1 point. This implies that the individual responses on
financial performance, on average, were less than 1 point away from the mean. These results imply that the
distribution of individual data values were closer to the mean value. This was a normal (good) distribution since
it yielded a standard deviation below 1.

TABLE 4.6 dividends payment

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Consistent payment of dividends since 2009 42 4 5 4.75 .438
Steady growth of dividend per share since 2009 42 4 5 4.73 .451
Dividend per share is fairly satisfactory 42 4 5 4.66 .479
Key: 5= Strongly Disagree 4= Disagree 3= neither agree nor disagree 2= Agree
1= Strongly Agre

TABLE 4.7 Investment

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Steady growth of income before tax 42 2 5 4.11 .920
since 2009
Growth of investment assets have in the 42 3 5 4.07 .818
past 5 years
Investment of retained profits 42 2 5 3.95 .987
Key: 5= Strongly Disagree 4= Disagree 3= neither agree nor disagree 2= Agree
1= Strongly Agree

TABLE 4.8 Effects of process innovations

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Reduction in operational costs 42 3 5 4.41 .583
Improved customer service 42 3 5 4.39 .538
Investment in innovations 42 3 5 4.36 .574
5= Strongly Disagree 4= Disagree 3= neither agree nor disagree 2= Agree
1= Strongly Agree

4.4 Inferential statistics

This section presents the results of the correlation and regression analysis done in the study to evaluate
the nature of the relationship between the financial innovations (independent variables) and financial
performance (dependent variable).

4.4.1 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis was used to determine the significance and degree of association of the variables.
Correlation is used to analyze the degree of relationship between two variables. It varies between -1 and + 1
indicating perfect negative and perfect positive relationship between two variables respectively. The results of
the correlation analysis are summarized in Table 4.9 below.

TABLE 4.9: Summary of correlations

Process Financial
Innovation Performance
Process Pearson 1
Innovation Correlation
Financial Pearson .664** 1
Performance Correlation
P value .001

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The correlation summary table 4.9 above indicates that there were significant associations between the
independent variable (process innovation) and dependent variable (financial performance). Hence financial
innovation was positively correlated to financial performance at 99% confidence level. P value ˂ 0.01. The
results show that process innovation is positively correlated to financial performance. The correlation results
indicate that process innovations have a significant effect on the financial performance of Kakamega Teachers
Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited (r = 0.664, α = 0.01).

4.4.2 Regression Analysis

Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the dependent variable and
all the independent variables. This analysis was used to determine the effect of the independent variable on the
dependent variable.

Assumptions of multiple linear regression

According to Osborne (2001) in the study titled „A new look at outliers and fringeliers; their effects on
statistic accuracy and Type I and Type II error rates, the following are the multiple linear regression
assumptions: Firstly, multiple linear regression needs the relationship between the independent and dependent
variables to be linear. It is also important to check for outliers since multiple linear regression is sensitive to
outlier effects. The linearity of the variables was tested with scatter plots. Secondly, the multiple linear
regression analysis requires all variables to be normal. This assumption was checked with a histogram and a
fitted normal curve. The data was found to be normally distributed and hence linearity existed. Thirdly, multiple
linear regression assumes that there is little or no multicollinearity in the data.

TABLE 4.10: Multiple regression model summary

Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 .833a .693 .685 .28758 2.021

a. Predictors: (Constant), Process Innovation

b. Dependent Variable: Financial Performance

The value of R square in table 4.10 above is 0. 693. This indicates that 69.3% of variance in dependent
variable (financial performance) is explained by variance in the independent variable (process innovation). This
shows that 69.3% changes in the Sacco‟s financial performance could be accounted for by process innovations
at 99% confidence interval. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.833 in the table above shows that there is a
strong positive relationship between financial innovations and financial performance.

Durbin Watson
It is a test statistic that is used to detect the presence of autocorrelation (a relationship between factors
test autocorrelation among regression models). It test that the residuals from a linear regression or multiple
regression are independent. When Durbin-Watson factors are between (1) and (3) there is no autocorrelation
problem (Alsaeed, 2005). From table 4.10 above, the Durbin Watson value is 2.021 implying that there was no
autocorrelation problem on the regression model.

