Slum Free Agra Plan - CURE
Slum Free Agra Plan - CURE
Slum Free Agra Plan - CURE
The Slum Free Agra Plan under Rajiv Awas Yojana has been developed for Agra Nagar Nigam and
District Urban Development Agency (DUDA), Agra. This report has been developed by the Centre for
Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE) on behalf of the Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental
Studies (RCUES), Hyderabad.
The Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE), with financial assistance of Cities Alliance, has
been working in Agra since 2005 with the objective of preparing an inclusive, Citywide Slum
Upgrading Plan. Data from the Cities Alliance work has contributed to the development of the Slum
Free Agra Plan.
Information for the report has also been provided by the staff of Agra Nagar Nigam and DUDA, for
which we would like to express our sincere gratitude.
At CURE, 34 field facilitators have worked with the local communities to generate the required
information that was essential for the development of the Plan. The final report has been developed
by Dr. Renu Khosla, Director; Mr Manish Kumar, Programme Manager, Ar. Shahena khan, and Mr
Rajesh Kumar, Project officer.
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
1. CONTEXT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -5-7
1.1. Slum Free Agra: Promoting Inclusive Development
1.2. National Missions for Slum Development and Poverty Reduction
1.3. Slum Free City Plan for Agra: Vision
7.1. Household Numbers and Population
7.2. Social Composition
7.3. Land and Housing
7.4. Water Supply
7.5. Sanitation
7.6. Road and transport
7.7. Power Supply and Street lights
7.8. Social infrastructure
7.9. Livelihood
Annexure: 1: List of 417 Slum Settlements
Annexure: 2: Map of listed and non listed slums of Agra
Annexure: 3: Total Station Survey (TSS) maps of slums in ward 17
Annexure: 4: slum information matrix for ward 17
Annexure: 5: issue based follow up meetings in ward 17
Annexure: 6: ward 17 issue map
Annexure: 7: proposed location for overhead water storage tank in Garhi Husaaini & Sushil Nagar
List of Abbreviation :
1. Context
Agra, the city of Tajmahal, is a global tourist destination, and offers huge potential for developing a
strong and broad-based tourism-centric city economy. The main obstacles to realising the growth
potential of Agra include its poor infrastructure facilities and ineffective services; in particular
sanitation, which has restricted the City’s tourism potential.
Agra, because of its tourism potential, has also attracted large number of poor migrants, many of
whom are living in slums and underserved settlements without access to adequate basic services.
Agra has 417 slums (CURE, 2011); numbers having increased from 378 in 2006 (CURE) and 252 listed
with the District Urban Development Agency (DUDA) in 2001. The City Development Plan for Agra
(2007) has estimated 1.2 million people (9% of total Agra population) to be living in slums. As per
DUDA the population of 252 slums is around 5.5 lakhs i.e. about 44 percent of the total population.
While all of Agra continues to be poorly served in terms of infrastructure services, slums in particular
have substandard housing, lack of services and highly unsanitary living conditions.
Agra has been identified as a Mission City under the Rajiv Awas Yozana (RAY) for affordable housing
for the poor by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA). As part of RAY,
Agra is required to develop a Slum Free City Plan with an estimate of resources that may be required
for making Agra a slum free city. The Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Resources
(RCUES), Hyderabad has been mandated by the Government of Uttar Pradesh to prepare the Slum
Free City Plans in selected cities of the State, including for Agra.
Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE), in partnership with the Agra Nagar Nigam (ANN),
and financial and technical assistance of Cities Alliance, WSP, USAID and NIUA, has initiated the
process of preparing an inclusive Citywide Slum Upgrading Plan for Agra (CSUP) since 2010 and
implementing participatory slum upgrading activities in selected slum s since 2006. In view of the
commonness of the goal and objectives of the two activities and to build on the information on slums
generated under CSUP, RCUES identified CURE as the local partner for developing the Slum Free City
Plan for Agra.
Agra, under JNNURM, has been categorised as a category B albeit important City due to its world-
class architectural heritage. It is one of 7 cities in Uttar Pradesh under JNNURM.
1.4. Basic Service for Urban Poor (BSUP)
The sub-missions on Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP), is administered by the Ministry of
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA). Its focus is on improving access of slum
communities and low-income settlements to municipal services under a 7 point charter. Designed to
focus a comprehensive set of interventions on slum communities; housing, water supply, sanitation,
transport, education, health and social welfare, BSUP is expected to ensure the following outcomes
for the poor:
• Access to land tenure /legal and affordable housing with in-house basic services that will
allow them to live as legitimate citizens.
• Access to basic municipal services of water supply, toilets, wastewater drainage, solid waste
management, power, roads, transport, etc. on an equitable basis.
• Integration and mainstreaming slums with municipal supply networks for sustainable change.
• Improved access to social services of education, health and welfare to reduce urban poverty.
• Empowerment and voice to demand services on an equitable basis and participate in
processes of city governance.
Rajiv Awas Yozana (RAY) aims at building a ‘Slum -free India’ by promoting inclusive cities and
ensuring affordable housing to all slum dwellers with equitable services. Focussed on 30 Mission
Cities, RAY seeks to create affordable housing for slum and new migrant families by addressing issues
of land, land tenure and tenability, upgrading slums by networking them with formal City systems,
redressing the failures of the formal system that lead to the formation of slums; and creating
opportunities for livelihood and employment among the poor.
1.4.2. The U.P. Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance), Act 19621
The State Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP) implemented (subsequently amended) an Act for the
improvement of slum areas. Under the Act, a Municipal Corporation can identify and designate as a
slum, an area that lacks access to basic conditions required for decent living, resettle slum dwellers
on the same or other land through redevelopment and provisioning of tenure on the
redeve loped/resettled land. The specific provisions of the Act are given below:
State of Urban Health in Uttar Pradesh, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. 2006
same and offer temporary alternative accommodation to the occupier of the building. Competent
Authority has the power to re-develop the clearance area in accordance with the Plan prepared by it.
Where the Competent Authority is not able to re-develop a land within a period of 2 years, the State
Government may require the redevelopment of the land to be completed within a specified period.
2. Agra: City Services Profile
An inclusive and Slum Free Agra shall essentially be conditional on the quality of its current levels of
infrastructure and service networks. This section has therefore made an attempt to understand the
existing level of services in the City to understand the context within which slum upgrading may be
planned in the City.
2.1. Population
The estimated population of Agra, as projected for 2011, is 17.53 lakhs. The City has grown at an
approximate decadal growth of 11.5% between 2001 and 2011(CDP Agra, 2006). For a city with
million plus population and growing at such a rapid pace, the infrastructure development has failed
to keep pace with population growth.
1961 4.62 -
Population projection(estimated)
2010 15.00
2011 16.53
2021 22.69
Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (UPJN) is the nodal agency for developing water infrastructure in Agra. UPJN
transfers the se facilities to the Agra Jal Sansthan (AJS) for local operation and maintenance. AJS is
responsible for supplying potable water in adequate quantity and to maintain the sewerage system
of the City efficiently.
The estimated total demand for water supply in 2011 has been estimated at 395 MLD (including 10%
wastage) (CDP, Agra 2006). There are 2 water treatment plants in the City at Jeoni Mandi and
Sikandra, together providing an output of 270 MLD; indicating a current shortage of water supply in
the City.
The water supply network of Agra is divided into 25 districts clubbed into 3 zones based on
topography and operational convenience. As per the CDP, just 70% city area (approx. 1100km 2) was
covered by piped water supply in uneven distribution. Under JNNURM, 457 km of new water
pipelines were proposed, of which 350kms were laid till December 2010(JNNURM QPR, ANN Dec
2010) enhancing coverage.
Solid Waste Management DPR of Agra, JNNURM, 2006
2.3. Sanitation
Agra was recently ranked 113 in a sanitation rating undertaken for the country by MoUD, and
categor ised under “black i.e. in need of considerable improvements”. Just 59.63% of households
have private toilets. Of the 117 community toilets that serve the poor, 75% are in bad condition and
30% people are estimated to be defecating in the open. (Source: Agra Nagar Nigam)
2.4. Sewerage
Agra has an underground sewerage system, which is operated and maintained by the Agra Jal
Sansthan. The city is divided into 25 sewerage zones, regrouped in 8 sewerage districts on the basis
of topography and physical barriers like railway lines, river, National Highway etc. It is estimated to
generate total wastewater of 695 MLD.
There are 3 Sewage Treatment Plants in the City having a total capacity of 90.25 MLD built under
Yamuna Action Plan Phase I. Two plants of 24MLD each are under construction under JNNURM
(source: Agra Nagar Nigam). Although the STPs Burhi ka Nagla (2.25 MLD) and Peela Khar (10 MLD)
are said to be performing beyond capacity, they still treat just 13% of the sewage they receive.
Meanwhile, the Dhandupura STP (78 mld) remains underutilized.
