EOS Crop Productio and Marketing Management LIV
EOS Crop Productio and Marketing Management LIV
EOS Crop Productio and Marketing Management LIV
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • perform a soil survey, analyse survey results,
• determine soil characteristics, and
• plot topography and soil survey data on a property map.
Variable Range
Requirements may budget limitations, propagation technique, controlling the
include growing environment; plant species, growth habits and
cultural requirements; the purpose or intended use of the
propagated plants, maintenance services for propagation
after-care, quality specifications and timelines for the program.
Propagation techniques seed, cuttings, layering, growing on tissue cultured plants,
may include division or splitting, budding, grafting, spores and cloning
Environmental that may apply to a field nursery or environmentally controlled
parameters structure, and may include Temperature, wind, light, humidity
and frost.
Hazards may include air- and soil-borne micro-organisms, chemicals and
hazardous substances, sharp hand tools and equipment,
manual handling, solar radiation, dust, noise, machinery and
machinery parts, slippery and uneven surfaces.
Materials, equipment shade cloth, plastic fencing, tape, support structures, labels,
and machinery may irrigation equipment, heaters, coolers, fans, vents,
include fogging/misting systems, screens; secateurs, propagation
knives, razor blades and other cutting instruments; sharpening
stone, strop, linear measure, grafting machine, plastic
containers and trays, vermiculite boxes, wheelbarrow, trolley,
mechanical trolley, shovel, water spray container, dibblers and
rubbish bins.
Propagation media will be specific to the species and method of propagation, and
requirements may need to be determined using recognized testing
procedures for pH, drainage, aeration, salinity, nitrate levels
and water repellence to ensure that it meets the needs of the
propagation plan
Types of propagation sand, potting mix, gravel, scoria, rock wool, gro-wool,
media may include sawdust, pine bark, perlite, vermiculite, water (hydroponics)
and conditioners/additives.
Strategies that may be cooling by manual or automatic processes such as the use of
employed to modify the vents, exhaust fans, evaporative coolers, wetting walls;
growing environment heating by manual or automatic processes such as the use of
include wall heaters, ducts, heating lines or under-bed heating
systems; controlling air circulation to maintain uniform
temperatures and relative humidity, such as ventilation or
wind breaks; use of artificial light; carbon dioxide enrichment,
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence implementing a propagation plan
scheduling propagation activities
implementing propagation works
performance and success of propagation
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitudes OHS hazards associated with undertaking propagation
activities, and the controls necessary to remove or
minimise risks associated with them
practical understanding of the OHS and environmental
issues associated with use and disposal of propagation
enterprise and industry hygiene standards required for
propagation activities, including relevant quarantine
industry and enterprise quality specifications for parent
plants and propagation materials
common problems that may occur while performing
propagation activities in a controlled environment, and
preventative/corrective action that may apply
processes and techniques for preparing, costing and
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documenting plans for and scheduling propagation
identification, propagation and establishment
techniques required for a range of plant varieties and
monitoring staff performance Plant Breeders Rights
(PBR) and related legislation
aftercare requirements for a range of propagated plant
varieties and cultivars
testing methods applied to propagation media
preferred types of propagation media for different
chemical, cultural and biological pest, weed and
disease control techniques
Application techniques for chemical and non-chemical
intervention or treatments.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
• conduct literature and consultative research to obtain
information about propagation requirements, growth
conditions, and marketing implications
• negotiate and document plans
• write reports for the understanding of staff, supervisors,
clients and contractors
• calculate the cost, spatial and logistical requirements of
all aspects of the propagation works
• analyse basic statistical data to monitor performance and
success of propagation activities
Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
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Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • access and analyze information on regional and site
• select suitable management practices, soil amendments
and fertilizers
• determine analytical and appropriate application
• prepare resources and equipment for application of
nutritional materials
• prepare implementation plans, specifications and
associated documents.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • characteristics of soil and other growth media types, uses
and additives to enhance available nutrition for specific
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• main simple and compound fertiliser products available
to enterprise, including analysis, solubility, salt index,
application rates and costs
• methods of nutrient uptake by plants and favourable
conditions for effective uptake to occur
• nutrients and water required by plants grown within
enterprise and affects of nutrient deficiency and toxicity
on individual plant species and varieties, including visual
• OHS hazards associated with implementing a plant
nutrition program and controls necessary to remove or
minimise associated risks
• organic matter, pest and disease, and nutrient
interactions in soil and nutrient cycling
• practical relevance of the concepts to specific plants and
