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Blockchain2Energy Guide

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Table of Contents
4 Key Contacts 27 Local-E
5 Glossary/Acronyms 27 Kontrol Energy **
6 Introduction 28 Hive Power **
28 BlockCypher *
10 1. Peer-to-Peer 29 the9 *
10 Ponton ** 29 Enbloc *
11 LO3 Energy ** 29 Leap *
12 Power Ledger ** 30 Enerport *
14 Grid+ 30 NEMoGrid *
14 Energo Labs ** 30 Green Power Exchange *
15 OneUp 31 Power Sharing *
15 Volt Markets 31 Catalan Institute of Energy *
16 Energy21 & Stedin 31 Walmart *
16 ToBlockchain ** 32 Lition *
17 Conjoule 32 Natural Solar *
17 Greeneum ** 32 Clean Energy Blockchain Network *
18 WePower ** 33 Nydro *
19 PowerPeers 33 KT Corporation *
19 Verv by Green 34 2. Utility-scale
Running LTD ** 34 Electron **
20 Energy Bazaar 35 Drift
20 Dajie 35 TenneT/IBM/Vandebron/Sonnen **
20 Oursolargrid 36 Fortum
21 SunContract ** 36 CGI & Eneco
21 Pylon Network ** 36 Wien Energie
22 Solar Bankers ** 37 Restart Energy **
22 Divvi 37 Cryptowerk *
22 toomuch.energy 38 Flexidao S.E.S. *
23 BP/Shell/Statoil ** 38 cyberGRID *
23 OmegaGrid ** 39 Engie & Air Products *
24 BCPG Plc 39 State Grid Corporation of China *
24 AGL Energy 40 SP Group *
25 Elblox 40 BCPG *
25 Sunchain 40 Grid7 *
25 Power-Blox 41 3. Cryptocurrency
26 CoSol 41 Spectral Energy
26 Sigora 41 ElectriCChain/SolarChange/SolarCoin **
26 Korea Electric Power 42 NRG Coin
Corporation 42 Veridium **
27 Ferranti 43 ImpactPPA **

* New entry ** Updated Sept 06 2018


43 Energi Mine ** 61 Bankymoon

44 EcoCoin 61 Freeelio
44 Farad 61 M-PAYG **
45 PRTI & Standard 62 Poseidon
American Mining 62 Clearwatts
45 Energy Coin 63 Guardtime
45 Envion 63 WaveX
46 EverGreenCoin 63 4New **
46 HydroMiner 64 Solar DAO **
46 Swytch ** 64 CarbonX
47 KWHCoin * 65 MyBit **
47 The Sun Protocol * 65 DNV GL/Deloitte
48 Encoin * 65 BCDC (BlockChain
48 Gear Blockchain * Development Company)
49 4. Platform 66 Dooak
49 Energy Web Foundation ** 66 Totaro & Associates
50 Grid Singularity 67 Green Energy Wallet
50 Slock.it 67 Assetron Energy
50 Energy Blockchain Labs 67 XinFin **
51 BTL Group ** 68 Hyperion Fund *
51 DAISEE 68 NewEra *
52 EnLedger 68 Energy Eco Chain *
52 Prosume 69 Applied Blockchain *
52 DAO IPCI ** 69 SPI Energy *
53 Alastria ** 69 Graph Blockchain *
53 StromDAO 70 S&P Global Platts *
53 Petrobloq ** 70 Causam eXchange *
54 Electrify.Asia ** 70 Chilean National Energy
55 Platinum Energy Recovery Commission *
Corporation 71 Trueken *
55 Onder * 71 Riddle & Code *
55 VPPlant * 71 ReWatt Power *
56 OLI Systems * 72 KiWi New Energy *
56 Settlemint * 72 Bitlumens *
57 Enosi * 72 Drone Energy *
57 Energy Blockchain Network * 73 phINet *
58 5. EV 73 Global Grid *
58 Oxygen Initiative 73 GreenX *
58 Share&Charge ** 74 Datawatt Energy *
59 Car eWallet 74 Solar Site Design *
59 Everty 74 WPO *
59 Chubu Electric Power Co. * 75 XiWatt *
59 InnoEnergy * 75 Simba Chain *
60 6. Other 75 ElonCity *
60 The Sun Exchange ** 76 A Word from the Authors

* New entry ** Updated Sept 06 2018


Key Contacts
Project Managers - Future Grid

Leoncio Montemayor Thomas Boersma

leoncio@solarplaza.com thomas@solarplaza.com
+31 10 302 7903 +31 10 302 7915

Account Manager - Future Grid

Jens van der Laan

+31 10 302 7910


Glossary and Acronyms

Blockchain a blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called
blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography

Cryptocurrency A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as

a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the
transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to
verify the transfer of assets
Bitcoin Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment
system called the first decentralized digital currency as
the system works without a central repository or single
Ethereum a major open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed
computing platform featuring smart contract functionality

Tendermint a high-performance blockchain consensus engine that enables

you to run Byzantine fault tolerant applications, written in any
programming language, on many machines spread across the
globe, with strong security guarantees
AI artificial intelligence

API application programming

BTC bitcoin

DSO distribution system operator

ETH Ethereum token

EV electric vehicle

ICO initial coin offering

IoT internet of things

LES layered energy systems

p2p peer-to-peer

REC renewable energy certificates

TSO transmission system operator


On the 22nd of May, 2010 the first real- The ongoing energy transition is reforming
world transaction using bitcoins took the landscape of the sector. Generation of
place. Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer from power is shifting from stable, centralized,
Jacksonville, Florida bought his 25 dollar but often polluting and unsustainable
pizza with 10.000 bitcoins. The value power sources towards clean, sustainable,
of that amount of coins today would be but often decentralized and less constant
equivalent to 75.000.000 USD. Although power sources such as wind and solar
this (pretty bad) investment in fast food energy. On top of the relative instability
may be a landmark in the history of Bitcoin, of the power supply comes the increasing
the landmark that might have left a far peaks in power demand. Microgrids are
greater mark on society happened almost popping up in emerging markets without
a year and a half earlier, when the Genesis grid connection to provide electricity
Block was mined. This was the first record access or to function as backup for the
of blockchain, the technology on which grid. Surpluses of green energy are traded
Bitcoin is based, and promises to shake up through certificates in often untrusted, or
several industries. at least non-transparent trading schemes.

This article provides an introductory Blockchain may not be the holy grail that
explanation of blockchain for those who will solve all problems of this energy
are completely unfamiliar with the subject transition, nor is it - at this point - a mature
matter. The concept of blockchain basically technology that can be implemented on
comes down to it being a distributed ledger, a large scale. It is, however, a promising
which provides transparency, security and technology that might work as a catalysator
irreversibility - and therefore most of all of the energy transition. Therefore it is no
trust - between two parties to transact surprise that blockchain-related start-ups
without a third party involved. Although and pilot projects are emerging rapidly,
the technology was initially invented leading to an active but slightly opaque
to create an online (crypto) currency to landscape of blockchain applications in
bypass banks, direct, transparent and the energy sector.
trustworthy transactions soon showed
their potential beyond just the financial This guide aims to provide you with a
sector. Adoption of the technology is comprehensive overview of players and
exemplified through the rapid appearances initiatives currently active in the field,
of start-ups, pilot projects, alliances and so accompanied by a brief description
forth in sectors such as insurance, supply of their activities and the latest news
chain management, healthcare and the regarding their efforts.
energy sector.


We’ve analyzed over 150 companies and pilot projects working with blockchain and
energy. The following are some of the key insights:

After the latest update (with 90 companies in January 2018), the epicenter of
blockchain-energy is still in Europe but decreasing with time. Now, it sits at 46%
from a 55% in January 2018. See figure.

The top 3 countries are the US, Germany and the Netherlands.

In terms of use cases, the most common one is P2P energy trading. The Ethereum
blockchain enjoys a significant lead over the rest of the blockchains. Around 50%
of the projects use Ethereum.

Close to 74% of the companies were started/founded between 2016 and 2018,
which reflects the early stage the technology is still in.

More than 1 out of every 4 companies (28%) have conducted (or are planning) an
ICO/token sale.

This field is moving so fast, that trying to keep with it is reminiscent of the Red Queen
Hypothesis. Please let us know if we are missing any important entries; if there are any
factual inconsistencies; or if you have any suggestions or comments.


Making blockchain work right now in the renewable

energy field by connecting the right players

A program specifically tailored to Asian

blockchain-energy applications

Detailed insights into current-day blockchain

applications from international players

The only event that unites the region’s

key stakeholders

Taking place in the region’s blockchain and tech

hub: Singapore

For questions regarding Leoncio Montemayor

speaking and/or
Project Manager - Future Grid
sponsorship opportunities,
get in touch with: leoncio@solarplaza.com
+31 10 302 7903

Learn more at:



Join the Frontier of the Energy Transition

For any questions regarding Thomas Boersma

the Future Grid Labs,
Project Manager - Future Grid
please get in touch with:
+31 10 302 7915

Learn more at:


1 Peer-to-Peer
Site: www.ponton.de
Country: Germany
Year Founded: 2001
Blockchain: Tendermint

PONTON is the driving force behind the In addition, PONTON is developing other
“Enerchain” project, a decentralized energy blockchain based applications, one of them is
trading platform for the OTC wholesale energy “Gridchain” which improves communication in
market which is supported by more than 30 of the grid management process between different
the leading European Energy Trading companies. stakeholders such as TSOs, DSOs, aggregators,
An initial trade over the blockchain was suppliers and generators.
demonstrated in November 2016 at the EMART
conference in Amsterdam. Almost one year later, The first real energy trade, for a total of 5.95
also at the EMART, the world’s first real end-to- GWh of natural gas, was conducted by Spanish
end live trades over the blockchain were made companies Gas Natural Fenosa and Endesa on
by E.on, Enel, Neas Energy and Wien Energie. the Enerchain platform on the 6th of February.
Enerchain is going to support a wide range of With Enerchain, participating companies can
commodities, with initial focus on power and conduct gas and electricity trades across the EU
gas products across a multitude of maturities. region.
The vision of Enerchain is to “blockchainify” the
entire deal-cycle and enable an ecosystem of Statkraft sold 1 MWh of electricity to a demand-
service providers to connect via an open API. side management player on the 24st of January
using Enerchain. This allowed Statkraft to bypass
The possibilities with the Enerchain are endless: the intraday wholesale trading platforms.
over-the-counter trading, balance group
management, wholesale trading and much more.
Due to its high success, 33 European companies
now form part of the ecosystem.


LO3 Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

LO3 Energy, Inc. (“LO3 Energy”) is an energy the near future. LO3, alongside Energie Südwest
technology company based in New York City that AG and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
has developed the famous “Brooklyn Microgrid” announced the Landau Microgrid Project (LAMP)
(BMG) project in collaboration with Siemens. where residents of Landau (Germany) will be
BMG makes use of a p2p energy platform used able to trade energy through LO3’s blockchain
exclusively for the trading of energy within a platform. 20 households will be part of the pilot
community in Brooklyn. This allows prosumers project. In addition, LO3 is working on another
with an excess of solar energy to directly sell pilot with energy supplier AÜW in Kempten
to their neighbors and contribute to the local (Germany).
economy. BMG has plans to include additional LO3 secured funding from Braemar Energy
features, such as demand response through Ventures and Centrica Innovations on October
device control and location-based pricing in the 2017. LO3 and CGI launched a technological
future. Additionally, creating a greater return on partnership in order to explore the possibilities
local energy creates clusters of devices that can of the TransActive grid project with CGI’s
become part of a physical microgrid, which can customers.
operate even if the main grid goes down. This was
the first demonstration of p2p trading within a LO3 aims to launch in 2018 a similar project
local community in the world. The transactions called the Sacramento Microgrid. Siemens placed
are settled via PayPal. a Series A investment on LO3 Energy in order to
expand their continued partnership.
The BMG app was just released for residents of
Brooklyn. One of the first features is the BMG LO3 launched their token, Exergy, which will
Map which allows users to pinpoint where solar facilitate the wider adoption of transactive
panels are located or what could be possible sites energy systems. It is composed of four parts:
for them. the XRG token, the TAG-e technology, a mobile
app and the foundation which will be act as an
BMG works on a private blockchain platform enabler for the system. The XRG token will be
developed by LO3 Energy for the specific purpose first launched as a private sale to institutional
of distributed grids and energy. This includes and private investors. A general sale to the public
the software and hardware. For example, the hasn’t been announced.
participants of the BMG must have a TransActive
Grid-element (TAG-e), a hybrid meter/computer, LO3 has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
to be able to measure their energy and share the with the European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT
information in the network. in order to connect local p2p markets from LO3
with the wholesale markets through the Exergy
LO3 is now setting its eyes on South Australia with platform. The first projects will be located in the
a collaboration with Yates Electrical in which they German town of Landau and Allgäu region.
will make 6 MW of distributed solar generation
available with their system. 12 companies have Don Tapscott and Richard Li, two prominent
signed up to participate in the program. LO3 has leaders in the field, have joined LO3 as advisors
set up an office in Australia, which promises to be in order to provide expertise on the potential for
one of the key targets for distributed generation Exergy. Also, LO3 made it into the top 100 global
and p2p markets. Additionally, LO3 plans to cleantech companies, a list by Cleantech group.
announce new projects in Europe and the US in

In another promising move, US energy retailer U.K. The University of Exeter, National Grid and
Direct Energy has partnered with LO3 Energy the DSO Western Power Distribution are part of
to offer “micro-energy hedging” solutions to the project as well.
commercial and industrial customers in Texas.
This means that customers can design and In more news in Australia, LO3 Energy alongside
submit different orders for energy hedges in multiple partners will conduct a feasibility
time intervals as short as an hour. This will all be study to determine how a new virtual microgrid
managed on LO3’s platform. The target for the network could enable local participants to trade
first phase is to have 5 C&I customers and 20 local energy and reduce their energy usage. This
submeters. is supported by a grant from ARENA (Australia
Renewable Energy Agency) and AusNet Services.
In the UK, Centrica (one of LO3’s investors), This study will include 200 dairy farms, 150 homes
announced a partnership with LO3 to see and 20 industrial consumers in the Latrobe Valley
how they could potentially work to reduce in Australia. If successful, the project might be
curtailment. The initial phase will involve 100 expanded to Gippsland in 2018.
homes and 100 businesses in Cornwall, England.
This pilot project, part of a 26 MUSD program LO3 is now an affiliate of the Energy Web
called Local Energy Market, is thought to be the Foundation, where together they will work on
largest blockchain energy trading initiative in the how to standardize the data.

