Team Zaleta
Team Zaleta
Team Zaleta
Chapter I
Food is known for giving off nutrients that promotes growth and healthy lifestyle
that leads in maintaining life. It is considered as one of the major sources of energy that
helps a person to function mentally and physically. The body cannot function properly if
one or more nutrients are missing. A healthy and balanced diet provides foods in the
right amounts and combinations that are safe and free from disease and harmful
substances. The exact make-up of a diversified, balanced and healthy diet will vary
depending on individual needs for (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle, degree of physical
activity), cultural context, and locally available foods. Having a healthy diet is a way to
prevent health problems, and will provide your body with the right balance of vitamins,
The health of individual people and their communities are affected by a wide
environment and situations. To a large extent, factors such as where we live, state of
our environment, income, education level and relationships with friends and family all
One of the problems affecting health is poverty, it helps increase the case of
malnutrition in a way the person who can’t afford nutritious food settles on buying
unhealthy goods and nutriments which makes it easy for diseases to consume their
body that leads on slowing down of health development that affects productivity. World
Health Organization (2019) states that fragile and vulnerable settings also adds up on
health problems, since the people who lives in places involving conflict, drought and
famine are more likely to experience weak health services. Also the food choice of the
individual is a factor that affects the health, children and students tend to choose foods
who are likely unhealthy and give not enough nutrients to the body and can leads
toward malnutrition.
Malnutrition refers to when a person’s diet does not provide enough nutrients or
the right balance of nutrients for optimal health. It causes to inappropriate dietary
choices, a low income, difficulty in obtaining food and various physical and mental
diet that's missing or insufficient in one or more nutrients (Chinyoka and Naidu, 2013)
their full potential. Malnutrition does not just affect one’s development but also has an
make the most of their childhood opportunities. A foundation of good nutrition and
physical activity enriches children’s readiness to grow. The nutrients that the food
provides help in one’s growth that serves as an instrument for consistent development
Indoor and outdoor involvement is also an ideal setting for teaching basic skills in
nutrition and health. In many communities, some barangay’s that regulates indoor and
outdoor activities may be the only place where children can acquire these important life
opportunities to practice healthy eating habits and food safety. Their program helps fight
malnutrition among children’s who lives in Barangay. The problem is the lack of funds
and the inconsistent operation of the programs that affects the improvement of
materials as a source of food that will be beneficial for everyone will be the invention of
CEFERA FLAKES: A Cereal Booster to improve children’s nutritional status with the use
of Malunggay leaves, mung beans, peanuts, brown rice and carrots. It is enough to be
one of the factors that will play a significant role for the researched complete meal.
Mung beans contain carbohydrates, protein, iron, vitamins and fiber; same nutrients
commercial cereal selling in the market. Aside from this the said cereal is purely made
Since the cereal booster will give the sufficient nutrients that the undernourished
children needs, it will no longer affect certain aspects of their life instead it will help them
to boost their appetite, consume their energy and just pour it on other things such as
education, work or personal life, it will not be considered as worry about their health or
undernourishment that could affect their education etc. it will not only save the
undernourished students but it will also serve as a tool for the barangay nutrition council
to lessen their workload, it will no longer bother them to prepare for the program
beforehand because of the alternative product that will be considered as a key for good
By using mung beans, malunggay leaves, peanuts, brown rice and carrot, it s
ensured that the cereal we eat is healthy and can improve the weight of a
undergo a scientific process of mixing, which will give a satisfying outcome of the
cereal. Also a scientific based that undergo numerous testing and observation which will
give a quality type of complete meal that is healthy to the undernourished children.
where it is easily prepared and gives a total nutrition. The children will have the access
The growing number of undernourished children and expensive cost of the cereal
product even more. This study will greatly contribute to the parents for them to know the
alternative source of nutrients to improve the nutritional status of their children. This
study will have a big impact giving a helping hand to the community especially to those
who are undernourished. They can improve incomes and food security on local
communities when locally produced foods are supplied to the school. It will benefit in a
way that they can lessen the growing number of malnutrition. With this study, the rate of
This study will determine the feasibility of the CEFERA FLAKES: Cereal Booster
that will improve children’s nutritional status. To guide this study, the following questions
were raised and will be answered upon the completion of the study:
a. Texture
b. Taste
c. Flavor
d. Shelf life
The students will acquire and widen the knowledge they have. Especially on
improving children's health as they will process innovative ideas along with formulating
More importantly, their Inquisitive minds will enhance as they will force them to be
intrigued and gather more information to meet the credibility that the study needed.
