GMPHOM Catalogue

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Offshore Product Catalogue

GMPHOM 2009 Hoses

Fluid Technology

Dunlop Oil & Marine.

Complete offshore hose solutions.
Dunlop Oil & Marine, part of the ContiTech division of Continental AG, is recognised as the leading supplier of offshore loading hoses to all
major oil, gas and petrochemical companies worldwide.

In 2010, two years ahead of the industry deadline, Dunlop Oil & Marine became the first hose manufacturer in the world to qualify its
entire product range to the new GMPHOM 2009 industry standard. Today, all our GMPHOM products are designed and manufactured at
our plant in Grimsby - the world’s largest production facility for large bore hoses.

Our ability to recognise and respond to changing market, operational and customer requirements has led to us being responsible for
most of the major innovations and developments in hose technology throughout our history.

This continual drive for innovation has culminated in Dunlop Oil & Marine having an extensive and unrivalled supply record at offshore
installations throughout the world.

Our Quality Decades of Experience

Across the business we take great pride in the quality and reliability From supplying hoses to the world’s first single point mooring, to
of our products and services, and are confident they exceed the developing the industry’s first double carcass hose, Dunlop Oil &
needs and requirements of the industry. Our commitment to Marine are proud to have led the way in offshore hose technology.
exceeding customer expectations and providing an experience
that is second to none is key to ensuring we provide clients with a Since the first hose was manufactured over half a century ago,
strong return on their investment, which leads to a more successful Dunlop Oil & Marine have continued to lead the field with many
partnership and complete customer satisfaction. industry firsts, including the first qualified Arctic hoses and
first hose for API 17K applications, and today boast decades of
Because of our commitment to quality, we not only meet but experience in hose design, manufacture and technical expertise, as
exceed the standards that are used in our industry, and are proud well as a supply record that is second to none.
to be the only hose manufacturer to have the API Q1 and Pressure
Equipment Directive PED 97/23/EC accreditation.


GMPHOM 2009 4

GMPHOM Hose Range 6

- Single Carcass 8
- Double Carcass 12

Ancillary Equipment 16

Specialist Hoses 18
- API 17K 20
- Reeling 21
- H2S 22
- Reflex 23
- LPG 24
- Refined products 25
- LNG 26

Technical Services 28

Hose Applications 30

Expertise beyond GMPHOM 40


GMPHOM 2009.
The new industry standard.
The latest industry defining hose standard - Guide to Manufacturing and Purchasing Hoses for Offshore Moorings or GMPHOM 2009,
replaced the existing hose standard, OCIMF 1991.

In June 2012 all hoses have to be purchased, manufactured and supplied to this latest industry standard. In comparison to OCIMF
1991, GMPHOM 2009 addresses the latest developments in the industry, provides more relevant stringent qualification and traceability
requirements, as well as providing a range of recommendations to meet the needs of the industry - for example a recommendation for
operators on what actions to take in case of a surge event.

Dunlop Oil & Marine were not only the first hose manufacturer to have qualified GMPHOM 2009 designs across it’s entire hose range, but
also the first to supply hoses to this new standard too. The first GMPHOM hose order went into production back in 2011, and hoses have
continued to be supplied around the world, in North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

The First in the Industry Exceeding GMPHOM Requirements.

Dunlop Oil & Marine are proud to be the first hose manufacturer Not only do we satisfy all criteria required for the GMPHOM 2009
that qualified designs and supplied hoses to the newest offshore standard, we also included additional requirements of our own and
hose standard - GMPHOM 2009. those of a number of clients in the qualification programmes.

The depth of knowledge, expertise and experience that we have One of our enhancements to the qualification programme was a
gathered through decades of hose development, manufacture and 5 cycle surge pressure proof test to 2.5 times hose rated pressure
supply, combined with unrivalled R&D expertise, ensured a ‘right performed after the completion of all dynamic qualification testing
first time’ result. and prior to burst testing.
GMPHOM 2009 Hose Range 6

Dunlop Oil & Marine

GMPHOM 2009 Hose Range

l Extensive track record

l Floating & submarine hoses in double and single
carcass designs
l Complete traceability between qualified & production
l Meet client specifications
l Additional survival bend & surge qualification
l CE branded to PED 97/23/EC

Dunlop Oil & Marine Hose Range.