Power Ledger Site

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain Ethereum

Power Ledger is an Australian start-up which with Nest Energy, where they are supporting the
focuses on blockchain applications such as p2p deployment of 1 MW of solar.
energy trading. This allows for the exchange of
surplus energy of residential and commercial Power Ledger also has a partnership with Project
units in the grid or acting alone as a microgrid. Brainstorm to bring p2p trading to Queenslanders.
For example, their first trial run was with utility In India, Power Ledger announced a partnership
Vector from New Zealand in Dec 2016. On top of with Tech Mahindra in order to bring “microgrids-
this, their application also allows for a multitude as-a-service” to the booming urban populations
of other uses: asset management, carbon trading, in India. This will result in several technological
EV charging and more. trials in different sites starting late 2017 for
twelve months in Tech Mahindra’s campuses.
Power Ledger recently conducted an ICO where Results will be announced by Tech Mahindra at its
they raised more than 17M AUD in its pre-sale Mission Innovation conference, around mid-Dec
and 17M AUD in the main-sale. Additionally, 2017.
Power Ledger just announced a partnership with
Origin Energy, one of Australia’s biggest energy Power Ledger won the Energy Innovation of
retailers. Here, they will be testing Power Ledger’s the Year prize (2017) at the West Australia’s
platform in a technical trial which will last three Energy Awards. Additionally, Power Ledger has
months starting in October 2017. Power Ledger partnerships with Bancor and Coinimi to support
is also working on another project in Tasmania the liquidity and trading of its token POWR.


In Europe, Power Ledger is collaborating with the In Japan, Power Ledger has announced a
Liechtenstein Institute for Social Development to partnership with Kansai Electric Power Co.
host its blockchain platform to support microgrid (KEPCO), Japan’s second-largest utility, in order
developments in Europe. to trial p2p trading. KEPCO’s aim is to use this
platform to develop a virtual power plant that
Power Ledger will be part of an 8M AUD project can be used to manage the grid. The trial will start
in the city of Fremantle where the Australian with 10 homes in Osaka City.
government will provide 2.57M AUD and the
rest coming from a variety of stakeholders which In the US, Power Ledger has partnered with
include universities and Cisco. This project will the Clean Energy Blockchain Network on their
test blockchain technology and data analytics first commercial deployments at Northwestern
for distributed energy and water systems (a University (Evanston campus). The platform will
combination of a solar farm, rooftop PV, batteries, be used to trade energy between campuses and
EV charging stations and water systems). Power on-campus. Students from the university will be
Ledger will support with its blockchain platform. providing monthly measurement and verification
The project will last approximately two years. of the platform and data. Clean Energy
Blockchain Network will provide loca, hands-on
In Thailand, Power Ledger has partnered with technical assistance. Also with the Clean Energy
BCPG to launch the first energy trading platform Blockchain Network, Power Ledger announced a
there. The project will be developed in Bangkok collaboration with Silicon Valley Power in the City
in 6 to 10 multi-story apartment buildings. BCPG of Santa Clara. This will be Power Ledger’s first
has also signed a Memorandum of Understanding carbon credit project and it will use the platform
with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand in a multi-storey EV charging facility. This will
in order to study smart energy infrastructure also help track the solar power from source all
and work with Power Ledger’s platform. As well the way to the charge points in order to validate
in Thailand, Power Ledger and BCPG will install the credits under California’s Low Carbon Fuel
a 12 MW rooftop solar system at the Chiang Standard scheme.
Mai University (CMU) to help with energy
conservation and the trading of electricity to the In Puerto Rico, Power Ledger has hired Dante
university. An EV charging station will also be Disparte, CEO of Risk Cooperative, as a strategic
part of the project. All of this with the objective advisor and ambassador for the Americas, with a
to establish CMU as a smart campus. The plan is special focus on Puerto Rico, whose power grid
for the system to run across pre-existing campus has been devastated by hurricanes.
building in 2019.
Power Ledger has also announced a project in
Power Ledger has signed a partnership with Australia where apartments owners (24 in total)
Helpanswers in order to bring renewable energy in Evermore will be able to trade solar energy in
trading to North America. Many projects have a p2p manner. This is a partnership with the Yolk
been identified from 50 MW of solar and 50 Property Group in White Gum Valley, close to
MWH of storage. This project will initially start Fremantle.
with large energy-intensive users and in the
top renewable energy markets such as Texas,
Chicago, Washington, New York, California and
New England.

In Australia, Power Ledger announced a

partnership with Greenwood Solutions to bring
p2p energy trading to Burwood in Melbourne.
This is the first commercial deployment of Power
Ledger’s platform.


Grid+ Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Grid+ is part of ConsenSys, which uses blockchain sale and more than 48.5M USD in the main sale.
technology to create (software) applications in The target is to deploy its system in Texas on Q2
many different fields. Grid+ uses the Ethereum 2018.
blockchain and a hardware device (Agent) to have
access to wholesale energy markets. This allows In October 2017, Grid+ and TEPCO have
for a reduction in energy prices as consumers announced a partnership where both will work
can access the wholesale price without markups. together in order to gain insights into their own
Grid+ raised around 29M USD in its token pre- business models.

Energo Labs Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Qtum

Energo Labs is a Chinese start-up with the intent Energy Labs is now a member of Access Singapore
of creating a p2p platform for a distributed (an association of cryptocurrencies and startups in
energy system using blockchain technology with Singapore) and the Philippines Energy Efficiency
a special focus on microgrids. They also work Alliance (a non-profit aimed to accelerate
with p2p EV charging. They have developed a renewable energy in the Philippines). For this,
smart meter (EME 1.0) and an app that goes Energo Labs will establish a Singapore Regional
with it to facilitate their vision. The company is Hub where it will join research programmes and
pursuing projects in China and the Philippines. In campus microgrids as testbeds.
the Philippines, Energo Labs is collaborating with
an energy company to enable p2p transactions Energo Labs has started a new project at De La
between buildings in a microgrid of a campus. Salle University - Dasmariñas with the Philippine
They had their ICO in July 2017 and raised over energy supplier First Gen. The main objective
500 BTC and over 1 million Qtum tokens. of the project is to test Energo’s solution built
around the campus microgrid, where Energo
Due to regulation in China, Energo Labs had to donated a 10 kW solar system. This project is
refund some of their tokens to the investors. using the Qtum blockchain.
Energo is now reaching into the Southeastern
Asian market, expecting to release its token into Energo has opened a new regional hub in
the market by the end of October 2017. Energo Singapore with Vertech Capital, an advisory
Labs is also looking to launch projects in the firm that specializes in the commercialization of
Netherlands. clean energy technology. After establishing this
hub, Energo Labs announced a partnership with


the Thai investment consulting company and technical and market issues. Energo Labs was
international renewable energy developer Nortis recognized as a Top 100 energy transition
Group. With the Memorandum of Understanding innovators by StartUpEnergy in Berlin.
signed, Nortis group will advise Energo on

OneUp Site:
Year Founded: 2014
Blockchain: N/A

OneUp is a software company that builds and suppliers to communicate directly via the
products with a combination of data science, platform. They have formed a partnership with
IoT (Internet of Things) and blockchain. OneUp PwC to help companies succeed in this new
won the startup award at Event Horizon 2017 environment.
for its product POWR which allows customers

Volt Markets Site: www.voltmarkets.com/

Country: US
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum

Volt Markets aims to enable monitoring, managing, to track and issue RECs (Renewable Energy
originating and trading energy in a peer-to- Certificates). Volt Markets uses the Ethereum
peer market. Volt Markets uses blockchain to blockchain due to the inherent possibilities of
streamline the distribution, tracking and trading smart contracts.
of energy. In addition, they also use blockchain


Energy21 & Stedin Site:

Year Founded: 2013
Blockchain: Quasar

Energy21 & Stedin developed the Layered an open peer-to-market system. This is done to
Energy System (LES): a market model based on incentivise energy and flexibility trading on both
community markets in which the blockchain a local and (inter)national scale. The model leads
enables local trade as well as the exchange with to lower grid and balancing costs, accelerates
wholesale markets. The layered market model the distributed energy transition and counters
distinguishes itself from the more common peer- energy poverty.
to-peer models over blockchain by developing

ToBlockChain Site:
Year Founded: 2009
Blockchain: N/A

TOBLOCKCHAIN is a Dutch blockchain ToBlockChain is developing the PowerToShare

innovation firm. ToBlockChain is developing the software platform in the Rotterdam region. In
software platform PowerToShare to accelerate addition, with DNV GL and Gasunie they are
the transition to a new energy world. Their working on the PowerToShare community project
mission is to make the future energy system in the Groningen region.
profitable, achievable and accessible to the
European prosumers and businesses. Today, the Early prototypes of PowerToShare are built
PowerToShare software platform includes five on Hyperledger and Ethereum blockchain and
decentralized applications (one example being limited by transactions per second. Currently,
peer-to-peer energy sharing) running on top of a the team is developing PowerToShare on faster
blockchain network and a multi-actor marketplace distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies
for sustainable products and services. that offers thousands of transactions per second.

ToBlockChain won several prices at the The PowerToShare application has been
Dutch Blockchain Hackathon and ABN Amro implemented at the TU Delft campus and is
Hyperledger Hackathon. Together with ENGIE, currently being tested.
TU Delft, The Green Village and Blocklab,


Conjoule Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

This Innogy spin-off provides a blockchain based energy surpluses in either bright minds or fresh
platform to enable PV owners within the same water.
region to interact with each other. Two pilot
projects are running since October 2016 in Conjoule raised 4.5M EUR in Series A funding
Essen and Mülheim (Germany). In these pilots, on July 10, 2017 with 3M EUR coming from the
prosumers can choose to supply either a school Japanese company TEPCO.
or a water company, allowing them to invest their

Greeneum Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum/Hyperledger/

Greeneum uses blockchain technology and AI Greeneum will be conducting an ICO in October/
(Artificial Intelligence) to build a platform for November 2017 for its token GREEN. Greeneum
green energy producers and consumers. They expects its platform to be completed somewhere
use an ethereum-based blockchain to incentivize in mid-2018.
green energy through certificates and carbon
credits and allow p2p trading of energy over Greeneum is partnering up with Bancor in order
their marketplace. Greeneum is testing some to increase the strength of their token offering.
pilots in Europe, Cyprus, Israel, Africa and the US.