soils used in the enterprise
• practical understanding of environmental issues
associated with selecting nutritional materials,
implementing a plant nutrition program needing to
comply with legislation and ensuring minimal impact on
• processes and techniques for preparing, costing and
documenting a plant nutrition program
• relationship between soil and growth media
characteristics and availability of nutrients, including
macro and micro elements, to plants
• site evaluation techniques, including methods of
sampling and analysing soils and other growth media
• soil amendments commonly required to treat soil
problems experienced by enterprise.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
• documenting plans, specifications and work procedures
• calculating cost and spatial and logistical requirements of
components of plant nutrition program
• communicating and negotiating orally and in writing with
managers, contractors, consultants and customers
• complying with legislative requirements and codes of
• conducting literature and consultative research, and
and analysing findings on plant nutritional requirements,
nutrients available from soils and other growth media, and
environmental implications of program
• recording all relevant information according to enterprise
and industry standards
• writing reports for staff, managers, contractors and
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Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Assessment for this unit of competency is to be largely
practical in nature and will most appropriately be assessed in
the workplace or in normal work conditions.
This unit of competency could be assessed on its own or in
combination with other units of competency relevant to the
job function.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidate must able to:
Competence select, apply and clean up the application of a specific
supervise others working with the chemical,
ensure that all prescribed safety directions are
monitor the implementation of the systems and
procedures developed for chemical concerned.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitudes • Hazards involved in the use of the specific chemical
concerned and related risk control measures.
• Signs of pest damage and signs of beneficial organisms.
• Life cycle of pests and target stages.
• Pest resistance to chemicals.
• Types of chemical and modes of action.
• Maximum residue limits.
• OHS legislative requirements and Codes of Practice
relevant to chemical use and hazardous substances.
• Application equipment features.
• Calibration.
• Knowledge of record keeping systems.
• Knowledge and understanding of relevant control of use
• Use, maintenance and storage of personal protective
• Correct wearing/fit of personal protective equipment.
• First aid and emergency procedures.
• Insurances required for chemical use, transportation and
Calibration and calculation of equipment and chemicals
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • how tillage and trash might be dealt with,
• apply relevant legislation and regulations relating to
occupational health & safety
• Identify the seasonal conditions which affect crop
• Plan and organize planting activities
• Calculate resource requirements from the long-term plan
• Prepare written plans and procedures for implementation
by others
• Recognize poor growth and lack of vigour caused by
nutrient deficiency and incorrect planting depth
• Observe, identify and react appropriately to environmental
implications and occupational health & safety hazards.
• Communicate ideas and information by clearly explaining
to staff, and / or contractors, the purpose, requirements,
and processes
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes The equipment that is required for a range of tillage
methods, and pest and weed control prior to planting
Equipment servicing requirements
Integrated pest and weed management techniques
Environmental controls and codes of practice applicable
to the enterprise
Relevant legislation and regulations relating to
occupational health & safety, contractor engagement,
chemical use and application, and vehicle and plant use
Environmental controls and codes of practice applicable
to the business and to the planting operations
Sound management practices and processes to minimize
noise, odours, and debris from planting operations.
Underpinning Skills skills include the ability to:
Identify the seasonal conditions which affect crop
Plan and organize planting activities by scheduling for
the people, materials, and equipment to be in the right
place at the right time.
Calculate resource requirements from the long-term plan
Prepare written plans and procedures for implementation
by others
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • identify and interpret relevant information and conditions
that could influence production
• produce and document a production schedule
• document compost production plan consistent with
enterprise capabilities and constraints
• develop and document contingency plans.
apply control of hazards in handling raw materials and
• determine processing duration required for various raw
• describe raw materials and their characteristics
apply systems, technologies and methods in compost
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • control of hazards in handling raw materials and product
• processing duration required for various raw materials
• raw materials and their characteristics
• relationship between key compost recipe variables and
compost production
• systems, technologies and methods in compost production.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
• analyze and interpreting supply contract documents,
production data, weighbridge/receival data, field and
laboratory results
• document procedures in writing
• identify and diagnosing problems with production
• interpret and applying written procedures and formulas
using a computer
• visually recognizing problematic mixtures of raw
materials for composting.