GMPHOM 2009 hoses for offshore applications.

Dunlop Oil & Marine’s first CE branded GMPHOM prototype hose Submarine hose installation

All aspects of our GMPHOM 2009 qualification from materials, to manufacture and testing, through to final qualification, have been
witnessed and approved by Lloyds Register. Under our compliance with European Community Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 97/23/
EC all our design procedures, materials and also our suppliers have been audited and approved by Lloyds Register and consequently all
our GMPHOM 2009 hoses are CE branded.

All of our GMPHOM 2009 hoses also benefit from the introduction of RFID tags. This unique feature allows each hose to contain all FAT
data, which allows for ease of access to data in the field, which subsequently can improve decision making on hose life assessment.

Dunlop GMPHOM 2009 performance characteristics Pressure Min. burst pressure (bar)
Product temp range (0C) -20 to +82 rating (bar) Primary Secondary*
Ambient temp range ( C) 0
-29 to +52 15 75 30
Maximum aromatics (%) 60 (nitrile rubber lining) 19 95 38
Maximum flow velocity (m/s) 21 in both directions 21 105 42
* secondary burst pressure data
for double carcass hoses only

Case Study: Our GMPHOM expertise

Our client set out to review their entire hose operation including system arrangement and installation procedure, targeting
system replacement within a very small installation window. The requirement for fast track Dunlop supply of GMPHOM 2009
hoses to replace the OCIMF 1991 hoses of a different manufacturer combined with the necessity to conduct a hose ageing study
proved a challenge, but one in which we excelled.

• Full qualification to GMPHOM 2009 for all hose types and bore sizes, for both floating and submarine designs
• Capability to conduct hose aging and service life analysis before hose supply
• In house system design capability to work with the client to identify a number of installation and operational improvements,
and incorporate them into the new system design
• Large hose manufacturing capability meant all 153 hoses could be made and shipped on time.
GMPHOM 2009 Hose Range 8

Selflote Hose Range.

Single carcass floating hoses.
Selflote was the first integrally floated offshore hose in the world - designed back in 1968 with over 45 years service around the globe. The
single carcass design was as unique then as the new generation of Selflote hoses is now - the standard to which others are compared.

Through continuing programmes of innovative technical evolution, today’s Selflote design combines immense strength with flexibility and
is capable of withstanding the demands of the world’s most exposed offshore installations.

Why choose the Selflote hose?

l Proven design
l High strength, combined with flexibility
l Unique patented second lining
l Excellent fatigue resistance
l Over 50 years service history

Dunlop Oil & Marine Selflote hose range

All our Selflote hoses benefit from low stress end fittings engineered through the use of Finite Element Analysis. The hose body
reinforcement materials and angles of application have been selected to give the hose long term durability and optimum performance
characteristics, with linings uniquely developed and processed in-house to provide superior resistance to high aromatics, H2S, MTBE and
other products.

Dunlop Oil & Marine pioneered the use of integral floatation for a floating hose and this has now become standard within the industry.
Today, our floatation system has been further enhanced to provide continuous operation under circumstances of typical floatation
damage in service.

Below is our standard product range, there are many other hose variations available. Get in touch to find out more.

Type 501: Super Samson end reinforced hose

A single carcass hose for connection to surface pipework on single
point moorings or other oil transfer installations e.g. CALM first off

buoy position or FPSO offtake connection

l Min. reserve buoyancy 5% as standard
l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 502: Mainline hose

The 502 mainline hose type forms the principal component of the
single carcass hose string.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%

l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 503: Taper hose

Usual applications are to connect large bore mainline hose sections
to smaller bore tail sections, or to provide a flexible reducing

element close to rigid pipe work.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%
l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 504: Tail hose

The type 504 hose is specially designed to improve handling at the

tanker end of a single carcass hose string.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%
l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 505X: Barbell rail hose The over-the-rail connection hose for conventional mid-ship
loading through a single carcass hose string. Specially designed to
have greater flexibility and lower bend radius.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20% (inc. allowance for end gear weight)
l Can be supplied electrically discontinuous or continuous,
depending on your requirements
l Supplied with integral lifting lugs as standard
GMPHOM 2009 Hose Range 10

Single Carcass Submarine Hoses.