WePower Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

WePower runs a platform for p2p energy WePower also signed a Memorandum of
trading through blockchain. In addition to being Understanding with Eleon, an Estonian wind
a trading platform, it also finances renewable power company. Together they will work on a
energy projects and estimates supply and financing model with WePower’s platform, test
demand through AI. An ICO will be conducted by existing windmills with the platform and explore
February 2018. More than 3M USD was raised other partnership models and way on how to
in the WePower pre-sale of its token WPR, with create this plug-n-play windmills for WePower’s
a big investment from Prime Block Capital. The platform. In Australia, WePower will test its
first trial run of its platform will be based in Spain business model alongside EnergyAustralia,
with an energy producer of 1000 MW (Conquista one of the biggest energy retailers in Australia.
Solar). WePower signed a memorandum of This will allow WePower to start trialing with
understanding with the Estonian TSO Elering. real customers and data. Meanwhile, in Spain,
This will allow both parties to connect their WePower has opened a subsidiary and will file
platforms together in order to innovate on an application to become an independent energy
the Estonian energy grid. On January 4 2018, supplier.
WePower announced that they are launching a
pilot project which will tokenize energy data from WePower was selected as one of Fast Company’s
Elering and test WePower’s platform for high- Most Innovative Companies in Energy for 2018
volume trading. and 4 new people have joined the advisory board.

WePower announced a partnership with WePower’s platform went live in July 2018 and
Alignment Ventures, a blockchain industry saw a couple thousands of registrations in the first
consultant which will assist with the token sale. hours. The first auction will be held in November
Additionally, WePower will enter the Australian where Conquista Solar will be offering merchant
market after an announcement by the Startup solar energy produced by their plants in the south
bootcamp (SBC) where WePower will participate of Spain.
in the energy track. WePower will join the
Green Fintech Network after partnering up with
Stockholm Green Digital Finance. This network
has the intention to use fintech to advance the
transition to sustainable societies.

WePower successfully raised 40 MUSD in the

largest ICO in the energy space. Partnering
with three different producers (Conquista Solar,
Civitas and Novacorex), WePower has now
1000 MW available for their platform. WePower
also partnered with 220 Energia, an electricity
provider in the Nordic and Baltic regions, in
order to implement blockchain for the financing
of residential solar and to explore the possibility
to match and deliver the tokenized energy from
power plants to token holders.

PowerPeers Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

Launched by Vattenfall in June 2016, PowerPeers Although PowerPeers does not use blockchain
is a Dutch startup that has built a digital platform yet, they reckon the fit of the technology with
for p2p energy trading. This not only includes their business model and are therefore exploring
trading between residential homes but also with the possibilities of implementing it.
Dutch suppliers of wind, solar and hydropower.

Verv by Green Site: www.greenrunning.com


Running LTD
Country: UK
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Ethereum

Verv has created an IoT hub that uses AI to This project is being supported by Innovate
reduce carbon footprints, lower electricity costs UK with 100,000 GBP and will start in 2018
and identify possible problems for consumers. In for a duration of 12 months. Verv won the App
October 2017, Verv announced its blockchain- of the year and future city tech of the year in
based p2p energy trading platform for which the BGTAwards hosted by Business Green in
Verv’s IoT hub forms the basis. This will allow London. The first blockchain energy trade in the
customers to sell surplus power to neighbors UK was executed by Verv at Hackney’s Banister
who may not have it. This comes after Verv House Estate. This first trade involved 1 kWh of
received a 250.000 pound grant from the UK solar energy. This trial has been shortlisted for a
government. Verv raised 1.23M pounds through regulatory sandbox by Ofgem.
the crowdfunding platform Crowdcube for a
4.72% stake in the business. Verv announced their ICO with the VLUX (VLX)
token. The VLX token will allow access to the
Verv, working with Repowering London trading system. Iconiq Labs, a decentralized
(community renewables developer), has launched venture capital group, has added Verv to its ICO
a new pilot project at a housing estate in East accelerator program. In relation to this, Verv
London. This will be the first of its kind in the UK. announced a partnership with Ocean Protocol,
The Verv energy trading platform will be installed where both will work together to create a new
in over 40 flats and use solar panels and battery energy marketplace based on Verv’s massive
systems to store, share and trade energy. energy data set coming from its meters.


Energy Bazaar Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Energy Bazaar looks to empower rural incentives, AI for predictive analysis and
communities in India by developing a blockchain- incorporate social dynamics that might influence
enabled platform that allows for decentralized the use of the platform. A proof of concept has
energy exchange for consumers, prosumers, been developed between two households during
microgrids and distribution companies. The the 2017 Blockchain for Social Impact Hackathon.
overall platform will be also supported by a game-
theoretical market model for grid-balancing

Dajie Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Dajie allows prosumers to trade their energy with blockchain is represented by 1 Energy Coin, which
their neighbours through the Dajie Box, which is can be stored in a wallet, used to redeem carbon
a piece of IoT hardware that functions as a node credits or transferred to other wallet holders in
of the blockchain. Each kWh traded over the exchange for other products or services.

Oursolargrid Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum

The German feed-in tariffs have dropped by power by allowing producers and consumers
75% in the last seven years from 40 to 10 cent/ to share or trade energy within the community.
kWh, while the price of solar energy has only The decentralized, tamper-resistant and
dropped from 28 to 14 cent/kWh. Oursolargrid efficient characteristics of blockchain make this
aims to restore the incentives to invest in solar technology an ideal fit for this p2p sharing.


SunContract Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum

SunContract is using blockchain to create a The energy trading platform is now live since April
decentralized energy market where the users 13 2018. During the opening event, SunContract
can trade electricity p2p. This is done by joining signed partnerships with more than 10 energy
power producers and consumers through their sector partners. The project is currently live in
own mobile app. The token sale (ICO) amassed Slovenia, but will be available for more markets if
more than 2M USD and 8700 ETH with a total of proven successful.
2.274 contributors. The SunContract is working
with several EU associations such as SolarPower SunContract announced a partnership
Europe. with MoneyRebel, which will allow users of
SunContract’s platform to handle their finances
SunContract is now a member of Infrachain, in an easier way. In another partnership,
which allows PoCs to going into operation right SunContract is working with Coolomat Market,
away with a supplementary governance model. an online groceries marketplace, to connect users
The first stage of the SunContract platform is and consumers on both platforms.
now live. Live trading starts 1st of January 2018
after SunContract’s partner in Slovenia was given
their own EIC code.

Pylon Network Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Own

Pylon Network is a platform where users can the ICO will be used to run a pilot project in the
trade energy p2p and get rewarded for the Basque Country for 1 year.
production of sustainable energy. Pylon Network
uses the smart meter Metron, which is integrated Pylon Network released their Pylon Coin open-
into the blockchain in order to validate all the source blockchain code which is specifically made
transactions. Pylon Network will soon start its for the energy sector. This coin will be used for
first pilot for around 800 customers in Spain. energy payments as well as certification of green
Pylon Network is currently doing an ICO which energy.
will last until the end of November 2017.

Pylon Network has partnered up with

GreenHydrogen from Denmark and with
Faircoop and Faircon. The funds raised from


Solar Bankers Site:

Year Founded: 2011
Blockchain: Skyledger

Solar Bankers is a decentralized energy system for a test pilot of their technology (a hologram-
that allows its users to generate and trade solar based solar concentrator).
energy in a p2p manner. Solar Bankers is releasing
its SunCoin token with an ICO scheduled for Solar Bankers and Shellpay have terminated their
November 2017. Solar Bankers is working partnership after disagreements over strategic
with ShellPay, a Chinese blockchain company, outlook, which resulted in a new coin (besdies
to promote and develop the decentralization SunCoin), the Solar Bankers Coin.
of its system. Solar Bankers has announced
a partnership with Turkish energy company Solar Bankers and GLBrain have partnered in
Enerclever for a pilot project. The project will order to leverage both companies’ expertise.
involve 20 households with PV in a microgrid GLBrain has an integrated payment system and
setup. security towards p2p communication between
users which fits perfectly with Solar Banker’s
Solar Bankers has signed a contract with the ambitions.
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)

Divvi Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Divvi aims to enable more equitable access to renewable energy through a decentralized, community
focused energy trading platform. This platform will not only enable new ownership models for
community energy projects, but also incentivize green energy production and use.

toomuch.energy Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

toomuch.energy is a p2p trading platform for corporate customers which can sell their surplus
electricity to other companies instead of feeding it to the grid. The first projects are planned for
Belgium and Austria.

BP/Shell/Statoil Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

A consortium of companies (BP, Shell, Statoil, The platform is expected to be online by the end
Gunvor, Koch Supply & Trading, Mercuria, ABN of 2018.
Amro, ING and Societe Generale) will develop
a blockchain-based platform to trade energy During a test of the platform, transactions were
commodities. The platform would aim to reduce verified in 25 minutes rather than the three
risks and costs of physical energy trading as well hours it normally takes. VAKT, a London-based
as improve back-end trading operations. company, will develop the platform.

OmegaGrid Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Own

OmegaGrid is an energy market platform From August 2017 until March 2018, Omega Grid
for utilities. This platform manages demand partnered with Heila Technologies (https://www.
response, complex transactions like community heilaiq.com/) and the Stone Edge Farm Microgrid
solar and calculates the marginal value of (https://sefmicrogrid.com/) in Sonoma, CA to
distributed energy resources based on location simulate a distribution level spot market across
and grid constraints. Their python based proof- 8 different assets (4 solar arrays, 2 grid scale
of-authority blockchain was developed by Omega batteries, a microturbine and an electrolyzer)
Grid co-founder, Dr. Massimo DiPierro, currently on a working microgrid. The project is supported
senior engineer at SpaceX, Chief Architect of by EDF, Inc Labs and the partnership expects to
web2py, and an elected fellow of the Python continue with further simulations.
Omega Grid was one of the four startups selected
Omega Grid is being supported by the Ameren for the Launch Alaska program which aims
accelerator. In 2017, Omega Grid announced to innovate the energy sector for Alaska and
an agreement to conduct a pilot at Ameren’s was one of 5 blockchain startups selected as a
microgrid in Champaign. This microgrid includes TechCrunch Top Pick for Disrupt SF 2018.
a gas generator, a kW wind turbine, a solar array
and a battery storage unit. In Burlington, Vermont, Omega Grid is assisting
the municipal utility to connect distributed
generation assets to their blockchain platform and


compensate participants for demand response. customers with a token based rewards platform.
The program is supported by the American Public The rewards token will be redeemable with
Power Association, will incorporate commercial participating local merchants and backed by the
& industrial customers and incentivize residential city’s realized wholesale electricity savings.

BCPG Plc Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

BCPG has developed a mobile application that allows its clients to trade energy in a p2p manner
without engaging with the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand or other utilities. BCPG signed
a memorandum of understanding with real estate developer Sansiri Plc in order to make this platform
available in five different locations. This platform, called “internet of energy”, will be combined with
solar rooftop installations.

AGL Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2006
Blockchain: N/A

AGL Energy is an Australian energy supplier with more than 3.6 million customers. Supported by the
Australian Renewable Energy Agency, IBM Australia and Marchment Hill Consulting, AGL launched a
virtual trial in Melbourne to test a p2p energy trading system and the applicability of blockchain. The
trail was completed in July 2017. The trial was then expanded to a 20-customer one in Adelaide. This
trial uses a prototype web application where users can set their requirements for their solar panels
and batteries. The hope is that this virtual trial can then lead to a physical, real-world trial.


Elblox Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

Elblox is a p2p trading platform developed by Swiss energy trader Axpo. The first use case is by
German utility Wuppertaler Stadtwerke (WSW) which launched a blockchain-based trading platform
for green electricity and projects that will reach the end of their support period (e.g. feed-in-tariffs).
This platform is called the Tal.Markt and will connect green energy producers with consumers. The
platform could assist more than 5000 wind turbines and promote the construction of new wind or
solar farms.

Sunchain Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Hyperleder Fabric

Sunchain has developed a virtual private network for consumers and producers of solar energy. On
its launch on Dec 2017, Sunchain has two solar producers and three consumers that are virtually
exchanging energy through the French electrical network. Sunchain is working with Talium in order
to produce an energy efficient blockchain. Sunchain is also involved in the 2.5M EUR Digisol project
where its platform will be tested against 1000 homes and buildings. Additionally, Sunchain also has
a signed agreement with Enedis to run 3 self-consumption projects in Perpignan with Sunchain’s

Power-Blox Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

Power-Blox uses swarm intelligence algorithms between connected “blocks” to store energy and
distribute it among a microgrid. In Switzerland, Power-Blox is testing a blockchain platform to manage
p2p energy trading in a community garden.


CoSol Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Ethereum

CoSol is using the Ethereum blockchain to create the IoRE (Internet of Renewable Energy) software
that allows p2p energy trading between small producers and consumers. The IoRE also has a hardware
component which is an IoT power meter. The IoRE token will be released in 2018. The idea is to use
Brazil as a testbed for other developing nations.

Sigora Site:
Year Founded: 2011
Blockchain: N/A

Sigora has built a blockchain-enabled “electric wallet” interface for p2p trading of kWh-to-currency in
micro-utilities. The pilot project was launched in Haiti where for 2 dollars a month the users will have
access to power 24/7. The pilot project serves 5,000 people. The plan is to get electricity to 300,000
people by the end of 2017 and a million by the end of 2018.

