1. Control and direct the flow of refrigeration to the evaporator coil
------- a. Suction line valve b. solenoid valve c. discharge line valve"ci"expansion valve 2. For a vacuum pressure, absolute pressure is nearest to U a. Vacuum gage €)1 atmospheric pressure c. zero absolute d. 100 atm pressure 3. A type of condenser that is water cooled a. Evaporative condenser b. tube condens er~hell and tube d. finned tube 4. In a refrigeration system. The following are thWesults of increasing the evaporator temperature, except: I.') a. Refrigerating effect per unit mass increase svhe mass flow rate per ton increases ~ The cop increases d. the heat rejected in the condenser increases 5. The heat transfer p~~ss in a cooling tower consist! of a transfer of heat from water to: a. Vapor b. ice (s;,unsaturated air d. none of the above 6. The system of refrigeration which uses heat energy to change the condition required in the ~igerat ion cycle; @1/ Absorption refrigeration b. ice refrigeration c. steam jet refrigeration d. vapor compression 7. The changing of solid directly to vapor, without passing through the liquid state is called; a. Evaporation b. vaporiza tion~ubl imation d. condensation -8. The negative sign is for a gage re~g called; a. Vapor pressure b. pressure head(c.')vacuum pressure d. summit of a pipe 9. The ratio of the density of a substanc «othe density of some standard substance is called; 10. Equipment designed to reduce the amount of water vapor in the ambient atmosphere; a. Drier~ dehumidifier ~coolin g tower d. fan 11. fntercooler are used on; a. Oil heater b. steam turbine c. gas turbine ld.l' gas compressor 1~- condenser function converts; l7 a. Gas to liquid b. steam to vapor c. gas to vapor d. vapor to heavy gas 1 . n sensible cooling process, the mo~~re content; a. Decreases b. indeterminate r9oes not change d. increases 14. In a vapor compression cycle the lowest temperature is found in; a. Receiver b. condenser c. expansion valve ~vapora tor.. 15. Clear ice; a. Is pure ice b. contains dissolved air c. contain dissolved gases/d1 is formed by blowing air during freezing U 16. Dry ice is; a. Free from water b. free from dissolved air or gases 8}olidlfie d form of carbon dioxide 17.~e refrigerant with the lowest boiling point is; CO2 b. F-12 ~ -22 d. ammonia 18. Solenoid valve is; . a. A pressure-controlled valve b. a Freon-controlled check valve €J temperature-controlled valve d. none of the above 19. The amount of CO2 or Fr~t a cylinder is measured by; a. Pressure b. volume veight d. psi 20(9 expansion valve is located between the; a. Receiver and evaporator b. compressor and condenser c. evaporator and compressor d. condenser and receiver 21. When there is a Freon leak, the halide torch will bum; a. Orange b. blue c. white ~ n 22.~lves and piping in an ammonia system is made of; l.1/ Iron b. brass c. copper d. bronze 23. An ammonia leak will tum litmus paper; a. Red 0 blue c. green d. yellow 24. Too low suction pressure could be caused by; a. Dirty scale traps b. too much oil in the system c. shortage of refrigerant gas l}nv of the above 25. The oil separator is located between the; a. Evaporator and compressor ~mpressor and condenser c. condenser and dehydrator d. solenoid valve and the the~xpans ion valve 26. Ammonia will corrode; ~ a. Copper b. bronze c. brass ~ I I of the above 27. Excess frost on the evaporator coils; a. Keeps the icebox cooler b. takes the load off the compressoi@ reduces the efficiency of the plant d. does not affect the system 28. The purpose of the receiver is to; a. Cool the refrigerant gas b. separate the oil from the refrigerantt}, ore the refrigerant d. condense the refrigerant 29. The heat to change a solid to a liquid is called; ( a~ Latent heat of fusion b. sensible heat of fusion c. latent heat of liquid d. specific of fusion 30.~en heavy electrical current are involved, the thermo?at will be operated by a ; a. Small circuit breaker b. pressure pipe C. fusetron velay 31. The heat used to change '}ia,s to a vapor is called; a. Latent heat of fusion ~ atent heat of vaporization c. specific heat of vaporization d. latent heat 32. The solenoid valve can be typed as a ; a. Thermal valve /bJmagnetic stop valve c. bellows type d. bimetallic valve 33. Another name for t'tfe liquid valve is the a. Master valve Ving valve c, Freon valve d. shut-off valve 34. The dehydrator is used a. To remove moisture from the system b. to remove air from the system. C. when adding A refrigerant to the systenid. and C 35. The relief valve is located on \.t(e' a. Discharge side of condenser0 discharge side of compressor c, outlet of evat)orator coils d. receiver tank 36. The scale trap is located between the ; ( i\ King valve and the expansion valve b. solenoid valve and expansion valve c. evaporator and l) receiver d. compressor and evaporator 37. Which of the following would not cause high suction pressure? I!) Insufficient refrigeration b. leaky suction valves c. expansion valve stuck open d. suction valve not adjusted properly 38. Device used to keep moist~rrom passing through the system is called ; a. Humidifier b. aerator c.' ehydrator d. trap 39. Frost on the outside of the t ermal expansio~alve may be caused by; a. Air in the system b. too much superheat(5'moistu re in the system d, any of the above 40. The charging valve is located between the ; (a:-_King_valve and the expansion valve b. receiver and the condenser c. compressor and the U receiver d. evaporator coil and the compressor 41. The solenoid valve is located between the ; e) Sca!e trap and the thermal expansion valve b. thermal expansion valve and the evaporator c. king valve and the scale trap d. automatic and manual expansion valves . 42. A good refrigerant should ; a. Have a low boiling point b. have a high latent heat c. be able to be liquefied at normal sea- water temp.@11 of the above 43. A refrigeration cycle is generally a ;_ a. Open cycle b. mixed cycle (§:)losed cycle d. hybrid cycle 44. Which of the following refrigerants is most highly toxic ? a. Freon 12 &mmonia c. sulfur dioxide d. methyl chloride 45. The dividing pomt between the high pressure and low-pressure sides of the refrigeration cycle occurs at the ; ~ Expansion valve b. compressor c. condenser d, cooling coil 46. In a refrigeration system, a fluid that serves only as a heat carrier is called a ; a. Condensing refrigerant b. secondary refrigerant tyaporizing refrigerant d. primary refrigerant 47. _J,rhat is the other name of the brine-circulating system of refrigeration? @ Indirect system b. direct system c. both a and b. d. none of these 48. Highest pressure drop in refrigeration cycle ; a. Compressor b. condenser (?:>expansion valve d. evaporator 49. The dividing poin~btween the high-pressure and low-pressure sides of the refrigeration cycle ; a. Compressor b. expansion valve c. cooling coil d. condenser SO. Which of the foll ing refrigerant has lowest freezing point temperature ? a. Freon 12 b. ammonia <greon 22 d. Freon 11 Diesel / combustion objectives