Resources Implication The candidate should also have access to the following
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• supply contracts
• materials receival and sales data
• enterprise marketing plan
• enterprise marketing strategy
• batch recording forms and compost recipe forms
• sample production schedules
compost recipe calculators.
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competency may be assessed through:
• a range of exercises,
• case studies
• real and simulated practical and knowledge
assessments that demonstrate the skills and
knowledge specified in this unit.
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting. This unit of competency could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other units of
competency relevant to the job function.
1. Schedule pest 1.1 Activities identified in the action plan are scheduled within
management activities the monthly, weekly or daily work plans.
1.2 Work time is allocated to complete the activities in
accordance with the requirements of the action plan, and
within realistic expectations.
1.3 Employees or contracted personnel with relevant skills
and competency are allocated for the completion of
required activities.
1.4 Plant, machinery, equipment and materials required to
complete required activities are procured for the time the
activities are to be carried out.
1.5 Relevant stakeholders are consulted regarding the
scheduling of activities.
1.6 Relevant OHS standards and other Federal, State and
local legislation & regulations are applied in the
allocation and procurement of human and physical
1.7 Milestones are aligned to critical control points in the
target pests' life cycle, behaviour patterns and the local
land management and production activity cycles.
1.8 Measurable performance criteria for objectives at each
milestone are determined.
1.9 Activities required to achieve objectives by proposed
deadlines are listed in consultation with local land users.
1.10 Activities are selected and scheduled to comply with the
pest management strategy, in consideration of
attitudes, and in accordance with relevant statutory and
regulatory requirements.
1.11 Monitoring and measurement activities are selected and
scheduled to comply with the vertebrate pest
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strategy and in accordance with relevant statutory and
regulatory requirements.
2. Estimate resources 2.1 Personnel required to carry out activities are estimated.
required to complete the 2.2 Plant and machinery required to carry out activities are
required activities estimated.
2.3 Materials required to carry out activities are estimated.
2.4 Personnel, plant, machinery and materials are sourced
and coasted in consultation with other stakeholders.
3. Brief employees or 3.1 Employees or contracted personnel are informed of the
contracted personnel requirements of the pest management plan and action
regarding the pest plan.
management activities 3.2 Employees or contracted personnel are informed of land
owner/manager expectations and reporting and recording
3.3 Employees or contracted personnel are advised of OHS
standards and other statutory and regulatory
to be applied in carrying out the required activities.
4. Supervise employees 4.1 Plant, machinery and equipment are checked for
or contracted personnel serviceability in accordance with manufacturer's
in carrying out the pest specifications and statutory and regulatory requirements.
management activities 4.2 Materials are checked for compliance with OHS
and other statutory and regulatory requirements.
4.3 Personal protective equipment and clothing used or worn
by employees or contracted personnel are checked for
compliance with OHS standards and other statutory and
regulatory requirements.
4.4 Procedures and skills applied by employees and
contracted personnel are monitored for compliance with
OHS standards and other statutory and regulatory
4.5 Feedback, advice and coaching are provided to
employees and contracted personnel as required to
improve or correct procedures and skills.
5. Coordinate 5.1 First aid procedures are initiated and coordinated in
contingency response to accident or injury to employees or contracted
management activities personnel.
5.2 Relevant authorities are notified and arrangements made
in the event of the need for rescue of injured employees
contracted personnel.
5.3 Activities that are not carried out due to accidents, injury,
other incidents or unfavourable conditions are
rescheduled within the monthly, weekly or daily work
6. Report progress in 6.1 Reports and records supplied by employees and/or
relation to pest contracted personnel are received and assessed.
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management action plan 6.2 Reports and records are compiled and documented in
accordance with employer or organizational requirements
and statutory and regulatory requirements.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • schedule, cost, communicate a pest management
action plan to staff and stakeholders, and effectively
implement and report.
• Plan and manage resources and time.