Korea Electric Power Site:

South Korea

Corporation Year Founded:


KEPCO will trial p2p energy trading through the blockchain in two apartments in Seoul and nine
KEPCO facilities. This will allow neighbors to post and trade their own solar-generated electricity for
a profit which will ultimately relieve businesses from expensive energy bills. Additionally, KEPCO will
be building an EV charging station that works with blockchain.


Ferranti Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Ferranti has a PoC that enables p2p energy trading within the scope of the energy supplier. With smart
contracts, users can select the preferred energy source and the prices. On a macro level, the energy
suppliers can directly trade their shortages and surpluses.

Local-E Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Local-E supports the growth of local solar energy by paying for the electricity that the solar panels will
generate. The token Sun-E is worth 100 kWh of solar generation.

Kontrol Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Kontrol Energy will launch in Q2 2018 a p2p blockchain platform that is integrated with its real-
time energy management system (Kontrol EMS). The platform will connect local energy producers
and consumers. On top of this, Kontrol Energy will also develop a solution for carbon offsets called
NetZeroWorld. Finally, Kontrol Energy has published a letter of intent to acquire an energy analytics
company which specializes in HVAC, another one working with IOTA and an emissions monitoring
solutions company.


Hive Power Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Hive Power provides an open platform based on the future of Swiss electrical infrastructure.
on Ethereum where prosumers can manage In another announcement, Hive Power has
their electrical energy. This is done through an partnered with Liquidity.Network in order
ethereum smart meter which is able to provide to make use of off-chain payment systems,
certificates of origin and trade energy among something better suited for Hive Power’s model.
the network. A pilot project will be set up in Also, Hive Power announced a partnership with
Switzerland to test the basic functionalities of the Landis+Gyr, which is a leading global provider
software. Hive Power has joined SCCER-FURIES, of energy management solutions for the utility
which is the Swiss national competence center sector.

BlockCypher Site:
Year Founded: 2013
Blockchain: Multiple

BlockCypher provides blockchain web services This test will be done between two test homes
for a industries that want to use bitcoin. Their in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
services allow developers to quickly and easily (NREL). By enabling smart meters to exchange
develop blockchain applications. In terms of Dash for electricity, the stored and generated
energy, BlockCypher has partnered with the US energy can be monetized. While the initial plan is
Department of Energy to test out the possibilities to use Dash, eventually the NREL hopes to have a
of peer-to-peer energy trading using the famous blockchain-agnostic solution.
cryptocurrency Dash.


the9 Site:
Year Founded: 1999
Blockchain: N/A

the9 is an internet company based in China that has signed a partnership agreement with C&I
produces and develops video games and other Singapore Renewable and Innovative Tech Pte.
internet technologies. Earlier in the year, the9 Ltd. to trade and distribute solar energy with
announced its plans to step into blockchain. blockchain. The aim is to create an efficient and
the9 Singapore, a subsidiary based in Singapore, decentralized platform for rooftop solar energy.

Enbloc Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Enbloc uses blockchain technology to allow producers to sell directly to consumers in a p2p fashion.

Leap Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Tobalaba

Leap offers a trading platform (Distributed their peers, aggregate into virtual power plants
Energy eXchange) based on blockchain where and offer a multitude of grid services. Leap has
different assets (PV, EVs, batteries, HVACs, etc) raised 1.6 MUSD in funding to date.
can participate and unlock new revenue streams.
Likewise, it is also possible to access global demand Leap will be supplying 90 MW of demand-
response programs and the platform is also made response to utilities in California.
for automated trading.Customers can trade with


Enerport Site: https://twitter.com/

Country: Ireland
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Enerport is a new project launched by the International Energy Research Centre (IERC) that aims
to accelerate p2p energy trading in Ireland. Besides IERC, other involved companies are Systemlink
Technologies, MSemicon and Verbatm.

NEMoGrid Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

NEMoGrid aims to pilot the new business models based on blockchain (Ethereum). Sonnen, one of
that distributed energy resources will bring in the Europe’s leading battery vendors, has joined the
near future. The insights they hope to generate project. The idea is for households to generate
are how flexible electricity prices and grid stability their own power and consume it right where it is
can be combined at local levels. They will do this produced while at the same time keeping the grid
by testing pilots in three different places: Rolle, stable. NEMoGrid is being supported by funding
Switzerland; Björklinge, Sweden and Wüstenrot, from EU’s Horizon 2020 and German, Swiss and
Germany. They do this by investigating three lines: Swedish governmental agencies. The project is
centralized utility management, decentralized due until April 2020.
voltage/power-based tariffs and p2p market

Green Power Site: https://gpx.energy

Country: US
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: Ethereum

Green Power Exchange is developing a contracts, producers can list their energy and
blockchain-based p2p energy trading platform the corresponding GET tokens will be created.
with two tokens: the GPX token which is native Consumers will be able to pay for these GET
to the platform and the GET tokens which tokens, exactly the amount of energy they need
represent 1 kWh of electricity. With smart to consume.

Power Sharing Site:

Year Founded: N/A
Blockchain: N/A

Power Sharing is a Japanese energy trading to trade renewable energy. The idea is to use
company that is being supported by TEPCO and this mechanism to incentivize people to move to
Softbank in order to create a blockchain-based renewable energy.
platform that will allow consumers in rural areas

Catalan Institute Site: http://www.eneragen.org/en/members/


of Energy Country:
Year Founded:
2018 (project)
Blockchain: Ethereum

The Catalan Institute of Energy is having a a “ION” token which will incentivize and manage
creative project with blockchain technology microgrids. ION will be an ERC-20 token and it
that would allow people to trade energy in a p2p will be airdropped (i.e. given away) to the users
fashion. This is because in Spain, the rules are who sign up. The plan is to start after August in
quite limited for prosumers, as they have to pay 5 municipalities of Catalonia. A total of 8,418
a grid access fee before they can sell it to the grid million ION tokens will be distributed to mirror
or share it with others. This solution will involve Catalonia’ nuclear power output.

Walmart Site:
Year Founded: 2018 (project)
Blockchain: N/A

Walmart was recently granted a patent for a on-demand electricity grid that can be powered by Bitcoin
or another crypto. With crypto, a connected device could buy electricity from the utility for a certain
time period. A device that uses less energy than bought can then be routed to other devices.


Lition Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Lition is a blockchain-based p2p energy offices in China and South Korea. Lition signed up
trading platform that connects producers with with ICOBOX in anticipation of their ICO.
consumers. Lition is a licensed energy supplier in
Germany and is supported by SAP. Lition also has

Natural Solar Site:

Year Founded: 2012
Blockchain: N/A

Natural Solar is spearheading a project that uses ultimately become a virtual power plant. Each
blockchain technology in 12 homes in Kurnell that home will have a 5 kWp solar system and 8 kWh
will borrow and share battery power between Sonnen battery with a guaranteed 20 years
neighbors, with the hope of reducing the amount of free power bills (with a 30 AUSD monthly
drawn from the grid up to 90%. Households will administration fee).

Clean Energy Site:


Blockchain Network Year Founded:


The Clean Energy Blockchain Network (CEBN) They are Power Ledger’s US partner. Their
works in the US with utilities, ISOs and users current projects are with Power Ledger: the p2p
to operate a p2p blockchain-enabled trading trial at Northwestern University and the work at
platform which is developed by Power Ledger. Silicon Valley Power.


Nydro Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Nydro aims to build a p2p energy trading can store it on their batteries and they access the
platform for the Argentinian market. Nydro won web to sell the remaining. This will be done with a
the Impatec award which is given by the city of platform token. The token can then be exchanged
Buenos Aires to the most innovative startups for fiat currency when required.
with social impact. Users with an excess of energy

KT Corporation Site:
South Korea
Year Founded: 2018 (project)
Blockchain: Own

KT Corporation, one of South Korea’s largest energy trading. In terms of energy, KT Corporation
telecom companies, has launched their is expecting corporations to use their blockchain
own blockchain platform with wide-ranging platform to trade their unused energy quotes in
applications: ID verification, data roaming and the distribution network.


2 Utility-scale
Site: www.electron.org.uk
Country: UK (London)
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Ethereum/IPFS

Electron is a start-up based in London which Electron established a new blockchain energy
aims to use blockchain technology to transform consortium where EDF Energy and Shell are
the UK’s energy infrastructure. Their approach now members of. Other members: Baringa,
is top-down (e.g. they work in collaboration with Flextricity, Kiwi Power, Northern Powergrid,
key stakeholders). They have developed several Open Energi, Statkraft and UK Power Networks.
platforms, which include: meter registration The objectives of this consortium are three-fold:
platform, flexibility trading program and smart knowledge sharing, development of a framework
meter data privacy. for a trading platform and the enablement of
co-ordinated and collaborative trading. This
In collaboration with French energy company trading platform will be a place where all energy
EDF, Electron is working on a community assets can respond to price signals and exchange
electricity trading project within a neighborhood flexibility between such.
in London. Electron received funding from
the UK government in Sep 2017 to scale and TEPCO, Japan’s biggest utility, invested in
integrate their flexibility trading platform. They Electron after seeing the potential of blockchain
are supported by the National Grid and Siemens. in the energy markets. This is an early-stage
In addition, Electron’s platform was awarded the bridging round investment. SystemIQ, an
2017 tech pioneer status by the World Economic investment and advisory firm, has also invested
Forum and recently they won the Initiate! Startup in Electron.
Award at the European Utility Week 2017.
Electron has joined the Energy Web Foundation
On Nov 30, 2017, Electron sent an open letter to as an affiliate and promoted Paul Massara as
Ofgem (Office of Gas and Electricity Markets of their CEO.
the UK) warning about the potential dangers of
a Central Switching Service (CSS) and its possible
impacts on the energy landscape.


Drift Site:
US (Seattle)
Year Founded: 2011
Blockchain: Ethereum

Drift is a power utility company based in Seattle By taking out the middleman, Drift is able to pass
which uses a combination of blockchain, machine the savings to its customers, between 10% and
learning, artificial intelligence, high-frequency 20%. Drift is currently in operation in New York
trading and other tools to provide their customers with plans to expand to other markets. Drift has
with cheaper wholesale energy prices while raised over 12M USD after the Series A round.
predicting their energy consumption.

TenneT/IBM/ Site: www.tennet.eu/news/detail/tennet-unlocks-

Year Founded: Pilotproject in 2017

Sonnen Blockchain: Hyperledger

TenneT and IBM have joined forces for two the supply of wind turbines in case of supply
blockchain pilots. In their role of TSO, TenneT is surpluses. The digital process of verifying and
responsible for maintaining the balance of the documenting the performance values of these
high-voltage grid. In the two pilots they explore distributed flexible energy devices is delivered
the use cases of blockchain in guaranteeing a using IBM Blockchain, built with Hyperledger
continuous supply of electricity by balancing Fabric, a blockchain framework implementation
supply and demand. In a pilot in the Netherlands, and one of the Hyperledger projects hosted by
in which they partner with energy utility The Linux Foundation. The pilot is expected to
Vandebron, they use car batteries to maintain a run until the middle of 2018.
stable 50Hz frequency, which is normally done
by power plants. In Germany, Sonnen has joined On November 2, 2017 the project in Germany
a pilot in which decentralized battery storage officially kicked off while the Dutch one starting
systems are used for congestion management, in late November.
eliminating the expensive need to cut down


Fortum Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

In collaboration with 3 research partners and 9 electricity prices into account. The objective of
different companies, Fortum is part of the BOND this is to reduce the electricity bills. Fortum is
project which aims to use blockchain to boost working with two experiments using blockchain
the Finnish industry. Fortum offers a blockchain for EV charging and p2p energy trading.
solution where customers can optimize their
heating consumption by taking forecasts and

CGI & Eneco Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Tendermint

CGI and Eneco joined forces to build a prototype the heat network that connects the AVR with
to demonstrate the technological feasibility the Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam, the network that
of using blockchain for the administration of transports the heat of the Port of Rotterdam
decentral trading in heat. The pilot is running in towards the city of Rotterdam.

Wien Energie Site:

Year Founded: 2001
Blockchain: N/A

Wien Energie is an Austrian energy utility. Wien new business models. These services are being
Energie is currently testing different blockchain- tested in Vienna’s Viertel Zwei, which is an area
based services which they aim to develop into known for its sustainability approaches.


