Kibabii University School of Business and Economics.: Attachment Report

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REG. NO: BCO/0556/18

Attachment Report Submitted to the School of Business and Economics In Partial Fulfillment

For the Requirement For Conferment of Bachelor of Commerce Degree ( Procurement

Option) Of Kibabii University.

March 2022

I hereby declare that this report on industrial attachment at the Kimilili law court in Bungoma

county and presented to Kibabii University, school of Business & economics, as a partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a bachelor’s degree in purchasing and supplies

management is the outcome of my investigation.


Sign: …………………………………Date……………………………………


This attachment report has been submitted for marking and approval with my consent as the

university supervisor



I dedicate this report to my parents for their financial support throughout the entire

attachment period


I give thanks to the Lord who saved me from the whispers and pressures of Satan, without his

blessings and endorsement this report would not have been accomplished.

I would like also to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Martin M. Masika who

provided me with advice that motivated me through my internship period and accorded the

same help in writing of this report.


The purpose of industrial attachment creates the need for any discerning student to create a

clear picture of what has been done in the form of a report. Field attachment is a field of

practical training experience that prepares trainee for the tasks they are expected to perform

on completion of their training. This report contains information which I gathered during my

industrial training the Kimilili law court for a period of three months. As a student, my

involvement in this attachment was to make sure I that I acquire new knowledge and practical

skills, improving my confidence in problem solving and to utilize the opportunity to relate

with different category of people likely to be met in real life situations. This report gives all

the activities I undertook, the experience I gained, the practical skills acquired and the

personal inputs to the organization. My report gives a brief introduction about Kimilili law

court and the work/duties of different departments in the organization. The report also gives

details of the duties/functions of my host department i.e. procurement department. The

information am giving in this report reflects all the achievements I achieved according to my

objectives set herein. This report shows the benefits, success, challenges encountered and

how I was able to overcome the challenges. It also shows my recommendations and the

conclusion of my training.

Table of Contents

CERTIFICATION BY UNIVERSITY SUPERVISOR.............................................................i



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................iv

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1


1.1 Background information of Kimilili law court................................................................1

1.2 Mission Statement............................................................................................................1

1.3 vision statement................................................................................................................1

1.4 Core Values......................................................................................................................1

1.5 Objectives of the Law Court............................................................................................1

1.6 Values and Principals.......................................................................................................2

1.7 Organizational Structure..................................................................................................3

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................4

THE PROCUREMENT DEPATRMENT.................................................................................4

2.1. Assigned Routine Duties at the Procurement Department..............................................4

2.2. Key Functions/ Activities of The Department................................................................7

2.3 Main Objectives of the industrial attachment .................................................................8

CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................9

EVALUATION OF THE ATTACHMENT REPORT PERIOD...............................................9

3.1. Benefits of The Attachment Exercise.............................................................................9

3.1.1. Achievements During the Attachment Exercise..........................................................9

3.1.2 Theoretical Achievements Acquired...........................................................................10

3.2. Knowledge and Skills/Learning Experience Acquired.................................................10

3.3. Discussion on Gained Experience and Skills................................................................11

3.4. Challenges Encountered During the Training Period...................................................12

3.5. How I Overcomed /Solved the Challenges...................................................................13

3.6 Observation and Critiques..............................................................................................13

3.6 .1 Positive Observations.................................................................................................13

3.6.2 Negative Observation.................................................................................................14

CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................15

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.....................................................................15

4.1. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................15

4.2. Recommendations.........................................................................................................16



1.1 Background information of Kimilili law court.

Kimilili Law Courts is located at: Kimilili, Next to DC's Office, Near District Hospital, Near

Friends Kamusinga. Kimilili Law Courts is a 2-magistrate-court headed by Principal

Magistrate Gladys Adhiambo.

1.2 Mission Statement

To promote an independent and accountable justice system through oversight of the judiciary

and stakeholder engagement.

1.3 vision statement

 Promoting a justice system that is efficient, effective and accountable.

1.4 Core Values

 Independence

 Transparency and accountability

 Integrity

 Professionalism

1.5 Objectives of the Law Court.

 To enhance the modalities of generating and disseminating public legal information;

 To review and develop appropriate policies, guidelines and legislation for achieving

institutional mandates;

 To enhance the capacity of the institution to discharge its mandate through provision

and management of human, infrastructural and ICT resources; and

 To create an institutional brand that enhances the visibility of the products and

services of the organization

1.6 Values and Principals

Professionalism - The court will apply the highest levels of knowledge, skills, competencies

and ethical values in the execution of its mandate.

