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an Hat 4 iti Pate Ha a i ri Hi Mi f mT ii a ih mil is: (NP: raALTA IMPORTANT: Gea nce Rc aa ce cee) EPILEPSY DR se me ae WES oes Dee me ome tmnt a) AVY NTT Ve] ae thn a eo A mn ao DU a ema Ty Cant EE Ets CUE ena tecnica aa Rica) Cea ar a a eet VANE ale ce ae et DS See eM ole Rede eka et oo aC ae nee oe sc ae Le Rae oat i arte ee ae at . However, Creer ens Pier emetic ey anaemia Cea ae Prete anne van are rere ea mer emer oe hy Nirah het ce a eo ae a ea elon aus Kelis neialbceiepi erty 9 tices EXCLUSIVELY FOR Winoows® 95. WinnoWs® NT ee ens STN aes Gut a Sere) ea ane ace ech Ce gona eto em eis oe kc) COC M Maemo cates em ct y ise ae aM cso eal eo + QUCTOR PRIOR TO PLAYING. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY ee ca La ema) ere Lt i, | eat seen ec nae e reat OR MUSCLE TWITCHES, LOSS OF AWARENESS, DISORI- aie i es COU GU Me ana ce eae ce aes poeta D ee hae en tte ae) pei rae ee URAC ees sca com oe ‘ot he ahs EXUMOOROREARAALORUOREAAOGLOR AOA PLEASE READ THE FOLLOVVING INFORMATION BEFORE INSTALLING DIRECTX™ 5.0 ONTO YOUR COMPUTER. DRIVERS CURRENTLY SYPPORTED ON YOUR SYSTEM BY Leo ee ORY a rene ted Pea ke ets erred ata) Perrin ets * THE VERSION OF DiRECTX™ YOU CURRENTLY HAVE. retentive rattr tis Cet. MRC ea ec a ol erecta ieae errs ea area Ree acts eas Ce ec ee ce NUMBER 1S GIVEN, THEN YOU WILL PROBABLY EXPERIENCE Pee ane trae irre BO Me ce mM a a eM. aot og Peer in ts ere ctr SRL ei el ag Deere MeN Wa aan at oats Cee a a ae eee Ee eU maa ST a aaa fae tere eeRae Cr nent rte oO aan Rein TTs Paes eee cesta rere eae og Del a 8 Ree ct RU Re eg Cir ce egtc ome cme) Peseta enc iets Da ua usar Tan caeek | Pee aoa le ee anes ley Gore hein G a koro cata! cal) 13a iain een ie) ata tesa eae De Lea ea ag Ie alisaAibce a a eda UC TO INSTALL, YOU MAY SEE A MESSAGE aU TO REPLACE YOUR EXISTING DRIVERS WITH Preece a ecto eae hr omic hia cas Reet aes Dla acy Mestalla PGsparstoarerenee* Bl Hyatt he i iif iM ee | [eit ate) Si PEs Ca ene = ' Rate sulle ee W eMtaelaiG) sf : en eee eee ie tlh a Mel altel uit de del ape] ON THIS, YOU MAY NEED ALL Four EDs. ‘ag ane ceeorae Oi} el filpeagtisale on (ii MUAH, EACH NE Veer Walle) a a ae ea) th You Pea ae i Se Sa ena i Hie Fae Py it Wi Wiae HT iferglerngneres Eworld use: Combat, a use prohibited. eH) Nexus & i - Be eee ture. Also: Rep, BS etna) sa high-risk Frise eae Loe ge é ities—infor i Se a iu ae a ea Bit ‘ ee Ltrs Westy Xo eM 2 outs tele r w alot Vi Ae (EO BUILDINGS OF DOWNTOWN Los ANGELES ARE DRENCHED y ts EAU h (cla ie = Peers i REALITY. REPLICANTS ARE ILLEGAL GN Ce th Sane OF DEATH, AS PART OF A SPECIAL POLICE sauabD—BLADE TN pee Ue aL ae Lema cue aaah Dees ele MPLAINTS. BUT A RASH OF ORS ae JANT HAVE GIVEN YOU THE CHANCE TO ETECTIONS AND YOUR it: Su eL LS oh ESPECIALLY v iM LA, 2019 wouLpNn’T THI Wil moc US GASE OF ANIMAL Naas Most see OF KILLING ONE OF THE PRECIOUS FEW REALbole Mere) ng: (e) McCoy THROUGHGUT THE GAME SIMPLY