JCT Clause 38
JCT Clause 38
JCT Clause 38
1998 Edition
incorporating Amendments 1 to 4
Oeemed 38.1 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been calculated in
calculation of and shall be subject to adjustment in the events specified her
Contract Sum -
types and rates of
contribution etc. 38.1 .1 The prices contained in the Contract Bills are
contribution, levy and tax payable by a perso
which at the Base Date are payable by the CO
in clause 38.1.2 referred to as a 'tender type' an
Persons employed 38.1 .3 There shall b ount paid to or allowed by the Contractor u?der
on site other than rson employed by the Contractor who is engaged
ither on or adjacent to the site and who is
' in clause 38.6.3, the same amount as is
. .
wage, emolument or other expense for a craftsman, shall refer t o the amount in
respect of a craftsman employed as aforesaid to whom the highest rate is
applicable; and
38.1 *6 If any of the tender rates is increased or decreased or if a tender type ceases to be
payable or if a new type of refund of any contribution, levy or tax payable by a
person in his capacity as an employer becomes receivable or if a new type of
premium receivable by a person in his capacity as an employer becomes receivable
after the Base Date, then in any such case the net amount of
what the Contractor actually receives or will receive in respec
referred to in clauses 38.1-2.1 and or because of h
workpeople and what he would have received had the alt
type of refund or premium not become effective shall, as
to or allowed by the Contractor.
38.2 The Contract Sum s lated in the manner set out below
and shall be subject ied hereunder.
Materials duties 38.2 -1 h x p e s and rates of duty, if any, and tax, if any
and taxes
hich is treated, or is capable of being treated, as
soever payable which at the Base Date are
, appropriation, processing, use or disposal of
materials taken from the site as waste or any
the execution of the Works by virtue of any
pe and a rate so payable are in clause 38.2.2 referred to as a
,then in any such case the net amount of the difference between what the
Sublet work - 38.3 -1 If the Contractor is obliged by clause 19.3, or shall decide subject to clause 19-2, to
incorporetion of sub-let any portion of the Works to a Domestic Sub-Contractor he shall incorporate
provisions to like
effect in the sub-contract provisions to the like effect as the provisions of
*1 .1 clause 38.1.2;
-1 -2 clause 38.1-6;
.1 -3 clause 38.2.2;
Agreement -
Quantity Surveyor
and Contractor
added to or C tr tor y e f clauses 38-1 and .2 or clause 38.3 shall, as the case may be,
deducted from
Contract Sum b ad d o d ducedfrom:
-4 *1 and
No elteration to 38.4 .6 No addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum made by virtue of clause 38.4.4
Contractor's profit shall alter in any way the amount of profit of the Contractor included in that Sum.
-8 -1 the printed text of clause 25 is unamended and forms part of the Conditions;
Work etc. to which 38.5 Clauses 38.1 to -3 shall not apply in respect o f
clauses 38.1 to .3
not applicable
38.5 .1 work for which the Contractor is allowed daywor
.1 e3 clause38.1.6,
-1 .4 clause 38-2.2
Clause 38 For use with the
Private Edition Without Quantities
Deemed 38.1 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been calculated in
calculation of and shall be subject to adjustment in the events specified he
Contract Sum -
types and rates of
contributionetc. 38.1 .1 The Contract Sum is based upon the types and rates of
payable by a person in his capacity as an emp
payable by the Contractor. A type and rate so
as a 'tender type' and a 'tender rate'.
Persons employed 38.1 .3 There shall ount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
on site other than
ction Industry Joint Council or other wage-fixing body and, where the
d rules or decisions or agreements provide for more than one rate of
wage, emolument or other expense for a craftsman, shall refer to the amount in
respect of a craftsman employed as aforesaid to whom the highest rate is
applicable; and
38.1 .6 If any of the tender rates is increased or decreased or if a tender type ceases to be
payable or if a new type of refund of any contribution, levy or tax payable by a
person in his capacity as an employer becomes receivable or if a new type of
premium receivable by a person in his capacity as an employer becomes receivable
after the Base Date, then in any such case the net amount of the
what the Contractor actually receives or will receive in re
referred to in clauses and 38.1-2.2 or because of
workpeople and what he would have received had the al
Materials duties 38.2 -1 The Contract and rates of duty, if any, and tax, if any
and taxes
,then in any such case the net amount of the difference between what the
or actually pays in respect of those materials, goods, electricity, fuels,
en from the site as waste or any other solid, liquid or gas and what he
i d in respect of them had the alteration, cessation or imposition not
as the case may be, be paid to or allowed by the Contractor. In clause
ession "a new type of duty or tax" includes an additional duty or tax
and a duty or tax imposed in regard to any of the above in respect of which no duty
or tax whatever was previously payable (other than any value added tax which is
treated, or is capable of being treated, as input tax by the Contractor).