Restart Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2009
Blockchain: N/A

Restart Energy is a Romanian-based energy Restart Energy has finished its ICO successfully,
supplier. It has a customer base of more than selling 400,000,000 MWAT tokens. A couple
30,000 users and offers 100% renewable energy of updates from their part: they registered
supply. In terms of blockchain, Restart Energy is as a supplier in Serbia, opened a subsidiary
launching its RED platform which aims to connect in Singapore and UK and are in the process
energy producers directly with retail customers of expanding to Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia,
in a p2p fashion. The removal of intermediaries Hungary, Germany and Spain. Restart Energy
would allow end consumers to save around signed a partnership with Helioexpert, which is
30% on energy costs. In addition to this, Restart a solar energy producer with a capacity of 88.2
Energy will also offer predictive analytics to MWp. On related news, Restar Energy plans to
better forecast supply and demand. An ICO is acquire six solar parks, two hydro power plants
planned for the 20th of January 2018 for its RED from Hidroprod and signed a contract to acquire
MWAT token. Restart Energy partnered up with energy with Romania’s largest energy producer,
LDJ Capital in order to increase awareness on its HIdroelectrica SA. In Italy, Restart Energy has
p2p platform. signed an agreement with Heliopolis, an Italian
energy company. Together, they will establish a
joint venture to operate in Italy.

Cryptowerk Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

Cryptowerk has an enterprise-grade blockchain- blockchains. Innogy, the German renewable

enabled engine that makes it easy for organizations energy company, invested in Crypotwerk with
to “notarize” digital data. This engine (Digital the idea of developing applications for the energy
Trust Engine) is certified by SAP and makes it easy market with Cryptowerk’s engine.
to integrate applications with public or private


Flexidao S.E.S. Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Tobalaba

Flexidao uses blockchain technology to control digital cash rewards and token-based incentives
medium and small-scale loads and allow them to their users. Flexidao was selected as one of
to participate in a distributed demand response the eight startups to participate in Acciona’s
program, making a profit for the owners and corporate accelerator. Also, Flexidao has joined
helping grid operators balance the grid. As an the Energy Web Foundation as an affiliate.
incentive, Flexidao offers energy bill savings,

cyberGRID Site:
Year Founded: 2010
Blockchain: N/A

cyberGRID specializes in the development of blockchain technology as a way to allow for a

Virtual Power Plant solutions. They work on trusted system that can include information,
consulting, training and research development. device features and standard compliance
They are working with a variety of research information. This project is meant to open the
projects, many of them funded by the EU. For balancing and redispatching markets to new
the project FutureFlow, cyberGRID will pilot sources of flexibility.


Engie & Air Products Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Engie & Air Products have signed a contract where Air Product’s manufacturing process. Engie will
they will both use blockchain technology to trace link the energy produced by a wind farm and two
and certify the green energy that is being used in hydro plants to Air Products’ plant in France.

State Grid Site:


Corporation of China Year Founded:


The State Grid Corporation of China, the state- This will lower the costs that involve in handling
owned utility, is looking into blockchain to enable large amounts of data and with a higher risk of
an “Internet of Energy” which will allow it to store security breaches.
and track information in a decentralized manner.


SP Group Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

SP Group, the power grid operator in Singapore, energy with renewable energy certificates.
is using blockchain technology to link small Companies can then use this platform to offset
producers of solar energy with businesses that their emissions. The revenue plans are yet to
want to reduce their carbon footprint. This be determined. Because the platform is trading
platform is expected to be launched by the end RECs and not energy per se, it does not need the
of 2018. This system is being built in-house approval of the energy regulator.
and will allow small producers to register their

BCPG Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

BCPG is an energy utility company based in managed through solar power with blockchain
Thailand. With a collaboration with Sansiri, BCPG technology. BCPG has set aside 300 MUSD
will launch a project that aims to be Thailand’s to continue working on the intersection of
first smart community where the power will be renewable energy and blockchain.

Grid7 Site:
Year Founded: N/A
Blockchain: N/A

The US Department of Energy has awarded USD in 2017 as a phase I. The idea of the project
a grant of nearly 1 MUSD to Grid7 in order is to build a solar power system that can share
to support them on the development of a data with different homes, buildings and grids in
decentralized energy grid based on blockchain. a distributed manner. Cybersecurity and power
Grid7 had previously received a grant of 150,000 supply efficiency are the main goals of the project.


3 Cryptocurrency
Spectral Energy Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: MultiChain

Together with network company Alliander, local café or using it in a car-sharing program, will
Spectral recently launched (Oct 2017) its own be explored in the near future. The goal of the pilot
coin, the Jouliette. With this coin, tenants of is to investigate whether blockchain technology
the Ceuvel, an innovative hub in Amsterdam, can be harnessed to create greater social value
can share their energy using a blockchain and to support a bottom-up movement in our
technology to settle the transactions and provide transition towards a 100% renewable energy
transparency and security . Further applications supply.
of the Jouliette, such as trading it for goods in the

ElectriCChain/ Site:

SolarChange/ Year Founded:

Multichain efforts:

SolarCoin Solarcoin, Ethereum,


ElectriCChain posts live data on solar energy in This foundation rewards every generated MWh
one openly accessible blockchain for academic of solar power with 1 solarcoin (SLR), which is the
use. The goal of ElectriCChain is to build a equivalent, at the time of this writing, to 0.5 USD.
network of more than 7million solar installations
worldwide. Furthermore ElectriCChain functions A pilot (SolCrypto Datalogger) was run on June
as a claim-facilitating blockchain for the SolarCoin 1st, 2016 which demonstrated how solar inverters
foundation. can communicate and store values directly on
the blockchain. Other projects include: claim
solarcoins from orbiting solar panels, connecting

ElectriCChain to LEED facilities, connecting a PV plant in Bulgaria. This is the first utility-scale
data logger to IOTA and more. generator which starts to adopt the SolarCoin.
So far, SolarCoin has incentivised 3.188 GWh of
solar energy in 51 countries. Alesia, a renewable energy PR agency, will
start accepting SolarCoins as a way to pay
ACWA Power, a Saudi Arabian energy company, for their services. SMA, the inverter and PV
started using SolarCoins for two projects: a 50 solution company, is looking into possibilities of
MW CSP project in South Africa and a 50 MW incorporating the SolarCoin for its customers.

NRG Coin Site:

Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Ethereum

NRGcoin is a mechanism and a smart contract developed by Enervalis in collaboration with

that rewards production of renewable energy and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The plan is to pilot the
makes its local consumption cheaper. Prosumers NRGcoin concept in real homes in the Netherlands
mint NRGcoins by supplying renewable energy by Q2 of 2018. The NRGcoin, along with Enervalis,
to the grid. Consumers pay 1 NRGcoin for every will start a project in the Netherlands in Q1 2018
1kWh of locally produced renewable energy they which will allow a small town (Eemnes) to become
use. NRGcoins are traded on a currency market a future energy community.
for other coins or cash. The project is being

Veridium Site:
Hong Kong
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Veridium provides a network for natural Rimba Baya Biodiversity Reserve in Indonesia.
capital and EcoSmart-commodities based on Veridium is collaborating with ConsenSys,
the Ethereum blockchain. The first Natural EnVision Corporation and Brian Kelly Capital
Capital asset is the TGR, a token backed by Triple Management.
Gold REDD+ credits, which delivers compound
environmental and social returns. They Veridium hopes to raise 150M USD by selling
represent forest & biodiversity conservation, two tokens (TGR and VERIDIUM) in October
carbon emissions savings & reductions and 2017. These funds will then be used to further
positive social impact for forest-dependent develop the platform. Veridium has announced a
indigenous communities. These credits are partnership with IBM in order to tokenize carbon
backed by Infinite Earth which has assets in the credits.


ImpactPPA Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

ImpactPPA aims to create a new energy-based costs. These savings could then be used to
cryptocurrency for power purchasing in emerging provide further treatment. The ambition is that
markets. With the money raised by selling the by 2020, both parties will have 50 projects. On
MPAQ token, ImpactPPA intends to install another project, ImpactPPA is working with the
renewable energy solutions in communities Indian Government on the Bhartiya Harit Khadi
around the globe that lack access to electricity. Gramodaya Sansthan which aims to employ up to
In addition, ImpactPPA uses another token, 50 million women from different states in India.
NRG, to track renewable generation data and ImpactPPA will be responsible for powering
transactions. The MPAQ token is on pre-sale as of the entire project with renewable energy and
October 2017. ImpactPPA has over 200 MW in integrating it with ImpactPPA’s blockchain
the project pipeline scheduled for Q2 2018. solution. The first textile processing facility from
the project will be in Khanawa where ImpactPPA
ImpactPPA is working with the Haitian will be providing 100 kW to power the plant and
government to provide power to 42 coastal additional 2 kW systems for the textile looms. In
communities who’ve been left dark since the another project, ImpactPPA has announced that
Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Vinay Gupta has they will develop alongside the law firm Myers,
joined ImpactPPA’s board of advisors. Fletcher & Gordon a project in Jamaica with
ImpactPPA’s platform with an output of more
ImpactPPA has partnered with Earth Day than 2780 kWh/day.
Network (EDN) in order to promote the use of
clean renewable energy around the world. As the Millenium Blockchain, a blockchain holding
first project, both parties will implement a system company, has announced a letter of intent to buy 3
at a hospital in Somaliland. The idea is that the MUSD worth of ImpactPPA tokens and warrants.
system will help the hospital save on electricity

Energi Mine Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Where most tokens are used to incentivize the represent cash value, but could also be used to
generation of renewable energy, Energi token pay the energy bill or charge their EV. Energi
aims to incentivize energy-efficient behaviour. Mine will build a payment system for EV charging
They hope to achieve behavioural change by points in the UK. Eventually these tokens can also
rewarding tokens for energy saving behaviour, be used for p2p energy trading. The token sale
for example using public transport. These tokens will be finished by January 2018.


Energi Mine appointed an AI robot, Sasha, to efficiency of EMA’s member organizations.

the management board. Sasha will be able make Additionally, they also announced a partnership
decisions on trading and use machine learning with FuzeX, to bring the 1st electronic debit card
to learn from sales figures and performance for crypto to the UK. In another announcement,
statistics. Silicon Valley entrepreneur Keith Teare Energi Mine has closed a partnership with Simply
joined the board of Energi Mine. EV, a provider of EV accessories. This will allow
users to get some tokens by buying from Simply
Energi Mine finished their ICO and raised 4 EV.
MUSD in 81 minutes to a total of 15 MUSD (with
11 MUSD being pre-sale). Energi Mine also noted The Energi Token rewards system has been
that they are working on an EV payment system released as a beta version on May 15 2018. The
in the UK. Energi Mine will also be opening offices first tokens will be created for those that upload
in Japan, South Korea, Germany and the US. a proof of electric vehicle ownership. The phase
Hannah Drake was appointed as COO. two of the rewards platform has been released
(August 5 2018) in English, Japanese, Korean and
Energi Mine announced a partnership with Chinese.
Energy Managers Association (EMA) in order to
deliver a proof of concept related to the energy

EcoCoin Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Hyperledger

The ECO coin is a currency which aims to represent more than economic value by rewarding activities
with a positive ecological footprint with ECO coins. The specific activities are decided by a community.
The ECO coin will eventually be set up in blockchain to allow for more transparency, democracy and a
global reach.

Farad Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Farad is introducing a token which is linked to the actual production of ultra-capacitors as energy
storage. A token swap is programmed for Q4 2017.


PRTI & Standard Site:


American Mining Year Founded:


PRTI and Standard American Mining have created the first waste-to-energy plant which will mine
cryptocurrencies. The plant will process used tires to run a turbine which will produce the electricity.

Energy Coin Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

The purpose of the Energy Coin is to facilitate the energy transition and move away from fossil fuels and
towards renewables. The Energy Coin is meant to be used as a platform to build energy applications
using the strengths of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The wallet can be found here.

Envion Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

Envion uses overcapacity from renewable sources such as solar to mine cryptocurrencies. This is done
through mobile mining units which are placed directly at the source. The ENVION ICO has raised more
than 40M USD.


EverGreenCoin Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

EverGreenCoin is a new cryptocurrency Economic Opportunities (IEO) in order to merge

designed to invest in the environment. One of the renewable energy with cryptocurrency and fund
different branches of the coin is one focused on 2 energy systems (1 wind and 1 solar).
renewables. They have partnered with Increased

HydroMiner Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

HydroMiner uses hydropower stations in the 2017 and mining contracts will commence on
Alps to access lower energy prices and mine February 2018. HydroMiner raised 2.8 MUSD in
cryptocurrencies. The token sale finished in Q4 their ICO and are planning an IPO.