Alongside our floating range of single carcass hoses, we also manufacture a range of single carcass hoses for submarine applications too.

Our single carcass submarine hoses combine strength with flexibility, with a design that has taken into consideration many factors such
as water depth, tide, buoy excursions and wave patterns.

Why choose the single carcass submarine hose?

l Proven design
l High strength combined with flexibility
l Unique patented second lining
l Excellent fatigue resistance
l Over 50 years service history

Dunlop Oil & Marine Single Carcass

Submarine Hose Range
All our single carcass submarine hoses benefit from low stress end fittings engineered through the use of Finite Element Analysis. The
hose body reinforcement materials and angles of application have been selected to give the hose long term durability and optimum
performance characteristics, with linings uniquely developed and processed in-house to provide superior resistance to high aromatics,
H2S, MTBE and other products.

Our submarine hoses have been designed and tested to demonstrate their compression and collapse resistance at significant depths,
even when empty. The strength and flexibility of Dunlop GMPHOM 2009 hose constructions is particularly important to ensure
functionality of our submarine hoses in extreme survival conditions.

Below is our standard product range, there are many other hose variations available. Get in touch to find out more.

Type 511: Super Samson end reinforced hose

For connection to rigid pipework on single point moorings or other

oil transfer installations such as a CALM sub-sea connection, a sea

bed PLEM or loading tower boom.
l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 511L: End reinforced hose (with collars)

For connection to rigid pipework on single point moorings or
other oil transfer installations such as a CALM sub-sea connection
or sea bed PLEM. Complete with integral rubber collars for float

l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 512: Mainline hose

The principal component of a single carcass submarine hose

l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 512L: Mainline hose (with collars)

The principal component of a float supported, single carcass hose


string. Complete with integral rubber collars for float attachment.

l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard
Hose range 2009 Hose Range 12

Saflote Hose Range.

Double carcass anti-pollution floating hoses.
The Dunlop Oil & Marine double carcass anti-pollution hose design has a primary carcass surrounded by a secondary carcass - a hose
within a hose. The primary carcass functions independently from the secondary carcass, therefore in the unlikely event that the primary
carcass fails, the secondary carcass will remain intact. Having been unstressed prior to failure, the secondary carcass has all the required
strength and containment capabilities to take over until change out or replacement. The benefit of this being that it will contain the oil and
prevent oil spillage and associated environmental damage.
In case of primary carcass failure, whether due to a leak or burst, our Saflote
secondary carcass will contain this leak, allowing operations to be continued in
a safe manner. The secondary carcass will then provide a signal of failure by its
expansion. At the hose centre, we have restricted expansion over a distance of 1m,
allowing the hose geometry (after expansion) to be entirely different.

Why choose the Saflote hose?

l Unrivalled track record
l Even after long and arduous service, the secondary carcass can
still contain a primary carcass burst or leak
l Robust and maintenance free warning system, which provides
clear evidence of primary carcass failure
l Proven technology
l The system is not affected by marine growth

Dunlop Oil & Marine Saflote hose range

The design concept of our Saflote hoses is an evolution of the original design invented in the 1970s. Primary and secondary carcasses
are manufactured and inspected independently of one another. The linings in both carcasses are the same, providing identical resistance
to the product passing through the hose. The reinforcement in the secondary carcass is Nylon, and different from the primary carcass,
provides great fatigue resistance.

Of course in full compliance with GMPHOM 2009, all our Saflote hoses are branded ‘Double Carcass’.

Below is our standard product range, there are many other hose variations available. Get in touch to find out more.

Type 541: Super Samson end reinforced hose

For connection to surface pipework in single point moorings or
other oil transfer installations such as CALM first off buoy position

or FPSO offtake connection.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 5% as standard
l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 542: Mainline hose

The 542 mainline hose type forms the principal component of the

double carcass hose string.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%
l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 543: Taper hose

Usual applications are to connect large bore mainline hose sections

to smaller bore tail sections, or to provide a flexible reducing

element close to rigid pipe work.
l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%
l Supplied electrically continuous as standard

Type 544: Tail hose

The type 544 hose is specially designed to improve handling at the

tanker end of a double carcass hose string.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20%
l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 545X: Barbell rail hose The over-the-rail connection hose for conventional mid-ship
loading though a double carcass hose string. Specially designed to

have greater flexibility and lower bend radius.

l Min. reserve buoyancy 20% (inc. allowance for end gear weight)
l Can be supplied electrically discontinuous or continuous,
depending on your requirements
l Supplied with integral lifting lugs as standard
GMPHOM 2009 Hose Range 14

Safgard Hose Range.