This study will benefit the school as it will give a credential and produced a
virtuous image upon creating an innovative idea adhering to the community’s problem,
children’s malnutrition.
This study also aims to formulate a food that is palatable, accessible, and is
attractable enough to please the eyes and stomach of a child. Therefore, this study will
help their children to meet the nutritional requirements that their child must-have.
Children Participants
These children will gain nutrients that will improve their nutritional status.
Health Sector
This study will contribute the health sector specifically the Department of Health
to use the idea from this study programs that they implement as this study also has its
Future Researchers
The researchers will be able to acquire relevant information that may be used by
the future researchers to create a more improved product that also has the same
children in Daet Camarines Norte. Since we are into the state of Covid-19 pandemic the
researchers are limited in their movement to conduct the experiment with their children
participants. The researchers rather would look for the participants who are located near
participant with the age range of 10-12 years old base on their target BMI. Researchers
designated barangay health worker, including the acquisition of BMI of every child in
this institution. Then it is needed to secure parents’ consent for the approval of parents
to their children’s participation in our study. The researchers look for consultant who is
well knowledgeable about the nutrients, then asked the consultant on what nutrients
The formulated complete meal is in the form of cereal wherein it aims to give the
five(5)main materials which are the brown rice, malunggay leaves, carrots, mung beans
and peanuts. The peanuts, carrots and malunggay leaves will undergo in the sun dry
process. After that the dried carrots, peanuts and malunggay leaves will be grinded
separately in a blender. Moreover, the five ground materials will be mix again in a
blender along with the other materials which are the honey, bathed egg, salt, flour and
coconut oil , after grinding all the ingredients the researchers will placed it on the oven
tray and preheat the oven to 150 Degree Celsius and bake it for 30 minutes.
Norte National High School with the permission of school principal will also be secured.
The improvement of weight developer cereal will be subjected for testing at FNRI(Food
and Nutrition Research Institute) in Taguig to get information for this nutritional content
undernourished children.
The complete meal will be evaluated by the food expert, school nurse and those
who are in charge on the feeding session. The delimitation of this study is the taste of
the cereal, its texture, shape, shelf life and observation of respondents.
Definition of Terms
A term to describe all ingredients that used to contain the human health of one’s
person, for their growth and development. In this study, this term used by being the
Nutritional Status
under differentiate condition. In this study, nutritional status is a way of identifying the
students. CEFERA FLAKES is the product of the researchers which is fed to the
Shelf Life
It depends on the variety of factors, such as the preparation method and how
and where the food is stored. Shelf life is used in this study to identify the composition
The Food and Nutrition Research Institute, is an agency in the Philippines that
provides data, information and products to combat malnutrition in the country. FNRI also
Dongyu, Q. (2018, March). Schools – the beginning of the end of malnutrition. Retrieved
from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Chapter II
This chapter presents the related literature and studies gathered by the
researchers that serve as a foundation in the study and synthesis state-of-the-art. This
also includes theoretical and conceptual framework and paradigm which supported the
Related Literature
Previous study of Smith, Andrew (2013) claims that consuming breakfast cereal
promotes and improves alertness, mental or cognitive function and other factors
risk in mental and physical health problems, helps promote stable positive mood, higher
alertness and lessens loose bowel movement than those people who do not consume it.
Eating cereals develops one's mindset resulting in lower depression, stress, emotional
affliction, minor symptoms and enhanced thinking capacity and comprehension that
cereal for breakfast or snack directs with greater lifestyle and well- being.