Swytch Site:
South Korea
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Swytch incentives renewable energy production identity validation for IoT devices. Swytch also
through the creation of a cryptocurrency that joined the Bancor Network, which will enable
verifies the production. These tokens can then continuous liquidity for the Swytch token.
be monetized through the trade and transfer. In
collaboration with Atonomi, Swytch is planning Several cities in South Korea have already
to embed low-cost chips within smart meters forged partnerships with Swytch. Meanwhile,
so that data can be granular and be better used. in Germany, Energy2market GmbH (e2m) has
Swytch will be the first organization to use the formed a partnership with Swytch in order to do
Atonomi Network, which is a new crypto-security a proof of concept test. This will test Swytch’s
protocol that allows for advanced trust and blockchain platform against 3.5 GW of renewable


energy assets (enough to power 500,000 homes). In another announcement, Swytch has partnered
This platform consists of a token that make it with Evident Proof, which is an Ethereum
easy to exchange production data, a protocol blockchain that turns data into immutable proof
(proof-of-production) to verify this data and of evidence chains. Continuing the roll, Swytch
an open-source “oracle” to aggregate this data has become an affiliate of the Energy Web
and make the proper incentives for the optimal Foundation. Further partnerships: with HST Solar
environmental and economic impact. This “oracle”, to accelerate solar installations; a multi-million
with AI and machine learning, will determine how dollar investment by Reflective Venture Partners
much carbon is being displaced and therefore and with Mobile Bridge, a cryptocurrency-based
how many Swytch tokens to allocate. Thus, marketing platform.
producers will get Swytch tokens as renewable
energy ultimately displaces carbon emissions.

KWHCoin Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

KWHCoin is an energy-specific digital energy resources and trade with each other.
cryptocurrency which is backed by 1 kWh KWHCoin is focused on residential solar, EV,
of green electricity. With their blockchain microgrids and wind farms. KWHCoin will be
solution, KWHCoin aims to have a better billing launching their first project in Puerto Rico, where
model integrated with smart meters, localized they have already assigned 10 homes for deployment.
generation of electricity and a decentralized
application where prosumers can connect their

The Sun Protocol Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: Ethereum

The Sun Protocol uses a Solartainer (solar + container) lease or buy equipment, purify water, use a vehicle or
on villages in Sub Saharan Africa to provide up to cool produce. Even though the token is backed by a
50,000 kWh. Then for each kWh consumed, a token kWh, the ambition is that in the future it will be used
is distributed. Each token could then be used to rent, for other products and services.


Encoin Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Encoin is a token that rewards distributed energy generation and storage. Its investor is Energise, an
accelerator from Australia.

Gear Blockchain Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Gear’s idea is to become a closed-loop green energy network that invests in green electricity for mining. The
profits from there will then be re-invested in green energy assets. Gear is exploring the option of an ICO.


4 Platform
Energy Web Site:

Foundation Year Founded:


The Energy Web Foundation aims to develop Round B funding, 12 major global energy players
a common open source network based on and 15 strategic partners have joined the EWF
blockchain which can be used by a variety of energy ecosystem, raising more than 17 MUSD (including
stakeholders. This will allow for development the original 10 founding affiliates).
consistency and business use cases which can be
built on this network. It was co-created by Rocky During the Event Horizon 2018 in Berlin, the
Mountain Institute and Grid Singularity. More Energy Web Foundation has released a couple
than 10 energy companies, which include Shell of new tools. The first is the Origin app which
and TEPCO, have joined as affiliates. It secured will help track certificate of origin transactions
2.5M USD in an initial funding round. as well as improving the transparency. The EW
Connect is an online community for energy
During the European Utility Week (Oct 2017), the blockchain enthusiasts. Also, the testnet has been
Energy Web Foundation launched a test network released and the D3A simulation environment
codenamed Tobalaba. Currently in preliminary was presented, with the aim to be the basis for
testing phase, the network is aiming to scale on a transactive energy. Other innovations include:
commercial level by mid-2019. decentralized proof-of-authority where industry
players will validate the blocks and reduce energy
The test network, Tobalaba, was released on usage; secret transactions so that confidential
Nov 1st and is now open to the public. The information can be kept private; WebAssembly
main features offered by the test network are integration to open blockchain development to
authority whitelisting, simple deployment scripts C/C++/Rust engineers and a light client to run the
and “secret contracts”. The beta release will be chain on small IoT devices.
launched in April 2018 during the Event Horizon
event and then the plan is to go live during Event More than 50 companies are now working on the
Horizon 2019. test network, Tobalaba. Hervé Touati has been
named CEO of the Energy Web Foundation.
Six Swiss utility companies have partnered up
with the Energy Web Foundation to test its
platform and launch pilot projects. As part of the


Grid Singularity Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

Grid singularity works on the creation of a and validation. Grid Singularity develops these
permissioned decentralized energy data exchange applications, including a grid management agent.
platform, built on blockchain. The blockchain
will be hosted by the Energy Web Foundation. It Grid Singularity, along with FH Salzburg, is
allows different actors to design and use a variety providing the software for two energy trading
of applications, such as grid balancing, investment pilot projects in Austria. They will start Q1 2018
facilities, certificate trading and energy trading and will be evaluated by the end of 2018.

Slock.it Site:
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Ethereum

Slock.it aims to revolutionize the Sharing goods, industrial machinery, sports equipment,
Economy by making it possible to rent, sell or etc. Their technology is already used in the
share any smart object through the blockchain. wild by Innogy Innovation Lab, for whom Slock.
The German startup is developing the Universal it has developed Share&Charge, a blockchain
Sharing Network, an open source infrastructure application allowing EV drivers to share
where manufacturers and end users can monetize their charging stations and benefit from the
their unused assets including apartments, white transactions.

Energy Blockchain Site: http://www.energy-blockchain.com/


Labs Country:
Year Founded:
Blockchain: Hyperledger

Energy Blockchain Labs works at the intersection 2016, they completed and showcased a carbon
of energy and fintech. They are developing a chain application at the Wuzhen Global Internet
blockchain platform to provide a range of apps Conference in collaboration with IBM.
for the energy industry. During November


BTL Group Site:

Canada & UK
Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: Own (Interbit)

BTL has developed a multi blockchain platform BTL raised 15.3M CAD in order to launch a
(Interbit) targeting enterprises. BTL has run a marketing effort for its blockchain platform. The
successful energy trading pilot with BP, Eni and aim of BTL is to launch the platform in Q1 2018.
Wien Energie in conjunction with EY exploring
how their Interbit platform can streamline the BTL announced that a number of companies,
energy trading lifecycle. The pilot was successful which include Eni Trading & Shipping, Total,
in all 8 test scenarios. They are looking to Gazprom Marketing & Trading, Mercuria,
broaden the scope of the pilot and progress to the Vattenfall, Petroineos and Freepoint, have
next phase. BTL now has interest from a larger been using BTL’s platform for the back-office
consortium for the next phase of the trading settlement of energy trades, including a gas-
project. BTL has filed patent applications for its trading project with BP. Interbit, the platform, is
Interbit platform. BTL is a publicly traded company available since April 23 for testing and feedback.
on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSXV:BTL).

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum

Daisee aims to design and deploy open-sourced, of Energy”, lets prosumers decide how they
secured, distributed autonomous energy share their energy, making conditions favorable
infrastructure systems, from supply and demand for both energy appropriation and p2p energy
monitoring to distributed physical and data management.
infrastructure. This infrastructure, the “Internets


EnLedger Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

Besides their consulting and developing power exchange, registration of green devices and
activities, EnLedger is working on their own share tracking and dividend payments to owners
blockchain-based platform, EnergyChain. of grid-attached devices. The Energy Efficiency
EnergyChain functionalities include registration Coin, EECoin, will function as the currency on the
of ownership of grid-attached devices, tracking platform.
and notarization of energy meter data, automated

Prosume Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

Prosume is a blockchain-based platform with a multitude of applications: p2p trading, EV management,

crypto-equity for projects, smart metering and more. An ICO is programmed for Q4 2017.


Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Own

DAO IPCI develops a blockchain-based open carbon market. The Mitigation Token (MITO) will
source platform to support environmental be released with an ICO in November 2017. In
initiatives where users can manage different October 2017, 200.000 tonnes of carbon credits
environmental assets and liabilities. In this were offered through the platform by Russian
platform, all relevant stakeholders would factory Hinprom.
have access to the common ledger. A proof
of concept was developed during the World 1.5 million tradable carbon credits have been
Bank’s Innovate4Climate. The first carbon credit issued in the DAO IPCI platform by Swiss Krono,
transaction occurred in March 2017 between the a fibreboard manufacturer. The first transaction
Russian Carbon Fund and the Aera Group. DAO was made by Khimprom on DAO IPCI’s blockchain,
IPCI is collaborating with Chooose, a Norweigan a chemical production company based in Siberia.
company, in order to apply the technology to the

Alastria Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Own

Alastria is a consortium blockchain This will be done in collaboration with the

platform, supported by some of the largest government and universities.
Spanish companies in finance, energy and
telecommunications, that will be developed The public treasury of Spain has signed an
specifically for Spain’s legal and regulatory agreement with Alastria to develop blockchain
framework. applications for Spain.

StromDAO Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Fury Network

STROMDAO develops and operates a consensus also provides application developers with a broad
system for decentralised energy markets. Their set of open source tools and libraries designed to
energy blockchain network is open to be utilised help facilitate straightforward integrations with
by various market participants (TSOs, DSOs, existing IT systems.
retailers, etc) to build and run their applications. It

Petrobloq Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Petroteq Energy, along with First Bitcoin Petrobloq has announced a membership
Capital Corp, have announced the creation of within the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, with
a new blockchain-based supply chain platform the American Petroleum Institute and the
(Petrobloq) specifically made for the oil and gas Hyperledger Foundation.
industry. The objective of the platform would
be to provide cost and time savings, increased Petrobloq has announced a partnership with
transparency and the ability to stabilize the Mexican state-owned petroleum company,
market due to geopolitical and price fluctuations. Pemex.


Electrify.Asia Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Electrify provides a p2p marketplace where Electrify also announced a partnership with
consumers can browse and buy electricity from Narada Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, a Chinese energy
smaller energy producers and/or retailers. storage company with the second-largest capacity
The trading platform is called Synergy and will in the world. The idea is to deploy an energy
be supported by the PowerPod (IoT-enabled pricing solution In Singapore, Australia, Japan
device) and an eWallet to facilitate payments. and Cambodia by the end of 2018. The PowerPod
The launch of the marketplace will be in Q1 2018 would be used to collect data and present it on a
with planned expansions towards Japan, The dashboard. There are further plans to using solar
Philippines, Vietnam and Australia. An ICO will panels on commercial and residential rooftops.
be conducted on Q1 2018. Electrify won the first
prize of ICOscar at Blockshow Asia 2017. Electrify has also signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with the Solar Research Energy
The PowerPod’s initial MVP was launched in May Institute of Singapore in order to pursue
2018. collaborative research and development
regarding the intersection of PV and blockchain.
Electrify raised around 30 MUSD from their
token sale, which includes institutional investors Electrify’s platform is currently available only for
as well as individual ones. These funds will be used business customers in Singapore (with Japan and
to expand to other Southeast Asian countries as Australia coming soon). However, more than 500
they start to liberalize their electricity markets. local businesses have used the technology saving
The idea for 2H 2018 is to have smart contracts more than 1.5 M Singapore dollars in the process.
on their platform that will allow consumers to
buy electricity from different sources. Electrify announced a partnership with Streamr,
a decentralized marketplace for real-time data.
Jeffrey Char, who heads TEPCO’s blockchain This matches perfectly with Electrify’s Power Pod
initiatives, has joined Electrify as a board advisor data sourcing (5-minute intervals). Onboarding
and likewise Electrify has signed a Memorandum of the PowerPod into Streamr’s marketplace is
of Understanding with TEPCO in order to develop expected to be ready by Q2 2018.
their platform, Synergy, in Singapore. TEPCO has
invested some money in Electrify. With further Electrify’s revenues are 10 million Singapore
commitments to developing blockchain in Asia, dollars with 60 GWh of electricity transactions.
Electrify announced partnerships with Neutrino
(a Japanese blockchain co-working space) and
the Ethereum Community Fund (a 100 MUSD
fund to support blockchain projects). Electrify is
conducting a pilot project in Kyushu, Japan.


Platinum Energy Site:


Recovery Corporation Year Founded:


Platinum Energy Recovery Corporation (PERC) Vemanti Group has signed a Letter of Intent to
is developing a blockchain-based platform for invest in PERC.
the energy commodities trading market in Asia.

Onder Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: Ethereum

Onder creates a blockchain-based platform the characteristics of the platform are balancing
that can be used to test and run new business of supply and demand in real-time and supporting
models in a distributed energy future. Some of distributed generation and storage.

VPPlant Site:
Year Founded: 2013
Blockchain: N/A

VPPlant, as its name suggests, manages and standard of comfort. With blockchain technology
develops virtual power plants for customers. in the horizon, VPPlant could offer a faster EV
One of their main products, the Enabler DSR, is charging service (with power saved in the form of
used to control the consumption of electricity Negawatts).
and heat in buildings while maintaining a certain


OLI Systems Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Tobalaba

OLI creates a platform that can be used by Origin app, the OLI Manager which is about
consumers and prosumers alike to turn them setting up microgrids and the OLI Balance which
into active players of the German Energiewende. allows for improved forecasting to minimize
Currently, they have three products: OLI Label financial losses in distribution grids. OLI is an
which follows the Energy Web Foundation’s affiliate of the Energy Web Foundation.