Double carcass submarine hoses.
Unlike the Saflote system, a Safgard hose is designed to have stable geometry so as not to disturb the subsea system configuration. The
secondary carcass will allow the passage of contained product to the hose ends where its presence can be detected through patented
one way valve systems.

In case of primary carcass failure, whether due to a leak or burst, our Safgard
secondary carcass will contain this leak allowing operations to be continued in a
safe manner.

The one-way valve systems can be either mechanically operated or connected

to an easy to use electronic leak detection system. Our Engineers, in close
collaboration with our clients, have also developed customised and site specific
alternative detection systems.

Why choose the Safgard hose?

l Unrivalled track record l Robust and maintenance free warning system, which provides
l Even after long and arduous service the secondary carcass can clear evidence of primary carcass failure
still contain a primary carcass burst or leak l The system is not affected by marine growth
l Proven technology

Dunlop Oil & Marine Safgard hose range

The design concept of our Safgard hoses today, is an evolution of the original design first invented in the 1980s. Primary and secondary
carcasses are manufactured and inspected independently of one another. The lining in both carcasses are the same, providing identical
resistance to the product passing through the hose. The reinforcement in the second carcass is Nylon, and different from that in the
primary carcass, but provides great fatigue resitance.

Of course in full compliance with GMPHOM 2009, all our Saflote hoses are branded ‘Double Carcass’.

Below is our standard product range, there are many other hose variations available. Get in touch to find out more.

Type 551: Super Samson End reinforced hose

For connection to rigid pipework on single point moorings or other

oil transfer installations such as a CALM sub-sea connection, a sea

bed PLEM or loading tower boom.
l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 551L: End reinforced hose (with collars)

For connection to rigid pipework on single point moorings or
other oil transfer installations such as a CALM sub-sea connection

or sea bed PLEM. Complete with integral rubber collars for float
l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 552: Mainline hose

The type 552 hose is the principal component of a double carcass
submarine hose string.

l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard

Type 552L: Mainline hose (with collars)

The principal component of a float supported, double carcass hose


string. Complete with integral rubber collars for float attachment.

l Supplied electrically discontinuous as standard
Ancillary 2009 Hose Range 16

Ancillary equipment to complement

our GMPHOM 2009 hose range

l A wide range of essential mechanical ancillary

l Equipment in line with GMPHOM 2009 and other
relevant industry standards
l We can offer customised ancillary solutions for your
specific project

Ancillary Equipment.

Flange insulator Butterfly valve being installed

Complementing our hose manufacturing expertise, Dunlop Oil & Marine also supply a wide range of ancillary mechanical equipment. This
includes the essential items needed for making up complete hose string assemblies and for safe use of individual hoses.

With our in-house technical expertise, experienced engineers and approved suppliers we can offer standard ancillary equipment as
commonly used in the make up of GMPHOM 2009 hose strings together with customised equipment solutions to suit particular project

Below is a guide to some of the items we supply. For more information on ancillary equipment, please get in touch.

l Stud bolts & nuts l Pick up buoy

l Gaskets l Lifting spool piece
l Chain assemblies - pick up chain l Floating concentric reducer
l Chain assemblies - snubbing chain l Floating Y piece
l Butterfly valve l Hose line marker beacon
l Camlock coupling l Submarine hose floats
l Lightweight blind flange l Anodes for hose flange connections
Specialist Hoses 18

Specialist hoses for the offshore

oil and gas industries

l Operational experience of a variety of special hose

l Designs and hose types available for a wide range of
applications, including reeling and H2S service
l Fully qualified designs to GMPHOM 2009, API 17K &
other relevant industry standards
l Capability to provide tailored & customised hose &
system solutions

Specialist Hoses.
For your project specific requirements.