The area covered under sewerage is only 17% of the City and about 50% of the sew erage system is
not in working condition; and the sewage is going directly into open drains, which are silted, choked
and damaged, and creating unhygienic conditions in the City (Source: SWM DPR of ANN, 2006)
2.5. Storm water Drains
U.P. Jal Nigam had prepared the Agra storm water drainage plan dividing the entire city into 2 main
zones: CIS Yamuna and TRANS Yamuna based on the major physical boundary, River Yamuna. There
are about twenty-five major drains in CIS and Trans Yamuna areas and thirty-eight secondary drains,
which directly fall into the river Yamuna without any treatment. These drains are either kuchha or ,
mainly made of brick masonry without plaster. Just 63% of the city is covered under such storm
water drainage network ( Source: Agra Nagar Nigam)
ANN is the nodal agency responsible for solid waste management in the city. A total of 783MT/day of
waste is generated in the city from various sources which includes waste from domestic, industrial,
commercial, public institutions; drain silt, street sweeping etc. Of the total waste generated, just
629 MT/day is collected. Despite the 200 open dumps, 9 dhalaos, 116 dustbins spread all over the
city and ANN’s nearly 2865 sweepers s( afai karamcharis), and a fleet of 96 vehicles to carry out
MSWM activities, waste in the city is not being regularly removed and dumped at the one authorized
dumping site a few kilometres away from the city. ( Source: Agra Nagar Nigam, SWM DPR, 2006)
2.7. Roads
The total road length in the city maintained by Agra Nagar Nigam is 1724 km s. Of this 840 km is
bituminized, 270m is concrete cemented, 320 km is kharanja and 294 km is covered by kuchha roa ds.
The existing road width varies between 7m to 18m. The quality of roads is extremely poor, affecting
safety, efficiency and economy of traffic operation within the city.
2.8. Electricity
Recently electricity has been privatized and Torrent Power is the agency supplying electricity in the
city. The estimated demand in the city is about 420 MVA with annual power consumption of about
1900 MUs. Currently the customer base of company stands at 2.8 lakhs. Based on the average
people/service ratio of other cities, it is estimated that there is a potential of converting 1.5 lakh
illegal consumers into legal customers. To expedite this process of converting illegal customers into
legal customers, Torrent Power Agra has launched Project RAY – “ROSHAN AGRA YOJANA” - RAY of
light / hope for the under privileged. 3
As per Census 2001, the literacy rate in the city was 60.14 per cent, less than the literacy rate of the
district (64.97per cent). This is despite the fact that Agra is an educational hub for the district and
educational institutes are spread throughout the city except in certain rural areas. These educational
institutes number 100 Aganwadi/Balwadi s, 978 nurseries, 618 primary schools, 263 secondary
school, 194 high secondary school, 46 vocational educational centres, 9 degree colleges/universities4.
2.9.2. Health
The health facilities in the city include a Medical College, 1 district hospital, 127 private hospitals, 101
government hospitals, 13 dispensaries, 1 maternity hospital, 5 child health care centres, 123 nursing
homes and several private clinics. Besides these, there are hospitals for the armed forces in the
cantonment area, for police personnel in the police lines and for railway staff in railway lines.
(Source: SWM DPR for Agra, 2006)
Slum development planning and implementation in Agra is the responsibility of District Urban
Development Agency (DUDA). DUDA is housed within the Agra Nagar Nigam (ANN), but reports to
the District Magistrate. ANN is responsible for all municipal services in the City including services to
slums. ANN is also the nodal department for the implementation of JNNURM, BSUP and RAY
missions and hence oversees the activities of slum development under DUDA. DUDA is headed by a
Project Officer and has set up a Project Implementation Unit as required under RAY.
3. Slum Situation Assessment in Agra
Slums in Agra are mostly low -income settlements without access to adequate basic services. Land in
these settlements is mostly owned by residents. A few are village type of settlements that have been
incorporated within the urban boundaries of Agra.
As per the recent survey undertaken by RCUES with CURE, Agra has 417 slum settlements (Annexure
1), up from 378 since 2007 (CURE) and DUDA list of 252 slums prepare about fifteen years ago. Of the
252 slums listed under DUDA only 213 could be located and mapped. Of the others; 7 were listed
twice, 10 are fully upgraded into upscale colonies and no longer have slums, 6 merged with
neighbouring settlements to form single areas and remaining 16 not located. 60 new slums have also
been identified in the latest survey. (Map of listed/non listed slum as Annexure 2)
Only 79 of 90 City Wards have slums. The largest concentration of the slum is seen in the old City
area, between MG road and River Yamuna. Slums are also located across the river in what is known
as the Trans Yamuna area and along the City fringes, areas that were initially villages and now
included within Municipal limits. The location of these slums is historic, as these areas formed the
trade centres of the City. Majority of slums are located on transport and sanitation (nalas) corridors.
The total number of households and population of people living in slums have been estimated at
123846 and 830174; 47.35% of total city population. For 140 ‘inclusive’ slums, where data has been
generated through community processes and household maps, the estimated number of households
and population are 48616 and 295903. For the remaining 277 ‘rapid-survey’ slums, households and
population estimated through community-based appraisals are 75230 households and 534271
Population of people living below the poverty line (BPL) is estimated at 1% of the total slum
A significant number of slum dwellers in the City belong to backward and schedule castes. %age of SC
and OBC population in the slums has been estimated at 50.11% and 40.04% respectively; SC
population in the slums is significantly higher than that in the rest of the City (21.5%). SC and OBC
grou ps are disadvantaged and vulnerable communities that need affirmative action for bringing
about an improvement in their quality of lives.
Housing in most (94. 4%) slums is with brick walls and Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) flooring. Of the
remaining, 3.5% is semi kuchha and 2%, kuchha. Even though significant proportion of houses is ,
they are in a dilapidated condition and in need of upgrading especially in the historic core city area.
Most (90.26%) of the houses are self-occupied and there are very few renters; the latter found
mostly in old areas of the City.
3.5 Water Supply
More than 29% slums do not have access to municipal water facility. They depend on ground water
sources for their water needs drawn through hand and /or submersible pumps.32 slums (7.6%) have
no water supply and are dependent on water tankers for water. Around 25% slums have water
supply lines laid but there is no water being supplied yet through these as these pipelines have
rece ntly been laid under Agra Water Supply project -JNNURM. The rest are served through
community stand posts or street taps connected to piped network supplies
Nearly 56.72% households have private water connections. There is no metered water supply in the
entire City.
The quality of municipal water drawn from River Yamuna, is poor in the entire city and is not
considered fit for drinking and cooking purposes. Underground water in most cases is also salty and
not potable. Agra City has plans to draw water from the Ganga Canal upstream of Agra, to get good
quality water. The project is being implemented by Agra Jal Nigam with the support of JICA.
3.6 Sanitation
Access to private toilets in slums is limited to 58% households. In addition there are 75 slums which
are reported to have community toilets provided by ANN which are used by a small percentage of
population approximately 10%. The remaining households are reportedly defecating in the open.
CURE, under its Crosscutting Agra Programme had designed and build household toilets in 86 slum
households in the Trans Yamuna Area. It also assisted the Councillor in Ward 32 to improve and
connect more than 400 households to sewer lines in 3 slum settlements. Under BSUP, DUDA has also
constructed around 1800 private toilets in slum communities, largely along the railway track. Most
(83.37%), HHs toilets are connected to septic tanks, while those that people have built by themselves
are discharging into open surface drains or pits in the settlements (16.62%).
Most (93%), slums have a , motorable approach road. In slum roads are (90.88%) either made of
brick kharanja, concrete paver blocks or cement concrete. Remaining 9.11% roads are kuchha road.
Types of drains generally correspond to the types of roads; roads have drains, kuccha roads have
kuccha drains. All drains are open. Most surface or grey water from homes passes through these
formal/informal drains to fall into larger drains (mostly kuchha) to ultimately discharge sewage into
the river without any treatment. Most drains are chocked due to irregular cleaning.
CURE, with support of ANN and funds from Water Trust UK, has built the first Decentralized Waste
Water Treatment System (DEWAT) on one of the City drains that flows into the River Yamuna,
significantly improving the quality of slum dwellers in the adjoining slum.
Water logging has been reported as key problem in most of the slum settlements owing to lack of
proper surface drainage and bad road levels. This according to residents causes houses to flood
during rain and excess water flows in the drains.
Power supply in the city has been privatised recently. The company is gradually extending legal
power connections to all households including in slums. Almost all slums now have access to power
supply, which is now in the process of metering at a fixed monthly charge
98.32% slums also have street lights on roads, not all of which work besides, the existing numbers of
street poles, the street lighting was found insufficient.
3.9 Social Infrastructure
3.9.1 Education
Literacy rates in slums are; 54.16% for males and 45.83% for females. 26.72% people are also
illiterate. Data on education suggests that about 5 % children may be out of school and possibly at
work (source: Nagar Shiksha Adhikari, Agra).
Government has set up 168 pre-primary schools/anganwadis, 55 primary and 17 higher secondary
school to provide education services to slum communities. In addition there are private educational
institutions that include 10 pre- primary schools, 152 primaries and 60 higher secondary school
within the slums.
3.9.2 Health
Only 8 slums reportedly have a government health facility within the slum area. 333 slums have
access to government hospitals and 369 have access to private clinics within 5 km range. Majority of
slum residents rely on private services for health care due to lack of public services, inadequate staffs
and amenities in government health cent res.
