Feasibility Study 2nd Sem 2020 2021

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Tiano-Kalambaguhan Sts. Cagayan de Oro City

College Department
1st Semester
SY: 2021-2022

What Is a Feasibility Study?

A feasibility study is an analysis that takes all of a project's relevant factors into
account—including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations—to
ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully. Project managers use
feasibility studies to discern the pros and cons of undertaking a project before they
invest a lot of time and money into it.

Feasibility studies also can provide a company's management with crucial

information that could prevent the company from entering blindly into risky businesses.

Feasibility Study

Understanding Feasibility Studies

A feasibility study is simply an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan
or project. As the name implies, these studies ask: Is this project feasible? Do we have
the people, tools, technology, and resources necessary for this project to succeed? Will
the project get us the return on investment (ROI) that we need and expect?

The goals of feasibility studies are as follows:

 To understand thoroughly all aspects of a project, concept, or plan

 To become aware of any potential problems that could occur while implementing
the project
 To determine if, after considering all significant factors, the project is viable—that
is, worth undertaking

The Importance of Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies are important to business development. They can allow a
business to address where and how it will operate. They can also identify potential
obstacles that may impede its operations and recognize the amount of funding it will
need to get the business up and running. Feasibility studies aim for marketing strategies
that could help convince investors or banks that investing in a particular project or
business is a wise choice.

When doing a feasibility study, it’s always good to have a contingency plan that
you also test to make sure it’s a viable alternative in case the first plan fails.

Tools for Conducting a Feasibility Study

Suggested Best Practices
Feasibility studies reflect a project's unique goals and needs, so each is different.
However, the tips below can apply broadly to undertaking a feasibility study. You may,
for example, want to do the following:

 Get feedback about the new concept from the appropriate stakeholders
 Analyze and ask questions about your data to make sure that it's solid
 Conduct a market survey or market research to enhance data collection
 Write an organizational, operational, or a business plan
 Prepare a projected income statement
 Prepare an opening day balance sheet
 Make an initial "go" or "no-go" decision about moving ahead with the plan

Suggested Components
Once you have finished your basic due diligence, you might consider the elements
below as a template of items to include in your study:

 Executive summary: Formulate a narrative describing details of the project,

product, service, plan, or business.
 Technological considerations: Ask what will it take. Do you have it? If not, can
you get it? What will it cost?
 Existing marketplace: Examine the local and broader markets for the product,
service, plan, or business.
 Marketing strategy: Describe it in detail.
 Required staffing (including an organizational chart): What are the human
capital needs for this project?
 Schedule and timeline: Include significant interim markers for the project's
completion date.
 Project financials.
 Findings and recommendations: Break down into subsets of technology,
marketing, organization, and financials.


 A feasibility study assesses the practicality of a proposed plan or project.

 A company may conduct a feasibility study if it's considering launching a new
business or adopting a new product line.
 It's a good idea to have a contingency plan in case of unforeseeable
circumstances, or if the original project is not feasible.

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