Settlemint Site: http://www.settlemint.

Country: Belgium
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Multiple

Settlemint helps with the development of they have developed the EnergyMint, which is
blockchain-based software that allows companies compatible with the EWF’s chain and customers
to take advantage of the benefits of distributed can explore various use cases: certificates of
ledger technologies. Settlemint works with a origin, tokenization, microgrids and access to the
variety of use cases. However, in the energy field energy marketplace.


Enosi Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

The Enosi Protocol enables communities, small energy tech accelerators around the world. Enosi
businesses and startups to compete with “big have signed a multitude of “neo-retailers” and
energy”. Participants, known as “neo-retailers” recently launched the first eDAO to enable a tech
stake the JOUL token get free software to bill startup and retailer to offer peer-to-peer trading
customers, aggregate buying power, reduce risk in Australia. The project is open-source, not-for-
and access a retail license. Enosi has partnered profit, and global.
with the New Energy Nexus network of over 70

Energy Blockchain Site:


Network Year Founded:


The Energy Blockchain Network (EBN) is a and programmable processes for building asset
platform that connects all the key stakeholders registries and enabling use cases. EBN was quoted
to find and build energy projects. The EBN uses in a docket by Utility regulator of the Arizona
blockchain to ensure that whoever adds value Corporation Commission as “the energy industry
in the supply chain will be compensated via is entering the age of the Energy Technology
smart contracts. It has a couple of features: a Convergence”.
rewards program to accelerate lead origination


5 EV
Oxygen Initiative Site:
Year Founded: 2014
Blockchain: Ethereum

Oxygen Initiative focuses on charging and Innogy), Oxygen Initiative has brought the
infrastructure for EVs. They have a network of program, in collaboration with Innogy, to the US
charging stations across the US. After the success to test it against the American market.
of Share&Charge in Germany (from Slock.it

Share&Charge Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Tobalaba

Share & Charge allows people to share their Share&Charge recently completed the
charging stations, parking spots and eventually Oslo2Rome project where they set out to test a
their EVs. The payment system is based on single e-charging network through Europe.
blockchain. Together with US EV charging station
company eMotorWerks, Share&Charge is rolling On another project, Share&Charge has started a
out a trial (starting August 2017) in California to pilot in the UK in collaboration with Volkswagen
test its system abroad. Through the Oslo2Rome Financial Services where charge point operators
project starting in October 2017, 10 e-drivers can use Share&Charge’s platform.
will drive across the European continent to
test the future of e-mobility. Just in Germany Share & Charge has become an affiliate of the
alone, Share&Charge already has 1224 charging Energy Web Foundation.
Parent company: MotionWerk


Car eWallet Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Hyperledger

Car eWallet will make your car function as without a physical key. Furthermore it acts as
an autonomous financial entity. It will pay for an immutable car pass, showing ownerships,
parking, charging, toll, without the need to mileage, maintenance, etc. Car eWallet is a
manage multiple accounts. It can allow access partnership of ZF, UBS and IBM. The blockchain
to the vehicles, enabling car sharing and rental in use is IBM’s Hyperledger Fabric.

Everty Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Ethereum

Everty is a p2p EV charging network in Australia. Users can make their charging available for others as
well as use others’ charging stations.

Chubu Electric Site: http://www.chuden.co.jp/

Power Co. Country:
Year Founded:
1951 (2018)
Blockchain: Bitcoin

Chubu Electric Power Co. is Japan’s third-largest electricity provider and is testing bitcoin payment
via the Lightning network as a new way to let customer charge and pay for an electric vehicle.

InnoEnergy Site:
The Netherlands
Year Founded: 2010
Blockchain: N/A

InnoEnergy is a European company that is related to smart communities and e-mobility. Here,
dedicated to the innovation in sustainable energy InnoEnergy will work alongside IOTA to explore
as well as business creation and education the value of the Tangle technology. This is part of
awareness. InnoEnergy has partnered with the EVe project which is part of the EU’s Horizon
the largest public building owners in Sweden, 2020 research and innovation programme.
ÖrebroBostäder, to test new business models


6 Other
The Sun Site:
South Africa

Exchange Year Founded:


With blockchain technology, The Sun Exchange their Sun Exchange Solar Project Insurance Fund
makes it is possible to own solar panels installed (SPIF) which is designed to minimize risk and
in the sunniest locations on earth and lease them unlock financing for solar projects. The SPIF is a
to businesses and communities in developing crowd-sourced default insurance fund for solar
nations. The owners of the solar panels then projects in emerging markets. The SPIF will guard
receive rental income through bitcoin and/or owners of any potential defaults that might occur.
national currency. By breaking down ownership
to a single solar cell, they have reduced the cost The Sun Exchange is planning to participate in a
of going solar by two orders of magnitude. Solar pilot with the Energy Web Foundation Origin app
projects that The Sun Exchange has hosted so during the summer of 2018.
far are 4 commercial rooftops (15, 17, 45 and 60
kW) with over 100MW in the making. The Sun The Sun Exchange has partnered with the United
Exchange has won several awards for their work Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
such as: Best Blockchain and Bitcoin Business in order to bring solar power to a university
in Africa 2016 & 2017, the 2017 SDO Global in Moldova. The most likely university is the
Blockchain Challenge in Dubai and won the 2017 Technical University of Moldova. The UNDP
Mondato Award for Social Impact in Sub-Saharan would be open to consider other similar projects
Africa. The Sun Exchange raised 1.6M USD in if this one is successful. SolarCoin will also be part
seed funding in October 2017. Previously, The of the project.
Sun Exchange had raised over 16k pounds from
an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. The Sun In Africa, The Sun Exchange has partnered with
Exchange will finance 1 MW of rooftop solar Powerhive in order to improve energy access
for educational institutions in Dubai after being in Africa. Powerhive will be the recipients of
selected for the Dubai Solar Schools Program. funds from sales of the SUNEX token and these
funds will be used to create mini-grid projects
The Sun Exchange announced their SUNEX token, throughout sub-Saharan Africa. This project is
programmed to go on sale the 22nd of April 2018. expected to catalyze up to 23 MUSD in capital
Alongside this, The Sun Exchange also launched and fund 150 new projects in Kenya.


Bankymoon Site:
South Africa
Year Founded: 2014
Blockchain: N/A

Bankymoon is a software company dedicated banking capabilities, Bankymoon launched a

to applying blockchain in distinct fields. In prepaid smart meter that works with blockchain
order to help utilities collect revenue from technology and bitcoin.
African consumers who don’t have formal

Freeelio Site:
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Tobalaba

Freeelio, in collaboration with ecosystem storing, and sharing of electricity. Freeelio is a

partners, develops AdptEVE, an energy app that founding member of the German Blockchain
uses AI to optimize the costs and the use of solar Association and in the Early Access Program for
power. AdptEVE uses blockchain to account for Startups in the Energy Web Foundation. Freeelio
energy value in a building with different tokens will become a Decentralized Autonomous
of different purposes: feed-in, shifting, saving, Corporation within 18 months.

M-PAYG Site:
Year Founded: 2013
Blockchain: Ethereum

Concerned about the lack of access to electricity, in a refugee camp in Bidibidi, Uganda. Users of
M-PAYG uses blockchain to provide “pay-as- M-PAYG will be able to pay from their mobile
you-go” solar energy for families in developing phones and get cheaper solar electricity. A similar
countries. In collaboration with the Danish NGO project from M-PAYG has been held in Tanzania.
DanChurchAid, M-PAYG is testing a solution


Poseidon Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Stellar.org

Poseidon aims to use Stellar.org’s blockchain consistency across jurisdictions. Poseidon’s key
technology to establish an ecosystem to partner for the carbon credits is Ecosphere+ in
simplify the carbon credit market. In this way it addition to other strategic partners. Poseidon
will allow carbon consequences to be visible is conducting pilot projects for “a wide range
for the first time by enabling a carbon value of significantly polluting industries in various
to be added directly into everyday products. countries…”
Blockchain technology will enable consumers to
participate through micro-transactions and will Poseidon recently announced a fundraiser for
prevent double counting of carbon and provides January 2018.

Clearwatts Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: BigchainDB (Ocean

Clearwatts uses blockchain technology to reliable information (required to execute and

facilitate effective collaboration between settle agreements). The first phase will focus on
counterparties in the energy industry. As the execution and settlement of a PPA between a
an independent party, Clearwatts assists windfarm and its offtaker.
counterparties in an energy trade to set up a
distributed database that discloses valuable and


Guardtime Site:
Year Founded: 2007
Blockchain: N/A

Guardtime is a blockchain platform company In addition, with Intrinsic ID, Guardtime will
which leverages its platform to build enterprise develop with blockchain a pilot to test the safety
applications. In regards to energy, Guardtime of data in smart meters after winning an award at
was contracted by the US DOE to increase the the Blocklab opening in Rotterdam. Additionally,
security of the grid as distributed systems and the both companies will also develop a decentralized
digital grid start becoming a reality. This is being trading platform with funding from the Dutch
executed in collaboration with Siemens and other Government, the city of Rotterdam and managed
partners, such as universities and labs. by Blocklab. The pilot will be conducted in the
Rotterdam area.

WaveX Site:
Saudi Arabia
Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: ArabianChain

WaveX is a platform that connects solar panel of energy between two entities. WaveX uses
investors with people who have empty rooftops the ArabianChain blockchain platform, the first
or lots. Additionally, it also allows for the trade public blockchain in the region.

4New Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

4New uses blockchain as a platform to operate as Mirach Capital Group. 4New’s first pilot facility
waste-to-energy power plants from collection launch will be licensed in the United Kingdom.
of waste to sale of electricity. For this purpose,
the 4NEW tokens will be made available to the 4New has announced that they have started
public in Q4 2017. 4NEW announced a 25M USD formal talks with Blockchain Puerto Rico to bring
investment from a US private equity fund in order to fruition Puerto Rico’s first Waste-To-Energy
to construct 4NEW’s first plant. Additionally, it power plants after the hurricane.
secured 30.5M USD from different backers such


Solar DAO Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Solar DAO is a blockchain platform created to ahead with a 1 MW project in Kazakhstan, a 2

build and invest in solar plants around the world MW project in Ukraine and a 250 kW project in
through crowdfunding. Solar DAO currently Israel.
has 4 projects under development in Portugal
(2x), Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Solar DAO’s ICO SolarDAO announced that they will start with the
is scheduled for December 2017. Solar DAO’s first plants in Kazakhstan, a 4 MW plant in the
ICO was cancelled due to the fact that Solar north-west and a 4 MW in the south. Costs will
DAO raised enough capital (448,000 USD) in the come under 5000 USD per MW. They will also
pre-ICO that the public sale was not necessary. focus as well on Portugal, besides Kazakhstan,
However, with this budget Solar DAO can go Israel and Ukraine.

CarbonX Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

CarbonX uses tokens, linked to carbon offsets system for environmentally-conscious customers.
REDD+, to create a p2p system where users can CarbonX was launched in collaboration with
get rewarded for carbon-saving behavior. These ConsenSys (which also supports Grid+).
tokens are called CxT and can then be sold to Additionally, CarbonX has also partnered up with
companies who which to use them as a reward Block Partners ULC.


MyBit Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

MyBit is a blockchain-enabled platform that Alpine Mining (sustainable cryptocurrency

allows IoT assets to be funded and owned by mining) in order to bring their technology to
people all over the world. Owners can then profit the cryptocurrency mining circle. With this
from the revenues that the asset generates. Solar partnership, MyBit can offer distribute ownership
energy is the first market that MyBit is exploring. of the mining farms that fit every available budget.
MyBit secured 2.8M USD through their ICO
on August 2017. MyBit has partnered with

DNV GL/Deloitte Site:

Year Founded: 2017 (1864)
Blockchain: Own

Along with Deloitte EMEA Blockchain Lab, DNV GL has created their own blockchain platform where
they have transferred all of its 90,000 certificates.

BCDC (BlockChain Site:


Development Year Founded:



BCDC aims to improve the world’s sustainability the EcoChain which is an investment platform
by using blockchain. They have launched the to connect investors with renewable energy
RecycleToCoin to incentivize recycling of plastic projects around the world.
and aluminum. In terms of energy, BCDC operates


Dooak Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Dooak is a Brazilian startup that fosters smart contracts based on Ethereum blockchain,
productive and decentralized investments which is part of the first application developed
in distributed energy and energy efficiency to regulate the relationship and transactions
projects. The aim is to accelerate business between stakeholders. The aim is also to connect
competitiveness and a new energy world. The with local and global incentive funds to enhance
project started in June 2017 and it’s one of the feasibility. Currently the company is assessing
leading blockchain pioneers in Latin America. the first projects to be supported. In a second
The developers register projects of their clients phase of development, there will be a platform
to be supported and individual investors can to finance projects through ICOs with secondary
assess and choose the best options according to utility market to increase liquidity of the projects
their investment thesis, diversification strategy outputs. Dooak has been accelerated by EDP
and risk profile. The process is handled by Energia at the EDP Starter Program.