Anti-marine growth coating on a Dunlop API 17K hose Reeling hoses being installed

Whatever the challenges you are facing, Dunlop Oil & Marine has the capability and expertise to offer specialist hose solutions. Whether
you require modifications to existing hose designs or the development of completely new hose designs, we can help you. A few examples
of how our specialist hoses are used:

l Where you want to extend the life of FOB hoses, we have developed an optimised system and hoses that can be used on a project
specific basis.
l In areas where your hoses experience excessive marine growth, we have developed special and environmentally friendly anti-marine
growth coating that can be applied over our standard hoses.
l For those who need lightweight, but stronger hoses, we have developed designs that benefit from our API 17K technology.
l If you are operating in Arctic conditions, our fully qualified hoses that are constructed from unique materials, allow for operation in
extreme sub-zero conditions.
l In more extreme and deep water conditions, our API 17K hoses can replace OCIMF systems and allow continuous operation for up to
25 years.
l For products such as MTBE, high H2S, LPG, LNG, refined products, and more
Specialist Hoses 20

API 17K Offloading Hoses.

The API 17K range of offshore offloading hoses is designed and
manufactured to provide a solution in even more challenging
environments, typically exceeding GMPHOM performance Case Study: Our API 17K expertise
Operating in relatively deep waters, our client used to
A dedicated, third-party qualified, design and test methodology change out their submarine hose strings every 3 years.
complements our long-term field experience allowing hoses to be Working closely with the client, we carried out a complete
purposely designed for a specific service life in customer defined review of hose and system design which led to the
conditions. development and supply of an API 17K hose solution for 10
years continuous service before changeout.
Some of the key features of the Dunlop Oil & Marine API 17K hose
include: • Certified to API 17K – non-OCIMF products which can
provide a specialised solution for this unique site
• System design capability to analyse specific site
l Up to 30” large bore solutions conditions
l Up to 25 year design life • Significant R&D capability, which allowed us to help
l Smooth bore offering pumping cost savings (when compared develop an anti marine growth cover for hoses in these
to traditional non-bonded solutions) particular waters
• In house full scale dynamic test rigs, which were
l Installation cost savings (when compared to steel export lines)
dedicated to the project to simulate the ten year service
l Higher working pressures life before hose supply

Reeling Hoses.
Our reeling hoses are designed to meet the latest requirements of GMPHOM 2009. These hoses, therefore, have all the benefits of our
standard product range, but are specially designed to have greater crush resistance to combat contact with the reel, allow for greater
flexibility when wrapped onto the reel and possess high compression resistance in order to prevent flange contact.

Looking ahead to future trends in the industry, our reeling hoses will also offer a revolutionary construction that will benefit from our API
17K technology. The hoses will benefit from the following features:

l Lightweight
l Stronger, but highly flexible
l Compact to allow reel size to be reduced, which allows for significant capital and operational cost savings
Specialist Hoses 22

Hoses for H2S Service.

As oil wells become deeper and conditions harsher, Hydrogen
Sulphide (H2S) content in extracted product is becoming
increasingly prevalent. The standard Nitrile lining has only limited Case Study: Our H2S expertise
resistance to H2S and therefore Dunlop can offer hoses with a
Hydrogenated Nitrile (HNBR) lining for greater H2S resistance Dunlop Oil & Marine have been involved in part of a
capability. project where a consortium of 9 oil majors worked
together on a subsea well response contingency. The aim
In accordance with the requirements of GMPHOM 2009, Dunlop of the project is to ensure that in the event of a subsea
has separately type approved a range of hoses with a HNBR lining well emergency, there are systems at strategic locations
to be compatible with products with higher levels of H2S up to around the world ready to assist.
500ppm (liquid phase).
• Manufacturing capability for specialist hoses fully
qualified to GMPHOM 2009 for H2S service
• Ability to respond to challenging installation, operational
and system requirements
• In house system design capability to analyse conditions
of a large number of sites from around the world

Reflex Hose Option.

A Reflex hose does not have any helical wire reinforcement. Instead, the construction utilises separate groups of reinforcement separated
by a thick rubber filler block. This arrangement serves to provide a good level of crush and kink resistance in normal service, but should
a Reflex hose be accidentally kinked through overbending, then the full circular shape and performance characteristics will be regained
once the kink initiating force is removed.

When a standard helix wire reinforced hose is crushed or over-bent to the point where the hose wall is flattened or kinked, the helical wire
will be permanently deformed. The hose will then need to be retired from service. A Reflex hose will regain its shape and performance
characteristics after such an event.

