Gases and Cylinders Brochure Wilhelmsen Ships Service
Gases and Cylinders Brochure Wilhelmsen Ships Service
Gases and Cylinders Brochure Wilhelmsen Ships Service
& Cylinders
Ships Service
Marine Products
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Quality assurance.
Total compliance.
There’s more
that goes into
Unitor cylinders.
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cylinders delivered every year,
through 1,700 ports worldwide
Gas detection systems need regular The gases we supply are suitable
checking and calibration to maintain for testing and calibrating almost
performance, and safety. Span gases any type of gas detection equipment
supplied by WSS allow these checks currently used on board ship. They are
to be carried out effectively and available in 10 litre refillable cylinders
accurately. for frequent testing, and disposable
Minimix cylinders for less frequent
These include precise concentrations
testing or tight access locations.
and mixtures of:
WSS’s global service network means
• Hydrocarbons and air, or
span gases are readily available
nitrogen mixtures (LEL mixtures)
through major ports such as Singapore,
• Oxygen and nitrogen mixtures
Rotterdam or Houston. They are also
• Carbon monoxide or hydrogen
available through other ports given
sulfide mixtures
sufficient notice when you order.
• Pure gases such as nitrogen,
Contact WSS customer services
propane and methane
for more information.
Medical Oxygen
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Ships Service
Marine Products
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is in the
The quality of the gases we supply is Better still, Unitor gas solutions are
guaranteed. Unitor cylinders are filled supported worldwide by a service
only by approved suppliers. Contents network that’s dedicated to keeping
meet all the required standards for your fleet fully supplied and totally
purity and pressure, so removing the compliant with current port and
risk of damage to equipment or harm environmental regulations.
to crew caused by poor quality fillings.
Good to know.
Ships Service
Marine Products
With UniTrak, we’ve made it easier given direct access so you can view
to take control of cylinder stocks. cylinder stocks online - any vessel,
UniTrak is a unique track and trace any time. Cylinder numbers, filling
system that supports the delivery schedules, delivery locations - all
and exchange of Unitor cylinders information is available to help you
worldwide. Every cylinder is logged manage cylinders accurately, cost-
on the system and customers are effectively and securely.
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the worlds leading maritime network
Complete compliance
The WSS network provides a global available for re-supply and your empty
service for the delivery, exchange and cylinders can be returned wherever
maintenance of Unitor gas cylinders. your vessels are in the world.
This means that gases are always
marine products
Marine Chemicals
maritime logistics
ships agency
ID No: 806006. Designed and produced by Dinamo. Photos by Dag Spant. Printer: Erik Tanche Nilssen – Norway. 05.13. 8K. Country of origin Norway.