Movement Lesson Plan Click Clack Moo
Movement Lesson Plan Click Clack Moo
Movement Lesson Plan Click Clack Moo
Students have been reading various books and joining movements onto the story. This will
follow along with what Jessika has been instructing and connect literacy to movement.
Learning Goal:
I will connect words to movement and practice my comprehension skills.
- “Text Patterns 2.2 recognize simple organizational patterns in texts of different types and explain,
initially with support and direction, how the patterns help readers understand the texts (e.g., signal
words such as first, second, then, finally help to identify time order or sequence)” (p. 40).
Physical Education
- “B2.1 Daily physical activity (DPA): participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity, with
appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities, to the best of their ability for a minimum of twenty
minutes each day” (p. 98).
Formative/Ongoing Assessment (assessment for learning and/or assessment as learning):
- We will compile anecdotal notes based on participation. We will also assess student’s participation skills, comprehension,
and active listening abilities throughout the movement activity.
- Virtual: students will be assessed on their participation by having their cameras on, actively moving with the instructions,
and giving verbal replies when needed.
- Remind students to find a safe/open space to move in
- Have them turn their cameras on so we can see their movement