Reflex hoses can be particularly beneficial to systems where there can be a high risk of over-bending such as in a CBM system, but other
systems can also benefit from Reflex designs.

The properties of a Reflex hose are different from those of a standard helical wire reinforced hose (tensile strength, bending stiffness,
torsional stiffness etc), so advice should always be sought from Dunlop Oil & Marine when considering the Reflex option.

Most hose types can be supplied with a Reflex construction, in both double and single carcass designs.
Specialist Hoses 24

Hoses for Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) Transfer.

Offshore transfer of LPG requires hoses to operate in demanding, dynamic environments.

LPG hose construction for a given application depends upon the product being transferred and the operational parameters. In particular,
refrigerated LPG has a different set of hose system transfer requirements to that of LPG at ambient temperatures.

Cryogenic LPG hoses

Features of the cryogenic LPG hose construction include:

l End fitting materials for low temperature service

l Reinforced lining applied along the hose bore to reduce the risk
of explosive decompression
l ‘Bleeder cords’ to exhaust any permeated gas to the hose ends

Operational considerations include the possible need for integral ballast to keep a submarine hose submerged in the case of gaseous
product, and flange insulation kits to provide electrical discontinuity, if required.

Contact Dunlop Oil & Marine for advice on LPG hose construction features to suit your particular application.

Hoses For Refined Products & Other Chemicals.

Offshore loading systems are also used for transfer of non-crude oil in offshore hose supply for diverse product transfer applications.
products. These include:

Bunker or ballast lines may run alongside the crude transfer hose l Methanol
system and refined products such as unleaded petrol can also be l Ethanol
imported or exported. Essential chemicals for a variety of industrial l Benzene/Toluene (high aromatics)
processes are also transferred by this method. l Petrol - leaded and unleaded
l Kerosene
For many product applications, the Dunlop Oil & Marine standard l MTBE
nitrile rubber hose lining provides the required resistance to l Bitumen
product attack. However, other grades of rubber lining can also l Naptha
be used to line the hose wall. Viton, Chloroprene, Butyl etc can l Anhydrous Ammonia
all be used to give best compatibility with whatever needs to be l Sulphuric Acid
contained. l Phosphoric Acid
l Flare Gas
In some cases, other parts of the hose have to be considered; l Potable Water
stainless steel fittings and/or helical wire reinforcement; carbon l Iron Ore Slurry
steel end fittings for low temperature service; ‘bleeder’ cords to
exhaust gas that has permeated into the hose wall and so on. Contact Dunlop Oil & Marine for advice on lining type and other
hose construction features to suit your particular application.
Dunlop Oil & Marine has more than half a century of experience
Specialist Hoses 26

Hoses For LNG Transfer.

With Dunlop Oil & Marine’s excellent supply record for marine hoses, the company is now putting its proven expertise to use in
developing hoses for the rapidly expanding Liquefied Natural Gas - LNG transfer market. Floating operations (FLNG) will be a key part of
this expansion and Dunlop Oil & Marine are responding to this demand by bringing their world class technologies into this exciting new

The large bore composite LNG hose has been developed specifically to excel in the extreme and challenging environments necessary
for transferring LNG. This includes accommodating extreme temperatures down to -196°C whilst maintaining the high level of flexibility
required in the system.

This combination of strength and flexibility allows the Dunlop Oil & Marine LNG composite hose to support a variety of LNG transfer
systems from close quarters ship-to-ship transfer to long distance aerial tandem transfer.

The hoses are developed under a qualification programme to EN1474-2 through DNV GL.

Some key features of the Dunlop Oil & Marine LNG Composite hose are:

l For LNG and LNG Vapour marine transfer

l 16” large bore composite hose
l 20 barg Maximum Working Pressure
l 1.5m Minimum Bending Radius
l 5,000m3/hr maximum LNG transfer rate
Technical Services
2009 Hose Range 28

A wide range of technical services

and support

l Full asset management

l Hose testing
l Maintenance, repair & installation support
l Training & troubleshooting
l Customised solutions & support
l Immediate response to our clients’ needs

Technical Services.
Unrivalled technical expertise.

System analysis Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

Dunlop Oil & Marine prides itself in offering unrivalled technical support and service. Our strengths and expertise are built around our
team of international, highly qualified and experienced engineers, and the use of the most modern systems and hose design tools and
technologies that are available.