Based on the latest work of Kubala, MS, RD (2018) said that Brown rice is a
whole grain, frequently associated with healthy eating. Brown rice is unpolished rice
meaning the bran layer, nutritious germs and endosperm remains that the white rice
lacks. These bran, germ and endosperm contain vitamins such as minerals and
antioxidants. Although brown rice is a simple food, its nutritional profile is anything but
compared to white rice, brown rice has much more to offer in terms of nutrients. A cup
of brown rice contains 216 Calories, 44 grams of Carbs, 3.5 grams of fiber, 1.8 grams
of Fat, 5 grams of Protein ,and base on the (RDI) Reference daily intake, 12% of (B1)
Thiamin, 15% of (B3) Niacin, 14% of (B6) Pyridoxine, 6% of (B5) Pantothenic acid, 5%
Manganese, and 27 % of Selenium. This whole grain is also a good source of Folate,
(B2) Riboflavin, Potassium and Calcium. These nutrients are essential to the body as it
helps in the development of bone, wound healing, nerve function, blood sugar
regulation and prevents an individual from developing heart disease, certain types of
protein, calories and micronutrients, that leads to weight loss, loss of fat and muscle
mass, fatigue etc. Since, under nutrition leads to serious physical issues and health
problems it can increase your risk of death. Additionally, malnutrition affects billions of
people worldwide. Some populations have high risk development depending on their
environment, lifestyle and resources. However, malnutrition can prevent and treat by
encouraging the children to choose certain foods that have high nutritional contents
According to Raman (2018) mung beans are one of the best plant-based sources
of nutrients. Mung beans are high in important vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber.
According to Arnarson (2019) peanuts are packed with healthy fats and
malunggay leaves are excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as protein,
One article of Eat by Date Team (2015) discusses the distinction between the
shelf life and expiry dates of the food products. The expiry date define as the list on the
labeling of the food products that states how long the products will be good as it
remains unopened, it is also called a “use by date” for the perishable foods like meat
and dairy products, whole foods that stay in the storage labeled as “best before” date.
Shelf life is the length of time those stored products without being used or consumed. It
is labeled for how long the product will remain good for once it is opened. This article
explained the shelf life of a cereal depends on a variety of factors such as the
preparation method and how and where the product is stored. Due to its relatively low
cost, and high calorie density, cereal is one of the most popular grains around for a
quick breakfast. This article states that unopened cereal can last for about 6-8 months
while opened cereal lasts only for 4-6 months and cooked cereal lasts only for 4-5 days
when stored in the refrigerator. To extend the shelf life of cereal, store it to a dry, cool
and dark place. If the cereal was prepared like oatmeal that has been cooked should be
stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container. Food can last for a shorter period
Related Study
According to the research study of Adolphous et al. (2013) stated that going
through school everyday consumes total energy of the students to academic and
extracurricular activities. Students are at risk for making poor dietary choices that can
contributes significantly towards daily nutrient intake Students who habitually consume
breakfast everyday are more likely to gain enough nutrient intakes including higher
intake of dietary fiber, total carbohydrate and lower total fat and cholesterol it also
students in terms of learning behavior, cognitive and school performance. The result
nourished children and adolescents. It is mainly the positive effect of breakfast and
school feeding programs in the school. It shows better results of academic performance
of the students, also the quality of habitual breakfast; in terms of providing a greater
variety of food for groups and adequate if energy was positively an impact to school
According to the study of Sarwar et. al. (2013) Cereal grain is grown in greater
amounts and gives more food and energy worldwide than any other kind of plants.
Therefore, they are staple food plants in their natural form and they are rich in sources
of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fat, oil, and protein. All cereal grains contain high
energy values, mainly from the starch fraction, but also from the fat and protein portion.