Sub-let work- 38.3 .1 If the Contractor is obliged by clause 19.3, or shall decide subject to clause 19.2, to
incorporation of sub-let any portion of the Works to a Domestic Sub-Contractor he shall incorporate
provisions to like
effect in the sub-contract provisions to the like effect as the provisions of
Sub-let work - 38.3 .2 If the price payable under such a sub-contract as referre
fluctuations - increased above or decreased below the price in such s
payment to or
allowance by the operation of the said incorporated provisions, then the
Cont rector or decrease shall, as the case may be, be paid to or alto
this Contract.
.1 .1 clause38.1.2;
-2 clause 38.1.6;
-3 clause 38.2-2;
.4 clause 38.2.3;
No alteration to 38.4 .6 No addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum made by virtue of clause 38.4.4
Contractor's profit shall alter in any way the amount of profit of the Contractor included in that Sum.
.8 -1 the printed text of clause 25 is unamended and forms part of the Conditions;
Work etc. to which 38.5 Clauses 38.1 to .3 shall not apply in respect of:
clauses 38.1 to .3
not applicable
38.5 a1 work for which the Contractor is allowed daywork r -*i;
38.5 .2 work executed or materials or goods supplied
Nominated Supplier (fluctuations in relation to
Nominated Suppliers shall be dealt with under
which may be included in the appropriate sub-
.1 -3 clause38.1.6,
-1 4 clause 38.2.2
Deemed 39.1 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been calculated in
calculation of and shall be subject to adjustment in the events specified her
Contract Sum -
rates of wages etc.
39.1 -1 The prices (including the cost of employer's liabil
insurance) contained in the Contract Bills are bas
other emoluments and expenses (including holid
the Contractor to or in respect of
in accordance with:
3 9 . y
._ . .
Persons employed 39.1 -3 There shall be added to the net amount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
on site other than clause 39.1.2, in respect of each person employed by the Contractor who is engaged
upon or in connection with the Works either on or adjacent to the site and who is
not within the definition of 'workpeople' in clause 39.7.3, the same amount as is
payable or allowable in respect of a craftsman under clause 39.1.2 or such
proportion of that amount as reflects the time (measured in whole working days)
that each such person is so employed.
no period of less than 2 whole days in any week shall be taken into account and
periods of less than a whole working day shall not be agg
a whole working day;
Regulations), or any
Workpeople -
wage-fixing body -
reimbursement of
fares charges list submitted by
nd incurred by the Contractor
capacities referred to in
which at the Base Date are payable by the Contractor. A type and a rate so payable
are in clause 39.2.2 referred to as a 'tender type' and a 'tender rate'.
39.2 -3 There shall be added to the net amount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
clause 39.2.2, in respect of each person employed by the
upon or in connection with the Works either on or adjace
not within the definition of 'workpeople' in clause 39.7.3,
payable or allowable in respect of a craftsman under clau
proportion of that amount as reflects the time (measure
that each such person is so employed. The provisions o
clause 39.2.3.
referred to as a 'tender type' and a 'tend
Materials, goods. 39.3 .I The prices contained in the Contract Bills are based upon the market prices which
electricity and fuels were current at the Base Date of the materials, goods, electricity, fuels or any other
solid, liquid or gas necessary for the execution of the Works, and upon the duty or
tax payable at that Date on the disposal of waste from the site.
39.3 -2 If after the Base Date the market price of any of the above things increases or
decreases, or the duty or tax on the disposal of waste from the site increases or
decreases, then the net amount of the difference shall, as the case may be, be paid
to or allowed by the Contractor.
appropriation, processing, use or disposal of any of the
39.4 - -
Fluctuations work sub-let Domestic Sub-Contra or9
Sub-let work - 39.4 -1 If the Contractor is obliged by clause 19- o clause 19.2, to
incorporation of sub-let any portion of the Works to a D
provisions to like
effect in the sub-contract provisions to the li
39.5 to .7
Fluctuations 39.5 .4 Any amount which from time to time becomes payable to or allowable by the
added to or Contractor by virtue of clauses 39.1 to .3 or clause 39.4 shall, as the case may be, be
deducted from
Contract Sum added to or deducted from:
.4 -2 any amounts payable to the Contractor and which are calculated in accordance
with clause
39.5 .8
39.7 .2 the expressions ‘materials‘ and ‘goods’ include timber used in formwork but do not
include other consumable stores, plant and machinery;
39.7 *4 the expression 'wage-fixing body' shall mean a body which lays down recognised
terms and conditions of workers. For the purposes of clause 39 'recognised terms
and conditions' means terms and conditions of workers in comparable employment
in the trade or industry, or section of trade or industry, in which the employer in
question is engaged which have been settled by an agreement or award to which
the parties are employers' associations and independent trade unions which
Deemed 39.1 The Contract Sum shall be deemed to have been calculated i
calculation of and shall be subject to adjustment in the events specified he
Contract Sum -
rates of wages etc.
