Cheese: How To Buy
Cheese: How To Buy
Cheese: How To Buy
Points to Consider
Wholesomeness...nutritive value...quality...informative
labeling...and use are some of the points to consider
when purchasing cheese.
Before grading or inspection of a cheese product is
provided, the processing plant must meet the U.S.
Department of Agriculture’s specifications for quality
and sanitation. A USDA dairy inspector checks the
plant, incoming raw products, and processing and
packaging techniques.
Nutritive Value
Cheese, like many other milk products, provides
protein, vitamins, minerals, fat, saturated fat, and
cholesterol. While cheese is one of the best sources of
calcium, it may also be high in sodium and saturated
fat. A 11/2-ounce serving of natural cheese supplies the
same amount of calcium as 1 cup of milk or yogurt, as
well as 12 to 14 grams total fat, 9 grams saturated fatty
acids, 44 milligrams cholesterol, and 173 calories. For
sodium, while 1 cup of milk contains 120 milligrams,
11/2 ounces of natural cheese could contain from 110 to
450 milligrams, while 2 ounces of process cheese
could contain 800 milligrams. Use the Nutrition Facts
panel on each individual product label to learn about
the nutrient content of that food and how it fits into an
overall daily diet.
Quality Assurance
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service has estab-
lished U.S. grade standards for four varieties of
cheese: Cheddar, Colby, Monterey, and Swiss. The
cheese industry uses the grade standards to identify
levels of quality, to have a basis for establishing
prices at wholesale, and to provide consumers with
the qualities they want. Generally, these grades do not
appear on consumer packages, but the U.S. Grade
shield may appear on some consumer packages of
Cheddar cheese, including low-fat varieties.
Lab els
Labels on natural cheese, pasteurized process cheese,
and related products carry important descriptive
information. The name of a natural cheese will appear
as the variety, such as “Cheddar cheese,” “Swiss
cheese,” or “Blue cheese.”
Cream, plain Cream from cow’s Unripened Mild, acid Soft and Smooth White 3- to 8-oz. Salads, dips,
(U.S.A.) milk packages sandwiches
snacks, cheese
cake, desserts
Neufchatel Cow’s milk Unripened Mild, acid Soft, smooth similar White 4- to 8-oz. Salads, dips,
(Nû-shä-te•l´) to cream cheese packages sandwiches,
(France) but lower in milk fat snacks, cheese
cake, desserts
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Ricotta Cow’s milk, whole or Unripened Sweet, Soft, moist or dry White Pint and quart Appetizers, salads,
(R¼i-c ō l-ta) partly skimmed, or nut-like paper and snacks, lasagne,
(Italy) whey from cow’s milk plastic ravioli, noodles and
with whole or skim containers, 3 other cooked
milk added. In Italy, lb. metal cans dishes, grating,
whey from sheep’s desserts
Firm, Unripened Varieties
Gjetost, 1 Whey from goat’s milk Unripened Sweetish, Firm, buttery Golden Cubical and Snacks, desserts,
(Y ē t-ôst) or a mixture of whey Caramel consistency brown rectangular served with dark
(Norway) from goat’s and cow’s breads, crackers,
milk biscuits or muffins
Imported only
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Myost (Müs-ôst) Whey from cow’s milk Unripened Sweetish, Firm, buttery Light brown Cubical, Snacks, desserts,
also called Primost caramel consistency cylindrical, served with dark
(Pr ē m-ôst) pie-shaped breads
(Norway) wedges
Mozzarella Whole or partly Unripened Delicate, Slightly firm, Creamy white Small round or Snacks, toasted
(M ō -tsa-rel´la) also Skimmed cow’s milk; mild plastic braided form, sandwiches,
called Scamorza in Italy, originally made shredded, cheeseburgers,
(Italy) from buffalo’s milk sliced cooking, as in meat
loaf, or topping for
lasagne, pizza, and
Soft, Ripened Varieties
Brie (Brē ) Cow’s milk 4 to 8 weeks Mild to Soft, smooth when Creamy yellow Circular, Appetizers,
(France) pungent ripened interior; edible pie-shaped sandwiches,
brown and wedges snacks; good with
white crust crackers and fruit,