BY USING THE MOUSE. CLICK ON AN OBJECT TO INVESTIGATE th CLICK ON PEOPLE TO START A CONVERSATION, AND ON A SPINNER POLICE VEHICLE OR AN EXIT TO LEAVE A SGI eG Laat NAVIGATION Pe aa er LEED Maem Cl bel ated Lil THIS IS THEJBASIC MOUSE CURSOR THAT ALLOWS you TO MovE McCoy > THROUGHOUF A SCENE. LEFT-CLICK ONCE ON THE GROUND WITH THIS Celt stetel ae McCoy Witt WALK To THAT LOCATION. LEFT-CLICKING REPEATEDLY, WILL INCREASE McCoy's SPEE CPU me 1 olrele)) a Niele aM cel ff PAN Cail ae Rte een p moh Como eon eRe Vette Yj. MeGoy wict initiate a CONVERSATION. HiT THE ENTER KEY TO SKIP allel Mey eles aac olU ae Vests Coy ansl-t-i\ ce s(el [el aan Gel te Mle a=) AN OBJECT, McCoy wiLt INVESTIGATE THE OBJECT. BY LEFT CLICKING ON McGoy, You witL ACCESS THE Moen nae eae Assistant (KIA) EUR ante ete tias ae POAC eet as Se CC eh eee ee Ren Bat Mole] -tetol MTT MMMNY TU =A nes] a0 teu LMT Va COLE BCy WL -3 LeCor HOF CUNT y WHILE THE CURSOR IS IN THIS STATE witL Move McCoy To THE EXIT. By RIGHT GlickiNG oN McCoy or PRESSING THE SPACE BAR, | Wy YOU WILL PLACE HiM IN COMBAT MODE AND HE WILL DRAW HIS | WEAPON. THE CURSOR WILL CHANGE 70 CROSSHAIRS TO INDICATE (ole Ui lel2) Le acer gece ei NSM USN Lee) Fern als Made Norske We col AU era MLL oe Se te Lc Ba aOR ae ale Pere euler ueh mimes) (it) KNOWLEDGE Puan Tenant TD EXPLORE MORE OF THE GAME WORLD. =ni nth By eg Ho Hy me ie ne fey ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGE! ih Wea). aaa Ce OE tte) kaye al else Sree i ea R Urabe mel a al Vole uses ee Su eed eee a a Bra TL NSW (elt 0-3 eI i PSM sei yeh yamine ielel: ae LS PU CMe Wa eae Coulee eT eli aN eS cee ee el STORYLINE AND SPIN YOU OFF IN A Ae ea el sat ol ETN aT) IN Real-Time MEANS YOU NEVER PLAY THE SAME GAME TWICE AND Lees tote RIGHT UP TO THE END.i AOI HALL -— I \ i i Ma) ni ai) mle i i Ne(KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION ASSISTANT] THIS POLICE-ISSUE HANDHELD COMPUTER IS CALLED THE Le Tee aca UC Snr hae) AIS arto) FACTS, ORGANIZES THEM; AND DEDUCES CONNECTIONS CN ee A ch eVect) UNI UN Wiecltm Mca CRe aT am ey Eee ete sae Cu mum LST CMM 1 GAME-RELATED FUNCTIONS ARE DESCRIBED IN THE GAME eS orele patel ee Me) ae MT (RT LNW ca ae Wa ee ae cel Dae eae MS fe TTS Sel Add fon | oO YS ee fo) ofet t-te -1 1a) ed ee ha NISC er eu mM ar ce) 7 MOVE YOU BACK AND FORTH THROUGH THE LIST, MUCH LIKE A WEB BROWSER’S Back AND FORWARD BUTTONS. THE SIXTH BUTTON ExITS KIA, RETURNING YOU TO THE GAME PCLT SUSPECT AND CLUE PERTAINING TO IT. CYCLE Sire et Mts aia Laci oe eat om on x th aU Cea Cul Se Mu Saag Dee Lae ees LN ead (10 ec UL ee . bead 1 a aN aL Te) LY rr ae ecm ThaSUSPECT PHOTO AREA. CLICK ON THE SUSPECT PHOTO TO RUN eM MMe Wee rem elme) co Pee aa eure ee ae ie Wel cee TA INFORMATION. a r Suspect PANEL THIS PANEL DISPLAYS ALL i PATA CT ae UU eee Wot oe ie al Leo BS Q A] BELOW THE NAME IS YOUR BEST AVAILABLE PHOTO OF THE SUSPECT, A LIST OF CRIME SCENES bi ar ae eae ea eon Ciick ON THE NAME OF A GRIME SCENE