in accordance with:
to, the rates of wages and other emoluments and expenses (including
edits) referred to herein.
. _..
Persons employed 39.1 .3 There shall be added to the net amount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
on site other than clause 39.1.2, in respect of each person employed by the Contractor who is engaged
upon or in connection with the Works either on or adjacent to the site and who is
not within the definition of 'workpeople' in clause 39-7.3, the same amount as is
payable or allowable in respect of a craftsman under clause 39.1.2 or such
proportion of that amount as reflects the time (measured in whole working days)
that each such person is so employed.
no period of less than 2 whole days in any week shall be taken into account and
periods of less than a
a whole working day;
mount of that increase or decrease shall, as the case may be, be paid .
by the Contractor.
m shall be deemed to have been calculated in the manner set out below
ject to adjustment in the events specified hereunder.
ct Sum is based upon the types and rates of contribution, levy and tax
a person in his capacity as an employer and which at the Base Date are
actor. A type and a rate so payable are in clause 39.2.2 referred
to as a 'tender type' and a 'tender rate'.
39.2 *3 There shall be added to the net amount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
clause 39.2.2, in respect of each person employed b
upon or in connection with the Works either o
not within the definition of 'workpeople' in cla
payable or allowable in respect of a craftsman
proportion of that amount as reflects the time (meas
that each such person is so employed. The provisions
clause 39.2.3.
39.2 .4 The Contract Sum is based upon the types and r m & c & r i b u t i o n s ,
Materials, goods, 39.3 -1 The Contract Sum is based upon the market prices which were current at the Base
electricity and Date of the materials, goods, electricity, fuels or any other solid, liquid or gas
necessary for the execution of the Works, and upon the duty or tax payable at that
Date on the disposal of waste from the site.
39.3 -2 If after the Base Date the market price of any of the above things increases or
decreases, or the duty or tax on the disposal of waste from the site increases or
decreases, then the net amount of the difference shall, as the case may be, be paid
to or allowed by the Contractor.
39.4 - -
Fluctuations work sub-let Domestic Sub-Contra
Sub-let work -
incorporation of
provisions to like
effect in the subcontract provisions to the li
Written notice by 39.5 .1 The notice to the Architect of the occurrence of any of
e following provisions as are applicable for the
Agreement - 39.5 -3 The Quantity Surveyor and the Contractor may agree what shall be deemed for all
Quantity Surveyor
and Contractor
the purposes of this Contract to be the net amount payable to or allowable by the
Contractor in respect of the occurrence of any event such as is referred to in any of
the provisions listed in clause 39.5.1.
.4 .2 any amounts payable to the Contractor and which are calculated in accordance
with clause 28.4-3.1.
The addition or deduction to which clause 39.5.4 refers shall be subject to the
provisions of clauses 39.56 to 5.7.
n the rate of value added tax charged on the supply of goods or services
ontractor to the Employer under this Contract.
sion the 'Base Date' means the Date stated in the Appendix;
-2 the expressions 'materials' and 'goods' include timber used in formwork but do not
include other consumable stores, plant and machinery;
7 .3 the expression 'workpeople' means persons whose rates of wages and other
emoluments (including holiday credits) are governed by the rules or decisions or
agreements of the Construction Industry Joint Council or some other wage-fixing
body for trades associated with the building industry;
39-7 -4 the expression 'wage-fixing body' shall mean a body which lays down recognised
terms and conditions of workers. For the purposes of clause 39 'recognised terms
and conditions' means terms and conditions of workers in comparable employment
in the trade or industry, or section of trade or industry, in which the employer in
question is engaged which have been settled by an agreement or award to which
the parties are employers' associations and independent trade unions which
represent (generally, or in the district in question, as the case may be) a substantial
proportion of the employers and of the workers in the trade, industry or section
being workers of the description to which the agreement or award relates.
