Project On Online Shopping Maniegment System Group Member's Name Id
Project On Online Shopping Maniegment System Group Member's Name Id
Project On Online Shopping Maniegment System Group Member's Name Id
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Background of the project ............................................................................................................................ 2
Overview of the existing system ................................................................................................................... 2
Statement of problem................................................................................................................................... 3
Proposed System .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective of the project ................................................................................................................................ 4
General Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 4
Specific Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 4
Scope of the project ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Significant of project ..................................................................................................................................... 4
System Requirement..................................................................................................................................... 5
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE ........................................................................................................................ 5
DATA GATHERING METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 5
Feasibility Study ............................................................................................................................................ 6
ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ............................................................................................................................ 6
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY ............................................................................................................................. 6
OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY........................................................................................................................ 6
LEGAL FEASIBILITY ..................................................................................................................................... 6
BUDGET PLAN ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Work break down ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Reference ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Online shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly
buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.
Online shopping system is a system that involves selling and buying transaction process.
Such transaction is concentrate on different materials like electronic devices, cloths,
furniture’s, books, and different kinds of material.
In dead in Burie, we have very fewer ways to pay our bills online. But that does not mean we
cannot. We can pay on mobile banking or by cash.
we hope our project will succeed and bring a change in the Burie ecommerce field.
The shop open at 2:00 o’clock in local time and closed in 12:00 o’clock local time and it’s not
opened Sunday. The price of the good is made by negotiation.
Statement of problem
Proposed System
The proposed system is an online shopping system, which provides online shopping facility
available for everyone. Any type of item will be available for customers, and it can be easily
purchased faster.
The registration process of guest is faster and easier. Customer can avail this facility and buy
items easily. All items in the website will be highlighted with image of the items with cost of
each items
Objective of the project
General Objectives
To develop interactive web based shopping system.
Specific Objectives
Reviewing the existing system problems
Requirement gathering
Requirement analysis
Designing GUI
o The system gives shipping service for customer who lives in Ethiopia.
Not compatible for mobile users i.e. offline and for foreign country.
Significant of project
Customers fulfill what they need, reduce cost and time of hiring and secure transaction.
Stakeholders decrease work load, reliable and honest, describe stable cost of material and To
have more customers.
To address all customers that are used internet needs our item.
To let customers to view and order goods online from any part of area.
To allow business grows larger and faster.
System Requirement
Operating System:
as we installed Windows 10 on our device for day to day work we use it for our
project so.
Modeling software
EDRAW Max and Microsoft Visio 2007 will be used to draw diagrams like use case diagram and
sequence diagrams for they provide interactive easy drawing tools.
Designing Software
MySQL server: This software will used for designing Database for its free availability.
The following programming languages are going to be used in our system development
accordingly. These are
Java script
Document Analysis
Reading documents such as forms, records, reports, and manuals available in the internet.
Feasibility Study
To identify the economic feasibility of the project the team has done cost-
benefit analyses which enable the team to specify the benefits and costs
associated with the project.
The system is going to be developed by technological development techniques,
such as PHP, java script, CSS. The team has the ability to develop this system
without any difficulty since the team has studied the required methodologies
and tools. So the system will be technically feasible.
The system will be designed to be operationally feasible. If it is once
deployed, the system will operate in any kind of platforms without any mal
functional. The new system is operationally feasible like reliability,
maintainability, supportability, usability and solve problem.
The system to be developed does not conflict with any government directives, because it gives
services for the people effectively and efficiently the operations that are clearly legal tasks
stated and given to dedicated offices. So the government is profitable and the system will be
politically feasible
Work break down
Reference on January 7, 2019