Some cereals are produced with whole grain that contains ground into flour. These
cereals may still be healthy, but when heavily made, these will lack some nutritional
benefits. Cereal and whole grain food can reduce the risk of form certain specific
diseases including colon cancer, diabetes, and coronary heart disease. The most
physical exercises in conjunction through eating cereal for a good process to burn more
Cereal can be an alternative food for those people who want to bring back their
body mass index, also for the bone growth and development of one's person. This
cereal is a lot of vitamins that we can get. All types of cereals have high stamina values,
mainly from the starch fraction, also from the other elements. Some of the cereal is
produced from whole grains and we can mix it to any product that has high quality
vitamins. Eating a variety of cereal is helpful to health rather than just feeding on one
Cereal" says that there is a nutritional benefit for people who will eat it, considering that
often consumption of ready to eat cereal (RTEC) is united with a healthier lifestyle and
dietary pattern that causes the increase of higher number of carbohydrates, dietary fiber
and lower intake of cholesterol, but higher in sugar intake, it also increases the intake of
an essential role for the lives of the people since this RTEC reduces health risks and
prevents on increasing the intake of vitamins, micronutrients and nutritious food just by
having a bowl full of nutrients that a person should have to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Studies that investigate whether the RTEC can reduce the risk of development of
cardiovascular disease are directed with different risk factors. A prospective study
suggests that consuming whole grain Ready to Eat Cereals may lessen the risk of
hypertension and heart failure. RTEC intake was associated with weight gain and it can
increase the weight of some however they gained weight are small. Therefore there are
some bad effects of the ready to eat cereal but the good one's is higher in number since
RTEC is implicated with beneficial and healthy outcomes but some effect on it such as
the weight gain, intestinal & mental health needs further observation and evaluation for
According to the study of Sofi (2018) previously, a large and growing body
of literature has investigated the ability and the health potential of different types of
wheat. In particular, they want to recover the variety of ancient wheat that is dealing to
the nutritional aspect. There are several studies they want to enhance and prove the
capability of the wheat under the ancient time. The European project CERERE wants to
set a diversity of organic and low-input food systems. This study aimed at the different
issues in the health and nutritional system of cereal and having some innovation by the
help of experts and researchers. Nevertheless, these studies emphasize the possibility
of having more positive effects in consuming whole grain and ancient grain. It may
reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and also a
more favorable long-term weight management and increase in satiety. This work can
serve as a guide to other researchers to produce and make nutritious cereal that can
One early work from Kelloggs (2019) proves that a cereal is able to improve the
reduction of disease risk factors. Some of these are Colon cancer, a disease that can
be prevented by consuming fibrous food, wherein cereals are highly composed of apart
from the other fruits that also contain fiber. It also prevents the damage to the heart
muscles that make individual cardiovascular disease free. People who are likely to eat
cereals prevent them from developing diabetes. Cereal is also recommended to children
around 4-18 yrs old who lack calcium and folic acid. This study also presents how
consuming cereals provides a healthy habit within the family. A family tends to have
24% more likely to eat healthy foods, 20% less likely to eat unhealthy foods, 35% less
According to the work of Adhkhar (2011) The Moringa oleifera has the ability
people's lives; half of all deaths of children are due to malnutrition. Because of people
with malnutrition or lack of work force it greatly affects both mentally and physically that
result of reducing work capacity. Thus, nutrition has the potential to reduce poverty in
the country. Moringa oleifera trees have a very high level of nutrient content. The leaves
of malunggay are a great source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and other minerals.
The leaves are also an excellent source of calcium, potassium, protein and iron.
Additionally, the content of amino acids such as methionine and cystine is also high.
This review targets the potential benefits of moringa oleifera in improving the nutritional
status of children.
Theoretical Framework
This practice is based on the Nutritional Theory of Tanaka HT. (2017) the
modern theory of nutrition has taken one step ahead. Starting with a series of
discoveries of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, etc. between 1910 and 1970.
Nutritional science has evolved alongside modern food production methods. Although
serious malnourishment problems still exist in parts of the world such as Africa and
SouthEast Asia, food distribution improved following WWII in many countries. Prior to
the 1940s, nutrition-related diseases resulted primarily from undernourishment i.e., lack
regulate people's lifestyle. It also helps to prevent diseases such as heart disease,
diabetes, metabolic syndrome and also malnutrition that become prevalent in many
modern cities and countries. These nutrients are often disregarded due to the spread
In this theory found out by the researcher what is the important role of nutrients
such as minerals, vitamins etc. in the human body and what would be the effect if there
were insufficient nutrients in the human body. CEFERA FLAKES purpose is to provide
enough nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients
In agriculture and food processing, mixing operations are often used to blend
ingredients. Particularly, mixing is used in the food industry with the main objective of
texture, or taste between different parts of a system (Uhl and Gray, 1986). Moreover, it
to a cereal food.