TO JUMP TO ITS (et Ti -i= 12) Ta te Ser Cree ae Cel uae Weel Lae eG (oh a FOUR CATEGORIES: WHEREABOUTS, M.Q., REPLICANT AND Rey eV e rey oe ea WE =a A ToL VO) sees meee ee eit aie user ha PW aztoV=lelOh eM AU la aot eel eer WiC ia THE SUSPECT HAS BEEN OR IS LIKELY TO BE. An M.Q. (of Moous OPERANDI) CLUE OFFERS AN INDICATION OF HOW THIS SUSPECT OPERATES—WHAT THEY MAY-BE LIKELY TO DO XM eee eee Wom ey hres] UN sey ae) a THE SUSPECT MAY BE A REPLIGANT:-GONVERSELY, A NON- Sr ie te atoer ili Teley eet ate NohaREPLICANT. THERE IS A CHECKBOX FOR EACH CLUE tof Nie) Ae em eM Colonel Licey Mader ele Rete] cy Cale Naseer ee eal ete ea a ee WU} a ae ea es a oN fy AcauiRED. McCoy ENTERS ALL SORTS OF Bg INFORMATION INTO KIA; MUCH OF IT IS a PLe I =a ee hate Later) beet ea ane a Oi ae) WetAin si ln cel ea eS) ea ad FM laa nese Ya) et epee ee Oa ln ell Siemon Laney CLUE IN THE LIST, INFORMATION ABOUT IT WILL PG Cee ee) ee aL an ete INEW CLUES HAVE A FLASHING ARROW NEXT TO THEM; Pars aed) eae We a AGO ma ee ey aa GPa ede Volusia de] Eee NEW INFORMATION QUICKLY. Be OM a ne ee NL Na LST in KIA. THE FinsT is McCoy’s MONEY, MEASURED IN (CHINYEN. THIS IS DISPLAYED IN A SMALL WINDOW ON Rice a ete acl eel ag FOR RETIRING REPLIGANTS; HE WILL OCCASIONALLY CNC Neon Leo THE SECOND PIECE OF INFORMATION Is McCoy's . AMMUNITION. THERE IS A BULLET ICON AT THE “BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN. Leterme tes THE MOUSE Eero NLL co WT =eored (ed Se Toe CM WOM TN) aT E Leda ole) ae eo As McCoy ACQUIRES DEADLIER KINDS OF AMMUNITION, NEW BULLET ICONS WILL. JOIN THE ORIGINAL ONE. CLICK ON A BULLET ICON TO LOAD THAT TYPE OF AMMUNITION INTO McGoy’s GUN.: GAME OPTIONS To ACCESS GAME OPTIONS, eee ee ee LT a UPPER LEFT CORNER OF THE KIA SCREEN OR PRESS THE ESC Key. EM aoe Cet ay ace act ao ela SW aa OF SIX YELLOW BUTTONS. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT THEY,’ ARE: SSL et Pg tae NL Me) AN ae WN © TO eo): S11 HELP PROVIDES SOME BASIC ON-LINE REMINDERS OF HOW TO PLAY THE GAME, AND Quit Exits To WINDOWS®. RESUME FUNCTIONS IDENTICALLY TO ITS ee aia aR eles l= cee Tein Ce] arent sc) niente : SETTINGS, SAVE AND LOAD ARE DESCRIBED BELOW. : Tani eid ST TUM) seller te VU eodt=fel] [oi (09 eye ro NET aaa n ui om steels es cay EAs la} or: {sastelg| OS en ae ro BELOW THE SLIDERS, IS A evel fe et pies CONVERSATION CHOICES ARE HANDLED. oes CONvEl SOMETIMES HAVE A CHOICE OF 1Ay ec LC Pees Ce HOIGES). THE FIFTH ) WHENEVER THERE IS Vereen te aor Wi | mAs DOEel SEM LUND ma Nas eas ans yi ecient McCoy To FLY FROM ONE AREA TO ANOTHER Le SA denn EMI NUL TO at haere]AND PAN AROUND A PICTURE 70 Loo! WHEN YOU GET A PHOTOGRAPH, i ANALYSIS. THERE Is AN ESPER MAGHINE Cleo MeV aL [eceren WU -V- am Us 7 YOU HAVE WILL POP-UP ON THE SCREEN, /SEL| LN eNom ear tel aa hae : AG HOLDING DOWN THE MOUSE BUTTON AND DRAGGING |A‘BOX TO/HIGHLIGH Pera e Men delle ie ole el Nae] em rsa fc BUTTON. WHEN YOU FIND SOMETHING INTERESTING, A HARD Gol LTE Cc eT a Uol-to