1. In two revolution of a four stroke engine, has how many cycle?
a. Three b. twice c. 4 times ~nee 2 · What is the area of the d~~~m fr_gm the relation of temperature and entropy plane ? a. Energy b. entropy~ eat , work 3. The property_ of f)!,e~ ~ii in which how liquid is the fuel ? a. Cloud point (!1/v1scosity c. pour point d. velocity 4. The water in the products of combustion is in its vapor state ; a. Calorific value@owe r heating value c. higher heating value d. higher calorific value 5. What is the temperature where the water and vapor are in equilibrium to the atmospheric pressure? a. Ice point b. steam point {1) critical point d. freezing point 6. An ideal reversible carnot cycle involves 4 basic process. What type of~cesses are they ? a. All isothermal b. all adiabatic c. two adiadatic and two isentropi~w o isothermal and two isentropic 7. The stroke whereby burned gases are discharge through the upward movement of the piston in a valve of an ICE w~~h is open ; a. Intake stroke ~exhaust stroke c. power stroke d. compression stroke 8. The measure of the fluids resistance when_acted upon by an external force is called; a. Tackiness b. density c. flash point @)'iscosity 9. A thermodynami c system which undergoes a cyclic process during a positive amount of work is done by a system called; 10. Which of the process where the work done is zero ; a. lsentropic b. polytropic ~ometric d. isobaric 11. An adiabatic process with no work done is ; a. Isometric /b, throttling c. isobaric d. polytropic i 12. The compressb-J~nition engine is known as; a. Gas engine o. iesel engine c. otto engine d. gasoline engine 13. Leaking of a flui etween a cylinder and its piston during operation ; a. Scavenging b. back pressure /2blow by d. turbo charging 14. Volume displaced by each piston m¥ving from bottom-dead center to top-dead center multiplied by the number of cylinder; - · fil Engine displacement b. cut-off volume c. clearance volume d. maximum volume 15.'toal is ranked according to ; ra. )Heating value b. combustibility c. degree of hardness d. flame characteristic 16Yondenser function converts ; a. Steam to vapor ~as to liquid c. gas to vapor d. vapor to heavy gas 17. Which of the followin~ a physical property of lubricating oil ; a. Cetane number ~iscosity index c. aniline point d. octane number 18. The internal combustion engine never work on ____ cycle ; ~ Rankine b. otto c. diesel d. dual combustion 19~hat is the process that has no heat transfer~ a. Reversible b. polytropic c. isothermal ~diabatic -20. Air standard efficiency of a diesel engine depends on ; a. Spee~compression ratio c. fuel d. torque 21. Any che~ea~ion accompanied by light and heat; a. "Radiation Cwcombustion c. fission d. fusion 22. The volume of a fluid passing a cross-section of a stream in unit time is called ; a. Steady flow b. uniform flow @)tischarge d. continuous flow 23. In a diesel engine fuel is injected ; . a. At the beginning of compression stroke@fore the end of compression stroke c. at the end of compression stroke d. after the end of compression stroke 24. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the intake of the exhaust manifold ; a. Backlash @backfire c. exhaust pressure d. back pressure 25. Average pressure on a surface when a changing pressure condition exist; , a. Back pressure b. partial pressure c. pressure drop @)nean effective pressure 26. When four events take place in one revolution of a crankshaft of an engine, the engine is called ; a. Rotary engine b. steam engine ( c:t,,,vo-stroke engine d. four stroke engine 27. Removal of spent gases from an inter'na(combustion engine cylinder and replacement by a fresh change of air ; a. Blow by b. supercharging @)cavenging d. induction 28. Flash point ; a. The fuel spontaneously ignite(b)he fuel ignition with clearly visible flash d. the fuel ignition without a spark d. none of the above 29. The purpose of the nozzle in a com buster of a gas turbine plant is to ; a. Increase the power®increase the velocity c. decrease the velocity d. decrease the power 30. Under saturated condition, what is the lowest point at which fuel starts to flow ; (i) Pour point b. flash point c. stagnation point d. porosity point