Collinearity occurs when two predictor variables (e.g., x1 and x2) in a multiple regression have a non-
zero correlation. Multicollinearity occurs when more than two predictor variables (e.g., x1, x2 and x3) are inter-
correlated. Multi- collinearity occurs when there are very high correlations among Xs. Mohammed &
Mohammed (2012) refer to multicollinearity problem as actual disparity percentage among variables.

Tolerance indicates how much information multicollinearity has cost the analysis. Tolerance of 1
indicates no multicollinearity (for that predictor) and tolerance values approaching 0 indicate a severe
multicollinearity problem. The VIF statistic of a predictor in a model is merely the reciprocal of its tolerance
(i.e., VIF = 1/tolerance). This number indicates how much larger the error variance for the unique effect of a
predictor (relative to a situation where there is no multicollinearity). The VIF can also be thought of the factor
by which your sample size needs to be increased to match the efficiency of an analysis with no multicollinearity.

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Results of process innovations indicate tolerance level and VFI of 0.315 and 3.179 respectively.
According to Besley 1980 as sighted in (jingyu li 2003) researchers have used VIF= 10 as critical value rule of
thumb to determine whether too much correlation existed. The VIF values in the table 4.11 below were less than
10 so there was no multi-collinearity problem. Also if tolerance value is greater than 0.1 but less than 1.0 then
there was no multicollinearity problem (Hair, 2006). Tolerance value in the table 4.11 was .315 and therefore
there was no multicollinearity problem.

Table 4.11: Multiple regression results

Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity
Coefficients Coefficients Statistics
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig. Tolerance VIF
1 (Constant) .159 .500 .318 .752
Process .054 .207 .040 .262 .795 .315 3.179

a Dependent Variable: Performance

4.4.3 Analysis of Variances (ANOVA) Results

The results of the ANOVA table 4. 12 below indicate that the model is feasible since it is significant at
0.01. From the ANOVA statistics in table below, the processed data, which is the population parameters, had a
significance level of 1% which shows that the data is ideal for making a conclusion on the population‟s
parameter as the value of significance (p-value ) is less than 5%. It also indicates that the model was statistically
significant. The Anova results shown in Table 4.12 also indicate that there is a significant difference between
means of factors affecting the financial performance of the Saccos. (F = 90.357; α< 0.01; df = 1, 30; p = 0.01).
The study therefore establishes that financial innovations had effects on financial performance of the society.
Therefore, financial innovations positively influence the financial performance of the Saccos in Kenya.

TABLE 4.12: Analysis of variances (ANOVA) summary

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 7.473 1 7.473 90.357 .001a
Residual 3.308 40 .083
Total 10.781 41
a. Predictors: (Constant), Process Innovation
a. Dependent Variable: Financial Performance

The study intended to investigate the effects of financial innovations on financial performance of
Saccos in Kenya . From the findings on the regression analysis, adjusted R squared is coefficient of
determination which tell the variation in the financial performance due to changes in process innovations. The
findings revealed that there was strong relationship between financial performance and financial innovations.
The regression equation was

Y =α +β1X1 + e1
The established regression equation therefore was
Y = 0.159 + 0.723 X1

These findings are consistent with the findings of a research conducted by Omwenga (2010) which
sought to establish the relationship between financial innovations and financial performance of Commercial
banks in Kenya. He used a descriptive survey and studied all the 45 licensed commercial banks that were dully
registered by Central Bank of Kenya then. The study found out that financial innovations improved the asset
quality hence performance of commercial banks in Kenya. .

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5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary and conclusion on the analysis results of the effects of financial
innovations on financial performance of Savings and Credit Co-Operative Societies: a case of Kakamega
Teachers Co-operative Society Limited. The chapter is divided into five sections; introduction, the summary of
the study, conclusions, and limitations of the study and finally the recommendations for further research.