• Communicate, negotiate and liaise with other statutory
authorities, agencies and stakeholders.
• Organize the work of others.
• Record and report actions and work progress.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of:
and Attitudes • Relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
• Pest control methods and techniques.
• Integrated pest management.
• Pest biology.
• Social and environmental issues.
• Contingency management principles.
• First aid and rescue procedures.
• Ecological systems.
• Sustainable production systems.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
• Plan and manage resources and time.
• Communicate, negotiate and liaise with other statutory
authorities, agencies and stakeholders.
• Organize the work of others.
• Record and report actions and work progress.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
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specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting. This competency standard
could be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence – determine water budgets and irrigation units or areas,
– schedule irrigation shifts to meet crop or plant needs
and environmental requirements.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • inter-relationship between plant, soil and the aerial
environments in the determination of water budgets
• plant/crop response to moisture stress at different stages
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • apply principles of organic agriculture
• analyze soil test results for a range of indicators of
soil fertility
• apply organic soil improvements, such as compost
• assessing biodiversity and plant health through
observation of plant community
• observe animal health and relating it to plant and soil
nutrient status
• operate equipment safely
• record and interpret results of soil tests
sampling soil and plant tissues.
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • organize resources
• negotiate resource and labour contracts
• estimate crop yield
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arrange storage and delivery requirements.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitudes • crop measurement techniques and parameters
• customer requirements
• environmental controls and codes of practice applicable to
harvesting operations
• functions and limitations of harvesting equipment
• market information and sources
• location and relative skills and abilities of available staff,
contractors or casual staff
• relevant legislation and regulations relating to OHS,
contractor engagement, chemical use and application,
and vehicle and plant use
• required productivity rates
• weather or other conditions that may affect harvest
• where relevant to enterprise's production: food safety and
hazard analysis critical control
• point (HACCP) requirements, and requirements for export
markets, such as
Underpinning Skills skills include the ability to:
• establishing strategies, procedures and controls for crop
• estimating and calculating volumes and quantities
• explaining and delivering instructions with regard to
harvest operations to both staff and contractors
• implementing safe workplace and positive environmental
• interpreting, analyzing and extracting information from a
range of sources and discussions
• maintaining budgetary controls
• negotiating and arranging contracts and agreements
• organizing and scheduling maintenance of plant and
• preparing written plans and procedures for
implementation by others.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
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questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Assessment for this unit of competency is to be largely
practical in nature and will most appropriately be assessed in
the workplace or in a situation that reproduces normal work
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence Manage the harvest requires evidence of the ability to
develop and
schedule a harvesting plan to meet crop maturity. It
requires the ability t
plan resources, negotiate resource and labour
value crop yield,
plan fire prevention and control,
arrange storage and delivery requirements,
segregate grain for quality and monitor for moisture
Underpinning Knowledge knowledge of:
and Attitudes • functions and limitations of harvesting equipment
• crop measurement techniques and parameters
• market information and sources
• location and relative skills and abilities of available
• weather conditions which may affect the harvest
• relevant legislation and regulations relating to OHS,
• contractor engagement, chemical use and application,
and vehicle and plant use
• environmental controls and codes of practice
applicable to harvesting operations.
Underpinning Skills skills include the ability to:
• organise and schedule the maintenance of plant and
• establish strategies, procedures and controls for crop
• prepare written plans and procedures for
implementation by others
• estimate and calculate volumes, quantities and
maintain budgetary controls
• interpret, analyse and extract information from a range
of sources and discussions
• negotiate and arrange contracts and agreements
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• explain and deliver instructions with regard to the
• operations to both staff and contractors
• implement safe workplace and positive environmental
• practices.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting. This competency standard
could be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.
Evidence Guide
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidate must able to:
Competence • Identify waste management options and interpret audit
• Conduct feasibility analysis.
• Develop strategies.
• Present waste management strategies.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes Features required for waste management strategies.
• Impact of recommendations on client processes.
• Waste management options available.
• Nature and significance of waste minimization hierarchy
lifecycle assessment.
• Waste analytical methods.
• Waste types, streams and characteristics.
• Company requirements.
• Occupational health and safety requirements.
• Relevant industry standards.
