World Population

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Name: Magcalas Carlos Jose B.

Date: 10/09/2021
Course/Section: BS Biology – 2103

Direction: Students are tasked to answer the following question using their own background knowledge and
opinion along with what they have learned in this chapter.

1. In your opinion, is world population growth a problem? Why or why not?

- In my opinion, there is no doubt that the world population growth is a problem, given that the
Earth's key resources are limited, if there are too many of anything consuming them, those
resources will become scarce and/or perish. In addition to this, when the population exceeds a
particular limit, the economy finds it difficult to adapt to the constant change, resulting in
uncontrolled unemployment and poor per capita income. Common citizens will mostly suffer the
unusual population growth, because of high demands and inflation they will not be able to afford
the necessities they buy regularly. In general, the world population growth will eventually limit the
quantity of resources available to each individual, leading to diseases, famine, and the worst-case
scenario is war.

2. Why do some people believe that having big families important?

- For some people, big families provide a stronghold foundation within each member, everyone can
feel that they are secured and less lonely. In addition to this, other say that big families can find
more opportunities in the future, thus leading to productivity and wealth.

3. What do you think is the best solution to overpopulation?

- In my opinion, the best solution to overpopulation is empowering the educational system of every
country. I suggest that the education system should prioritize on female students because
technically they are the ones who would be most affected by the consequences of having too many
children. It is critical to educate and inform women about the negative effects of having more
children on their health and society because women opt to have a smaller family when they have
an education, a career, financial security, and freedom. Another solution is that countries should
promote free access to the use of contraceptives and educate women about the use of it, because
I believe most women are hesitant/shy to take contraceptives. This is a great way to cut down the
number unintended births.
4. Should government implement a law about the number of children allowed in each family? Why or
why not?

- In my opinion, it is not necessary to implement a law which limits the number of children in the
family because religious customs such as Islam and Christianity won’t take this kind law very
lightly, there would be non-stop protest which could lead to utter chaos in the future. I suggest that
the government should just consider a different approach such as implementing a law in which
those families who has less children (1 – 3 children) will have more additional benefits in terms of
financial and health. However, those that has 4 and above children will have less additional
benefits. In my observation and experience, having a reward system makes people to take
challenges more seriously. Of course, this does not imply that humans are always looking for
rewards; rather, it’s modern psychological fact.

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