Introduction:-: Background of Theorist (Dorothea Orem 1914-2007)
Introduction:-: Background of Theorist (Dorothea Orem 1914-2007)
Introduction:-: Background of Theorist (Dorothea Orem 1914-2007)
• 1949-1957 Orem worked for the Division of Hospital and Institutional
Services of the Indiana State Board of Health.
• Her goal was to upgrade the quality of nursing in general hospitals
throughout the state. During this time she developed her definition of
nursing practice.
• 1959 Orem subsequently served as acting dean of the school of
Nursing and as an assistant professor of nursing education at CUA.
She continued to develop her concept of nursing and self care during
this time.
Health – health and healthy are terms used to describe living things …
• People should be self-reliant and responsible for their own care and
others in their family needing care
• People are distinct individuals
• Nursing is a form of action – interaction between two or more persons
• Successfully meeting universal and development self-care requisites
is an important component of primary care prevention and ill health
• A person’s knowledge of potential health problems is necessary for
promoting self-care behaviors
• Self care and dependent care are behaviors learned within a socio-
cultural context
• Describes how the patient’s self care needs will be met by the nurse ,
the patient, or both
• Identifies 3 classifications of nursing system to meet the self care
requisites of the patient:-
• Wholly compensatory system
• Partly compensatory system
• Supportive – educative system
Requires uses of resources and educational tools to teach the person &
family to perform their own self-care .
Indicates that the patient contributes mostly in his/her self-care and the
nurse’s role is merely to monitor & regulate the patient’s self-care.
The patient accomplishes self-care & regulates the exercise &
development of self-care agency.
The patient is able to perform, or can learn to perform, required measures
of therapeutic self-care but cannot do so without assistance
A patient can meet self-care requisites but needs help in decision-making,
behaviour control, or knowledge acquisition
• improved self-care
• maintain the ability to perform the toileting and dressing with
modification as required.
Method of helping:
1. Guidance:
• Assess the various hindering factors for self care and how to tackle
2. Support:
• Provide all the articles needed for self care, near to the patient and
ask the family members also to give the articles near to her.
• Provide passive exercises and make to perform active exercises so as
to promote the mobility of the joint.
• Make the patient use commodes or stools to perform toileting and
insist on avoidance of squatting position
• Provide assistance whenever needed for the self care activities
• Provide encouragement and positive reinforcement for minor
improvement in the activity level.
• Initiate the pain relieving measures always before the patient go for
any of the activities of daily living
• Make the patient to use loose fitting clothes which will be easy to
wear and remove.
3. Teaching:
• Teach the family members the limitation in the activity level the
patient has and the cooperation required
• Teach the family and help them to practice how to help the patient
according to her needs
• Mutually planned and identified the objectives and the patient was
made to understand about the required changes in the behaviour to
have the requisites met.
• Improved nutrition
Method of helping:
• guidance
• support
• Teaching
• Providing developmental environment
• Mutually planned and identified the objectives and the patient were
made to understand about the required changes in the behaviour to
have the requisites met.
• The self care deficit in terms of food will be decreased with the
initiation of the nutritional intake.
• The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X
Method of helping:
• Teach the non – pharmacological method to the patient once the pain
is a little reduced.
• Discuss with the patient the necessity to maintain a pain diary with all
information regarding episodes of pain and refer to that periodically
• Enquire from the health team, the need for opioid analgesics or other
analgesics and get a prescription for the patient.
• Patient still has pain over the joints and she agreed that she will use
the measures for pain relief that is told to her.
• The pain scale score was 6 after the measures were provided to the
• She demonstrated slight reduction in the pain behaviours.
• The supportive educative system was useful for Mrs. X
The ambiguity of applying theory to nursing practice may lie in the fact that
one theory does not always specifically support all aspects of nursing care.
Despite the comprehensiveness and the wide applications of Orem’s
theory, there still some issues regarding its clarity. Orem’s theory is
known for its multiple terms that can make the learner confused.
According to Mendoza, et al (2004), most of the students who are
studying Orem’s work are perplexed on the different terminologies with
similar meanings. For example, Orem both defined self care and self
agency as learned behaviors/abilities that deliberately regulate human
structural integrity, functioning and development. A similar definition is
also noted on Self care action. Another is the difference between
Therapeutic, Practical and Health deviation self care need/demand. All of
these terms are defined as self care needs or demands that arises when
an illness or disease affect the self care agent. These terminologies can
cause uncertainty to the learner.
Abdul (2002) also stated that Orem’s theory is redundant in some way.
Dorothea Orem’s work is simple as it is, a person must have the ability
to take care for himself. And if the person cannot do so, the nurse will do
it for him. However, once you studied her theory more closely, you will
see how complex it is.
According to Alshamsi (1995), Orem’s work is like a simple wall clock.
From the outside, it seems as plain as it can be but once you look inside
it, you will be surprised to see the intricacy of its work. This is the reason
why most undergraduate students volunteered to report Orem’s theory
not knowing how tricky it is to differentiate all the terminologies and how
to apply this in a hospital/community setting.
