Piranha 6.6m Review

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…the Far East is

not complacent
when it comes to
manufacturing and
marketing… The subject of our test was the black 660
fitted with an Evinrude 150 hp E-Tec

at this year’s RIBEX show,
the two craft on display were
identical 6.6-metre RIBs in
different colours, and with UK
From the number of emails I receive from China, you would think additions to one of the craft
there were literally thousands of RIB builders in that country… to make it better suited to
the UK environment. While

one of these was finished
owever, although number of Korean and other expensive and modern in white and blue livery, the
there are probably Far Eastern car manufacturers production facility, with other was all black, and it
thousands of are increasingly taking a view to producing well- was interesting to compare
inflatable-product large sectors away from finished and -designed the two craft together on the
manufacturers, each telling the traditional Japanese products for the European pontoons, where the colours
me they have a range car market areas. Likewise, market. made the craft appear quite
of RIBs on offer, only a with their competitive First shown to the public different. Personally, I thought
tiny percentage actually manufacturing costs, the
understand what a serious Chinese are keen to learn
RIB is! Mostly, the products how to produce better
are inflatable toys, in some products, and RIB builders
cases lightweight inflatable throughout the world are
boats and occasionally small, equally keen to keep their
lightly constructed tender-size manufacturing costs down,
RIBs, and virtually all these and the results of these
are constructed using PVC factors are evident in the
material for the tubes and number of ‘proper’ RIBs now
a very basic lay-up for the emanating from that country.
fibreglass sections. Piranha Ribs are a typical
As we know from the example of collaboration
Korean car market, the Far between Europe and China,
East is not complacent when where the knowledge
it comes to manufacturing gleaned from years of RIB
and marketing, and although design and know-how has
it has taken some time, a been transferred to a less

18 August

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the black boat looked much these run the length of the

better, as it gave the craft craft to give it latitudinal
an air of quality, but others rigidity. The large-diameter,
evidently thought the reverse, heavy-duty, PVC buoyancy
so you pays your money and
takes your choice.
tubes look well made and
finished, with their fittings
The subject of our test was appearing well secured and
the black 660 fitted with an positioned. The deck is a well-
Evinrude 150 hp E-Tec, and finished one-piece moulding
this craft sported a robust ‘T’ that is bonded to the hull to
top sunshade arrangement provide a rigid monocoque
supported by a substantial construction, and overall the
aluminium frame. Whether build quality appears to be
the top enhanced the craft’s very sound.
appearance is a matter The interior is laid out in
of opinion, but there was
certainly nothing wrong
with its construction and
usefulness as a handhold
when moving about the
RIB or when seated in the Functional fully equiped centre console. Handy easy reach hand rails.
console ‘suicide’ seat.
The hull shape is quite
attractive, with a sweeping
raised bow and deep-V
shape that looks right, and
the finish looks clean and
properly executed. Looking
under the rear seat you can
see good strengthening Easy access when
stringers supporting the exiting the water
transom, and evidently

Steps finished in teak gives this craft that extra touch of class.

High wind screen protects you from the elements.

Teak extra with roller bow. Pull out table for entertaining.

August 19

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continental style, with an more generously padded, arch that looks right on this
unusual yet practical moulded something the importers are craft and appears strongly PERFORMANCE FIGURES
bow section with bow roller aware of and addressing. The made and supported. Finally,
and cleats, a spacious raised raised backrest on this seat right aft, there is a cleverly Knots Secs RPM Lts per hr
forward locker fitted with a provided good protection, designed and laid-out bathing
0 to 20 6.7 3200 21
cushion, and an infill section and I thought this area platform area and an unusual
that makes the whole bow would be a safe place for a yet practical bathing steps 0 to 30 9.0 4000 34
of the craft a sunbathing family, particularly children, arrangement set into the aft 0 to 40 12.3 5000 57
area. The steering console is to sit. Above the rear seat cone ends of the buoyancy
conventional, with a forward is a moulded GRP radar tubes. All the flat surfaces Top speed 47 5300 60
‘suicide’ seat and sensibly
NB: the fuel consumption was recorded
sized windscreen which gives
good protection, but the There were no rigidity from the engine’s on-board read-out.
helmsman’s leaning post,
although adequate, could issues and I was pleasantly
have been, and evidently are covered in artificial teak,
is being, improved. Above surprised by how well she and this adds greatly to the
the helm position is the appearance of the craft, the
dominant ‘T’ top with its rode and felt… light teak contrasting well
four stout supporting legs with the all-black craft.
and fabric top to keep the There is an enormous
sun off the crew, but just amount of locker space
how practical this is in the throughout, and overall I
UK is questionable, although thought the interior was laid
undoubtedly useful in hotter out well for family use, but
climates. It is the moulded now we had to see if the
aft sections that are the main dynamics were also up to the
feature of the interior, where mark, and we set out over the
the wrap-around seating and Chichester Harbour bar to see
dining/drinks table dominate if we could find some testing
the area. This is a very waves.
sociable area for relaxing and, There was just enough
with the table stowed, not a chop to find out how the hull
bad place to sit on the wide rode and certainly enough
wrap-around rear bench seat to test the rigidity of the
when underway, although craft, and I can confirm
the seat cushions could be that she was better than

