2-Propylheptanol: Decyl Alcohol (All Isomers)
2-Propylheptanol: Decyl Alcohol (All Isomers)
2-Propylheptanol: Decyl Alcohol (All Isomers)
Product Name: Decyl alcohol (all isomers) Updated: May 30, 2013 20:23
Specification: Trade Name BASF
Summary Specs/Handling IBC Code IBC Code Pre-2021 USCG/Reactivity Coating Cleaning Safety/SDS Synonyms Notes & Docs
Handling 2-Propylheptanol is a clear, high boiling point liquid with a mild odour. It is miscible with most common organic solvents, but practically insoluble in
Handling Ensure to obtain full specification prior booking as many isomers and grades exist. Product is colour sensitive, do not stow in tanks with poor lining.
Clean to water white standard, no wall wash required. Heating may be required in cold climates. Please check.
Handling Epal Fatty Alcohols are non-corrosive to most commonly used materials for construction. Storage and transfer in mild steel, stainless steel, or solvent
resistant equipment is recommended. Precaution against weather contamination in storage and handling equipment should be taken by blanketing
with an inert gas or dry air. Any rust contamination can lead to a color increase.
Heating Cargo must be discharged at least 10 deg C above the melting point to avoid prewash. Check Melting point and heating requirements.
Prior Loading Prior cargoes subject to charterers approval, Excluded previous cargoes include: Aniline and other aromatic amines, Neutral Oil, Detergents
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