3.10 Livelihoods
About half the slum population (44%) works as skilled unskilled labour (on the basis of daily wages),
about 26.22% are elf employed in the leather industry or micro enterprises for income generation.
Less than 5% was reported as casual labour in slums. About 27% were in salaried category which also
includes the formal government jobs.The unemployment rate in the slums is 36.5% HH.
In majority of slums, women were found engaged in income generating work either as daily wage
labour, washerwomen, shoe making, whip making, pottery, housemaids, chain making, making shoe
boxes, shelling peanuts and chana, cake bags, newspaper bags, laundry bags for hotels, knitting and
sewing, dairy, making toilet brushes, agarbatti making, statue-making (glass work), shoe cover
making etc.
4. Slum Free City Plan Development: Approach to Development
The Agra Slum Free City Plan has been developed using participatory processes. It has generated data
from and by the community. Data has also been generated through from primary and secondary
sources. Secondary data has been collected from various service delivery agencies /departments and
include various development schemes proposed for the city to understand the broad framework
within which slum development shall happen.
Slum Mapping on a citywide basis has been done to understand location and spatial boundaries of
the settlements. For the first phase slums, Total Station Surveys have also been undertaken to
footprint housing conditions.
All information collected through primary and secondary data and through community processes has
been computerized /digitized, collated for overlaying on a spatial platform using GIS to understand
and analyse key issues in service provision and to prepare the integrated development plan.
The data for 417 slums in Agra has been generated using three approaches; the approach used for
each phase is described below.
CURE had prepared a citywide slum map for Agra in 2007. This information has been revalidated for
the preparation of the Slum Free Agra Plan through physical verification and preparation of new
boundary maps of all slums. B ased on the current slum mapping, Agra has 417 slum settlements, up
from 378 since 2007 (CURE) and DUDA list of 252 slums prepare about fifteen years ago. Of the 252
slums listed under DUDA only 213 could be located and mapped. Of the others; 7 were listed twice,
10 are fully upgraded into upscale colonies and no longer have slums, 6 merged with neighbouring
settlements to form single areas and remaining 16 not located. 60 new slums have also been
identified in the latest survey.
Revised boundary maps have been integrated on the GIS satellite base map by RCUES. Data from
slums generated using the NBO guideline has also been geo mapped to allow spatial analysis.
4.1.2 Secondary Data Generation and Review
The locations of these projects were also mapped to understand their implementation
plans/timelines to enable integration of slum development plans with exiting schemes.
Methodology for data generation and plan preparation for Ward 17 has been the most extensive.
This has included participatory identification of community needs and priorities and the preparation
of slum development plans. A Ward level meeting was also organised to discuss common issues of
concern and to prepare a Ward Level Action Plan. This was followed by follow up meetings of
crosscutting groups to discuss specific areas of concern and draw up a development plan.
In order to generate information through extensive community processes, CURE identified and
trained field facilitators in the use of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) tools for community
engagement, generating both qualitative and quantitative data from the community and interacting
with the community on key problems and solutions.
Since household surveys were not intended in the initial stages, data from the communities, both
quantitative and qualitative, have been generated using a set of key parameters developed in
consultation with ANN and DUDA. Data for each community on the selected parameters was
collected using a range of PLA tools (transect walks, chapatti diagrams, resource mapping, Seeds, etc)
and through interactions with all community groups in each settlement in order to capture their
needs. The information has been computerized and analysed for the purpose of this Plan.
Indicators for data collection
Housing: Water supply: Sanitation Drainage:
kuchha, semi- piped water kaccha, pucca,
pucca, pucca supply, Toilets: Community covered, open
underground toilets, household
Property rights water, natural toilet.
Land titles sources
Sewerage: sewer line,
septic tank, soak pits,
Total Station Surveys (TSS) for all slums (Annexure 3) in the Ward have been prepared with the
support of a local GIS agency and contain information on slum contours, topography, water,
sewerage and surface drainage networks, power supply, roads, housing type etc. Information from
community resource maps has been integrated within the slum boundaries. The maps are now ready
for integration with the spatial GIS.
• Topography with
• Land use information
• Sewerage and
• Water supply
• Roads and electricity
Representatives from the 10 slums were brought together in a ward workshop to discuss issues of
common concern and develop joint action plans. Besides community members, key stakeholders
from the Ward; the counsellor, staff of service provider agencies and the Project Implementation
Unit also participated in the discussions.
Prior to the ward workshop, primary data related to available services and infrastructure was
collected in detail from all slums of ward 17 and based on the findings, detail slum level planning
was conducted through community participation. (Slum Information Matrix for Ward 17 Annexure 4)
The overall process adopted for ward workshop has been shown in figure below:-
Crosscutting issues identified in the Ward level meeting were discussed in smaller groups and in-
depth to prepare a more detailed action plan for each of the key issues. The meetings were also
attended by the representatives of local service providing agencies such as junior engineers of
DUDA/ANN, local sweepers and sanitary supervisors etc, Notes on issues based follow up meetings is
annexed as Annexure 5.
A similar methodology as for Ward 17 above has been adopted for 140 slums covering 28 wards in
the City; except that discussions have so far been held at the slum level. Ward level workshops and
discussion in small groups on crosscutting themes is yet to be facilitated.
Total Station Surveys for 60 settlements have been prepared and are used in the current analysis.
Due to the urgency of preparing a Slum Free Agra Plan, it was decided to generate information for
the remaining 277 slums using a rapid appraisal approach. For this purpose, the guideline provided
by National Buildings Organisation (NBO) on behalf of the MoHUPA for data collection has been
used. Information has been generated on land ownership, community demographic details, housing
conditions, economic and occupational status, access to basic services and network infrastructure,
etc. The rapid appraisal was aimed at determining the approach to slum development and for
undertaking a deficiency analysis to estimate demand for resources.
Besides CURE’s trained facilitators, new facilitators were identified, trained and involved in collecting
the information.
Data from all slums, using the variable approaches above, has been compiled into formats for data
entry developed by NBO-MoHUPA.
Based on the analysis of the information a Slum Free Agra Plan has been prepared and is presented
as follows in the next sections of the Plan.
a) Detailed Slum and Ward Plan for Ward 17 with 10 Slum Plans developed using inclusive
participatory processes.
b) Slum Development Plans for 140 Slums, using community mobilization processes at the slum
c) Slum Development Plans for 277 slums using rapid appraisal processes and community
5. Area Development Plan for Ward 17
Ward 17, located in the Trans Yamuna Area, occupied a significant and strategic location historically
as it formed the urban landscape of Mughal Agra. However, today it has been degraded into several
slum settlements. The Ward is bordered by the river Yamuna from west to south east, the central
railway line connecting the city to the western India, running parallel to the NH2 acts as the northern
boundary of the Ward. Located at the city periphery, the Ward areas is disconnected from the City
services networks and hence has lacked access to basic minimum services.
Two important slum development initiatives have been implemented in the Ward; the Crosscutting
Agra Programme (CAP) implemented by CURE since 2005 and the Bheem Nagri Development
programme. Under CAP, funded by USAID and Cities Alliance, Kuchpura settlement in the Ward has
been upgraded through construction of household, school and community toilets; development of
roads and drains and the construction of the DEWAT. In addition a livelihoods development
programme was implemented to enhance incomes. AJN has facilitated access of households to
individual water supply.
The Bheem Nagari programme has followed CAP with a comprehensive improvement programme
that has included paving of internal roads with concrete paver blocks, improvement of drains, access
to potable water, provision of street lighting .
5.1 Community Mobilization and Participation
CURE has mobilised communities in slums in the Area. A range of community groups have been
organised; self-help groups, micro-enterprise groups, toilet savings groups, youth groups, street
theatre groups, Mughal Heritage Walk enterprise group and a CBO called CAP Agra. These
community groups have engaged with field facilitators to identify and prioritise their needs and to
develop community level action plans.
Under the Cities Alliance supported initiative for the development of the Citywide Slum Upgrading
Plan for Agra (CSUP), a Ward level meeting was organised to bring together slum dwellers from 10
slums in the Ward to discuss common concerns and develop a Ward level Action Plan.
Key issues identified and prioritised by Ward 17 residents are (1) improved sanitation and SWM, (2)
better access to potable water, and (3) improved heavy infrastructure, such as streets and drains (4)
Education facility specifically for girls. (Ward 17 issues map as Annexure 6) It seems that an order of
immediacy (daily, unavoidable needs such as personal hygiene, eating, and movement) takes
precedence over more long-term needs.
5.2 Slum Situation Assessment for Ward 17
Data was generated through community interactions and quantitative assessments made by the
community using Participatory Learning and Action Tools.
Ward 17 has 10 slums with settlements varying in age being as new as 20 years to as old as 450
years, dotted with heritage structures including the prominent Mehtab Bagh. In this Ward, 7 of 10
slums are notified slum settlements under DUDA. The total population of Ward 17 is around 19800
people, about 4,206 households. Average household size is 6.4.
Most families in the Ward (72.2%) are Hindu and remaining 27.8 % are Muslim. Majority (64.6%)
belong to Other Backward Castes, 31.7 % belong to Scheduled Castes and the remaining 3.7 % belong
to General Castes.