20 August

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expected. Heading into the Fiona, Adrian, OUR PROUD

waves or into the backs of Norman and Ellie

TECHNICAL DATA Solent RIB enthusiasts
them in a following sea, the
craft rode smoothly and PIRANHA 6.6M
predictably, the high bows
giving the impression that Length Overall: 7m
they would shoulder aside Width: 2.7m
some pretty big waves, while Weight: 780kg (Hull only) Dry weight

RYA/Paul Wyeth - paul@pwpictures.com

keeping the crew dry. There Persons Capacity: 10
were no rigidity issues and
Max HP: 150
I was pleasantly surprised
Engine: 150 Evinrude E-Tec DPX
by how well she rode and
felt, although because of Deadrise ‘V’ @ transom: 22º
propeller slippage/cavitation Tube Diameter: 52cm
and hydraulic steering issues, Number Of Chambers: 6
I was unable to exploit the Max. Load Capacity: 1664kg
craft’s full potential on the Tubes: Piratex - 1.2mm Denier Polyester

turns. Performance from the fabric coated with PVC or Hypalon
Evinrude 150 hp E-Tec was CE Category: C
very good, and features like Warranty: 3 year on hull and tubes - 5
access to the under-deck years for hypalon

fuel tank and the extensive
number of useful grab
handles showed that some STANDARD EQUIPMENT
practical thinking had gone Hydraulic steering

into this craft. 2 x Batteries
To sum up, contrary to Nav lights
popular misconception, boats Fitted VHF
from the Far East can be just
GRP arch or Stainless A frame
as well made and finished
FWD and AFT Sun decks
as those in the West, and
Console and seating
it is only a matter of the
builders being given the right Electric bilge pump
make it
instruction on materials and
the correct build techniques
to fulfil this aim. The Piranha
Cleats and ski pole
Bow roller
yours too!
660 is not conventional Cockpit table
in appearance and nor is Transom stepped tubes
it perfect, for it has a few
issues such as the upholstery,
Part Synthetic teak FEATURING BOAT SHOW
Accessible Internal 200L fuel tank
the steering and a number • MORE THAN 40 RIB EXHIBITORS
PVC foam core
of minor items to sort out, • SPECTACULAR SHOW MARINA
but the UK distributors are • OVER 1,000 BOATS ON DISPLAY
aware of these shortcomings Lifelines
Transom telescopic ladder • NEW PRODUCT LAUNCHES
and keen to redress any
issues that need attention. I Extras on test craft: • 500+ EXHIBITORS
expected to be disappointed T-Top • EXCLUSIVE SHOW OFFERS ON
by the ride and build Full synthetic teak GADGETS, CLOTHING & CHANDLERY
integrity but was pleasantly S/s backrest upgrade • OVER 20 ACRES OF SHOW SITE
surprised and, with a couple E-Tec 150hp Outboard
of reservations, I thought the
rear seating arrangement
Fishing rod holders
10-19 SEPTEMBER 2010
worked well, particularly for a
Overall, the Piranha 660 Start from: £15,950 (without engine)
presents a sound package As tested: £ 29,950 SOUTHAMPTONBOATSHOW.COM
as a family craft: it goes and OR CALL: 0871 230 7140*
rides very well, has plenty MANUFACTURER
of seating and seems to be OR UK DISTRIBUTOR TULLETT PREBON
soundly built. It just remains Piranha Ribs Ltd, Units 16 & 16A, 7TH - 16TH JANUARY 2011
to be seen if the buying LONDONBOATSHOW.COM
Sparkes Marina, 38 Wittering RD,
public will give it the support
Hayling Island, Hampshire. PO11 9SR
it deserves.
Paul Lemmer T: 023 92 460309 / 07918 734601

and Ben Reynolds Sales@piranharibs.co.uk CONDITIONS APPLY. SEE WEBSITE FOR DETAILS

August 21

Piranha Test.indd 4 13/07/2010 10:22

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