• Relevant legislation.
• Relevant environmental regulations.
OHS hierarchy of control.
Underpinning Skills skills include the ability to:
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• sound oral communication skills including questioning,
listening, liaison, consultation and facilitation
• sound written communication skills for documentation
• sound presentation skills
• sound reading skills for the interpretation of data,
information, plans and documents
• methodical organization of work
• research skills
• ability to prioritize
• computer skills
• safe and efficient work practices
• apply appropriate decision-making techniques.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting. This unit could be assessed on
its own or in combination with other competencies relevant to
the job function
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • identify the customer service requirements and to ensure
they are delivered to standard and in an appropriate time
• contribute to the development and implementation of
improved procedures,
• develop and maintain networks to ensure the delivery of
quality customer service.
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • legislative and regulatory requirements may include but
are not limited to: Consumer Law, Environmental Law,
OHS, Privacy Legislation, Codes of Conducts,
• the organization’s business structure, products and
• customer service systems/procedures including the
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continuous quality improvement framework, together
with some knowledge of the customer population and
how the system applies to delivering customer service to
that customer population
• the principles of customer service
• the principles of effective communication in relation to
listening, questioning and non-verbal communication
• the individual’s role in delivering customer service
• techniques for dealing with customers with special needs
• techniques for building relationships of trust and mutually
acceptable outcomes
• related organizations, agencies and networks
• the principles and operations of networks.
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate:
Effective communication techniques may include but are not
limited to:
• active listening
• using open and/or closed questions
• speaking clearly and concisely
• using appropriate language and tone of voice
• giving customers full attention
• maintaining eye-contact (for face-to-face interactions)
• non-verbal communication e.g., body language, personal
presentation (for face-to-face interactions)
• negotiation skills to achieve mutually acceptable outcomes
• interpersonal skills to relate to people from a range of
social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds
• clear, legible writing
• language skills which allow for adequate communication
with customer and all relevant personnel
• literacy skills to the level required to read and write
procedures and reports
• numeracy skills to the level required to develop and
implement customer service procedures.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning
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project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • collect and organize production data
• analyze and interpret data
• present data.
• Describe methods to collect and analyze production
• Describe data management systems and methods
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes • the relevant legislation, industry and enterprise codes
of practice and quality assurance procedures that
impact on intensive production
• enterprise record keeping and recording practices
• enterprise policies and procedures relating to
collection, analysis and maintenance of production data
• methods to collect and analyze production data
• data management systems and methods
• business equipment
• principles of report writing and data presentation.
Underpinning Skills skills include the ability to:
• collect and organize production data
• analyze and interpret data
• present data.
Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
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Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting. This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in
combination with other competencies relevant to the job
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence Describe relevant legislation from all levels of
government that affects business operation
communicate with others to ensure information
comprehend documentation
Plan and organize activities
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitudes relevant legislation from all levels of government that
affects business operation,
Occupational Health and Safety and environmental
relevant environmental systems and procedures
knowledge of best practice approaches relevant to
own work area
quality assurance systems relevant to own work area
supply chain procedures
strategies to maximize opportunities and minimize
impacts relevant to own work area
issues especially in regard to water catchments, air,
noise, ecosystems, habitat, waste minimization relevant to
own work area
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
communication skills to ensure information is supplied
to the work team
consultation skills to assist in workplace negotiations
literacy skills for comprehending documentation and
interpreting environment requirements
operational skills relevant to the workplace, including
the ability to operate and shut down equipment
ability to relate to people from a range of social,
cultural and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental
Collect, analyze and organize information to provide
information and advice
Communicate ideas and information to resolve
environmental issues with the work team and external
Plan and organize activities to plan training and to
implement change and improvement
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Resources Implication The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Evidence should be collected over a set period of time which
is sufficient to include dealings with an appropriate range
and variety of situations
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • apply store policies and procedures, in regard to selling
products and services, dealing with customers, planning
and implementing sales presentations and providing after
sales support.
• apply industry codes of practice, relevant legislation and
statutory requirements in regard to selling products and
• develop customer commitment to store and builds return
customer base by establishing rapport/relationship with
customer, maintaining professional ethics, and accurately
discerning customer buying motives and customer
• maximize sales opportunities by using effective selling
techniques, applying detailed product knowledge and using
an appropriate sales approach to sell the benefits of
products, overcome objections and close sales.
