RECEKure S is a silicate-based curing compound that forms a microcrystalline seal in concrete pores to reduce moisture evaporation and assist hydration. It helps concrete attain maximum strength, durability and hardness. RECEKure S can be sprayed on fresh concrete and becomes an integral part of the surface, providing long-term curing and dustproofing. It allows light foot traffic after 24 hours.
RECEKure S is a silicate-based curing compound that forms a microcrystalline seal in concrete pores to reduce moisture evaporation and assist hydration. It helps concrete attain maximum strength, durability and hardness. RECEKure S can be sprayed on fresh concrete and becomes an integral part of the surface, providing long-term curing and dustproofing. It allows light foot traffic after 24 hours.
RECEKure S is a silicate-based curing compound that forms a microcrystalline seal in concrete pores to reduce moisture evaporation and assist hydration. It helps concrete attain maximum strength, durability and hardness. RECEKure S can be sprayed on fresh concrete and becomes an integral part of the surface, providing long-term curing and dustproofing. It allows light foot traffic after 24 hours.
RECEKure S is a silicate-based curing compound that forms a microcrystalline seal in concrete pores to reduce moisture evaporation and assist hydration. It helps concrete attain maximum strength, durability and hardness. RECEKure S can be sprayed on fresh concrete and becomes an integral part of the surface, providing long-term curing and dustproofing. It allows light foot traffic after 24 hours.
RECEKURE S is an aqueous solutions of metallic RECEKURE S provides the following properties: silicates which when applied to fresh concrete forms • Clear and Non-staining. a microcrystalline seal in the pores reducing the • Non-flammable. evaporation rate of moisture from the mix and thus • Helps concrete attain maximum hydration strength, assisting in the complete hydration of the concrete. durability and surface hardness. • Becomes an integral part of the surface which assists in USAGES the long term curing and gives dust proofing properties. The performance for the system is improved by its being • Shrinkage with associated hairline cracking and crazing applied as quickly as possible after the concrete has been will greatly reduce. cast. Ensure there is no free water on the surface at the • Allows light foot traffic after 24 hours. time of spraying, where excessive conditions like a drying wind is prevalent. It is recommended that RECEKURE S APPLICATIONS be used in conjuction with a polyethelene sheet. This RECEKURE S can be applied by spray on the top of a fresh will aid the system during the first hour while the concrete. silicates form. Coverage : 1 Litre = 5.5 m2 to 6.0 m2
Type Silicate based
Form / Color Liquid / Clear Specific Gravity 1.1 kg / Liter, (ASTM D891, Method A) Shelf Life 12 months minimum unopened (original container). Protect from direct sunlight Packaging 200 Litres / drum 20 Litres / pail 4 Litres / gallon
P 1/2 Product Data Sheet
Product Name: RECEKURE S Rev. No: 00 Date Issued: 01 JANUARY 2019 Quality Solutions Product Data Sheet
Curing Compound (Silicate Base) KEEP CONTAINER ALWAYS TIGHTLY CLOSED, CONSTRUCTION METHOD THIS PRODUCT IS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL On VERTICAL surfaces striking shutters, always USE ONLY, THIS PRODUCT SHOULD BE USED ONLY BY dampen down concrete thoroughly with clean water PROFESSIONALS. and then spray RECEKURE S at 5.5m2 to 6.0m2/liter. On HORIZONTAL surfaces RECEKURE S should be The information, and, in particular the recommendations applied at the above rate immediately after the final relating to the application and end- use of RECE stamping,troweling or floating. MANUFACTURING CORPORATION (RECE) products, are given in good faith based on RECE current knowledge and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS experience of the products when properly stored, handled • Avoid contact with foodstuffs or food utensils. and applied under normal conditions in accordance with • Avoid prolonged skin contact. RECE. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates • Wear protective clothing. and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in • In the event of contamination, wash thoroughly with respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular water. purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship • If the eyes or mouth are affected, wash with water immediately and obtain medical attention. whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other HEALTH AND SAFETY advice offered. The user of the product must test the For information and advice on the safe handling, storage product’s suitability for the intended application and and disposal of chemical products, user shall refer to the purpose. RECE reserves the right to change the properties of most recent MSDS containing physical, ecological, its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be toxicological and other safety-related data. observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
The “RECE” brand is exclusively distributed by:
Km. 16, Aguinaldo Highway, CMC Building 2,
Panapaan II, Bacoor City, Cavite 4102, Philippines For technical support please call us at: (02) 984 1622
P 2/2 Product Data Sheet
Product Name: RECEKURE S Rev. No: 00 Date Issued: 01 JANUARY 2019