renn dol) FINDING CLUES WITH ESPER WILL TAKE A LITTLE PRACTICE, SO BE PATIENT. : 7* ; yah Cree reel eel PUN Pm ele esl as IM a se aes el og es ote) af laslesie, feel en very ace em MRA mt MAINFRAME. GLICK ON’ THE MONITOR.AT. THE RIGHT SIDE leailt al HIS WILL ALSO DOWNLOAD CLUES PUT.INTO THE M AINFRAM PN eae yale ae ee ela Cg DEA Sne nese tan ae VCs }e l=) Eu Sie lag DO NOT UPLOAD TO ial OT bis Ts i = eae) aye ace Ere EAST ah Pe gate NAMED in. HE WILL ANALYZE ANY EVIDENCE THAT'S BEEN(UPLOADER.INTO THE RAME. CHECK IN »WITH HIM REGULARLY,SINCE AS HE CA PROVIDE ES aL) LULU) Mele coin ty Fe OUGH “Fis a1 a DINO CANNOT ANALYZE CLUES UNTE (qeuter=a) THEM TOEAT) Medals Oca ato col eee Sema fe) age eneailg als Maine Dinietti Mla an cnhd Ha rere Be yy MCCOY’S APARTMENT DCMT Ton Si a tas Sr a el] ele ee ech aa Var Det 1-2-1 Ta) emo CT Cer tea aa Cel Mlel id (elem et ea Ce fi a YT alVOIGT-KAMPFF Stl ou s-y YOU'LL BE GIVEN THE CHANCE TO Peni) ails AYCel ica KAMPFF (iV1;¢euisoum ee Lene E [evr ving Pre Ute eV er Ve 6p WHILE ADMINISTERING THE TEST, MONITOR THE TWO NEEDLES ON THE LEFT. Be isla eat aso] este) ie 1s Ue ssl THE SUBJECT’S RESPONSE IS HUMAN; THE FURTHER Bi ete NEEDLE MOVES TO THE RIGHT, THE MORE LIKELY IT IS THAT THE SUBJECT IS A REPLICANT. ai} Mosier ‘SWEEPING NEEDLE IS THE ules} CoA cir eda Na ail Yeniss eae ETE ONSES. oe: WHEN T BEGINS, PRESS THE ars) Ate coe), ST oan Critica t 1 HN i ean tac GAUGE, BUT THIS IS A VIOLATION OF B reer eee: Maal et iui aL oe ‘ = ‘ ee ub einnta : [eyes Pea eee Task. YoU MUST ASK A GOOD COMBINATION OF LOW, MEDIUM AND HIGH INTENSITY QUESTIONS IN ORDER FOR THE TEST TO BE erases eee ema are ea ce eee each ahaha EO hace La eft Samael TIT hg Bacto l= P) ee Oh a ue Niciag Cela iTe) eT oa Lhe aoe Ue Pree yi sarc Teta tu oa um eee ac) cake tel else arto Mee autumn eee Loe Ce) UE Ng a BE ADDED TO Your KIA. certoSUCCESSFUL MISSIONS ee alan tel ae) a Va [Xo] Nima lee EC aa) Pa Ne es Bly canna) AROUND. MAKE GOOD USE iiNet a Coe SM el Ly BEST FRIEND. OTHER = Teo) a TIN lea bara U ution AND THEY COULD GET OMA ODL 1 YOUR RETIREMENT Era AS, YOU FIND MORE CLUES YOU MAY WANT TO GO Pyaar nthe) erga aN ir Ve¢ eA LN Ya piel Nis me aL Us U HAVE FOUND. | A, ie Cats ae ele ce ; Rael MU mss (lel ime en cele LL Le) Pec La chee lcs SOUR Te 1 <-O Tatas 24TROUBLESHOOTING FoR LAST MINUTE CHANGES AND NOTES, PLEASE EXAMINE THE READ ME.TXT FiLe on GD NUMBER 1 OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE (Www.wEsTWooD.coM) FOR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE BLADE RUNNER eure SysTEM AGENT SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FoR WinnowS® 95 (Pius! Pack), a ea ee cM ams fe Vl ON Tt ov boil a WL Tere VNR Lm eh ete Cela Tasted 7 TY WHILE INSTALLING THE GAME. WHY DOESN'T BR INSTALL ONTO MY HARD DISK? MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH FREE HARD DISK SPACE. BLADE Runner REGUIRES A MINIMUM OF 150 MB 70 INSTALL. WE RECOMMEND AGAINST PEN ae shen meta mcm