Integrity - The court shall conduct its operations honestly, objectively and impartially, and

with discipline and commitment in service to the people while steadfastly adhering to high

ethical principles and professional standards.

Transparency and Accountability - The court shall actively accept responsibility for the

diverse roles, obligations, and performance of its staff including self-regulation and other

behaviours that positively influence its outcomes, the profession and the needs of society

Reliability - The court will be a trusted and dependable curator of updated and relevant

universally accessible public legal information.

Innovation - The court will nurture and reward innovation and creativity among its members

of staff and it will creatively and innovatively apply legal information to generate and

develop new legal knowledge. The court will harness both customer and employee-driven

innovation to improve its service portfolio and achieve organizational efficiency.

Citizen/Customer Focus - in executing its mandate, the court shall have primary regard for

or devotion to the interest of the public, thus assuming the fiduciary responsibility of placing

the needs of its customers ahead of its corporate interest.

1.7 Organizational Structure









 2.1. Assigned Routine Duties at the Procurement Department.

The following were the duties I was assigned to at the procurement department of the court.

 Making Of Local Purchase Order.

 Examining of payment voucher

 Receiving goods delivered to the organization by suppliers.

 Taking part in the inspection of goods delivered.

 Processing of supplier’s invoices for their payment at the accounts.

 Issuing and recording of stores.

 Maintaining of store records and controlling of stores.

 Processing departmental order forms and writing LPOs for fuelling of vehicles.

 Filling documents i.e. processed DOFs, delivery notes, quotations, issue notes.

 Processing departmental order forms for local purchases.

 Sending requests for quotations.


Most undertaken activities on day-to-day basis was to ensure supplies was active at all the
times, this was because every department within the organization relied on procurement
department on their performance

Making Of Local Purchase Order.

The purchase order process consists of several compliance checkpoints and approval/input

tasks to ensure timely PO processing. Here are the most common purchase order process


 Create a purchase order

 Send out multiple requests for quotation (RFQ)

 Analyse and select a vendor

 Negotiate contract and send PO

 Receive goods/services

 Receive and check invoice (3-Way Matching)

 Authorize invoice and pay the vendor

 Record keeping

 Purchase order closure

General office cleanliness and arrangement

Since procurement office was the centre of all activities within the organization and busy
department most employees get to office early. This ensured office is well arranged and tidy
in good time to ensure proper attendance to the clients

Distribution of relevant documents

Files with relevant documents required were issued to relevant offices for right action and
verification in a timely manner.

Daily filling of requisition

Once requisition form has been approved it is taken back to procurement department for
proper filling in their respective files and numbered for easy identification when needed for

Careful handling of information

It was a responsibility to handle any information file and other office activities with care and
due diligence while exercising your roles and ethics

Proper documentation of various departments

During my attachment period I ensured proper documentation of every record from various
user departments to ensure in time preparation of Local Purchase Order (LPO) and tender
documentation for suppliers

Maintaining Records and Proper Filling

During my attachment I ensured record from various clients are properly kept and updated on
time and filling supplier documents in their respective files and coding their suppliers


During the period of attachment at Kimilili law court I undertook specifically the following
procurement activities

Record Management

It involves receiving incoming vouchers, Local Purchase Orders according to user

department, capturing relevant data to the department

Data Entry

Because mostly orders are made, the requisition specification should be made available in the
computer system. This eases in defining specification of orders as standard are already self
and factored as a requirement for making purchase order.

Quotation Opening

I undertook part in quotation opening during my period of attachment at Kimilili law court

Sitting in Disposal Committee

I had an opportunity of sitting in disposal committee which is held quarterly, whereby

obsolete, worn out, old and unserviceable assets of the organization are disposed.

Spot Checking

This is ensuring that every stock is rightfully placed in their respective stores. This enables
the store keeper identify in time the stock which is running out hence making sure timely
orders are placed.

Periodic Stock Taking

I was assigned a responsibility of taking the stock after every seminar and also on weekly
basis to identify in times what was running out of stock for early orders placement.

Supplier report preparation

Supplier report was prepared based on supply of items allocated to the supplier in the tender
document or local purchase order documents. Report listed the items, specification, quantity
to be supplied, price of the items, quality of item needed. This assisted in supplier evaluation
on later days

2.2. Key Functions/ Activities of The Department

The procurement department was my host department during my training at Kimilili law

court. It serves as the purchasing unit of the court. The procurement function of the court is

wide as different types of goods, services and works needs to be purchased for use by the

departments at the court.

The following are some of the functions of the procurement department.

 Prepares, advertise and distribute invitations to prequalify, prequalification documents

and invitations to express interest.

 Receive, open and safeguard application to prequalify and expression of interest.