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Camembert Cow’s milk 4 to 8 weeks Mild to Soft, smooth; very Creamy yellow Small circular Appetizers,
(Kam´êm-bar) pungent soft when fully interior; edible cakes and sandwiches,
(France) ripened thin white, or pieshaped snacks; good with
gray-white portions crackers and fruit
crust such as pears and
apples, dessert
Limburger Cow’s milk 4 to 8 weeks Highly Soft, smooth when Creamy white Cubical, Appetizers, snacks,
(Belgium) pungent, ripened; usually interior; rectangular good with crackers,
very contains small yellow surface rye or other dark
strong irregular openings breads, dessert
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Bel Paese2 Cow’s milk 6 to 8 weeks Mild to Soft to medium Creamy yellow Small Wheels, Appetizers; good
(Bel P a¼-a-z e• ) moderately firm, creamy interior; slightly wedges, with crackers,
(Italy) robust gray or segments snacks,
brownish sandwiches,
surface, dessert
covered with
yellow wax
Brick Cow’s milk 2 to 4 months Mild to Semisoft to medium Creamy yellow Loaf, brick, Appetizers,
(U.S.A.) moderately firm, elastic, slices, cut sandwiches,
sharp numerous small portions snacks, dessert
Muenster Cow’s milk 1 to 8 weeks Mild to Semisoft, numerous Creamy White Circular cake, Appetizers,
˜ mellow small openings. interior; yellow blocks, wedges, sandwiches,
(Germany) Contains more tan surface segments, slices snacks, dessert
moisture than brick
Italian trademark-licensed for manufacture in U.S.A.; also imported.
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Por du Salut Cow’s milk 6 to 8 weeks, Mellow to Semisoft, smooth, Creamy yellow Wheels and Appetizers, snacks,
(Por dü Sa-lü´) robust robust buttery, small Wedges served with raw
(France) openings fruit, dessert
Firm, Ripened Varieties
Cheddar Cow’s milk 1 to Mild to very Firm, smooth, some White to Circular, Appetizers,
(England) 12 months sharp openings medium cylindrical, loaf, sandwiches,
or more yellow-orange pie-shaped sauces, on
wedges, vegetables, in hot
oblongs, slices, dishes, toasted
cubes, sandwiches,
shredded, grating,
grated cheeseburgers,
Colby Cow’s milk 1 to 3 months Mild to Softer and more White to Cylindrical, Sandwiches,
(U.S.A.) mellow open than Cheddar medium pie-shaped snacks,
yellow-orange wedges cheeseburgers
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Caciocavallo Cow’s milk. (In Italy, 3 to Piquant, Firm, lower in Light or white Spindle or Snacks,
(Kä´-cho-kä-val´l ō ) cow’s milk or mixtures 12 months similar to milkfat and interior; clay or ten-pin sandwiches,
(Italy) of sheep’s, goat’s, and Provolone moisture than tan colored shaped, bound cooking, dessert;
cow’s milk) but not Provolone surface with cord, cut suitable for grating
smoked pieces after prolonged
Edam ( Ē d- a¼m) Cow’s milk, partly 2 to 3 months Mellow, Semisoft to firm, Creamy yellow Cannon ball Appetizers, snacks,
(Netherlands) skimmed nut-like smooth; small or medium shaped loaf, salads, sandwiches,
irregularly shaped yellow-orange cut pieces, seafood sauces,
or round holes; interior; surface oblong dessert
lower milkfat than coated with red
Gouda wax
Gouda (Gou´-dá) Cow’s milk, whole or 2 to 6 months Mellow, Semisoft to firm, Creamy yellow Ball-shaped Appetizers, snacks,
(Netherlands) partly skimmed nut-like smooth; small or medium with flattened salads, sandwiches,
irregularly shaped yellow-orange top and seafood sauces,
or round holes; interior; may or bottom dessert
higher milkfat than may not have
Edam wax coating
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Provolone Cow’s milk 2 to 12 Mellow to Firm, smooth Light, creamy Pear shaped, Appetizers,
¯ ¯ ¯
(Pro-vo-lo-ne•), also months or sharp, interior; light sausage and sandwiches,
smaller sizes and more smoky brown or salami shaped, snacks, souffle,
shapes called salty yellow wedges, slices macaroni and
Provolette, surface spaghetti dishes,
provolocini pizza; suitable for
(Italy) grating when fully
cured and dried
Swiss, also called Cow’s milk 3 to 9 months Sweet, Firm, smooth with Light yellow Segments, Sandwiches,
Emmentaler nut-like large round eyes pieces, slices snacks, sauces,
