Accumeasure Control Manual - Siemens

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Control Manual

Saw Measuring System

Peddinghaus Corporation
Version 1, Rev 2
March 2005
1.1 Basic Machine Operation Information
1.1.1 Siemens 840Di / OP10C Operator’s Panel

1.1.2 Machine Control Panel Illustration (Accumeasure Only)

REF Signo
POINT Pump Enable Fault X W
TEACH VClamp Manual
Spindle Master Feedrate
IN VAR 1 Enable Clamp
Override % Override %

MDA 10 100
AUTO 1000 10000 MCS
1 KEY 3
1.1.3 Siemens 840Di General Information

The Siemens 840Di CNC control is a VERY robust system. A detailed explanation of its
many facets far exceeds the scope of this manual. This manual will try to provide a brief
and simple explanation of a few basic concepts needed for general operations. A
complete listing of features w/ descriptions can be found in the supplied Siemens

One general concept that all 840Di users need to understand is the concept of system
memory. The 840Di is a PC based system complete with a PC type hard disk. There is
plenty of extra hard disk space (HD memory) that can be used for part program storage.
In addition, the 840Di has an extra system card not found on a normal PC that provides
additional electronic RAM memory for part program storage and execution. This
additional memory is referred to as NC memory. Generally, a part program must be
loaded in NC memory before it can be selected as the active program and executed by the

The Siemens HMI (Human Machine Interface) software treats HD memory and NC
memory as one large “virtual” storage container. The HMI provides the tools to copy,
rename and delete program files as well as move them from HD to NC and NC to HD.
The only way to distinguish whether a part program is located in NC memory vs. HD
memory is the “Loaded” column in all part program listings. If an “X” appears in the
“Loaded” column the part program is located in NC memory, otherwise the part program
is located in HD memory.

This “dual memory” concept can cause problems for “normal” software applications
(such as Peddinghaus’ Peddimat programming system) that “see” only the HD memory
and cannot “see” the NC memory. Example: If a part program is located in NC memory
and Peddimat creates a new part program with the same name in HD memory, there is
now a conflict. The HMI will represent this by displaying an “!X!” in the “Loaded”
column in all part program listings. If this situation occurs the 840Di will not allow either
of these part programs to be selected and executed. To correct the conflict the normal
HMI tools must be used to delete the file, which will in fact delete only the part program
located in NC memory, leaving the part program in HD memory.

Another important concept to know about is “Operating Areas”. An “Operating Area” is

a functional area of the HMI software and has nothing to do with the traditional
“Operating Mode” described below. However, when the “Machine” operating area is
active the current operating mode will effect what information is displayed to the
operator and what softkeys are available. Other operating areas include Services (where
part programs are managed), Diagnosis (troubleshooting), Start-Up (high level
configuration data) and Parms (general configuration parameters). Some of these
operating areas will be discussed later in this manual. To switch from one operating area
to another press the “Menu Select” button then choose the desired operating area softkey.

1.1.4 Operating Modes

The Siemens 840Di CNC has 4 different main operating modes that can be selected via
appropriately labeled buttons on the machine control panel. This manual will discuss 3
modes. The 4th mode “Teach In” is beyond the scope of this manual:

Manual movement of the machine

Manual creation and execution of programs

Execution of programs in a continuous cycle

1.1.5 Jog Mode

Enter Jog mode by pressing the “Jog” button on the machine control panel. Jog mode has
two optional sub-modes: “Repos” & “Ref Point” - that are available via buttons located to
the right of the “Jog” button. “Repos” is used to return an axis to its prior position if it has
been jogged during an interruption of an automatic program. “Ref Point” is not typically
used on the Accumeasure.