Mendoza, et al (2004) also noted that students find Orem’s work “easy
to explain but difficult to define”. This means that generally, the
concepts of Orem are easy enough to explain but once you go deeper to
her theory, they find it hard to define and differentiate her numerous
terminologies and hypothesis.
The Self care deficit theory is one of the Grand Theories of our
generation. This means that it is one of the most complex and has the
broadest scope of all the nursing theories present. Grand theories are
usually difficult to test in a study or apply in a healthcare setting
because it is too complex (dela Cruz, et al, 1991). Wide range theories
are effective in an academic environment as its concepts are the
building blocks of our practice. Almost all of our current practices are
somehow developed from the grand theories. But applying a grand
theory, like Orem’s, in a study exclusively will be extremely difficult to
prove. Because of the complexity and the broadness of the theory, it
gives the study a lot of variables to look at and a very wide scope to
apply the study.
”Nurses work in life situations with others to bring about the conditions that
are beneficial to persons nursed. Nursing demands the exercise of both the
speculative and practical intelligence of nurses. In nursing practice
situations, nurses must have accurate information and be knowing about
existent conditions and circumstances of patients and about emerging
changes in them. This knowledge is the concrete base for nurses’
development of creative practical insights of what can be done to bring
about beneficial relationships or conditions that do not presently exist.
Asking and answering the questions, ‘what is?’ and ‘what can be?’ are
nurse’s point of departure in nursing practice situation.” (Orem, 1995, p.
The significance of the utilization of the Orem’s model in practice has been
explicit since the publication of the first edition of Nursing: Concepts of
Practice (Orem, 1971). Early use of the theory in nursing practice began
with the work of the Nursing Development Conference Group (NDCG)
(1973). The group initiated their adventure into theory-based nursing
practice by integrating the developing concepts of the model into their
clinical teaching of students. As the conceptualizations evolved, they were
incorporated into nursing care.
By Rosinee Rosales
In line with Orem’s concept regarding fostering self-reliance and her insight
that man is responsible for his/her self-care and well-being of his/her
dependents, we educate patients or their relatives about the condition they
are in and how to do peritoneal dialysis exchange and PD care themselves
during their hospital stay.
Visually impaired patients have high demand when it comes to caring and
dependence. At early stage, they have no capacity to function in their
environment alone. They need someone to assist them and teach them to
become familiar of their environment.
As an ophthalmology nurse, Dorothea Orem’s theory plays an important
role in my field of specialization. This is where we help our patient to
become as independent as possible despite of the impairment. We teach
them and involve their family to our teaching to help them function just like
a normal individual. At early stage, we help them accept the disability by
letting them express their sentiment and feeling.
Afterwards, we give them the necessary options like surgery.
In an operating room setting, patient has no control over their environment.
As an operating room nurse, we ensure that the area and all the members
of the team that will do the operation are kept sterile. To facilitate a good
outcome of the operation, the nurse will do his/her part by maintaining the
sterility of the area.
Most of the time, during the acute stage, can we find ER or ED clients
mostly if not unconscious, has altered levels of consciousness. It is during
this time that they need wholly compensatory support. When they start to
become more responsive, and like anyone of us, demand independence but
after careful assessment, all that they may need is partly compensatory
assistance. It is only when the physician deems them to be stable, and able
for ward transfer, that we may provide supportive-educative support.
Provision and assistance of the client’s satisfaction of self-care requisites is
very fundamental and that sometimes, we nurses forget that the smallest
things we do sometimes are manifestations of the application of these
theories, that we have spent years trying to comprehend. Some, if not
most, remember these, but just to remind us all, sometimes knowing that
we are doing the most basic of things just makes the bigger picture look
By Rosenald Sen
She was born in Baltimore, Maryland on 1914. Her father was a construction
worker and her mother is a home maker. She was the youngest among two
She died in June 22, 2007
She studied Diploma in Nursing in early 1930’s at the Providence Hospital
School og Nursing In Washington D.C.,
In 139 and 1945 she finished B.S. Nursing Education ( BSN Ed.) and MSN Ed
successively in Catholic University of America, Washington D.C.
1976 She become Honorary Doctorates: Doctors of Science from
Georgetown University and Incarnate word college in San Antonio in Texas
in 1980.
In 1988 she finished Doctor of Humane Letters from Illinois Wesleyan
University in Bloomington, Illinois.
1988 She Graduated from University of Missouri in Columbia, Doctor
Honoris Causae.
Historical Perspectives
By Russel de Lara
Orem viewed the environment as not just the elements external to man.
She viewed man and environment as an integrated system. It includes
conditions that can positively or negatively affect a person’s ability to
provide self-care. She enumerated certain conditions which are conducive
for one’s development and includes the following: opportunities to be
helped; being with other persons or group where care is offered;
opportunities for solitude and companionship; provision of help for personal
and group concerns without limiting individual decisions and personal
pursuits; shared respect and trust; recognition and fostering of
developmental potential.