As per the Agra Master Plan 2021, 50% of this Ward area has been conserved as a National Park and
permits the existence of existing residential areas in low-density housing. Part of the land is owned
by the railways, and a small proportion is proposed to be developed as a sector park.
Land in the Ward is owned by 2 main land owning agencies; the Collectorate or State Government,
and the Railways 9 of 10 settlements (excluding Indra Nagar Marwari Basti) are on Nazool land. This
lease has expired for 74.6% plots and there has been no attempt both n the part of the people and
the State to get the same renewed. Indra Nagar Marwari Basti /Shambhoo Nagar, has come up on
Railways land with no legal property rights. Most households are permanent/long-time residents of
the areas with only a small %age (18.5%) tenants; 81.5% own these houses and 60 % get property tax
bills from the Agra Nagar Nigam.
Most (75.39%) houses are, constructed of brick and cement mortar with permanent roofing. 14.24%
are semi with temporary roofing. The remaining 10.3% are kuchha constructions. Indra Nagar
Marwari Basti and Garhi Hussaini are two slum settlements in Ward 17 with the highest numbers of
kuchha or semi houses. In the case of Indra Nagar Marwari basti, the lack of legal ownership of land
is the reason why people did not investment in housing improvements. Garhi Hussani, on the other
hand, is not very well connected to the City; lacking a good access road which has impeded its
development. Recently, 40 new houses have been built under the BSUP scheme for residents of Indra
Naga Marwari Basti.
Although none of the slum dwellers cited house upgrading as one of their primary needs, houses in
the Ward are certainly sub-standard and residents complained of leaking roofs, poor ventilation and
natural lighting and shortage of space during community meetings. Key Challenges
Key challenges to slum upgrading/development in the area shall relate to reconfirming land tenure
and property rights to slum dwellers, land designation and ownership, physical upgrading of houses
5.2.4 Water Supply
Ward 17 falls in Zone 1 City Water Supply Zone. All slum settlements are connected to municipal
piped water supply although, 5 of 10 do not have water flowing through the lines. In the 5
settlements with water supply, just 38% households have individual taps albeit unmetered. Of the
water that is piped, it is supplied for an average of 10.6 hours per day, and only 30 % of the
settlements find the pressure satisfactory. The primary cause of poor water pressure is the
settlements’ elevated position in relation to the pumping station. Wastewater from the municipal
and household taps flows into the open street drains.
Other sources of water in the settlements are hand pumps and submersible pumps that draw water
through powered motors. There are both public and private hand pumps in each settlement; except
two (Indra Nagar Marwari and Garhi Chandni) which have no private hand pumps. Also, several
settlements (2) find the underground water undrinkable because it is either salty or dirty.
25 Key challenges
Key challenges related to water supply identified by the community included; inconsistent or non-
existent water supply, insufficient pressure, poor water quality, not every household has access to
individual taps in the house, and non functional public taps or hand pumps.
5.2.5 Sanitation
Ward 17 falls in the Eastern City sanitation zone. Only 33% (1384) households in Ward 17 have access
to in-house toilets, a very small proportion 0.41 % (40 HHs) use the community toilet, whereas 67 %
(2822) defecate openly. Only one settlement is connected to the underground sewer line; although
just 5% toilets in that settlement have sewer line connections. Most HH toilets (96.5%) in the other
settlements are connected to septic tanks; a small %age (1.7%) has a soak pit and the remaining
drain directly into the storm water drains. The %age of children practicing open defecation is even
higher than that of the population as a whole.
Ward 17 has 3 community toilets (CT) that provide services to 3 settlements; of which just one is
functional. The functional CT is also not in good condition; its doors are broken, the water supply is
insufficient, and it lacks a light although there is an electrical connection available; and it is in need of
All drains in the Ward area are open; 77.8 % being pucca. 8 of 10 settlements report blockages in
drains that causes flooding in the community; sometimes even into the houses (6 of 10 settlements).
Drains have been recently improved under the Bheem Nagri Programme which has led to higher road
levels in relation to plinth of the houses and the cause of house flooding. On an average, 40 % drains
are cleaned by sweepers (both government and private) and 60 % by citizens themselves.
The large drain that flows past Kuchp ura settlement also collects waste water from 4 settlements
upstream before discharging into river Yamuna. While Kuchpura has a DEWAT that has covered the
drain by its side, other settlements are still exposed to the unhygienic conditions from the drains.
Water logging of streets, drains is commonly reported and attribute to irregular cleaning and
improper slopes. Water flooding into houses is more recent and due to un-calibrated road levels.
All settlements in Ward 17 are well connected by a motorable approach road except one (Gautam
Nagar). In 8 of these settlements, between 70 and 100% inner streets are either paved with Cement
Concrete, concrete paver blocks or brick kharanja. Garhi Hussani and Sushil Nagar however, have
nearly 90% inner streets kuchha.
There is no public transportation in the Ward; the nearest bus stop being at an average distance of
7.8 kilometres from the settlement and the average distance to the main road being 0.52 kms.
Because of this families pay heavily for transportation to the City for work and other purposes; the
average monthly cost for travel per family being Rs.527.77 or about 15.5% of the average
household’s monthly income. Residents mostly travel by foot, personal vehicles, autos or rickshaws.
Chil dren travel to school mainly by foot and bicycle. Residents travel to the hospital by personal
vehicle, rickshaw and on foot. The most common vehicle owned by residents is bicycles, followed by
motorcycles, cars and rickshaws. Key Challenges
Main issue r elate to kuchha inner roads in some of the settlements and lack of public transport.
Power supply in the city has been privatized; the private company Torrent Power has initiated the
process of laying/changing electricity lines in the entire city and providing metered connections.
Electricity is thus the only service that is provided to all residents in all slums with individual houses
having metered connections. Households pay an average monthly bill varying between Rs. 250 to Rs.
450 depending on usage; or an average of Rs. 293 or 8.6% of the average total household income
estimated at Rs.3400 per month in the Ward.
All slum settlements have street lights, although in 7 of 10, street lighting is insufficient either due
non functional street lights or due to insufficient numbers of lights. 6 settlements also have good
telecommunications network although this is no longer an issue due to the large number of mobile
phones available. Key Challenges
Insufficient street lights are identified be slum dwellers as a key power problem and are required to
ensure greater security and safety of residents.
5.2.8 Social infrastructure Education
There are more educated men than women in the area; even as the overall literacy rate is low (male -
65%, female - 45.5%). Just 25% males and 15.8%, females have completed their matriculation. 8
settlements have Anganwadi centres and there are on an average 3 government primary schools and
5 private primary schools available for each settlement in the ward; making an average of one school
(government or private) per 108 households. There is also no high school or a school for girls in the
Enrolment %ages are low at 12 %. An average 655 children drop out of school and the same number
are never enrolled. The principle reasons for students dropping out or never attending school relate
to financial difficulties (7 settlements), lack of awareness (4 settlements), and transportation
difficulties (1 settlement). Only 27 girls in the Ward have access to government subsidies under
People report that number of schools (either Government/Private) is insufficient; at 1 per 108
Households); enrolment rates are low, dropout rates are high, and many students have never
attended school. Besides, there are no schools for girls or vocational centres. Health
The Heath facilities ratio (1 per 133 households) roughly corresponds to the number of educational
centres. There are more private health clinics than government -run facilities in the area. There is only
one government health centre in the entire Trans Yamuna area which lacks adequate services and
facilities. Private hospitals usage is 87.5 % as opposed to just 11.5% use of government hospitals.
61.5% children here are born in hospitals or maternity clinics while the remaining 38.5% are born at
home. Besides inadequate health facilities there is also a lack of awareness regarding proper health
practices and residents are unable to access adequate information.
5.2.9 Livelihood
Employment rates in the Ward are h igh with 84.9% men and 21.1% women working. However, 16.7%
children are employed as well. The average income in Ward 17 is Rs.3400 per month; some
households are earning as much as Rs. 15,000 per month.
People work both inside and outside the settlements. Men are primarily employed in shoe making,
non-skilled labour, rickshaw pulling, private jobs, and vending. Many men (57.9%) go out of the
settlement to work, of which 6.9% are vendors, 1.9% in Government Service, and 10.6% are labour,
11.1% are into private jobs and remaining 27.4% are into other works. Women in Ward 17 (21.1%)
are primarily occupied in non-skilled labour, domestic work, tailoring, and private jobs. Women
going out to work is dramatically less than men. Children (16.7%) are employe d in primarily non-
skilled labour, shoe making, show work, and shop keeping, mostly within the settlement or working
alongside parents in the same occupation.
Key issues in livelihoods relate to high child labour, need for skill training in high paying employments
and access to formal loans at affordable interest rates; only 1.4 % of the residents currently hold
loans, all of which are from banks, none being from government institutions or DUDA.
In the Ward level Workshop, key issues and solutions were identified by the slum communities and
are presented in the Table below:
The problems identified by the residents of the ward were primarily related to lack of proper/regular
maintenance of services. In case of sewage there was a demand for lying of sewage disposal lines and
having proper health and education facilities. On water supply the arg ument was to repair the hand
pumps lying as it will take time to charge the pipeline. A strong need for provision of ration cards
emerged from the above workshop.