5.2 Summary
This study aimed at investigating Kakamega Teachers Co-operative and Savings Society Limited with
the view of determining the effects of financial innovations on financial performance of Savings and Credit Co-
operative Societies in Kenya. To ensure achievement of the set objective, the study was designed and desired
primary data of Kateco was collected by use of a structured closed ended questionnaire. Regression analysis on
data from a sample of 42 members of staff of Kateco was conducted to examine the financial innovations and
financial performance variables. A suitable multiple regression model was designed in order to capture all the
relevant variables of the study.

A positive relationship between financial performance and process innovations was established. From
the findings on the multiple regression analysis, the value of R square is 0. 693. This indicates that 69.3% of
variance in dependent variable (financial performance) is explained by variance in the independent variables
(financial innovations). This shows that 69.3% changes in the Sacco‟s financial performance could be accounted
for by product, process and institutional innovations at 99% confidence interval. The correlation coefficient (R)
of 0.833 shows that there is a strong positive relationship between financial innovations and financial

5.3 Conclusions
SACCOs in Kenya play a significant role in savings mobilization, promotion of investment, economic
growth and poverty alleviation. They have huge potential as they will play a key role in the Kenya‟s
achievement of vision 2030 and the Jubilee government aspirations. To be effective and successful, this requires
the embracing of effective financial innovations strategies. This study therefore concludes that Saccos in Kenya
have introduced and embraced financial innovations e.g. use of money transfer services such as M-pesa. As a
consequent of technological innovations such as internet banking and connectivity, ICT, and computer
technology, Saccos are now cutting down on operational costs. Saccos are today reaping the benefits of financial
innovations particularly increased efficiency, improved service delivery, improved operational performance
among many others. Thirdly, Sacco‟s have partnered with Cooperative bank and have introduced Sacco Link M-
banking service. The Sacco Link M-banking Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has resulted
in efficient and effective access to funds by Sacco members all over the country. As a result of the partnership,
members are issued with VISA branded ATM cards that allow 24hour withdrawal access at any Cooperative
bank or any VISA branded ATM worldwide.

General objective of the study

To determine the effects of financial innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya
Multiple linear regression model in Table 7.10 show the value of R which is the model correlation coefficient as
0.833 and the value of R square was 0.693. This indicates that 69.3% of variance in dependent variable
(financial performance) is explained by variance in the independent variable (financial innovations). This shows
that 69.3% changes in the Sacco‟s financial performance could be accounted for by process innovations at 99%
confidence interval. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.833 in the table above shows that there is a strong
positive relationship between financial innovations and financial performance of saccos.

Specific objective
To determine the effects of process innovations on financial performance of SACCOs in Kenya. Based
on correlation results, process innovation was positively correlated to financial performance at 99% confidence
level. P value is ˂ 0.01 and hence financial performance and product innovation move in the same direction. The
correlation results indicate that process innovations have a significant effect on the financial performance of
Kakamega Teachers Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Limited (r = 0.664, α = 0.01). From the multiple
regression results, the beta coefficient of process innovation is 0.054. This shows that an increase in process
innovation leads to an increase in financial performance.

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Effects of Financial Innovations on Financial Performance of…

5.4 Recommendations to Sacco management and regulators

Saccos should continue to invest in new and emerging financial innovative strategies to continue realizing the
benefits that accrue from new financial innovations e.g. improved customer satisfaction and reduced operational costs.
Saccos should for instance explore the possibility of introducing credit and debit cards. Financial innovation will ensure that
Saccos remain financially sustainable and competitive in the financial market.

5.5 Recommendations for further study

From the research findings, introduction of financial innovation factors do not account for 100%
change in financial performance. It is therefore important that further studies be conducted on other emerging
factors affecting financial performance of saccos. Therefore further studies should be conducted on; effects of
aggressive marketing on financial performance of SACCOs, effects of risk management strategies on financial
performance of SACCOs, effects of corporate governance on financial performance of SACCOs, effects of
Credit Reference Bureaus (CRB) on financial performance of SACCOs and effects of government regulation on
financial performance of SACCOs

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