The theory of self-care deficit is the core of Orem's grand theory of nursing
because it delineates when nursing is needed. Nursing is required when an
adult (or in the case of a dependent, the parent or guardian) is incapable of
or limited in the provision of continuous effective self-care (George 1995).
The term "deficit" refers to a particular relationship between self-care
agency and self-care demand that is said to exist when capabilities for
engaging in self-care are less than the demand for self-care (Parker, 2005,
p. 149).
By Therese A. Baulita
Supportive-educative system
Requires uses of resources¬ and educational tools to teach the person &
family to perform their own self-care
Indicates that the patient contributes mostly in his/her¬ self-care and the
nurse’s role is merely to monitor & regulate the patient’s self-care
The patient accomplishes self-care¬ & regulates the exercise &
development of self-care agency
The patient is able to perform, or¬ can learn to perform, required measures
of therapeutic self-care but cannot do so without assistance
A patient can meet self-care requisites but needs¬ help in decision-making,
behavior control, or knowledge acquisition
By Rachelle Dogao
Dorothea Orem's Self Care Deficit Theory encompasses all aspect relating
to the patient's health, nursing and all the factors that affect which.
The concepts discussed revolve mainly around self care. It is the patient's
ability to care for himself and his dependents as well as others as dictated
by the environment he lives in that determines health or the need for
assistance in maintaining health. On the other hand, the society plays the
major role into regulating the nursing care process as to when nursing care
is needed and when and how the nursing system is implemented. It is also
the environment and the society that directly affect the nurse-patient
relationship and self care agency, which are all interconnected into
achieving, restoring, and maintaining health.
As shown in the figure below, health can be achieved if the person has
knowledge and resources to perform self care activities to meet self care
deficits. On the other side, self care deficit results when self care agency
(ability to perform self-care) is not adequate to meet the known self care
demand and/or the failure to meet the health care requisites (Kozier,
2002) This then warrants the need for nursing intervention through the
nursing system, which in turn is empowered by the nurse-patient
relationship. The end result of all of this is the maintenance, restoration, or
preservation of health.
The ambiguity of applying theory to nursing practice may lie in the fact that
one theory does not always specifically support all aspects of nursing care.
Orem’s self care deficit theory may not encompass all aspects of care and
needs of a specific client. For instance, some dilemma with Orem’s theory
include having an unclear definition of family, the nurse-society relationship
and public education areas are weak. These issues are essential in the
management and treatment plan in caring for patients. Although the family,
community and environment are considered in self care action, the focus is
primarily on the individual (Balabagno,, 2006). Another limitation is the
definition of health as being dynamic and ever changing with states ranging
from health or non health, wellness or illness (Fitzpatrick JJ, 2005). This
definition of health directly contradicts the experience of some patients
with varying needs and levels of care requirements. One of the most
obvious limitations of Orem’s theory is that throughout her work, it can be
said that a limited recognition of an individual’s emotional needs is present
within the theory (George JB., 1995). It focuses more on physical care and
gives lesser emphasis to psychological care. Other theories address this
limitation quite adequately such as Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring.
Simplicity :-
Dorothea Orem’s work is simple as it is, a person must have the ability to
take care for himself. And if the person cannot do so, the nurse will do it for
him. However, once you studied her theory more closely, you will see how
complex it is.
According to Alshamsi (1995), Orem’s work is like a simple wall clock. From
the outside, it seems as plain as it can be but once you look inside it, you
will be surprised to see the intricacy of its work. This is the reason why most
undergraduate students volunteered to report Orem’s theory not knowing
how tricky it is to differentiate all the terminologies and how to apply this in
a hospital/community setting.
Mendoza, et al (2004) also noted that students find Orem’s work “easy to
explain but difficult to define”. This means that generally, the concepts of
Orem are easy enough to explain but once you go deeper to her theory,
they find it hard to define and differentiate her numerous terminologies and
Generality :-
The Self care deficit theory is one of the Grand Theories of our generation.
This means that it is one of the most complex and has the broadest scope
of all the nursing theories present. Grand theories are usually difficult to
test in a study or apply in a healthcare setting because it is too complex
(dela Cruz, et al, 1991). Wide range theories are effective in an academic
environment as its concepts are the building blocks of our practice. Almost
all of our current practices are somehow developed from the grand
theories. But applying a grand theory, like Orem’s, in a study exclusively
will be extremely difficult to prove. Because of the complexity and the
broadness of the theory, it gives the study a lot of variables to look at and a
very wide scope to apply the study.
Moustafa (1999) also noted that Orem’s theory is generally accorded to the
physiological and sociological wellbeing of the person, undermining the
importance of mental health. According to him, as general as it may look,
Orem’s work is lacking some concepts which are vital to nursing care. He
greatly stressed the lack mental health on this theory and the possible
problems that may happen once Orem’s theory is applied in a healthcare
setting. For example, a person who is a paranoid schizophrenic will not
admit that he needs help regarding his self care demands. And without
acceptance of the self care deficit, it will be difficult to care for the person if
we are using Orem’s concepts.