-1 -1 clause 39.1.2,
-1 -2 clause 39.1.3,
-1 -3 clause 39.1.6,
-1 -4 clause 39.2.2,
-1 -5 clause39.2.5,
-1 -6 clause 39.3.2
Clause 39 For use with the
Private Edition With Approximate Quantities
Deemed 39.1 The prices in the Contract Bills shall be deemed to have been
calculation of set out below and an adjustment shall be made in calculatin
prices in the
Contract Bills - in the events specified hereunder.
rates of wages etc.
39.1 -1 The prices (including the cost of employer's lia
insurance) contained in the Contract Bills are b
production of materials or g
who operate neither on nor e extent that they are
so engaged
in accordance with:
the rates or amounts of any contribution, levy or tax which will be payable
ntractor in his capacity as an employer in respect of, or calculated by
to, the rates of wages and other emoluments and expenses (including
edits) referred to herein.
(including holiday credits) together with the net amount of any consequential
increase or decrease in the cost of employer's liability insurance, of third party
insurance and of any contribution, levy or tax payable by a person in his capacity as
an employer shall, as the case may be, be paid to or allowed by the Contractor.
no period of less than 2 whole days in any week shall be taken into account and
periods of less than a whole working day shall not be agg
a whole working day;
Regulations), or any
e capacities referred to in
t amount of that increase or decrease shall, as the case may be, be paid
ed by the Contractor.
The prices contained in the Contract Bills are based upon the types and rates of
contribution, levy and tax payable by a person in his capacity as an employer and
which at the Base Date are payable by the Contractor. A type and a rate so payable
are in clause 39-22 referred to as a 'tender type' and a 'tender rate'.
~. . .
39.2 *2 If any of the tender rates other than a rate of levy payable by virtue of the Industrial
Training Act 1964 is increased or decreased or if a tender type ceases to be payable
or if a new type of contribution, levy or tax which is payable by a person in his
capacity as an employer becomes payable after the Base Date, then in any such case
the net amount of the difference between what the Contractor actually pays or will
pay in respect of workpeople as referred to in clauses and or
because of his employment of such workpeople and what he would have paid had
the alteration, cessation or new type of contribution, levy or tax not become
effective shall, as the case may be, be paid to or allowed by the Contractor.
39.2 -3 There shall be added to the net amount paid to or allowed by the Contractor under
clause 39-2.2, in respect of each person employed by the
39.2 *4
refund of the contributions, levies and
an employer and upon the types and r
capacity as an employer being in each
Materials, goods, 39.3 .1 The prices contained in the Contract Bills are based upon the market prices which
electricity and
were current at the Base Date of the materials, goods, electricity, fuels or any other
solid, liquid or gas necessary for the execution of the Works, and upon the duty or
tax payable at that Date on the disposal of waste from' the site.
39.3 -2 If after the Base Date the market price of any of the above things increases or
decreases, or the duty or tax on the disposal of waste from the site increases or
decreases, then the net amount of the difference shall, as the
to or allowed by the Contractor.
39.4 -
Fluctuations -work sub-let Domestic Sub-Contradqrs c/ /
Sublet work - 39.4 .1 If the Contractor is obliged by clause 1n-3, or shau deci t o clause 19.2, to
incorporation of sub-let any portion of the Works ctor he shall incorporate
provisions to like
effect in the sub-contract provisions to sions of
39.5 to -7
Any notice required to be given by clause 39-5.1 shall be given within a reasonable
time after the occurrence of the event to which the notice relates and the giving of
written notice at that time shall be a condition precedent to any payment being
made to the Contractor in respect of the event in question.
Fluctuations taken 39.5 a4 Any amount which from time to time becomes payable to or allowable by the
into account in Contractor by virtue of clauses 39.1 to .3 or clause 39.4 shall be taken into account in
calculating the
Ascertained Final calculating:
-4 -1 the Ascertained Final Sum; and
d by the Contractor for which a tender made under clause 35.2 has
d (fluctuations in relation to such works shall be dealt with under any
he accepted tender of the Contractor);
changes in the rate of value added tax charged on the supply of goods or services
by the Contractor to the Employer under this Contract.
Definitions for
with clause 39
39.7 -1 the expression the 'Base Date' means the Date stated in the Appendix;
39.7 -2 the expressions 'materials' and 'goods' include timber used in formwork but do not
include other consumable stores, plant and machinery;
39.7 -4 the expression 'wage-fixing body' shall mean a body which lays down recognised
terms and conditions of workers. For the purposes of clause 39 'recognised terms
and conditions' means terms and conditions of workers in comparable employment
in the trade or industry, or section of trade or industry, in which the employer in
question is engaged which have been settled by an agreement or award to which
the parties are employers' associations and independent trade unions which
-1 -1 clause 39-1.2,
.I .2 clause 39.1.3,
-1 -3 clause 39.1.6,
.1 -4 clause 39.2.2,
e1 4 clause 39.2.5,
.1 .6 clause 39.3.2
... - .