5.4 Issue based follow up and planning
Subsequent to a general workshop conducted with residents of ward no. 17 and on the major issues
discussed, it was decided to conduct few follow up meetings on major issues raised during the
workshop which were as follows:
• Decentralised Waste water treatment system of Kachhpura and the settlements upstream
• Water supply
• Health and education
• Housing related problem due to elevated roads
The small group meeting resulted into development of a comprehensive area level plan for ward 17.
6 Scaling Up: Slum Development Plan for 140 slums
Participatory planning processes were also used for 140 slum settlements. However, these
discussions have been limited to the development of slum level plans.
The 140 slums are spread over 28 wards. For analysis, these slums can be broadly grouped into 4
clusters; Trans Yamuna Area that covers 7 wards; stretch along the NH-2 from the west bank of River
Yamuna to Sikandra with 9 wards, West bank of the River Yamuna with 4 wards and the historic core
of Agra with the remaining 8 wards.
The total number of households and population in these slums is about 48,616 households and 2,
95,903 or about 20% of city population respectively. It is estimated that the BPL population in the City
is only 0.83% of the total slum population.
The Trans Yamuna cluster has 75 slums of which more than half are non-listed (47). 35 slums lie
along the city fringe. Most slums (67) are located inside residential areas while the remaining (17) are
inside the industrial area, or along roads and sanitation corridors.
Trans Yamuna region is the most disadvantaged among 4 clusters in terms of access to basic
infrastructure, being on the east bank of the River Yamuna where the pace of development has been
slow and restricted by the natural geographical barrier.
6.1.2 NH-2
There are 21 slums in the Wards along the transport corridor NH-2 till Sikandra, of which half 8 are
non-listed under DUDA. 10 border the city fringe and 12 are on the transport corridor itself.
6.1.3 Historic Core
The historic core has degenerated into slum settlements due to its inability to keep pace with the
urbanisation process. It has 20 slums, of which 7 are non-listed. 12 settlements edge roads. As
development in this area is mixed and dense; commercial and residential, these slums are at -risk.
6.1.4 West Bank Area
The remaining slums (24) are in the west bank cluster; of these 8 are non -listed. Most are within the
city area with just 3 being at the outer fringe of the City. These are also mostly hugging the transport
corridors (14).
Most people in these slums belong to the Scheduled Castes (51.5%) and backward classes (35%) with
a very tiny proportion being scheduled tribes (0.39%), the remaining fall in the general category.
More than 87% slum population is thus underprivileged and vulnerable.
As per Agra Master Plan 2021, Trans Yamuna has mixed land-use. Half (50%) is designated for
residential living in low to medium density housing. The designated land use for the remaining 50% is
industrial, agricultural, a national park and forest area. Slums along the NH-2 till Sikandra and west
bank of River Yamuna are medium density residential areas as opposed to the historic Agra with high
density residential cum commercial land use.
Residents of these slums have patta, which is the Government land given on long term lease (existing
or expired) or legal land rights in the form of behnamas and registries. Some are also encroachment
on public and private lands. In the Trans Yamuna Area, 84.70% households reportedly have legal land
rights, 14.42% are encroachment on railway or other public lands, and a very small number (0.47%)
are encroachment on private lands. Along the NH-2 till Sikandra, legal land rights are estimated at
80.24% while the remaining are encroachments on public (9.1%) and private land (10.51%). Along
the west bank, 88.26% have legal land rights, encroachment on public lands is 4.32% and that on
private lands is 7.32%. In the historic core 71.88% have legal rights, 14.21% ar e encroachment of
private land and remaining 13.89% have patta. Encroachment on private lands is more common in
the city area whereas in the river belt encroachment is mostly on public land. Pattas or property
titles have mostly expired and these settlements are essentially on either Nazool or Municipal lands.
Majority of houses are (93%), 5% are semi and the remaining are kuchha. Though houses in the
historic core are, these are dilapidated and rundown.
The Trans Yamuna, East Bank of River Yamuna, and north of NH-2 slums fall into Water Zone1. Slums
south of NH-2 fall in Zone 3 whereas the historic city core falls in Zone 2. Except for the Trans
Yamuna area, all slums have water supply lines, with water being discharged for an average 4 hrs
daily. The only slum with no water supply line in these 3 zones is Karbala.
45 of 75 slums in the Trans Yamuna region, especially along the fringes have no water supply lines
and the underground water is salty so they are dependent on water tankers which are either
government or private tanker. They pay a charge of Rs. 25-30 per 200 litres. The quality of water is an
issue in all the slums.
6.5 Sanitation
As per the sewerage zones of the City, Trans Yamuna falls in the Eastern Zone which has no sewer
line except along a few main roads and only 7 of 75 slums are linked to sewer line. Because it is
recently laid, it is yet to be charged. The historic core and the west bank of the river are in the Central
Sewerage Zone where the sewer line covers 75% of slums. NH-2 slums which lie to the North and the
West Zone also do not have sewer lines in 13 of 21 slums.
Except for West Bank area, on an average 42% HH have individual toilets. The West Bank area has
59% HHs with toilets, mostly because of its connectivity to the city sewerage system. HH toilets in the
Trans Yamuna region and along NH-2 till Sikandra are mostly connected to septic tanks. There are
community toilets in each of these zones, but most are non functional and lack maintenance.
50% slums in the Trans Yamuna area have no storm water drainage and all roads and drains are
kuchha. In the rest of the zones, 75% settlements/areas inside settlements are covered with storm
water drains which are pucca.
There are hardly any waste bins or a solid waste disposa l system in all slums in all zones.
6.6 Road and transport
As majority of slums in all the zones are located on road corridors, the approach road is good with
the exception of one slum (Karbala) along NH-2 and 6 slums in the Trans Yamuna area. The internal
roads in all slums in 3 zones except for Karbala are kuchha. The fourth zone, the Trans Yamuna area
has 21 slums with kuchha internal roads.
Lack of public transport is an area of concern in most slums in these clusters that are away from the
main transport corridors; national highway and main roads.
Due to the privatization of the Power supply in the city, Torrent Power has initiated the process of
laying/changing electricity lines in the entire city and providing metered connections. Electricity is
provided to all residents in all slums with individual houses having metered connections. Households
pay an average monthly bill varying between Rs. 250 to Rs. 450 depending on usage. There are street
lights in all the slums with the exception of Veena Puram in Trans Yamuna, though in several slums
streetlights are found to be insufficient or non-functional.
6.8 Social infrastructure
6.8.1 Education
The illiteracy rate among the four clusters is highest in the Trans Yamuna area (39%) followed by the
NH-2 -Sikandra area (22.6%), and the lowest in the historic core and West Bank areas (18.5%). The
illiteracy rates clearly correspond to the number of government educational facilities available in the
area. Most residents have indicated distance and lack of transport, apart from poverty, as a key
reason for inability to send the children to schools. Trans Yamuna has no school, especially for girls,
nor an inter college further limiting education attainments.
6.8.2 Health
Health facilities are also limited in the Trans Yamuna area. The City Government Hospital is located in
the historic core and accessible only to the core area slums. Even though there are many private
healthcare facilities along NH-2, the slums in those areas, especially along the city fringes feel that
these are too expensive and prefer to have government facilities.
6.9 Livelihood
The average unemployment in the 4 clusters is nearly equal for all at 35%; and the average annual
income at for Trans Yamuna Area is the lowest among all owing to a lack of livelihood opportunities
and high transportation costs.
7 Citywide Approach: Planning for 277 Remaining City Slums
Data for the remaining 277 slums in the City has been generated through rapid appraisals,
community transect walks and interactions with key stakeholders. The remaining 277 slum s are
spread across the City in 67 Wards; only 143 slums are on the DUDA list of authorized settlements.
There are an estimated 75230 households and 534000 people living in these 277 slums. The average
household size for the slums is 7. 1 much higher than the rest of the City.
7.2 Social Composition
SC and OBC together with a smaller proportion of ST families constitute nearly 94% of the population
in these slum settlements; indicative of the vulnerability of the slum communities in the City. Only a
small percentage, 0.6% comprises the general castes.
Just about 7.7% households are Below the Poverty Line; earning incomes between Rs. 500 and Rs.
2000 per month; while 91.5% slum dwellers earn an income over Rs.3000 per month.
Data on land ownership suggests that most slums are on legal lands with land ownership through
property rights/patta. A small percentage (5%) is on public lands and almost an equal number are
found to have encroached on private lands.
As in the other Wards, here too leases of lands that were provided by Nazool, has since expired and
shall require renewal for the purpose of upgrading these areas.
Nearly all (95%) houses are constructions in brick and cement mortar with permanent roofing. Nearly
an equal number are also semi (2.6%) with temporary roofing and kuchha (2%).
While most families own the house (89%) about 8.4% are also renters in these slums.
Most of these slums (202) are connected to municipal piped water supply through in-house
unmetered taps. Houses that are not connected to municipal supplies use other sources of water
such as hand pumps and submersible pumps to draw water through powered motors. There are both
public and private hand pumps in these settlements.