Lim fe Ula WHY DOESN’T BR LOAD? OPN CSI Tm elec Meas tm (01) Aa (an 0 OT an sa WGI =) BAU ete OM: aM aero a ea Wer tly Nae) FILE ON YOUR HARD DRIVE. IF WINDOWS CAN’T CREATE THE SWAP FILE, BR WILL EITHER RUN VERY SLOWLY OR NOT AT ALL. WHY DO | GET A BLACK SCREEN WHEN | CLICK ON THE BR GAME ICON? BLADE RUNNER REQUIRES A 2 MB VIDEO CARD CAPABLE OF DISPLAYING 640x480 pixets in 16-siT COLOR [ALSO CALLED “HIGHGOLOR”). DSM eey a toe VLA LN Cem 2) ap MO MEN MU elt e yt] Biape RUNNER CD). Windows® NT users SHOULD BE RUNNING UNDER NT 4.0 ano Service Pack 3 [OR HIGHER VERSIONS), IF YOU ARE STILL aa) Tee el A ea Celt ed Co) MANUFACTURER FOR UPDATED VIDEO DRIVERS. LyTROUBLESHOOTING exe) nal ters)| WHY DOESN'T THE SOUND WORK? DV Peet amelie 20 col ee Se Le U8) CONNECTED TO Your PC. Make SURE THAT YOUR SPEAKER -~ NSU OL ION sae ce ee ern e aL L Co L = PSM mest) 10) a= US LoL RECT Eto t oy Bile emcee ab ~ a Eile aS ELSE FAILS, TRY CONTACTING YOUR SOUND a ios; 13) BUSS UO) a Ah) - eal YOUR SOUND CARD. > bits MU Tie [e~) Nab aL bs men Ur) (>a ieet pee eee eitae ce a: - 3 Eisai) Perse oer a= a hr Reel ae sten ler icta 11 Race asec) oe Sie Neto a st aU Toa LL ion Gn Derma (UCT to ol nay =70 Gc) BU oo eats oy ll one as EN se Dee ee Pack-3 [OR HIGHER VERSIONS). — a iar Seem TM) eee wae MMU Co =o) belt =i: Oaiee Com Teeter Ne Lc el TUS e lady TONE ome [oto aL sme ec md Neary eee (ete od Cer a ere Bice CM ac Ua Ae Tp ameren Ace ce a 21 NETWORK WHEN You sTaRT WINDows®.~ IF -vou HAVE — a ee ena RG Aue ao ie HIGHER LEVEL. = el ee a aisPCAC MUU Cia at BR Requires at teast 4 GOOKB PER SECOND [“QUAD-SPEED” oR “4x") CD-ROM onive. SSO ae Dd aaa —A aCe aS Cate nl Ni Pent 8. DOUBLE-CLICK ON THE SYSTEM Icon. __ é meee eats Leilene PCM eer atta os SYSTEM eurton: Ler bit irene se Iara = Belo Yast ley La WN 1X00. 4 aide hans te CT ees a te) tea aye = CAGHE ‘SIZE. Stipe THE suiDeR ALL THE-way TO hc Man Care ate ee ea nel ce) ele Eitri Bee) Berks INDOWSs®> PATTERN FOR: TI Pelee lsd By ENie\ Teel “Ol tL SYSTEM _ MN scree ale Wale ree Prana ACCESS TN rs eels tae UAD AND HIGHER SPEED~DRIVE). LC CT eae ae Tl SU INet TL eam 2 ee -fe ue THE GAME Rosetaee = Be eee Tet ole ar eta GU a eae a fe] e Re suite cel Ce MU oy Nc) ang GAME at SLOWER. __— EI t= iw tele Pee Seat cote aT om Deen er Se ea rece er a RCT a ae Leo cels all rE) 4 Cad Peau LSU = — 27TECHNICAL SUPPORT THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING BLADE RUNNER. IF YOU ARE EXPERI- ENCING DIFFICULTIES WITH THIS TITLE, PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCT SUPPORT. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL OUR OPERATORS ONLY SPEAK ENGLISH AND THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO GIVE GAME PLAY HINTS THROUGH OUR TECHNICAL SUPPORT Olas DST) Via oY 6) 18) =) ies ee 71 ha anos be f=]ztoa ie O17 ey) ae Chir Bea ere ae RCNA g SUPPORT@WESTWOOD.coM -WorLD [ae HTTP: // WWW. VIE. CO.UK Tat =e AAA
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)