To jog an axis manually while in Jog mode, make sure neither sub-mode (Repos or Ref
Point) is active by looking at the indicator lamps above the sub-mode buttons. If a sub-
mode is active, press the “Jog” button a second time. Next, select the desired axis by
pressing the appropriate axis button on the machine control panel. The axis can now be
jogged by pressing and holding the “+” & “-“ buttons on the machine control panel. To
jog at a faster pace additionally press the “Rapid” button. Jog Mode – Incremental Axis Move

Enter Jog mode by pressing the “Jog” button on the machine control panel. Select the
desired axis by pressing the “X” or “Y” button on the machine control panel. Select the
desired incremental distance by pressing one of the pre-set distance buttons labeled
1,10,100,1000,10000 (all distances are in thousandths of millimeters, so 1000 equals one
millimeter). Last, press the “+” or “-“ button. The axis will move the desired distance in
the desired direction. To move a variable distance press the “VAR” button. Next (with
the “Machine” operating area active) set the desired distance by pressing the “INC”
softkey, entering a value (in thousandths of millimeters), pressing the “Input” key
followed by the “+” or “-“ button.

1.1.6 MDI Mode

Enter MDI mode by pressing the “MDI” button on the machine control panel (“MDA”
button on early versions). If the “Machine” operating area is active a small editable
window titled “MDI” will appear in the lower left quadrant of the display. Programs of
any type can be manually entered and executed here. Program execution is identical to
Automatic mode with normal use of the Cycle Start, Cycle Stop and Single Block

An advanced level of understanding of Siemens NC language and machine functionality

is required to write fully functional part programs in MDI mode. This is not
recommended. However, only a basic understanding of machine functionality is required
to perform some basic operations. At the end of this chapter is a list of helpful M codes
commonly used in MDI mode.

1.1.7 Automatic Mode

Enter Automatic mode by pressing the “Auto” button on the machine control panel. If the
“Machine” operating area is active a small non-editable window titled “Current Block”
will appear in the lower left quadrant of the display. The currently “selected” part
program name will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. If no part
program is currently selected the default “empty” program MPF0 will be shown. Part Program Selection

In Automatic mode (with the “Machine” operating area active) press the “Program
Overview” softkey. You may need to press one of the storage location softkeys (ie. Work
Pieces or Part Programs) to locate the desired part program. Use the ⇑ & ⇓ arrow buttons
to highlight the desired part program. Press the “Select” softkey. If the part program is
already loaded into NC memory it will be selected as the currently active program. If the
part program is loaded into HD memory it will automatically be moved into NC memory
first and them be selected as the currently active program. Load HD → NC

In Automatic mode (with the “Machine” operating area active) press the “Program
Overview” softkey. You may need to press one of the storage location softkeys (ie. Work
Pieces or Part Programs) to locate the desired part program. Use the ⇑ & ⇓ arrow buttons
to highlight the desired part program. Press the “Load HD→ NC” softkey. This will
move the desired part program from HD memory to NC memory however it will NOT
become the currently active program.

6 Unload NC → HD

In Automatic mode (with the “Machine” operating area active) press the “Program
Overview” softkey. You may need to press one of the storage location softkeys (ie. Work
Pieces or Part Programs) to locate the desired part program. Use the ⇑ & ⇓ arrow buttons
to highlight the desired part program. Press the “Unload NC→ HD” softkey. This will
move the desired part program from NC memory to HD memory. If the part program was
the currently active program it WILL be unloaded and a default “empty” part program
MPF0 will be set as currently active. Start Cycle

In Automatic mode (regardless of what operating area is active) pressing the Cycle Start
button (located on the machine control panel) will cause the machine to start execution
from the current block. Stop Cycle

In Automatic mode (regardless of what operating area is active) pressing the Cycle Stop
button (located on the machine control panel) will cause the machine to stop execution at
the current block. Single Block Execution

In Automatic mode (regardless of what operating area is active) pressing the Single
Block button (located on the machine control panel) will cause the machine to stop
execution at the end of each block. Cycle Start will start the execution of the next block.
Pressing the Single Block button a second time will return the control to full automatic
execution. View Currently Selected Part Program

In Automatic mode (with the “Machine” operating area active) press the “Program
Blocks” softkey. The “Current Block” window will change into a non-editable scrollable
window displaying the entire part program. The window is somewhat narrow and some
blocks may be “wrapped” onto a second or third line.