Our manufacturing site, the largest production site for large bore hoses in the world, not only incorporates full scale dynamic test rigs, but
also has in house rubber compound development and mixing capability.

Case Study: Our Technical expertise

Our client operates in some of the roughest offshore conditions in the world. Dunlop Oil & Marine have been supplying hoses
to our client since the mid 1970’s and during this time our technical team have worked closely with the client on a range of
operational, system and hose design improvements, which has provided significant economical, operational and safety benefits.

• Client given a single point of contact in the technical team

• Provision of engineering support and analysis for hose change out procedures
• In house design capability for chemical, system and hose design analysis
• Being qualified to API Q1 means the client can minimize their hose inspection requirement
• Economic study conducted illustrates our client has benefitted from a cost saving of over $13 million over a period of 16 years
Hose Applications 30

Hoses for a wide range of

offshore hose applications

l GMPHOM 2009 floating & submarine hoses

for a variety of applications in demanding offshore
l As well as standard CALM installations, our hoses are
currently in use in varying applications including:
- SALM - Catenary
- CBM - Tower loading
- Tandem

Hose Applications.
No matter what the installation, our hoses can be
tailor made for your specific application.

Bow loading CALM system

In addition to Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Buoys, our hoses are used in diverse system arrangements requiring customised
hose designs that provide unrivalled durability and reliability. These include:

l SALM systems - full and variably reinforced hoses with optimised stiffnesses
l Catenary Loading Systems - lightweight, flexible hoses with high tension capability, operating both in air and submerged
l Tandem Systems - special hose constructions for FPSO connection service with customised buoyancy arrangements for water to air
transition positions and support of heavy hardware at the hose string ends
l Tower Loading Systems - lightweight and highly flexible with variations for operation in environmentally mild or extreme temperature
l CBM - Flexible and light hose constructions with specially reinforced covers
Hose Applications 32

Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)

The standard range of DOM single and double carcass hoses is widely utilized on Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) buoy terminals -
the most popular means for tanker loading and discharge operations worldwide.

GMPHOM 2009 floating hose range for CALM systems

Saflote Range Selflote Range General
Double carcass Single carcass characteristics
First off buoy 541 501
Bore sizes
Mainline 542 502 available from
6” - 24”
Taper 543 503
Hose lengths
Tail 544 504 available
up to 40’
Rail 545X 505X

Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)

- submarine hose systems
CALM buoy submarine hose system design is dependent upon
a number of factors including water depth, current, tide, waves,
tanker mooring forces and resulting buoy behaviour.

Configuration selection is typically from Chinese Lantern, Lazy ‘S’

and Steep ‘S’ with number of hoses and floats to suit.

GMPHOM 2009 submarine hose range for

CALM systems
Safgard Range
Position Single carcass
Double carcass
Chinese lantern
configuration End connection 551/551L 511/511L

Mainline 552/552L 512/512L

General Bore sizes Hose lengths

available from available
characteristics 6” - 24” up to 40’

Lazy ‘S’ configuration

Steep ‘S’ configuration

Hose Applications 34

Single Anchor Leg Mooring (SALM)

The SALM hose system design requires particular consideration of hose stiffness properties for the submarine section from swivel
connection up to the surface.

The hose system arrangement detailed above is a guideline only, with dedicated hose constructions often needed for a given installation.

GMPHOM 2009 hose range for SALM systems

Position in system Double carcass Single carcass Characteristics
Specially reinforced submarine end connection SRSH 551L SRSH 511L
Specially reinforced submarine mainline SRSH 552L SRSH 512L
Variably reinforced part floating (breakwater) VRSH 541L VRSH 501L Bore sizes
available from
Mainline floating 542 502
6” - 24”
Taper floating 543 503
Tail floating 544 504 Hose lengths
Rail floating 545X 505X up to 40’
Submarine jumper end connection SLM 551L SLM 511L
Submarine jumper mainline SLM 552L SLM 512L

Catenary Loading System

Catenary loading hoses are often customised to meet particular system design requirements.

For tandem loading, the method of hose string stowing (reel, deck tray, freely suspended etc) may influence the hose construction, with
additional crush resistance provided where necessary.