AJS supplies water for about 4 hours per day, albeit at low pressure. People also complain about the
poor quality of municipal water in the City.
7.5 Sanitation
7.5.1 Toilets
Just 64% households in these slums have access to in-house toilets. There are 38 community toilets
in some of the slums, however just a very small proportion 0.41 % (40 HHs) use these; the rest 35.75
% (268973HHs) defecate openly.
Sewer lines have been provided in 113 settlements; and people are beginning to connect their toilets
to the sewer line, shifting away from the septic tank based system. 51% HHs are still connected to
septic tanks. The rest drain directly into the storm water drains.
The community toilets are mostly non-functional with broken doors, insufficient water supply, poor
lighting due to lack of bulbs and in urgent need of renovation.
7.5.2 Drains
Drains in all slums are open and in many cases, also informal and blocked. They cause both flooding
and /or stagnation of water in the community leading to illness.
Large city drains (25) carry waste water from these surface drains to the river. Settlements alongside
these drains are exposed to very unhygienic conditions. Besides, not all drains are connected to the
sewerage treatment system and wastewater flows through all the City drains into the Yamuna River.
Collection and removal of solid waste from households is a key area of concern of slum dwellers.
Most families reported disposing household waste on their own. This they do in open spaces in and
around their settlement. Very few settlements have access to ANN dustbins. Where these are
provided, these are not cleared very regularly. Families dispose their own waste and/or pay private
sweepers to dispose their household waste.
7.6 Roads and Transport
Most settlements are well connected by motorable approach roads to the City. 255 settlements also
have between 70 and 100% inner streets; paved with either Cement Concrete, concrete paver blocks
or brick kharanja. A few settlements (16 ) however, continue to have kuchha inner streets.
There is no organised system of public transportation in the City. Only very recently under JNNURM,
the city has started a City Bus Service which connects only some parts of the City. In the absence of
formal public transport services residents usually travel by foot, personal vehicles, autos or rickshaws
and traffic in the City is chaotic due to these multiple modes of transportation.
Bus stops are very far away from most settlements unless these slums are in the inner city areas or
along the newly initiated service routes.
7.7 Power Supply & Street Lights
Power supply in the city has been privatized; the private company Torrent Power has initiated the
process of laying/changing electricity lines in the entire city and providing metered connections.
Electricity is thus the only service that is provided to all residents in all slums with individual houses
getting metered connections.
All slum settlements (98%) have street lights, although the lighting is inadequate either due non
functional street lights or due to insufficient numbers of lights.
7.8.1 Education
Literacy rates in the slums are low; 46% men and 54% women are completely illiterate. Enrolment %
ages are low and children have a tendency to drop out of school due to lack of funds, awareness, lack
of access to schools, or distance between school and homes.
7.8.2 Health
Access to health facilities in relation to slums is low. Just 355 government health centres or hospitals
provide health care services to the entire City including slum dwellers. There is a tendency to use
private services rather than government due to their easy accessibility despite the high costs.
Percentage of children born in homes is high.
7.8.3 Livelihood
Men in the slums are primarily employed in shoe making, non-skilled labour, rickshaw pulling, private
jobs, and vending, both within and outside the slum. Women also work as non-skilled labour,
domestic workers, tailors, or in private jobs. They also work in home base cottage industries such as
in shoe -making. Agra slums report high levels of child labour in non-skilled activities, shoe making,
shop assistants, or alongside parents.
5 , City Profile, February 2010
8 Approach to Slum Development in Agra
Agra shall be developed through a process of in-situ development with incremental housing. This is
possible as large number of slum settlements in the city had land tenure /property rights. Other
settlements, that may be tenable, shall also be developed through in-situ upgrading or
redevelopment. Untenable slums, where people do not have legal property rights, are untenable and
authorised shall be developed through resettlement ni affordable housing in low or high-rise
development as per city bye-laws, available land, financial resources and demand. Resettlement shall
be on vacant lands close to existing slum sites, where possible.
All slum clusters developed through in situ development shall be linked to the city services’ networks
for water supply, sewerage, power, roads, transportation and all essential and critical social
Community consultations and participation shall be at the core of slum development planning and
implementation, in particular for designing new/incremental housing. Community participation is
important for building a sense of ownership and sustainability of the development process.
Communities shall be mobilised with the support of a nodal NGO hired for this purpose. The
community, in particular women, shall be involved in the needs assessment and problem
prioritization, identification and customization of solutions-particularly for housing and in-house
services, participation in construction activities through community contracting, etc. and monitoring.
The community shall also contribute financially to housing improvements through self -investment
assisted with microfinance /RAY housing subsidies.
8.3.1 Housing
Housing would be mostly incremental, especially in all settlements with pre-owned lands with
assistance to renew/extend leases. Housing shall also be through redevelopment, rental and or hire-
All kuchha and semi structures shall be made and space enhanced to reach minimum prescribed
norms for the State or more. Houses would be assisted with technical solutions to add in-house
toilets connected to sewerage system, in-house water points, metered power, etc.
Resettlement housing shall be developed for the poor living on unauthorized, untenable or public
utility lands and for renter /new migrant families on rent or hire-purchase with appropriate financing
arrangements and property rights as recommended under RAY.
Housing designs shall be customized to spaces, needs and affordability and improved incrementally
with technical assistance.
8.3.2 Municipal Network Services
All slums and households in slums would be connected to city networks for water supply, sewerage
and sanitation and power. Water supply and toilets shall be provided individually and in
community/shared systems only temporarily till in-house arrangements are set up. Water quality
improvements shall be a key area of focus.
Sanitation solutions shall aim at developing open-defecation free slums and cleaner environments.
They shall include in-house toilets with systems for disposal of household wastewater, connected to
covered surface drainage channels and linked to underground sewerage, outfalls/treatment systems.
Sanitation shall also include systems for solid waste management.
Slums shall be networked to the City through proper roads. In slum streets shall be made with proper
drainage systems. Accessibility to the City shall be improved by linking sl ums to city transport
Social infrastructure shall include access to schools-preschools, primary schools, high schools, etc.
with adequate in-school infrastructure, especially toilets and water supply; health facilities for
primary care as per health norms; and other welfare services. Existing social infrastructure shall be
upgraded as per need/ growing demand. Social services shall be developed through convergence
with service provider agencies and shall include convergence of policies, rules and resources.
Livelihoods shall be promoted through designing spaces for home-based livelihoods, vending and
other commercial activities, markets designed to support informal living. In resettlement areas, and
among the very poor in upgraded areas, livelihood opportunities would be provided through
improved skills, support to enterprise development, employment, marketing, credit, etc.
9 Slum Free Agra Plan
9.1 Housing
Based on the survey data there are 123846 slum houses in the 417 slums in the city. Of these 2532
are kuchha and 4398 semi pucca and eligible for upgrading under RAY. The remaining houses are in
good conditions and not in need of housing development except for some houses whose plinths are
now 6 feet below the road level because of the relaying of road under the Bheem Nagari Programme.
Under RAY, minimum proposed house size for a decent sized room with a toilet, bathroom and
kitchen is The average plot sizes in the slums are an average 60 sq mts. However, 6800
houses have carpet areas less than 25 sq. mts. that shall need to be upgraded under the housing
development programme.
As mentioned in the section above, in majority of cases, the 99 year land lease with the Nazool
Department has expired or needs to be mutated. Detailed information shall be collected through
survey and talks initiated with the District Administration to renew the leases and to initiate a
scheme for conversion of land to freehold. This shall enable all households in all but those
settlements that do not have patta, to upgrade by themselves through housing credit arrangements.
Houses that have legal property rights and on whom rights are conferred through the renewal of
leases shall be supported with housing improvements i.e. addition of toilets with sewer connections
where applicable, legal water connections in the house including in the toilet and increasing the built
up space to 25 sq. mts depending upon affordability and willingness to improve. The remaining plot
areas of these houses would be left as green areas or open space. These improvements will be self-
financed by the owners themselves through various financing options which will include
microfinance, housing credit fund, organization of people into a housing savings group etc.
ANN shall empanel architects to provide design and technical assistance to the residents. ANN shall
also empanel contractors with approved rates that may be hired by residents for housing
construction. ANN shall also hire an NGO to provide necessary technical guidance for housing
Houses where the newly re-laid roads have lowered their plinths would also be rebuilt with housing
finance assistance/appropriate subsidies as recommended under RAY. Housing designs shall be
developed with the support of an architect and in consultation with the community and technical
support for construction.
9.1.6 Resettlement of Unauthorized Settlement
Illegal settlements on public lands need to be relocated and resettled these families in Affordable
Housing blocks. Efforts shall be made with the support of local NGOs to support the process of
participatory design development for resettlement housing with rehabilitation of livelihoods.
Simultaneously dialogue with departments such as the Railways Department shall be initiated for
grant of medium-term land lease to the dwellers so that they may to invest in their housing.
Affordable housing shall also be developed for renter families /new migrants on hire-purchase or
rental basis to ensure that no new slums come up in the City.