7 Edit Currently Selected Part Program

In Automatic mode (with the “Machine” operating area active) press the “Correct
Program” softkey. A full screen block editor will now display the entire part program.
Changes can be made if desired. Caution: Only experienced NC programmers with
specific knowledge about this machine should manually edit a part program.

1.2 Part Program Management

The “Services” operating area is used to manage part programs. From here part programs
can be copied from diskette, copied from NC or HD memory, renamed or deleted.
Although none of these should be attempted on the currently selected, executing part
program they can be applied to other part programs while the machine is running. In
addition, the “Services” operating area can be used to load part programs into the NC
memory from HD memory and unload part programs into HD memory from NC
memory. Note: The “Services” operating area cannot be used to “Select” the active
part program.

Like most operating areas there are different sub-levels, screens and menus in the
“Services” operating area. If one of these sub-levels is active and a different operating
area is activated, when the “Services” operating area is re-entered it will remember which
sub-level is active and return there. If needed press the Recall button (^) to move up one
level at a time or the ETC button (>) to see additional menus.

1.2.1 Copy Part Program

Enter the “Services” operating area. Enter the “Manage Data” sub-level by pressing the
“Manage Data” softkey. A “Source” file list will be displayed. If needed the
“Programs/Data”, “Disk/Card” & “Clipboard” softkeys can be used to change which
source is displayed. Use the ↑, ↓, “Input” and “Select” buttons to navigate the source and
select the files to be copied. Press the “Copy…” softkey. The display will split
horizontally with the “source” at top and the “target” at bottom. If needed needed the
“Programs/Data”, “Disk/Card” & “Clipboard” softkeys (upper right) can be used to
change which target is displayed. Use the ↑, ↓, and “Input” buttons to navigate the target
and highlight the target location. Press the “Insert” softkey. The file(s) will now be
copied. If problems arise a notification will be displayed along with appropriate action

1.2.2 Rename Part Program

Enter the “Services” operating area. Enter the “Manage Data” sub-level by pressing the
“Manage Data” softkey. A “Source” file list will be displayed. If needed the
“Programs/Data”, “Disk/Card” & “Clipboard” softkeys can be used to change which
source is displayed. Use the ↑, ↓, “Input” and “Select” buttons to navigate the source and
select the file to be renamed. Press the “Properties” softkey. A file properties page is
displayed with the “Name” field highlighted by default. Type the new name using the
Alpha-numeric keys. Press “OK” to complete.

1.2.3 Delete Part Program(s)

Enter the “Services” operating area. Enter the “Manage Data” sub-level by pressing the
“Manage Data” softkey. A “Source” file list will be displayed. If needed the
“Programs/Data”, “Disk/Card” & “Clipboard” softkeys can be used to change which
source is displayed. Use the ↑, ↓, “Input” and “Select” buttons to navigate the source and
select the files to be deleted. Press the “Delete…” softkey. A list of files to be deleted is
displayed along with appropriate confirmation softkeys. Select “Yes” to confirm file
deletion individually or “Yes All” to confirm all the file deletions at once.

1.3 Machine Operations

1.3.1 Manual Pushbuttons Power On Reset and Power Off

There are two lighted buttons located between the Operator’s Panel and the Machine
Control Panel labeled “Power On Reset” and “Power Off”. “Power Off” is used to put the
control into a stopped state identical to an e-stop. “Power On Reset” is used to reset the e-
stop circuitry after an E-stop or “power off”. E-Stop Buttons

There are several E-Stop buttons located around the machine and one E-Stop button
located on the machine control panel. Pressing any one of these buttons will immediately
stop the machine in the event of an emergency.

