Gases and Cylinders Brochure Wilhelmsen Ships Service

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Optimising Performance

& Cylinders
Ships Service
Marine Products

02 / 03
Quality assurance.
Total compliance.
There’s more
that goes into
Unitor cylinders.

For shipowners and operators, the Covering a wide range of applications,

pressure is on. Against a background our gases are available wherever
of constantly changing regulations, it’s and whenever you need them.
a WSS key responsibility to make sure Quality is guaranteed, and every
that essential gases used on board cylinder is tracked globally for greater
are supplied, stored and used safely, transparency and security. At the
and in full compliance with the latest same time, you can be certain that
port and environmental rulings. cylinders and their contents meet
the requirements of all relevant
With WSS as your worldwide partner
regulations. Altogether, WSS offers
for gas supply, you can rest assured.
a more efficient way for you to
We run the world’s largest network for
manage cylinder stocks and stay
the distribution, ­re-filling, maintenance
fully compliant.
and exchange of Unitor gas cylinders.
High quality
gas solutions
Ships Service
Marine Products for every

The Unitor range Carbon dioxide

• For charging carbonated drinks
Wilhelmsen Ships Service supplies a • Used in food and beverage industry as
wide range of gases covering all principal a protective gas to conserve food and
applications on board. The total range to carbonate soft drinks and beers
includes close to a hundred different gases • For controlling pH levels of potable
and gas mixtures, as well as refrigerants. water produced on board
Food grade CO2 is available in two cylinder
sizes containing 9 kg or 27 kg of gas.

Welding Gases Helium

Oxy/Acetylene gas for We supply helium, which is widely used for
welding/brazing and cutting inflating balloons on board. One 40 litre cylinder
will inflate around 375 standard sized balloons.
Oxygen and acetylene mixture remains
the leading choice for welding, brazing and
cutting steel, for its thermal properties and
ease of use. We supply high quality oxygen
and acetylene in 5 and 40 litre cylinders. Propane has a number of applications in ships’
restaurants, as a fuel gas for barbecues or for
flambéed dishes prepared at the table. We
Shielding gas provide propane in compact 5lb cylinders
to fit under counters or on serving trolleys.
Argon and Argon-Carbon Dioxide mixtures
are used as protective shielding gas in
TIG and MIG welding where it serves as
an inert covering round the point of the
electrode to protect the welding from
the air. Argon is available in 10 and 50 litre
As a cost effective inert gas nitrogen is in use for
Carbon Dioxide is used in MAG welding applications like blanketing and purging. WSS is
as an active gas to protect the welding offering manifold systems for these applications
from air. Available in 9 and 27 litre cylinders. and the needed gas in cylinders following our
standard exchange program. The gas is offered
in two qualities; 99.9% and 99.999% purity of
which the higher purity comes with a certificate
of analysis needed by cargo owner and/or Port
Cruise gases Authorities. This enables our customers access
to the product in an efficient way only when they
We supply a full range of gases to meet the need it for their particular cargo.
wide-ranging and often highly specialised
We supply nitrogen in two cylinder sizes,
demands of cruise ships.
10 and 50 litre, filled at 200 bar (2900psi).

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cylinders delivered every year,
through 1,700 ports worldwide

Marine products, done better

Ships Service
Marine Products


Gas detection systems need regular The gases we supply are suitable
checking and calibration to maintain for testing and calibrating almost
performance, and safety. Span gases any type of gas detection equipment
supplied by WSS allow these checks currently used on board ship. They are
to be carried out effectively and available in 10 litre refillable cylinders
accurately. for frequent testing, and disposable
Minimix cylinders for less frequent
These include precise concentrations
testing or tight access locations.
and mixtures of:
WSS’s global service network means
• Hydrocarbons and air, or
span gases are readily available
nitrogen mixtures (LEL mixtures)
through major ports such as Singapore,
• Oxygen and nitrogen mixtures
Rotterdam or Houston. They are also
• Carbon monoxide or hydrogen
available through other ports given
sulfide mixtures
sufficient notice when you order.
• Pure gases such as nitrogen,
Contact WSS customer services
propane and methane
for more information.

Medical Oxygen

In medical emergencies, the prompt you can be confident that it meets

administration of oxygen can be a the required standards of purity
key factor in saving lives. The IMO and that it complies fully with all
requires that ships transporting regulations, locally and globally.
dangerous goods carry medical grade
We supply medical grade oxygen in
oxygen for the primary treatment of
three cylinder sizes: 2 litre lightweight
casualties. And, as a medical product,
aluminium cylinders, and 5 and 40
it is subject to close regulation. With
litre steel cylinders filled at 200 bar
medical oxygen supplied by WSS,

06 / 07
Ships Service
Marine Products

Unitor cylinders on board


Marine products, done better

08 / 09
is in the

The quality of the gases we supply is Better still, Unitor gas solutions are
guaranteed. Unitor cylinders are filled supported worldwide by a service
only by approved suppliers. Contents network that’s dedicated to keeping
meet all the required standards for your fleet fully supplied and totally
purity and pressure, so removing the compliant with current port and
risk of damage to equipment or harm environmental regulations.
to crew caused by poor quality fillings.
Good to know.
Ships Service
Marine Products

Cylinder safety and maintenance

Before filling, every cylinder is other supplier to the marine market,

inspected according to strict rules every Unitor cylinder is covered by
by trained technicians and where insurance to direct damage due to
necessary refurbished and re- cylinder failure while on board. We
qualified. Those that fail to meet our take responsibility, which means
standards are scrapped, so there’s no peace of mind for you and greater
doubt about the integrity of cylinders protection for your vessel, your
or concern about the consequences crew and port personnel.
of failure. We go further. Unlike any

UniTrak global track and trace

With UniTrak, we’ve made it easier given direct access so you can view
to take control of cylinder stocks. cylinder stocks online - any vessel,
UniTrak is a unique track and trace any time. Cylinder numbers, filling
system that supports the delivery schedules, delivery locations - all
and exchange of Unitor cylinders information is available to help you
worldwide. Every cylinder is logged manage cylinders accurately, cost-
on the system and customers are effectively and securely.

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the worlds leading maritime network

Complete compliance

WSS’s cylinder exchange service friendly solutions. In practice, this

conforms fully with the rules set out means that our gas products and our
in the ISPS Code which requires services comply with all international
close monitoring of the movement of regulations.
high pressure cylinders. This is made
Because we stay compliant, you stay
possible by our UniTrak global track
compliant. And when regulations are
and trace system.
revised, we work to make sure you
Throughout, we are committed to stay ahead of the changes.
providing the most environmentally


The WSS network provides a global available for re-supply and your empty
service for the delivery, exchange and cylinders can be returned wherever
maintenance of Unitor gas cylinders. your vessels are in the world.
This means that gases are always
marine products
Marine Chemicals
maritime logistics
ships agency

ID No: 806006. Designed and produced by Dinamo. Photos by Dag Spant. Printer: Erik Tanche Nilssen – Norway. 05.13. 8K. Country of origin Norway.

Wilhelmsen Ships Service

Postal address Visiting address
PO Box 33 Strandveien 20
N-1324 Lysaker N-1366 Lysaker
Norway Norway
T (+47) 67584550
F (+47) 67584570

Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services,

a Wilh. Wilhelmsen group company Optimising Performance

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