(Switzerland) fondue,
Parmesan Partly Skimmed 14 months Sharp, Very hard, granular, Creamy white Cylindrical, Grated for season-
(Pär´mē -zan), also cow’s milk to 2 years piquant lower moisture and wedges, ing in soups, or
called Reggiano milkfat than shredded, vegetables, spaghetti,
(Italy) Romano grated ravioli, breads,
popcorn; used
extensively in pizza
and lasagne
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Romano Cow’s milk. In Italy, 5 to 12 months Sharp, Very hard, granular Yellowish- Round with flat Seasoning in soups,
(R ō -mä´-no), sheep’s milk (Italian piquant interior, ends, wedges, casserole dishes,
called Sardo law) greenish- shredded, ravioli, sauces,
Romano or black surface grated breads; suitable for
Pecorino Romano grating when cured
(Italy) for about 1 year
Sap Sago1 Skimmed cow’s milk 5 months or Sharp, Very hard Light green by Conical, Grated to flavor
(S a¼p´-sä-go) more pungent addition of shakers soups, meats,
(Switzerland) clover-like dried, macaroni, spaghetti,
powdered hot vegetables;
clover leaves mixed with butter
makes a good spread
on crackers or bread
Blue-Vein Mold Ripened Varieties
Blue, spelled Bleu Cow’s milk 2 to 6 months Tangy, Semisoft, pasty, White interior, Cylindrical, Appetizers, salads,
on imported peppery sometimes crumbly marbled or wedges, dips, salad dressing,
cheese, streaked with oblongs, sandwich spreads;
(France) blue veins of squares, cut good with crackers,
mold portions dessert
Imported only
Characteristics of Some Popular Varieties of Natural Cheeses-Continued
Kind or Name Kind of Milk Used Ripening or Flavor Body and Texture Color Retail Uses
Place of Origin in Manufacture Curing Time Packaging
Gorgonzola . Cow’s milk. In Italy, 3 to Tangy, Semisoft, pasty, Creamy white Cylindrical, Appetizers, snacks,
(Gôr-g o¼n-z ō -la) cow’s milk or goat’s 12 months peppery sometimes crumbly, interior, wedges, salads, dips,
(Italy) milk or mixtures of lower moisture mottled or oblongs sandwich spreads;
these than Blue streaked with good with crackers,
blue-green veins dessert
of mold. Clay-
colored surface
Roquefort1 Sheep’s milk 2 to 5 months Sharp, Semisoft, pasty, White or Cylindrical, Appetizers, snacks
˜ or or more slightly sometimes creamy white wedges salads, dips,
ˆ peppery crumbly interior, sandwich spreads;
marbled or good with crackers,
streaked with dessert
blue veins of
Stilton1 Cow’s milk 2 to 6 months Piquant, Semisoft, flaky; Creamy white Circular, Appetizers, snacks,
(England) milder than slightly more interior, wedges, salads, dessert
Gorgonzola crumbly than blue streaked with oblongs
or blue-green
Roquefort veins of mold
Imported only
Ripening Classifications
■ Unripened Varieties
The soft, unripened varieties such as cottage cheese
contain relatively high moisture and do not undergo
any curing or ripening. They are consumed fresh —
soon after manufacture. Firm, unripened cheeses such
as Gjetost and Mysost also may be used soon after
manufacture; but, because they contain very low
moisture, they may be kept for several weeks or
Kinds of Cheese
The charts in this pamphlet will help you in learning
some of the more popular and generally available
varieties of natural cheese, their general classification,
principal characteristics, and some of their uses.
Coldpack Cheese
Coldpack cheese, or Club cheese, is a blend of one or
more varieties of fresh and aged natural cheese.
Coldpack cheese is similar to process cheese, except
that it is mixed into a uniform product without
heating. It may have a smoked flavor.
Vegetable Fruit
Group Group
Bread, Cereal,
Rice, & Pasta
Use the Food Guide Pyramid to help you eat better every day...the
Dietary Guidelines way. Start with plenty of Breads, Cereals,
Rice, and Pasta; Vegetables; and Fruits. Add two to three
servings from the Milk group and two to three servings from the
Meat group. Each of these food groups provides some, but not
all, of the nutrients you need. No one food group is more
important than another - for good health you need them all. Go
easy on the fats, oils, and sweets, the foods in the small tip of the