ingredients in a food. The theory of Convective, Diffusive and Shear Mixing of powder,
during convective mixing, masses or groups of particles transfer together from one
distributed over a surface developed within the mixture. In shear mixing, groups of
particles are mixed through the formation of slipping planes developed within the mass
mechanism. Additionally, mixing can produce an output that has made some changes in
CEFERA FLAKES, the mixture of raw materials such as grinded malunggay leaves,
peanuts, brown rice, carrots and mung beans produce a cereal that has a mixture of
different nutrients.
Lastly, these two theories gathered and presented properly by the researchers
can help them to make this CEFERA FLAKES in improving a child's nutritional status.
Figure 1.
Theoretical Paradigm
Conceptual Framework
practices that creates and accommodates on how the work is done. It is the source of
ideas for thinking on what will be the following steps for creating the product of the
This study will focus on the nutritional component of Cefera Flakes and its
possibility to improve the nutritional status of the children. First, the researchers inquired
for the approval of a nutritionist and food technologist on what is their suggestion for the
possible effective ingredients that will be used on the experimentation of the production
of the cereal. Second, the researchers will be asking for the consent of Camarines
Norte National High School ( CNNHS) person’s with authority over the school’s Bread
and Pastry Laboratory stating that the use of laboratory when the production of the
cereal began is granted with permission by the CNNHS Principal Mrs. Melicia Mendoza
and will be monitored by the laboratory adviser Mrs. Leah Tanay Torres and Food
technologist Mrs. Frances Bernadette Benitez while also providing guidance to meet the
Cereal’s main purpose. Next, the researchers will move forward in the production of the
Cefera Flakes through the gathered materials that are required such as brown rice,
mung beans, malunggay leaves, carrots and peanuts that came from the marketplace.
After that, the malungggay leaves and peanuts will have to undergo sun-drying for at
least 24-48 hours or 1-2 days to avoid moisture that can cause early spoilage in the
mentioned ingredients. The malunggay leaves, peanuts, mung beans, carrots and
brown rice were grinded separately with the use of the grinder. In the mixing method,
the brown rice, mung beans, malunggay leaves, carrots and peanuts were mixed in a
clean container with proper measurement to meet the exact amount of nutrients that is
required and needed by the undernourished children. Then the finished product will be
tested by the experts in order to identify the cereal’s rate of acceptability in terms of:
a.)Texture b.) Taste c.) Flavor d.) Shelf life and also to provide approval stating that the
safety of the Cefera Flakes is ensured and the target nutritional component has been
reached before subjecting the cereal on testing. Lastly, the undernourished children will
experimentation which will be evaluated every day by the researchers to know how
effective the cereal is for boosting the children’s weight together with the guidance of
The data that will be gathered will be clarified and interpreted in order to come up
with the product cereal “Cefera Flakes” for the children to have enough intake of
Figure 2.
Conceptual Paradigm
Adolphus, K, Lawton, C.L, Dye, L. (2013). The effects of breakfast on behavior and
in Human Neuroscience:
Anarson, A. (2019, May). Peanuts 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Retrieved
Beverley, R.L (2014). Food Materials, Technologist and Risk. Retrieved from
Dhakar, R.C, Maurya, S.H, Pooniya, B.K, Bairwa N. (2011, January). Moringa: The
Kubala, J.K. (2018, May). Is Brown Rice Good for You?. Retrieved from Healthline:
Academic Journals:
Raman, R. (2018, July). 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Mung beans. Retrieved from
Sofi, M, Dinu, M, Pagliai, G, Cei, L. (2018, September). Health and Nutrition Studies
Chapter III
Research Design
design. Both of the designs are positive approach that allows information to be
expressed through numbers as it deals with several processes that includes measuring
of the ingredient’s quantity, allotted time in every procedure, and identifying of nutritional
value of each component of the raw material that helps increase the nutrition of cereal.
experimentation that the level of effectivity of the cereal in terms of increasing the
weight of the children is finalized, and also done in a controlled environment under
certain rules which make it simple for the researchers to calculate and control variables.