The offloading tanker bow connection hose may also be a different construction to that of the FPSO connection hose, especially if it is for
bow loading with QCDC connections.

GMPHOM 2009 hose range for Catenary loading systems

Safgard General
Position Single carcass
Double carcass characteristics
End connection CAT 571DC/CAT 571DCR CAT 571/CAT 571R Bore sizes
6” - 24”
Hose lengths
Mainline CAT 572DC/CAT 572DCR CAT 572/CAT 572R up to 40’
Hose Applications 36

Floating Hose Tandem Loading

A typical tandem loading floating hose system has a fully floated, one-end reinforced Super Samson floating hose at the FPSO connection,
and reduced buoyancy mainline hoses in the next two or three system positions. Submarine hoses with floats are sometimes used as an
alternative arrangement at this point in the hose system.

A restraining tether between FPSO and hose string is sometimes included for hose string security, and to reduce loads imposed by the
hose string on the FPSO hose connection pipework.

GMPHOM 2009 hose range for tandem loading

Position Saflote Range Selflote range General
Floating hose string Double carcass Single carcass characteristics
FPSO connection 541F 501F

Reduced buoyancy 542N 502N Bore sizes

available from
Mainline 542 502 6” - 24”
Taper 543 503
Hose lengths
Tail 544 504 available
up to 40’
Rail 545X 505X

Conventional Buoy Mooring (CBM)

The CBM system holds the tanker in a spread moored arrangement. It is used worldwide, but is generally restricted to relatively low water
depths and mild to moderate environmental conditions.

The sea bed pipeline terminates close to the tanker mooring. A string of submarine hoses is laid out from the PLEM along the sea bed
and recovered to the tanker for fluid transfer operations.

GMPHOM 2009 hose range for CBM systems

Position Safgard Range General
Submarine hoses Double carcass Single carcass characteristics
PLEM connection 551 511 Bore sizes
available from
Mainline 552 512 6” - 24”

Taper 553 513 Hose lengths

Tail/Rail 554 514 up to 40’

NB: The above are also available in our helix free range.
Hose Applications 38

Tower Catenary Loading System

Tower catenary loading is a system solution adopted for certain installations experiencing Arctic like conditions that ensures the hoses
remain clear of the sea, and hence clear of sea ice that forms at certain times of year.

Operating via a catenary system, the hoses are attached to the tower and ready to be operated when a tanker arrives in any temperature

Long Length Midwater Systems

The long length midwater system is for use in specific offloading applications in deep water, therefore requiring the use of a more
stringent hose standard to be utilised in a more extreme environment than for normal oil transfer.

The API 17K Deepflo range of hose has been developed for this specific application - with the hoses and system custom designed for each
individual installation.
Expertise beyond GMPHOM 40

Expertise beyond GMPHOM

l Multiple manufacturing locations, specialising in a

range of hose products and services
l Varying hose types for a range of applications
l New large bore LNG transfer hose for the developing
FLNG market
l Hose management services

Expertise beyond GMPHOM.

Hose products & services for the entire oil & gas industry.

Hose couplings manufactured at our Ashington site Offloading system being fitted onto an FPSO

As well as manufacturing large bore offshore hoses at our site in Grimsby, UK, production of our other product ranges is done at our sites
across the UK. Our second largest production facility is in Ashington, and sees the manufacture of high pressure hose products, hose and
coupling products as well as fluid handling systems. Our third location is in Aberdeen - the oil capital of Europe. Our Aberdeen branch is
there to serve the oil and gas industry in the North Sea, and specialises in supplying hose and coupling products.

Dunlop Oil & Marine are a member of the Oil & Marine Segment of ContiTech, which specialise in the manufacture of hoses for the oil and
gas industry. Within the segment, we currently have manufacturing sites across the globe - in Germany, United Kingdom, Hungary, USA,
Turkey, UAE and Brazil.

From each of these sites we can supply hoses and services to meet the fluid transfer needs of the entire industry. Examples of our hose
range and services include:

l Exploration & drilling hoses to l Marine hoses

API 16C, API 7K and API 17K l LNG hoses
l Hose & couplings l Industrial hoses
l Dredging hoses l Dock side hoses
l Seawater intake hoses l Military hoses
l Offloading systems l Hose Management Services
l Loading stations
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supplier to numerous industries for high-quality
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