Chemical Thermodynamics Handout
Chemical Thermodynamics Handout
Chemical Thermodynamics Handout
Group One || March 2021
Transcribers: Palomares, Sean
Editors: Saquilayan, Lourence
∆Hrrn = � m∆Hf° (products) − � n∆Hf° (reactants)
By substitution:
∆Hrrn =[2(-285.8) + 2(-296.1)] – [2(-20.1) + 3(0)]
By evaluating the equation:
∆𝐇𝐇𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐫𝐫 =-1123.6 kJ/mol
ENDOTHERMIC VS EXOTHERMIC In response to number 1, the reaction is
REACTIONS exothermic as the result for the enthalpy
Endothermic - Any process with an increase change is a negative integer as the reaction
in the enthalpy H of the system. In such a releases heat.
On the second question, the temperature and
process, a closed system usually absorbs
pressure where the reaction occurred is at
thermal energy from its surroundings, which STP at 298K and 1atm.
is heat transfer into the system
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[GENERAL CHEMISTRY II] 1 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS – Sean Palomares. Lourence Saquilayan, Daryl Sandico & Bernardino Lacbayo
C. Chemical Thermodynamics
Tells chemists whether a particular reaction is From a rigid 4x3 formation, the particles
spontaneous in the direction in which it is pictured have assumed a random position
written, and it gives the composition of the over time. This is because of entropy. Entropy
reaction system at equilibrium. is commonly described as the state of
However, change in enthalpy only tells us disorder or randomness of particles.
whether a reaction is exothermic Entropy (S) is a thermodynamic property of all
(energetically favorable) or endothermic substances that is proportional to their degree
of disorder. The greater the number of
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[GENERAL CHEMISTRY II] 1 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS – Sean Palomares. Lourence Saquilayan, Daryl Sandico & Bernardino Lacbayo
possible microstates for a system, the greater Phase Change - When a phase change
the disorder and the higher the entropy. occurs - that is, a substance moves from one
region of its phase diagram to another - the
Explaining Microstates entropy of that substance changes even as its
temperature stays the same. A substance in
solid phase has low entropy; in liquid phase,
it has medium entropy; in gas phase, it has
States that the state of entropy of the entire Entropy Changes and Spontaneity
universe will always increase over time.
All spontaneous changes cause an increase The standard molar entropy, So, is the
in the entropy of the universe entropy of 1 mole of a substance in its
standard state, at 1 atm of pressure. These
Factors Affecting Entropy values have been tabulated, and selected
Temperature - Entropy increases as substances are listed in Table 18.1 “Standard
temperature increases. An increase in Molar Entropies of Selected Substances at
temperature means that the particles of the 298 K.”
substance have greater kinetic energy. The
faster moving particles have more disorder
than particles that are moving more slowly at
a lower temperature.
Gaseous Particles - Gases have higher
entropies than solids or liquids because of
their disordered movement. That means that
during a reaction in which there is a change
in the number of molecules of gas present,
entropy will change.
Volume - increasing the volume of a
substance increases the number of positions
where each molecule could be, which
increases the number of microstates.
Therefore, any change that results in a higher
temperature, more molecules, or a larger
volume yields an increase in entropy.
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[GENERAL CHEMISTRY II] 1 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS – Sean Palomares. Lourence Saquilayan, Daryl Sandico & Bernardino Lacbayo
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[GENERAL CHEMISTRY II] 1 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS – Sean Palomares. Lourence Saquilayan, Daryl Sandico & Bernardino Lacbayo
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[GENERAL CHEMISTRY II] 1 CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS – Sean Palomares. Lourence Saquilayan, Daryl Sandico & Bernardino Lacbayo
The Gibb’s free energy is a negative integer, so the A crystal lattice arrangement is an
reaction is spontaneous. arrangement of molecule in a symmetrical
SPONTANEITY manner. These patterns consist of atoms or
groups of atoms in ordered and symmetrical
The number with the higher absolute value arrangements which are repeated at regular
will dictate the spontaneity of the reaction. intervals keeping the same orientation to one
another. By replacing each group of atoms by
a representative point a crystal lattice is
obtained. Keep in mind; lattice sit
es are not necessarily associated with the
position of atoms.
each particle slows down, the kinetic energy In each and every particle there is a zero-
of a system also goes down which eventually point energy or vibrational energy that
contributes to the cooling of an object. A great molecules retain even at the absolute zero of
example of this is when water at 100C freezes temperature. It might be expected that, as
at 0C. The molecules of water turn from a temperature is reduced to absolute zero, all
loose arrangement towards a rigid motion ceases and molecules come to rest. In
arrangement (which explains why ice is solid). fact, however, the motion corresponding to
However, the movement of molecules are not zero-point energy never vanishes. This is
completely still, it moves very slowly that is because of the Heissenberg Uncertainty
why ice is cold. Principle in quantum mechanics. The
Since it is mentioned in the 2nd law that solids principle states that no object can ever have
have less entropy than gases and liquids due precise values of position and velocity
to its arrangement, there are less microstates simultaneously.
as the formation of molecules are assuming a Even though the third law states atoms cease
rigid position. The concepts from kinetic to move at 0K, it is impossible because in
molecular theory and kinetic energy explains quantum mechanics, nothing can have a fixed
how the third law of thermodynamics work. As position because it is impossible to determine
the molecules slow down, the temperature the precise location and speed of a particle.
also goes down and the molecules become That is why the zero-point energy persists
fixed as low temperatures thus creating less even at extremely low temperatures.
microstates. At absolute zero, there is
absolutely no movement between the
particles and they only assume one (1)
arrangement or microstate. Backtracking the
Boltzmann Equation for entropy, this will
result to zero. As the natural logarithm of 1 is
0. This is because of the laws of exponents.
In which any number raised to 0 is equal to
one. That is why, when we multiply all of the
values in the equation to zero, no entropy will
be produced.
However, achieving absolute zero is
impossible. As this needs infinite input of
Adiabatic Processes
“It is impossible to reduce the temperature of
any system to zero temperature in a finite
number of finite operations.”
An adiabatic process is any process occurring
without gain or loss of heat within a system.
Technically speaking, absolute zero is not just
cold, it is the absence of heat in a system.
Adiabatic processes do not produce heat nor
transfer heat from the system towards the
surroundings. The form of energy being
produced is work.
However, adiabatic processes are idealized
because molecules are in perpetual motion.
As the third law states, the entropy difference
in crystal structures is non-existent. That is
why you cannot reach absolute zero because
it will take an infinite number of steps. To have
a better understanding of this concept, a
glimpse on quantum mechanics is needed.
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