To restore machine functions after an E-Stop event, all “tripped” E-Stop switches need to
be “cleared” either by pulling firmly on the button or by giving a slight twist (depending
on switch type). The “Power On Reset” button must be pressed. The “Fault” button must
be pressed and held until its lamp goes off.

9 Fault Pushbutton

Press to clear most “normal” status and error messages including safety stop and E-Stop
events. Some events require the pressing of additional buttons to clear messages. Pump Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to toggle the hydraulic power unit on and off. The hydraulic power
unit must be on to run any program or move any axis. Signo Enable Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to enable or disable the optional signoscript marking device.
Normally this device should remain enabled. However, if a part program has marking
programmed on it and no marking is desired the signoscript marking device can be
disabled. Manual Clamp Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to cause the clamp to extend manually. This button functions exactly like an
M50 command (ie. The measuring disk will engage the material and the X axis will be enabled.) VClamp Enable Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to enable or disable the Vertical Clamp. When enabled the Vertical Clamp
will close and open along with the Horizontal Clamp. When disabled the Vertical Clamp remains
open (or returns to open) regardless of the Horizontal Clamp state. Normally this button will also
control any vertical clamp(s) on integrated saws. Reset Pushbutton

Press and hold the MCP Reset button for 2 seconds and the Accumeasure clamps will fully open.

1.4 General Configuration Parameters
There are a number of parameters that can be adjusted or monitored using the “Parameter Screen”
program described in Appendix A.

1.4.1 Accumeasure Section

Horizontal Clamp Open Time (ms) – The amount of time (in milliseconds) the
Horizontal Clamp retracts (when commanded by M code) during its “short stroke” open

Encoder Extend Time (ms) – The amount of time (in milliseconds) the measuring disk
(encoder) extends before the control assumes contact has been made and subsequent
commands are issued.

Signoscript Enabled – If the Accumeasure has the Signoscript option installed set this
value to 1. Otherwise this value remains 0.

X Axis Scale Factor – Adjust this scale factor to correct any error during a single move
along the X axis. This value must be correct before adjusting the “X Axis Reference

X Axis Reference Position (mm) – Adjust this value (in millimeters) to correct any error
in position after an X axis reference. The “X Axis Scale Factor” must be accurate before
adjusting this value.

Default Dimension Mode – Set this value to “2” if you want axis positions displayed in
millimeters. Set this value to “3” if you want them displayed in decimal inches.

Important Note: This does NOT determine the unit of measure for
configuration data. ALL linear configuration data is measured and set in
millimeters and cannot be changed to inches. In addition, this data does not
determine whether the part program blocks are interpreted in inches or
millimeters. How part program blocks are interpreted is based on separate G
codes contained within the part program.

1.5 How to…
1.5.1 Recover from a program fault

At times it may become necessary to halt the execution of a part program after cuts have
been completed but before the part program has completed. Some program stops such as
Cycle Stop or Safety Stop can be recovered from simply by clearing a message and
pressing the Cycle Start button. However, in the case of an Emergency Stop or certain
program faults it will become necessary to press the “Reset” button to clear the fault. The
“Reset” button will cause the control to reset to the beginning of the part program. Follow
this procedure (before pressing Reset) to recover:

1. Make a note of what block # is active at the time of the program halt.
2. Press “Reset” to clear error.
3. Press “Block Search” softkey from main run screen.
4. Make sure block from step #1 is highlighted.
5. Press “Calculate Block End Point” softkey
6. Cycle Start Twice

1.5.2 Calibrate the X Axis

You will need a long (40’ or 12m minimum) straight beam.

1. Fully open any saw or auxiliary device near the Accumeasure to clear a path along
the X axis. Position the beam where the leading edge is slightly past the Accumeasure
drive wheel.