 Issue bidding document and coordinate the evaluation of bids.

 Manage all public procurement and disposal activities of the court.

 Conduct periodic and annual stock taking.

 Preparation of contract documents in line with the award decisions.

 Purchasing on behalf of the court.

 Receiving and management of stores

 Filling of documents related to procurement process i.e. contracts, tender documents,

prequalification and qualification documents, delivery notes, LPOs etc.

 Preparation of the procurement and disposal plans.

 Certify the invoices and payments vouchers to suppliers.

 Processing for the fuelling of vehicles.

 Issuing and control of store.

 Maintain any standing list of bidders or lists prequalified bidders required by the


2.3 Main Objectives of the industrial attachment .

The main objectives for the attachment exercise were as follows;

 To access the interests in the occupation am undertaking i.e. procurement.

 To be acquainted with the expectations of working in a highly competitive


 To get an opportunity to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learned into

real-life problem-solving situations.

 To enable and strengthen linkages between kibabii university and various

organizations all over the country.

 Enhance student’s awareness of public service obligation.

 To make transition from school to the world of work smoothly and to enhance

students contacts for job placements.

 To be equipped with practical skills that may not be appreciated, visualized or even

taught in school like communication skills, dress code, team work, time management

skills, efficient on task and problem management.



3.1. Benefits of The Attachment Exercise.

In respect with my objectives during the attachment training, the whole process has been a

success and all my objectives were achieved well.

I learned a lot of things which added to my experience in the purchasing and supplies field.

Apart from my practical skills acquired in my career, I also was able to acquire new

theoretical skills about my field of study which are of high importance to my knowledge and

understanding about procurement.

  3.1.1. Achievements During the Attachment Exercise.

 From my assigned duties and responsibilities, I was able to achieve the following


 Learned how to do Local purchases of items using the right procedures.

 How to process invoices for payments of the suppliers.

 How to process for the fuelling of vehicles.

 How to receive goods delivered by suppliers

 How to make quotations and send requests for quotations manually and electronically.

 Procedure for the disposal of assets/items.

 How to issue items from the stores, updating of the store bin cards and stores


 How to do evaluation of suppliers and supplier selection.

 How to do inspection of goods.

3.1.2 Theoretical Achievements Acquired.

Apart from gaining experience practically, I gained some experience from theory work. The

following were learned;

 The complete process of procurement.

 Procedures for disposal of obsolete, usable surplus stores and equipment.

 Tendering procedures for local purchases.

 The supplies manual of the COURT.

 Purchase procedures.

 The PPAD act and regulations 2015.

 The functions of the tender, evaluation and inspection committees.

 The evaluation processes.

   3.2. Knowledge and Skills/Learning Experience Acquired.

My training exercise has aided me in analysing my options and my situation. During the

attachment I gained skills in 3 different axes,

Professionally, I had the opportunity to put into practice what I have been learning in the

class like the procurement process, tendering and tender meeting proceedings, sending

quotations and their analysis, evaluation process and evaluation committee proceedings and

PPAD ACT. I acquired good management, self-motivation and time management skills.

Socially, I have gained a greater level of confidence through my interactions with different  

classes of people and top officials. I have gained good interpersonal skills.

Personally, my knowledge about procurement and procurement rules was expanded as I went

through the public procurement and disposal act in details. I have learned and acquired team

work, efficient on task and problem management skills

3.3. Discussion on Gained Experience and Skills.

One of the most important and obvious goals of an attachment exercise is the acquisition of

actual real-world experience. Attachment gives an opportunity to learn first-hand experience

that can’t be taught in class and helps us get practical translation of the theory taught. My

training experience has aided me in analysing my options and my situation.

The training has individual benefits of liaising the university to the various organizations.

Hence brightening the employment chances of the students in the universities. Through this

attachment, I have gained a good interpersonal skill through my interactions with my

supervisor and the rest of the staffs. This has helped me interact with different people

irrespective of their position.

Within my period of attachment, I gained a lot through experience, skills which made me

competent enough to handle procurement activities without difficulties. Through this I leant

how to communicate with people from different levels of organization

It came to my understanding through experience that one to be successful procurement

officer he/she needs to demonstrate high standard of fairness, integrity, accountability and

transparency. This means that all people should be treated with equality, one to be held

accountable of his/her deeds and one should carry out his/her mandates with openness. This

includes all broad board of suppliers, procurement officers and even attaches

During my attachment period I learnt much on handling supplier grievances which includes

unfair competition as well as proper management of information or records through the

electronic means

Other areas I encountered include business ethics and confidentiality in which I learnt that

they are very vital in any organization which has numerous departments. From time to time I

was reminded to maintain high level of confidentiality of information to the unauthorized

people about any vendor or person within the organization.