JCT Standard Form of Building Contract
1998 Edition
Clause 40 For use with the
Private Edition With Quantities
40 Use of price adjustment formulae
40.1 .4
payment issued under the provisions of
Power to agree -
Quantity Surveyor
and Contractor
whichever Part is
the determination
of any adjustment payable by the Contractor to any sub-contractor.
Position where 40.6 -1 If at any dme prior to the issue of the Final Certificate under clause 30.8formula
Monthly Bulletins adjustment is not possible because of delay in, or cessation of, the publication of the
are delayed, etc.
Monthly Bulletins, adjustment of the Contract Sum shall be made in each Interim
Certificate during such period of delay on a fair and reasonable basis.
40.6 -2 If publication of the Monthly Bulletins is recommenced at any time prior to the issue
of the Final Certificate under clause 30.8, the provisions of clause 40 and the
Formula Rules shall apply for each Valuation Period as if no delay or cessation as
aforesaid had occurred and the adjustment under clause 40 and the Formula Rules
shall be substituted for any adjustment under clause 40.6.1.
adjustment - adjustment of the Contract Sum under
failure to complete
Certificates issued after the aforesaid C
Clause 40 For use with the
Private Edition Without Quantities
the VAT Agreement.
payment issued under the provisions
Fluctuations - 40.3 For any article to e Formula Rules applies the Contractor shall insert
articles in a list attached ments the market price of the article in sterling
outside the United nt at the Base Date. If after that Date the
Kingdom oresaid list increases or decreases then the
urveyor and the Contractor may agree any alteration to the methods and
ascertaining the amount of formula adjustment to be made under clause
ounts ascertained after the operation of such agreement shall be deemed
ses of this Contract to be the amount of formula adjustment payable to
he Contractor in respect of the provisions of clause 40. Provided always:
40.5 -2 that any agreement under clause 40.5 shall not have any effect on the determination
of any adjustment payable by the Contractor to any sub-contractor.
40.6 .2 If publication of the Monthly Bulletins is recommenced at any time prior to the issue
of the Final Certificate under clause 30.8,the provisions of clause 40 and the
Formula Rules shall apply for each Valuation Period as if no delay or cessation as
aforesaid had occurred and the adjustment under clause 40 and the Formula Rules
shall be substituted for any adjustment under clause 40.6-1.
Date falls.
be corrected to
comply with that clause.
. -- -- .
JCT Standard Form of Building Contract
1998 Edition
Fluctuations - 40.3 For any article to wh ies the Contractor shall insert
articles in a list attached t o t e article in sterling (that is the
outside the United
arket price inserted in the aforesaid
and current when the article is
Power to agree -
Quantity Surveyor f formula adjustment to be made under clause
and Contractor
operation of such agreement shall be deemed
nce with Part I or Part II of Section 2 of the Formula Rules whichever Part is
under clause 40.5 shall not have any effect on the determination
any sub-contractor.
40.6 -2 If publication of the Monthly Bulletins is recommenced at any time prior to the issue
of the Final Certificate under clause 30.8,the provisions of clause 40 and the
Formula Rules shall apply for each Valuation Period as if no delay or cessation as
aforesaid had occurred and the adjustment under clause 40 and the Formula Rules
shall be substituted for any adjustment under clause 40.6.1.
comply with that clause.
-2 Clause 40.7.1 shall not be applied unl ss’
.2 .1 the printed text of clause part of the Conditions;
1. clauw38
clauses 38.2.1 and 38.2.2
clauso 38.2.3 deleted
clause 38.6.2 amended
2. Clause39
cleuses and 39.3.3
clause 39.3.4 delated ,
clause 39.7,2 amended
E Updating
(incorporated Februery 2003)
1. Statutory rdsrencra
Income tax end pension scheme
For the purpose of inserting the relevant fluctuation clause Standard Form of Building Contract
after clause 37 in Part 3 of the Main Contract fin accordance 1998 Edition
with footnote [tt]to clause 371, the parties to the contract incorporating Amendments 1to 4
may take the clause from this booklet by extraction or
photocopy. Fluctuations
@TheJoint Contra
Association of Consulting Engineers Limited
British Property Federation Limited
Construction Confederation
Local Government Association
National Specialist Contractors Council Limited
Royal Institute of British Architects
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
The Scottish Building Contract Committee