2. In MDI mode, execute the calibration program where ??? equals the longest safe X
axis move before the trailing end of the material would pass the measuring disk. This
move will be known as the “commanded distance”. Using a straight edge, a scribe
and any convenient flat surface of the Accumeasure make marks on the beam on both
occasions where an M0 (program stop) is issued. Feedrate values can be adjusted as

3. Using the same certified measuring tape that is used to inspect finished beams
measure (in inches) the distance from the first mark to the second mark. This will be
known as the “actual distance”. After measuring, be sure to label the marks with soap
stone so they do not become confused with subsequent marks made by subsequent

4. Calculate the new X axis scale factor using this formula:

New Scale Factor = (Old Scale Factor x Actual Distance)

Commanded Distance

5. Enter the new calculated scale factor into the “X Axis Scale Factor” parameter as
described in the previous section.

Inch Calibration Program Metric Calibration Program

G700 G710
G90 G90
M50 M50
M0 M0
G1 G91 X ??? F200 G1 G91 X ??? F5000
M0 M0
M51 M51
G90 G90
M30 M30

1.6 Access Levels
There are three main password protected access levels in the Siemens 840Di control.
They are from low to high: User, Service & Manufacturer. Certain screens and functions
are hidden from lower access levels. In reality, there are four additional access levels all
lower than “User” that are determined by the keyswitch on the machine control panel.
Peddinghaus has chosen not to use these access levels. Anyone operating the machine
should be at access level “User” as a minimum. The Siemens access level / password
concept and the softkey labels can be confusing and it is important for anyone with an
access level higher than “User” to understand the concepts and labeling.

1.6.1 Determining Current Access Level

Enter the “Start-Up” operating area by pressing the “Menu Select” (Area Switchover)
button and selecting the “Start-Up” softkey. The “Current Access Level” is displayed
near the bottom of the screen.

1.6.2 Raising the Access Level

Enter the “Start-Up” operating area by pressing the “Menu Select” (Area Switchover)
button and selecting the “Start-Up” softkey Press the “Password…” softkey.. Press the
“Set Password” softkey. Enter the password for the higher access level using the alpha-
numeric keys. Press the “Input” key.

1.6.3 Lowering the Access Level

Unlike “Raising the Access Level” it is NOT possible to directly lower the access level
by simply entering the appropriate password. Instead the current password is “deleted”
and a new one is set. Enter the “Start-Up” operating area by pressing the “Menu Select”
(Area Switchover) button and selecting the “Start-Up” softkey. Press the “Password…”
softkey. Press the “Delete Password” softkey. Acces level is now reduced to the
“keyswitch” level and needs to be raised for machine operation. Follow the instructions
for “Raising the Access Level” to set the password as desired.

1.6.4 Changing Password(s)

The standard passwords are set by Siemens and Peddinghaus does not change them. If the
machine owner decides to change the passwords and subsequently looses the passwords
Peddinghaus will NOT be able to recover them without a paid visit by a service
technician. For this reason Peddinghaus HIGHLY recommends keeping the verbally
supplied password for access level “Service” unchanged and strictly confidential. As a
rule, Peddinghaus maintains the password for “Manufacturer” access level as private.

However if it become necessary to change a password, enter the “Start-Up” operating

area by pressing the “Menu Select” (Area Switchover) button and selecting the “Start-
Up” softkey Press the “Password…” softkey. Press the “Change Password” softkey. On
the newly displayed screen, select which access level’s password you wish to change
(only the current access level and lower can be selected) and enter the new password
using the alpha-numeric buttons. Confirm the new password and press the “OK” softkey.

Default password for access level “User”: CUSTOMER

1.7 Additional Installed Programs

In addition to the standard Siemens control software, Peddinghaus also makes available
several other pieces of software that can be used when necessary. Some of these
applications may only be available at access levels higher than “User”.

1.7.1 Peddimat Programming System

The Peddimat Programming System is used for the viewing/editing of parts and the
creation of part programs. It can be accessed by pressing the “Menu Select” button,
followed by the “Peddimat” softkey. Peddimat can be used at any time, even during part
program execution. Peddimat contains it’s own built in help system and tutorials.