Totaro & Associates Site:

Year Founded: 2010
Blockchain: N/A

Totaro & Associates has launched a content Companies that are willing to share their data will
aggregation and licensing platform for the energy receive a royalty for any data that is used. All data
industry that can be used by asset owners, OEMs, will be tracked through IntelStor with blockchain
suppliers and data companies. This can be used technology.
to access performance or health monitoring data.


Green Energy Site:


Wallet Year Founded:


Green Energy Wallet is a system based on made of the mobile application and the hardware
blockchain that allows to lease batteries from component (Power Box). The ICO is programmed
either EVs or home batteries. All the unused for the first half of 2018. Lykke AG acts as the
battery capacity can be used as a buffer store for technology partner.
renewable energy. The Green Energy Wallet is

Assetron Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Waves

Assetron Energy develops a p2p blockchain- a large solar power plant in Australia with the
based solution to finance renewable energy proceeds from their ICO.
projects and assets. Assetron Energy will build

XinFin Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Own

XinFin provides a platform that enables p2p XinFin financed a solar power plant through a
financing. With the token XDC, XinFin enables simulation using its platform and the XDC token.
governments and users to find the lowest cost XinFin has joined the Enterprise Ethereum
infrastructure financing. Alliance with more than 250 member companies.
XinFin also launched their utility token XDCE
which helps traders compete against other
tokens across various exchanges.


Hyperion Fund Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Hyperion Fund addresses the financing problem that comes with solar plants in emerging markets.
Through an ICO and token holders, investors will be able to buy 1W of the solar power project.

NewEra Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: Own

NewEra Energy (NERA) aims to use blockchain (ERU - Emission Reduction Units) that will be
in their Carbon Grid Protocol to create a credited to people who offer green energy for the
framework that rewards different blockchains network.
and decentralized apps for offsetting their carbon
footprints. This will be done by introducing NERA entered into a partnership with Bamboo
tradable carbon credits to the blockchain Capital Group to commence on their pilot project.
ecosystem that will allow for carbon offsets. NERA has pledged to invest up to 50 MUSD into
Besides the tokenized carbon credits, the renewable energy projects.
blockchain ledger will also have another token

Energy Eco Chain Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: Own

Energy Eco Chain provides a blockchain-based energy trading platform by June 2018. Energy
platform for energy supply chain finance and Eco Chain will be supporting the Batam Indonesia
payment/settlement for p2p energy trading. The Free Zone Authority on their island’s Smart
token that fuels the power is the Energy Token & Digital Economy Initiative. The ET hybrid
(ET). Energy Eco Chain uses a hybrid blockchain blockchain and digital wallet was launched on the
(private and public). The idea is to launch the 18th of April 2018.


Applied Blockchain Site:

Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

Applied Blockchain develops blockchain solutions Blockchain. The idea of the investment is to
and applications for startups and corporates discover and develop new business models and
alike. In their first experience with the energy innovate in commodity trading.
field, Shell invested a minority stake in Applied

SPI Energy Site:

Hong Kong
Year Founded: 2005
Blockchain: N/A

SPI Energy is a global provider of PV solutions, scale or residential) in China, Japan, Europe and
directed towards the downstream PV market North America. It was announced in Jan 2018
including the development, financing, operation that SPI Energy would explore using blockchain
and sale of solar power projects (either utility- for their e-commerce application.

Graph Blockchain Site:

Year Founded: 2011
Blockchain: N/A

Graph Blockchain is a company that develops based solution, in collaboration with IBM, for a
blockchain solutions for corporations and Korean electric power company. This will mostly
governments. Graph Blockchain is a joint venture be in analyzing EV charging stations. The value of
between Datametrex and Bitnine. In the energy the prototype is 400,000 USD.
field, Graph Blockchain will develop a blockchain-


S&P Global Platts Site:

Year Founded: 1909 (2018)
Blockchain: Hyperledger

S&P Global Platts has released a blockchain data management and create a more transparent
platform for oil data where participants are sharing of data. Besides FOIZ and FEDCom, there
allowed to submit weekly inventory oil storage are also 11 other terminal operators with access
data to Fujairah Oil Industry Zone (FOIZ) in to the platform. According to the press release,
United Arab Emirates and the regulator, FEDCom. this will be the first commercial implementation
This will remove inefficiencies created by manual of blockchain in the energy field.

Causam eXchange Site:

Year Founded: 2015
Blockchain: N/A

Causam eXchange is an energy financial MW solar array in a building where the owner
settlement company based in the US. It has is selling the energy through the platform to
a blockchain-based software, EnergyNet, the tenants. Causam eXchange also announced
which allows for real-time p2p payments and a token sale that represents equity, the first
settlements of energy. Amount of customers Blockchain Instrument for transferable Equity
using the platform is not known, but there is a 1 (BITE).

Chilean National Site:


Energy Commission Year Founded:

2018 (project)

Since March 2018, the Chilean National Energy prices and the compliance with the renewable
Commission will be using blockchain to certify energy law. One of the main reasons to do this
the quality and certainty of the data of their project is that the data is immutable, so this will
national energy sector. The platform is called ensure that data has not been modified since its
Energía Abierta (Open Energy) and will include inception.
the average market prices, marginal costs, fuel


Trueken Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Trueken works in the residential PV sector by planning, installing, operating and financing small
PV plants. Through blockchain, the power plant can be fully tokenized. Trueken is part of the :agile
accelerator by E.ON.

Riddle & Code Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: N/A

Riddle & Code creates blockchain interface improved with non-removable, sealed crypto
solutions, both on the software and the hardware tags. These crypto tags are being used by EDP
side. On the energy side, Riddle & Code works to monitor electricity producers and consumers
on an energy metering pilot project, where in Brazil. This will allow to measure consumption
transparency about the energy consumed is data without having to install smart meters.

ReWatt Power Site:

Year Founded: 2016
Blockchain: Hyperledger

ReWatt Power works with assets, from micro the costs with machine learning and using
generators to utility-scale to system operators, blockchain to pay quickly and securely. ReWatt
in order to increase the returns on these assets. Power currently has a pilot project in Alberta,
They do this through a combination of lowering where they are testing their business model.


KiWi New Energy Site: http://www.kiwinewenergy.com

Country: US
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

KiWi New Energy develops a blockchain-based patents for their smart inverter. A pipeline of 500
platform for investment and financing. It aims to MW has been secured, according to their pitch
connect developers with investors around the deck.
world. KiWi New Energy has been granted three

Bitlumens Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

Bitlumens aims to bring electricity to rural turn, will have access to this data which will allow
villages in Latin America. Bitlumens brings solar them to lend out microcredits to those who need
power devices to places without electricity and it. Bitlumens’ first target market is Guatemala
connects the data to the blockchain. Banks, in with a pilot project already started.

Drone Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Drone Energy aims to optimize energy-producing ability to relocate assets to the US with blockchain.
assets with smart grid technology. They provide They have over 131 MW in development. Drone
ultra-high density compute systems and the Energy closed a 1 MUSD seed round.


phINet Site:
Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

phINet is an information platform that allows product, the user is able to trace their electricity
you to store the data generated by monitoring generation and consumption with blockchain.
stations and other devices. With the phiNergy

Global Grid Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Global Grid is a platform that aims to develop merchant basis, that is, selling directly to the spot
large-scale solar projects in Mexico by market without a PPA. Global Grid is also part of
tokenization. Although working globally, Global the Climate Chain Coalition.
Grid will first focus on Latin America (and Mexico
especially). They are working with the local Their system will rely on two tokens: the Global
developer Prenergy for the construction of a 100 Grid Coin (GGX) which will be a utility token for
MW PV plant in Gualadajara. Total investment the platform and the Energy Backed Token (EBT)
will be around 100 MUSD. The plant will be on a which will represent the physical energy.

GreenX Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

GreenX is a platform that will connect investors entered into a preliminary agreement with
with developers in order to secure the funds NESA Investment Holdings in order to put their
necessary to build solar plants. Investors can projects on GreenX’s platform, after the proper
be either small or institutional. GreenX has due diligence and legal counsel.


Datawatt Energy Site:

Year Founded: 2018
Blockchain: N/A

Datawatt Energy is a blockchain-based platform that aims to raise funds for renewable projects
via tokenization.

Solar Site Design Site:

Year Founded: 2013
Blockchain: N/A

Solar Site Design has a platform where to enable new solar originators and to reduce soft
information regarding solar projects can be costs (installation, customer acquisition, permit
shared between key stakeholders. Solar Site acquisition, etc). Solar Site Design is one of the
Design is adopting blockchain technology in first companies to use the integration of NetSuite
order to make the sharing of information easier, and Oracle Blockchain Cloud Service.

WPO Site:
Year Founded: 2008
Blockchain: N/A

WPO is a European asset manager. From their WPO will use utility tokens which will be offered
projects under management, they will use during an ICO.
blockchain to issue renewable energy certificates.


XiWatt Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: Ethereum

XiWatt is developing a blockchain-based crowdfunded. After this is done, tokens will be

platform to connect developers, investors and distributed to the investors. Energy revenues will
consumers in order to fund and launch renewable be collected by XiWatt and then distributed to
energy projects. Different projects (“Sectors”) the investors. The token is called XIW and XiWatt
will be listed there with the possibility to be will offer an ICO in the second half of 2018.

Simba Chain Site:

Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Simba Chain is a blockchain company that develops market. This will be done in conjunction with the
solutions as “Blockchain-As-A-Service” where University of Notre Dame and ITAMCO. Simba
they connect users and providers of government Chain will be meeting with power utilities and
with entreprise networks. In regards to energy, municipalities in order to design the proof of
Simba Chain has been awarded a 150,000 USD concept for phase I. Phase II would be a grant of
grant by the Department of Energy of the US in 750,000 USD.
order to develop a platform for the solar energy

ElonCity Site:
Year Founded: 2017
Blockchain: N/A

Eloncity, with a combination of different system, storage systems, switching DC power

technologies (Solar, storage, etc), aims to bus, DC appliances and a new Proof of Stored
decentralize the current power infrastructure Power protocol as the mining scheme. Eloncity
into millions of microgrids. This will allow the is being supported by Fenbushi Capital, which
microgrids to be self-sufficient. The architecture is a Chinese venture capital firm specializing in
would include a blockchain-based AI trading blockchain.


A word from
the authors
The energy field has some serious catching up to do.
Blockchain energy startups are popping up everywhere. Keeping up to date has been a challenge due
to the immense amount of activity that’s happening on a weekly basis. And it is not only in the energy
field, but across all industries.

The activity and hype surrounding blockchain is reminiscent of the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s.
If we take a 10 year horizon, how many of these companies will realistically still be active? Many
(technological) industries eventually turn into oligopolies of sorts (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook,
Apple). Will the same happen with the blockchain and energy field? It will be interesting to see what
the distribution will be like in a decade. This is an interesting thought in the case of this phenomenon
particularly, as having an oligopoly (or ‘winner-takes-all’ mentality) goes against the very basic
philosophical foundations of blockchain. Alternatively, could it be that we will end up with a distributed
set of companies collaborating actively? There is no way anyone can know this. If someone says they
do, they are probably fooling themselves. In either case, this is an exciting time. Many successes and
failures will happen along the way, but one thing is for sure: the energy field will never be the same. It
might take 1, 10 or 25 years... but it will catch on and revolutionize the field.

Am I then fooling myself? Could be... But that’s one of the main reasons why we are organizing a
conference dedicated to the real-world business use cases of blockchain in the energy field. We want
to identify and showcase down-to-earth, pragmatic approaches where blockchain is working in the
energy field. The hope is that, as organizers and participants, we will be better informed and can -
together - break through the hype. The most interesting pilot projects. Proven startups. Engaging
panels. Consider them your anti-hype, anti-bubble blockchain lenses. Join us and learn how
blockchain will impact the energy field. Catch up!

Leoncio Montemayor Thomas Boersma

Project Manager - Future Grid Project Manager - Future Grid
leoncio@solarplaza.com thomas@solarplaza.com
+31 10 302 7903 +31 10 302 7915

More than 60.000 solar PV professionals and businesses from all

over the world rely on Solarplaza’s work every day. Our newsletters,
articles, interviews, market and industry reports, combined with our
world-class solar events, empower the global transition towards a
sustainable energy future, where photovoltaic energy plays a key role.

Since 2004, Solarplaza has organised more than 100 business events
in both established and emerging markets across the globe.

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