3.4. Challenges Encountered During the Training Period.

My training experience has been quite good though I faced by some challenges before and as

I progressed with my training though they didn’t bring me down. Some of the challenges

faced include:

Problem of securing a place for attachment- getting a place to be attached was a problem

as many organizations would refuse to answer your letters and others fail to answer the

requests send to them.

Finance- during the period of searching the place to be attached, it requires money as

sometimes you have to travel to deliver your attachment requests. This leads to much

spending and the financing is very limited.

Limited time period-the time for searching for a place to be attached was very limited as

there was delays in getting our attachment requirements from the university. This led to much

spending while seeking for a place to be attached which was in hurry as there was no much


Lack of enough work

Also, during the training there is neither provision to pay interns nor any drafted allowances,

packages allowed so as to lease expenses during the training period and thus catering for the

daily expenses becomes a burden as financing may not be adequate.

3.5. How I Overcomed /Solved the Challenges.

Though the challenges faced me, they gave me an experience and taught me more. I acquired

skills in improving my confidence in solving problems and gain the confidence to

interact with different categories of people. The following are some ways I used in solving

the challenges I faced.

I was able to cope with the limited time period I had and work tireless to see success in the

training, I adopted time management skills which enabled me catch up with the lost time.

Being proactive-there being no much work, I engaged myself in other productive projects and

activities relating to my career which enabled me gain much experience and streamline my


3.6 Observation and Critiques

I made several observations during my attachment period on area of my interest and on other

hand the areas that required adjustment.

3.6 .1 Positive Observations

i) Open Communication

In my period of attachment, it came to my observation that there was high level of openness

amongst the attaches and that staff and also the general public. This enabled various sides to

learn from each other and make the environment friendly

ii) Willingness to Accommodate Attaches and help them learn more

Procurement department where I spent much of my time on, had the willingness to

accommodate people from different levels including fellow staffs, suppliers’, attaches and

general public. They had a willingness to make attaches learn new things every day. This

brought harmonious and peaceful co-existence

iii) Friendly Workforce

Working environment at kimilili law court was very much conducive to all. This made me

feels at home away from home with jovial mood and ready to learn and experience more.

3.6.2 Negative Observation

i) Suppliers not observing Time

Some suppliers would drop their supplies very late hence interrupting the activities of the


ii) Supplier failing to commit themselves to their work

Some suppliers fail to honour their promises of delivering products according to

specification. Some brought sub-standard quality products hence low-quality output



4.1. Conclusion.

The supervised industrial attachment of the university gives students the opportunity to apply

and put what has been learned in class into practice. This exposes them to work methods not

taught in the class.

It also provides an opportunity for the students to asses their interests in their career been

undertaken and also acquaint them with expectations of working in a highly competitive


The training strengthens the linkages between the university and other institutions all over the

country. In review, the training has been a success and I was able to gain practical skills,

work in a fantastic environment and make connections with different types of people. This

attachment with Kimilili law court has made me gain much practical knowledge and

experiences in my field of study(procurement) as well as enriching me with the interaction

with the business world.

The training has instilled me some integrity like being punctual, being submissive to and

taking views of supervisors, communication skills and efficient in task and problem

management. As a result, my objectives were met and well achieved. Not only did I gain

practical skills but also acquired management, self motivation and good interpersonal skills.

This training program should therefore be maintained for students to learn more practically as

this has being an excellent and rewarding experience and I hope other interns achieved as

much as I did.

I was able to grow my interest in my career and make good transition from what I have been

learning from school to the outside world of work.

 4.2. Recommendations.

The attachment is very beneficial to students as it assists them to blend academic work with

that of the industry therefore much emphasis and importance should be given to attachment

exercise by the students. Since the experience for the 12 weeks was enormous, the following

should be put in place to better future benefits of students and the institution at large.

 The institution should allow enough time to the students for their preparation and

search of their attachment and their requirements as provided by the institution as

early as possible.

 The institution should liase with the students financing institution (HELB) and look

forward to push for grants to support their students on attachment.

 The students should be facilitated for doing their industrial attachment as it can be

seen how good and importance it is as the students lack enough funds to

facilitate their upkeep during the training period.



Nzuve, S. (1999) Elements of Organizations Behavior Nairobi University.

Hodge, Anthony and Galas, (200). Organizational Theory, 6th edition

Guffey, Mary E. (1994) Business Communication), Thousasands Oaks, Califonia,

Wadsworth publishing Company

Saleemi (1997). Business Communication and Report Writing in Kenya, Saleemi Publishers,


Student logbook


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