1.7.2 Updating Peddimat

On occasion it may become necessary to update the version of Peddimat running on the
Siemens control. This is accomplished by placing the update diskette in the diskette
drive, pressing the “Menu Select” button, followed by the “ETC” (>) button and finally
the “Peddimat Update” softkey. Follow the on-screen instructions until complete.

1.8 Complete M Code Listing
Close Accumeasure Clamps ......................................................................................M50
Open Accumeasure Clamps.......................................................................................M51

Start Signoscript.........................................................................................................M38
Stop Signoscript .........................................................................................................M39

Start Normal Saw Cycle.............................................................................................M49

Start Trim-Cut Saw Cycle..........................................................................................M48
Saw Park ....................................................................................................................M59

Theoretical Material Width........................................................................................H2

Theoretical Material Height.......................................................................................H7

2.1 Machine Control Panel Illustration (Meba 1020/1270 Saw)

W 5 6 Spindle Master Feedrate
Override % Override %

MDA 10 100 7 8 9
Blade WCS
AUTO 1000 10000 Coolant Laser
Rotate MCS
2 Meba 1020/1270 Saw

2.2 Machine Operations
2.2.1 Manual Pushbuttons Coolant Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to toggle between flood coolant and the blade oiler. When the lamp
above the pushbutton is lit flood coolant is activated during sawing. When the lamp is not
lit the oiler is activated during sawing. Trim Cut Enable Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to enable or disable programmed trim-cuts (M48). When the lamp
above the pushbutton is lit the control will read any M48 command and the saw will
perform a trim-cut. When the lamp is not lit the control will ignore all M48 commands.
This feature allows the operator to decide if a trim-cut is needed. Blade Rotate Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to manually rotate the saw blade. This should only be used during a
saw blade change to seat the blade on the wheels. Frame Move Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton along with the normal jog (+) and (-) buttons to manually move the
saw frame up and down. This should only be required during blade changes, machine
setup and maintenance. This feature operates only when the control is in Auto or MDI
mode. Laser Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton to turn the sighting laser on or off. Press and hold this button for 2
seconds and the saw frame and vise will open to their full limits. Guide +/- Pushbutton

Use this pushbutton along with the normal jog (+) and (-) buttons to manually move the
blade guide in and out. This should only be required during blade changes, machine setup
and maintenance. This feature operates only when the control is in Auto or MDI mode.

2.2.2 Conveyor Controls

Two joystick style controls are provided to manually drive the conveyor rolls on each
side of the saw.

2.3 General Configuration Parameters

There are a number of parameters that can be adjusted or monitored using the “Parameter
Screen” program described in Appendix A.

2.3.1 Saw Section

Saw Option Enabled – Set this value to 1 to enable all saw logic and operations. Set this
value to 0 to disable all saw logic and operations.

X Move After Cut (mm) – This value adjusts how far the accumeasure will advance the
material (when possible) after a saw cut before the saw blade starts to move up.

Max Miter with Long Clamp (degrees) – This value limits the maximum positive miter
position possible when the longer vertical clamp yaw is installed on the MEBA 1020
saw. Since the MEBA 1270 has no such limit this value should be set greater than the
maximum positive miter position of +60 degrees.

Horizontal Clamp Open Time (ms) - The amount of time the saw’s horizontal clamp
retracts (when commanded by M code) during its normal “short stroke” open routine.

2.3.2 Saw Blade Guide Section

Motion Detect Time (ms) – During the first saw command after each machine start-up
the blade guide fully opens in order to initialize and pre-set to its Maximum Position. To
determine if the blade guide is fully open the control wants to see less than a specified
amount of movement over a specified duration of time. This parameter determines the
duration of time in milliseconds.

Motion Detection Allowance (mm) – During the first saw command after each machine
start-up the blade guide fully opens in order to initialize and pre-set to its Maximum
Position. To determine if the blade guide is fully open the control wants to see less than a
specified amount of movement over a specified duration of time. This parameter
determines the amount of movement of time in millimeters.