In addition, these designs are suitable to use for increasing the succession rate of
Cefera flakes that will meet the criteria and objective of the study.
the researchers using observation guide and also laboratory testing in significance to
ingredients that will be using in the experimentation. Also, the researchers sought
The materials the researchers will used are coconut oil, vanilla extract,
eggs, blender, weighing scale, gloves, oven, bowl, and container. The
researchers gathered the brown rice, peanuts, carrots, and mung beans from the
market place and the malunggay will gathered from their places.
The malunggay leaves, peanuts, carrots, and mung beans were ground
separately using blender where it was pulverized into a powdery substance while
the brown rice was pulverized using grinding machine. The 300 grams of
powdered brown rice, 150 grams of powdered monggo, 150 grams of powdered
oil, and 1/3 cup of sugar. Pour the mixture into the mixed powdered ingredient,
and add the 2 eggs. Mixed it well until the mixture is evenly moist, and transfer to
the sheet pan. Placed it to preheated oven and bake for 1 hour, stir the mixture in
6. Laboratory Testing
sent in the Food and Nutrition Research Institute in Taguig to determine further
health personnel. Also with the consent of the parents of the children to let
their child participate in this study. The researchers will secure the safety of
the develop cereal that is being tested in FNRI and DOST as well as the safety
Before the feeding of cereal the children will undergo de-worming to improve
to the children for breakfast and afternoon snack. The experimentation will last
for 3 weeks and weighed every week as an interval for each data. After the
experimentation the children will weighed for the final weight of it, where
Figure 3.
Sources of Data
Laboratory testing
The developed Cefera flakes will undergo testing at FNRI (Food and Nutrition
Research Institute) to identify the nutritional component of the said develop cereal.
under below normal. Also to measure the effectiveness of the product with the use of
Research Instrument
To achieve the goal of the study, the researchers made use of observation guide
children who go through a feeding program. The target of this research is the
researchers completed the production of cereal they will observe those students who
participated using the matrix that contains the name, weight, nutritional status and age.
Laboratory testing will used to determine the quality of the cereal in terms of the
effectiveness in gaining weight, and the nutritional status of the cereal. This instrument
In data gathering information for the process of the study, the researchers
gathered the materials precisely to make sure that the materials are fresh and healthy to
make the Cefera Flakes: cereal booster to improve children nutritional status. A letter to
the principal of Camarines Norte Senior High School was issued for conducting
laboratory testing outside the school premises, specially at Food and Nutrition Research
Institute Taguig. And another letter was issued to the principal of Camarines Norte
National High School for the approval to use the bread and pastry laboratory for the
sure that the evaluations are more reliable and dependable, and conducted a
consultation from selected Food Technologist and Nutritionist to gather suggestions and
recommendations for the progress of the study and determining the improvement of the
product. The data are gathered through experimentation process which was the feeding
of 10 children age 10-12 years old twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon as
“miryenda” or snacks, Monday to Sunday for three weeks and laboratory testing was
The researchers will use purposive sampling which allows quantitative research
techniques. In which researchers searched for the appropriate experts who will evaluate
the developed cereal. Food technologist and Nutritionist are chosen to participate since
they are the most reliable experts prior to this research. The food technologist will guide
the researchers to meet the palatable and appetizing amount that a cereal must have.
On the other hand, the Nutritionist will help the researchers to assess if the cereal is an
Research Participants
During 2019 – 2020 school year, the researchers conducted a research study
Camarines Norte. The age range was narrow from 10-12 years old and a total of 10
researchers used BMI (Body Mass Index) of every participant that serve as the basis to
determine the initial weight. Target participants will undergo first in deworming to
improves child’s immunity, and thereby protecting his/her from chronic illnesses. Then it
is needed to secure parents consent for the approval of parents to their child’s
participants before and after the feeding, the researcher will use the One Sample T-test.
Also weighted mean will be applied to gather the result in the acceptability of the
In this case, Cefera Flakes could have the possibility to meet the standards
Observational Guide