Water pipelines shall be laid in all settlements so far not covered, and houses shall have access to in-
house drinking water supply with the support of AJN. People shall invest in their own water
connections and shall pay a user charge as appropriate and as in the rest of the City.
Settlements where lines are laid but there is no water discharge, talks will be initiated with AJS and
the Railway department, to enable start of supply to these communities.
In settlements where duration of water supply is less and pressure low, a small water reservoir/tank
shall be constructed on the proposed locations (Slum map with proposed location in Annexure 7).
Water shall be pumped into these overhead tanks to improve pressure and timings. These tanks and
pumps shall be operated by the community with the support of AJS.
Till such time as water supply is efficiently delivered in the area, the 56 non functional hand pumps
shall be repaired to ensure people continue to receive water.
Awareness shall also be created among the community on use of boiled/filtered water for drinking
and cooking purpose due to the poor quality.
9.3 Sanitation
Around 52454 household do not have individual toilets. To make the City Ope n Defecation Free, all
households shall be supported with the construction of a toilet. Existing toilets shall be rehabilitated
and connected to appropriate sewerage disposal facilities in the Area.
New household toilets shall be part of the housing upgrading above as it is assumed that nearly all
kuccha and semi pucca house are unlikely to have private facilities. In case of others, toilets shall be
customized to HH space.
Toilets shall be connected to city sewerage network where provided. For areas where the networks
are still to be extended /unlikely to be extended in the next 2 years, households shall use
individual/shared septic tanks which can later be connected to the city sewer network with
appropriate engineering solution. The overflow from the septic tanks will be connected to the storm
water drains till the appropriate system is developed.
All individual toilets shall be built by people with credit assistance through a Housing Improvement
Fund or microfinance.
For very poor households/renters (around 20%) with low affordability or homes with insufficient
space to add a toilet, shared toilets are proposed; provided the houses are contiguous and/or there
is interest among the family mem bers to share the toilet facility. Sharing toilets shall help to reduce
the credit burden of the poor households. These toilets shall be subsidised by ANN with the support
of RAY.
Community toilets shall be improved and supported with appropriate O&M facilities to ensure that
all residents get a usable facility. Residents shall be organised into a Toilet Monitoring Group and
shall contribute resources (monthly family user costs) for hiring a sweeper and keeping the toilet
Individual household toilet is the most preferred option among the community due to its self
maintenance and ownership. However some houses may not have enough space for toilets or
affordability or may be renters, they may opt for shared toilets. In the absence of a household
survey, it is assumed that 80% houses with spaces over 60 sq mts. will have sufficient space and
finance through micro finance for building individual HH toilets. The remaining 20%, especially
renters may opt for shared HH toilets or community toilets.
Waste water disposal is an important component of sanitation services and needs to be addressed
for environmental improvement of an area. Waste water from households which includes overflow
from septic tanks, kitchen and surface water flows into drains which need to be managed through a
network of surface and storm water drains.
In Ward 17, waste water is disposed in three different ways. The waste water from 4 settlements;
Gautam Nagar, Abbas Nagar, Nagla Devjeet and Kachpura drains into River Yamuna through a
network of surface drains that link to the large drain on which the DEWAT has been constructed.
Waste water from Indra Nagar Marwari Basti/Shamboo Nagar and Moti Mahal flows individually
through informal drains and over sloping land into River Yamuna. Waste water from the remaining
four settlements is disposed into a depression near the railway line and stagnates there. As there is
no city sewerage system, all the waste water flows through the storm water drains only. Similar
conditions are found in other slums.
347119 mts of kuccha drains in slums need to be made with proper slopes to avoid water stagnation
and outfall. All drains shall be covered with cement blocks with holes that will allow cleaning but
prevent clogging through solid waste disposal.
42 Increasing DEWAT Capacity
The capacity of the existing DEWAT built by CURE shall be increased to treat all the waste water that
is flowing through the large drain currently. Effort shall be made to enter into partnership with ASI so
that treated water from the DEWAT could be used to water Mehtab Bagh lawns.
More DEWATs shall be set up in the City as per need and based on their cost effectiveness.
For the other settlements, an efficient septage management system will need to be set up through
networks of small-bore sewer pipes connecting the unconnected settlements to the existing DEWAT
or other treatment system or to a centralized treatment system through the underground sewer
lines or by way of construction of an additional DEWAT so that the waste water is treated before it is
discharged into the river.
For Ward 17, the outflow drain near the railway line shall need to be extended further 1200 mts of
extension pipeline) and connected to the new DEWAT or sewer lines proposed to avoid water
stagnation around the railway.
Solid waste in the area has been identified by the communities as one of the key issues that needs to
be addressed urgently. Waste generated from these settlements includes waste from kitchen,
leather waste, sari/cloth pieces, polythene, organic waste etc.
Household storage of waste linked to an efficient door -to-door waste collection service shall be
initiated in partnership with the communities and the ANN. This shall include creating awareness
about solid waste disposal practices in the settlements. The service shall be managed by the
community through an ANN-community contract as permissible under the SWM rules. Households
shall pay a nominal monthly payment for clearance as decided by the community.
The collection service shall be linked to a composting system set up with the support of ANN. This
shall be developed as a micro-enterprise. The compost shall be sold to the local nurseries, farmers or
to the ASI.
Non bio degradable waste shall be collected at one point in each settlement in dustbins/dhalao ghar.
ANN will collect the waste regularly and dispose off at the land fill sites. ANN will appoint 2 sweepers
per settlement for regular cleaning of street and drains.
Road and street network will be improved by relaying and reconstruction where ever needed. The
road construction will include repair/reconstruction of approach road and upgrading all in-slum
streets from kuccha to with appropriate sloping to the side drains. It is estimated that 4770 mts of
approach roads shall require repair/reconstruction and 87949 mts of inner kuccha roads shall need
to be made withconcrete paver blocks.
For connecting slums to the city, minibus/tempo services with bus stands at suitable distances, shall
be built. The service frequency and timings shall be decided in community consultations to ensure
these respond to the needs of the people.
The area which has illegal power connections need to be legalized. 91 street lights are non functional
and in need of replacement and about 4213 additional street lights need to be provided in these
settlements. DUDA shall work in close association with the private distributor to ensure these areas
are properly covered.
The current health infrastructure needs to be revitalized with appropriate staffing and equipment
including an ambulance, to provide good quality health services in the area. This may be undertaken
with the support of the State Health Department and in association with the Gates health
programme underway in Agra with the support of partner NGOs.
Slums without access to health facilities shall be provided with primary health care services as per
health norms.
9.6.3 Welfare Scheme
Several people in the Ward are in need of welfare services. These include people with disabilities,
widows, elderly, etc. From the household survey, a list of eligible beneficiaries for various welfare
services shall be drawn up and forwarded to the appropriate department to help them access
welfare assistance.
9.6.4 Livelihoods
To provide sustainable livelihoods and improve incomes of the poorest households, in particular
women, it is proposed to initiate a comprehensive livelihoods development programme that is linked
to the local city economy; tourism and other industries. The livelihood programme shall be
implemented with the support of an NGO with appropriate skills identified through appropriate
tendering procedures. The livelihood development programme shall include skill training in a range
of emerging sectors, assistance with getting employment, microenterprise development, access to
credit, market orientation etc.
10 Implementation Strategy
Community participation shall form the core of the Slum Free Agra Plan implementation. CURE has
mobilised communities in Ward 17 settlements and these groups have been working on slum
upgrading activities in their settlements. In an additional 140 slum settlements, CURE has used
participatory processes for problem identification/prioritising and community development planning.
For the remaining 277 slum settlements, community engagement will need to be facilitated.
Community shall be mobilized with support of a local NGO(s) identified by DUDA using a transparent
and limited tendering procedure. The NGO partner(s) shall be contracted for community
mobilization for the entire implementation phase, with appropriate financial arrangements and exit
The NGOs shall strengthe n the existing Community-based Organizations developed by CURE in the
140 settlements. They shall also mobilize and organize communities in the remaining 277
settlements where data has been generated through rapid assessments. The NGO shall form a range
of community groups in each settlement; self-help group, housing savings groups, microenterprise
groups, community monitoring committees etc. These groups shall be representative of the
community, and shall be federated and involved in project implementation.
Household designs with solutions customized to individual house footprints shall need to be
developed through at the time of implementation. The identified NGO shall work with residents to
finalise the designs for housing, toilets, water supply, waste water disposal, etc. at the household
level. They shall also work with the community to develop other community solutions such as for
solid waste disposal, bus stand locations, etc.
Communities shall be part of slum development activities. They shall contribute to the development
of their own housing/community improvements and shall also participate in the development
through all or some of the following ways:
§ Households shall be responsible for their own housing construction in all settlements with
freehold land, leases or on lands of religious trusts. They shall be assisted with housing finance
and technical support by DUDA. For the poorest families, who may not be able to contribute
the full cost of housing, DUDA shall undertake the construction through its own contractors
and shall make available maximum subsidy to these houses.
§ Although there are not many households living on rent in these areas, construction of rental
accommodation is seen as part of the future strategy for prevention of slum development.
Rental housing shall be available to new migrant or renter families from slums on a monthly
rental basis or in hire/purchase in easy instalments.