Minimum Position (mm) – This parameter sets the minimum possible position
attainable by the blade guide.

Maximum Position (mm) – This parameter sets the maximum possible position
attainable by the blade guide. It is also used as the pre-set value during initialization.

In Position Zone (mm) – This parameter sets the allowable deviation (in millimeters)
from the exact position when the blade guide is commanded to move.

Minimum Clearance (mm) – This parameter sets the distance (in millimeters) added to
the Material Width (H2) that becomes the commanded blade guide position during a saw
cycle. Be sure to leave enough room for the vise to move back during it’s “short stroke”

Scale Factor (counts/mm) – This parameter sets the scaling of the blade guide feedback.

2.3.3 Saw Frame Section

Motion Detect Time (ms) – During the first saw command after each machine start-up
the saw frame fully opens in order to initialize and pre-set to its Maximum Position. To
determine if the frame is fully open the control wants to see less than a specified amount
of movement over a specified duration of time. This parameter determines the duration of
time in milliseconds.

Motion Detection Allowance (mm) – During the first saw command after each machine
start-up the saw frame fully opens in order to initialize and pre-set to its Maximum
Position. To determine if the frame is fully open the control wants to see less than a
specified amount of movement over a specified duration of time. This parameter
determines the amount of movement of time in millimeters.

Maximum Position (mm) – This parameter sets the maximum possible position
attainable by the saw frame. It is also used as the pre-set value during initialization.

Cut Clearance (mm) – This parameter sets the distance (in millimeters) added to the
Material Height (H7) that becomes the position at which the saw frame switches from
rapid to slow when moving down during a saw cycle. This is also the same position at
which the saw frame stops during it’s normal “short stroke” return.

Scale Factor (counts/mm) – This parameter sets the scaling of the saw frame feedback.

Miter Clearance (mm) – This parameter sets the “safe” height that the saw frame must
achieve before allowing a miter change, a negative blade guide move or a vise shift.

Appendix A – Parameter Screen Program

Having pressed the Menu Select button on the operator’s panel, the lower right hand
corner will have a button labeled “Params”. By clicking on the “Params” button the
above screen will appear showing the parameter section for the machine.

Category Menu

A pull down listing of all parameter sections for the machine will exist here. Selection of
one of these categories will bring up the parameters involved with a particular operation
of the machine.

Category Selected

Once a category has been selected, a number of parameters will appear with the
parameter name, a value, and a particular action required (optional). The Value column
will be editable for most of the parameters but not all. Note: Access to specific data in
the Value column is controlled by password protected access levels. Some parameters
will be read only while others might be only changeable under Manufacturing or
Supervisor access levels. Parameters with the action “PO” will require a NCK Reset.

Saving Parameters

Press the "Save to File" button located on the right side of the Operator’s Panel to create
a backup copy of the current parameters. Once the button has been pressed the above
“Save to File” dialog box will appear. Here you will be able enter in a specific name and
select a specific location for the file. Files are saved with an extension “.oldped”. You can
overwrite any existing files by typing the same file name.

Loading Parameters

Press the “Load from File” button located on the right side of the Operator’s Panel to
revert back to a previously saved set of parameters. Once the button has been pressed the
above “Load from File” dialog box will appear. Here you will be able to select the
specific file you want (only files with an extension “.oldped” will appear). You can delete
any old parameter files by performing a right mouse click on the specific file and
selecting delete from the pop-up menu.


Press the “Convert” button located on the right side of the Operator’s Panel to have the
above “Convert” dialog box appear. Here you will be able to convert mm to inches or
vice versa and perform simple math functions.

NCK Reset

Press the “NC Reset” button located on the right side of the Operator’s Panel to cause an
“NCK Reset” of the control for those parameters which require an action “PO”.

Refresh Values
Press the “Refresh Values” button to get the current values of any parameters being
changed by the PLC.


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