Aqa 71321 QP Jun17
Aqa 71321 QP Jun17
Aqa 71321 QP Jun17
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Paper 1 Business 1
Section A
For each answer completely fill in the circle alongside the appropriate answer.
If you want to change your answer you must cross out your original answer as shown.
If you wish to return to an answer previously crossed out, ring the answer you now wish to
select as shown.
0 1 A farmer takes over a retailer in order to sell its produce. This is an example of
A horizontal integration.
D conglomerate integration.
[1 mark]
3 Do not write
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For this particular business, which stakeholder group is most likely to influence this
business’ management decision-making?
A Suppliers
B Customers
C Shareholders
D Employees
[1 mark]
0 3 A business experiencing a lower level of capacity utilisation than usual may benefit
because it
A 35%
B 250%
C 20%
D 5%
[1 mark]
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0 5 Options A to D below show four different combinations of monetary and fiscal policy.
Which combination is most likely to lead to an increase in sales for a company that
builds houses? Assume there are no other changes.
0 6 A business helps its local community with a view to improving the quality of life of
nearby residents. In Carroll's pyramid of corporate social responsibility, this is most
likely to be an example of
A economic responsibility.
B ethical responsibility.
C legal responsibility.
D philanthropic responsibility.
[1 mark]
A investment criteria.
B non-financial factors.
C sensitivity analysis.
5 Do not write
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0 8 Starbucks is an American coffee shop. In recent years it has opened over 300 tea
shops in America to appeal to its existing customers. According to Ansoff’s matrix
this is an example of
A diversification.
B market development.
C market penetration.
D product development.
[1 mark]
0 9 Which type of crisis is most likely to occur at point 3 of Greiner’s model of growth
shown below?
A Leadership crisis
B Autonomy crisis
D Control crisis
[1 mark]
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Figure 2
Output (units) Total costs (£)
0 40
1 80
2 110
3 150
A £30
B £40
C £100
D £110
[1 mark]
Read statements 1 and 2 and select the correct option from the following options:
7 Do not write
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Read statements 1 and 2 and select the correct option from the following options:
1 4 In a business each employee has a job with clear rules and procedures.
Which of Handy’s cultures does this description most closely correspond to?
A Person culture
B Power culture
C Role culture
D Task culture
[1 mark]
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1 5 The network in Figure 3 shows the activities involved in the launch of a new product.
All timings are in days.
A 23 days
B 21 days
C 15 days
D 13 days
[1 mark] 15
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Section B
The data in Figure 4 shows the expected financial outcomes of an investment into
new equipment.
Figure 4
11 Do not write
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1 7 Based on the data in Figure 4, calculate the Net Present Value of the investment.
[4 marks]
1 8 A fashion chain decides to switch to ‘fair trade’ clothing in its shops. Explain one
possible consequence for the fashion chain.
[4 marks]
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1 9 Explain how the use of break-even analysis might help an entrepreneur make
decisions about the start-up of a new business.
[6 marks]
Extra space
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2 0 A café sells two types of hot drinks. These drinks have the following income
elasticities of demand:
Income elasticity of
Coffee +2.0
Tea -0.5
The volume of coffee sales is several times greater than the volume of tea sales.
Based on the information above, analyse how the café’s overall sales volume of hot
drinks would be affected by a rise in consumers’ incomes. Assume there are no
other changes.
[9 marks]
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2 1 Use the data in Figure 5 to explain how the use of debt factoring would benefit ABC
[9 marks]
Figure 5: Extracts from the balance sheet of ABC Ltd.
31.3.2015 31.3.2016 31.3.2017
(£000) (£000) (£000)
Inventories 200 230 250
Receivables 300 500 690
Cash 400 200 0
Total current assets 900 930 940
Payables 500 530 550
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Section C
Shade the lozenge below to indicate which optional question(s) you have answered.
Question 2 2 Question 2 3
To what extent is the greater use of delegation likely to be an effective way for the
business to achieve this?
[25 marks]
2 3 A business has recently started to use Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line to assess its
overall performance.
To what extent do you think the business is likely to have lower profits as a result of
[25 marks]
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Section D
Shade the lozenge below to indicate which optional question(s) you have answered.
Question 2 4 Question 2 5
To what extent do you think that if the business increases its investment spending
on innovation this will lead to more success in this area?
[25 marks]
To what extent might the greater use of digital technology enable the business to
increase its market share?
[25 marks]
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