• apply detailed knowledge of manufacturers'/suppliers'
supply, back up service and warranty information to
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enhance customer support.
• use effective questioning, listening and observation skills to
accurately determine customer requirements.
• plan, prepare and conduct sales presentations and briefs
support staff where required, to create a buying
environment and maximize sales performance.
• evaluate personal and or team sales performance to
maximize future sales.
• establish, record and maintain customer records/details,
maintains customer confidentiality, ensures secure storage
and uses customer records to maximize customer interest
and create a buying atmosphere.
• resolve customer complaints by acknowledging problems
and supporting customer to produce positive outcomes and
obtain mutually acceptable complaint resolution.
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and Attitudes Store policies and procedures, in regard to:
– establishing, maintaining and utilising customer records
– updating and maintaining customer mailing lists
– methods of maintaining customer confidentiality and
secure storage of customer details
– price negotiation and payment/credit options
– resolving customer complaints
Store/area merchandise and service range
Relevant legislation and statutory requirements
Relevant industry codes of practice
Occupational health and safety requirements such as:
– manual handling
– plant and equipment
– hazardous substances and dangerous goods
– workers compensation
Customer types and needs including:
– customer buying motives/customer behaviour and cues
– individual and cultural differences,
– types of customer needs, eg functional, psychological
Pricing procedures including Goods and Services Tax
(GST) requirements
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
Selling techniques
– opening and closing techniques
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspect of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence Monitor quality of work
Establish quality specifications for product
Participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
Identify hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality product
Assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
Report problems that affect quality
Implement quality assurance procedures
Underpinning Knowledge Demonstrates knowledge of:
and Attitude Veterinary public health policies and procedures
Obtaining and using information about animal and
zoonotic diseases
Applying federal, regional state or territory legislation
within day-today work activities
Accessing and using management systems to keep and
maintain accurate records
Requirements for correct preparation, labelling and
packaging of biological and potentially hazardous
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills in:
Monitoring quality of work
Establishing quality specifications for product
Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work
Identifying hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality product
Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures
Reporting problems that affect quality
Implementing quality assurance procedures
Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
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Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Evidence Guide
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Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence Demonstrated effective communication skills with clients
accessing service and work colleagues
Adopted relevant communication techniques and
strategies to meet client particular needs and difficulties
Underpinning Knowledge Communication process
and Values Dynamics of groups and different styles of group
Communication skills relevant to client groups
Underpinning Skills Full range of communication techniques including:
Full range of communication
Active listening
Role boundaries setting
Establishing empathy
Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as
specified by the organization
Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context for Assessment This unit should be assessed on the job through simulation
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence Identify and implement learning opportunities for others
Give and receive feedback constructively
Facilitate participation of individuals in the work of the
Negotiate learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
Prepare learning plans to match skill needs
Access and designate learning opportunities
Underpinning Coaching and mentoring principles
Knowledge and Attitude Understanding how to work effectively with team
members who have diverse work styles, aspirations,
cultures and perspective
Understanding how to facilitate team development and
Understanding methods and techniques for eliciting and
interpreting feedback
Understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
Knowledge of career paths and competency standards in
the industry
Underpinning Skills Ability to read and understand a variety of texts, prepare
general information and documents according to target
audience; spell with accuracy; use grammar and
punctuation effective relationships and conflict
Communication skills including receiving feedback and
reporting, maintaining effective relationships and conflict
Planning skills to organize required resources and
equipment to meet learning needs
Coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to
Reporting skills to organize information; assess
information for relevance and accuracy; identify and
elaborate on learning outcomes
Facilitation skills to conduct small group training sessions
Ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural,
physical and mental backgrounds
Resource Implications The following resources MUST be provided.
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
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Documentation and information on workplace
practices and OHS practices.
specifications and work instructions
Approved assessment tools
Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Assessment Methods Competence may be assessed through:
Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Assessment Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
simulated work place setting
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment must confirm one's ability to:
Competence • develop strategies to successfully manage the
operation of the business by interpreting information and