§ Households shall pay for legal, in-house water and sewer connections, and monthly user costs
as applicable in the rest of the city. Families shall contribute a monthly charge, as decided by
them, for the door -to-door collection service, weekly drain cleaning and use of community
toilets where constructed.
§ Community shall arrange for storage of construction materials during construction of roads,
water supply, sewer lines, housing, etc.
DUDA shall enter into small contracts, directly or through the contractor, for implementation of
physical works such as construction of roads, housing, toilets, water connections, etc. It shall be
mandatory for the contractor to hire local labour, in particular women, from the communities and/or
sub-contract local contractors for promoting livelihoods among the slum families. DUDA shall ensure
that the hired labour/contractors get timely and proper payment at approved rates. DUDA shall
prepare a list of community contractors/construction workers with agreed job rates in case
households would like to hire them for housing improvements/construction works.
The community shall be responsible for overseeing implementation of civil works in their slums and
shall identify lane/area supervisors who shall monitor implementation. Community Monitoring
Groups or lane supervisors shall be informed of the contractual obligations under each contract by
DUDA project engineers/planners/architects and inform DUDA in case of deficiencies. DUDA shall
take immediate steps to rectify the problem and inform the community on action taken.
The NGO shall help the community develop O&M plans for common facilities such as for cleaning of
drains, repair of dust bins, management of composting sites, replacement of lights, maintenance of
community toilets etc. As decided by the community, an O&M fund shall be created with a small
monthly contribution for such activities. The O&M fund shall be managed by the community groups
who shall share the account details of all at the end of each month to ensure transparency.
Since large numbers of slum houses have property ownership, albeit the leases are in need of
renewal/mutation, DUDA shall work with the Revenue Department to extend leases as appropriate
to ensure security of tenure and support self-investment in housing. In unauthorized areas as well,
the effort would be to offer reasonable security of tenure.
Unauthorized lands shall be assessed for tenability; tenability being an important pre-requisite for
deciding the intervention model for a particular slum. Under the Slum Free Agra Plan, tenability of
unauthorized slum lands shall be assessed using a set of tenability indicators. Lands that do not entail
undue risk to the safety or health or life of residents, and where development is not contrary to
public interest and where land can be acquired for tenure/development purposes shall be
considered tenable and shall be developed through in-situ development in incremental housing and
in the early phases of the project.
10.4 Preparing Slum Development Plans with Housing Designs
Plans shall also be developed for resettlement housing in consultation with the community.
Resettlement shall be supported by livelihoods rehabilitation with support of the NGO. All
resettlement development plans shall include provisioning of network services prior to relocation.
Housing plans for affordable housing shall be developed in sites that shall be close to livelihood
opportunities-commercial and institutional areas and markets that enable informal livelihoods.
All slum development plans shall include estimated costs for physical works, service level
augmentation and shall be developed and implemented in partnership with concerned service
provider agency to ensure these conform to ground situation and are implementable.
10.5 Undertaking Total Station Surveys, Household Surveys and Preparing Biometric Cards
Total Station and Household Surveys with biometric identification shall be undertaken for
settlements to identify the eligible beneficiaries.
All slums shall be mainstreamed to city infrastructure: municipal piped water in-house supplies, in-
house toilets connected to underground sewerage systems, door -t o-door collection systems for solid
waste linked to regular waste disposal to landfill or composting sites, household and community
drainage linked to storm water drains or sewerage and treatment system, slum pathways linked to
city roads, metered power connections, access to municipal schools and health care centres, etc.
Network designs will be developed with the support of engineers/planners from the concerned
departments so that these departments can review current supply arrangements in the context of
supply to the entire neighbourhood/ward/zone, and plan for source augmentation, as necessary. The
concerned departments shall also review and simplify procedures for providing legal connections to
slum households as necessary, to enable poor households to connect to the system.
Consultations shall be held with key social service provider departments to prepare plans for
improving access to schools and primary health care through augmentation of existing resources
and/or development of new infrastructure.
10.8 Institutional Arrangements
DUDA in Agra is responsible for slum development in the City. It does this with the active support of
ANN; the nodal office under JNNURM in the City. DUDA has set up the PIU to plan and implement the
Slum Free Agra Plan. Besides the PIU, DUDA shall set up a Technical Committee to guide the process
of planning and implementation. This Committee shall report to the Divisional Magistrate on
progress and problems.
The GIS maps developed for Agra shall be populated with data from slums and households and shall
be linked to an MIS plan to enable regular monitoring and tracking of slum development.
Slum Free Agra Plan shall also be aimed at implementing key policy and administrative reforms as
recommended under the RAY; earmarking funds for the poor, setting up a pov erty fund and poverty
budgeting, earmarking developed land for poor in housing projects, double entry accounting system,
A resource mobilization plan shall form part of the Slum Free City Agra Plan that shall enable DUDA
to identify its share of resources for the development of housing and costs of development.
Slum Free Agra Plan shall be implemented in a phased manner. Since large numbers of slums have
land ownership, it will be possible to develop these fairly quickly. This shall be followed by
development of slums that may be on lands that are potentially tenable, as these would require
consent of the appropriate land owning agency etc. Slums that are untenable or with land issues or
which are required for development purposes shall be developed through resettlement and
affordable housing. Such slums shall be developed along with slums that are potentially tenable.
The initial phase shall include settlements that can be developed quickly followed by settlements
where issues of land and tenability shall need to be addressed. In all settlements, depending on gap
between community mobilization and intervention, some quick win solution and urgently required
interventions shall be taken up. This shall keep the community engaged and help bridge the gap
between the planning and implementation.
Slum Free City plan shall be closely monitored to ensure sustainable and effective development.
Monitoring shall be undertaken using a GIS-based Management Information System (MIS). The GIS-
shall be over time made into a web-based MIS system to track progress on slum upgrading
components and development. The MIS system will be integrated with the slum maps prepared.
Implementation of Slum Free City Plan would be the responsibility of DUDA along with ANN as per
the DPR prepared for each wards by CURE. DUDA will be responsible for the overall technical design
and implementation of construction works under guidance from the respective departments, as well
as State and Central Government. The engineering drawings with detail costing and specification
would be done on the basis of the ward DPR prepared by CURE. It shall undertake this through its
existing contractual arrangements with modifications to suit the project. Institutional arrangement
shall ensure community involvement at each phase of implementation and O&M.
Under RAY, a separate implementation unit can be formed within ANN to monitor the entire
implementation process. Policy and administrative support for project implementation and its scaling
up shall be provided through the State government and the RAY Nodal Department in the ADA.
Building citywide multi stakeholder partnerships with relevant government agencies, private sector
and civil society groups will be set up and institutionalized for successful implementation of the plan.
Implementation of Slum Free City Plan would require an approach of integrated planning,
prioritization, phasing of activities and customization as per need/site demand. It would require
concentrated efforts of all the parastal government departments along with private sector agencies
and the civil society /citizens at large. The ward DPR’s prepared would include upgrading
components of housing, physical and social infrastructure and livelihood development on which the
implementation would be built upon.
The costing has been prepared in consultation with ANN and DUDA officials using the current
Schedule of rates and it takes into consideration all the aspects of upgrading both physical and social
infrastructure. The estimated budget for the upgrading of all the 417 slums in the city is the
outcomes from the NBO format through the rapid community survey and the gaps filled on the
components which were missing in the format and need to be included in the upgrading.
1. Housing
In situ housing for kuchha/semi pucca 6929 No. 300000 2078700000
In situ housing for houses whose carpet area is 6800 No 300000 2040000000
less than 25 sq mt (approx)
In situ housing for houses whose plinth has gone 1500 No. 300000 450000000
below road level
Redevelopment of housing with relocation 15783 No. 300000 4734900000
In situ housing for dilapidated houses 1500 No. 300000 450000000
Affordable housing for renters/migrants per year 12500 No 500000 6250000000
2. Water Supply
Water pipeline 108658 Rmt 900 97792200
Individual HH connections 54597 No. 2000 109194000
Water storage reservoirs at slum level with 25 No. 200000 5000000
Hand pump repair 307 No. 2000 614000
New bore wells 525 No. 35000 18375000
3. Sanitation
HH toilet with septic tank 41963 No. 20000 839260000
Shared HH toilet with septic tank 10491 No. 20000 209820000
New community toilet 143 No. 700000 100100000
Repair of existing community toilet 56 No 150000 8400000
3.2.Waste water disposal
Making inner drains 347119 Rmt 450 156203550
Connectivity to the main drain with covers 77480 Rmt 1500 116220000
Approach road repair concrete cement 4770 Rmt 600 2862000
Making Inner road 87949 Rmt 500 43974500
Bus shelter 8 No 500000 4000000
5. Electricity
Repair of Non Functional street lights 91 No 1000 91000
New street poles 8313 No 11000 91443000
New street lights 4213 No 450 1895850
6. Social infrastructure
Community Halls 40 No 1000000 40000000
Livelihood Production centres 20 No 4000000 80000000
Health facilities 20 No 10000000 200000000
Education facilities 20 No 60000000 1200000000
Total Costing A 20342283100